Whitby Keystone, 23 Mar 1905, p. 7

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TuE-CAPTURE e* TIEL'INIR SEVERE BLOW TO RUSSIA. Nothirig Definite as to the Resuit of the Fight Now in Progress North of Tie Pass. Gen. Linevitch, it is Reported, WiII Succeed Kouropatkïn in the Supreme Command. Concessions That France Thinks Russia Should Make to Japan. GENERAL LINEVITCL, PIaced ini Suprcme Comrmand ofthe Ru-stan Forces at the Front. 1It t rti iepi ii- thlati Iiiilt-u c r l t i liipon I li- tit - o f tu. lxa 'iuttt atm!i ir ii it-iin ti Lliit ff t-lt t l.1.ia ý top - N-ji ii - iiitc -aI il1t'. "Imltiqurp1tiîtutt \ ttitilix îxuîur h I'xît1îuiîît i hOile -u--tiiouu~lt - stand tti T 'lit ' ît îtui'l îîtta I o q;I lt.iî i-e li il x iimk - l ti iil i t % tt id il te- i lxL il t it a i i -tI i uî1If\N-Il' t i I t self Iti l sî u -ii tlt,1 outfil -tIîll i t ih 1 m ( t 1 !, 4.1i1)1)('1- (. g ,it111 pa W xt - tu: i ii- i lii g i t it' att -t ,l(". 1i-i i l g iviiiiu bu - i i ait-itif tlt ittthe xîlv it- Il'h-t lit-m lion ci tlieavi-ilt-i ituix xi iiiix-"ill- uittit ii 111t lu i i o l iihttic ia Lw lai i tîlîol' i i l ï ii, i l ut un in t l it- i r tti i 1ii' (îîîîif M luI it. 1lus rtc-tii'1 il - iig tir(-t(t1.ill i t t \.Il titi-i tt ti' i - ix' - I xi iin u iuttt \ ;-; i UP:11-t. 'î-tî-î-lîîîîa fillt àti li. I lit uslo f hti ii t't îif th i t "- i -t iuit- t 't it 41 ' i tii I Ml, is i li-1t î-iui. lt - î'mîî glii- l ,îctîî i,ý Ii ( i- ' tli t-1 t-) t xI iil riti ld nri ('1tu illit- it i-i id t1iti- Il î--t i tt ' tIti' Nxiii uit Iiii u fi t tlit- - .Iii h ti i -' i l PIi i-ut-ilif Hott aa 'iii ti -utndI t i ut-,-t i-tii' tf itîxiii A eu.- î-tîîîtiîîîî 0' a-i hikl'uiîii-'c i-t-tA ica-' l îu-Nga 1it' cut ii i:1iu4-i iiiutîi in lil Nih tus L.tl ii' lttîg -îîî-4 7'- 't Iîî g 1 v a. f i-tii i-i lii t i Iii' tit-îiia t i tiii - "-t11 îiiî- ias lua i iii it 4ii)iiîtii frot,îx ut li' l uîuîîî-uiiz îîti (if Il ' iiii' -ti-r t-u t. lî i x a ibru -i-it Iiri\Nii ixît cn itiitti - uti'ril--s1îxiiiThe'Iît-\\tî (flite f -ut-t guottt'lu it uioii'of t I i(li-gceixndl 1i1 gîllîs NxIiifb-1h Nulit ittîk iniialîlatgeî-î f li --a\ie ai. 'h Iiiil itii hiavie lit-s-n sutcri titi-i iii thliurîîri"îlfiiglit feinTie Ib' a.ss 'Ji l t' -1uii'st ioxi tif ;i îîîxîuîîuit bîîîi xiiifooîd i-t;ta--) a ittîl ptsit is lyxicuxxn tî:t tue jtuyi--tits au i,-r î-ctumî ;il IccltheLiini ui rIluisi n- t -i tinta I -'liliig toed i-i xl ialfttut-i rdi trn<ili .-t iwt-nhle ni-x- it-vtient xxi- i - u t-d.tIlite î-cuuuuîî Iltc' Iiiss oriiilt'tt t ilu'i l t- t' i n lxT l tit'f xiil igtu aP r i l " ii t i -- tt i-tmii lug li- ut tit'ti - - .fîtî lat tucti- îii il - i~t l1Iiiu- t i i t ' I-- tttIi ' iii'-111'1 fi -t itl ii îîIîî aiî i ii-i-tý t ltîs littii îlîî-iic- l iîtard t if st'î tî ý( l (.tii iiil tii i iti'-ril.t .1 -iii g i and t t-i il itii o t. - ,'ii t til i t iw l I t-- i t- -t iI - <t i -tii i ti t i i luif,\e I--t ,lit ii i - iiia iti i i I - tl a îuîî'îral if1iîli;,Lb 'tioi î l i ii Ibo il r- Iil t-l 1v x-îîîsilti ti Ihe lctxigtlu) îîîîis îî.liteg tmalleiit lias lit-t-n su)t uuttuxchi cclip icol xitit iii' xt Ritutat iotîtlia lau li as sixue tpustpîîuîed ne- ttaî iion t h-. Dcxle(gluu's necaîme-nd - ni i tas, i uuîltie u ltcri i- e pi-ucclutai lt b> i-todi--s;tifyc-ih btat ho dosies te re- sign andîti tii u c- hriis Nvitiîd tu his as- mit4lit, Mî. \'atatsi. Thet xî'or citnil. il is aise îmindenrstotit has defieitely decided thînt ice-Adininal Il-t-li- utp-lit. Il mtil ii' tin i\ i -;api' t'bii t iii t i lei- t i Il lt- lt - ltilt' i - li ltllui 1 