Whitby Keystone, 16 Feb 1905, p. 7

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I "dHc onl;ratuklted myself t I hat that affair wa.s settled for ait 8 ae"i. 3avîw r rsumed ai .~ I 4~t4 4a/j44&/&~vd W - A - - *-The Unlinown Brîodegroom. JILaIfan bouc jater, Jaairc )aiiaig been tuce oeut of ighu belind i te big iAkraroga Ln thie cîcet. anotîrer nmunid ivas admiittdte put the recale i n order, andia! ter (iti aS (1o11e (lie girls (oeittthan tbey w-eue tolerabiYj safcqfrom esc--pionage for tire remain- der' of thre day. Tirey botir iook tulrnet, witti Mrb. iSentier, uenaLaning te gu-arianîdentertaini Januie. andi as Floence liad utufusted te go deivl te . N'eakfast, a tempting repasi.liait beau sent up to lier, and tuus ire »oýy liad Pleniy toe tat. Betîr Florenîce and Moica w-cnt dolox't t luiitn i nînd mp'>'rt a itie iit'i itftcrxxai\lin LîrtIre draxing rru vii îir tire g ss aithongili tliey avoîidedi Si r Walter, an-clLt U sexîdiiî ttirai lie urîderstocnthe(it'rerreont, fer' a l'e- culiai' ami' wreihdiis IuPicoiel' upon ciîtcllng l-h'Ir'nce's cyt'. L~Leanvh.iltk Mi. iSai'r', mit recir'ii ig Lcyrîdou. proceededidiuectiy te inte r- \i nu- a detective, xx-Ire hînît lient il, 1r1s emipley for seevual wtk.antd lea'nicxd to ile great raisfacti10h titIre iati ai lat-i bewn ti rceciful In ocating Dr. Flint, w- Ir, lia\iiirg -indriven rrou i-n iinaiitmîrinmirî anmd iivfariýyus business by tire hall NvIiichi McI. iJdîîu'y ati set n'eling, xvas 111w living inri 'îtiroesnît ilu arobsence tirbur'b ocf London.i IlIt atterded at once (o liai inga waiirrant liî'.d 4tlfou theliiitmîn'mi rest, UIiI Iîîm;ui for itire cppreieirsioii of Carl Kinig, charging thîe latter' witîi htiiavlr eefiied Moult-a inn mri- oane aigylini, nid afteriard c(I rciiat- lingt.ialïn' n-port o! ht-r' dumtir.iit etir te appi'epriate lheu fortunîe te 'ie c Irirl,i.e vwarrantts -%N- vre t ) lie loti d un tIl rofullowxinig nrr li mt n11, 'a 1I y ami htimi- raspFil ualle, .1nii, lPai \itg M. zcie' 1> -mL hi-vuil trdri M .t :îri O o 1 le lrg-;. TIl - nmn-rn-i .n u i-ý .4 n i ici i 11i1i l i ;i IY luTen t mn il-'c , zi I ii Il i 'x . >i 1un' - tl 1 o w artt ri vt:hi-tc ilcur r t4- iii 4 i- mii ii iefu M :'. îi- t'î l nh i i n iiJ i 11v cuti vît. ici suc t4' of 11lu' n uîrrr---nitrr" hcgliclrmc iip i f iiir- f n .11- iii 1mmiiii yi i.t :1 \'Ili: L 1 i (114- iater, (Cariruil min I.l - uni ts ir it'u Iri c - tru,rt. E-iin"lîruandyeiiirgtiii grIL 'l rt'- a1i s'il -Yoil i wli iitsremciiiti)ei' niv t4i-liig yonî a.bOrît ,I;lad WIIiini i -- i u-4 fr-cin deil.Lîi by tLiVmLiLo.iIcIHi my fsi#i. I x'eml'mirr.10't -Il iu .droxvn'uil a i,%v %vit i'kni (e il tic sentIr coi-t %1dIx oo vo- nîr ~i-' rnilirg malip.idimy.' lUn.Unrroi '- L, -net senri'oi'ovc'ned; lait I fuir il Ilit, liatn-nu [rt-i bmrtx- 4Il1v'.i ni t ,onio eu'rocks.,xx- r i-h" i nd -i t hiin rt ng for m-.mîîilsi. I1 l-lt4, ci,11 i ' Mi' S mLver cuhlce i Irii id mît ietVfnru k c 'gu r. h 1 'vtiu (eii yeni l,(tu-r 1tictul ',liît. C'arr i-cl.[fyeni w iit ull iic-if lu- ,Utti.rtufi,iently t ilienî V eriei k rlI.îwý ,iehl n l 4 , 1 ' l'a Ii t'wý.î. qch) IsOl a n 1'L i i 1 l) uni 1 1 vl Lnr 1m 1.uuLnd 1ln t irtrh 4, vNi t (ei'î'ri> i v l , x '. ait tult1I ne hnîiî:tillvî" if(ti- n ttu tti-- fouir nati-t îi r> vm- titi' hilîu i ti'iinrll-'i lii' l î' naitii n- il if nii t l su 'ii tin nicintît 07Iut itrhimtr-Ve acc.eptd it-mi fmi -r I titdu i -t r tt a t i4 m nrn : p -; -li 1 .cf îe, luvenben j n ;xv- -rs h-vl'lwtîivccn t w-) m,11d1 tii)r'eî- ît'k-" M.-. S-tver r-ititr'etanid ic lu jnoîoc le h (o n-t-hi Jaîl -'s t o:- v auJItem' wtlir'boy hiadilo n C- - i-minilrot undeustant sncb ma rtrtngt- stîiiy, ie cmrtd, in a dazed wmry. 'Sic Jini.4,n Pmage, an e(Admc- luýin [ni u e ir yonrs :-yorî muet iirui In lionri ie ni iti'i vw htu- Jcm cmi a>ni- kont-r ui iii- oi.'-t-t i enis Irie nli ic - i tîpre b. i hi - ti rr I oxer icemirxd "EI ' S r Tin:lin Pn.me !h WNIr-ttare ed. Mr. S- I-- nî rtiisiirt Tînt. o cir-ce, .f "Sir jui'iitlPauge lia.,;bren u(leati for icomuchviiui' ve ian-s,"Mi'. S i-.xecnru- îr-d'amîil li xwiie ii-x-ml ini rmva (-Iv niomtlin. Ir yenkitn t lis--ni, i t 1- tt-irig4, t Irmt yen brd tiii liv-mid cf 1tiir iliatti n or tinnt, tlich i c îrrg tîc .1n -CLihein tue il , muni e-înriî' lîmn.