-ù nury Clearing sale. Senîsational inducemeiit.-s to shoppers.( Parlor Sets Dining Iioom Sets Bed Room Sets FancT Chiairs and lioc-kers -~Ladies' Secretaries, iMorris and .%,i re back easy Chairs, Spriuxg lieds anid Mattrasses, 8creens, Carpet Sweepers, Window Shades. And a store ful of useful Christ- mas presents, etc.., etc. AT SENSATUONAL PRICES A eall solie!ited. WM. TILL & SON. ....... .. WHITBY., ONTARI09 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY-16, 1905 The Keystone THE NEW COUNTY PAPEI? Js.tned cveril 'J'lsnrsda(Tyfromtrn he oe*trt*ce, Tow'n liaitll îiltliîî, Bi'itt-k c'î't, Ontario ('inty --"Thi' l'i'v-ittie tuiitNt ' f t hi !Keystone Prîîvtttre cf pt' -iîiYtiitC(iît of te k THE KF.YSTONE ii indeîpen'xt in Pîultlns, aut wtll xdvocate whait beu.liuetezît ibe inth Lît'tet iii terest o<f tbe coî-iîtunfu.y. TJhe Subscrlption Price ii- on ui'lînîreîl cents fuit fifty-two issgues, wheu pajîti iii vtc-~'switex: jatu. eopaiti. The ~Ad vertigng Rates;a ru' reasui4nttlbîe andî will be quoteti onxapplxctittiix. if ycxttî it to bo.lietirt, ,Bay iLtbrottghl -' Ni-ti % ' Fl. Changes <f AiItirtiic'îic-xts'i -uiti i-tititiis f. firte x.it-luter ttîi l.t'tio ay n ,to i n cj citre tin - (ibon inite i'irrent is-ue. Agentw'Wanted ini al parts o'f tîte c('ittt C. A. OOODFELLOW, Editor andciMiitager. IkAILWAY TIME. TABLE. WItliTIY .UNuTxcs. - <.29'titi inxg Eaîst 2..5 .itt. - ' 755 p.mx. StxutlLy - a.xtraitn <lues nuot -gîtm s <' t-t7 pt.n st tuitriy WtIIT'BY STATION. Going N<rth î.t,2 a.. Lu(ittxg '-îIttli Suis ýlm. 44 4t15)p.it. ' 12. 41t p.i ii 46 . 401) î. . " 2.40 a.xît STAit RS. Leaveii Whittîy fuir Oshaw;t at 10. ait an'il - i x<î ,.tiluleu, priiprtetcur. Leatîus for liruglittîtt at tii axît. J. A. If îyt prou- pretor. MAILS ARRIVE. Frein W. andu E, 6.4r) axît Froiixi Wei-t t.45 .tt-t 6. West, - 930 a.7it1. - i- t ati.3 a.tu t-'xuxîîBriuitLi 5.3 li.i i, F1--' "ta i -i a .it iI tMiest <uutti PROFESSIONAL CARDS. RIEDIGAL Dr. fteldrum rHYSICIAN, SUlGEON AND 4 (C(>UCII E VU. éraîlxxate of if 'ivî'rsivî"rt .ait ti tif Royal rf>114'ge oif l>tysiciian i ilibuitirg.t LEGAL -0. Ormiston, B. N. Solijcijtor fur the Weste'rnîBtk ir ui etc. Motiey to Liaix. (fhve ii, I i,-t ('ti Wliith)v, (fuit. Dow &i-IcGiIivray Fi:rriýstît,i Nlitîxi I It-n t ,t . Office, oppi -tc 'titt fii'e. tttiltb v'ii". J B 1)()V, IB.A. I. 'i. M( il I B VRA . 