Whitby Keystone, 30 Mar 1905, p. 2

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~1 - ýCURRENT COMMENTI Prahably theî-e are a.at1r-aenu~ pIe w-liaent&rtai:imii oiiiojko!ftiroir (lwn rîigid nicrality w-ia vit-.i hlon doser :- tudy cf thienueelv-si--i ndthlîir imotives heo îbl iged ta discuoii it iLt iailiy. I Xiki Iinine <onterded tu atii-i -ia lit y- <loi mmi nd - <'ilperfect canfit ei', m tutt I mt if t lue selltir of IL hon-te owui'îor t lefuet 1s t l(ieri, a ra iatteri ltbuîulriîtmm-cmlid bluI-s îîi lia- cctr ,lie tN iis inrIiliryIyi liuituil tii ii-jim it ~be bilyer tiieei\i tIi. P'l a cI--v- tatî' iieii-Mclliî c <mvv' i>iiuoii III) tr i i iie' i Iic-a I staindardi, antl jer' icr. w ililibe plaiurly lmbell-'î.1 c oiiie tuRc lier- jiiîi ii-, imlaii;C .\luîuiula mlie wei'ls store te l.:.t;lat lie'r peuly- TT s ilug s boI 1i, li tli! ' lu- lr îi el ie1-1 - iî1op i n & t i o vont. 11 vtI.r uiim i luit fiind iY . i., f îlîui l ulor ,uiyic dGv i imm i: iiblti- tai a Sui.Idiuî îiil,'tt îîle sboil' chlîc-'. ASuitlihusiiiail rum l ate ii c.ill bii -- omuade îp Thi-s etlîitaliiiauil:-l.'ilmîugt 1 ) l~ i aii ury -j tlik~ii" ' limîmiîuuuom lii' D It .1 ufl., uift-lîe i iof'-i i ut I luie go, s-cli- tl ist ofijidmii iState ' sou r ugo. t ttlac cuidue ti)r iimliteita cul'k-c ii are wciild pv'iii Loup tilui' ilI(îce lia l l iiit v uil----i wa nuit 1ni-pit il 1i~ iî-111 the i 1 - c ii lulu.' f4 lirillt-d uno- bll - Woui ii y'\rti it ui a girl In<-<ti Vi hurt lion \\ ut1 vol cxmivg ii m d er i-il lltC \Vîuiiîi xoui tk' muiiuilitoI'i l,>IL i i <t-ilIi i i l ut - i- ll i i mi ii u' 1iî. li ia i ni 'l tul l i ' \\ i ll a uu c i t 1 1 < i 'i Vil 1.i i ii 1t cI-I ut voll f it im l' i p t t \ i (Il - Whîiiui i sci et 'Pliî ti, tlor, t s lîuî' bu C iiiifV ii tabolilul tuiiit thli m '.-i ii;1i i -i -îu O uf tluî'se uîu i-. i loî ci I I10ilI ' il Cha. oi t iii iimîiti('i1s immi m i t iiiigi \lîat aut.tîîi îî..li li (i,ii îîu îm-îc uiil --î m m i V i vii'ritlt Iîi îui mt l iiult~ \i lt fil, 't i-cd tim i i ci lui vi1lu ti ï i. 1.- 1 Ilt'ii - i - i l.t i iu i - 1 il li iig liii' liiimiii I î I I lt- u tu-iii iLie limi l l iuli li ig rvlaui> ' l i ' t ii r I l i ti ai liiv1- i lurat aîtIl It 1lamrbui. '11 1 ', - ,, \ 1 i- ; 1i 1111lo )li Iig, i il 't \ i-ru' ilil t l i ti bititl1lt i I\ I i i :1,t I.l 1 itiIi i ilit i >1 t Ii< i ui-l i f t11 1 i l Iilai11i. 1i lu 'lct cno ulu i i thItuat liii'i- mi mii i tue trlurrju hisu:1', -u Cimeîîru tilut 1'niivitii' ýtIni 01oîtu Li iilyv-muout'b -i,îîtine a mi - mi ko i a il,îmu l ' ml auIn rý -mrri'tedib îîîî-l'ai(Iullmial i]fii lIi ni-t lîe', t'lt tai- dlui ru, l h iii t (i(ii. iuti'i. widîul tîiu ul iuo-1'1,1 ii iumîg-t i" bîull m ieNcii-Y t-i m-il tI- igi. s inaus <i l in C util h f uisiii u colrtinil iit tt' l mil.hit t s, lu-lu-a i i iut sîîch resîeîîticîru-,a luui i u 1ruiumiiumu vtv jielce lieuiîùns M-.uibîu leli 'sutit is <lintiltiî'utlict ui uip.01v. un Ih'fiLnniur a i le tl ici u' (,l i iiv muo it- nr, N'hcn(e c lic aittii pn-iltartofut tu' î'ctrouttingm RussinnllanrtuY. Poor cld Kourupiî(kiti Britain is ovorrin li truamîp u'a-sul- oirs. Angtlîer Iogracy' of the Born 'iar and ingratitude ofth(le War Officc. S* ~ 4' 'Wanra.w theie in consta.nt commuÀiie- t*nand it je generally believed ý that VUC ES DREAM 0F th provincial wire pullers are in Crs,- FRIEIDOM.cow. alizing the grand dreame of natiopali c.:..