Whitby Keystone, 23 Mar 1905, p. 2

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ê SI.THII'MASMUN C. W. Marloit Put a Bullet inI EHs Brain. Shooting Took Place in Toronto lotel. As Usual Therp,'s aWoman in theQCseý. I tîtîtît - t lt-lit iii ~ic r lt i - frît-t-ut liii' ,î il lt-i i lu iii t i titi .il i lii- s IC \\ îi -lt rti, i. iililti t. \11xii1r the 'IîutIJ- iti t ui t -ýcxi i i - -iut l - t i i f 'itli 'lill-uiilt 't t tIc i ti1(J' 1"ilouit'l j2.. 1utitti <.izit . i ( tili'i t I lleut-c -t Mar-tii JauJ xcliti'. St. lutrn'. rt tiliti'Nri------- fr'ili i Muitl 2.le,;]ite'l îtîld -o lt bt iiitl -îtttt'l ii 1i ta t , i- lt i i t1îu ,t-. ofi utili. ttuttti rsther b \i Iii. ' l itiiI a 't l1t 1t v I I (Ixx l Ii iil îîr 'tti'. M irlot t ài il: . t "it inaii tl' l ttlttIo t~ . luti rt1c t t t t lit' t tut iii Iiiu ' l- tt'i ttr il l .ii i ttlt i iti ut ti h iiii b iut, iii ti iiiii ii . l tir ' Of-i i uî( i J- ii.! u rîîI ý ,lTîtr l NIuDoiti ca v. 1< -~i il1r I<rI<i 1îrtt1tî un 1 ' \',îîi x itoit ci i u d i lt !il im , 'r r r ctirt'ui rtIdiltr'tiut' ho un i lnti 'lili -(i. i cut i'-' 1tir lu tit i r i lt- it -, a~t-' 0 l i t 1J t-i 0111l'<t i i-Pt' )1i1-. 1 l ii'xlit t Il, xrî riuul il tIlt -r 11 ii- lttm , r ttt i ilt 1 -.i tt li:Ji -iIl iii 'ti, l <i.f 1 iii a'tt . tnt ilt" i 0 tt00i ct1 viic ii uiiiiN r Nt l u t ir" tup l1 iii iînt 1 Ir' t t1 \VI4'i) l utin t\tan c(î- 1rt'4) 1 v ,lI -o -i i ttiiwe iuyi'l-. t it ttn' l ii tîni ni 1 1 a dii t il_ ititi- 1,1t i'(). l 1t"', J ttl i a t it i , fut ît ( 1: o fl lu I.t'I it' ' ii'r-!nî- , ti- r si1i it h d IIil i a ly 1 l 1it t - ) TIlonoi lu ý'- i ut I lui. 'iti a l l l'1t1'-'t- fi i i iI - t i î' li t l it 1 lm - ii.l ir 1u i \ ni lit> iti' Ilrît t iti 'tudîe1t- ru- t mu t r i i t \i I ,il Ilt ct t, int l t-: u lit )i.ti- -rîî ii rît' lIi 1;1(1"i'\ (ui i " I ii ,- f "iit ii , \ ; 1 i1 n - ni' iii i- t'it li - . x I - ',tn(1l. I. a !t i .iur lwIt P i ni ;t il -_ tii-I Inîrîllîr ixx i-- fi i 'i 1 !it ,t)t\"Il ( I ti i < ii-il IV ' 1r'111- vlt t 11l(u- l g îi.e , ' iai.' < il Vtit2 '-zt il tfil u "nt i i n i l i -r 111n i i 1 1r'ru , tt Sii..rt uri-. it . li -'n\\n. i b ii I ' r il.- pti'n 'liu in > tt-I ii -t ra - J-t l eitxrt-Ji ut t-rtf - 1-1 itI Ni.i r -i n<< rt i1< nil1- xx <i ii i tijî îî I 1. tr x xii ui t li- hoi ir x i J ,.î liiu t iii i' r -2ttiiIi ni t1 i. r i Il i- -i t 1riz I xc'url iit' r-î.inuxui 1. i lni' r it, ni .-t 1î 1 1<n vnrrrî'i l iI . I J .1* - lit t tJ Ques t gaî BnukP t Uptlont\n BrC, ut, Pause ofN\ Cla1 oIn iol uN .1, t)"l il". x'< lu -iii lu' ' iii tir' t. . . ~' anti" - r n t Il 'tII n xx ' - j.' t --i t" t r '~ i. 1-. 't i n iii. t-tii I - ut t trI ""' - l-I-t~1tiu i ru rît iii' - i Il t' I t- c ' <i iii t t'. t' i r ' - t 'iii <un" t t - t! '~ r iii 't -- tl t '-""r t lit i r - - t tir' iii i " t \it i-i ititi iii t' t tii 1"' <iii 'i r. n t mi t~~ii't' t 'i iii t liii - ' . - tiitltt'iii' i r 'i i t iii '-i i t<rrxilI.t- n. i--nu", iii' i Iii" tii-il 2' 'i' -- s ~ t-ttit-tt titi <i -'i t lit I i t 'x\'lu iii uit I t r itit I c t 'ni 'il n 't tuîsy tit iulîn 1)(1,1Y ui7!