'Y 'ùih1at fellov Kennedy siho liad a nor- rclM escape frein lhe -qgllows at Bront- fokd(, is im'prison agalli. Hlis perforiniaîucc>s teWl tb stî-cngtliemî the suz-picýiotu that ini bis case blere Nvd-i a niiscoriuiige tof juis- liere ili a paragruiglai rein thue reportt of thue MeU-,regon issl*k, à l)Dtroit, siuiclu ct>îtains ia text fur a ertnuOn, and is w îîrtliy cf nuuclr stud, as lonchu:ug a factor- whicli sonietitues reeives toc tiait coxsideratiicim nu octjudgmieiit uf our fttlowb: 'The tslreiuuouts muail. 1)u.litcs lithue f ront. Vou cannl. kecî i litîr owiu. lie cannut kecîtluuiselr diti u. 'ru Nliu:uî - ,beloîugs thte credut Nul to -,the u uîîd ilol i v par- enîts and forefat. liens his e c'.[ir(s-tîl thieinbeîves i iii hin. [uI s foncefuli bN niature. F-or a sinciltur reaisin, aouiu hmri uîderv itu Iizi-d irand i ncîuiupecit. Ilb iiilikethue îaînîl - thlut seaklubt iii poqýi ,w'hie h te fairir f nis im ec lit l>1c -pi7 liTo r- tîieuhnt us ciii- Stilârf ona. A giimin. nttit arei-iitlutvslt 1Y miiutabie and ciIaltuci.Tti îîîliirei nerus sau-angyeiiit, tit th-utbi ît couicle ceihitiitIi a ltl(- a l trmicu Jîu-y te sti-ong drinkL.Ilr i sl tt lt cases, thlw -r .iiu-t iîîct - a ni sa uuidlv pronounced axud tbe initellect ial Ila irîl nr rai qualiti'es SO mug ,tlattIi i vitltial istrorugli ii tcl letiltiiwi nulthie dt-basing acd ciiinal. - -(oiie coîitempiriînits il-ciSt heiptotwetr Oif tIi'(3seitg)- i ltit pn donus iii cîpital cuies as if thet-yvnaganîleu i tailaprerî)gat is itc iiLItutlu iiti . 'Ii-,v i ~nut in accord oui. il i sv nt îf nt- i-.\u-nise cf thue utru o lis cf i Iei î l-ir'sCase f 01îss4d , lt- txof iii- instructions, vucitilli t at tiliic lidi oît ruilîeiiîu ii t t O lo' iii- olviu-i- cf hi" Miiitcs;but tliut \\s'thtle luistiitait ouf sutel exercise of j , i se.Whlît -tIle otiio uf Uix-ruur ct i ttsîî- Strructiis lt)Lordii .uneri- 1111lurr ltititai tue 01 ic i lis M mu i-tec s il, co1it:ul cases, and olii tut asotne Mini- jeter in olhei cuisiutlI uir iti i luave ahw-usrvsjwcshýt t lui tittoimmaundui.t Ii lte Sh1ort is c-ek ul.d I nl'e-rr \s obliued lu oîrrt hue hnipeial i oucii îne-iit,otutu-u'b lI, 1hinuig umîtlhu-lui i, adsice fI ourl is M inuli'ts, 5[ It> su cie t hit at suo utÇnthe- ne-t (il ruir. Inn asti- iu-r icul ii i - îîîî -il a t t 1w c Iri i-ctoUi leaMu -t -tm 1-- adý Iii i-te isa a x îtha ttt-soniy cul colt- lailis ini tscif l te gi t 1 t. uttîi ju1i i,huueiLt; Ihati ii anu rt1 ituhni a ie ii- tire natture ci tliuurg IUlutut I ring tshruldi i ld secliululuu \ 5ta goot il inanuy Biii um. aî c ic nlu i t t u t n ii thlau i. ut.r ut-i- ue 1 rt -i[o tîclu tiaut amui tu duimlut-icilstns i v i.-uîtmis abolut Liii--iç rcfi bs i ii dus,- hýttluliuilu u s I L ii thel.t s lii i init til ii ssliulu . it - cu e d u t td UO asndl tin. prtt-iutii)o uiîapitihi.Otiii ss huu-inrokes It look lhiiii dabi l i us iui i uuuuît, oi î iesi.' I. d (lict, 01) O u~-t 's Ihi N 1(% ilîthe uo fu> trl iroft ttusts, su idI (Iare tsvc fbld. ILt.sas-s the ieiiuîtudate tule le thre iranufactui i ci ecunties ttluet sotiIlu ltne guiitlci lte'Anuli insis u hous- t. je due tA tîîuccInn sworîti$ t 00,1100 is capituîîuzid Ilut $5,000,000 îuî boIîd:s, anud tquai nîniunus on1retenred anlaali mtr tmy t.î-i o!flire trust prensuters is bu croate a- uuonopoIy, aed iiy s-t duilng fouce tie Pult- lic to pay Nsi-iaI prices ,it Cali extout, anrd il oflen for a thliîe suuceî-dS. Buit just je tire îegrce thrttaut nu!t ii tuver-cap- rîîlized tijs eaoriid. lisu.nengiilies ,in its real capitail, not il, tire ssiIIduand - vte, sliciî cuiriothiinug tut un Nwlmmci i-, nush pay dis idt-uds, if it us htlcf[urisl amuraiurtinr iils ctdt 'lii control t urrumketthue I ncst enust oîtuiithe union Ktt 's suuces tcf sUpiY- lîtînal gi-t ailthie ctuwnuct il tf ilzs h4nnd, on iunist. pit thltt- n t ot. utl-i îuîss. TInS i, i ftncliltt -. tsshlch iays. I ,i iti aiitri i l, Ite trd li i ii-t-ueul lit it t(-ii:mu2-ýts bîlilts tll uiesturti(ýit cf captaiihit nu1itali, aind t u.nmt!, huis tie iii lu.> ucikuir sit lit u iiiist L)iiv i vi-n tmit utl u-la t prih ie(N dt-iuitd or init-It tin îuunpet tlui n.\îit t lumis ils inn liktirten is uugu Wsa h-t \lule briungces ccltii illins I ii tte i tr s giut, ail ussuc bohut lt-e u-t - lît' hea u.