i " THE KEYSTONE, THURSDAY, MARCII 23>, t905 "g of the proposaL The Couneil, as welia a considerabie nuruber of citizens pros- ont, appeared to b. yery favorably im- - pressed, and it was arranged that Mr.,i nesday of this week, whn ,ngreeent ~flflflfl O w ould be entered into,-for the erection ~FPU Ies and equipment of a sugrar refinery andi from ý. 10 $5.00* mauacey Police Court. R ubber Spoliges A case cf dog worrying sheep recently' came bef are Magistrate Harper. A farta- [5OC. to $350 each er narned O'Neil, of Pickering town- - ship, bueught action against one John Rubber Sponcges ccitt more,6 Anson for damages for having shîeep -bu wcr lne ha atrl vrrîed by the latter*s dog. The Mtagis- e-Scetuate uuled that the dcg should be de-' SpOIIOS tetu.stuoyed and the (lefendant pay costs. We4aejutreceived a largre on Thursday evening iast a casse of We hve U5tfuricus dirvingandl assaulting a constable quantity cf fitne miled Teilet Scaps was heard. On that day John Smith, inhe iotuev, FCr(l'rtc , il ef of (Oshawa, duox'e uhrough Whitby at a thc.alIc,ouidlks oe40c.tI at farienus race. Constable John McCarl tck. alo fine cakes . tuied te stop hum, and seizing hold cf cake Aie fie tî'pored astie. tho cutter cluiig te it fou a time. Smith, Extra value iin Hair Brusiies tried te push MeCaul oC', and ho finaiiy1 and Conmbs. releast'd bis held, faiing and hurting' bis sUt, 'der Fer furions duiving Smith %V19îs ii. 1 2 antd cests, and for assauit-' I ~ AlIIIQîxîgtht' constable lie xxas sentenced te .. E. VILLIU teiiitl. tai On the Wing. Dru ggist Optician E: ttpi'tSt.Wiîitbv, bas ticketed' Dr!gsj 1. ~and Mus. Pl'axtieI'ctcrberui. Medical Hall Fred IRy'trsoi en t rl'iiî Brock St. Whltb: . Mus. ,jmîus te >'f."1dih 1). NV. By1t) u -i Assa. RtvA. H. W'rigliute Pickerintg. M I . iît'!'n'in to t ii iITntmer. County Town -Happenings Mrs. IPatrick Rhx'-aîî 's iii. Mr. C. F. 'Stewart P, 111 w1tIipR'h mont a. Mrs. J s. HeLladettet taîiel a iil - ber of friends last Thutrsdav 'cuag Mus. James B. Hawley ts rea(Il Io unake ove ' boys'ethes andi reliai r mcxx s c lothes. -Mr. W. L. Wilkinsonî, trganizet of the' A.O.U1. W., will inake bis officiai visit te the Whitiby LoIg e on Motîday evening ncxt. S good turntît is ruquested. Sîceuxes from Dà vid Cî1chti.by Dickenls, will be g vexi bv the S-enior Elocution Ciass of t 'r (0.L.C. on l'riday eyening, March :î3i1. Furtlher uîitiue NVIIl be given riext weck. W a n feu. ,4$At once, youxtg lady as astInix getierai store.-(oie witlî soett -exper- ience in dIry -gott(s puefeureti. X'. L. MARITN, 'Myrtie Stationi. Councti of Women. A meetiîîg cf the lttcal Cliiil îof Women xviilbe Uil t ut Ms. H-luit(i s î'esidlenicc cmx Mýoxiiay aftu-rxîetuxt,Mail 27, at 3,30 'clock. lu is ttiledth te feti erateti societies xxili be xvli ucîîutseîît-l. Ednxondsoîî's nul1lihas the t' îslîiM faster, amid better tîtuxi atîy ctliutrs. 4c peurhtîg, ctrtuIiicolt 5c. E. S. Eîiilixd- Eon. 1 The Nuul> hIssue tif t1ilte - ei na- mzille bas matie i t pieuuîeî list- the iargest u l- Itrif titt i lu uit"o.1ni>,1 ,ils peuhaps thte be<t atise. lxvi cxcii ut cottuitteuiartictimi tti' - Grt-at t. tut - yoxx cf Arizeota. ý- aiti -. ltux'î uil Aiigei Tu-ail,.' futu tîitt'ri-sti ig utîmtrus of theue mu-. - Re-modelling tie Store. TUe iiîte't'iîuî tf tc' -iiottu 1ot - i Mu .J. ,-NIcliityît tîîstLîîîtî. iiiii uile gîîîî i 'tîît )I'lîîîtt iltil a i.t i; ltU- telidtetiuîîxîugilt'i r 'h ti Ii : 1.1ck- allui lit' xiii s'Lay xit"h't- The Sand Concert. l}aiut i.