îc' fýtliIi -te ai) oii i oursiti te LidN-cig-i on rg mati bi thle un ni'- on Wmi tîr ('. Lçi,Igitoii-" "Wia"'tlnind4,re I Mr. Cnt i-roi c mn-n f hoiirgii, ucrînpi irei li mn.h sterit iv luit e fma-e muiwi sudîl-iii fI nilig y. Wýaltcr Li igluteiuis tîec-ide.lte tire (ille manid esimu e o! Sir Julien lague '?lnipci-usitîle t Il was iîoîv Mr. S-'mî.eî's turrî te ho-,k ju-crpîi-iîd mand Imînzn'i. 'leyon. -rknlîx 'ailer LeIgiton ?" ire 4lomandecî. "Ir'N.011 -vlrm the lla cri ils Iiriuse-If Walter C. L"1-ýlion, tiid iviro- NVmms ý;rec.cntli mi ch-i'k iin Nc'xx-Yeî- 1 linivi' gooch i-r-ise ct i (iîcîxhlmn, for lu-' in. rny hiLrt4'iî'i-cmj i eniv-1- c'i-i mý U Ni ch-rin anid aitl>n- w4,1 !Vh wII tIii- cnffamn ecmnsii I.:'gît mhzniornu coinipînim.it '4' 'tir. S -nierirLniar-ki-il > t iii znu 1il- 'i oi- ' cflu'honi.'ilmam pnî'p,,i'(d te t-,gree nu-itiyecr ttu.ct tir-' yci:ug itiin - t ii--ou1)10iglci N.lniîiu. (u tni 1 lînrulnî'L iu a.mî litht I \~rojuknriic ix- tliiig nîtx'iluiru. ILnui-ivîr, tuf g4-t %in îxi t Ikînoiv il>mtl iý.,ci-mnirnri nil 'O on'- 0 iu i -o 1l'curî' As. 'r iai' nîgn~~ h xîr-nutrk h fil'c t hu'Nî 'tu m-I1 1 1-ni 1-14' tli(' 1i- c N S c i t 4- luitP hmnintimii hi -c mmmî11 i-ion-tu- ;iimiît:t aeiu ni Ici;n uu lu-l , Li: 1i tu Si-r. :111i1n l l-Iilv Ln:incmî - I n.- - ru -l' tdlu ut in' i I.m .- 'lov ' ~imcidii. tu I uiiui ;. nnci lli initnmn'î mr, r- ijL' ir I"iV V Lîo 't tl) Iu.rî- o0 ' u tri - c, li LIci - x, rit xii l' i rmîiim ii I 4 i1c-tib: i -Iwd liinec-el! uit tIr;- Tixr- vîi-iin- eLgni ni ct uio tii pt tlm - jîlu" inn!ir--Iuc erdcri, and ]I m nn --yec t.iL isnew ui itin-itiuît tib- ploitd Ol. ' .Mn..Cicri-oi IrllccIiii 1 LIimîiev ('\I iji - mi il itnild nn'- ' asfill a, fmu W -ti am., mii infn rîîk "Tioicyii hinnwxvViur I.-igliton xxo lii lut- ni--. Ii\ img ui i w I oemik2' pir-il.vl 1 I 1aw, iincoiîîî ni for ii-eor 'reun .seOjî'r: , s!Mtlvî' i-a \ ni uxe ru'- .iniY ii mu .irn--t1ni hinu - auil (l u tre <luit'lli tuu--xi c )irrîrrii mut on-- tînnîc' itli nufoîrmrîîîof;rmt inut' \îîîl'tîrRichrusoun ly vn-mu,1 m li u!L n '.- t li("1,11 'lii i kiu.'linc n t ii:i (olt i' in'c muitlîîl D il.îîîîfinrli mi ln n-eut ili i cylucul. mi i m , liulii li- nel-, tIi ' i j i u iini t" rut ici-i t-Ili - iiNv cu0 I1t, m ig4. Burt it'iui ild-i > i 11n I i i Elontni'-'xvmm- Ibouit firtt'fil, niul lI K 114,1î. ii ti:-- cir-t'4 lu1mil i, t l11 xjî a tVicriru-I t h'nii i mnicil tIc x iu inig m ilrr niuiil- li, pî-n -i i--- ii N Yrik - -;mm txxîlor luvii- iic-S ati io i >-'4t i liu inm rie fuit, IllI1i 1111u' hum.. 1lu-, fcctîîruni <h-nl inI. ccii-1 ; dit-c m 1nItii"f. I f)mv lianiA u(iiiurl a i nt r-ct i-tE3 ci< - -'\i et.Ilt-ýr. Ii iti 1 -tci mi, 1 tii i-a-, lu in-; titri- teiar rip em fo !)în tii tt iui. P.nit"l-î i l.x r î i-'ifiil Ilies ita t--J aa ie- t.(uet iioîerithy iii tire xcnry niglit be- [o- w-t iý wr-to&te.riail, andti w r- obli-.!eti te o spnsour îoag>for eeierah wet-ks. Wlien sire recover- ed, hovc',she sceme I(o ihave tak- i narr uiaîcînntalbl.n dl-hk-i tu lier d, m t( M [t ri s (o ate i Ici mmiii hve-"epuze(okw A iiic' --V"l I -.tiepan ilwlIeîl ILaiuni inntriJni str hisni hmisnlr. sua mn au-troeione vî SictrtIsmcm xxiiimge- Bu Ici -i cpau lmti oc ia rin'd i I(ir.i ueton g ti fure.i t i' snt] m.a 'e ki'ux, c'mttnio,'cux I fuît tîi ncit fcll ul utdî'u, m on uitr' ciioit-imi p ud ui r vr I t-i t, filmîî, M xininiInn' ni a multont xin;lstatinal, i. iii- miInkuofurse i isni - t.next I ficn cm rc u ii - emnsg l e o hm c:ro. iti' mTici' wunes und o fer vumn o di -mn it<'cltuit 1 iiç on tlm ui ic kn v n ucînru' 'in)i dlhi con luui ttiu ie f.r mmlv mcmi m ,unt wai'mu!h '-ut arît'>] i i lu t . in t Io 1 cunnd Isai. I nftî-nx-n l (nt-ni ti (renait-it fr ni' r"t :n inimt o! Snuu nîî'mnory. Tire uLnd o-skIclculion-.s Slronthya! ( le-,mii ('cm n" hc-nf- tion, riln crie kddM iixlis'ursem agi a mi murown nlu.ontIre sri, sfic i-u snt-ilenauul w-wri"k.inn wni tntatmtnt, uîl -i' caa i caif roie itîce Vfilitic I wui' cu.