1t li-j-t lti li ' ; l i'- ititutl ilt' - i iuil - Ii ti I l ii b\uIut i t I ta'- I in- t iil -xlt-;lm> ana hiî. tlt t tt- f t-ftx ui. i i'tlv-i' tllîî- iti i uttIf u )i1-111xiii it itltg lit u 1tii- i"-- liit houl uîwîî i lui tii I t îu i - Ilîx tt ju-t-nî il xic- î'îî , i xhicli, lit, sa yv . - ax'ulil onI v -rio tý il'- i l -1,i 1tttt it iu-î- N ,ll-t --i ti 1 ii - tt ut rf-ulî î-îîu i i i ' li '-a 1tluî 1îc-il ulit it t 'i it t t '- tî ili t i t- -,î - n t~ ~~~~~;li I11w i- i '- "'c -t 'i ît IJ' it i i lii liii ii,-AN M NE LAN AN IMMEý,-SEPAN Country North o? lie Pass Luke Western Canada. i ~ ~ ~ ~ \I - -l- liiti~ttittI hii i- I -'tit tlt i i i ii- i mît x li t i xi il- -u-t I li t l' t îîh tatix tî'îm î l \ikuliuil tI, l1it- M\i 111IOit lu u it'iu iiiîu- il titi%\ n uî 's in lIHe luho-t -'mii - :1) t ri 40 i b tif lii lx t~~~~~~fol 'tt -îtmhurfîîîlit- lit.i 'tii I i-u- Iîuî.u-g-i. lulit otu (tu' ittt i tl t gii' T- Il-t- h;l- u-uîtt- l ii i t-i x 1 h iil ' ul1it. î îî u ttt tuul iî:îîîuîllî î L' i b t ixu t i i i lit i-t.iII l i. i i i-t 0 :11ii1, (sî-îîî 't - the \ I t îllît l i f t11(ii' titii Iid i ii-Kiiii x i ?ltu"i t- 1.i tiiii f-î' jo tiilu-f ii u 1xi Iti x l; i liii thfail ýt iluiltxlit-. il t iipo îin îît u tuuîI t'i- itI of SAiuîiiigiii iuxi i utpuuî- c'c unt r- l'ut-- hbe intailt i' uuîî-'iiirhiSils kniin ut« -t liii DRii lid tIi' iiutîîuîî, tutu -i utii- tu u iiig biîîtiatlî u ti-g- nii i l î l îltplin. juî'b uîîtitu ottf 111 ililg)I-iil t C ullus--- ilt- tif h-t-iglitittl- tuI 1)bu (qi-ilfioi the- trai, tIt i h e tun- i lxi tly o o-uu-iîgtf a rivlur. - til li- utit u tii-ne i-t i s1îîc:îid iui ifîîu -l luton ).l-s utl Ktu in . h r I iitui ti iti i i t t ii - il-t î f i t' n îiîiîîi lii- tîi tîiî' tîutit-ut (l I-i- -il'i-lu i-titi i tIi-li- iit'îxtîîî ithe i l-'. lie :lut i I tt lt u île- il i - i titi t u- uis f-Itx -,tîtil- - i lutti. the - n ~- <tîtte iii luctu -t-t '-tii tutu a- tt cuuiu- -u liii xi' ii - i - i lut- 1)tuilîig tif -e t tiltheat-- ilmu-e ndlui>eluIanh mg Cos'b- sticks hurtiixîg t hîî'x. 'The xii utluîr on ih unt qaiui i-s mîucitîoileu- thian un bie \ itiedn t'itoit et lantirtu ,t-te tîii-nmiiotevr-sin lte tratlsiu-, ipjing su- etti ci'gî-î-tas tllut' uit it' 'i v s-'d anul cent iuîîixîg tii gît tîxin unti lLauke tii April.oxcecpt on te cii fmu nt the iaiddl? oethebcdauy, bbc sîîut bing strong a even i winter. The mont Important Russian town between Tie I>ass and liar- bin, with the exception of Kirin, which is not on the railway, is. iwansuling, <aiso speit Kuinchuling>. This town is a littie over 100 miles north of 'fie Pass. Here were gathered great stores ci provisions, alongside of wihich were erected Red Cross bospitals, the best bv far that the Russians had south of Harbin. At ail the other stations thonr were aiso hospital arcommodatiors, s that if Kouropatkin escapes he lias a good country to cross at the mnust fýi vorabie season of the year. AnouA-'ý few weekçs and t.he roads would be im- passable. But if he is liard pressec. there is not a defensible position, un- lesa he abandons the raiiway and seekcz safety in the eastern his. Late-- in the year, of course, the rivers would afford some protection, but in winter, being frozen, they are as easy bo cross as is the country. West of Harbin along the railway the first hilîs are encount- tered about midway between Harbin and bue Siberiain border. These moun- tains are rnost formidable, several switchbaeks and tunnels beirg neces- sary te carryN th e raili-ay over thein. A SEVERE REVERSE. Times Correspondent Saýs Railway