ît Tliît-riiti,'h lt wxx i t u - excelleni' ttî'uutîl l 'Theit.iixx- exell-t tuit.litx1-V t\vk 'liii' l t -a- uiF it i 1»' - v. 11 tellî bot 'î.t î i- iîu i i xi- Mr. Hovwdeii's SaIc. Wttîi tI i-t' t'uck ut-i uti iîîî'i t i' puopîiettv 'f Mu.. '\'.(. li', ui l, t'.1111 bus, xxats i1,1(l. 'lîIl" î .xi-\ts iti' tnd iiitli, andt 1 t i îgli ii t -aitu -livt, v. .as tii, rîglît futrs"m-1i a iuifliîu-ai. A\ .1,ulirt a, t tt i' 5u ,','i'5' *'i i hot t- li.i-.I, t- t For the Deat and te Blinid. >1 1 uemiixtui(lt-ui\luitbi'.iiiiof t!i>- lît- stittiuilîfui'rttu [tiof audl[amid, 8<- Vile is ttliY tiî tilttut iit'i'Yîîiltuu!iuts of ailu cf t11t1t0S fru.it i att -lt iiti tti l1y yeaue M faget tlstaie)ti siîutîliet'sueet ix ii have liet attenettut-l iuv :k!Ii l - - 1 111 pautrtiu"" tas tc whiut xxiii hi"ilutfotr theheaf atînditihwîil lit- givieuti f Y. l sexxd a piist cauti euetst tii i. luist, Supeuiutetîdeut tof the LEi'tf andîl Lunrîl are askeîi feu br F. H. t htrtiimeu. l'ritt- cipal of tht' Iîstittttiolifor the Bitid t'ut -Sugar Beets Again. Last Saturday xurxiîg NMu. Jas. 'Fow- les, sugar factory proriiotei', tîuix'ved Ii town,and at oce' ieidia coîxfereîueo wiîiu a number of citize s iîîterasted in tht'i establishmenxt of 1 a sugau fact 'ouy ixn tht' town. Tht' outconorcf this cenference was that a speciah meeting cf Council was arranged in the afternoon, at which Mr. Fowlor laid before the Board details c c c c c M r. ani Mus. Williuîuiîsun and sai tot Hazeiciiffe. Asstî. M<i ss t. roui5 te lHamiltoni. M us. Demltscy rttt e'tubtlor. .Mu. N. W ilsomi tii Sunîeleuaxd. Mu. and M us. S-. Linteiaxni W'alter Cou- nîî'1itii Aucotu. Assa. Nhaiy t-t Toîronto. Demand for Houses. 'i'iu-î' " tkelvt lica itig de-matel in at ft'îx'xx uks fur ixv-min iuses. Two, xvttxks agit bu feue tUe xxiiîtixuiil by-iaw wtîs t ttel on, itnipiee otf the XXind- Spring Term fron miil 't'. xx us ieue lookîuîg for a hanse te LIT velit. WVlien tUe factory înîîxes lucre anîd J EII tliut.N-tive emplovees arrive, there is suire tii le ten tir tweiity fanmilies reuctut-Pe Iti" hos, ftebe ua atr s TORONTO, O] erectuti leue tluing thlt cotning sulutiter Co. al c t1le tult-îaxî(ifer Itouses wll lîtcorne uîost 'tr iitg'atil ai-att'. lt wouid iuolibe to ueitcb te 'iîs Il ighu mti'(cI loo>k for a btiîldiiig bometî leexithiiî a îiitrettamkailt retordt vu-tr. Tiiere is xuthig ilat tmakes a .til tttei sii1ltt towtu ieok umotre 1tuisperis, ani feel the gît e' th#ueta rîtii -salnuewav. titutitbriskis- iut ntheiuii est lie 'tri'ti 1 is. tutoiesz. TUe eutiî îk lieut' is iîît en - ivt aixtttt. tli velu r Ma'iiiiu"tW.tat i sent direct to the du e'î-ed parts by the Inîproved Bluiuai Hcals the ulcers, clears the air passages, stops droppîings in the throaî and permananu iy cures leCataruh and Hiav Fever. nie--c free. AIt dealers. or Dr. A. W. Chasý Medicine Lu.. Toronie and ilfftio-. 'uy Ai Home. A goodln aiy y p iTîle arc prime t-e un11- inaeî te t1nit t1i ex i'.