*:**O*S*~~ity? Selong as ,Gerniany, AustriSa and At te prsentmomet thee geatRussia remain,%4fro»,,enough oeu * A th prsen moentthre geatthem their prdspecte i 4 of th - enipires are nqrroNvly watcbing tliat ie-rt. It -quite likely that any one of oitorm corner of Europe once known by these thdee powers would willingly co- îe liante of 1oland. The chancellories operate with the others, were it needful, of (ieriiiany, ilussia and Austria have ex- in crushing a Polish insurrection. The .c.lcîîit reason for the close attention E'olish leaders, besides, with all their 1 hcy are bestowing on the intrigues and brilliant gifts, are net sts.tesmen. They cunspiracies wlîich0 centre in Poseni, \ar- are enthusiastie patriote, if you like, but sac nd (ira cow. Thev are fully convine- they are too easily uwept by waves of cdl that the Polish nation as a whole lias sentiment, and while eagerly engaged never forgotton its independence and the in a-tendi;i.,-,tr the minor questions of glories of its monarchy and that its iead- t.he present are neglecting the considera.-, ers are -wNaitingc only. for a favorable tion of the vast problems which their na- 1-uropean conjunicture to assert the right tion will have to solve in the future. of tîxeir people to nationality and auto- rncmous governmient. MOVING PLATFO1RM There is, howvecr, a wide difference in - the conditions of the three great divis- Plans for One Have peh Accepted in ions of Poland, corresponding to the.' New York., difference in the methods employed [)y' The New York Herald contains the follow- Germany, Russia and Austria in govern- lng: Railroad men and civil engineers ing them. Ia German Poland the Polish throughout the country are awaiting witia population is thiekeat in the provinces great Interest the construction of New Yorks ofPosen and Silesia, sparser in east.lLnd first moving platform, plans for which w9re ai accepted on Tuesday by the Rapid Transit west Prussia. In numerous important Cotnmission, after three years of considera- areas it outniumbcrs the Germn in the tion. What the new schenie will do ao adi¶ andits tend- transportation facilities of the city proprtion of ton ta one, an is en l11be seen. accordlng to the plans of its eney is to sprcad out- its bounds and to backers. In about one and one-hpIf years. increase relatively faster than the G;er- Wbile It le thought that eventually al macs To ycas ao inunepartdul r,,-o5twn streets on which traffic le par- district of the province of Posca there new maode cf transportation. Schmidt & Gai- wero roughly 90,000 Poles and 17,000 latin. of Ne. 45 Broadway, the promoters of Gcrmnans; to-ay there are 05,000 Poles the Mdea, have for the present asked and ch- tnined approvel only for a line through &nd 11,000 Germaàns. Tbt-rty-fourth Qtreet frcm river te river. The policy of Germany toward the ITi'e Une. it le believed. wiil give an Iid-a Pales is net a magnanimaus ane. It is o f thp value- ot such a ea'stem, and a work- i mE deniondtration cf a raliroad whlch the palicy of pin pricks af palice, regulil- many agree muat eventuaîîv be useil te ré- tions capricifiusly ordered and arbitrar- r1urp congesrtion at many places a:t the rush ily carried out. The Polish provinces heurs of the dav, 1 ofGerany avebecme te Ielan ofr Many thinrs are rniised for the new rond. of Grman hav beome he Ilan cfPeine a cortinuell ronad. the-re