11 il Bi. James Rutiedge Office iixîxieditul\ "îut hut i Hî iofltti John E. Farewell, K. C., l3arristî'r, Couuty Crxoxux Attortîey, and County Solicitor. Office-Siiutl wing of Court Housc', XVlîtbix DENTAL W. Adams Dentist. Office iv'r .1. l'r-guî'uîiC,', DiîndaisSt 11ff. enicnti'-- No. 4, 'liii 'I'irravit, By roi st., Whithtii Dr. Jas. B. Johnstone ientist. (ora.,iIxatî'e<if Ro al I <l egi'<f Ien tal - urgeofiîs, 1'iiriîitoi Il ci r gr;itui;ts"ii ttiUni- Versity','gnaittate ut 'licagi i i iillet'g<(i f I exxta' 1Su rge b ms. (Office'i've'r Wtri, M. Pritigle'i hardware «tore. ( rtr Hrok andl uhîndai Stree4,ii ClIURCII DIRECTORY. Presbyterian Church. PAN IîTORR l.JiflixAlitAif .M. xi i . l j it ti tt 7 p. 11i. Stiiiila v Sci-h nd B il la 0:;p.i-n.t'rmyr- Meetinig ou'1niuuye 'tx. i iî u flethodist Tabernacle. tttîxJbath i'rvices --ilt au nti. aid 7xi. r.t . imin- %îlay t'Vellinlttit 8 ocliiî'k. Alil Saints' Church, Anglican ItEU'I'<iR--RE t A.Il.tt RIGTi;i llouru of Servit-i' Stincl:y -Mliiitg lPriver, tl o'clock;. Eveniug, Payer, 7 u"iuî'k. itînilny schiiîl tt 3 p. in.tt'c'dtttidayIE%îeriîing -- l1rai.'er aul s-er- mon, 7.30 On (aria County Council. W'EiN AY, Pt-FrAt<V 8 tAt tue mol':il,, sesqioti the mnotiox iixi- ?troduced ity Dr. Kaiser, seconded hv Mr. (iruiston, to, appoint a County Board oif Examinridr, caused a divisioti axnd a sbarp ulelate. The motion includ- le ed the uxanies tif Dr. WVaugh, Jas. Mc- Brioxi, Dr. Park and Mr. Siernon. Mr. Holtby-,soeotided by Mr. Carnegie, xttoved inxi anenitent tixat the naineo of Mr. Stonte, of P'ort Perry, besubstituted ri for tîtat of 'Mr. Slomon, of Oshawa. Mr. IStonue lias beeti the exaxniner for soute iyears, anîd thte xli vers of the amendment coîxid fot sec xxlîv lie shoitld not be cont titietcini thLt cajîacîty. Dr. Kaiser wt i tch cieaness anti cemphiasis gate lus reasuxs. 'l'liexiorth is represerîted ty lxixspectit r rexthe west hy Dr. Park, of Uxtritige, the scttth hy Dr. Waugh, tif Whithy, axtd Oshawa to the east, shutd ho ni'prescxtcd. Tihis pros- peruts towx, xxixci xeltly 'oxtributes a large sitare of thoetintranca exaun- at io expupils cf the Couty, bas xtover beexi represeittetiltii the Board tof Ex - yamttters. It was uuttiy faîir and i1niht that it sitiîtld lie î'presoxitei. Titis wxas a g-ond miii sufficioxtt reasoît for niakixig a ehaxtgo tthiei bas lîexu strni -i fot'.,itese nmaîty vtrs. The Comxttissiuiners cotîlti xxt soit it ixn that tt'ît, iiuit"xer, axnd diii their -best to lîax'e Mr'. stoîto re-appîtixteti lThe uiivisionxire>itiltî'(1t1iîs t For the axteiitlixîîoxît Niessus. ilroeiu- fild, ntxs. -if oty Mlar an l'un the mittiitn -NIi-ssrs. Henry, kti and~ îxî \ IP il. ]lie-aftî'nîî tîxt -i sslimii ti t at ter tuf î'ixî p tte fgl-B i ige frtttn trat-ci sas dstss'i. Mn. Bntti) <t ilt secoîioîl by l Mi,. t'iîîoîi, xcîixî'thtiti thte Ccxxîîttv (Clenkciîio ilicate te the ( oi-tktf ttth, <<i Itv if 'tictuîxia t he ' îf- fer