-"oft tu ' th(, presCrt . eof t-irîr-lttn uiti r. i rti. lest ofnîtbt'.t'tu f unuinut îfrîti u it n. Vi ' trpireign i iutý4i-iuu uni'. it <t l i ai t" iri t vi thut'preptîtti unot uni tirrturnîr W~inidsor, -(titi i-iiitt 'tut un inandtntg oattl rnof ttIt li -i-r l'o Vu trin1 ir lu n is ta- wed texit wu'eu'M i tsttm" tai'u - of J. Il. Kcnnlng. of the î-aisittls detrarttlteit' - m/!5uade the ir-'ltî'ibut iiglit. lv tut' officeru of the regiater.it. ofait a us--ai of r heep-In the East ina'a flock of hua. dreds each sheep would have and would uow its own nie. It is said that naines of the men or their grea.t arinies. When General Grant was colonef of a INriC RN ATIONAL EsSON NO. 1 regiment h-e knew every -man of his- A PRIL 5'rH. 1905 command by na=e. "Wonderful would be the effect. of such endu.ri.ng and sep- arate rememnbrance." So Christ knows Jeans the Good Shepherd-John 10: 7-18. us and loves us as inaividuals. Arn Commntar.-I Theshehed andknow-n of mine. "There is a mutual af-' tonnnr.I he shep vs -.)I herd aersd fection between the Father and the Son; teu shep vs. 6.) undtnfthe dvessone le parallel with the other. As t<he Jesu lae te fondaionfor he is-Father- knows the Son., so does the Shep- course which was to follow. "With the herd know the sheep; as t.he Son knows$ external drapery of this parable the the Father, se do the sheep know thef hearers of Jesus were perfectiy familiar. Shepherd. As his Father read his heart, Theirs 'vas a sheepgrowing country; sj ddble read the heart of ma.n aud re- flocks were their main dependence. cogniize his own."-Robertwn. Those wbo desire te tboroughly under- c oaxylf-TeOina istand this ujc iltk pan o 1.Lydw ylf-TeOetl brîn befre -villtakepain tosliepherd mu st face storins, Iîardshipé rng ete their minds the picture of and dangrers f qr his sheep; he rnust find shep-fldwit it stne-tlîetn wlîen lost, and must. often fight walls, gates, and partial covering; the vith wild beasts and robbers in ptn-o- shepherd leading. not driving, out the tecting tlietît. Our sbiepherd gives up Rheep, wlîile tlîey readily follow the his life for us (Johin iii. 16; Titus Il 14; wvell-known vaice; the slîcplerd's knlow- 1 Jol<n. iv. 10). 16. Other sheep I have lcdge and notice of eacl one ia the *T'le tientiles- who w-ere soon ta be flock; the care with wiîich lic gocs on braotî,lît mb hiie lîurch. "The g-ood before, rernoving obstacles, niaking the.:14 MI 1l(epherd swecps the -vorid with lis way plain, protectitîg tlîern from ailîhogt. Ier steuiesare- danger, carrving the lanbs in bis arms tion C of Jesus to sinners of al nations over the rougli places, sceking ont thic and tangue.' Shahl becotue one flock -iclic.ýt pasture. and tenderly leading the (Il X>-nefl-aek not in creed, or flock hontie at nig-lît ta tlcrpaef naine, but iti what is far more essential slhel ter."' -one in Chîrist. "One in hieart, oeein il. Christ the door (vs. 7-9). 