çn an illý ue snile u-it.aithw er '-li gwi &hsaIfomuncl iTIt n islut-c o,ý ena or.ekecpo rtalWe"' io- ýt- -- l mtt-rtg ir J llan ageu l:fe. I ter ems ln.%(lisx'miii oa Tnln' wiîthe mitw.' a xv.iv. minIç Dai- J~rîp magine our surprise ,viieri wl.' recently met Leigliton in Pome, ïani hear of thre ivoniler'ul luck uh-t liai COm2 t3 hlm. He eee e ('A< fercnt, too-more mna.nly and tgrdfred and whien ne c ontiued to me one da%, that ho stili loved Floyl tor di-straction, a.nd beggcd me to use~ my iri4lhItieice to help brii win ber, I cga.rî te tliînk it miglît be a finel thing -for the girl, a.fter .ail to nnrry a n Englisir baroniet, and 4tel% irto suelî an exaltei position. 1cor.fcssi-moi, th-at we have found out howxvlie lias been playing the Il ypocrite, I am ratîrer aslramed of hov way thiat lie has pulled thre wool >ver my cyes, for I have ratber )rided myself up)n rmy sbn-ewdne8s n readirrg human nature," the law,- ý,er eoncluded with. a some-what kwrstfailcn air. "Wlîat ia tho name of the firm wwho advertised for the nearest of km to Sir julien and Lady raýge ?- mr. Car- roI inquire-d. licre li-is companion could reply LhPfre cameo a knock on the dJoor. Mr. Carrýol arose and ope-ned it. and found two Nwomen standing out-side. Aý low exclamation of surprise es- caped lm, and ieh went out, closiîig thre door aft.er him. le remai-,ied so, long (iat Me. Seaver beran to growi impatient, for lie was aixfxieFus to get brick to Wor- ting Toywers on tire afternoon train. But theo young man finally returned, and his f rie-nd was surpt'ised to see tho change tîmat had eaime over hirm; f-or his !aco %vas radiant Nvithi an ex- prsinof murrgled joy and triump'h. "You did not teillrue tîte riame of tliat fluai." lire bserved. as lie re- snmiied lirsesat. 'Wclîngorî& Iayes, Lincoîn's Inn, I beiexe,"respomrded Mýr. Seaver. yiI on coin(, 'înm4eitely witIl mo to wir office?-' questioiied tie ýxong nmarIi. WhcaLýt for ?' -Ilecause 1 iiî to inforni tiierui tirati Sr W\alter Le girton, tire pre-- cnit n.ster at NVorthrinig To%%-vers. ii a ranik imp,-ster awl usurpQr snlc Mrc. Carrol,. in *a brie so d,.)d l. calitliat tire laîvyer regardcd hlmi ivitl1 ainazerncrit. "Illes 111 seul ! Younîg ma n,i dotbelieve you know, wltat yen are talkirrg n.bcut," Ile exelaiaiedwitil ai siîrug of liris shoulders. "Wli-, Leiglîton has proved his position be- Von- tisai I et t par plai Lur IIow- it as Camit-î'd bx- IBad Blooui, atar P>in L. 13a1t1.. Noèni-n iyi-umsagn o nitors iiongiri nîr-uricu ti-ii x iff<mi- calocal paia catiseci hi- mclii tr \-,txiiioi unis amnnmus- t-u' ci '- Ll u)t' i fl'ai nlunnatisru r- canc-rd 1lu-ivti'hîninî luuminug tain.- ic x i tire auci ili iii diserdereu ivher and Tin'c. 'iisaidrcrsinto tire vital orgiinîs. h du-t mu-s tirir ultahiti' cunimacnsthe i ini--u.stiffent tire jointý, Mid irmtutes thIciir cc- 'lîr oticciiandi ivt rake eiemx blnes lgrianui Nimir achtirrg -ntsî iNomutaruno tIre weathien, tIre real m-drisu'is micI in tire blooci. stifftiessspmaml and itire pains grow e eau-tccirmini.il voir are a lieliuiess le, trturrocidt,,iv md nighît. Fer- thue dccmî-'imîm r'- -ciitethie heant nd tirmit lirit-i-- c-uîld'nt deat h. Yen st inet i'glm'ct il icrîniat isin-Lttivon 't cre it imitIiuinmrm-îrits, pîac-ers or cieths. Tr canunietiîossrbly tondh biood. 'l'ire unnu i sure scimtifie cure r. \ilinnic-l>rk l>il-c. heu'cmecthîev mlix- nii i io luinîcîl htri' iotp (lie 1ccrn il uc-l lut-ccthme joint-.. nmr--l' li iii) utlim e r ris, mand nngthe lien Ie lix c'r a mi Lîn lev for tliti-a k in c cing (îit inmcurities. Thtis rc- ced by tlinte rcc u oc-tf suffer'iiig'- lintnic-s muni nix i. imadermchu îîii mncI ng bx' Dr.