of Mnl. )uîiep tut ie-bittiiti thto sttd Itriîge foru $7.5, andi tsirghuii t te itt- 't t t li tiîtter ùtite Cotimtîil, andtîlii - terni t lus Cottxcili lth<-r tie Victoria Ceu utty (ott iwore w-iii to teiîiid tuiebitxîugt-, un were %xx îliiîg to(ii tî ithis (.iîtit'i ttiîssxi~ a bv ltîv'fom i. diîtg Axt'tv xyitlt the br-iige',atndin i-tt<x- iL-d tpl)liietlon tut the Legisiatiu te eize th4' saitiht-btsstf the niuin mttxîîiîaiitîes ixtterested thox'eix t t he passed fuir that pltrputse. (Canrli 'iei' t t iixssii itxiii <ithe Hatke us' tatt Peileus' by-iaw t\%as ncsitxxed, atnd Miessus. lHen'iryv ,,l<u ixax d tîîi ,li acre appoititeti a t-itiiittotii tlaft utuxext xnents tii satilititxx.anti necmitmtentl- îxîg the aitîîîs f i'~isti apbteît et ini ecd -i xxiiî1aiity fuir tie ext foîremnttof the- l awt, andîtiiisuhutit SthejI)r-tpoised axîîexîîlxîtots antdlmanties at the presexît sossion of Council. T F H 8E1) At V. Mur. -McMilian was stili <asent thucugi illtxt-ss. The Sutrgeon cf the Hotiso cof Refuger( made applicationa for tan increase of tixt- ary, which was rofe-rci tt Conîmittee. Mu. Brocunfielti brouglit ttp tue report of tue(, Comimittee oxi Rtails andî Britdges.- Thc report rectuttxt-ieile .Nppoxxtig t'etiixissiitxitrs te act with commssocrq fnom VYork C(iitty in building a îtew blinige, on repx.îrixig tixe proseon îxe. (<teu thi- BiackRit-eu at t dtra, otn the tua'ttluxie hetxx'en Scott anxd (,'etrîxia. The paymcxt of ieveral accîtutits men- tic n d. 'flie report oif Mu. (Giibbstitis ('01111' ty's commtssxetter, te supertntexîîî the building cf a bridge at Hanîts Cortners, ext the beuntlary hune betwcext Brtick anîd Mariposa. 'fli bridge cest $192, for labor anxdl natei-Itts. 'flic anouit has been paid by Victoria Ceunîty, anti eue hiaîf is chargeahie to O)ntario Cotin- ty. The anîcunt îxexx payable by this ceîtnty is $83.32. Mu. G3ibbs' reporut on the straightening cf the X'roomaxî River at a cost cf $65. MrGibhs' ace-,Ilnt of $15 ini connection with above works was orulered paid. Mr. Browxn's report --.3 to the ceun- pletioti of repairs te bridîge over Smith's creek, at a cost oîf $9. Ceurîty of Vic- toria te pay eue half of this. Mu. In the tîfternoonn a di'pttation frcom the- Mar-ukii Higix Schouti-'Messirs. F~leming axnd Efev(es-w.is ixeart hv the committee on etitcqtion as to the dlaimi of said lBoard flor the erlucation of ptt- puls fromi the Coîxntv tof Oxntario. Tho ]Board claimeti$'278.3P, for odtxiation of pixpils for 1902-3 4, and $9270 for ed- ucation of pupil s i n 1905. Dr. KatiQer hrotielitt up thte report of the committee on Eduication, which re- i corni-iiedl Pa * ment of the ftlowing