- lin -s-in, an dthelu' -uet it 'n t ni15t-cthle t rust. larîl Thoi-divide md- t c itt lt li iiou ihlm- St-ici-,-tt-e riai luet. tulitluitt u cithlie prtaiuît -andt tlu- t-sii ti u-i guei- ees la tii ii'tintthetc-h un 1utcr ig in putispenrus t lius lrudîs înoni-itunsiy lut ils iîirutms 'l'IegInttiht oi)ns tînt- ru fîëtcl inj bt et tri-lumi-aktunurnd l51- mc phtt-y and Iliquîidau ton, ii s nil -ingtire ri in o! tbc holtit-ns cf utuiniiont stttiI - tînt likcily ho ho net fmrr dishanlit - Don'b trust tire trrn4-;th ttrv art- ccl foutuied on lire rock of goit tieîsi Sartoniai Amenities. (TalIon and Cutter) Duritug oui' vîsit ta X receellY we wPe taken charge et by Mn. W. and le tire.sirt lime that elapsed betweemi oun arrivai and the delivet'y et the lecture. wc wene enîr - taind at -Mr. Y's. bouse, where we enjoyed that intei'cb&mgée oftbougbl thal comes se readily wben-two men of kîndred spirîtit el. We talkçd about tatiornfg topMus. cutlg preblemi, co-openative metýods ands ocely doings. _________ BilIy Backaly-Sà y, wol's aIl dis khere talk about frenzied finance? Tomn- my Tuffnuutî~-(»l, it only meaas dst de oIIy bird catches de worm. _POSTMEN 0F It is a curious link with long-gene centuries that thie beleagured people in Port Arthur have been using carrier pîg eoxls to keep in touch witli the outside werld, just as good folk of Modena did not much less than 2,000 years ago. But the meet interesting use ef pig- eons in war wa.s undoubtedly when they did such excellent service during the siege of. Paris, a generatien ago. The pigeons, it may be rememibered, were sent out of the doomed city by bal- loons--363 o! them; of these 302 were liberated, but enly seventy-three set foot again i Paris. It is amazing, even je this age of miracles, to think that a gingle one eft these igon posimeul carried no fewer than 40,000 messages each containing, an average twenty words. This means a grand total of 800,, 000 words, or the equivalent e! haîf a dozen fairly long icscie nas the burclen of a single bird. How wvas il done? Part of the mys- tery fanishes w-len we say that the We lit o! ail these despatchies wvas ne- tuaty less thau a grain, ahqout eje- twenty-eighth of an ounce, and that they wvere contained withiiî a goose quili one and three-quarter inches long, w-hich w-as attached by a silk thrend to one o! thie birds tail feathers. The puzzle, however, remains liow it was possible to get over three quarters.of a million words within this tiny comn- pn.ss, says a w-iter in London lit-Bits. The secret of this seemingly impos- sible feat was mnicroscopic photograpliy. The messages were first. printed in or- dinary type and then rednced by pho. tography several hundred limes. The ,ýhotographs were taken on thin filmy or pellicles-of collodion, ecdioetw-hich thouigh il w-as less tlhan two inches square, could thus coutain 50,000 words. 0f thiese pelluches a pigeon could easily carry a dozen -witliout interfering, witlh itls conîfort or sp)ecd and, as w-e bave seeîq. on bird ulone conveyed 40,000 mes5 ao"gec s. But,a pigeoin lias carried as much as threr-qtiarters cf on ounce for a short slistiliic.e. 'l'liceiseiglit wvould represent sointinig like S00,000 niessages, or 16,000,000)O words; 80 Iliat, under these conditiotLis.t. suid be quite possible for a pigeo)n to carry a simail library of 120) voluineui on its tail. ýSQ iinpreýssed wverc army men gener- .r.Jy wtAintA tsefulncss cf the pigeon as deiuoTistrated in the 1Iranco-Gcrmani wvar tlîat , it -was, not long before practi- caliy e%-cry nation un EUrope had its trauîueîl uiltary ii. osanud to-day tliene are imone thon sîxty mîlit.ary pigeon s-tatioiis in Liinuîpe. \Vo are 'migdl lt te adopt thus sinîp)le aîîd eîi ie.tliî-hod of carrying nîes-1ogeycs in tiînc cof Nsan, but now ,vc have e\cil-ittloufts at lPortsmouth, Dortinou tluo îî iian lcrd ucebirds aie o I4e1it oad îraiiued itn a inost scientific IIi l cl'otic citii lo ft s, wlu jeu are iin tue io n 0ai taruinie \ uit iling X ard at (iasp)ort, it anu ufi ii(--'Veethe official Io- bouok-, at-ie itv.t tjuUi'utde- t.auilid prccVisiiii. ' luire îWstuilrgs ters and rep)ort bî* .4 jK hînhthe dolii'gs cf c c p iîg niii§ S crc-suled; one voluinie is devýoted tb a record of timres of liberation, another to pigeons Iioniiiig at the loft and in anothuer vol- umie the variotis messages carried by the birdeb are pa.eted. Among these it -e -îteretingft troi any tIiat have o wt a s é e m - Feuix je Idibion he took -i-h himn four ioming pigeons be- longing bo a woman in Ayrshire, inhenci- ing ho "release two o! them w-lie he laid up hus vse for lie winber and tbc rcmnaining pair when if even he !ound Franklin. The fimet pair o! pigeons he libemahed in Melville Bay, on Oct. î th, and six days laler one of tic birds neacbcd ilsq cote lu Ayrshine, tieugi unfortunahcîy ibis message had been lost during lihe