îi li v earit g ap- .îrî'i and dry gît aiO.(,guidedai clictper talt renu littîîî 1îtrtîcîtlarlv ini the citî. Tihis i tsies ialiiv suin thet'case t(f rtadx'- t~ ~ ~ ~~h t-eîrut> i "îecceptîx e aixer- t) I tn-u- iianvx' et x h uses icads te t1iis e"ItI'tLeuis tpiilitîui. Pittîlya fîti c r ii ug ticir Wh l îirulîascd ali tt< ilitii TurOiitu. avîng Sît! tlîcre/ fo r I t x s i ;rk'i- rei lx'price ý14. 'la- uîru l asi'r s! a îwcî i thi co't to t alocai tiî-uiîîit'-'iariiîg 1(liin tti giletbar- tiaiilhI-, . 't. T'Fia'tîeruilîtt oc 1rduîiut isixitîl;r 't otiail liii' stock, Mtîis:itttt t1w11it raitt' x' avtîîgthat ail iii ' exiiit1il' fit'tiit-' a siight îc- tut~ ~ ~~~~~pie 1ii-x- îi ît ii' tt.d() l-.s Gured Kîdnev Disease ilti' t lt t i til i't, i %%:i- (.111 1t'-t l t' Iii - <.HEftOfCHES 1 - l u(i tiu u t' Itu!lti F. E. LUKEI Il 1II (-lk."i Ni Il Kinq St. West, TORONTO. ln the Surrogate Court of the County of Ontario. i. tiie 111- rtîî 't e tir ti lit i<'out i-'f îît;irutî ftr tlii-ap~ ju t ilt-îiî'it 'ft i, 'U.- r. ii l. t'i- ra 1t 'l-o t-' ( 'i .î'<î,r;,- it(i '. it' t ii i t l'rîtî..itti' a 1('tîutysi f 'i ii NXIiî ;î.t.î ,1i1.îLa I'a- .1tt.îîtil 'tuttiI î-tii a'if 1 Alticei nApril 3rd* N~T. titis ycam toi. piac- lie poitiotnst. W'ut th kn1duî iiît ro e op1en tke t'maire J ELL1OTT, Young Conservalives Smoker. TUe X'îitt) iy X XMel ibua' (euiscratit'c .-ss. wxx ii t u nitktxîg coxîceut in Sotnts o cf o i tl Utl- -, Tilestiayvtrenutug, Maunt 2. luu glua litgins au lit icik . AIliC veut-ce<s- A-r. Lawler, New s E New Dres New Prin j New Nott, New Whil New Lace After a brief 11iîtss frein 1pucumenia, Fannxy Bà rkey. reliet of the late Abram Lehinani, passed away at the resid elxce oîf hier daughIter, Mus. F. W'ilson, at the age of 7'7 years. Deccast'd hati for many years been a member tif the-Me'nnonite l3rethreîî tiChi st. BOYSI DON'T LOSE THE OPPORTUN ITY ý,ý,i- i p , i i l i-i i l ii IDominion BusineSscollege I i Limited. ittî i .u '14i1-n- Tîo i te <~R. D. NIMMO, Principal. F. BM To-tlay 'Tlitiusdavtii tte lu likt' tiy tuf theu-stuisetu. I\ ., \. PFateitaltu ttuk tniti tiiay la-ýt, eatd iu-s sîua t t-ut-i vtlî loxv'fcxer. Special Meeting not Itei "T', -ipeciali îît'î'iug tif t tak. , o\% '1 iiig tti thuî' i -11,u ii r tut'a v ' tl t ' i xî t >uiton axx i-t-k. i A Whitby Gir."s Staqc Suc( ;111(l Ni r-t- .) .1 -1. P ex-i-i. (t îtîîî'îîtu <utliutiît t')l î '<îk iiîit" i illi-laattdMls 'I. itliiii ti'o w l iýUŽ tii (I X u i "u 1N LL COUNTRIES5 i.il'il ti HAVE YOU AN UDEA? be titrea t- ifqowrttefora copyof ourbooi, The cInventor's llelp (128 pqge'.î w) hich w>!! ri-il vou ai! aboutt patents, 110w to procure tbcmn, ouir ebarguti' ud tenrnisete. Id. we have ten years exvpencl't'inl trfln-atinXe patent business by corrttipondanmc Cunniun.ica- inuit1 ~ tions strictly confidenti&1. To Dny one stinding a roulz sketxch. photo tir diiit modal <'f an i nvention. aveawilgive our opliii infieet of c iarZe a., t o wtîî'tber It is pna-tbly pati- tituitti. t., w 1t t I t'. atvnt-' s,,ue-d ttrough larioîi & Utrà il e- Ct'îve .'.."<iitCe -attitut charge in o'.<r 1<0 txii1 eisepaperi di -trbutt hroughouut t- Dominion. ioî t tih'. Representative Clients as References. The' Proqt and Wood Co. Ltd- Smith' 5 Fa]!'