Ysu mis to Culiogiatf, Institutos axd High Schools for the education of co'xxîty ptîpils. Whitbv Coilegiate Institute O-îhawa Hucb 'Sohno I"uhnridzu- HILi ~lehooil Port 'errx- High Stehiol] Orilia Coi(ltiate Ixîstîtîxte Limiisav Cîîiiegi<xte Institîxti' '13.7.22 240i.34 3132?8 1l-ý (, 7'- The v'earlv inioitf p iiithefia-iltf' Examiners foîr NIîîîel Schoti i tpils lias heexi Ni t <i itt 41 i011 t 7i-', i P'ark ru 2 7, lit; li - ' <a iii<'W ýt in e ti7i< c ; 1.-,i-, N . i 1if 1'i iti1t1-:i i 1i -47 The inou i fi un 190it7) is xPnliIti c-il t' the fatttf thiti '-isi'u a' rk' imîoseti i)v the DePttntment cf Edixu'utioxî. tte.'n- tiî,eiss viiin itin tiittce tire (cf tu opin ionî that a lutte-r uietlu h-sof iliu - ges q s lsîrale. andîti t is end wtc ut z-st titat iiittiîfmrtii i ti' imotîtaliotx' for rî'aîiiînLtep(, er lie ti xoîi Lt 2.50) per andiilui. îi ttitint fuxturi'e l exa<mini-eri <i' î Iiît'- ioiil at-s p for orz<iîiizuittion ïiiil oiîii flesti. ittiteutti(if tiv aitvs tusitit lit-rt t. T]rý repo t q<dtiti t Mu. 11ilha v i i'-i tlt- la' to prixiîlfi i f tii't1wcitiîi clrI)v ('in tx Couxîîilil rs <if titho ii- tiof im iites <i - ixT in titi'Hmise o<f R-ug' VTe 1) 1'd iînsli--litw- repi rteti. Rî'1iuit a- tiopteci. Mrn l'iiitt'lter presi-tt(I- ttieniltof the LýIgs!iîtiuitianti Muxoi'ius Cutiiit' ('oiiuittî'e fax'ore-1 i% 1n titi c.î<îx'r ttr ('oîxyîtx ('ircîutet,) tii niLl:itv tîtuaiîi i-en thiti oîîet fun ut or veIo-i -s ot i h x s. Ret' n rîe tîlu tiat ttis Coî ilt-j titi titi (.i'ottx(iif Ni utk iittiuoitIzt ii Li-gIsiatutre foîr thtoextnctiiient tuf sîîeiî T'he pni ip4ti ti tte liiliittais f ni titi i'iied inixm ii.t Wt i 1:îu t )tttî'i il abl v' î'ttrt:iîuî-ui. (Illtîtuittt-i' fuimiit tit 'tultiiii i-of sucli a ctaal tili bee oxcnsitiireii livthis t'umxxcii sevxnraii years agiroaaîîî x ciiuenmtle sutiii of nt'Ixt ev mpxt ilii ptcurnxg tti Ltit.tt tioxt hy an exîgîteer of a route for stil a canals frutunLtike Hturon te Ltk'e Siti crie, and tht-ncu LsOt ti i ttirougit pîrofile of siteli rou ti'. Recuuunienii-itite piussittg of au li iaxx'axtioriziîîg Cotinty t 'îuîxieuos tii ciaixîtbod«ies cf iimates cdyiîii itHottsi' cf Refui e. Cîtnu imi te xxtted Iixtliapprov-tl that the- syqtinti <f Iuri ui xxg îînxsuuers mw us wtîrkiiug i' cil lusi tt it tis pruuputsî'ttii g-v ix' abituai cri mixtas axtiidcteumntate Retuuxxî nitit-t xise that it lie <luclan- ed a <'ini tî'fuir it ii-li<îds ainitifattti-s tii abandoîln wx',es antd eiiiureri. The relient was adtiItl. M l tis.