wiil be ne the empire. A few examples will make %,aitlnz for trains, Wiib n contlniuue trac. this clear. Acgry at the increasing hold It lq pnintéd out. mors- e"ats wili be provtl'1 1 o th Poes n*te lndthe PruSsian tban ran be fillied. Transi'ers wiii be given et thePaleson th land te verv lie whcae tracks it crosses. esralat- diet has passed a series of laws provid- nrq freni the n ew Une te the rt"e-et wiil be ing for the settioment of Gernians on piartd at every corner, and at frequent in- land sold by Poles and for the purch'ase tervalq between thrni, and any noise and of Polish etates, making it more diffi- - ar wIil bie obviated tbrough rubber riiFh- C l~oned whrels:. Injury tbreugh faliing wIll b cuit for Polos ta purchase land. They practirally Impossible, ani tbrough the ccc- Shav-e cstablisboed '*land banke," m,1irc strurtion of the -are;. tiîry frenom o (lernian sttiers cani abtain lbans on easy cEnetI nithornf wqi ll obultta Fa iautethe reehalwi i boleFo ninesiha a terms, but siicîjlar boans are refuscd the convex eud forward miakes a perfect joint Poles. 1wlth the concave end of the car ahead, au I of the road. tlîcîr language. A noble literatuire lias Thi're willlbp four dis lnct piatforme mcmv- sprucng Ill in Iloliglh and the services of Ing lu cliber direction. Ou nteriîg the -iîîb- th oir 1beloveol cebur ci arc conductcd way a person will reach a iuaiform, wblcli will be stationary. Next te tbis wil bt- a largoly in t lîcîr lacgiiiigo. Thli German platiorni about two feet wlde. whlch wiii ci ilistrv ofcf edîîatîîmn ordlors the aboli- inovc at a rate cf tbree miles au heur, or tion cf*Polisbi as a Sclîcol laungo. 0Per- about hait as fast as the ordlnary escalator. m n - Wltbluib hq is II hoatother piattorini otthca imritt ing it onl.v as a moans cf instruction sanie wMîîh imo\clag nt six mles,- an hour, in the lower dus-es. î,sand tlîat onlv dutr- whiie wihiln tllat will be, thé> fourth plat- itig telcsoua on rig(Iiion. No rgk forcii, ou %%vlî cii passecere w iII ride. -. ceate ~o ucb îad Lml i Tb i plattorin, i, x font wide, w il hp f'tePd ti on lias cotdF ilibdbod lewltlî roso oiats.e. ci to acomuiodatp tour 1Polos c 1,i ntif\c t lieir roI igion and th-liir uersonqs. bi\i ig rooci on ou g on thle ciite r languiage, eoiiî-îdeIriug ,tha t ucy ut t.cl, sîdiofcitli ,Ilatforiiifor a rn v Tlii- 1 -l ail hou r betl.Ciir l Poî'e i-an ut tildil lia orm wlThveeat Uaic rat oill mo m-,r been pi i cilhod foirr- i-iîgta spca k(Ge r- sn eTle 's lîci s mwlirevuI VO b îred Iinau ut roligi îî iliîstid ion. I s i î thi e moion of thi' cars W il hbc ai a n~rv. tlî'it îîl' of liii, faiîîîoils \\e l n ~ <b'l but t1i', plaiforun' 'sili reuit on tii-ru. d isîiînî,iîi'. s iiiîloI i i -- i f-ýj'qeît iral *iîîgtii'l îi i clition ofSo\,eral p rent, foi.i tbe1,1 ifurni- vwill 1-to opormîý(. iod i-u lii t si iai~iiitt l i iI&~i "te ln * - rat e (, -imppring lpavy .citin om f thi'r chi dinct o re-ist t liia-miftp'catiri;.eIîidv indiioilent rutor;. Schou uiui htit ii d. ho iri ,g fVo)ir -,t-- of wPlîeocf dittere'it l>îla are iîimtimenig îîTilî lL1-gi-st wmeswill moi-e tbe (erican 1Ç-isarîciiiiîeiirg,"'"Irmo. ,ttthe fl\t I.,igreet aili roovi' rlîii.t in ît ii petv eericiullS1iit he il,'om ioi-îg t 'lx cilles. 