Has Been Cut. A London cable: A despa Mii to tlite limes frein St. Petersburg says t-at ase cerding te the latest reports, % hich the general staff does not confirni, thep Rus- sians have sustained a severe reverse at Tieling, conîpelling themn to abandon their remnaining stores and a rtillerv-. It is alIse reported that the apanese have eut the raiixvav nortb ef Chaîtgttîffî. It is not knowuî which Japanese commander is conducting the pursuit cf the Rus- sians. One St. Petersburg correspondent sa-vs he learuis tiîat Gens. Sassuliteh and, Zarubaieff arc conîîîanding i lue rear- guard. anud i lit t ;n. .M;stc-hen1kc is pro- tectng the Russian righbt. This corre- sponden-ft adds that lie beli-ves that Ceii. Kourcîpatkin's cnt ire eomuinand ;s noix abeut thre huîndi-ed tlio(tU,.utd uit-, n- u eiudling-t he raiiw -a-vga rds, th(, garian-ý' at VIad .-ctock, and the fcurt h ari m (coIps, w hid-his il>nt rvi. Acei1-ngtce the St. 1'etcriburtt corre- spondeunt of the (!hrconiele cofficiais at the Ministry cf War say- thtat the R-'u>-iani -edrai Assurance Compaiiy 0F CANADA 23rd AniluaI Report and Financial Statement Vor the X'ear Erîding Decembzr 31, 1904. The tuna îidanîîîxai nieting cf bt htt(, c'iocf luis ceotnpany waB -lîoldatI lite ht-titiff e , f bth on pa i in ix il îx t ii. es"ih(arMarch 7th, 190--, i he lr-ttMext\r.lDtvid 1Di 'erin the ('ir.Il e fl îgreports and fînianciai stateruienu xxtre subu'îterd: DIRECTORS' REPORT Ycitr Direoi ors liai o Ilîe lionor tcî presc'nt Ibbc n,-l inat- financial mtatement cf t he t oitpý.niv foîr thlicvo.ir w lut-h(cie-ed t-a'lie iii -t it-'-tlo,1904, dily i îuxuh cd fi'ui1)v tlite .\ îdiiti)rs. Tho noiew tubitos<f lte(-vreur cn-ustpod cf tiretltc'-suixicl tiio bundred anti fifi v applît-ailixt-tfoîr nsurance, agit gating oiititt f îî ici turc thousand t tie hiuitirouanditiscxont v s(i etiapitlie ' eons foîr $-O 4h9t -engeeeptedl. A s in un-a tiC-t votini.the biet ite ui tIllie cnu, l'ti a gmt lif.ving increase, and Ilite a-ii-istf tIlinett:iiui v aive blii ine 'a -- 2- ' t 5anti have incw r-eacliot $1 s731 --tc-ltisbve cf guarant'-' eapil,:. -l le -e-irinitfor utolixtviolîtlers. inciuxJilîtgittu1tO t it i.aneltned at tbe iltsei-f Illme atar teIn 0173.37. and theo haLbIlt-s hi r itiitanti ail outstand- iut tIti ni-.su t(hiS56 hoxuing a sîxnpliîsof $ 0î7.S7 ýII rîive cf nncaiied gixainîcecapitath ie sturpluis tcî poihc,ý-holdersxxi-i ttt'i- Pol icic-s on ci ghti vtw iilbves bt-aie daims ihrt-îuctlî îeiî-î t. ln te arnount of $1I53704W0Ou. (,If xicui $1l2.5S5 irai- rensured iuîtnltît -t-îti~ hrclîtîtu. ct-î liN-iîlî'îds and dixidends apiplit-i t htu 'î.tituof premiums, -<itli annuuitles, tti' total hayatent te policyhollor ati- 1-hte i¶l9S,91.34. ('arc-fil :at ttuntuiotn ltis cen i'cn tt h, n'ttte' tf tii-- ntua's fîunds, Sn fir!u -clais bcimii'. nitrtgage sî-îtxities. and icauts -Yt'ilf» -i'tti)paxly.'s ptlicies ampLv h i-strvc-,. O ujnve-tniencs hav-e ,vIe(ti-d a yen' satisfactr riteocf itrosI J'tpeiî -i-t'-liite lit-n ouiinfined t.o a reasonaii' linutt - t-lin-be-o:x ith due ef- forts fer noihisinc-sq 'flie restîlis cf thl(,oa indicate amtost grabifi inu pregrrsq. (enipared wîbh the pre-î-oiniuîg, crhe cfigîîres sîubntte-i by the diri-i cri- fir rouir ipiro val show an adv-anct if ti îrtcî-îî andc a hîit fper cent. inast- '[ho lassuraintcs î-trricd by tîte etinpana' ni,, r aîîtt te$1t3.47.,S06.23. îîpon xîhich the c-tîîpaa -v hî<lds- serx es tii t'lue uli aînuîîîtt L-j x d lait-, ad, in addition thn: .at-oxsiterable sur-)iiis. Th(e fieldi effîters and qagent,.3of te pn'tr nolzn nIlvI n are ont itled te muxcîxcrodi' for thoir aI e ,repreý-enlti 'xIi-,lî' nijtaays inter- estq. 