(ixisti n xd Iktcbt'r w<-re appt)iliitI tiiegtets titoite ueetîfig cf the Priuvincial ',ehîiii Tri-tees Associa- tt tot ho heldIn iTio'rotntoiii Apii. Mu. iîowbrmîx' îresc-îîteul tie repert cf thexutCuîîi t tur-IetadG lM rae 1A large i' îîîxlîr of Lccounits tx're ap t Recommnntreii Itît <aigt i xcroas- et dulties, the- îmtarv of the Sý-'urge )it of Miss Rayv wuiS vttd $10 fuir tvtewuit- tîtg tt pr<tcuediitî2s. hi-laws axnd repu)tý for rte ftess', if z"11--(' înt\-. M r. Ca tixegl î'iroîxgît ttp the relit x Ai tuee c îtiis-ii>e<<'ns of tite liotise uf Refuge, wltich 'tas carrieti. Mn. Carnxegie' bnrtght ixp the sectoxtd reoto(f th itel'tantef'gtxnnttî'e. Report rectuxtîti 'xiui'ti iiîxtitof s- oral eaCcntuttS in 1,<'itltctiîuxt tAth the Coltixtty C ititlielei lixs. Titat a grLtit ofil$1l laidi toe acît of teuthe ttnms ui tu-t t:s idifN<ititand SouthtOnttariot. 'lh at thl eLi bondli xiifin thle 'fîe:ts- urer fuir $i5.dtit lue ixi.v"l. 'iliLt tL'ii-tiî t gi ttuntv hbild- tings lie rceiwe I Lii iti t i iiýi uxy Lis ut That theue i-xl grnit uf I (f0lie itizde Mn. MilitlardptuunitudiltIti-' report 4i )Ie'snrs. Hlîut't -ii i'îîrv uittdtrituiît a t x i tittutîti i, a Lxxxutiig tut Mur. Ht-tnt 1îtpttthn îîtwtt'remit ti tite cornnttee et(,i and perOu ieîtnite. The tu-.'iîeti f i ti' ýgsSxuuxîtii ttiiet-tiltutt. e iOitit mtuii:KY20. Dr. Kîii xi iî<ei' itjiiisui-etune- Iîanix t' iit ti' iuui'ei'xt tI Orîllîi ('oll<-ini' I t-titutîandxthelié i in itxtt,- i Su -t t1i--iiitr otf tti(, cla ii tif $m'unis2,%"Sîty l is S7 . . ii:tnexxil aC . tnuuetîî i- v t- nlîti iiiiI wlt-un îuiîittuecan'uîtoit '- t tin xxvv ilîtî tui puy axîvtiîig lavtx0 cfAtîck cixtis, but neco intiiidtfi itt th iti <t i 'e pr-sox tt - cil at tlis sess-tx io e cuuxsîuî'îi'tisuii- é'it tfuir ali laîuiiroe-i yi.-xtxg îtitixthe ittemxixîg of the stiitoul Act antd îttakitg titis Ctîixxtv liaîlle fuît' aîvgcaly claîîtî xin tue fîtttni-. let'unxaexthile pay- tmion ttufiid . 7 t Lis ('i ieri xiU tti ln iiSaits tif the sLui :\Ianktaxxi igît Seittol fuir .Nln. Johnîîî\V:îsit ais as 1îuixtvtu' i te t ab eiitt si xtnfuir Segcitite bid ge duix ti g titi- alisue -o f ,J :îi'osI e Ttri alt ux-iî ixke ni aers tati il ities. NI x. I<titis gavei luiu icttwe ii tt wuld etxtixteix ti'itAV eýixx'e.tit' asuitat loie ui'tifteu1te stmttii.ctxîtit--.ntoe Otln cf tla' i ix \ttt<ii Lti (in the v anidt ulîi'l iNlssn. M x ltua tit i tî'i'i îti ýltii inu<erliLl oi'ty iii l for the >(uit iîî l i fI ..îîe aieîîîîîtte itiats titiofuu In-s Intte M rt.1. i ilt. 1iiilr 2.in). S13 90. tiu!)t(- it<ti'-tdeporitiof thi coriit.iiteuxvntund- -mridg-feisi,. C5Inxt îf-iiii'i heo th NRotxiiii<liiltbr id tu(i- fiit-t- xtr- of $270of elti' txi (Wa.