T HE KEYSrONE, WIIITBY, TIIURSDAY, MAIROH.2, [905 OVER 800 GRO\VERS HAVE THUS FAR RE- NEWED THEIR CONTRAGTS FOR THE GOMING SEASON. WRITE U S FOR CONTRAOT FORI AND WVE WNILL SEND ONE FOR YOUR SIGNA- TURE, OR, SE"E OUiR CANVASSE R IN YOUR DIST- RICT AND HENWILI, GIVE Y011 FULL INFORMATION. SUGAR DIID BEET "i/I- ISOF VALUE for Stock feediîîg and is given te beet growers l's proporl- tion to anieunt cf Boots delivtred. WE PAY 50 CENTS PER TON in Beri iii for pull), te ai grew er whlo does liot 'txishi his 1)tii for lus otw-nu usýe for stock feediig. BEET SEED IS NOW READY for growîers ansd iill ho sent te thse grever's sippingllt stat1011. SEND IN YOUR CONTRACT NOW. THE ONTARIO SUGAR CO., LIMITEDI BERLIN, ONT. W., i. H. Richardson, H. O. WiIIingl lnsurance Agenit. ilicg to aninounce that thev have entered into paî'tîeishîîp un(cr flue style of Richardson& (-'o., having scctlre(l fle })nslness laf cly -aui-ied on by M-. III. Johillstoul, (lceease(l. \\Tj1 be pleïased fo furi-i anv information .nMi quote ratet-ý on ail classes of fire insnrianee. I1ron, Metals, Rubbers,, Bones, Tailors' Cuttings, Horse Hair, etc., etc. Highest Price Paid for these by N. COHEN, Broek Street, Whltby, SvrnKý où-bs Flaî-ly liiers NN-l11 0 w Iiî illitime Lave 3an attriacf iNew al>LI tr- it10(- hi 1"c N("'\v i ,l nsi .aîî nd Seu' Lkitiî&, at 14(. NewFnwI"îultte ai - c ~to14- Iq city on Menday.wtie dsed hast Mond'ay took place trous I vas treated by #à i( i 0 b scsa >0 e -tlie rosidensecf lhon son-im-iaw, Win. good doctor with nb ïpie n 101) scsat$-0.0prton,. Mm W Xin. Evanîs anid family rso'e Ed2ar, ensaafron.5hlid change for the better and1 back te tiseir bouse lere on % Wedisesdîsy eîîsdyaeron. heîd'1/ a fiend advised meC to beui 11 sone imepast an lir dathtu-y Dr. Chases Nerve of hast week. Tie ieha% e ivod for tiehe .iiiSIOtse at n ird ath - m -ant 500 1 udihels o'f Oïads at theiru~r~ ivasusîs tenîeat rasur. ~ j ~ roci nicnI ciciaclr l ast six vears oii tieir farinis itise iftls Conscessions cf Lxbniuige. A Favorite Remedy for Babies. Its jheusaust taste ansd prompiut cirefs have usadle Cliaii )eulaineiuuigi iemieivý a favorite witli tIse uothlens cf sîuîail c -hi i Idreni. I t quick y cures thli-ir cuighis ansd cohuhs andi preveit s any udange-r of Ipuieusuouici ' urithleu-sericuse coriseq 1ueuces. u )tsoni' cuires (crois),libut whleus t'ivei as soouî as thle erousuiy ciighs app esns, N-i il prevenet thle attack. i-or sale b ld nug - gis ts. GREENWOOD. Mr. M. (fluson visited ie daugliter in Toronto ~ over uusîÙy. 1!ulu. ansd INIrs. Geo. Law speuit Mons- day and Tuesday sus 'Toronsto. -Mr. J. E. Disnsey sjîelt a day or tuc ini Peterboro. Mr. ansd'NI rs. -Nelsons LedIgett, of Little You-k, speuit a few days witis thir ppar Cutslieu-o. j r. Cisas. Lcudgett spo-nit a fcw days ini ,SPECIAL NOTICE A few fi-cm liera teck iii thse tournsa- t1ument at Marklhans tise hast two weeks. 