jouurnrey. Tbç distance betsveen 'Melville Island and Aynsbure in a direct lune is 2,400 miles, and that i& bbc asbonisbing jeurtey the pigeon had made ie bal! a dozen days. CLOCE 0F BLACK FOREST. Queer Automahic Figures Appear at Slahed! Inhervais on the DiaL one of tire Mostt unlous ckIs known te thus descnihedu Tire chock was made hy one Chnistian Martin, who lved lu the Black Foees.t, en- iaey. and s centaIneS in a cabitnet.0 2 meters wlde, 2.72 inctens higli. and O i-u meten thic!r. Tirs face, on front of Ibis dlock lr diviSeS vertlcaliy loto seven sections. and each ot these mIato ire *mauuen sections on trames. dlsplayinig le ail thity-ftve trames;, la eari et which le some movabte thing. 'Upon tins multipue face enn i ay read lire seconds, thre minutes. the heurs, tire dayuu, the weeks, the menthe, tire tour seasons anci tise comnnon and leap years. Iiarmonlous music accompanles the mevement ofet air abject. SîluateS le tire centre e! tire front le tire time-dial or dlock-face proper. An angel aI the bottm etf tire centrai setlee Irai trame et the thrd section are twe tîg- Irai freefethlie third section are two fig- ures ef whlcir ene strîkes thre quarters whillc tee aIrer, with 4he tinger et her rlgirt hanS. peinte te tire quarter juet sînuck, previding Ie ehie way a visible as weil as an audible signal. Tire lowest trame ofthlie saine section dis- pîsys euccesvl'ey lire figures of an Infant, a youtb, a tull-grewfl man, and a person or ripe oid age. cor .sspondlng wlth tire quarter struck, extendieg thue la exeinplity lire tour ages, Instead et tbe time-bononed see ages of mnseufe. Dealh, le the third trame et the Ifth sec- 'lon, sounda the fui! heur. As s000 as the hour ls struck. tb. tweive apostie appear ln an aval trame juet abeve lime dock-face, one ater the other. *ach saîuling Christ, wbo le placed ln tire trame dlrectly above Ibein, and recelving a biesling froin hum. Atter playing Ilueir part. Ihey withdraw troin vlew, and a -nberub guarda the doorway. The day ofthIe montb le sbown on the diali tu the second space of the third section. Tire mmker computcd thé ieap yeans ur tn thq U.fh The days of the week are mtaked hi mythological figures which appear là t4ie'top tramne of the third section. The twelveX elgns of the zodiac, correspondlng to the tWelve monthq of the year, are also shown i.n the top-most trame of the ttfth section. The moon displays ber various phases In the cirarular trame just below the time dia!. Beginning wath 10 a. m., a trumpeter Indu s- triously announces the laours upon his trum-, pet tilI 4 a. m., when be 15 relieved from 1 duty by a cock that stands perched upon a i pedestal In the next trame. With the dawn. the cock, true to Its nature, flaps Its wings and crews. Across the front In the fourth tra.me Of sec- tion 6 le eeea a soldier, who heralds each new year wlth an air played upon bis bugle, Ie section 1 et the bottoin trame la an oadJ bel]-ringer, whise duty it le te Sound the heurs et 6 a. mn., 12 a. m. and 6 p. m., the) heurs et prayer. An old beggar in the trame nexi on the right renalnds thae beholder of his devoirs by kneeling. and with felded hands supp i1 catlng the deity. At the last stroke et the bell he rises and the scene et action la trans- ferred acreas the beard te an organ grinder, whe grinds away, accompsiiied hy a clown and bell ie the adjacent trame. The upper- mest trames le sections 1, 2, 6 and 7 Show the tourteen scenes le the Passion, while the second trames et sections 1 and 7 shew the seven days et the creation. Advice for Billiard Players. lien of average skill often ask wlaat they can do to improve their gaine, s0 I s?iall make a few suggestions for their benefit. Ia the first place 1 cannot urge thein emphatically cnough te play more carefuîly for position. Nine eut of ten plavers shoot muc ll too bard. Ia the long run, force wi tkout forecast je bad policy. Success bYý design îe the rule. You'can't depeud qn luclc. Play over the common shots4 itlu special reterence to getting a good pcýition of the next play, and rememibe~ the chef bugbear of common pl ayersj a failure to play the easy shets righ .. MIaster the easy draw. MNany players 'eo not strike the eue-ball down low enôugh in drawi'ngr. This is necessary in playing WutLI' t much force . 'fhen the st roke must be quick and sharp, and w-hen the balle are near together, very delicately applied. in order to guard against moaking a To draw Nvell, use an ýe1astie tip Of me- dium size. 