THE, KEYSTONE, TIIURSDAY, EBUA y 2,1905 Meeting of Old Girls. A-meoting cf the Whiitlmy 0(1i i" Association will bo held in thme 'oulîci I Chambor on Fiday e-.enitig of tîis -week at 7.â0 oclôck. The last of the seasoî-l (rey 1 ;Out -Robe, $390; 1inImi. Butffalo Robe, $5.90; i Imi. 'Persian Lamb Coat, $Il-.- .75; i Brown Imi. Buffalo Coat, $111.7o Now je your opportîmnity. Roiuss Bris. Coming! F. E. Luke, Opt. D.,- Toroos leailiîmgr optician, Il King St. WVest, cvill b- at A. ILI.Allin's dmug store Tuesday. "elruai'y * A splendid. nuiner cf IX.r C iciiW, the Collego magazine, le thîe issue for Febmuary, now out. Tlhe nuniber, twcîî- ty-flve pages and coven, centaine nîch that will intemeet the puplis of the Cj1- lege, ex-pupile auJ friends. Under the management of ani able staff cf editons the Vçx la. prospering- New sping goods due tu arrive this week at Rose Bros. The first faint-lîlut éf the ceming spring. Auction Sales. Mr.' L. Fairbanks bas several sales * beeked fer the month of March. He RAIls for Mr .1J. Stevens lot 3, con 3, Twot toc many on hand-One Ladies'J - Black Astrdean Coat, 36 inch bust, 26 inch leDgth, '-let ber go," prie. $23.'75. One 40 inclibust, 30 inch length, let Natur l * ler go,*' price $28.50, a Ross Bros. The New.York Daily Tribune. ~flfll~H~ Of~ course, a great deal depends on Spon es yur own taste in the niatter of newe- f rom 50. toOO papems. If you want a publication that' Serves up se much gome and so iiiany thrills in evemy issue, it is mnoney thro%,n R ubber Sponges away te' buy The TribioLe. If, howevem, you ate looking for a daily history of the $.50 aa~h World, crefully collated and sifted coet n~re, and presented in the moet attractive Ruabber Spong(re-S S nýr, frthTat the factý and the laws of 900d' but wear longer than natural taste will pe.mmit, you cannot miake any 'spongc-Seo hm mistake iii reading TPi' Tribiue every! tlay. But The D(ciluj T'ibmeae i% morei \Ve havo just recee;vod a large than a continuuus history. It contains quantity of finele milled Tuit Soaps special articles on nearly every subject iu Heliotrope, Carnationl, Lilyjc NvIih is supposod to ixtereet intelligent the Vallcy, Fleredoro, etc., ut and dlean nîinded people, to say nothing 10.abox o 3 ake)te4 1e«î" of the illuininating and instructive edi- cake. Aise fine iincpurtccd Castilo. tonial articles and reviows of books, Extravaluein Rir Brslie music' and the drama. Just by way of Extr vaue îî uir rasies expeninient, why dont you inveet $1 and zind Comnbe. gtl'lie Dmily and Stnmulai.' Tribune by niai] for a month >ý With The Sundc,,v r ~AIHII« inut goos a hanidsome illustnated j ~ Supplenient and % aazine, with color- i YVULL~~~~U 1 covers, cqual t,) an"tigsl e o cents. Druggist Optician Mi-. T. A. CI\ left tlis wel, for atrip to Cuiba. - Medical fHall Hîs tonor Judge e ntmnanc. Brock St. Whitby. 1ixîg for a thnee mmm iuý1-.ip to Mexico andi othoer Central Aimericaii cotitries. Tliere cill b4. an excitmng gaine of l'oc -- ~ key at l3tîns' rînk next Monday cveniig, Febrnany 27th, %vhen tho (Iirls' Senior fun and Juiotr teaimis will ci 055 msticks. Jarn Cou iy Towfl called at 730. Atlînîssîon.lOd.