- \\nliatin' P lkn lli M Stitil, of tciidonii, Onît., i îrut- bse nanrv x liu-cI's le saxs: 'For rer cf Neal*s t1irai humdly irentîhmu irhntîmnnît cil ami n nlc-so crippieul con Id s-imu-l.ici ianY 1tum tr iec-i uîreotf uc-inîn-inittuîî'uic ncît cuti-st-Ja, - 1lcnî', inn mrn-inrncir tit mci dci te trv t li u. lcr1,'( ui lt ivas gîcnu' rucru iii ci'Ir nîcmn-Ir ter. 1 m-umrtiicnu'ni te r-e tire uis iphttA ct-lii'. I îtcci icilnî k ocri l c' ')](îi( c-i adc i t hem i.a r'oai not feu-Icia.niioug' t .hic-trmmciblce.I mpthy (cikf' Dr' \\liinrs' l'un-n lills'- r.Wiiirrcc' Irui)k>il is cuire nmen minc aiea w lie are riîuîleu Nitmi-tr]rrhgc uaiatisni, scmîici îcmcîvsis and eciin omotor ata-ic, houarire h mctualy ke nîcî,r'nicir rt-Jdiuîuud.Tisnsems od exicepe tire 1iinfiil, 1îuisamctis ici- itios Ount rOftlf Ir> i\ tfimi iii puts tire oie bodx juite u a iilist ai ' N1 tn but geeti ritlu Imîoul cari(1l,)titat- tnotinig can g9erm1iN ra rn tlC c cepi Du. Viliînî'iink PliiI. If îIu' cd le bncitIre netrvms rire 1lad. for (lui' rvcs feed i Oi tue bleicc I Tuati-i3 (Ir (cria, St. itc-ucice neuîrnîltia. and ilic-s o!f xitaiit v u cin t mmmî111(1 r.Pr. XWiI- liamns' Pink lilIs inIitilifil lx n ni-ýd cunre ticoe dkmi- '([nrhlr mîcu'isi.irdei's lienrt troIlble. akm ci.lcnciicn andcidilliii' Pint vur ii-t gît ire .ger i - mule pills. fliiie'uclli i e-ejînsias go d" tuedieini'iîcil uMne dealers tri' te persuade (lîcir î-u-tuhrrtote nke nex- er cirrecianvl ir an 'vîmnie Sec tirai (ireful anme, "Dr'. Willicrni-' hiiuikPlila for Pleechc ,r"i' cctIie wrpper arounc every lioN. If in lonbt write di- rect te tire Dm.r- mnsM mne('o-, htcm'uîli lt - anl il" i' puI "1xxii)lu cuaileci at 3150 unt-a be) orc-i bc0"- for $2.50. A QUESTION. Are Three Womner Oui of Ftve Dsap- pointed in Thenm hlusbanîds? lIn-ne liii'- ("fh tn - -faiî n A kimîim. in< ui-un fnlt xi atlauciln i n At In' . -c- c- xniiî . mue mJcl f lun' muns di manîcinigo. rel fcul) ob l 11cmp ui nuuruof n tIc mu c- " i m f', t l tii iit tiIl o-- mcccx" Il n c- tu' mn '-'murI-l- of ecn -n I nu ;l n. ii u m ic ls di~' mur ~ i cl -rInn nlm-c îue tc tno cric tiiuc ind 'io e lil tolii. i dnliulmii anion, c'c relui- ll murnI' I si 'O mnIdmcmrioi xmli- m c-h" i ci n -' mi tlu' t inn"fiî (IxN î'l I uit lu ic1' t\\x i film h fat mrp t'ire sumny' ictights. Aux uvorîrmcn ha lice ixif"li anv mnuiî fimula lira. n fier iuinii.nuit t(Iremn Nvime iî Iem, bunt anc inulieiv differcat beiru-,. 1Thon cenînes ni peomicmîof 'a d -- ill.Rtnl'ePlt-of ec] fcml1ing in love for tile -vikyel'ct,. or real fnhliintg eut Ion tîcosc preci.nuaeul e-d t i"tippeint ment. Maumied Inheri-t a re. t-,sensitix'e pliat- -au plant np,-(cimu. t o tnhy sF-tores o! nicir e-1,-'.">"1 -et t'if, tourte, butincas- PîsIiriE.'uiof ni'ntc'm ard canefati dole ààee:~:epee:eeOS~ I IThe Soccess inf Breeding Sheep. Essential Principles. Some British Methods. cf sun and sînade rit the top, to tic ccd tbat blosscoinray lift ac-piming ireadsI loîvards tire stars. llappy tIre mannieci lovons w-be prune ancd cnltivate; gentiyt reprcc-sicg tire rmrîk gr-ouvi-li cf a w'vediy iuranuchlîlure, patientîy nun(mnrng a toc- cIer btncliinig cxei'lI"ne e ure, nintil tic nec-unît seenîs (o beoog mot to erirtir, but tu pammîcise. ,ril evî'vrappy- iarriage (home sliould bci sirniiariiv of prineilîles or tasies in iuig tings. xii diffm'ronce3 cf (asies la thmi ling-z.'flicferrmien rmirs mur- h iai respect:n tinolmlttern. nritnril ici e-t Ail tiientthe'unioin nillut bnuie Ci citi Immeauleninuighin iifergive ntehemiry- îvorc-(. and mmh pe tîrcîl oncifichintly lecks for tire, ieru- li'ct. 'iic'- e gcînii ioi in;rru-lent- nial if mi spireîenî iuinouimnlmunir. c-ir rnrahi tlîe Iinctry mîcu îîîî\i miiv xc ili tac-. mnd break inn nt onu (ni-u i-unfcu ont r amn.monîtîr ocr tue nxcw minidtuui-ncfur "s\x-is grcîuvn CînirnenuIci-' t ii ui-nr ciu'iiglrt ' mand xxIa(xi la i \\oiii' u ni' li liits n-ortlr inrtillis Ii-t' -tIli-uminiie tniehuai-eP tlt eliemnunt- uF nr nU ir1llspcnnrîlis-e ilcnii'ic'u- --n 1 - ii urnioniofcij Nisnt crcu mu -.--uruv-r.' -uic i le uti' tein rnu't l rireilIx cîr"nictin faitnngti Ici ' cli on'ho.a1i1. Mrto in n duri-- ic i ic 'ý li l u i -( n lt it î lssW l)nmuîttntt c' c i"'.. ?'