'Tue nieuibers cf thi- i -iice 'taff have aisîtIrii Mu!. l'hlto tbite cotipanyis seraviee. Yotur cireclers are lotsed te be uable te istate thal Ilite bLtuiness c f tbbcomc-n Ipany fer the past tiio nionihs of the currerit year lias lwiiut teto un in thle i-rrrspending ntils cf iast vear, an d tliît bhe i ilook for tue future is a-ery brb"ht. DAIDi) I 'I Pri-dent and tan'xging Direetor. AUDUTORS' REPORT To bthe c-iîon ind Directors of Itle Federal lite Assurance Companny- Gentlemien,-\Vi e bai - careiuTlly ilidited the botks anîd records cf yîîur r-om- pany for bhe yoar ending 3ist December iast, and have certifiee. to their aceir- aCY. 'ie cash and journal vouehers have bern closcîr ca.;imiuieil and aigree witii the entries irecorîied. Tie debentures, bondq. etc, in bhe possesszion cf the conipant, have boon îrîsne,'te<l, vlml-t tlîee ttî'jto'-itcih ai ith the Gox-oniniettt or lîtîxks hatve, heen ioni- fied bu' certifi-t.te, tb-e'c' tiil agrecung with the aî:ictnt tus siioxîn in bue, state- m-ent cf assets. Te aecoxnpanying Fs' <'e(ments, viz., "-venue, atîsots and IiibiitiesF, show the resui.tcf tIi-c aar's opel itions, 'sad., ah-o, lie finuixut-ba position cf bbc- aci1- Respactfuîly submuitted. H. S.SIPIES Aidi t rs. FINANCIAL STATEMENT FOe,,%R 1904 RECEIPTS. H-trntlton, Marrh st, 1105. Prrmiini and annuity incrne----------.... ..........i8,i Intarest. retats, anud profit on salas of se-turitias.............S ti51 DISE-URSEMENTS. 6M783 Ptildin polycylcrs ........... ........ ........... ....is i91 4 Ail otbar payants ..... ... ... ..... ... .......... . . .tiii7n Balance....... ............... ............ .. .... .............. 0t ASSETS. DECEMBER 31, u904- niebentures on bonds .. .. ........................ ... ... ... ... ..s Morugagas...................... ...................................... Loanis on poluetes, bondsr, teck'. etc................. Ati cuber asîcts ....... ........... ................... ........... .. 655,183 st 0-tii., S; 4tîîtt, :tt 3î-i;or a' 7tt rtas-en-e tord......... ..................... ..................$.8 S7,7241 Ft le-atb lasses axxaltl-ag prooffs.. .. ............ ...... ... ...........-tt-0c ititenliatilitie . ....... .. ...... .............. .. .....................7,ii Suliius on po'ilcyhcutders' accouat......................u 1ca-s As-set..................... ......... ................... ,I18,s -- Guanantmeecapital ................................. 0o To' il secunîty.................................,0,757 Policiep. wen'- lssuiei assurtng ... .... .... .. .......... . S 3,110499 50 Total tosunance lta rre----------------------------------..s$10047,806 23 'Pue fcogolng nepirbî a-id taitements wene necelred and a)apted on the motion et Puesdent David Dextmr, seconds-r! ay Vice-Presidenu LIeut.-Col, Kenuis Tbp retînlng d.recturis wene ne-elected. and at a eubsequent Meeting of the dlnectors le--oxoiag off!i-ens wirense-elerted: Mn iraivid Dexten, i'restdentua~d Managing Dîrec- --îr: Lieut-Col. Kerof and Rev. Dr. Pott', Vice-Praidents. R(SIN PÀÀNFS AT.AKWITH1 TA MI 1 PRESIDEXT ROOSEVELT SPEAKS OP T uiV'u D TH MOTHERS AND TIfE FAMILY, W \ashington> Mardi 20.