7. Thien purpose, oaeienjuthe service of God and said Je,,sus .'J0,si5 xvas talkiug direct- nua l." ]v ta thîe men whîo liad exconiuniicated 17. Because I lay down Not because t'he formeir blind utan, auJd the appxica- 1 have laid it dawni, as thaugh the love tion of Ilis iords xvas ta thern as spiri- of thte 'atlîer Nvere caused bv the earth- tuai thiev('s aud robbers w lia lîad usurp- I. love and sacrifice af Chriist, but be- ed atutlîoritv over the flock of God,' als cause I lay it down. That is, because hirieing slie plerds aud wlîo lîad aband- Clîrist's Spirit is ane af self -sacrificing oned tlie cieep tii wolves. Thîe case in laove, îtîaiîifested by, but nat alone cmn- baud illtîstrated l e va v tliey dcalt Nvitlî badied in, the incarnation, lie is loved the flock. Thlev lad rex iled a poor man by îthe Fatlier (sec llil. ii., 9; Ileb. i., interiafprîci îi lim 'îtx- - ~.1 bb tt.ftke it ugain Ilis rising ed ta e l1-w etds but tliev - ere plil- Irot thte dead ivas as necesFary as bis ferrs uJ ilitid'rcs.It vasa farftidyiitg, for bv ]lis resurrectiati lie secured Vudit l. . vrl-hi u-tue fri-itsof his deatli (compara Rom. pliasized te ittplortanice ai w lit He xvas NV5. ~ . Clark. Christ (lied in abotit ta sav. .e'ts iuw proceeds ta uIltî(r ta rtce ta a tncre conîplete lufe, and explai tlie îillust rationtIlie liail malldo a ise nicît withluIitti. This purpose use of iii vdi'(s I1tG. 1 ami tlIR' oo- ex ulî-Jthe love ai the l'al lier (compare 'Ihe îeî ii. (if tlli'e eO t ai- iot co-v- ottx I9-r;i atîtleb.n' n wiil eel like oi- stables. buit 0are tî11ete0cIl- ct.Tvý saohrsnei vi (-iu'-iite' sutiiitniii'î iv il w ilI of IoîiP.e tlis lias lieeti ('plai'tl whicl ius xvontli.y stîties w itIt h tiît-biî'- iîes Ilp l U' toi), .,f aur c î'îeaîîî clt nîai g i but tiiricait et f-r-ttI l at-î-rict tenlie ted hry(hti st 's leila ration ti I lis Thore l-,i. i -1i1v ' lI tîtlu-tiihlî i -lite fui. tuix w.îc -s. rii lî'ît2-~. ilite -tuti~ te ~--e shill fitid it." " yji lic-e ili 1)!iliiy ti.îtIl ' îL ilum. tuu. H ait uilation-, triut\iir lias iiii it' iii i t I feiîî-i tr e ii 'ii. b tri it irx ti t -lti 1 ii î- ' ai e l îii t i - iiJ a îrrfor-li Iý t :i!i I 1,-t i l i Ilec i f14 .(if no th -e ii' liut dxirî itte a S - xerv lIti la-t. lI raz ir:lxii i Iï Ifi - Lh t e îr or:- ii i, r i tî- ut r iaSlt-1.ta t ir : uît trel ý i-l t ' u ia' I r(1 ;. 1 1 Ii l I ît' îitt-i t i t>,-nit-- Iii i iI t i!i,. i t, i 1, trzri -rr ai n t x'y-i~~~~~~~~~~~ e.lcatiixZi'--i-~ i<t xrix t i lui-tli rh ne t()hI\lit iii a 11 lia itii i ri ii i ii -t t c c<' ii'! iti (dits anc iit)le ni-i- i'<<I llo 'u iii e iii('i crv f ou-"o n ndot." 3 1:oul Ch.agoMn i-lllt 20. Dixli If,11i'!r,- il. c:îiitrriiiîîi "ind astue" Isa.-lxi i., hc' t 11,,lu I îk t if t int r iiki1;'In ll,<rî a- t~*l Il(l tA -N o'- . - - 4'-' -ii- x l*ý l i i i -' 1111 ti t i i * t-Ill(,li < .t trtr tr ' 'ii .t 1;I I Mli :1ii rîtrid n-h tht,-Li- . fî-t x ' i "r rri t' t eli--'i - - -<ii ' rt '.