- 1-' t - January Cl8armng Sale. C3WU Sensational inducements to I Par1-zloppei s.(DP0L 410 Ding lRoom sets 5r lied Rooi Sýts cit I>an('v Chairs and Ti o eker Lde'Spcrptaries, Mtorris anîd vrei>V ]jack ýjinv Clvr- Sprîg Beds antdo'a *7A1 >i iUattr-JMseSSes, Carpet Sweepers, t.. WiItd(>w SlIal<'l. pA05C URO/RA4-' Arnd] store fL111 of useful Chîrist- -L)fi mas presents, et>'., etc. ù N441. pLJJ . AT SENSATIONAL PRICES _Q WM. TILL & SON.HLKI 7f74~LTAI Vol IL. - WHITBY.9 ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 239 1905 The Key.stone THE NEW COUNTY PAPER - J J h itb'fit,"i (c lic Ontarî'io iit tv < Lni ( '>'înv if [te IKey>it)tiiv>i ' <'i1une ifdii thé, i' i hi --f tlle (' T rtisî>i îî irýO im' t ie ii t, x 11111 '~iII'x"u e t ; t t-iîxi t"e îî j i tu i -l- toreit (if dt>' iiiluvit 'rite Subscrip tion Price i.- 'i îuî!r> eii fi t.fty-itwii I>'it, i", ct>ipilin i lciin ~ l n Dlot 412 pilit 'lhe Advertising Rates i' r" soitabilind itwill b C iatgi-Cmi f. li irtiol'.Ief>i'ut -'îiîl islr'> to i" "t- tutu> it t l-gi '-vt i -sii Agrents Wantcd in ail p'irt ,--f the>' ti ivît y. C. A. (iOODFELLOW, I2liir nl Ii> i.r RAILWAY TIME TABLE. WNIIITBY .t! Nq" Ooing W'e4,t . mt ; a~t2- .in. Thý,t .42 att11. traint- îles , bnorfiitg. Wxx-T1t-Y vSTAfl coing Northtt. 1t2 il ii, Ci 4.U)iJ)El. MO<N. 117 t>. ti. " Iit -- "il ttîîvîî.y 424>1 j, In. Jle<xxeii '>Vtittifi-r tOsh>i.aa t ti0.î ti. aouI4 )TU . tlotititi, p tr' utrir. Lt'av.'s for tBrouîghaat 11t)ii ite.1. A. Ilii Nit ri- I"itiir. lyotitiV. tnd ,E, <45 alun. Fr'ii W', 3A< t în 9.30a î.11.t9ii'a i J'ro i>ît> [tr ii ii tt.30(1 ýntii MAILS ILO,,E. 1er >>"hswui s te r vii. PRnrl-ESSIONAL CARES. RIEDICAL Ur. fteldrum (irzulIiteo'f t nt i f To ronto. andt i,-'uttiate Tii Tt lýtA&', I' ~~ST. LEGAL D. Ormiston, B. ?à . toiitor forth t-s W.tu.rrî[Rankt. i.>tîii" -pl. MoneyiLi Lwai>. Officet' rî-xt t1,(.,;wtlie, 'Witti. (Ont.. D)ow & flGillivray James Rutledge B Baxri't e'r, Et ît 1 >> ievt" l 'o(i e i-1 t-v 1" 1-1-. <)tiict'ininitit m'~~îuttif 1t,: il Il' t i x l'yiî, Ont. John E. Farewell, K. C., ]3oxrstert 'i iti trowt.n \t'nmandi c(i>tv "Soulicitor. Office u"i til '"111(r ef Court I4iis'e, WhInthv'. UCNTAL W. -Adams Dent ist. Office "i r J, I"irgi'-iî'- 1t),il t ti q4 TI' 'ti'ra'î, UN r",ii - i, Dr. Jas. B3. Johnstone Dentist. (;îtî i ( he>\ I>1>1"i 'f 1tint.>! versity, grauiatv' o't (iiii:g'iti1tuî ftir i'urgetihit4. Offiv1e>' "x i ii r i ~t lnglî's ' li i rt >e at>re.( '<ner [t i îi i t iriula" "trt-et,. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Preshyterian Church. sat seîîli -<ri i m,-s Il a-IIIt andîi l.> i, s iîiLv sc'hoiitnd iti trtle ' t i.9 în ri' i- u *n "ltr -'tt lly i ttulg at 1 "l'S nlethodist Tabernacle. n î-'< v n. -Mîîtv. i'.