. Ont. iî-îult îut'- 'îîîîîw & îerî- dfg. o. 1td., Nuntreuit. liiit' 1 t iti T,.-l>uiî'"-siiStonth nt-rv co sutivarinthp, We have a fuil y equlpped Branch Uffice in Washington. -i' ofMr MARION &MARION th'. 14walRegistered Patent Attorneys tii' liuy 1 Engineers and Patent Experts. 1!1%- MaUS3~- Ntew York Life Building. - MONTREL uî -i a-er(Long DsaneTelephon e.)t tý)Iti'f t'xx' 11Mi . u Anli" hil N u i lii USit- The Ueinz Fickle thdustuy. g11P t or ai.t-' i 'tîuiiit'u(). 'i'iuu' 1ek \xx' t-s- t1lt i lîg i-i iluixiiîutalish at 'Vtii .if sut (tituit ttuu alg littforu tiuil uuttiy 1lit' thte fîuteî'îiiiei' ot t i (i'c-tistt-'Wii î1(utiu.sti'iti iî"tltpii('it tut ii is uiii t t)î tike caî'î uof lt riîitlv i xl.îîtiiiig lta'-iu-ss f tti'Iliîi iin (ait- The New York Tribune Weekly. tii, Nexr <'i rk'Trîitine Assoautionu. i t i'iutti tii'ct-lts haetipy, blit i iav lie ltd .1 xvlîîî'yeau ftor i1. Tliceis ne othuer s ut hi Itulilieýtîtl(ittîi tiitr ir for tUe uîiiitcy. 1 t gix-es the essexîce cf th(' wet'k's xîexv-s, xitb cliie utt, saieani ilttîlligcîetitto tment, ai1il U-cps Xuu te daîtecmi ex'euything xtuu't ktoie'x'ug iii polittics (tinestic anti foucigtî) ant Ii 1iiteuatnî'î, taut and titîîsie. Foi' free saxnple copy seil a posttal cari1 ol'iicJt Tribueit, New York. t~ -'fOt tlri 1l ltu n -iix A i.i't Utille(i t' .Suniderland, March '..---Early Iluis af- -'- te rîooui Murs James Marqjuis, a higluIY JA.ME>S L'TLEDî;'E, uespt'cted wiuiow, living abcut six iltes sttiilurfur îttti-tî.scuth-west cf this village, xvu-ît to the barn t ttlook feu heu sou <George, axxd was t For Sale.horuified te find tht' youxng man hanging te a trap.dIoor with a stuap arouxid his lieuse attd] lot oni Kingston Reail, nock. MuIs. MNarquis at once eut tht' west, abcut twc miles frem Xhitby. strap and let the body down, but life was Lo t about an acre ; house in good re- found te be extinct. Ther unfortunate pair; good frarne stable. Vacant lst cf young man was only twenty-six, and ne May. Apply uat this office. tf. cause can be assigned for the rash act. Chamb erlain's Cough .Remedy ALWA YS CURES And 18 Pleasant and Sale. Somefhing About Towns. j'<îroiîto l)îtiîliî îStýj-.1 lages tlîat hiavu- tever it'auiiu-d the t-a ue cf beauttifying thiîeit -uets an(1 brushintg îup tlîci getîural app)tauaxuct' siiuad gixe tt'e iîatter sente tiîîuglit. A tîîxvî gets sîttîe -kitito.' a reputti- tii'1 and îtulif ts ipeole (i tetetre xrl.t tiîtrtiutatiotu is. it is ilut likeiy te be a x'ery gtotd ieu. ( hi- iemnt, etterputs- îîîg anti jipular xvitl i s felit xv towtis- tîenî, caxu îtîterest a xxiiilt- toîx n tin its l-, ak tnti ensuro it a gooetInuine. Lu is ino lut tly x'itat tut' uu titi cipalittyxiii (Ie ini the xt.tîvof 'ket'1ixug tidv streets tît ('it t luit tihe i tii inlal ltu euidr I lt trituimnug up i~iis priuopety, by platnt- îtîg sliuils anti flotseus, ant iisiiig frezah patit, Cari su-t a xx'lie street goitîg. "T'e for ce <'f extîttplo is.,stroîîg ii suecli mtat- ters. Andt it is geetii businiess for titi omcier tif tue puiuiîcrl, andi it is gîueu businQea2s for the toxx't as a titti. Ext-uv titi t iii the veà Lu straigiurs arriv'e ii tuev toxiinîiîx tf