- -President RooseN7eit on Monday deiivered a char- Aarar*oa~n T<jjkUhi.chu. ~,u ..u,...u..A~~ acteristie speech tb bhe Mothers' Cou- to Live on Their Estates. army in not retiring ' liarbin, butf to Kirin and 'ladivostZek. -.1 1 The Tokia correspondent of the Tele- graph declare4; that the Russians are rio shattered that the Japanese are now able The Telegi a ph corres-pudent at, &n- mîlnting quotes an eye-wi tness of the2 Battie of Mîkden as saying that whiie the f ighti. * Lwas the hottest south- art West of tic eît v. a hundred thousand infantry and ~tlc belonging to the Rtussian centre ý,tautelI for Tieling in per- fet order. e'Kellernberg, a Russian (-e iinmander, 1l, ing àt Mukden, both his ltg- having bcut sbot off. The Japanese Pi-es w-ere rl. The siaugliter on icth lde eic to outrival the ulcords (if the wo-Id's crreatest batties. FRANCE TO RUSSLA. Concessions That Russia ShouId Make to ]P::,cure Peace. A Pi h ca The attitu,1e of the bankers is-fii" understood in political circ1es. Wî lu;sia 's polipy remains 'chat it is the bankers realize the hope- le,,sne;zs of biei- fforts to obtain a Pacifie empire. Tlîen is reason to bl-ieve that the French Gox eroment. is ad - in(y Rus- sia to relinquish the d, earn of recon- quering Manchîuria. Two courses wvould meet with Frenchi aipprov-al-eitiier withldra\val beyond the Amnur River. leax ing the strongholds g-arrioined, ur a deelaration of wiliing. ness to iiaeet peirce, provided the w hole of theJ --i)ja Ra ilmwav rernains on Rsîi I t ritor'v. 'Iii,, Trans-Siber- ian iIRade aýt vwhaiever eost, main ini1i~a possession if the peace is mopant tu 1) permanent. I'oIiîtiiiîr; t1hik the maintenance of \lalio'î kin Russian lhandIs would meet wiht he a 'proval of the British and i i-a n xvernments,, as estab- 1iiix4, ff .e otnt.erpoîse to Jap- niepi lin ni 'i, en the Pacifie. There i,; w) re-n t eI cithat Fra ire would a1( 11w i (i /-'il-ta vield te j'nilce Snfry- gesIionýzwNve- the oos~iu f the Tran-sibera n ai! î-av aýured to Rus- Le - A grle- Cal.- Fha ii' ttorm tmat hli ~îa -n it('imrila inue ' n orni, -g fro. iSn i f. t-le Teýiachal *ains, 4Inl- ter; "a~, i; lI:luinatic ire w'tu1 nortt i i na. danîcîr: raflroad fri,. i ! ln the ( -ità thre t fi\ e ui - i nu, show,- ut break- Recemit Events Have Spre4t Panic lhroughout the Russian Administration. -44 St. Petersburg, Marc h 20, 2.38 pm.-The Zemstvos, Duomus, throughout Rusaia, are taking advantage cf the imperial ukase issued simuitaneousiy with the rescript conferring upon "individuals and institutions" the right freely te petiton the Emperor threugh the committee of Ministers on ail ques- tions affecting the welfare ôf the empire, to demand representation upon the commission, whichi is elaborating the rescript. The importance cf the ukase, which was Iargely overlocked aI the lime, has new become a pewer- ful weapon in the hands of the Liberais, who cenlend that il necessariiy carries \7ibh il a cempiele guaranîce of freedem cf speech and assembly, witheut which the righb le peitien on generai questions weuld necessarily be a farce, and aise freedom cf the press for the discussion cf such ques- tions lhey nov; recegnize in erder te force a test cf the Gevernmenb's sin- ceniby epenly le erganize clubs for the purpese cf debabing political ques- lions. - The Moscow and St. Petersburg Zemstvos have already vobed strong resolutions demanding representatien on the rescript commission. The strike situation scenste be et -i erv wierc iinproving. Tfie Social Demo- erats lîcre have advised tue sîrkes ho a:!