>" in. t'"itiLtiii l a ' M Th Ail Saints' Church,-Anglican li I1<11 Itr t Il xx ît4t Pneumonîa Ends Another Life. MrJ '.Bno, aiod _____bov, anthte star of thle oe'eing(T Mr. Alonza I-fawley Dies after four days 111- to lus Ibest-xlich i- niitb« ness. svealredings and recîtation Aiiot lie>r NVIittbY 1botîte nîcunits thte rav-age"stof <bath anth ie les cf husbatud anti fatlîttt. t )tîTiesîiay cf tast xeek, at tei ocdock intiOe iîornittg, Mr. .lotiza Haxxley left bis eniploy intihte t>ta1clite siop cf Niajor Harpet' & Soi and xet ithotnte sîck. He centinuet t gîet xir-' iian a îctîr xvas calied ii. i t -wtt tîît tîIl Friiiay tliat tiie phixsician xvts abule to sax' tiat ptteuttottta hait its gril). T'I liii>te patiett apiîily satuk. Sattîrday tnorning the ductuirs had gix.' ent n p lîtpe. At aboutt 12 «citick tîcîi cf tîtat îiay tite' lfe xxas snuetilv ext ut- guisiltî, paralysis cf tîte huant beitig the ttîiiietiatti i-autse. Tbctibe-xpectedIl i theelitu<, tîte sidett dcatb '>t's a great sioc< to ail the nmembers cf tbe faiîîly. and to frientis anti ieiglitots. Tite itîternient cf the reinltits teck place on Motîîiay afternîoti. Tite body la.y Ini a hatsiiecasket, cox-ert x-t beatîtiful flo'>xers, the trite ot 'f staunitî f rienuts. The face <if the iltati vas calitî andit peliceflil, gixing tno trace cf the liti- tetîi' ýstitleritîg ho bail ututergotie. .A latrge gatiteritig cf friendîs anitîtighibors Paot1 respect to tbe e iouy cf depart- tii. M r. H. H. Bitîgîaiti, B.A., asststed b y 1 ov. V. H. Etîtcry, cuîiductoui the futîcrai service. Mestsrs. \\ni. land Jolii N exwpont, E. NV. Evatns, N.. Wilkitnsotn, Ernîet Harîi>'ndau1T. Tutus xvcre pali beare rs. Mr. Haxley's age, as gîyeni on the fîîneral carîls, xx-s 47, tiîoui-li lite Iookeui olt'r. Hu lias becti a residetit cf \x'lit- iîy fori iatiy y-cars. He ltad beeilini thle npioy cf -Major Harper &.ý Soit for twety ycars less txvo îays. Tbinty yea rq ago tit Juno i10 last Mn. Hawiey tutînrueil, and1 afa ily cf twelvu ix-litg ciltdret ii e thte iîlsprntg of the iniiion- tixe itutis Ifii seveti iatigitters, ail iof xxiuubut tîtree>live litu \\'bitby.Ii Junue l1st the tlîîntieth atttii -ersary of bis wed- îling was îelebrateii by a gatlteritig cf f i etn id s. Ml r. Hawley xvas aitiîiustictts, steady xokiian. Hoex-as a itealthy Mani, also, tlot having lest a day thtrougit illness formatîy 'ears. Tite faîuily have the îleepest sympa- thy in their bercavement. The relatives present f nom a dlistanîce wer--NMrs;. W. H. anîd Mrs. xVtt. Knoxvlton, Mt'rs. 11. H. Bennett, Mrs. ,çT,,, iMr- (e.i14sw- ley, bt Ha w le la ttcer1 lent 'h(. 14 tîes,, andt in each case m-asi Hîs sel1,'tictîs xere fi-oni bis oxw iiigs. xxith encores fromn other Hîs recital of a supposod occur the W irîtipec, rail way sttion W IV bis bcst. ai the selecticît frcî Twaiîîii o x' a stutterei' was cu tbe lîest of enîcore tnubers. 1M gotîgi is certaliilv a v'ersatile tam ed etîtertainer, atnd nexer fails t an audienice ini the>tuxvof bis b Tbc, tableaux were a feature lîrîîtrani dolightful ly nexv, ni beautiful. Thoe posiîîg was artis steady, the costumes handsome propriate, the characters admira resented. The lighit throxx'n ui stage %vas too weak te give the fect, but donbtless was the beý able. Tho tableaux were >artists "Posters, .."good îîight,-' "Loc atnd "Auld IRobinraythe la boirîg, gix-en itn scve.ral poses ani fen'nlt stages cf thte