(,tIiit Icriiu mut tirunmusmx f (ut iiit fuumni îe +' +1 t A-4'-nt nay pr )n maid reul -luourî nl u ct il t lii osnrfer iresing mA- mx i an cci. A s mn.part cf tîteir u. cm kii'iI ntntccms iin cooil gi-omitg. Sx i -,cc uri nllux cul lu (the' ed timanîcî theli- )îîun"l îînioinn gniuItirre at Ottawa.ntqdmulic-ut r n mlnt iccn anid nralco obseriamur -rgl iii" t hf' urrdit ions cf titis as l -i 1c-mdcii hi- lunig ilie î:nnn ric'ru-tiim nuile infionnmntion I lic tuntctl it mt tii i < n-i unc-cOn lui- cimîcel in îe liin ic'of )ntmnrîo xilî ci a cici cii 'i'tiu X lno 5ii î'm inten Af lui4,Iclîiii Niîlîr prolongoul ut'iiiii n itnimnv if tire du.tc-t-ms uirie xi i- ii' iiru vn i faNioriacble' te l - uer i mdc mcOf igo0 . la c-m nî-cqtrc.theUi n.m-ilin t for tIlle tmuu'c seipe u1 ci- ii i~ci o-cn-utniiurly lic's trian iin iiinn ir in-ut-. ic c cuivr seeul ridgî' cc-il"unr'luin nu iticnce in mci mli l Them m ci.i o pruîlfmmecI imen xxonSe t(han the'rcî htuxen.2", t orily is thle caaiiabîc ,-unlci tf icnuctiiuaseec ihiiiited, but tire o1nuiti f tînu sceul prucitceci thie v'cmn rs, on tic xxliiuIC, infeiîr. 'Jlie grexving o!i î-cas oyen seed iitino Prouio-iu (iuf Ontarioî immîspuoîcd tii lue acrniilcly iillrimnimtmi-c lintire av'erage o e!rz --ccir.11;1,. icio oa conisidouale ex- ,ci ck,, i c iii iîce miftire prouction for -niip f v'et'rai gmcing. Tire emtenit te xv loi 'Iu-crr n-eu-il is groivu mn Ontmario (.I-cuirc- imct iernmmprMouitecl xî-rn it is nri'rtiuunedi (lmit t he 'l'ornet e s en arl' sa1in toecoîîiroi the i-mncIds lunicos for nt1iluc-esec'1.- A SMILE IN EVERV IDOSE. If your littie one are cross, peev- isi aruc fretful, gi-e (hem Babý Ys Own Tablets, amci tiry w-ilscea ire cicerfai, saihing mmcidhappy. Werried motirns w-ho use (hile nuedicine will f mci tirr's a saille ia eveny dose. Mr.II. Nathimn, Nosbonsing, Ont, sa3-s: "J3cfore 1 began using Baby'à Owa Tabl'ts my uitile one was ai- îvays sickly anmc cied day andi aight. But (lue (mulets hrave rcgn.riatcd hie storrihac n md hou-oic-, given hlm strength, anc i Ie is now gooti-niatureti anci gnoiig finîely." Motîiers leed trot lie afraicl (o use (luis medicime-it ns guamantocl edocontain ne opiate or finaruifti drug. anmd mm y le gixca with porfu'ct smfetv te a ucîv bora babe.' Selut1liv aml i neiicine dealers or cent post paici ai 25 coeits a box by wrlt- rin --- ÀL-trie - 11%r :1:i - -- 1n ' T-s .xncmrncnne (" . ]îmocivilieý, Omît. FEWER EXHIBITIONS DESIRID. 'lir, ea.dirîgmrigricultumral secicties cf i lie Prnulce ancovinctmg considerabie reieiin thue suiggestion tbai iras been inci 1lub) Il. B. Coîvai, Prov-incial Super- inrîcmio f i'gîicffliiralISociciies, that tire nunrnnon f erlilitiens heid annualiy ii, Ontari sîounini he niatrimialx'rednced maid tlian agnicutri iai seies shonîci re- c-ive tiroir gnanl.s, ir-rproportion te tire imuounts tîney ec-pemcl feu agninîcituna] pntrposoc-. Sulit a change ivoînici ce axvay Nx tir ail dist incion bhetîveen tire toiva- liuip andru district secicticu. 'l'ice Ontario Frunit Croixens' Associa- t min unlis passeci a rosoînîtion appreving oitcîhtse suggestions amd expnessing tho i'clief (mat surb a change wouid recuit int icimgi'm cminus omi nîy being expeudeti form ngmicunîuitnnpîîrpoes. Tire execu- ii.' o if(utDoruumnion Sienthoun Breed- ers,' An-soceatîcri, ai its aunuai meetin' rui Toronto.- ont Jan. 16. aise passcd a ne;ocititiont appncving of tiese suggestions andrc stuiting its opinion (Irai feuxen euxhii- litioners xxmucid ncrrii tinnlanger attend. amuces. botter pri7t'- mnd letten exiribits, mu-s mreîi mii ammmii ctioicn lahtîteundesirabie femît ire-s nîccîsociprex aient at many cx- Useful Hints. A delicicas ivarîec-over disàh may be mîmîde lx- xincing thre cold renmnints cf tire cal! e lieoad and reatimgtîirem inaa sîremacde witli the iquor ia whiohtire meai cookci. Ileue is a wrinkile, snys a lâte Enagi..hr ni.gziue, for clea.ninrg laces ai home. Yen nmust ofienirai-e despaired ef -et- timg your lace itha~t delilitcfuhly dingy, et clean. celor w-hiclt yen see la the liunîps. McNbke some very wcak tes anci mdda mn.w drope e! India tink (Ulic lest) te )( tit--ut. Drp la yornr lace. An excetlemt prevonriixc cf iniflueniza is c-aid to e ireeinci in adding a feux drops cf emcaivpîus ou (o cx'ery paii o!fnhot uxater mu-ed j inceanin& (lie w-ic-oxiork e! a lieuse mmd te'tire ivNîater n lu iohie t-Ie brniarLs !o~mmtydippoci w-hem swvrep- igy tire caupets. Tnrpctne may ire uscd if preferreci lu pince of t-eireaicnhrl- tus'. The ir-ile heu-ec in i-his ira - e coin"3 sin!c.