01 ndi ftu-\ai-el 1i-'t. i ý-1jjwe w ll oult-Ck t oî Mn. Geix Jacksoni is aigenitfor bocks i :th <l aye. andi Seuhingsg iste a fow. - îlhlCS il s UtL li '1i-355 Mn. Kitceiis, cuir sieur nisîer, lias stant- We want an unlimited quantity of Butter, 1tî u-k ut F. L. Greeii's tisu. susushen freisiarcisi bre pisrclîas - Eggs and other Farrn Produce. Highest ei a tleka.r lx orssh pr4ces paid. :,W A. Holliday & Co. ANI) AS JIBU RN M r. Johns Moore, cf Pickering, visited hie paîrensts a Iew (Lsys lat a'ek MrI . Hanmil tuon Duisioi lu ver' ssck at turne cf witiusg(,. ue sire gettiiss sueice ieathier new u-îiays. Mu-s. Norman - - - uncle ansd aunît .1SEMNt htf ls Miss Gertie spetît Mosdniyï INîr. \Wess (je ýI'cLeati, cf 'loi Mu-. Sisson is TO THAT FIEND 0F YOURS IN 1905 fou- a fcouv dîsys. i Aulanssos is isitinsrflien tat )suthev. sene t cini the carusiviui TIiiiusuiay usîghst. Gilb-on >, l -îuisiCorners, ut Mr. OG-o. Laws. ee %%as nsar,,d ti M iss oroyute, on Vucinesilay. ns uisitilig ut W in.Clark's Mu-r. Fred Digil1, wiio for tise past two yeau-s lias filled the positioni cf teiher n i tise Douinieon Bank isere, lias been ne- nsIOVed to t xbridge bransci and heft on Tnusav to coniniesco claties thene. Fred meade înasîv frins duinsg hies tay iin Oshsawa ai] wae particularly populan iii athehetic and social cmrles. t-ie ne- jniovaI is reguetted hi' ail whio kiew his. Mr. Chlenwitis, cf \Vlitby, lias taken fils p. aco ili tuh, balisk lhure. 'Iefolluw%ýinig psîîagrsspi is clîpped fronsîstIhe N\stentown i . -daily Stand- ard cf Feb. 2lst.- Mr. ansd Mrs. JolIii Staui.ey, of Olaa Onit., w lic have beus taksusg iii severai cities cf tîis state oni thîcîn xweddiuîg tour, ueached \Natentovni tiîroug h sioîî- aid bocekades aiidlisave beeus tise guosts of is brother anid sisten- liu-haw, -Mr. andti ;irs. Walter- Stacey, fou- tIse past feuv (lays. liey left \V'ednies- day for homuse by way of l3roclkviihc hsoro tiey utIll e; (il <iii nss. Mn. Stacey je a prnisiics citizens cf Oshawa, wliere ho.1- igitîîgssIi iii lsdintg, ctracting anid brokerago iMi n-l etStt. A verv iîleii,-aiit Cyelit tcs'k place at tIhe ls(,îse cf Mrn. ansd Mrs. S. C. Draper, oIl Wediîesdav eveiîsg, tise Sti iuîst., it beliis tise nidrriage of thoîr youtigest dasîgliter, Elizabeth Eleassir i Nehhie) te Jailles \Vel sîtoiin ies att', of Port Perry. Tise cerensory mWas poformed bv tise Rer. J. H. Tlbot in tIse unidst cf a largo uumeer oif frieusds antd relatives. Sue M as iret tily ittinoul iMia brouvis travellii ' Lsuit urîtli ut bite su k wasst, and hioed il uuost c- iarxiiig. -MISS Ma~bul Sîssîtîs, VWhlîy, auteulasid ncesuiaid, m-iw i lli Xuhamu Mowatt, cf[Pou-t Penny, stspptînted tise groom. Afteî tise ecre- usîeîsy tise gîseste wîsre inivitei iiîte tise dsuuing recuis iriere a sunptuuus relst - uas partakeus cf. 'l'ie bride was die roui pl-ienît of nil ny ha:sudsoliîoprt-sests, iil Show tise igîs esteousii ls hlliithie lisowy wedded couple ai-e hehi. They %vîi reile un Oshitra. May liappilsess and prospeiity ci-en attend tîsem tthnonlsy ~I ~ (~~V7~7iJa short lime was mucli Nu. cool improved in health. Af. ter using six boxes cf this precious niedicine 1 vas sound and well. I shall always recommend Dr. Chase's Nerve Food for 1 believe it saved me years of miserv.» Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. the great blood builder and nerve restorative. 50 cents a box. To protect you against imitations the portrait and signature of Dr. A. W. Chase, the farnous receipt book author, arc on every box of bis Ti- re \\':is surio.(l marifnsîsi Whiorc ius n u . s iJar-I le 1>)usig it. l lop licols, Anil ic\- e As giddyas îny sp-pi uti RUBB.JiER HEELS Ai-otise acîne cf couifen. T'lie Dunîop Tiro Co., Llmitod, Troron ta. lionse at once. W. B. PRINGLE & CO. AI the Cash Hardware Store SKATING SEASON Is hiine anîd se arte ou- Skates Skate Straps Hockey Sticks M WeC invýite Von to C'I al niexiamiîîe 01o1. 