thetît have îex'er -seet th lu itti-btfore, atît iqui ckiv foui-tIi tuit' îtpîîîu iof il. tth-us litixe st-til it bte- tor an'dtti1 atiwe il tcit' xx'iet lieu tht' place i-t cotig t1p)lili i'ii t.'i Stî'tîg- tus agît a ndtî a sii ua.k of iaîplauce aus tiit Sei'. it. Ph~ uttan viiiis iirtîkitig fi' t; siutPft'aifaut îu'xmult:ux'i tsîtt (tniniuur- E iulo tîîxx'î tî1t11ti'theultt. r tii' itutt'-'-itiil lit' xx il istatu-et'k Iliix' is cxxii tîtt tfîtu dîîig si. Ht' ik'-s tait'toxîini iti-s luit liki' tht' îtiîî'u unoit' -i îtisk aii1 i'iîerfuii. tti'eutluer mlli.ituti(\witx x'ulut hi stiistilî'as.tîltipîîgiî thet xi' pitii tut' tbe ite î-iiial hi i tritaîl t;x PUT NEW LEGS ON YOUR HORSE FolTh e only t reatment for navicular cixcastu <aise uatted corTn-o-Jint and groggy iamericss!. Thesýe pads will cure, or help to cure, most ktndtt of haof trouble. Will make a weak foot sound and kccp a sound foot heatthy. Frotect frog and sole fromn bruiseb. Make a horso sure-footed. Prevent balling when going over snow covered roads. Give a lamne horse a longer working li re. .rn. ut-t TAE MAKLU place between the iron% shoehwr is and the soie of- Sm,,,gu an A tPA. he hoof. 's*èct~O AigThe *"Ideal" PMt "0 'soq bL a s good or% rod.butl Il i DUNLOP TIRE CO» oa. TORONTO MONTREAL WINNIPEG VANCOVVER ST. JOHN ASK YOVR. BLACKSMIffl FOR. PRICES. W WRITE FOR A FREE P AMPHLET ON "HORSE LAMENESS." %~d la here -Fanny Crosby Sunday. -Next Stxîday will be 'I Faîtîy Crosby iSiuxîday "iii tht' Tabernacle. -Special livnîni sheets fortuhte eîngrcgratîtîî at îîiglît. (>iîv thlic liitis of tht' blixîd -ptctss xviii ue sutng. Tthe î'xpe tt'( t h rc.H..Bi- hani xp ccupytht Mr.uHpit.on un- hany wet.Lt ' o cpcted pthatnliSunii the ne-iveth t clînruiteus ast rito the teu cXt'i(- tthim W il -erîti o t kai xîowîi hat ie xin.Wiilaceptthereare 'ca S-owtiat o lie ill taet tbis ae xvii Ucn faorab),lie-igta i nwrw Mîifavoave-.i ( ouiffa evng iiext the vottug people xiii g ve a social î-vening n tht' charch .A îirst-class prolgrani xiii be provided. and i-refreýsh utents wiil feiiow. It is expected tliat ptîstor litghain wiii occiipy the chair.,ttand that musical anîd elocutiîxîarV talent frein tht' lest that the tow-n atffîtrîls iilic cîîgagaud. The prot' Eratu xxili eornnium'ne at 'S o'ciock. Ad lis"l(ii, .Il-)ucents. Procecîls de votct. THE MOTHERSI a a FAVORITE aU R EMEDY for Croup, Bronchitis, Asthma, Whoopincr Cough, Chest Cold, and Hacking Coughs is DR. OHASES SYRUP 0F LINSEED AND TURPENTrINE. simple ingredients f unquestioned curative power, is pleasant to the taste, weli iiked by children, and can be used with perfect safety by oid and y'ounig, set long as directions are folowved. Dr. Cbases Syntp of Liîîseed and Furpontine, 25 cents a baille; family size, three tni es as mach, 60 cents; at ail dealers. Te piotect yen against imitations, the portrait and signatuare of Dr. A. W. Chase ite filmotus recccîpt bock auilior, are on everx'LoItîle. South OntLario SHom. JOHN DRYDEN t îttturl t i l ix' )D. t ixîîslt i1iinniai .Agenit fuir tut' sait1 John iîîîi)r'ueii .......eut . . ....... ii Liverv Au'tt, ..tt ... '22.2.5 i'îstixîgi rti31s,. . . .....