'The very smnall tips ond old hardened ones of any size, so oftcn seen, are poor implements for eff(ective eXecu- tion. Don't use the Enghlish unlcss vou have a renson for so doing, for, Nvith its use, aîmiing je more difficuit. An hour's intellig'ent p-racticejebetter than a vear's desu ory tinic-was ting. Pi>ay Nith the best players; us-e a straiglit cue, and miake a short, stable brde or hand- rest for your cue. Use the saine cue continuously, as a good deal ilcpcnds up- on getting used te its vveii(lut. balanr'e, and the size and texture cf the tip. ULse rlentx of chalk! Practice inucb. lractice nursing in the corppr and nlong the rail, trn iug over the shots on wlich voit fail-Joha Henry Freese, in Fetirua ry Out ing. Lever's Y-Z (Wise Read) Disinfectant Soap Powder is a boon to any homte. It disin- ifects anr leans at the saine lime. a A Turkey Dinner Wilhout Turkcy. Mo lionest fCi I)t-l1iii-lier cia inru tîrat the luuîut l iiîle îîlleis lîîr sale is tilie ciiv k ici ci ivi un-. or that moîuev s 1111 t l p/i0i lster, crcular andl st itet car ails rt i.iig is ab-. solutelv wa>.tel. 'Thle t rut h is-and ev- ercv biisiness tia n t iiLlit Io know- it- tbiat alI forisofai n-g bring- re- suIt.., lit tlhe îic-i.îir lous. Othier nelfLinis are asj~ ii7n s adjîîncts cf the dailv pm pi, .\iAn leni ucaur-' paign conitie ci cthlîîîît iew-sliaper as- sistance is like a tîîîkey dinner witb- out turkcev. Minard's Liniment Cures Garget in Comw5 How many womcn dao-yen know wlic are penfecbly well and strong ? We hear every day lie same stony oven and over again. "' 1 do not feel ivel; I a=n so tired ail the time" more tîran ]iikcly you spenk the same wonds yourseif, am-ud ne douit you feel fan fretnw-cii. lie cause may be easily traced to some derangement o! lie fe- maie ergans w-hich manifeste ilseif in depression of spirits. reltîctance te gc anywhere or do anything. backache, bearing-dowu pains, flatclency, nerv. oueness, sicepiesenese. ieucorrhoea. Ihese symptome are but warnings! that there is danger aliead, and unlesâ ieeded a life of suff ening or a serions eperation le lie inevitable result. Tic ncver-failingreuedy for ail these symptorne je Lydia E. Pinklnam's Veg- etable Compound. Miss Clama Beaubien, of Beauport, Quiebec, writes: Dear Mms Pinkham: " For several yeare1 hav-e suf emed wltb a' femai. weaktness which proved a serions drain on my vitulity, sappnug ry streugth and causlng severe headaehes, bes.ning-dowui pains andel a general worn-out feeling until 1 rea.ly had ne desire te, live. I triEd many medicines, but dld net get permanent relief unlil I took Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound. In two montb.a I waa mucli bel- ter and stronger and in four moutha I sa wefll; no more à iFMag~able diacharge, ne more pain. Be I have every reason to praWs the. Vegetabie Comnpound, and I consider it without equal for the . ha etfwwzen. » If yen are ilI, don't hesitate te get a bottie ef Lydia. E. Pinkham's Vegeta- ble Compound at once, and write te Mr%. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass., for special ad vioo-Lt la troc ..ad aÂways lptuL. Bc' sure that this pîc are in th'e forin of a label is on the wravper of every Pirefmetios aTo rontovbntm.d vs acînriercal c a llndrugg of f i'2 ie ta i t bit cess. ;ggr ,nthe to-'~îa f ti ciiN ge it I vierard. 'l'lie crcp vas s1î'.-a! .;ai;uied. buit the cbiiiate JVî\ ii-i cd1 anil iainh tliat tilie cr01)lia i l in a , iit1fi ciai Iv cuiredl. M r. O.Nf liii ,c loit ucky, wlio %vas iîivitî-d 1%li t I tili )îartîiierît cf A\nîictltilie tii i-iL -:iiland tatke chiarge cf the cîIrIîg c i illis vc-ýputi Illecital1 croji, lias jt,.st rît ii i a iand reports tbrougin oîf icia 1 agriculIt îrai (}ioInel s tblat tAIe w N: v'is e ttu ly s iicces,full, atltlîoiugh laccîîîplîalîcîl by iîel ineans. A laigýe bari Nvas biilit on the estate, dilvideul into a tîtîrtber cf compartinents, each tlior,(iigîi j ii.uîated aoui provided w itlî veut ilator- ut thle top and bottore, tice arrangemen~îts Iielii sich tliot the tcm pera'cte iof caic oi n i ~s tnder cinro t icI jt ln oi' (logrete, a nil the h- ii!]i0 aIi ls ciîc 'îîlt l '1lie ctlrinag e\perinieiit s Ii' îig insiccesfiil and thli tobacco bciing oîîciîilif good ex - po(rt qua i t 'y, wulin nt lusia -în lias been ariiîsed over tIi' work, as it iives prom- ise of a iew I'filor aetiN it v for tbe risu i'rcitit Selling a Queen's Jewels. bits tif tiu îutt alu iý t îatîciciton nî 11îîu LonI donumui -)tif t li i -cei und cos- t n c (i- f Il;î: -ti,, iminu i -eîl Qui-en of ii.Thot-ii -pur i sue nt i igin, cotusî,dî,ncg t hii i-i nu-t -i i--. Tutus bbc tuuillianlîi rarul u)u