'dock bcforç ~)ureasifl. Wccary the be.st lhes thiat nonev eau i :in Oaur oi'rices aire flhclow cdt Corner Hardware Store WHITBY- 4 - w A TE b44 1905 dom% I. SUGAR BLEETS PAY PIc(ERING I i Clem. Davis ije laid off at present with H WI B Letrs rom OrCrepodYsa'Br ad LeJrrs~of years L. Boone's farm on the kiing- BROOKLIN. The Misses White, of Brooklin, vis. ston Road east. The Young Penpies' Association met ited at R. Wilsou's for a few days. Mrs. Chas. Hodge and two children, on Thursday night of last week in the Quite a number f rom here went to the of htysptafedy urnte sohool rooni of Methodist church. The amr'IsiuetKisl o Te- week past with hier sister, Mrs. F. E. Ail- program was furnished by three yo7 gda. Chrly edet las fo I Ni ..0rs ýfpuclas#i ladies from the Ontario Ladies' Coilege, A few from here are attending the S. S. i .E Viîasno ni% ed at Whitby-Misses= Sanderon, Cairns meeting at Brouxgham this week. 1N.W.T, and a former Pickâring resi- adEdwards-and was highiy ape r hrly detbshireo 1-te. efrshments vere served. Ou another season wit-h R. Somerville. hordent s fo the r est. urha ini Tuesday of this wveek the regular méaet- Onj~c h raetbesneamde Iii the recent elections three gentie- I~~I~~ W ing f the Association was helf in the man can wish for is a good, reliable set of mens voted for the Hon. John Dryden h l 's Bldi g ] ro k S program wBs a lecture on Shakespearepitf sessor of sucti an outfit you caus greatly ___inoinof___________y lol by Mr. W. W. Noble, prncipal of thé improve the etticiency of those yuuù have woi obheete si pubic chol.by the judicieus use of Chansberlain's the record for any division. Thoy are Hon.JohnDrydn an Mrs Dry pn leasant te take and agreeable in effect. Mowbray, 82 years, and S. J. Holden, visited at MepIe Shade fartn for a fow For sale by al druggrists. 7 er fae he e hs g Hon JhnDryenan Ms. ryenStonah ndLivorTalet.5he a e asrs Gorga.Coutis, 9mn6 y e aHglDy Bra n r.a t WiMrison thd a econFn-RAGLAN. gregation is 253 years, une cf the trio Mr. illMorrsonhad be on ri- By ail accourîts the coming summner thinks, would be hard to beat. 1 i y day and Saturday hast, hauling the mua- 1 wil l e the buseset Raglan bas ever wit. CGeorge Stotts i8' moving bis farr irn-' terial for the bari that ha will build this nessed. There seem to ho some super. plûments up te the Macuab farrn at1 summer, frein the station here to the natural force invigorating the minds cf Claremont, which lie lias leased for ai fartu. a nunber cf its citizens. M. Jsepb terni cf yeare.1 The evening train from the south ran iGnose reports that ha bas engaged a A deep) gloci wsas cast over the Col- Our winter sto ik rmust g to 'wind thir qielate severai urnes last week. andi carpenter to construct a photo gallery, loge and Village iast Friday morning,gou several cf our citizosîs arrived home ini a as under présent conditions he cannot when i i was hearned that Miss Lily V. big 'winter sale. ' Te have eut down prie neanly famishied condition. on Saturday; de satisfactory work ; Mn. Langford, cf Hicks lad succumbed te the attack cf night it was 10 e'clock when the train the Muitual Fire Insurance building. says pneurnonia frein which she had been stili further, Making the values offered h reached hore, the deiay being caused by that bis milk business is getting sncb suffening for some days previeusly. an accident ýo the engine.