-r I r r i t<'ii xi ti f - tt' ri ~ i tti 1r'iiit t i I- 't " ri1w --c - 't2rti..r'iîri tr xt2x t" i it' i ...< "' - PNi. -- ii rT l iiT1t11011('11 t Prr It -.f-t w 'at t oiut thut ti21 if i' t e ii ' ii i il ' W 11.11 x - bte n- . - P s e d r re v e n c-d r o 'i i r. ir' j I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 i 1"ti' ttiit ti iititiiii 't" -- l r rii t< i" tri i i ti tti til <findila -t". l ) i- f l,)II 1 ab-t T uî'f Il-li -li (ý li i si-t-kitig 'titili1',' lii'11 c'Iirî lieî-î tir il e "li ti tiilli, .î'd ~i t i 'i ý lt 'i ini J 'i ii ilctiti lit Nz t-I Ii' i-i i ccitt mi cliia.. ifoîx iti.l '- 1 ,) i. I lx a - r ;- ' 'ui - v.i1't-rt tiuio (Ili 'iii~~~~~~ iv, -i' r il lii11jtr-. 2 ii ti"'trts aulxi rrr i. 'x Il\ li . r ;I tii r mu ' t tr' -t-' i ' tr 1.-i It - - t I " 1. - .-1- lr t li- t f, t I i-u iii l t i s tîxlc it Ilrl 'ie ilt i îî u I hi f i t- i!i'iii xx f, i t ' lit Ili <','- î.îîî' i i~i Il rT hte " i ' l i' ii iitr1tt . ri t; il îf- l irr't ix' î.i 1'1.t-t , uit ilin t ' i r' ortt- r il t\v t il 1-ili 't- r.i' i r' -i lm t ' xx m'-] Iltt(' c i ~ ' c ii' 1 Si il Ic i 'i I -'1 tm.i tt)so; i 't1î' "f' ' Ilmr tlii it Il rt\\iIlhi-- ;:I r li Illîllo --ti. o ý t t11 Ili1 i- <t ~t fIl 'a v Ai Pi tir I i' -- i<i ii i nul unia t' fa Itil d t l1(l- i o if tr i ati -til a'îd I i tInuýit'e i ' r-t 'oiltturnk thiat 'I lii' ut i I r nnunîu t giý-to<-ed tii Satutdp iiiin t I'iîv ax i.'chein Ytî int-t t s lu u i Il nrît alit 'j'xl fa - ivri'~t u a -tuiîu d tlit rnui tu uni tt' stctut flioratnd ir'u lîl foi' tit(ii t u. ttd-a uce. 'J hpy Woman's Kidney' Troubles Lycfi& E. PiKham's 'Vegetable Compoundi la Espe- cially Suo=cssful in CUring Thio Fatal Mrs. Samuel Frake, 01 Profpect Plains, N. J., writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkham: 1 cannot thank you enough for wha.t Lydia E. Pinkharn's Vegetable Compounid bas done forme. WhenI fhst wrote to you Ihad mf- fered for years with what the doctor called kidxiey trouble a.nd congestion of the womb. My back a.cb.1 dreadi ully ail the turne, a.nd 1 suffered so with that bearing-down feeling I couid hardly walk acroes the room. I did not get any better, 80 decided to stop doctoring with My physiclan and take Lydia E.Pn ham's Vegetable Compound anlIamntak fu to sayit has entirely cured me. Ido an ronwork, have no more backache and te bad syrnptoms have disappeared. I cannot praise your mediemne enough, and would advise ail wornen zuffering wikiAey trouble t ry it. Mrs. J. W. Lang, of 626 Third Ave- nue, New York, writoes: Dear Mrn. Pinkharn- I have been a great sufferer wlth kidne trouble. My back ached ail the turne and I was disc-ouraged. I heard that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound would cure kidney disease, andl1 began to take i t; and it has cured nie when everything else had failed. 1 have recommended it te lots of people and they ail praise it very highly. 