---- IS.! 42 Pe'trsotutil E2.7uu'.5 '24-).1 l-ittarxciuîi Agext. Mardli 22iutl, 18505. The. abcvc is ami alîstuact of the Ex- penses cf John Dryden, a cantdidate at i tht' above menticuit-u Electiotu cf a meim- ber to serre in the Legislative Aisst'rbly of the Province of Ontario for the' ELec- 1 touai District cf tht' South Riding eft the County cf Ontario, as givetu to me by the' saxd Finatîcial Agent. J. F. PAXTON, Retuuning Officer. Dated this 22nd day of March, 1905. - t 4-' uitile uu'entîu'c.bunt cite wxilh yen t 'l io c lut-NI-i L tuxi- a u 'ît. %v)- 1 i- Euft' I 1:ttaneif:.' i 'e id aad t. 1 )' l t l )1«1,. l ilo .N o . ýý Odîw ý,!1 l I ît aot'm't" Ltr'ltt \'i ne" tî --i -aVW u i Lei-, 1 l. i l l t 1>' t't i ut O' ' tuti i-t' -t. î:: . . ' -t - lit i t 1,tutupuit:. l' - i: 'a t- v-'i e to ri-Yt iu ,ýVlrîîî' ou -tc .t . - - li' - :1u1 iut' Ytil ."5 h-t - . I : wl Y t- h." l '<<1 N1 î e' ' t tai *:,t-.i the brIt ,tlt "ILet ite sCt', a cytlie is a mat,1 i wl-i t.. titt'u cflIte xxot'd, is ho iiit«'" tuie you t itdt'tit tif itîtguxtgoke u "Nio. 1no, ny cuhlci." reiie Ii ax iig ttocr. -A ex-tii-'is a mntof xvhxom Ilite wtrîti is tireL', T!i-u tniserablest day w-e livr, thisre Is tii abotter iuhing to do than die.- D al 1 (Y. - <~ ix. - - - - - - - - - - New EmI New Suit New Trot. New HatE New Ties .few pieesîcf oui. ' sceen it, ('ail, yvou will l)e 1' ages. One town hag enough optimists Sin it te offset the pessimiste. In thé. c' heerful town there are people with'- a 'T f ad for gà rdens, but more titan ail there * are thosfe who hayo a passion for fresh ____ -paint i the spring. One. man starter house, to other houses, to the store v ýp r i q G od s 1frots, to the hotels. The man who has ax a nicely painted fence will not let bur- r r.. -- ~ u. sdocks hide it, s0 ho trims the streot in 1 front of his place, and the improvernent is se marked'that others follow the ex- ;s G ooisample. s G od iThere are smaii towns on the railways1 O within !i0 miles of Toronto through1 ts which people have passed scores of times, 1 i and frernth car windows havu formed' Opinions of the places-in some cases ingharn L c Curtains favorable and in others unfavorabie. oSorne towns do themselves much injury11 lVI sli C rta nsby licensing station hoteis that are an te M slin Cuip ain offence te the eye-untidy and far gene 'ina decay. Thousands see that taverni ,Cs an I ser io s who see litte else by which te remerber ~s an Ins rtion lic house they judge of the place. Fa- iroiderieso vorabie impressions o their twn r formed because of two or three residen- ces thait are in view frein the car win- ings th ver la estdows, and nobody cîLn tell in how many- ings th ver la estways atown is affeeted by the impres- .iserings on htstrangers eofi.t oWILSON,.-Jn Whitby, on Monday, 'Mch. 20, the wife cf Mr. Frank Wilson of in colored and black.:'tndagtr Auction Sale of Household per' vard Enbroidering still on hand. If <ou have not Furniture. 1)lise a it vlue O Dont forget H. W. Ellis* sale of' - o hou'îehtnid furnîttire, bedtling, etc.,aiso a number oif colonies cf bees, at Coi- 1 berne St., W'hitby, on Tuesdlav Mardli n IWI O-98. 'Sale commuxîences at cite e clock nd~rew M e KUSSS sharp. No reseux'c. Lsx it1,AtiitA-î K-tucttonieeu ~~&*****~*Ne wvs of the Chu rch es FELTER'8 VACATION.' , 'lestOry et a Vl"t to Germaur witk 111gbH lloe?.