( e wtl ýianuicuiev nnd eonfronted avithic staiiution, te retuin te xvi-k anid less blînt 1,000 w rkma-en uarcutexi-out.On te etler ilanti thlee-tc-ts fi igr-arna lis - t urbaic-es on a lai-go-f caIe ave beco( ii decidedi v morue-tlireateiiig. a îîîi areta ingt the epe-tt cocceruî. Ma uta la ndu d11 pireprieters are fiidte go -kt té c-s'. ."lit e icueut lias art a-siumc-d a poIli ialii-as,, bttin in tue oic1 for in cf a, douiaxîd for fa redistrihbuticun of thv iliand. Agitat ciis arec sh icaxdlv i-prwt iiig i thle reptthtat tl nututrr la ic eetsi sutt-lfiadivision. tî'lliuig the e )a-auti'-that thle Prprto(tinuc îct xiutt te ilîntt ana tis settitg itieun aganit tlîe- lantd- lords 'in theii' itipc-ocr's TmOPli i I a wn tiin lias noix- sîtr-ad t t simbir-k1Pr- xiîîce, wecthîcv arentul-iuîg i-cady t- t Itetin at<lixi-,iîiuiof thenel a'ý - -tîfin thei soox-i- et-'. IluAh utsp e-i tint ti- i c-i-ii--s have fîtrutall i uîttificd t1tv eanse their nctîxîtx foi.a «t iiî:îî aivait tiiho reuit tof tIler(, îri uA -tory iscurrit 1Iliai. a 11(t in 1t11e-auli-nto atie logCe Vtis lan loi-n tiu-i lit-di 1eitii-i a i lg ptîpî'x- luaNinug 1t-n ticiet un Il,(, pt-rtiiof a -tiiîlt-uutmii e- lîîf-'l, i. oft tt cti -i a I h i iiW namui ani nui iiotiieu- -uîiî i- t a' oitou it its lott'i r.deny CIl nowkdeî1-4ft lit-ilît. A Peasant Revoit. paiît tlt-loît-t t i: it' iu-îai i ing Arite pit urexvtiltu t -in iaui nud( '1 idiniîts rsosblt o sasn ctoi f bbe Grand Dtîke Sergius. It is represented ivbre by -M. Roixhanoviteli, a naturalizeti lreccinan, of Russian enigin, axN-io ni-o editor cf the Tribune lu-e.tlo ie Laui cf lus parla- in France. lut aninterviewx-M. Ililaîxic -aid t ut-voluti ouicf tbb-,îîea -ntr m iîad inow lîet'iî uiaiuilii be Iutnueib-v the re- a-cdut icitir - prty amihthe ulmnost vi- gem. n t- oit-veuî's blîa ireadi' spread pmanuîi a nilueiora Iizat ibm ili u-tigout th le euîii lre Itu---ian tf firal iaiuninistra- tionandattthteiîl -exotild -(oîluhe cern- plot c for fîî n ler auto f miîîexcît more s-iart liîg natulre xi re bc-iutg pnî-pared by thle reveolitintii-t -- Rogarîiug tlieaNvar. --NI. T'oîîbannovitch Zp ~i it xx otîlîl lY ircî:idit Ici a -top niain- ]ylx miltg tciiihie ak if proxi-tions. The %wa c-iii oldIici-sant t lie irouit xî're xei su i -i i i th at-au- tît.ieiai, bu t-laid lit io or uîîîtimîutL tîIo et. lli-. '-a il ?Mr. lictitanoviî ii aas due At the Ibni -Sii ng-uni-at îaff antI in ecin- -î'jt-iî-- it thtAu -oualirttion, cf the I ilssîan seluiers i- ; s-cuiiplete. Ii Wciulî. -afl M. Robanlovitcl.] tiII ite possilile for ttli uî-siaui gox crnument bo Iiobcli irsdu- utfî l-' u'uts an:d Send t Itei te 'ti' froxît-lbut thî eîîxi n ar- n ivinug tiî'exx cuulti iuiîeîli,(iateiv- be in-' ftc -lby tlîe p1irit of tttm-v and des- tleuir rtnî-a il iîg amot utg thle lient en and -ta:,in x iug -gitîti-t. xi i(h lîi xi'ieded -!îilîitu-x-r.ailîlcî ALI.Rotîhîno- t- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i-1 li-mat oe-tul t iilt nitxage te ina' thi' matr dil a iti- iii cars. ixere il uý(ttfur t!jvie u:liai -lc-Iitniof'uthe -"Itri x xa A6ED DETROIT MA N t Clothînçj MLETS À HORRIBLE FATES Cauçght Fire and Mis Body Burrned tn a Crispe liix t . 7-t Iti iu 21) Pi'iîîî-îi îien a j bux'iinî tale, -ii uîuîîîîîî lt-' lxgry faie- li i uiitl ii fuîu I -i' tutu~ ~ ~ ~~~~i ulît hmolttt i th tjî.au xii lutt -tit mutl ti-. \\iillitîî Briggs. I , tt-r w, i ti 1 I l -. At motn a 1- tn 0 cîld o r Iliigit i cf ?li Irig ).u xî- ulj Idiliuîuuu u u-'foit. Mri. t tiner - h littull(1 îii it u tithi if 1b1t.