3mr. Pinkham's Standing In-' vitation. Womeu suffering f rom kiduey trouble, or anv forrn of femnale weak- ness are invited to promptly coinmuni- cate with INrs. Pinkharn, at Lynu, Mass. Out of the great volume of ex- perience whichi she has te draw from, it is more than likely she has the very knowledge that will help your case. 17er advice is free and always help- ful. 0f anl the diseases known, with which women are afflicted, kidney dis- eaae is the most fatal. Iu feet, unles early and correct treatrnent le applied, the weary patient seldom survives. Being fuliy aware of this, Mrs. Pink- hem, eârly lu her career, gave exhaust- ive study te the subject, and in pro- ducing hber great remedy for wornan's Uil y dia E. Pinkham'z Vegetabie Compound-was caref ul t-o see that it contained the correct conrbination of herbe whieh was sure to control that fatal disease-, woman's kidney troubles. The Vegetable Compouind acta iu har- mnony with the laws that gavera tht, entire female sysfem, and while there are many se called remedies for kxduney troubleàî5 Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- table Comnpound le the cnly one eýspe- cially prepareti for wom"!n, and thou- sands have been cilrcd et soriaus kid ney derangements by it. Derangements of thefeuniin ogans quickly affect the kidneys, and cvhen a cvtbtii as su-!h symptoms as pain or xvight in the loins, bacîcache, bearing docx'n pains. urine tee frequet-ursca-nty or high col- ored. prothuciug sraluing or buruing, or deposits like br-ick dust ln it; un- usuai thirst. scc-ell ing ai hands and feet, sxvelling under the ex-es or sharp pains lu the back rîunning dox'u-n the inside of her grain.'sue aybeU stîre ber kid- nevs area atlected anti stid hase no time ln combatitig the disease with Lydia E. Pii-latu's Vegetabie Gom- pound, flic woman's renaedy for wo- man's ilîs. The foiloccing lettc'-rs showr how mar'velousix' suecessf7;i, it us. LvgIs F Pn'~a'~Vt:çetable Comnound a Woman's Dtmedy for Woman's M&la ch a t-' g,- a g ~l!.. ai . 111t;ti Ji , ,ý., , S-.:- !l îrtî 'r- 't' .' tru . Off'! -I-- l l e l BEAUTIFUL CLRDPICTURE.ý DAN Wý PRINTED IN SIX BRILLIA.NT COLORS. SIZE 23 BY 221 Thse Pleture we wtilseni yon is a large reybroduction ofait e atta'e eîig'ravitîg, ptrint-d iii six 1)rîirit, picture o)f tru <'i. -,-icitng stiUion in exastance and is worthy cf a place i u i~y home. if you art MAULED FREE P R 1 WRITE US AND ANSWER TuEF FOLLOWING QI iSTr. How mucH s«rtOLK OF ALL KINDS DO VOIJ CWN. 2N0.1 ADDRESS THE OWN~ERS AT ONCE INTERNATIONAL STOCK 410M FEEDS FOR ONE CENT"o' DAN PATCH RESTORED TO HEALTIH DAN PATCOH GIVEN UP TO DIE MIS WON~ OM«" Of thse Kanikca City Vetcrlnary Collcte, I&I3t-36 i'ai 11h Street. RurIERT C. Maintit .V.q.c , Plits. Fut-C'B cocrc. M O. D V 54, V-I'RtS. tn fouir (aef,-rm thestite 1 NityC. Esurgentuts sw, siippel Dan 14 W-SivuAi. Mittsier polis. Min. Secy ad Treris lit tDean xof F acoliv. o! "IiternflLom, ltirk Ford*' fiTl tr iw-l ir5st t.iw t ur horse T'sntPatch, &bout 10'O