~ rn that it wili ho necossany for hum te put Evervthing that médical skill cou dog'reatest you ever saw'. The question no Mr. John Vipond ic h e ba s-01,cr a delivery wagon, as some cf hies was dune te save lier life. A specialist 1is, hqei h e ta dc a g stelat sessur of a collie dog just custoasners are kicking on having te walk was down frein Toronto and the very Wh elt eb s a dc rg s he i received direct from Scotlarîd. se fan for their rnilk. Mr. Joe.Hambly,1 best atterition was givenbra h e--h n ' 'r sn rl je e e flv tl We rgre te tat tht Mr. Wilof the Southern Lily milll. intends epeni- léoe but having a frail constitution, she Monniseri las had te return te tho To- 1 ing up a jeweîeny store wlîcreîn watdh fl a victimt t the disease. Miss Hicks by a visit to this, store. rente hospital fur futher treatmnt for repaîring wilh ho a epeciahty. Mr. Hamn- had reached the age cf 14 years and 8 the thiret trouble frein which ehe bas bly n2ý doubt will do woll, as hoe certairîly montha, and was a native cf Jamaica, suffered for eoine turne. We hope there wsll have evervthing that goes te ruak here bier father and mother resîde, and'Lde'LndJces eua 1 o 65 may now bo permanent improvement. 'a jewelery store attractive, aven te a who were notîfied by cable cf ber death .1 Themenbrsaîd aheens t hugramaphone. M r_. Hudson, cf the She is aise survived by a brother and a Ladies' Jackets, >nmxdlt, ocer$ . Ç. Presbyterianl church listeîîed te their North Star niil, alec says if itis possible sister who r tt1igPiknn Ci ilde'nCotl different colors, clearing j ewpato, ev J H Brlnd fr theo secure a dredge hie wiil widen the lege, for who'fi much sympathy is feit. saei $1.7c iret tinie in iearly teîî menthe, on Suni- ýcnoee, as it will be muchi easier getting The deceased was a great favorite, hein g ay lait. Rev. J. B. McLaren left for fleur and feed frein Port by boat than ayu t ayfmakdaiithving icesFln lteBou sndfer tcln- thes west earlv in May, havirig obtained 1 by theoled way cf drawing it down. Su made renîarkabîe procrress, ini both lirlad es'rFlannele loss4l3efeetcoos bave f abencefor he smmer Ho f thse intentions are cani-iut ent in a coilegiate course ad nu ie.ItenmentBd le in sae -- 4 e* resigned hie pastonato here in August tu lces'aîd e h1 adawa ae tto nede uyig Spreads, lu white, special - 85e. accept a eali giving huxu in Manitoba, junctien for tihe Mount Carmel Express, Mîonday morning. Ti s~~ Men's Overcoats, clearing prie - $31 and since the iniddle cf Septomnber the, there is ne reason why Raglan in a fow' ini the coleage silice ite reopening twelve iMeu's Overcoats, regular $10 and $12 price corigregation have beei istening te a vears might net have a population cf yeans ago, a record whidll speaks volumes diferet penheneac Suda. I wii three or tour thousand people. f93r the in3titution.tocera-$6 0 ho a great satisfaction te have a settied Proper Treatment of Pneumonia. i\Ieui's Pea Jackes reguilar $5, to clear $3.4 5 mînieter againi. l'rîeuiunolia je tue dangerens a disease Baby -Eczoman MT 1eu's Heavv