v tîluste (,lut-enat lien ssuiiu u Itioglut omuy ttOO For a cabochon eînuerald tîmrd-bruhl litntbracelet. a u gi ft froutu tlue I(/ulr î ti tR iia. - 4 r sas îuaiuh Fuît lii- -îî;îiuiiîi f surIcît 775 t.lc n scas su iuîairlr rtic sswiiiiah:d neyer been kîuossn Io hi- uffened fer sole befone-lre Persiuîn li lintf lthe Sui, a star anti badge set iu îiîînuîcds Tlins w-as presented te Qiuri)norga bth ie Shah cof Placst. un thîe îccasýicn ut hie visit te Beîgrade imi 1900. Tire onuler is o! the greatest uarity, hîeinîg oniv rep- nescnhed ty sovene igri ladies. The oulyv others knossnho lie in exi-,tecc are those hueld bh thue î;crmrîuuin l-pre-s. tlie Czanina antI Qtîc-it Mrglierrti cf ?tal,,. T he lTirkish Order oet I\ercs- brotîghit, $750. Tire total sînm reuuiired tv thue sýale Mn. Caieegie and Mis Roses. A pleasant stony is going thc etunds about '-nI. AnulreusCunsiî. \t Skihuo Cuutle umnîgtiie po zL -t luiunir Iwlueir a beatîtîful ntosceguiruen fîrrne svenie thoîeuuands of reil andsshuite anmd veilosv roses umîssuYs bîccmicg tirere. and thc viliagerssut-ecfree te saituurn iihebcgar- den 1utlis ho hemir leants' content. Oneo day tit iîeaîl gonuhnuen saitrd ulpon Mn. Cuinîue:i,"S h"luesaidl. 'I sish te lodge a t-onîpiaimit." 'W-oll 11?'"said bbc îta.sten. "uVcll. sir'"bine gandener began, 111 wiîil icfornr votu that bine village foik, arc pirucking thne ruses in yeurr rose garden. Thcy are denrudicgy yocn rose treles, sir." -Ahi," sutidMn CarnegiE, gentIy, "j yi peofile are fond o! !lotsers, are thcey, Donald? lie youu muet plant more." Dying Rich. Andrew Carnegie, at a reception. was ask- ed by a yosupg girl if he realhy b'eleved It was a diagraee te die nic->I. JMn. Carnegie pennied the queu.tSn graze- tully. '*"Weil," be sald. '"I shocld bats, afler my death, te have sncb a speech made about ine as an old cobier once made about a million- iaire. "This nîillionaire bad been notorloualy 1close-tîsted ail his lite. His tomb was a imagnîficent _one, aud on lt was canved the Biblical verse: Il He that givelh 10 lbe poor lendeth 10 the LArd. i «The cobbler, having known tbe million- aire, took occasion to visit hie 10mb as soon as it was 4em.tpleted. H-e examined tb. monu- rment canetully. Then he read aloud the vers .unon IL Aftenwards be commented on the -erite lîke this t Il"r @.-ob t"* TPit'îtwbou Ibat mai de Ut Lwd 4nt owe hi. aà omLe FEXIXINE NOTE IN FICTIO*. S EE D T IM E '~experienced farmner lias iearried that sorne grains require far differ- ent soil than others ; some crops need differ- enthandling than others. He knows that a>F eat deal depends upon right planting at the right time, and that the soil must be kpt enriched. No use 1pïcomplaiflinlg in summ' about a mis- take made'uin the spring. Decide before .the seed is planted.- Vîe best time to reme- dy wasting conditions in the human body is be- fore the evil is toc deep rooted. At the first evi- dence of loss cf flesh Scott's Emulsioni should be taken imme- diately. There is noth- ing that will re'pair wasted tissue more quickly or replace lost flesh more abundantly than Scott's Emulsion. It nourishes and builds up the body when ordi- nary fo ocd s absolutely fail. We 'unr!tserndyor à simple free'. ISSUJE NO. 7,4"5. "Pure soap 1>'r You've heard - h 1t mmr.Wl"sow g bootisig yrp i the words. Inl S u n1 i ght alwayu be umed foTllidi e.t-thIn. S oU an pla h v the fa t c n Ui .t remed for Dtarrhoea. Passion for Detail is Not the Weman Novelist's Âlone.* Not long ago the well known English essayist, W. L. Courtndy, stated bis be- lie! that "a passion for detail is the dis- tinguishing mark of neariy every f e- maie noveliet, and that this passion for detail is "a quality' whicli belongs; to ail tlie best work done by f emale writ- ers." He cited Miss Austen, in wbose. books be found "a turning peint in lit- erary liistery, and the great exenipler o! this quaîity.' A London limes enie 110ow cornes baek at Mr. Courtney, declaring that sorne other differentia, muet be f ound as a power o! minuXe observations is at least as obvieus in men's work as in wvemen's. He writes: "XVho had more o! it than Fielding? Or than Telstoy? Both Thackeray and Diekens exceled in it wluen they chose. Heaven knows there je enougli o! it in Zola. External detail je net Mr. MeTe- dlith's strong point, but Mr. Hardy dwells on it lovingly and with treni- endous effeetivenese. Passing te lesser naines o! contemperaries, w-e miglit say that in M. Huysmnans in France and ini Mr. George Moore in England the love o! detail amounts te a passion indeed." The saine wrîrer