sî iga. l'le skill of electrician 'SaN utîlîzed ini proilncitîg bandsonie lThe words ' 'elcorne' anti "y o( xvhicli bail ticte uuty' at the cclli xersat; were liethluîg over tl the one greetittg thue lcsetuh)ly, t] biddinz thetu adlieu. Auhti Lang Sytte andi t d Kiiiîg were bieartily sutîg, tute irs chortis, tite second joined iti auuiicui'e, and this closeti a most flîl ceeting-s etîtertaitnîctînt. M.entitonî shettld be muade of x'aluahle aiui rettdered by Mn. Kauiffrnan, who had charge ol t icaux. He directed the preparat pretrtation cf tne -1à iý liandsomie pini was given to him Doîtaidacît on behaîf cf titetablea M<tr. BiLn Perrin assisted mý in accomplisiig the electrical andi 'Mr. Wrn. Till contribut( largely t'> the decot'ation -of the Th'e followitîg 1 rsons took the tableaux.- Whitby was tti) Injured at Whitby lunction. -111 tt'e )il Fniday evetiîîg h- ast a snow plowx s whiclî east bouttd oiititîe G. T. R. xvas the ni three cause of sv.mei nury te tife attd daitage necalied. te îîropertýýAt the >1mîiction station. At vn xrtt- (i. 1.5a sîîoxx'W.xv froii the west came autitors. îiasiig alotig at the î'ate ()f titirty tmiles' notice at an heur, throwvi>g the snoxv aside %vith as one cf great violence. t auipears the sto in bt n Mark net beeti dean' t from in, fronttof thte I r. B3en- sucit a higlitsjicctîthe stîox was tlîrcxx'ti i talent- xvth great v'leîea-aiust thte statioîn, o please snshi t1-t> xxîitdowvs facittg xestenil'. îîýYlîOodl. iMrs. Josephî Paxtoin, of Poit Vent-y, xvit tiof the ~was sittctig ng tthe bexîchli iithe cetîtru nvel andtiof the t> i.titig tc.,Iv ut M >tle fit> stîc andit by tbe breken glass, and recei'eti a eut andt ap- onth te iglît cheek which ree'îireîl tex- .bv 'Cli eaisttcie te close. Shie xas talcei ti poi -tbe thte boime cf ShtanitI'Paxtotn, [yroît St. best cf- wherc site receix'ed treatmnîeît anti St avail- xxlere she wxas coîtlitied for ,ex'eral Iiiix-ar,, roivly escaped iury. Opcrattîr Freui tter tvo Allen, wxas sittîtîg ali bs table at tbe 1at ditf xitdoxv cf bis office ut titi titixe. Tbe sioxx Q, sîilasIltedCI Âte viilow, kîiocket tbvI) 'tas doxxii the blinîl, xlibfeli upoi IMr. etleuts.1 Aluni, att i lus is tt-tttnenits were cent- S 1 il ug lt* p letely covered xvth s o . T hiitîs xx're cgye con- ~ni atier Itatisbape fot'a h sort tutne. he sae The broketi windoxvs bave beeti clîseit te othier w xitb cil clotît penditig tie arrivai cf ox-al glass> as the break îîccurreîl ]ii tbe bax' Sav'e tbe xiiîis t bv tbe 'T'his is the secontdi accident cf the hy the kitid at the J tîtîctiuuîî witlîit a fexv xxeeks. uieight- (tn tbe fornîer occasion D)r. Hare. of the> Ccli cge, îîarroxviy' iscal)e!i i ijttt'x. the 111- Jîîst whîy the stiuw 1iiw shltti pro- -Le s ter cccii past tîhe stationtiwth tb icib elocilty ho tab- is tiot clea,' tii the oi îniary obset'xer, ton and non w1hy the snew siioul nttav- becti aiaretît Kil ftd fotîtitetdahnger 'tt by the by -NIi S Sectioeîîît. aterially 1e ffects, cd very stage. part il) (;001) NtOHT. The Misses Waltens, Richardlson, Col- ins, Tooiey, Aiiti, I'carha anti Miliie Luke, Isebet Newton, Donuthîy Waugii, Isabel Barclay, Helen Gehl, Madetine Golul, Beatnice xvarani, Jessie inie.1 t.tictNNAt -otiien, cf Allistoit. Miss Mary Lclinar M.ChNxVt. Fi l y, cf tovti, is a sisten cf îleceased, iui, liss -Ar,. DCw. nidesnair Mi- [-s. .1. VB. Hawleyv uitiittiter, the BnneMsstA.