ai . SePt 11ltîO iu4 u14" iMA sure ehvfrr raîiiy andlI p,-tittiryr.aasd ty aub tui c a ii.puis6 raie wa 7ilper miute ta bis a *'." thal W%%. molle shape i-tr ext peraturs t03. Tht'e har. terorif lte >j.se w w-'.. e eaSt i ýdItou grattssa-,y Ltrow letn pisisand b in s -k f" wçr,'e duibg lte atteroeun tiri abont 4 p rM lhepuise rae -b ..lhed mitre 'han l a1ai01-8-=i0 and hi@ termperuturo wsutuM Theheax r iew airfeebl hieithe110prisco-id nul b. iet~ thel -Sit tait2nflait tliîJaw anS th~este cot,5 r-at i'e detemed by ibouu b e el ea& ail ee1.jstlon to pe(71(ltmPiatli ocvreaSthe. otire bedx' mtho he0<tlin»Sa ndth <* Pain We>! ul t-li, g -stStu digatiola 1 Usîtutu-, Tr.iem(1tbîuffl Were hîgtoy lz>said. witch withe lb . b... een f8 hich irl-mtirsit astiwed an raitable sviiien)co « Ie&tàOJ&mmStaTy Qffldi$COn l xltag - v=saco for osti.Bk ln ite triliu&)i ca%'ltY'. AItti. ttn e swing la te lnUmftllam .BiCT! .tsUi>sa&Mt îl) u xw stans. ertreme wsaek htaMthel'Oprloeaw-ie very ttti vrTSittis-rom 4t u 9 p. 1 îbail <-tabletrong e a Mi iiteut or ut hep, tf la e-isy-Abonîrl7 Pot. a& .iight imrmmbutw-.. atice- ivrS oeri flnternati strie and hii&condition era4raflu'Opeoed. sue1a, v.Z'ri, u.~ VI ' 3 FIEED f Duar Str i-t t"nik ye<rpu a#o h si. a w4 - yn hm,%~B ItN'i tw in bàa moar e.-'duItem wre »tsol knç" utoe belfsSB 'W D îa - > Aie& ut ii the mft mS w rI a p ie E2 6"0ao 40 h du1ig 5la ut bm. ruumiulame btei 'iOve& fl - E~YOUR MONEY BAO&< FF T14EY FAM 1 If "'IntatO*tti&ia" Preparations were not up to betèLndard wecl.tId itot &«t-te ake aîuch au we oxer <&il ta ç4o 'né ws-ay'. -International Stock Food" "International HeuaeeCua" tXnà-aio~~~E I-nternational PoulIe-y Faod'" IInternatôrae.l Cohc'Ctiret' "Ino&Ra*Io '*International Loua. Killert' "lnterratio" JHarnes@ Soap'. * tr 69 5t&atrnational Worm Powder' 'lnteriiatiocs.I FOot kcizidy" "Internatt>Oul 0GeJim V Pa.siared and 1uAd 0on a -»M 04" _Siaramtoe. At-ilX!W 1BA' PILLAVE AND MURDER. Russan Peasant Disorders Causiiig .&fx- iety to the Gnvernmeflt. St. Petersburg. March 20.-There is reason to believe that the Goverflmelit 'has resolved to re-establish the censor- slip on out-goiflg news deepatches, which I was withdrawun about a yeaf ago. It is inferred that teiis decision ià prompted by the growing seriousness of the peas- ant disorders, wvhich seern to be causiflg anxietv to the Governtnt. Among the Iatest raids was one on the estate of the late Grand Duke Seruus, in the Dmnit- rof f district of Orel, tue place being pil- laged. A neighboring factory xvas buru- ed. This belongred to the Grand Dukze of Oldenburg. The trouble seems to be spreading ia the north and west-. There have been serious disorders in the Gov - ernments of V\ilna nnd Kovno. At Plust, in Kovno, the residence'k of the Govern- nient agent and a local jîîdge were hurn- ed. Troops wlîo werc briougyht f rom the citv of -Kovno scattered the marauders. Peasants bave devastated three estates in liejesta. Artisans and peasants in the southeril Governnients are th'reatefling ta prevent further dIrafts of troops foar the far east. The (overflmeflt bas dis- solved the iMoscow Agricultural Society,- which was suspected of carrying on a propaganda am-ong thîe peasantry. M Jetrunkevielh, the president of the so- ciety, lbas been ordered to corne to St. Petersburg. r THE SUPREME CIRCLE. Question of Investment of cussed. Funds Dis- Cuehîi l<arcliî 20.