goes on to, suggest that «'an obvieus achievement o! wvomefl writens whichi no man can equal with sueli certainty je the exposition of fe- male passion,"9 and he mentions Char- lotte Bronte and Mademoiselle de Les- pinase. ê.sk for the Octago flar 03 If the Power Were Shut Off. By wvay of empha.sizing, the -'ralue of advertising an enthus.iast says: "Did you ever stop to th.ink what would happen if every form of advertisnig, in the Unit.ed States hould be prohibited for ninety days?" Inside of haif t.hat time the milis a.nd mamu.factories would stop for lack of order; the almost empty stores would close their doors; millions of people and millions of capital would be thrown out of employment, and this country would be overwhelmed by the greatest finan- cial and industrial panie it bas ever known. It is the tremendous powver of publicity that turns the whcels of pro- grress.-Phlaidelphia Record. Nlinard's Liniment Cures DiphtheriiL - 46 Tailor-made Servant Girls. A great change was noticeable in the garb worn by the servants _«citing hire at Carlisle hiring fair. A fU yars ago the women and girls came flflningy into the city on a hiring day in t1dry finery of a frequently ridiculous type, but on Saturday there ý%Nas none of -this. In fact, in their smart tailor-made costumes it was difficult to distinguish them at times irom the ordiîîary city girl.-Lon- don Dailv Dis patch. IMost peop le think too lightly of a needs prompt attention.I Take speec grc- st ,-ir-r lIv degrees, and :_n ~fn uao oe siniiaî- h baif ~ ~ ~ ~ Z anIoi' uefuiitebgcnoung radishle i cuhtivated in a glass ne- o! thie 0)enatuiu thue tran svas able toe The Lung tort, atter a procees inveted bis Pas- sut cp. llovin!z wirked the poison down C u To nie tetur, in a ceetrateul solution o! glu- belosv tui ýe uces, 1 tied a ligature below - wien the frst siga o! a cough on cose. Starch thren develops plentfully the knee andl sent hirî to a, hospital, cold appears. It sviil cure you un the celle o!hue radis, wiuich st-elle wiere lie eventîualîy necovered. lie -was easily and qcickly then-later it oct, boes its pepperineýs', and acquires bitten je the riglut foot. 1 shuould very will be barder to cure. practically hue. consistency, flavor and m cci hase liked le have caried tire ex- Prices, 25C., 50C., 42A4 $.C. n-il epeialîs- bbe nutritive properties of the pernient on tiiIhuýencciiandu have bledI poîto.-St. James' Gazette. lm. but net bciîug a iiedical mac, and ______________________ a.s; thcne w-os a hospit l oniv a few rumiles - How Dees thc Robin Know ? N F S S .C. R C A D O distant5 I Ilvltii surtiittto cîrcîîm- 1 recenîtîs-oluserved arbn oi- FSSfCo.rIHRD O ut obi bo ?_gfo Some time age I had a bad attaek- staces- adrs inis.grib iiac mtyilo-:r.I sao! Quiczy whicli laid nue up for tsvo eoîîîîcîîeîoutiu igutte tines 00 seeks aîîd cost me a lot of money. G 'lIRE sei~~~~~~ze a anoigle su -inuand drag it froin idn A 111Kbro i u uf utio atsr ol.m gi omn CUR W S UI K tI -url i -nIlleîtfu , bue tueadn10tfr mv throat. 1 baîheýd freel - svitlîMN n171UA 1Mm biîugtue igwhuine dillor _ le AD*S =IMfENT, and 'snturating a .,U.!iIi.b.~fJ.~ uîe Tue ib I muispeiîtmg of - i-htuwitl thîe liniment lcft ft on all luad a nest of vourm iniiia aple nrerr by. tiiglit. tand sule tork il t.- 11,uho îool er eX-t noniicthe svlhrgwaq gene Dodd's >i(idney Pilis Soon Drove icdtujstniotuslv foi- foodi. St uudrtîa and I atbniluite the ssardingi off of AwyRuuIts n ong over tIi (,shunrt ipaýs atti- thue rian- an attock, of Qcin7y ho the free use ner cf rolijit andn 1. st-ipiigos ri'fesv - feet, cf MINARDS L MN i)ropsy. her ferra s-tiff mailieitct. Nits' anîd tlien G. F. WOJRDEN_'. Scuwoibl srb-ciîvbenirher liead te- 'St. Tolrn. suarul ihue groulant i riiting c:. t'oun cm (at-e ocia %%'uîdor Maîî Whlic Suftr-red for ut utotmenitt ii) iteai- uttett l tl 1P01 t.Te Elixir Business. Tw-o Yei-s lt tort-lire Diacovered Then -iewesld 1 7iig ii1unglt î the 'iLizlut Jteuurrdy. timutf vigctc-oýlv Ntl it er 1,c l, ebsnging- As tlicre is ne real puinaeea for human lue-r auitiurde at eauhi m-t noie, aient and ibis, so thiere je ne cure-ail for sick bucsi- WViadsor, Oint., Fei. 6.