-Dow.îsman, M C. 'Miatch beiig<i u 80yersani ii x2l-Bridegrooii, Mn. R. Lawlcn. Fathien, ealtbi. Mn. F. Howardi Anîtes. Motîten, Miss Macdoîîehl. Guests, Mrs. Gold, MmNis. Uniue ntetanmet. Pa~xton, Mrs. Tili, I ss Anduersotn, Miss Mlaiid Amîies, 'Miss MNary Wxilsonî. ()uite olttof theo ustial mit w'as thte ent- tertaitîtîîeit itel ont Mî>t<tlay tîight tIli- dien thei ausîucs ()fthtle tilt1t nî, ss- ciatioît. Bliîîtuniquen, it was nuît Ic'ss, buît moîre, ctjvbutta n ttentainnîctuts futiox"ig tut' usual hues. The latdies Wowiîxee iitruiietttal Ili gettittg up anti carryitug thînîugli 50 excelienit a pro- graîtt are dt'sî-rxittg iftue îîîst îîîstitîted praise. '[luy xvtrketlean-ly atidlabte, tîtrg t r "irskil Mii antgintg utndipenfectt tîg the> varîil 1parts of tItis uniqu1îe eiter- taîtîniett. The association lias thte satis- factioniukof ixitgthuatIlle olîjcct xvhich thîcy alilietI ut lias beeti attaitîcîl tht> CI arntg of S f1uit'> aitl the Pu.bltc Li- b*a ry. 't-uy liax-eais')the Satistactionu cf kncxt'itig tuiat thein cff'ortts ut> liuait et titis wxotlt)' cause hav'e beeti îîîpne- ci'atcd by thte public. Ex'ery seat iii the music bail, iiciiiditug the gaileny, was sod1 setie uuftltt'tn mttit ati tiince, ti the ani iyatLce if dto ticket holden xv li enttroui tue hall as secodotii aimiatit for the> seat. The> progratît hegati ut a fexv îminutes atter 8 ocl(Iuck by aîî îiuil"r froun ittu 1iiiby î'tlîîstî'a, xx'ost iltîusîc otn thîs ocezasid-ti wxas tiost liariîinioîis atnd itl)- spiiing. Tuieti'Mn. Rutledge teck the cuhair ndttimîade a suent aîitress, anîd af- terxxards arîîomîîceti cachi number it> iîtîtin îît'îier. thet'e being zsome change Aulil Robtîin Gay, Nir. Chieiowitb. Jeattie, 'Miss McKcruxie. .1.tiie, nr. A1. Lyttîle. Cup t1, Dirotby Bratiton. Young- Latdy, Mliss Stepihensotn. O'ettletiiai>, ,Nr. Kauiftttat>. -lOtTEI - Citeaii uofxheat, E. Cormîack andî R. Hatuli. Jap 1ilote oap, Misses T. \Val- i tens, ii. Vaxtotn, 1R. Deverell, '.N. Ross. J cil-t), E. F-oy. Rutiifc;în, Misses l'earla and ti Milly Luke. Loxvntey's Chocoiate, 'MISS'M. Muldrutn. Sxift's Hatît, Mn. R. Newport. Fonce 'S;inny Jirn. -Mn. F. \Vo(,ulrtifl'. tQu~aker t)ats, vir. 'J. Lytide. Bakers Cocîta, Nliss Lawle'. Goîld Dtîst, Masteis F. ue atnd G1. Barclay. Vualine, Miss F. Aini- strnîî. Vears >Suap, MNiss M. lReIss. Nabîsco \Vaters, 'Miss M. xWarrent andi Mn. Baiiiî-. Honicits Milk, Miss Barties anîd Mn. Calvertcy. Roger Bros. 1847, -Mrs. Richardson andt littie Miss xvalters. Nonîatî's Home Conîpatiion Miss 'Stephenson. A'RTISTSs TUtutO. Atist Mr. W. J. Richandsoii. Statue,.