- tylxoIw 0rngs i\Vlsoni is busy tliîs ¶ I-IappeningS45 week tkiiîîg ,pidures cf a ntmmber of t hose.w~ho took part iii the Old CGirl's P>ublic Librmury emtertainintt. The cos- -Thumsday, Febmuary _o. t ii ties w cru xx're well w'rtîî preserving Ctcxmty IC iiîclon )-Ic Nlillatii, c lic hias bwimi l]t at the Arnmstronmg house __ liere witb pmieuaixiîmnia, x now able to re- turîx home amdui xci]proceeil tlîithîcr 0on Fi'iday. Who Wanls a Boy? Any ueson desinmg te atlept a bight fiv-vear-old boy iiav hear cf one by CuIniiiitiimicatimig withî Col. J. E. Farewell. The bov is a soli cf Mr. Jolînstori, who iglned l, a soîî-beatiîîg case iin the court here Imt faîl. Whitby Defeals Oshawa. on fTiesday evcîing those (iti rivaIs, Oshawa andtl Whitthv met on the Whit- by rink te decitie uhicli team w-as the better puck-clîasers- l-ronî thce start cf the gaine It iras evitiext that the XXhit- l)y bcys wene more tîmaxi a match ifon the visitons. Score uipon score follocved, tilt at the end of the fit-st haîf tîcere wene il goals te W'hitby's t-redit with tone te the visitors. lic the second haîf the homo team scored ecighct goals while the Oshawa boys scored îmly two, rnaking thme fui] time score 119-2 Iii favor cf the odals. Althougli the score was sone sided, the Oshawa teai put up a 3good game. Tîce rnk was well illed, mnîy (cf tîhe spcctatuirs beiîmg ft-oni Osh- IPickering townîship, on Mancli S. awa. For Mm. Boone lot ',, con. 2, Piýckeniiig township, on March 14. OtroLa n aig ,For W. H. Howden, Columnibus, MrhOtroLa n aîg In tîce mîatter cf the estate of William I ,Johiieton, cf the Town cf NWhitbv, i1i1 the Couîcty cf (>iîtalri, ixîsuranceI agent deceased. ie N oi tue is liî'rt-iuy iven. 1cmrii'iit to thi' Rec s -,tatmi- i Ouar7.1 - i apter 129. seciiomi 38. .,auie ofnt-nditit5(l-rti8 i1a miuu-lluiau otliers l&lia-îg 'l.aimns u1g uumu-t theluta te uof the-late WNiliaîii 1<ulmiiciiicmiiliedutoii ur abo ut tht- -ihl- teemît h lac' uf itc-miuer, A.Di.190)4. are r- 'i i..tu onîi m ut-tu efr, tht- twet-e-i'mth ulav 'iif 'uM;r'h, 11)0.7, lu) sumîlhy post -m- ,ciiir illic mr tii the 'ioi ronîtuo G t-mîtrai Trcusts 'o ui'irationi. thie- suniimii."ý tratuirs uitthe' t--tate quithile -1 mîl illittîx iuînstîi ue-.,tl.tht-jr Churisuti aîaud suriiacit-. :Luiurt-,us and adduitionms, w'itli fumll iarticml ir- uittht'ir -daimsi andiistatemitts ouitei'r an-uimi idmna tumre uif tt-e ectiîrity, if amî . hl-ib1wtîmuniu.iy ctriti -ly .tl ulour: ilclarai iii Andilfmrtlier tak< iii iett't a ter ' ieu-a i iiila.-t ineilti' mu t-i e i -thpt amî mimiimltrimutom- w l l ini -eeui tu uisiu theiti-tIi -.'t,- if tIui,' tl ul'tta,,tl zmii ng tht- partiesu eîîtleui thttm..liavmmg reearul eîillv tutht- u'aiînuu uit wliii htht-c slmil th-mm imuvt nt 'ic, uT tht- said i miistratiir-willi miiut lut-lialule 1101 lu hiljimt ccjuîbishm tht- thirty-set-I For Mn. Gee hutn Iiknim ud atîutah nreport of ttme aboc-e îaxnlit wuehip, ou Mardi 3.Coumpaniy. To tixiie wchîo folcir ivithi iii- ýMm. .Bensen, cf McMaster University, ton-st thie almîual statcnment tof this w-eh' ýho was engaged te till the pulpit oîf the kuxocc'insihtittution t he esîîht cf the hast à pitchurch mt Brookliîî on Suîîday yeikbsns rNh xrmm l rtiy aptiet ing. and frotm a ptrnsaI of its financual et, found, on reachiî.g hitby Janction, featunes it hiecemies cît-ar ttîat ite affaim ýaturday night, that tht train for the are kept withiin sale and profitable limite. ,oth'was net runniiîg. ,Ho wa!