Ç itît ix-: u tut l tuxt- 'ite li î f'î ire ltI'ut cci mI-4 -etnu- bs to.titîI itiaio bie uiux ti t it id el O i. ,t e ii, if untch xxro I fa îtui- -i- onIjue It ta Iollt1 fu'titn FAMILY 0F FATHER JOHN. U. S. Soidiers Say litre Things at a Kingstoa Military Banquet,. À~ ~~l the.li~ titi- -du i 1CîU. Iwi- t , i i siii- ii t i'l it - iti v iti ut ait ituuta- t attht pic- ut letxteei t n ltit-titt'e lix itioi andtu l i ic nîtscia- ici- c' c.li1, ecî hî tlr cotusins, wuy tuti lrct iti -YAre axe uîct ciiidren of thlie s.uwi-parentY l'nuu. tue elter ehiid gaL onu lis iPar antI i-vu up iinbusiness for libnieif, anîd is ding jiretit- fair, but the ûttler ehibtrexi haveato catuse te crn- plain cf blair shître iin bbe ohd man's business. "\hanet in tlîis ctV c f triusts. and consolidation ii othe ines cf business I it'. 'Mr.C('tier x u-'itti'i tovrcîlîe by bt-e tliii-. ii In tu N u1: î-îîhîtiv oî te rt'tci u t-Ile cýli c. 1li' t'1I ll uudî-i' lie k-i teli-l ittu. utitabe 0 -i uou ltî-î-aîîue îg- IlitIllte rîi-uuuIl rît-. \\iIîiaîîîî lcng-innte, futuuxi l ixutii Ii hl-ui- t--iubth' jrt'iicatnient. ; ugtiItP5 oc)el ixi tIutpaY llz'uisucle a ind vnoît i-tilt Asi-l(.tý\au uiIIettoxuard flu it'i.le l î-uîuu l le- -tîoki rgc fltîritîs anîlluI-ii uîii'g li'xxapai ed at Ilhet' '-ilt luifox-c-liuîîi Jluie 1)î11îrn 1ilîg', cîuîuî cf li lub îu-1ie iay rînîer buie table, xxhiudi x%\ts ail uîbiaze. iffileruoatii-Itlîe od mtanxivas a bcd tuf fini'. axîti ouïl ul iLsuieof luinu tongues ti f flaune suicît ý- ý leanvas already cleatl. Tfli e c ot11i i i g'-1lia dbeeri burneti aI uîosb cntre lx' frein lus botîr, and in plaCceýSbtie fiesît mas I)Lrineil te a cris:. TIhe fetutresutfIlllt'dlniait iere se huak'i-Ia i ( itiiIonte(las tl e hoavici- iv- nnt-eegrizable. l iii i -. umlha- b luis lime aveu e shuîîîîîing i l-i I lle ui Nxxiiideix's tif th ickitceluui taiiund 'l gOt tto- aantiIlle fronut patrt cfIlle 1horuse, atut laîuking rupicl prognei-s xx heu thbe fin-, ilptiîituient l i bt-l ut tIiex uxere suîcuîîext iuiisbd. c\ ut uxc ut te te fui iii la- ibi-s cf I-îthcr Jliix YAnionc bhat wouid ira- to lui-tint' lub- uterger ihht-gal auuxhl lihane a -tinicoluil enu lt-ca fierlue liai L--îuî,ia- i-titi-i. If tueelihîlcthihd sho ?lotuhh ibto t o, i-ui c.di"a o l iit t xt i f a- tIi u anduuch tl ibueuxîall muli ' ii't- U)is a-tu-tinc YAnd dousit- nîoite tthii Luit htuti.if thui fathuer orant' etobte cther ehiuudrnneucedecl nuix- assistance tutc i'der uluhldut 'uxîth lici-itte anmiutltY Ne. Jif mutt Lu thîcu , 'cliî-în aihuttY -i-F - cun i i'd s i't id. clxx' ctîu uitu'a t t!hix -1. cuir h'ui ix xîPresident: andicitien (tit taun- I.v, t1lii' I igl i-hi-spi-ti tug nait ut:: ., ,llite -i-ucanas ti'nminated this uitil- mnuiux a'leuî bue T«United States oîifrns avi-re aga in driven in a-ans aenoss t a- ion- der te ('ape Vincent, ax-lîre lhucy cntraiin- cd foir Sackcbbt's IHarbor. Af ten aIîcarty faurexxelh andmci any protes uti -ms c.f xxarmest friendslîip, tiioVa s Inrted abont 2 o'elock from bbe giles iuf Tete dlu Pont Barnacks aaîid thc resouîiEng cuicers of a lange ntun)' cf trt-..iey- aiea. As the vans dnove tirotlu.'hi thù bugle corps gave a faneur t-l s lut- fe vs- itors huai-e shortly for the Philipupines on serdm à \'%'cman's Rights. _f ifi i e i Ilîxî t I Il iln 3 a 'î'~' - iu thiii xiii'-' i'anh i r n 1t11)t 111i 'c)îk t t t cof dî'iC-Agis of- 00 - ibe utc an ofi.i Il,' oi lil' r to il. i t i i îuîuî I lle til t 'ie u1' t- ild « i el ong itt>'i -iut -1 ft" lii i' l tii' he pttîtn itti nd ot e i turîdîli W,11 t It i i fort ue i-'i bu' '-ii- -' !'t l t 1w.lii Yil I i do (tîrvi --- r-~- i t u - -- b l ,I* - Ii - -t ' . - l ix î a ric'~ l' a'- li i i l uIt, Nit ;! ti !sl1ît'il' i c te crtif vhlIlîl "Iil atIA f(ii th-t t le i la\ - îe- - ttt tI - itttiiý*Ii-ti- ilw yn ui, t- c " -l ,;îtî n utlit (cf ti i 'itfw , lie c' îniîî-ii ilyt i f *liecî'lîer g - t liless- îuîe-tfoi liii' lh. illie tita ci a itnan it-lie im -ra- - a ft "'ite-' thii-et' îite t12 ti b th -u ,îait- on1î'-e oid- (4, t' I f iii e t-i ti11iniciatte ro"ïu illuîrit.s c-tînt tiliit as kunri aany % i0: t ui t î thie -etlier a lut p is aa y im iihttmi. 