îk'iittHur 12110,ît 11i3 s xjî(i v <<tr ut 'iit'-i, tue- ut'. <l'iî.t tlt-u' 1v i Sofî-<elue1f 'lit lîcr Lii"1)u' tnr iuîstruî tî- i tîbtaixi futxî in i.'o t1hiîCii. pzuNht' 7P euiptv ba,,-.ut -i, 1f. 'r ceintu tutciedu tc theîxt, at 10t ut o-. e.t iuIu 7 T i X lttLi i i i.' ttBtutu'~k en l'at - thte Htse tut Refuîge be txtcrcised toi iihuîi~7 $100 peu yearuf rom Jant. 1, 1905. A coximunicatioin from Mrils. A. Bruce, wife of the late Turilkey, asking fuir onte full qtîarter's sîiutry was coxsidered, anud recommnendeil that the request be ntt complied with, but that an atîditional sumn of $37.50, eue month's salary,l ce1iaid Te Franîkkuuint-'y 5îanîd tî )rMu' iil- lartd $5 tit' p t st, <ir ts Putbi r idg.e> Centutti'iet-itue hdýeii t1u itti- tien to the I)o mî i <ir - ux'ýerxîxeitt plre' pîused to be i rt-t-tti-il iv the et txi To-L ronîto piravixtg t iîttt ai charters gruttti te telepiti<ttiu in[ciici may lie aUxtet i- - by tlue îî)txtttXy of Victoria that a con-__ f oeue<f conîmittees froin thoDmuni-è c inialit es intiirestedin x the I3ig Eddy (*Il0 Brdg h heid, antd that such corn- J tîtttees (iee!ida as to the re-bîiild-I ic- of the bridlge o<r dîiîng away of -aie. 0 1Receoxtnd that the Warden, the Chair- matn of titis Comimittee and tho S-iolicitor be the cotnnittee froi titis dýoux ty. 0 Cii-tornitteu caxixot noake any grant to OR P R EFiS - the Ramna Road, as reqîxested by Messrs. ? é f ('roi, Carrick anad aeds 'finît Messrs. iMillard and Tintd ho_ comiurntxsiîxers tii ueet corimissîoners( e froiothe Cotxtity of York as to -repaîring ' o<r rebî<îî rxdgo oppositelo é I.xb xidtge Tt'x i ,oxn bouîînarv 1lino(. Miir. ilaitdy anti Putrvis ixtriîiuced -a hylwt)provHe for the eiforcenentr ore l of ar dlii fhakeaxnd ped Guoi. Rid iiiwiii ho îîaid Sfor.14 ci unis oif tx<<iiifor Coxrt Hou-. frO1 Tfie e ( Ytxxuil ietxti'ito taet <)xx Nitita1' 1 nixext, at 2 pi.11.___ G O I'O A Brillant Social Gathering. ' T aliiaxtitiof'tLzîîîetxthe i'< itar- v< 10 .iiii <îiies ' Colle . 11<1<1 otn l"xilay ove - îIÀI- i;<-t, was asî-xiîlsWt'.Lroi .~ I~ ~4 /J~E It poiv uintttif -v ite-w. ifloî .l<ver mC e L li,î t Iîî grfî'tt st sia (Ui t t ite yeax' ' "M.5 li a'vtttiido i.iiu iiire 1litai<xiiat - iPhonie 47. H T) l*t ~ iiv<'. 'l'u't<I, 'vi' i' tuilv iis vear "Me'I? Y d Oiriîi<tLit ii <h, a'i- i 'ît' t 1a l ;îI tIw i:ti - î og- 'l a .. t [p i t titîi- '* r t-sý n ~~ Gn~j iýu l 1,ê< i . tl w i l'Il t tliee tteut (). Lt'. ila ilgit1 nU t1. ai n tttL le \tii vx tti < ' ' utti lxi jaît ~' "rî' ti ie v îsîtir. 