ý thene- Tht- anieunt loaiied on ixortgages during, ire conpelled te spend the night in the yemx ccas $40,5 13.53. The repayaient rwn and te drive te BrooklnSxînday on homs Ilîmîît te ï 1,947.40, anti of, aerning. Owiîîg to the blockateld on- iutt'rert, :S40361. 13, iakiîg a totah cf tion of the -roade the ovening service $ 1 12,308.53. -lerpaiMg tesir ,Booklin was wittcdnawn, and Mn. boîtiers thtemstiat timf yearly divitleuds, lenon etunedto ownandassste and aIl expenseq had bt-en tmtt, the Con- lenee retmnedte tcvîîmuidassited ùtu'rcitAccetmnt miounts te $25,W00, thie Lt the evening service ln the Baptiet Re'st At-count te 700,andl the 'rose 'l ýhurch. Aseets te $979,2ÃŽ3.79, btiimglexcese of i< tht- 1revions yemr's s tmteiiieimt cf the e, Barglaine in bunches, anti eveny-day, I)- $22,96$9. î5. n argaiîî day, making nootti for the large No tutÀier eviuienecf the prosperity cf îtck cf New Sprinmg Goode, due tu an- the ('oinpany is îieededi tiaui the Imet that -ive at Ress Brus. it no\r iohdýs on de1iosit the large suimu cf Seven imes.$32t1473.7. '[heexcel let-mtcourse putr- Upset SeenTme. til us iii lceping withi thie business rtpix- The WVhitby MaIe Quartette juîe-tatuoniof the nuIt men at thie heini, N. d te Columbus eon Tueeday eveîîmng, i NV. lF. Coccan, 1 ,resideuit, maii Mn. T. il.I where they sang at the ententainent MeMI-Nillan, Secretany'Treasurer, w-ic cie' n the Presbyteniaxi church. The beys otîstrve m-ontimitme ini tht-m. resîuevtive posi- _j %iit t~ . -ni<ti-~ ticuls in thet- imaiiagetimittof timeCoumpany. bus, owing te, the blcckaded comdtio0î1 of the roada. They tcad seyen upsets, besides having te get eut fnequeiitly te prevent geing over. The churcli was crowded, and the siuging of the quar- tette, with Mr. Wilkixîsen's w'histling, wae much appreciated. Only one et each left-Black Inii. Persian Lamb Coat; Brown Imi. Buffalo Coat; Brown Imi. Buffalo Robe. Btîy them now fer next wimter and cave ioney. Rose Bros. Caught in a B3el. .Ou Satumrday laet Nicholas Robertsoni, Ba veung mani employed at the Martin Manufacturnig Co.'s werks sustained mu ,nury te hie armiwbich might have b~e serieus. lu some way hie leere ---ýlirf n nb. um'andthe lad was Col. J. A~. jMcGih licvray delivened a lecture iMuUxbridge recontly onmi My impressionîs cf the Hcly Laid(." 1Mn. and Mns. Josephi Wand, cf Green- bank, cclebnated theinr goldeni xedding yestetlmy'\Vcixsl For Backacho and Kidnsy Disoase Dr. Chase9s Kldney-Llve PIl are the mont prompt and effective treatm*iit obtainable. drawxî up te the shafting abore, wherei While ibis statenient is stneng and definite it ho hung fer seme minutes, tilt the work- i Is postiveiy correct and is backed up by the cvi- dence cf cured cnes iu every pari of the country. mon were able te elease hum. Hie arm MR. E. T. BEDARD, Lac aux Sables Pcrtneuf wae badly twieted, but aftem the docton GCo.. Que.. states :--For iwo years Ã1 tied a had given Ihim attentien he was able te number cf différent rernedies o. 