- Six Sayings to Remember. olut et a uirge nureber of quotation-s select- cd by i readeri, tire xoman's Home Cern- panion fer Janttary çcints thre foilowitig as tire aix mcii ireiptul r.ottees for tire year. Tirey are worli r fmeribening: Tirere le sonuethilg tetter than nmakimng a living; nakitng a lite. Our suticer 1.,a lire depends upon our wîîî te do. ru tc- neîer to nate to be what you might have (ýbeeni Gr--at pninclen are i mai actions. Ir we taiunour premînt titnurtm o elive cobîy, we need niai imagine wc sirouiti baie donc better on au grander sceaIe. Dcvetrp great character la simple duties and ia in- inonsicteouhi triais. To ire o! gocd rireer In raie ef dicappetat- nientl exercIse greater cirariay loward the erring, aud inake more altowamn(-e tor thie opinions of people whose views differ from mine;mtme mmite more and frown lese. To he honest; te be ktnd; to earn a lîttIe, and te spend a ltile Iessm te miike upon the whole a fanxrly happier for iIs pres- ence; tl, renouné, whona ritlshall ha neces- t ary, and not te be embilleredti; le eep a few frIends,.and thèse wîlhout capttulathon; above al. on the same grim condition, ta keep frhends with bimuelf-hère ie a task for aU thua oma has et foritudo and deltcacy. I ,i'c ami' in ' l t- u cinl'n fir t' di- 01-, vanttiXý, lu nnîg nuicnimj teucco-c' t1iti ia ccc Tautl xsuk'r n t cc "cu-iit -n-c ut tu live, Tii si-v c' lir ' i cire imkesýt patins 'of lite: Aritl ine f-r- c- Illet rroxs, frosir ilger Atnd irlake ine rîi1t' ne 1ti 11u un ujue mcmi ni tire sîrife. no urcmînrrrtîi-',11Lu tnrnttu-lcditils Onuh.lu'iiire nit n' fol 'lie'ronar lX't-l 'me t ii" unif iîu(nl ix Iifi' in mI i'(. oli. :l( :ii n ,Household Prayer. 1 uvorîlci rtiner haie, as ecridenlce ci! pieiy Inn. mr)piu'nts fer ciunch ienîcînber- slip, tie-.)ssurmaLno-e tui tlicyare rnughn oîn evcry luint la thue vhîoie ercep(l. Ihiat i seul cucilenre. lan(lie pnmmyo mlite househelti 1 tink etîr affecticîrs ..ilsm t uvene, a eelestilbath., Nvliori'thiex cleanse aad purif y threm sel -s.-I hc-udioî. Wirat leIh te ire Saved? Salvaieafor future life oufyi- itci tho ealvation tlîat (Ilirisi. cf fer-. Tim tlbaut are ail in the futunrue mrecoi- v li- 'tit faci-ors in eitliu cuir fututre(vinn-i r preent. If saix-aticîuiis munît l nerm ' 1iii'ý at ail, iix-cwri-iris o! to-nIaai wr- xx ci of tire acxt mnorli. TIre uiiig crf lis tn"ubth may rcnmch perscurstir wlciurtIc' future ble.îseinesus ou 1imnishrciit lcitu ii interfft. For excnîcînu i-ciut- gettiung tire mosi out. o! um'-m Ain' i mun thre muan doenet ive xxiiij- -mcii 1 'with jus eomwny -o! living ic is i - âfe. Iherefore au of!eî' of rcme-ti dii.i' mwwepower, more jex la aneelt ii-unti1 oontquering'ths presûnt ife fiîudc-mi-inn- swer il -eveuy heari to-day. I lii eiî (Mir-st's effer. "I caine tînat. t-iuinMY bavýe liche,andci irnuxive i aimlruti%' To aceepi (his fei r icrirs t 6'n:u Jesu-3 Chiisi as Savionirandcf,) î'nr whcîîy upoa his service. Thact aione ui salva tien. Etcrni i eudsirip. Tlieenmnay bl hinîs' e! îmnetnatiofl îvhca ive as-k ctilv for reet w'e ci'-fr e-niiuio! Suiffein"; uve seck L-nrpose fuont lumfie!t ivitîrh ir-mh-s nd xvit.h p-dsîrovidenuce. Bat God fgi-es Ils more. lHe gives is more generelisîy i-Ian w-e dareci te belieic. lHc -ives rrs joy; I-le gives ns liberty; H-e gives us victory; lic gives us a sease o! self-coaqîrest, and a union -vith Himsel! ia an eternmal friendshiip. On tire basins of liant single exp6rien,.e of Christ a8 sa reality. beý- osusé a neeefsaty, téere arises air ex- perience of biessedness lan comamunion wiith 0Ced, which prayer expresses like a revelat.ion. Such devot-hon je a jubilant psahaî.