-The , ,tîpjen ft cie of thte Order of Canadian Ilome ir aies tiet in the City Hall hene fhîls aft.ian uîoouî. Iîcre ccNvecouie '250 r-prest'at- tives preseu, -enîgItem -NOva Sutla ta lititsh Colutmbiai. At 1*our1 F Market -Reports O0F- The Week. The Grain Market ls duil, the onIv of- ferings belng 200 bushels of oats, whicà are, lower at 47 to 48C. Da.lry producp ln. lirn!ted supply, wità butter stead-y.' The best sold at 26 to "--. per lb. Eggs ea$ter at 24 to 26e per dozen. Hay quiet, wlti sales of 10 loads at $10 te $12 a ton. Dressed hogs are firmer, wlth few cora- Ing forward. Light ones bring $8.25. and heavy, $7.75. Wbeat, new, bushel........0(6 to 1;o Do., red, bushel........0(6 to 1 ) Do., sprlng, bushel .........1 (0 ta o oce Do., goose. bushel .. ....... 90 ta e0 Oats, bushel .. .......... 47 teo fn Rye. bushel............. a,0 p Buckwheat, bushel ........ ..O0 55 ta 1trý Barley, busbel......... 51 tao 0 Peas, bushel................O 00 tao il H-ay, timothy, tan.... -. ..10 00 ta 2: Do..,rnlxed, tan............8 (00 ta j (<O Straw. per ton........12 (00 ît ofi 4 Seeds- Alsike, No. 1, bushel .......5 507'ta Do., Na. 2, busbel .. .. ...4 '-,l . Do., No. 3, bushel......4 e') ta o (i Red claver......... Tininthy........... 00 1ta) 1: Dressed hogs..... .... .. 5t Apples, per bbl....... .. .... '(At o Eggs. new laid, dozen 02O u)t 2 Butter, dairy ............r!' r Do., creamery...... ....O ' Stir> Chickens. spring . .... Ducks, per lb ... 01 Turkeys, per lb. .. ........ 7 1 Calbage, per dazen . ý,z Pata-taes. per bag...........O so tao Cau]iflower, per dazen .. .0771 i Celery, per dozen ............0O o )ta I(1 Onions, per bag...........2(A t r ]3eef. bindquarters . ... 7ot Djo., farequarters S <ita Doa., choinç,, carcarp7 - Do.. mediuma. carcase .%utton. per cwt.o 7 Veal. per cwt.......... 1 Lamnb, per cwt........10 0<' t> London.-Lx'e iattie are quatei a' 1212t pa-ten lb.;r refnigpratrir be.f, b",, tin brshr-ep, 1'2ta 17' - ter tb. Leading Wheat Markets. York ... .. ..x-.. - .r.r .ari.-- ..------------... ' i i . a t' 'i - - (),10(.k thte deîI-gatr's ciene pro-tîv.e.Tle-r'---- ----- -------------11 r.' - J-St. Lrtui'--------------------i..t..-.' .. ti<',îv. oft1if r l{ceptiiitu t 'iititttir of tIi- Toronto Lic'e Stockz. tiitîtil xxtut ~ianî a îdnî-ts-s f xtI Ir t .s aoft ive star!, at the CIuty M..-_ ou rt-" uit-u ix tiî'î it.itiitint r ii itl. -iý - 4 t-ar iuads. î, it - A îi i- ~. lit:iti'd trumîber oCt si 't)e i a-t stci1rd'i -iZi t I htilxittl i(,nIl lu-' A.Lii' Ill u. t tn.rr h- 'tx-a ft" -- t-. wn. iu'îrh.'ia itîîu . 