'about next day wîth hie. arr n l a for backache and kidney filing.discase witbout obtaining" slig.ny relief. Since baviag mm used Dr. Cbase's Kidney' Liver Pills, howevem, I amn HEADACHES pten o wndY fl enfi _______________ ifor me these are Uic best Delays are dangerous, sure- Pills 1 have ever corne acrosi ly hnvuhave trouble ~ ,and we always keep thCr n ly, henyeuf/Pthe homse. It will bo a witlh yeur eyes. Why net \ <t p ulcasume for me to repiy te b. relieved f rom that pani any who came te write me for nyouha îhpi fMILILT. MA» futh5î paBiculas o f my in orha ihacase. our glaises P' Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pilla, oae pili a idose, 25 cents a box. To potcct youagit REFRA TING mitations the portrait and signature cf Dr. A. F. .LUKE,, OPTICIAN. W. Chas eefamous recept book autiQrl aus il ginq st. West, WiRONTO. o vr o fb cec Embro.der Sale FOR 10 O. 1- .,1. LI I I ijs 9* eries therein ii lp1aye(l, and remember that for 10 days 011lY you pattern foi- 5c. pelyardl. During this sale and for some time, special price quot on Bleacheci Cottons. And rew pigeons Wanted W rite E.NW. B3E NNE Tr1, Pi' KEI-lN';- Ad ministratoP'S Notice to OCreditorrs BOYS DON'T LOSE TUE OPPORTUN ITY luii-mn--- iun kw w we gm t the t-tt thai Nhwlm t- nîot -n pph the ueliani utn n-fo ifui t ht- lp. Fnu.r i tii li.M I me rwot -ile' w17 ui ppfit-atîoni- 'N ntu t, i tine 'etmt .touer frovhamid- -'ont talogut- It , iNt liiit '-t i fl~ig 1 IDominion Business College L.mftod. Coxfederation Life Bldg., Toronto. R. D. NIMMO, Principa. lohanna McAulîffe Dies. Wornd came S aturday fnoîîî the House cf Providence, Toonot, wheno she bas beet am iiniate for upwardls cf two yeans, that Miss Johanna McAuliffe was dyintv. She passed away that evonîng M. Ross. I teani could break through the oliuposingc stroîîg- defence, andm for over two heurs the granle went on until both teaiime ivere alnîost exhatist-d. lui order to play the Lirtdsay aimd Broadview- gaie off], the rink det'ided te cal] tnie tiret gaule off and leave it te the 0. H. A. subcoiiimîittee for scttlcicnt. Tiie second gainîe cas cf the cvilidstyle, and Linîdsay liailmno ,walkoter, for it 1roved te bo mîmo- timer fast and excitiig (rame, and ivas anyb)od*s garne tmp to thme last minute of play. The play ias ligltning fast, both temin -slow'lnc), ood conibination, Linds-ay lia%-in, the beet forw'ard huie, )'hile Býroadîview,ýs lad thîe b*ist ilefence. At Ixalf-time the score cc-as12 to 0 in favor cf lintlIsay, mamd at full tinie it ivas 1 in fav' f Lindsay, wtl Broadvews pressingb imard. Monday nighit the Lindsay aimd fi Markhiaxniteanîs play, and it ehould prove n the Iiest gaine cf the year, as 'Markhain a ccil] have on their fulîl temmîî for their lîrsta grainesilice the Oraimgec'il le ganme, and Lindsay w- Nil] hiave to extetîd theimisoîvest to ,vin omit. NV. Ian-ock gave good satis- factioni as referee, lut as aIl the toamis playiug to-night playel as gentleîmen shmoîîldImis Inties c'ei'e liglit. Te rrovc to you that m Agà Cà Chaise's Oin tme .ut je a certain atnd absolnte cure for each P l lé* -ad every forin ef itchin,4 blecdingand protrcîding piles. 