'ir ipoiî the umaii wtîitu-' xci fa: rk tht- -rp- huit.ti tf it -o i)tIii anti tut titi !-,!'t liii .-Ifttliu i ; yf. c i'ti- t to tin 'o*ot'. --livi '\)~'~ i u î ouî tf Ltii x fYli u lux cu it- c îîîî ct iiuî analit f:tnd i ---wli ail"t-lifuiîx trif- lit tî t , t i il - 'l ii -t îîiîe .- a t t- - iI iuuîki ;v the fiti-iiii f -'îl ii cri ulît heîî fait, \\fc ! -ts vta cime i ny m t'N ra i aiI-nl ic'-d '1-l D v cc Evil. cct in i ut laIo in -o ý, - i us. 'I i 1t1t lliuig for eter I- anbeen, a11( tuiiil i ) et il 'co -i ' - It - - i lii1tiA I il iiit i to e, tu tii \ îtît i tt tre au ' t i ---- 'u l o- i - i t'iii iii' t'- in tii a ý11,Yo -li- a MR.STEMPA'_rY1N W11NS AGAIN. sCt:t cf ApcIDu. dcý Life Ins'arance C b"rtiHer I-cx'tYr. altî0 lits f-u-t i t'liti.1g tulo i'ri ~ lui-tu-tu e t iuut1Iu iuv uîi'tmi-i for itîi tf l -c- totul i tif Aptoasf ii er tuitn i-- - k i'tt'~ti7ii~< - l1,7~ - " ' - i -- - - , - -- - r t --t" - - --t---: ~ -x~'k tg il- [0 laking Advanta e 6 3ge of the Im-peirial Ukase to Petit ion the Emiperor. * * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - et$** - 1 1 ý - - 6-" - - - - - - - - - - - - - - *gress and a large audience that packed- the Meropolitan M.N. E. Church. The President îvas in a hauppy niood, and hoe 4iate it plain to bis auditors that lie feit at home in such an atmosphere. Mr. Roosevelt 'cas prescnbed bo the Congres by Ms Schaff, bhe president cf the Con- gress. Thli President began his address by bowing to Mrs. Schaff and saying laughin giy: "The fabher cf six greets and meother cf seven." The President then saîid he had theun cf ail sizes and ages. My Country, 'Iis of Thee, wvas sur- as hie enbcred and again when h. -departed f rom the cîturch.'hc President said ini par-t: "Inasmueuc as I arn speaking to an ass-emblage of inothiers, I shall have nothing m-hatever te say in praise cf aj easy lite.. Moins is the work vhich us nieer endedi. No înobher lias an easy time, and inost mothers have very liar'd times, alid vet w-bat tî'ue mother would bai-ter lier experience cf joy and scr-row lI excliange for a life cf cold Selfilncss, wieh c0xisýts lupon perpettial anu-ineut and the avoidance cf care, and which ebften finds its fit dweliing placein soane fiat dcesi-ned bo furnish with bhe Ieast po-silhie expenditure cf effor-t the îîxi ouîî f conifort and cf luxury, but i% w hich there is literaiiy. lic place.for ciildrcîî - lThe wouînan mwbro h a éeod wife, a good niothier, ih entitied te our rezmpect as ic eue)tise; but she is enbitied te it oilxlý- beeaie-o. anud se, long as, she is Nvcrthy of it. Eýffort and seif-sacrifice are hie la,' cf xvorthiv life for bbceunan a~for thie x':cîan ; h rh either the cffOo,, uiet 'Ie itfsciice aybe the saue r 'heon' as for. bue cthecr. I do ,lot in tthe bai-t hIeNee in ii t- patient ri-id t\ 10 f i tîjjnî. inii te avon;an a' Iic subiuts to g --i ýand loeti iintiuiued iiitratut"t tti - i~ret1iaîî I believe iii a nan '1ii attev tîtuits t b xx îong- tuA a- t----ciî. o ouidoiui' i- -o ab- liu nut - xioibr!ouîb bta -mn toxaards li)e wg ii;i au anjti.-tl e clîdren w ho shouiti t '0' - a ct a i id- 'ec-litui< in liis lia- t~re ttc o h ~'oadttcu ack i ci-ne' t'a te o-n. cx iL bru- tahî i -' ca iat.tlic i i i-iiîîîIuld i --a: a t-t i-cOu ut md 'irritv t 11!e'!t~o -*-ý1

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