- tSpcali- 1 îîfîîîî tvm-ip hi ras nerots îc'-.A business max- go intb a decline HowquîklyRhitîinutisii îîî )upY amnd litile jets of so 1. sahbiut eepel bevause ut us îîeglingently or dîshoeelÀv can be ccidcdsienu tluc night i mcdiciiie -udrei, owmîsrs îitittrintianagreu. or be-atise tisere is nothingl la s ccisje siossu in tue case cf Mn. J no, and mueeexcitt',ih, t lI fiitlilv oafuî itiîb te Jrstuty- ts cctiiued existence, or for McDonald, a retunî-d former living ahis seized aclnd itg Srt hi Tinte auter a t liut-.iîd ond one ot-lier reasons; btt 130 Laugleis evenîce it-ne. Mnl. McDon- finie-. fuir ses-eruil davc. 1I s:issv lier muine if it be mercilo lngtuid and run detvn, aId sas-s. frîr grut; inib lis stay acd d rag thei u svuîuîett beiuug1 subject. te anv eonst;lu- "For 1550 s-ars i1svos treihîeltjiitn -lov id sue kcoss shee t i 1na îlnnt..it can he cîuned. Adver- Eliecuiotimýni *acd Dtepsy. îîy legs sr iilI luTe ihîseet %\-as in everv case an ti4icg us a tomue tiuat streligt bons svc-ak triblv swoilenu, aithuugîrItied inn-h blitît h Ie Surnface. Did sire bear etlpie n encoraeete rsîi macs- medicinnes uîotîicg gave nie acy h t gnawsiîg the nuits et thie graisses, or of bbc strong, and tlîat cannot be taken reli till 1 tried l)ouhds idues' Pille. did sIre ,e a utîeveiiienit in tlue turf be- je overdoses."lt is tic business world's Twc boxes of tbem cured nie socen neath w-hicb teblue gub ivas at ss-ork I elixin o! life. pbetely that I1lias-e iad no reture of i knosv mot. 1 orly knosv iluat sire struck * the dizeases ine vears.' - er game cnernNngiy cdi ime. Only LAEWL NOvHAO'E ýhenrmutin od Irepsy are cacsed I tviee did 1 sec lit- nmake a fesvt tîruste codn t elfuddrmr by tbc poi-uunîs disordered 1idnes-s fail and then desist, as if she Iîad been for Acrigt eltudd rmr ho strain omît cf thue blood. Crure tire kid- tIre momnîit dcceis-ed teDmiinGoeaenCil D neyessith I)udd's Kiulces Pilîs. and tire îlots puignacititheUi robin je! Wihh the~ prescrit session he unged to impo-3e cuneul Kîuleycs \ill rcivc te cause of sslîat spck - and spirit lire defecds himiecf a custorus duty on grades o! fence ssii s tIre iheuuiatisiiî or Drepsy. \Vinhout against luis cccii ica!i-venY ;pringIse sliharnsvotb fneit. Ilt caus thure an t nodisese.tie robins îog thie butejays that such a tax ssould prove an îrnjust Lur- -Y() kigtur gutiebcisloin, den te tbc farmere o! (aîiada there ns Ihe zar <. for egg s. Thie crosv-bluîclbirds nest ie no doubt. Iu the eider ponts;oethtîe (Chicagoe Chrooile.)rrty evergneens, anid tliene sperpelîral Dmno i l odefne n Theîs»San Czar ss tu bet\-ee tînecu oad thre rotune. Ibe being year by year rcplaccd bt- svinc Theiiackbirds devorur tire robins' eggs, and structures, and in the greot Weîst., lie rmade a war n-c u ci tc-' Ja-paci-ce. Iti(, robinsneueven ceo-se e tuter theoiss-iich le rapidly being settîed, practi- The timie- w-ee bad. utCt to akcgi îtsihbess cally aIl tire fencing is being doîre w'itîî Tire peastutts îuad. it:,otnacigi pwhbls.9 They feit the taxes squeeze. 1sivts-c robins attack a young black- wvire ini one or otien o! ils nsany formes Lirnleble air, and lires' tseaked out o! construction. Were bhec kinde cf They trled te see liii ftathiers ah a lis-els- rate. svirc most ie use for fence construction The czar, but he D)ecltne-dthue interview; ihie past spring a pack cf robins killed rnanufuict-ured in Canada. thene mi-lit The Cossacks shot r1 ttickoo nîcar rîse tirat tirex foucd rot- te some excuse for irnposing an import Their guuus a lot hini- a nest. I did not witrress the kilI- lax, but sînce thene are pnaclically no And urdered quite a tes.. - ut Ltbut 1 have crass-questioned a num- factonies fer making it in operatien in And new the Czar Ib-,rot peeple w-lu did sec it, and I arn the Domniioni, whom could sucli a tax Away whe fre ern er cons inced of the fact. lhey set upon tenefit ? Wuvth cotton lu cacb ean. irl when he wa on tbe robin's nest, ihat the pnicese! fencing mabeniai And ails and shakes, and left hum so brcised and heliese be- -ould ho raised te practicallv the ex- And squirms and quakes neathitl that hie 500h died. Il was bhc lent o! bbc dcty tiere can be'ne doubit. - a - -f insb ininmations 1 es-en had that bth 1Is Nwould nîcan that a dclv o! 25 or Minards Liniment Cures Distemper. ccicoo devoured the eggs o! other birds. 