0ic manufacturers have g'uai-antced it. Sec tes- ; mo 0lqi the daiiy press and ask vomir ncîgh- hcrs what theV think of it. Yoi, can use it and -u-t c our moet- back if net curcd (1Me a be-. at ail dealers or EDMA'-S0NBATES & Ce ,Toronto, Dr. Chase's Omntmeflti Chamberlain' s Cough Remedy- ALWA YS CURES9 And is Pleasant and Sale. The Iate E. R. Eddy. l"peaking of Mr. Eddy the Pickering Necws saîd last week :-The deceaset %as well known ini Pickering, having >een principal of the public school here for about eight vears, and afterwards noved to Clare mont, where ho occupied sîilar position. M-ýrs.. Eddy officiating as assistant. Somne eight or ine years. ago they mioycd to Brooklin wvhere they taught until about two years ago, when Mir. Eddy was attacked by tuberculosis of the throat. Accepting the advîco of hie physicians, ho moved to Denver, where ho and his faily have since me- sided. The dîsease, however, had got too stmong a 1101(1 upon him, and ail that medical skill could do. could not stop the ravages of the disease. The deceas- cd was a most succeseful teacher, and was very popular wherever he went. At the time of his death ho was 50 years and il monthe old. i )ut amis p -1o ii ur _uSi whiost- i'1ýi 1tiletlt5 --, ' - Il auy ersn o peroli ofat te etimted ze f 8) yers.Theanydat asloue bousao ail ne()tttlt-hihavt-receiveul notice-. atthehestmated meecfingyeaf TheeaJ at a !oui lUi a THf ,ETORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS - funeral teck place fnom the junction ayctlgeAo'e rctntlheld has ot ieettîr if tha 1-awhît CORPORATION station Tuesday aftennoon oic the arriva] any othen deaIer. omnlblltethr ayy- i lc v iv ]>asseul and] agreemiielttsi-iet c-thithe- r59 Voicgt-St.. Totuolmu, cf the three o'clock train f nom Toonctto. Central Ontario I>ocver n o., Liîîmiteui, i vi Ainmistrtur, g if ;;iiil stuktt. The interment was at the Romani Cath- iler JAS. RI-TLEi)GE. h eterhorc, gramxtiig t lienx permiission te hirii î allcîi( îitr ,r.olic ceîcîeternorth cf the tcwn.A nn Suliitor lee ' or10r.ereet poles mii d cires fci- thie delivery ofi ated at Wl'iitiuy thlis 2211d dy(t111. iaS U. o'clock Rev. Father O'Malley celebrated eectrie ,-nrreîît for power anu l iglitiîig _________________________'a requiem mass for the demceased in St. flrman Bassefroel Burleigl -'al. hi'sgeapevrn John's church. Miss McCaulmfle was mc hocated ls mîiles north cf 1eterhoro a-t iri A (REiT bCHO L te lst urvyin nimbe ofa fmil Jeellr a(1101)lcin.the narows between Loveseick and Stoîev a oftobrothere andtw sisters h Lakes. -John Alex. Culverwell, cf Toroi- Ou /)ELL!OTT/2r ie nDna tetwet Te Irc tSuh to aîd lPort Ilope, the maîîagmg îirettor sv livd n Dnds sret wst Th BockSt, 'ouhWhitby was present and e-.lplaiiied that ttîey pro- .1/ ,/,,,~4/f'6~4~-> brother, Cornelius willed incet cf hie posed tramsicnitting ehectric poci-en to proporty, amountimîg t upwards cf $10.,-L Petorboro, Bow-ianc-ihheanlstw-,he TORONTO, ONT. 00ntohr Cuchail nJiî 'Cî-pohe ine te '-mmi down te Milhbrook andu n ii equal slianes.1 acros& to Bo-îN-mitivîh le, îassîng(ronoiene: Coîr. Yonge ami] Alexandeur Sts. route. Thme roails wnul leie tsed ammd the A coltîat is nt lic ing onix ast re- railcvay himce vhere the distance cati le scimool uit 1>'shoxteiem. Thiere iras nic great deîîaîîd utaiox lmt cx tie exîîin w-rk oncfor the Bnrheîg-h Falls poNver. Its