ý Faitit, Hope anti Cbantty," Miss Mow- tray', MUiss l3arttes, Miss(d (Litti Samuel, U. Rico. ýGreek Lady) Miss MBaciay. Statue et Libertv, Miss M. Animes. Pictures ýEasterniPrixîcess) Miss ILAr- l -- 1 ,ýIl ý T "T;i>C.. ; Meeting of Town Council. The regulan meeting %ras hehtI on Weîi- ncosday evenitîg itîstead cf Monday cf this week. Ait the tîtenubers were pro- sent. The tolloxxing conînittu reports wxere passeti 1-tRE ANtD t.tîHT. Johi Wal...................... al (rto. Wotfcrd ....... ...... ....... .38 Committee recommentiet that the usItal grant et $40 b>' paid thte chief en- oieer. ST IE ETS. R. llaskett, ."...... P. ForrestI3r, siovellittg snow .. Geo. Valmrne, " D. Zufelt, J. J. 0'Coliitîcr, rcpans .... Jln i)tt teeltatî, sitovellitIg eSu <xx. H. Lawrntce, Alex. Carnîencn, ' 1). Zlufelt J. J. () Cotînor, repaîrs.... TOiWN t'ROIERTX'. VWnî. Till, repai"s ............... Electnic 1lighît for Jatîîanv .. Eiectmic ight fuir Febrtiany ... ;. 75 .5o0 :,.75 .19 7.19) A coit>tituntcattiiitî was reccix'cti froîn th> Domiion Batnk reuetstitgc thege- oral accîtint oif the towît as vellias the accoitt o f the> xxater andîl hglît commînis- sîcoi, xxhichi is iiow ut thîs Batik. The autiitons iof the toxx't accouxîts, Mulssrs.L. Fairbanîks andt Ross Joliuistoi, presentcd thitoî repent. Tuiey also '>x'otc the Couticil calling attetîtiouti tethe iti- creased atîtount of wenk, andti ittinsatitîg * that the renturîcratioti granted theuts, *$15, wxas inaîbet1îate, anti suggestiligr that $25 each would be rmore com mensur- ate with the> duties. bis licenso te keep ni billiard table for bine. Ald. Jackson iittrouluced a by-law to re-erganize the> tire ttcpartment. The by-law w>as a yîluîuinous otne, andt occu- Pietd a geod ileal efttitne it its sevemal readings and itsdiscussing the clauses thereof. a3 8P. r. 'V>tî'i Y 'îiii 'fî3 i i roi i>the p(01na l.~ ' Lady) Mui ieut._____ iiiadiiiou t't_30îttmmeital inusic (Spaîish Lady) M iss B. W1ilsent. Minis- St. Jhn's hurch Anglcan. stpihed by tht> t-cltestra, Miss Kate tem) Mn. Bassett. (Fancy) F. Rice.RelEat Nws MR h. t URCI ~. FN ~IN ~~ Fraser, Mns. Geo. A. Ross atîd MissV.- -___ i'ïtbbtita."tr>' in, tandtî7 1). iti . siiî.ii Barclay satng soies. The first were' Conielius McCarthy, a resident of The> Queen's Hotel, opposite thte KEY'- Schotilit 3p.nm.Mcldt'ek S>.rit c W'ît- ùy iihîîstratedI ly tableaux. It tvas said by Tay Township, Simcoe County, died ne- STO.NE o0 ce, has been purchased by Mr. at7.<4pi.thtese wîîo onglît te know, that setdom cently, reputed te ho 106 years et age. ifcGaflun, of Bond Head. A largo Ba~tst ' if ever hav'e theso vocalists becu heard Tht> editor efthtie KEYSTO-NE knew Mc- anieflnt et money will be expendeul in 13à t Ob Curch. to btter ailvatitage or in strongen and Carthy, and knew aise that there was bick-clading the building and miaking ?ittt.H.H. -il a.m. tTta)nd 7 p. m O. sweetor veice. M-%iss Fraser sang "Loch- much doubt in the> minds cf McCarthy's extensive *mprovement nh>odhte S a b a t i t S e r v i c e s - - ' i a i n. at he7 p r i . i i t t î t l y Scbool it tean>- Neekty Prayer Servýire on Thurs- utînvan" and Mrs. Ross -Auid Robin Gray.