Pauts, reoular $2, clearing Inflammatory Rheumatism Cured. f or anvone te attenspt te doctor hiniscîf, 1"M.Ny daurghter wvas afflicted Nwitii ecze-! rc Wiliani Shialer, a brakenian of 1)en!ii- although hoi niay have the proper renie- rn frei%%-len three %ýveeks eld. Her en- 1 soOj,~ascuhsdtebshdfrdies at band. A physician lisouldahw-ýay.s tire face and head vrere rawv, and slie was N[eus Cordiirov Vet i dwtlfanl re- beea eksih ifanntrr e chld.It eiouid be borne in 1mii, in awvfnh distrees. When doctors failed e, ie wt 1lanl sevatiin. , eeks inîanriiaor rien- hoe'evr lat1netiiniiia alvays resultse beganthe tise cf Dr. Cbaee'eOintnient gLar$,c"aig ae - $1.25 nîniei. I seduis ruii(ics le rouu a cold or frein an atta»k cof tise gril), whîci bscoîîltey 1rdard hbs \eu's W7iter Caps, special -39e said.- Finahly 1 sent te McCaw's drugrihbscmltl ue and by he baI e store for a botule uof hsainiberlaiiii's Paîiadbte proper treatnienit cf tîsese dis- neyer bad tbe least svnîplt m c f thel e -' iTed hrs rglr$12,f ' as athreatened artack cof pneunsoriia! îroub!e c;ince.'-,MR. 1),TRICK 5ULLIV, N, c' lav we hrs1egtr$.~ o Balmn, at îcstusse i was uuiaihe te use 1h-e.ardt.dCnuarines, -n- hador foot, and ini one week's buine %vas, îîîay ewrd off. There is n questioni Welland Ave,% . ahnii6Ot 9e. ah e g te~vok a lai>iv s aclais. ,whatever about tii, as during tise tisirty For sale l'y ail dru,,ists.ya ai oeiit ias-ran' Cgi ReuMned yh as Iteen use([, we have yet te The manrixugeocf Mies Sarah Martha CLAREMONT. learn of a sinîgle case of a vold or attack -Gilmour, second daugliter cf Mn. W. P'. m oniss tn is gP eaL . Mrs. E R. Eddv, who lias been hore!, of the grip liaviig resnited in pîseuii>nîa Nonnes, cf "The WNalnuts,' Markhatu, te a fow days, will stant on bier retunnr wlintisrr to asîsd.I s ieMn. CGeorge Arthur Coulson, youtigest Wednsdaycf his eek used by physîciaiis in the treatinent of 8 cf MnI. John iConîson, cf LowvilI. Denver cii iiuinnoria itii the lest resuits. Dr. NN'. a soeinized ià st Wednesday aften- If goods are not satisf'actory money wivb Quite a nuniben ef our v]î1lagens are J. Siiitii, cf Sanulers, Ali., who is aise a' a-athersdnefr fu e , 1Laid up by la grippe. drnggist, says cf it :'-1 have iteers seil- nicon at one o'clocli, the esdnefIre nd . Mn. R. Brvaîi was in the cityon MNon-; ing Chanîberlain's CoughliI'emiedy andth ie bride's parents. Rev. E. L. Pidgeon, day and ptinciiased a stock cf pipes, te-' prescribiiîg it i ni y liracti(-e for tise past cf St. Andrew's chnrch, Markham, pen- bacco ande-igans, which ho wvihi kttp i six yens-s. I use it ini cases cf prieunniia fornmed the ceremony iii the presence cf stock in theîfuture. and have al%%ays gotters tise best resuit.s. - a large numben of gueste. The cuntains~ The Mission Bandes tesua ad concert, For sale by ailuigis. were drawn and the bouse artificialiy ' " in the Baptiet chuncishast Tuesday eve OSHAWA. ighted. The bridai couple, who wene -IRSI ning passed off very successfuhly, aise! An évidence of prosperity iii Oshawa îinatteusced, stod under a tastef ni de- the social heid cin Thunsday evenîrsg. is that maîîy mechanie are iookîng for pendent arrangement cf evergneens 1Mr. Chas. Sibboris lias booms in the enîtabie honses to purchînse. catight withi ribbens and uîowers. r 1-,ý 1 LIN 6j 1 1 t 1 1 1 ýp4