duief amty,- at the piresent tilie. College oenl~tmnesloeer -l oBwinih mtire Yeam-. Enter any tubi. NWrite for mmmd Ostîa'va whîere thi mufacturers tiave* imurîheet ca mletiti 3 made applications for- large i1uaitities of W. J. ELLI(>TT, ehectni powver. Electrie ligtmting wo'ulih Pi'n icipial alec be furnis]xed, and a centimmuone mxini a i eatisfactorN ser-iegivemi. Notwvithîstaîîdl- ei __t__K__ murttme distaîx-e cf traiisiiiesioii to Oshi-1 T he eys oile 1a wa 58nmihcs) power dan ho sotd te the îaîuiacturers 30 to .50 per cent. less tlîan S eed B ar1ey~ i the cost cf steamn poN-er. T ivo irimîs cf Coli- Ssulting, engixîcers cf tlîe tiighest sqîdic A qualîtits- cf gcod, cdean scccii Banley torn1iii ('aiada ia-e niade surc-eys and lreport- sale nocv. Parties dlesiig- saille picase j d te thiat etlèct, tlîe low ccct of Il]ydraulic lt-axe~~lu à b srtn nimdaeh.3dcceltîmmeî îaking tîis possible. An- JOHN DRYDEN& SON, 4 other engimîcer lias ivritten "evomiîored Br/ck] c-itli ottier watenpowens thiee cet cf coiin- pl1eting the mattîral dec-e1)eieimt of Bimi- - 'I 3 heigi Falte w'ilh ho a ierelbag(atelle. - 1The __________________________________ 3conipaiy w'ill lie in a pocsitionx to geeî'ate' 3 xearly iv-e thousaîîîielectrie lmorse îpower'. On the Brink of the Grave T entders shocw tiat the vc-kt- ami becon pieted aîd pewer anJ liglîtimg fmrnished 'TOED O 1EA lis wntoi s mine.A ponentprîe ayerto BETOIID O -L LHI THE KEYSTO-NE Wvill be clubbed w îth à nv of the ýa tn thie unmîer s aprmn entpiteper- BA A undermentioned papers or magazines at the following feston and f îrthiex the industrini1 ife of Wondlerful Curativ,e Li(1Uid attractive l)rices. Most homes subseribe for a city tecmuit.Villctr ccmpesed cf lîealing Gums, I3lsalis, daily or weekly, and also one or more good magazines. Seed Testing on the fà rm. Barks, etc. T idotweh Thev must also have a good local paper, and a saving Trfu u hte seeds are capable This compound is caliedc of pnoducing plants requines neither ex- jmay as well be effected by elubbingr as by taking ad- port knowledge nom special apparatus. THE R. . KIONEY CURE vantage of bargains in any other prehases. hsls Satisfactony material is to be found. ln T O.g g ~ uThislis every farn home, for making germina- Miss Emmna Monro, cf Trentonî, of papers and magazines supplies excellent reading: tiexi tests of pactîcally any kînd cf seed 'Ont., says: mI suflered'f or a lonîg tîme 'ueed on the famm. The simplest and, 1with norveusness, and back-aceIeie .ppe. - îtga1pie most convenient way to test seed of cern1 1 hngta distressing hacking ccugi, ÇGlobe, dail . . $4 00 and KEYSTONE, $1.00 ..h.. fuir5 and other cemeal graine and most of the1 loton h a d fl v r ier ec get y .$41 0,Ij1 5oot cmp and lager vegetable seeds isi icMat flsanndot eymieal wEnie Kî ..i 400 50te plae,, a îîumber of them-say oe conMaildtwauJ Enmp;irt eJaly 140 4<£JO. .. '75hundred-between pieces cf moistenied *ý evemy ic onupto anay. Te 'orl ' wekly lO00 13 5 îetting paper, cotton flannel or cloth; I a uo osmpinadcud- Evening Star..... ... 2 50 ..... 3 0 ' set themr in an emdinary dinner plate and 3nly live a fwwesAfied h' EVening News.... ... 2 50 ..". 