-Aust.ln Pireýs, D. D. 4 f t r n'lîmnii .'nîlu e I to-tht'exeuno l. over, and ul u.ituivchy refrîse t t auka itnadca pnsow>r t lucre. '11. Ccar- m-s' iiîmn" It-r uh 1 rh'teonair MI (la mn." '-W> 'no'-e 1 stran;-ch,' niystiLd -Lurlie -Un " , Ja tIlt', 1M... C.Ir-ei l.<i mxv- ILP, r neinl. .tr.nr a long inýr'nn.i elndto ~ meet the nur.3e on the 'reet. She recogniýzed lier instant- 'fY;pr;fue ,ie'to go *home with t.er, and thre resuit 1s thtat both camo liere to-da.Y to tell me tîrat my Jamie is Arthur Vincent Page, oniy eýirv!ving child of Sir Julien and Lady Laura Page, and-hie,;r o hi-3 fatlier'3 týtie and estate.", C11APVrER XXXIV. literally taking my breath away:" Mr. Se.-aver here interpo>sed. "Tihis Ls re-aily the most wondeî fui story that 1 evier heard. Jove! and to thinlc that the youfgter is at this very moment hiding down there at the Towers, lVd,,ing ini his owfl touso from bIâ enemy, and at Lire Sanjc't; e is the lord of ail he Mr. YCarî moved resît1essly in IS larand an expression of aux- iety 1swept over hsi face. 1iw-sh4 1 had Ilmihoue," lie eaid. "I chall not rest easy tiTtil 1 get lny 1hands upon Ji2xn.," "oyoei ijis, have a Ettie faitir," r\ptiirîîeilK comI>anion, "for I as- su re --you tliat iny w1Je and the girls wili keer, a 41,,Irp e\'e rjpoa iim. Dp-i;"eles, Imni ure that 1 fixed scamjp cannot fn-l to believe th.at ti-e boy o'sca.jied t1iroughl iris own car4elessness." And Mr. S&aver went on to ex- 1-laiin hcw 1Ire arranîge.(]t1ie panel and i ulocked tire Frenci wxvndow, before ho ret.red thie night g:re- výoUs. ..Well, I w~Jl try to> trust and ,1:e ratken t," 'Mr. (arroi replied, -but I shall go dow-n to Wo&rtbiýng xith y ou and take immediato posses- sion of thoboy.'," ïTo b>e eontinued.) PAINFUL RIIEUMATISM. -aIn is illustrated address en l'e vironnrents require, lias contin*ied jear Muttoii Breeds of Sheep" at the recenlt after year, generation after generation, Winter Fairs, Mr. F. W. Hlodson, Live prodncing the saine f amily of the saure breed, being extremely careful about ini- Stock Comimissioner, outlined the'pi- fusing new blood. Lt le not an inf re- ciples cssential to successilabreedun _v quent thing to find a fai-m on which Lei- stock. There are, Ire said, four features cester eheep have been bred for perhaps of the live stock business to which 'r4T2 fifty or a hundred yeare, nor is (iris true people pay too litie attention, viz, en- of Leiceeters alone, but appuies to ail viroument, continuity, utiiity and cross- bed fBiii iesok i ng.1' Utili% js another point tha.t shoiild A a cmeei"buies saatc breeder. Why do we breed sheep? That grower should carefully coasider fils en- thev mnay produce the greatest quantity virourrîcuts. le Ibis fanai best suitcd 0f ire best quality of wooî and mutton to tire production of horses, cattle, 'feor f eed consumed and care given. W e sheep or swimie, and if so, wiiat breeds Inray choose a suitable breed, and con- are liicelv te gYive tire best resuits ? fie tinue Our efforts alonoe tire saineline can only know tis Iy making a care- f or a considerable period, yet if we do fui siuiiy of conditions. in Britain w-e net keep in mind tire utility of our ani- find that the environîrrents haie been ruais, our efforts are likel-v te corne to carefully studieti, and breeds developed nanght. Tee) mucir attention iras been that arc bcdt suited te (the districts. paid to fade and fancies, and not enougli Tire Britishr tarmer le farming te make te tire utility of tire animal. menex' and net te satisfy a whiai. 