* Once upon a time the senate restau- rant ut Washingtonl was maneged- by a Germal-Americafl named Felter, who was- a renowned caterer te senatorial Lppetltes and of course was popular. in one of the nine nionths' congres- lional vacations Felter concluded to visit bis old home ln Geimafly, 50 lie applied, te Jim Christy, deputy ser- geaiit at arn3s, for ocean transportation, ivhich in due Urne was produced, and LFelter started in high glee. Hie did not know how Christy7 procured the passes, nor did be care. Whlen lie embarked the captain of the German line rccejved hirn cordial- ly, but witli great dignity assigued hlm te one of the 1test statereooms and adorned bis cabin with flowers. Hie had the post of lionor at table and -was treated as a hero or as a great person- age iniglit be treated. 1 Felter th1e cook could Dot understand, but he took ail that was off eredý and made the best of the situation. When the vessel finally reacht'd ber destina- tion and the passengers,- were landeti the captain of the sliip introdu-ced Fel- ter to the mayor, whio nw-ited his coin- ing and insisted that Le miake bis home in the niayor's r~ ue e during blis v-is- it. Ilis astoniýýIisir~ t t jcrt'zised, but lie aî-ee'pted ail of thes,çe attentions with- out asking ary questiots. Tl'le folloNvin?- day Le was banqueted as thle guest of tht' îity and was called uliofl for a speect'h. T1o the' best of iis ability he cornipicd andti exjijl md icl eoniplex ,wo,,kiiigs of hIe gireaLt rel)uh- li(- of beh e was a niaiuralized pat, ind (,% ery utter.înce was nîpilauded. .But 1elter w as u i 'î'ýilly, anixious to get away and ind soie old fienos wlîo ri.hlt exlilaiti the reasûn for ail tlhis adulation. Wlicn tuelanqý11uet wasi tver an old sehooliînate r-nanaýged to gf-t liold of bis Land and beggcd hel binto go to bis bouse for tlle nigit. Tihis Felter -iladly did, ailtugiî t1t' inayor gave reiuctftnt perrnissionli indicating that ;t was the ncxt thing te discourteous for Felter Io abandon the mayors borne while he was the guest of tht' city. As s--ooli ns they were alone the friend inquired. in Gernian, -Felter, w'bat sort of a garne 1 tthis vou have corne ovc(r bere to, Play on1 th- folks of the father- land?' -1 dou*t understand the garne Mys&i', and 1 w-ish titat vou î'ould. explain it to niie. I arn Ille kl-eer of tht' restaurant of the senate and arn earning. a good ýi \itg at it--i n a u , a v n g o n cy . B u t 1ilat is nio lpositioni of Iiigh hionor, and 1 . don't kno\v vlA t tese pop)it'ai-e doing al! th;s e î r a n n for. It is away. ' Illeth' Ia nsiPeotpl' issue'd you dti ne'ftor -(fltitcl I citer and an- tOt(tic t.l . of tht' scinator on tlîeir huie. ani l : ts the reason vou are i lins rc-cived- ho of your allcgc-cd L.es ok at tht pe s.zaid Felter. Antd il--.sure e e g ,athougli lie Lad 1 1 tn et i .u d it Lu ef uji e* J i m ('l r is t v L a d * s~-ircl îs-i'sfor "S a: tor i'eltcr," b- iaas110a ic oter w a.Iy could lUc Lave Flcter ift il-ltwtt t-Ivlythe next dai v and nvt ce:c'ditnutil lUc 44 lm-lm IDEAL m m 4 IQ DUNLgp eýý nd £3AK. O"t PAUS . - q 0 01 iliv ite'l t') attend. JANUARY,1905.