'tirikil iii t lii' iii ut iit' îtjtnt 'ii t'i4i- ni Y ."-rJ4 "'ii 4u 'ti li'initt ii ilii" itiitt i I ii ti. "tI r '1 -u0 tOtit i s Lr-tr - . N -ViJI. iii iui f I. r tIni11r4,,t2i ii. "1xi.i _id 't1 -D t t tr-'- i'î i t '-i i i 1î i i tt t u l u '1-,ý.c ,i -iidaI S t r-lt t 1ia bln- a ot - t ii - o m dm'ruit.. t - .- . W e- t i -u .'r l)IIx-I;nr iilix -tu - t-tttIis <r îI u 1011t'iý, c- 11n lIt w 'li il 'rît. 'ilttitiiî xtuir \r'ii i" t"yr" LuIR rt-t-ruL littan' 1- r trzta Suit-tiiard Lambs-On n'"-oa"i a) t'cd- I r t~~'li'ti.itC"l Lit r i n goati dîrmind p;.:t i - wer " -r -ir -untI-il lix j- iii li r' iiit ic-cpru 'v-aes -aid autu t-tta I t-ru - illl -un v'ixii I ii- t rtnt ui kis, 0 7to ,ir- wtu 'nt.r u ILiubs. 54 t Io eact, a<i' ord*luir ýta qui1ý. i1 lot-s-RI -ipis w eiutlari c-e, iiaIlo a ï) tri-eai, ugbt tuy Mn.r .utnt'Iru z ut _- qrr t: trouLs Seects lt, irrIt auJ f r it, ffed anud rxatcr'd. Bradstreet's cn Trade. 'lotrt rail rprt ttIo ri' ut' . t t~' ruîî<de ictidit:airs ier'-,r.tuiît1 llai- . Irtuli' tquiect. 'l'lie tiiads ofii thee tt.1 l, - truc e su b t uit iitt- l Il'tic'veuinuut tir1 uti ihi lni~ xetk.aiud the urxti2't. ' tr îîl. tiitutgitit tuie htit'ii.r. Ii' tn quiet onuti t int accauîlt l 'lie d c tr.î u lia-t bt-n att.iîlcactixet. <tut îî'îu tut t o" sîrlir l- irl a r -cc-t xxx %liai ilunrtto t imrttu iiinii t.aIiit'iunirs titi.' il i I (atu.': îtlîî tnuii.tî t ri' i. -. .u 1 ut .n. <til tii t i.-ut' tuf ntttriur î ., lit itl 'u'IiI' iJi til it 1 Ie Io t tii r 111 i llut i n lu'unt tiI llec ii' u I ~ z-lult t l 'Ilii' r u-\iî.r-t.îi ît t tis l2tî- ja i tii' c ut ilt --- ut tIii-t eti tis ll i lit 'it ar i'itttttt i tlest- (rlei-uill\ rîL tu! 'rJI i -iînit nCtix Ilii Ille "01 ' .r . - . lit ' re i-t aîall i trîI1tus u I i ' - 'ii iS, Set the finl ttat larugo u'îuunbei -o~f Ixul- i iIItiiugtrnts artie- leîo ielv' to be an\ ttiIir. i -At Quleta lu tada cîîîîdu t ru-.il ed fîig iii ttt- ailt Jt,, t'- - J i xurna î.nditîiÀ xx i 'il - c! n ue f t v ibu l r' nit'v1,il' r I P ATCH M-1%N1 LED1)FREE i- t ilimeae ii'. N n- INCHIE. ~ ti i iiitut ift rît'i t ~ii., .colars, witŽiout any advertising. Tt i-S the finesi ea love: of horpes yau wasnt titis pcturc to frame. Jl . uru' i iIs etut- ti-r 'i - EPAID U.ESTION- -u- i-t li i iitr NAM-E THIS PAPER. olit iitir iinIlea totItii c' tri t. ii-tl ' F0OD GO., TOP.OMMT, rCifs. ntiiiIX-glun-.i ttr-1, - rutu\. piltn tt lii t.J1N \111II -i . TO ~Bsay trîeetinerepois utpati 1 l'u rt Lt a offer. W. bai-by agiltÏ, e, orisit oooo..U -weli. Tuie fine -cetithen and tI 'i- i'- eu "!Iternational ikft,rPheatioou have causidetably 7helpdi lt - 41 uenta akkCrbesIàT' ment of goods, and t1ie pno'pi't" -ý-' rbsur' e 0'Internationa1'Di tmpr Cr"trade generaliv are of the bri'i. V4 tivity is geneî'al in neariv a.1 Il mu-t of M'CK FOOD Go.. Terce. Cas. trade. Coik-etions are f air.-- s Il '-~ MMMMMMM"Mmq 1 bl, . Fra v 7d - 'ti- 1 ý à . - .

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