3 00 invert another plate te ove hm h ý bas, used 0. R. KIDNEY CURE, Canadian Baptist ... 1 50 .. .. 2 25 eeed sheuld be kept moist but net wet. said cie believed my trouble was due Canadian Magazine... 2- 50 .. .. 1 ý The temnperatume of the average farm ThePWestmitern 1 50 1" .. 2.. tewekkinys -Iconnenced its Th9r9yein . 0 ~ houa. living rooni WQ)uId bo quite suit- use, and, bef ore I had finished six 46h ekySn ..i(O "i5 able, buý some came should be taken te botle, fet ik a ewgil. h50d guarçI against excessive heat or èoId. botlsIfet ie nw il.Tht Farming World .. 60 1 .. 5AIge tegse fcrcma Swstoyears ago, and to-day I amFarmers' Advocate 1 50-225Algo tn seofcreea ,was retlwellandhapy.grains, vers or timothy, thus treated, pe0n et y Cure iana napy. ' rggýts will have germinated at the end of five Thee. . idny Crele oi byaildm~ise, To out-of-town subscribere a speelal rate can bo quoted on evening papers. days. Very smaîl seeda of the finerj 63 ric er bottie : or write te tbe 0. B. Me cmine-grsscsoefth grdnvg- The é R Medcin Co. imied.ables and of beets or mangels may be germinated to better advantage by scat- Th ee t.,Easte ToronteTeWemOntrrsbtelaltfdKyecleOr.ethiem ini a saucer (belorging to ai rho Inability to Rest and SIeep )utcome cf which in paralysie. The person wFose netves are exhausted can- tot kcep quiet but is restless and fidgety, easily rtated and subject te speTfls cf severe headache md indigestion. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food thor. mghly cures nervous diseases by building up the 'stein and instillingo new vitality into the wasted MISS M. ANDERSON, 135 Creighton Street, Halifax, N. S., states-: "Mywhole nervoussystcmw was deranged, I could net J" '7 sleep and had severe at- tackscof headache. I pro. acured a box of Dr. Chases Nerve Food and by the trne I bad talcen a few boxes 1 was el right again. \tyappetitewasveryrnuch '~inproved, I was cured ci ýP slceplessness and head- XISS ANDERSON ache, and mny systemn gen- erallyseerncd to be thoroughly built up.*" 13y noting four ir.creà se ini Weight while using his c'reat food cure, yen cao prove that Tiew, firm ficsh and tissue îs bcn- added te the body. To proiect yoii agairmst imitations the portrait and signature of Dr. A. W. Chase, the famoua 'eccipt tiok author, are on every box. - Horse Shoe Pads are a real neces- sity winterii or summer - they supply the give nature intended on bard roads and pavements - protect the frog of the hoof f rom stones and from balling in wint- er. Improved Dunlop 66Ideal"9 Horse-Shoe Pads cure or prevent lameness- prevent cracking or spreading of the hoofs-make a iiorse's working life longer. If you have a horse S troubled wlth lame- te nus through bad bofs wmite our expert for advloo fre. D~rop ta a card for 01W v.wbooklet 14"Horseology" Tas DUNLOP Tigt G, IJtmlteiI, /5> 21- Note Particulan people pre- fer to do business with thein home dealer, -imen iujmw1iîtý and prmYe are the sanme. Besides, thene us a satisfaction ix ixmakiug voun selectioxi freingoods icefore yeu, as you do xiot have te accept substi- tutes, runc ne rtLsk, boss or da-mage in shipping, treid ex prose charges anîd withi wi exeptionîs fiud ;ist whtyou want, at the tirneryou wauct It.1 Ve make a cpCemalty cf the lest qlood.s en the nmarket, tev nc foi ~to a' at ri 'w il C' Hockey.flowerpot) that lias been soaked 4, and set on a cloth that shQuüdlieb Peterboroug, Ont., Feb. 17 _-Mark- kept damp, or in a pan containing, nt hata received an awful trimmiing at the more than ône-eight of an inch of water, h ands of the locale here to-night in the the objeet being te keep the saucer second ganie of the intermediate 0. H.A.