1-e. Crossing is another feature of breed- iras àhosen fcmales bred ln tire district ing very mucir misunderstood in Can- tirat are best srritcd te tire requiremenîs ada. Ia Britain it means tire sciectien of the soul and markets, and iras care. ofef wes of a certain breed wirich are fuliy improved these hy selection -mnd crossed-with a maie of anether breed ini- tire use of the proper sort cf maies. For order te produce market Iambe, but the tis reasea îîe find in Shropshrire oniy produce of this cross je neyer used for Shrropshrire sirccp. lu tire nortir of Ln-- breeding purposes. land and the seti of Scotlaud tire Li-.F or instance, Cheviot ewes are some- cester families prevail. l'uriher up in ties crossed with Down rarus and cime- tire hilI country we fi-id the hvos times with Wensleydales or ethers of and again in tire higîrer and more bar-th Leicester tamily, in order te preduce ren hil counrty w-e find the iligblamrd mbmirs vith better feedinfi qualities and or BackFacd secp la tnîer art, letter seiliugr qualities than the pure- oriBclak- toîvard t.In ser patset bired C'1eviotm. But in order te keep u-p Engîand, w-e find tire varions classes of a con:-tant suppi 'y cf Cheviot 'ewes a cer- ftain nunmer cf the best ewes are mated l)ow-<, rîd e ou cad bred ir1îng i-tirethe et Cireviot ramns. These are tirrougirh successive ages provcd best kept for hrcediug pnîrposes, whie tire r;iited te its district. What iras beiniralt'-bremcIs rIre soîd te tire Lowland far- tIhe practice cf the Canadian faraier, mieru for feedling purposes. 'No British gcunerally speakingy? Witliont regard te îeceohnuc iigteecoshe his environment hoelias cliosen soiflO- aniialz fer irrecding7Z purpeses. W'h y tlring that carrgit Iris fancy and launch- not? Bearelnndreulq cf vears cf - ed eut as a bree(ler. pem'-eiai- rzsien-' that g'ood recuits Tire nextimiuportant principie is cen- crinnet ire clitaieci. (inuiti-. lere mgcirî ie niai- loamua 'i oirc vorv tr-iv. lo-.son frorri Britnih metlîods. Tire Brit- ' W .CFOS isir fariner, iraving loarned wlrat hie en- Piiii-rtion Clerir. ------------ "lThere is no Death."1 H1e is not dèad, Whose good Iife's labor liveth everinore; le is not, sped To2 join the noble spirits gone before, Lie is not dead. Wýhat man calis Death Is but passing, sleep in man's Great Life; Ma.n's spirit saith: "lt is the sleep of peace at close of strife; There ie no death." Lostlire o OIn That rrobly suffer'd, labor'd, lov'd and liv'd; That muade its goal 1hat great miysteiius Li-lit iis heart Not lest tirat soul. Tiiere is no death: Thto' niind and body- but a span endure,i MNan's spirit sih "MNy living spirit's higirest thou-lht le sure Tirere is neoct. -Allen ',. Walker, in the Acadcmv. In Quest of Happiness. \Vhile it ie true that "conscience mnakes cowards toi ns ail," it is aise irue (bat conscience make us strongy and brave. Strong to endure; brave te f ight (lie battie of life, and happy in thc peace (bat ceaies with the knowlIedgc w-c are doing what l igt. -.Thee happiest, inen nnd womnen in the w'orld's history were those w-ho suffered and gave up all for conscience sake. Songs of praise rose t(' tii lips, m-hen, like theirMstr tbey irad no place to lay tireir iieads. Iiunted, despised, forsaken, yet f ull of a joy whose source tItis w-on d lcnexr At. ilîcy cndured faithful to the end, and sung out of tire fullness of their' Ieartï iîdependent of their surroundings. Life itself was accounted nothing; rejois-;iugt tlex- iere tlîought woirtlhy (o Suffer. Witl lîertsfilled w'itb tjire pac ia passetîr understanding; andl ires f i'e' 011 H-eaven, -whlere their treasil.e(-w-as. '-trongr, brave, b!eroje lives, fait1iffI urit i death. Tlreiî' trials are ended; s:fnn ve;tirey have îîew received theii- o irîrld ftic'crevnoi life. and are iv rîgrgtlIe ew vsengr. sucir il r beyend omin comrpreienzdrn. '<:e cannlft 1xufferstanid thireu. \Ve have net beoîr Vinlii tf soffpn, te gix 111)'n11\n1uithîn our liî'es nre sheitcred. full ofljcn~ oui. (une Snent 1"n a continuaI round of onther.. xci flrl of dis-content a i ne t le-ic-ritlbin,- 'fl.ii wbut solieit h wiîth ireni. _Moere sigIzs t1iait sOeg- t ( mrIi U a nIdNve 1ion" for vie 1 injipi nee-sit-es nnet t-uni I ii-V' n tI vîrenîrrentl. Itcre-fei -u bi F-rom thre pence foiIuw-rng tii -u1,ri i i fUi W lo t (uC'divin ive t1h i,1,- luit.v censecî uniP ' mernie'1 iiO5 -e have o (ýOiVcJ(lp -n e fa1ee'z -2rnsw e liai c ni-liter.1: rvirg \.e nnnîrî nil ' 1,irec amnfîrilin - f jiy(Iris world and ail it-s'mtn- v c (a ilwS tirenruti t n enoulwe ' P ce artCrv. 'sm l

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