'l'Iltî 1 xI,; ~m iîuî ati <i-sai -hat le ji t t e MJI ar Iat lxi titi' tîtîtîc litali tilti- apui bu eM U 11 iitîti tliti' ýiatxuirm \t'ai- eniîîii't l - i A NEA RT itrit ligiix . \lieii t it" c for' ii'îautîure iillîiteî'. i îe tic '(iltheiti'ixtt le ' wiids 1 1*- -1utlxii sttefxtieeefti îei-iTo wU1ihw' have gi -en speclal stuuvy. -e do Ii iii qlIitsxtay. Thius v'as a xtvel -Ilreanut ff mnadare andtti iiv atYtiiiitiiittto titi'artistit' effetts Zr" mun f r nai wIle ip ofx tiî'ltiiîiii.Net er <hies the ('oliege ' )01 for it. 0um' stock of rnoul(iino's is large siîtw ii iiitonadvxîtgî'titîx xi ue e-1111(i verx- fin(,. 1ave v ou a pictut w'hiclî voi "fs<ii i tIiq 1itii tia I ýuttlien ig. Til i ~~~- - t i'x'iu~aild liali lxav'- axe ttiowniopeni, MWO( lkî-e tw ge franîed ? A lîttle nmoney a li, Iwiiig oîuOtialiy ttorxieui for the uîî'î' wiil huy a I)rettv frame at this store qliuii. lti'seýtr aitî1pîaraîîî'i' stutkîxîigly liaiîIsîxi' ie. Th rsti t axiiib'atiful fiin- JC}I~ ~ ~ SEiI Y f llîtxuidini its-ltaued cel N C OL O S L ritl n t Li.-tatefitil fiîuilit Furiture Dealers ant i Uîdertakers, Wlitb7, Oxît l"nxi sevex ei koitiarî t h'e gtbestp, ;tirx ii. Tliu Tiuruiittu train, <a i î<t'3JO i olsou utLieiii abot 8 . 45c andl le capt aii s YLi2til llýcliulîui ' ii tofdillhIope of ralvagitg the L0OST 1 1mE w O'uG t1ltit teltîIPx aiitl iati i --ý1w tithe lie - J i -'< Il(, 1 know'eiedge of vi-ml xiv fiii i tie toi gi ut V itty anxd F it iii oievond the bare Il(" f- xncîîli t ei-tuzt andi ixotiî tlite spac l h itii' ei 'of f iî'r's bo'at F a Vt, the ý ,Ii(ftiUi VESSEL BROKEN UP AMID Lt~~ <it\"l'i .iFc ~ ~'-ylttchu o LQES ANDME FROST BIT'] ta rtvtlie otîxer onx the 1latforxn to their advauitage to buy now befoî'e A the Mi ltei t cnt liai i. At 9.30 the }irîiguaxî l'g ,tîxene 1iueixtg titi leîaglexuents axmi seod i tipdaa and save extra freiglît tmi umn i iras . ;xxadiitioxi tc tte ixtixsic initiilithle crt'li's.tras;, wltieii tas cf and permî'sIIofit. at lui'it ui e r . %t i' ( Coliée i ' c oxte to cl-X "iieiLil cise l in rcetxuxng otiier ta!- flhval~ l in1ds ,on haîd. v'iii. \îetoiî- iutt vei.,t t mttîiit.s b rixe p<<i ix iii oi-cu(It stiîg-minorai s1ilenxd i C'<~-- lt<x.(Ijj 9 'u: 'ttitt iuî t N u '>,i'. W . JHOW EY & cou liiiL lîî'rtcxo iLt'ami tMr. C. W. Iilt1 a ý:tttig -iui. IttIL2t1ins par't, cf tIti' pro- t t ic x !le 1 10 ixi die litiiixg tLL s5 Dis persion Sale of Short.iorns. (t 'ttaiouîîs îtux ebeoiien -lfm,.lthe Stile tif S tîetiîu t nxî11.t; i m i it' .'t . \\'. tG lhuxiei .uluilitua, t uiýzt. T'eliýiL ou f antitta eletti :tiimais I tu1 f tte int tst at îa 2ferna es aniidt!)tut L lts. Tlut' I'Llliti tiiLly i's lxb.- Lt.yru'p ros- îenti, thuucbu'iig ite luss t!itîti tw'e tty ixiitberk.s Ili thoe i t. lceare, tise st. John's Brown's fees are $4 :vrB ruce, as lne lias worReuu part of a t-a o tîhar ti1< 't'tiu uflmuoi tutiC"'ittl --sUin -- txo -lcî-i.