î fiedastth>cnenss fhiprery s .','nig t .k Tht> opening number foilowing the> cîaimed age. Howeyer, hie was a very Mr. Chas. Ted lias bought of Mn. -T. st. ohn' ChrchR. chairman's addess was a chorus, "Bit- od man, possibly alf one hunded G. Jackson the> Robinson popety on St. obns CmDIChR.C anîuia," by old boys and girls, whicli wasi years. the West side cf Brock street and n xt PARIH PRIEST, REV. FATHER O'MALLEY.j both wcl rendered and received. These Nearly $400,000 were put ii cicul- south of the double brick stores r '- a.bath ervices--19 a.m. and Il a t. aternaLey. were tht> vocal numbes. ai n b u d ra d do esls en. J c s n * b idn n te st ft e emadaL'y Scheuoo-t 3PiL ..tinbSudraddoesls ar Jaknà bidngnthstef cli(rs ranzer bloclz. The con r% i Z ___07ý "- sîleatunis.~i3t.On the prot t which bias a frontageocf '39 ft. on I l stretth îere is at preseit'a bri ck xk-e shop t itat Mr. Tod for sonie tituie lias 0 occtied. It is Mr. Tod's intention te builîl a -fnie two story brick business place next the Jackson btuildintg, andi Liter to put up a second store to e x er .F'IK PUTRE F'R E SH the retiaixtier of the froîttage. This v'i l tii amti tat Mr. Tod tuoves to the 1 other side of brock' street froîn that \xlier-'isi low. î~xx lien tlie con templat -® cie nrcdet to flus itexvly acquîred prîîpet' rtaecoccîtpleted. Savie The Curtain. I i' ~ ~ ~ do euiiîi in the.i~ "ii \lbi Hall is tbireatenced \xx'i alitnost itnntc'ediate destructiotn. A tear lias bo-I8) --il- 4)11 theSOtit h etnd. lIL vili i utless ri'1iat r>i at once, go> cieai' act'îss tîtose ike' tnself, who %were on the stageGO IO tiuiitg it bu Vu lî,licLi brary heiietit enter-i*GT U taliieî'it l'v ttei' 'itby t01(d Girls, the otiier ceng this c0înditioti of the eur- tait> was nmade vety u'videtit. It has liecî brunîght aboutt bx' pei'fectly tiaturai causes. 'Ibere is to' othu'r \x'y than' s(iiieezitîg, throîtgh betxveeîî the ettîl of' J the curtain andl the site of the iii M . iin.. ut Iroper provision for sncb action >Q< b'> performurs Con the stage, whother Phone 47.,W HITBY (D) Mluatent' (r professictial, is essentiai ' 1-ortutiatelyx, at sligbt expe-nse, it is Pos, sible tcaarrange the stage etratcejss) - i- ~ a o il tu it'si tu sTag ahie aite1 a truc one atndlso gî'>e nti)st coti'>enîent l>î'u'ss tiithte stage ftothOe atidience parit of thte hall. That. cf cout'se, wxilt thse stagýe tbcor. Stich uiîasaychanîge, atnti his cf this tIressiti-rocm cati be1 mîore tha> met by provitiing a passage way froni the stag«e to the sttîirs le:îuiing te the Ceuncil Chamben. Titene is just space enougli for tItis ptîrpose ont the op- posite side cf thje stage where a loor antd shunt stairs cf liait a itozen steps xxottlut had. from thc top of the Conneil Chtanben stairway direct te the stage. Ample îiressitîg-nooni accotitodation is available at the foot eft tiese stairs itn the roomn at the î'ear cf the Couticil Chamber. The coet cf these simpte changes shoulîl not exeeed. $10. A <'tir- tainti t replace the orne 110w being tomn te tatters with cest ton tinies thiat anîcunt. Faitltfuhly you's, F. HoNvmtiî NN" NVhitby, Februany 23, 