- moiet, but not wet. If such a saucer be series. Exactly 30 goals were scored dur- not aviailable, a brick will answer the ing the hour's playing, of which Peter- purposeaswl.I emntgsed borough e cored 27aând the visitors 3. The, na as wefl.saucer nin atin e ex- locals tlius in thie round by 36 goals te in aneartthen sat, ucer t dibex- .ýÇ.9. To-night's gane was witnessed by thepoetoheihtbunttohedrc biggest crowd of the season. It wafaryeothsu. WA.CEO. too one-sided to be interesting, and it îvas _____________________ only a question of how big the score would 0be. Thie locals played the- fastest kind Proa f hocey an wored in a most effectv W~III f our-man conîbination, which ruade the * Iak!amdeene oo lkeciarstr Mr. and Mrs. C. Q. Fraser, of Toronto, Indians. Every man on the home team.Nveevstr nionoe ud oplayed a star gaine. The visitors were ervsiositonoeSudy cotnpletely outclassed. Gee being the 1 Miss James, of Port Perry, has been only mnan on the line-up to be conîpared visiting at the homo of Sherif Paxton. 0 vth the Peterboro teai. The haif-tinie Miss Enid Whately, late f the 0.. score wvas 9 to 1 in favor of the locals.Cletoroonon tudwho 0 1For Peterboro, M organ scored 9 goals. sC., l pe rT n tofew nees .t r a , h Parnell 8, Cavanagh 7 and (irahaun 3, Swhile Sullivan and Robinson did the Mre. John Ford and Mrs. R. Allck scoriigfor the visitors. W. A. McCord and son of Pasqua, N.W.T., are visiting m iade a strict and inmpartial referee andj relatives in town. They return to, the allowed nothingr to go. ws iMrh Markharî, Ont., Feb. 18. -To-ight, __________________ 0 the fourtl i ight of the hockey tourna- nient, saN' the largest crowd yet in attend- w j h C u c e )i- ance, nearly 250 coming( froîn Toronto in N ft C u c e Âd- the specia] train, and every spectato rgot ful value for his money. The John In-TeBpis hrh (d gis teaiîî andi Slerbourne St.reet Y.. M.C.Th atsCur. oA. of Toronto came togrether in the first The pastor occupied the pulpit last gaie, anîd one of the closest, cleaiiest, Sunday.. J. Janes will preach next and longest gaules ever playcd in (intariolj Sabbath, morning and evening,. Mr. o %Nvag the resuit. Both teanis went at it ý ae a eeafwwesao n hanîrnier and tns and for over two liours Jae>a.or e eesao n ed 0 they botli played the game of their lives. wîill be wolconie again. e t asgod ea hckey froîn statt The Tabernacle. finish, not a dirty or tricky play beilng Pstraboherisvengub. mae yanaesda' analthey are a ame. e made by naitiierasidonaldWinter gre et;- The uncrowned Queen of Ameni- 0 Twienty-live minutes each tvay vas the cati Dernocracy." Mirzs McAnmond idanvin,- nnp s i lo,-p and wlhen tirne was ivill sing- Lend a Hand.:' can purchase C, 1 See our South window and carefully consider the quality and pattern of Embrc D.ays Cheap Power Coming.