- st'1 MR.C. BURICI, SIUDENT IN i'HARC.g. cf flood wood iMi 'albot River. 1 Mr. Kerr, caretaker of Court House, atd iti t- î<1ushal P titit the îiuitvers Kates am gte nlesx Sabt evchurcham.angip. . i M.Bent(ehtyo xniainmoih u ottue~ tiieuîîxt ii:Lct V ~ a ~ t' udt Secoo a 3p.m ldweek Service -- %'edxesday Mr Broomfield te get $6 feu examin- having applied for an increase of saiary, cf nîttniciptiis, uîid vet' ciitiiiittee tice bulls are Meadow Lordth te cdc Sa 73Q piodwodii aîo Rvr,$ frcommittee recemmended that an in- eitirtr acm:i Ixxrtl tte raStontfesc, ing floerîl Conalbtterer $3torxteii ineitfei %vth it! pbyeofLa-l BapistChuch.seliing oid timber at Talbot Ri.er crease of $50 per annum ho given him, petition reu'cxxxîuî-uu th<tt the- W'uriei e eîiler, Nets cii, 1-aglati Kitxig d MR . .BapiNGAst CUDENTPAOR.bridge, and $5 for filliug ixi washout oun to take effeot July 1, 1905. aud Cleris sigîx the satîne atîd fortvartl it iRover, Rub iRoy, a13'Roa 1-uc.Bet MR.baH H ie.-Ua x. d. . BN D NT. Sunday approaches to (3amebridge bridge. SATURDAY. te the Clerk utf tiie Cîtx of I'Toronto. ýi li'slpi lt-i SwthnsCie- That the Cuncil notfylgoodmRode A-motin by Mr. Omissixest give Thatressus Mutvbnît" - OScol it10 ti . O Wem. y Paye SericeanyTerservictheCouTh 1 otiy iod RuîxîdmotontpoMr.tdmsdaleto<ivitres2 axitiand ' pnd dantiiikail iotit ilresladtin oL day.eveing at 8 n'elck. Commissioner Camphell that the Couu- a grant of $25 to the Oounty of Ontiario be appoited deleg-ates t ithe Western 'sto-Lk mît l îultttetts xviii be ,jo~dutt ty wili net take advantage of the Gev- Law Association Llbru ary w ot. Ontario Uood Ltcads Association, andr saî1tuî itte atd place. The data is a lit. John!. Charu'hp B. C. ernmenlt grant for the improvement oà - The Ul&k wus .thoriadt u- htte UI f$ ugated to eud2 Msu. b:baî-itdRb1o r PMHpRIEST, REV. FATHER O'MALLEY. highways. scribe for the. usualiumber Mf copies of Association. utu) be th-' au-ctoieeers. Tiss ali ho ,'sà bWbfMvl..-4 aj..and il a.m. a.ternately. Thte report was adopted. the Municipa' WoIi>4. -faos ump~p ade < t atavr agecnore 9 aýrS-ool att -' tti i-te a very rge conourteecfpuople. s .4 g j~~t 1~- ici S' t i Vol 110 No, 3 C'oing West, The ý.42 iîiorning. llio" NiîrtJt 74F)L t i/ F ils. Popular Gift Books Books of Peoms Leather Goods, Perfum.ery * Xmas Poriodioalsp Music Fancy Stationery, Brushes Calendars, WatLerman Pens at 82 up, and thousands of things too numerous to mention. Sufficient to say Our stock. is more complote titan ever before. Sautna Clans' best productions are now on inspec- Brock Street, -~ I k1 à - ' Peic $2 5Pet6 n ick.6 engd Ont . e il