30 per cent. ss-ou.ld impose an'extra tax: -Joins Buirnoughus in Februîary Omuing. o! $150 te $175 on tbc tencing reqcired A Cleveland Conundrum. for an averoge farm. -Nonrs-wuuld tre 'nhe -Ail. (1mb 4f (Ieveha.nd, Ohio, re- Minard's Lin iment Cures Colds, etc rural commeihy suffer ccly to the ex- centî-iv i-t,eiueil to a lcu(ture entiîled Te lent ef on increascd expeîrse te tîîose Thee . nyhuii~ Tanirble in Aduetis- The Restaurant Face. he iase te fence, but a great deal cf In liee tmes\vecando othngfarruintnîîproveurent svotîd he delayed ion ic:s uuif:un ciblv reuîitds us of tstt T lur'imsse o e ol ing n er.wieiwul ieaetn- etiir peer.ton îhfck ivis?" e sitlrout at Ocue being svarnud tîat it m n er. sih ucu oeae Io: ieaving mhýs champ upoaus, sans bIne Lon- jekeepingdown tire Ns uie cf 1bîl.. (Io ot kiow iow he lcturr anwere leaing ts samp ponus, a\s he Ln- RtheathtuCmiiose ciiff No s.z ., ulonetkmnsv ict bie lctuer nswreddon W'orild. Tli oc recerit scare of tînis 112 and 13, sînrooth galvuunizd scire, irs Iiiis osvn q urestion, tut sie do know t-hat kind refers 10 tire present craze for ne - h s b e r p s d t w u d b i c the ne-îtdt.s ofadetiu are as tangible hauranit drnung. \'ic are told tirat thre bsbcrpcoci -îb i tu as a ee dilan old iece. Yoc an pactice is cotnplett-ly cîranging thw c x- sn- ciyt ensebu uueî lux pressuen dcelour faces and. YorkiaîgPa o! 20 per cent. on Nos. 7 andtiIl. if thuns tosici tiose r voit u încari nieassre marked change i in ur aurcer.svcre donc,bueeones-îi tsffr thein, you can sueiglu them; rtnd if you a8I for tîntst -rgaules are noteteits-ur ads-tise in tIre rigluit tuay, through thbe Tire Penui-an rai-btsat'-s haive ahi teen portel, huit if blrey -wene frec a ctnumutzer proper mne-diim, t.iney wilî oct-balance consohid-at-i. 'fles- are flots contrellird aurd mruoe sotistoctors' fenci- coîuuld te ii- -o'ur ex-pclaliorîs. i and eperurted bv an English syndicale-. tained suithout enluancing Ine cost. -o ---yatra tie-----e-ann~i INU0A IWfiny fao os-en thmee les, Fowrs e s I B awyoug irlni peho jeii-ohadites flo'e and neser more happy tlian w-len sur, mounded by theni, said rallier sadly ta me tire otlrer day: "Whnt can lb be aber-mb me, for I have only ho look ah a flower ho havP it fade. le lb -he es-il eye?" I did net tink il could be uliat, for hier "'aae lovely in colon antI expre.3sion, but assaie is by ne means tire only 'vie- tirn," aas one mnay caîl il'. Borne reasoa tire.miuet b. for t-hie ar.tagonism. Ctan it- b. hsi'. or spirit-iml ?-Bjuîton lie»-. a ~1~e - I AGENTS VWANTED. A GENTS WANTED, BIG PROFITS RIGI-T in your owfl town; our guaraty naine plates for front doors sell on sigbt Ibandi- some alurninum trame heids movabl2 letters. put in place with pocket screwdriver; wilI net tarnish or crack; guaranteed for ten years; an easy seller; you neer had a prop- osition like we effer; it's a moneY getter. Write for fuil particulars. Guaranty Plate Works, 703 Yonge-street, Toronto. H AVE YOU SEEN IT? WHAT? LEE'S .LPriceless Recipes; 3,000 secrets for thie home, tarin, laboratory, workshep, and every departinent ot human endeavor: with fulIn1- dex to contents, 368 pages, bound le clota; send 25 cents for a copy, and if you thinlc the book is flot worth the money send It back. snd your money will be returned; this la a Kood s1de-line for canvassers. William BrIggs, Methodist Book Room, Toronto, Ont. AGENTS-OUR LINE IS JUST WHAT Athe people want; or prices are low. and Just what everybody wants; write tor full in- formation. William Briggs. V'esley Building. Toronto, Ont. MISCELLANEOUS. LADIES-WHUEN IN NEED, SEN I. ta!Iing remedy; relief quick and ste. Dept. 100. Paris Chemical Co.,,Milwaukee, WVls. IWOULD LIKE EVERY WOMAN TO 1 write for our sprieg styles and samples et our $450 te $12 suits, in cloth, silk and lustrea; also rainceats, skirts and waists. Write me to-day. Manager, Southcott Suit Ce. Dept. il, London, Ont. D. H. BASTEDO & cou 9-7 Iingi Street East. - Toronto 35 years in the fur; trade. FURIt ANUiFAL à UR R4 $40,000 worth cf Fine Furs, clearing at lowest prices in Canada. Send for catalogue. RAW FURS. We are paying bighest 'New York prices. Send for prîce li. Transmuting Vegetables. The discoverv oi a means of metamior- phosing radishes into potatoes bas been made in so solemn a pilace s the Acad- emny of Sciences, P~aris. M. Molliard takeî a very strong radish, "l'as teurizes," it in a certain Way. and it grows un into a When I1svas statioued at Nosývshera news svas bronglît to me one unernung thuat -one of tus' co-olies hbad bt-en bitten by a scake aid w-s dying. I burnied te bis brut and found thîc inian unconsdiotis and bîeeuling from his mcuc.hand nose. A. few pas-ses froru the head des'-mward stopueul tbbc bleeding. 1 coctinued the passes. and in ten minutes he vas aile to oîîerî lis eyes, but unable te speak or mrovc luis haculs or limis. 1 cotîtinueul the passes. and after thbe lapse cf anot.lier five minutes he was able to speak feebir- andtuldicate tIhe seat of pain. l-aelî pass graualiy s-orked the position dots nuvarîl. oanu the man's Thr lui nothlng la the mak.1a pp;mohbag thé. quality of 1h. botet o oai l nad tub. J Ic. H 'Am 1 - - - le 0 0 4 a