1905. South Ontario Agricultural So- ciet y. Thec animtal nmeetinîg cf Sontlt Ontario District Agricutturat Soecty was hetd at Vhitby, February llth,195 The mintutes of previotîs niectiY xxere reati and appmoved. The Auttitors' report xvas atiopteul. The statemet tof assests anîd liabili. tics, shoxw a gaiti of 2i 00 for the yuar, niit itîcludiîgnr. Thos. Mttest gf t of $10o. Ahuart>'teof thaiiks xxas eXtLenulei Mn M 'andemrsîuîforn lus titîîely gift. A comtmunticationt frotît the On)tt. and Duirhamî Exhibitionu Association was read' eti'eting Yto haîtîl ver liabilites anid assests teSo.DAS (hinieotionithe Dimecters were author- ixcîl to itîvestigato andt if thcy îbeenîed Wise were cîiipuwered iite carry tout tîhe arran gemnitt. Tl-.--fetllîxxing olhcers xx'cre elccted- t'res.--Jo)int Bright, _Myrtle Stationi. Ist Ai--t"s-Wî..ndersoni, NXhit- by. 2tî Vce-Prof-s. icîtti Vin.ont, Brook- Dimectors-H. -M. Roîss, J. E. Distlioy. R. R. Mowbray, E. E. Cooper, F. Riech- anîlsoti, Bartoit Mothensili, J. D. Hoxv- Oit tmotion Messr-s. D. Ontuiitnand Wt. A. Drydeni xxere appointed anuditons. The iiiîîîuensity cf tbe beekeeping businîess itn the Untited States may be judged by recent estimates troîtu govemn- tuent returns, tha t ni'ry 10,000 car ioads et honey were Iproducedi last yoar. If we estimate 40f t. between the bum- pers et the cars, this woutd nuake a con- tinous train cf abyout 75 miles long. Agriculture is making more rapid strides n other countries titan it is in the United States, which gons te show thati the littie bee in spite of its insignificant size, is like the> littte Jap, making its in- duence feît in the> world. It thrives in avery climate except where there are trctic snows to cut off ait sources cf nectar. PICTURE FRAM--INO IS --AN' AROmT To whiceh w'e have gîven ýzpee1al studv. WQ(do largre amouint of trarning, and are well equip- l)e( for it. Ouir stock of rmolli(lilLrS iS large anid very fine. Have you a I)icttlre whîich yon xvonld likc to get frarned ï- A littie rnoney. m-111i1l)uy a l)retty frame at this store NICHOLSON & SELDON Furnitiure Dealers and Undertaklers, Whitbv, Ont Farmers Requirin'g Alsick UtRed (-loverI and TLmothy w iii timi it to thwirt(laii ata(,e to buyv noxx betore all thie sea~d N iîîpîed awxav and(1 ýave etra eighit WXe lhave alkil kîd on fîmn d. J. H. DOWNEY -& CD. t. i. - - -- ~-ae'-. - --i e"- - - - . . - - - - - - I - ~ -t-- .-. . - ~s.l'3.2. 7 - -- à . _ ~1~ Q~~-i ~2~$-~$' y j i ]?or Niirtà -,45 . . Ews N.iil<30 a>i.lm %Ve.sIt12.1V, p.tTu. -3< New Year'19s Goods Ve ai-e iow r('adV W itit 1lafl1;'-ovmettf ŽÇew Year's G-oods. Everythiîug one can dtesire or wislî for can be found on our s1l(il.es A beautiful selotion of China 1popular Gift Books Bo0oks'of PNoms Leather Goods, Perf umery Xmas Periodicals, Music F'anoy Stationory, Brushes Caiendars, W'aterman Pens at $2 up, ani thousands of things too immerons to mention. Suficient to say our stock is more complete titan ever hefore. to.Santa Clas' best productions are non- on inspec- W. J. H. ]Richarcdson Brock Street, WH-ITB Y No. 37