'hile *be on iii 11Tii amît-I titiicg las doine mionro t smalirt- ll m iiie locwest uîiltorm. Th" 1 -vil t homoi c it i ul (d t call iolt than fouirtii ot ofr, f t,1li zl w Ii bo iîCd at i n ' olt w-hiiOtijý i- l ioperatre *e tîatforin tue ait liit. ii gi .'rmentdise hibli uiiz i gtb eday w ill b- station ary. oai iiittb' \cýiii ll'andi t i in, ici tii Tiîî' s' -t-i, s îanoi'dto arcuoturudite ablvIIc iifaî i1ii oftthe lii t-r. \\ blnii iii ),) jpor-:is in li r whri, in fili operat!oni 1 1 . > Its ,-stinatI d '-()t wiii be S57kÇ5i,OOil nlia n c ]-; n tu-ed eue i-ail î,ýpvî(,. no as- .-,lde; i n eth,- new Penni3ylvaniim or Niipatlîv fnoîîît he 1Pol-h PTaîlroaîi l tiin. te wblcb twilli hi' cn itii.neited by a subway, and the frra- a i E:t IP Tbrtv-Ourii st.e., be __ .rci-11llAr jet vieîw.s or witlî the droain cf briugin- pa.st fiy. Nîva,. aiiX,,iOiia hou fitîîî out Nvlir about tio indopendecoof Pohanîl. tuer lie w-as still on thle 1ev-I - and aske .~ Sîco te wa witi becni ~ tilii inegro mt wlimt agi' a iii- iii generall jrafdPoosha l a on .-. f , oi staxteil dowii grade. cutc Pole hve mde o serot f tîî~i "Dat do.lentiîi't irelv-,' relîl id due ol 1wish for disaster ta the lhissiati crmiecsngr,'ontert i. pe a o ftcd fleets, ccd net a nveek passes tl .tat ne-7roon e ate t up'd aty Pales wha have givoc open expression go nd a p' ta tuahis wish are not drafted up te the Packages and Publicity. il- bîig citadal which com.mails Wcrsutw. One h as only ta ecrutinize the cames cf ' 1acliiî- oast drtig" a bu', itlîo;e revlutianaries who have rccoctiý ly nes î1(nn' mgazine, tells Calîforni lici'r figuricg in Russian historv to 500 fruit gyrowcurs. 1iackers andî cauners tlim ti Iow many of them are of Polis-h engin, the oîî .avtaiirease the cousunua andcci ta tiiose who are but sligbtly ae- tion ofiie uir jiroiluets is bv advertîiiu e'I qîîainted wîitb uudprstacd Russia it istliecli, to <i) ilieili l cesiîy the goou : at no secrt that the bst ad most ielli- 1111-t ho putt u1iini conenient packagvc ligent rcecruits (o the rovolut iocar 'v idea iIi-la li-VtIil anid tra de-nila r k d. TI1i lire cither Poligh Oat1ialics or 1olish puiekagi' jilea 1k lso applicable to mai ir .ews, hotu eof wliom have bomne t Il(' i nifî,sutEstcrn igoode (liat lia' us est rpî;- of a perso-cution vitbiut parallel li'retîifî re Ieiîi- old only un bulk, acd lcin ic:i')Irn Europe. j-4gmi itiitg groiiii eviry vear. But Nvic ortii, govcrnme-nt, inca mýiro, tr Pcio- y' t i1-pli n of the iJiifat rtîi N1 ý('eslv et varianc vtm b c i id i o up11)Ill, i l îbottilerluape ie ir- Rut.liciinimîc elemueut in tw p ti iimîion i Ill, r i i \ î IC 1 1- ptu': tîd ilius -it. the dual monurcbyv. iThc ý;i-rciml ii ' ti-lieoiiaiuiiiîabliit it. ti hatc- witli a b.tter iatroîl mi- t lic k iuiltn-I - of tfiise wlmc opprosse liiuc nil litii SPRING EXCURSION TO NEW Yf ~ Patsii.The Rutlhonian- mite ml-o a ~West Suieeliveap <excurision ta rîwc, inhabitiuîg (te lui-.*tu pul tiO L I.AI il l rite 1J.. l)nmg. (aii but litweec Rtilienian cii lletii iti'(lianit~ -ic .\gîct .- (Pli2 Vîtîgi-str-e ade ba., eprui g i>an ectmiîc l-l u k IS(it- 'îimiî i ii u.iîuîi tiuut tuaunders;tandl - lit -ivhl .ii 1,___________ in n'î tt le a power-fiil factor tii i lm-- lu i, trimeii, lmt tii iîit \ord \îII'il ( , w-c. tiaiti p lit icr. Bot weî-l ru naccîc, tIl i- 1 1 îî ti ii()I L Iiiî, but il. w onit takec i 11 i tîtl ori j triiii olaiil. and lo-et, <ili \,-i tu nr. <liid iii- s vai i lai rd 1000 i I INDURATI ~4~ê4cê4444~~ EDj FIBRE WARE URÀ (àdfR Il Thero la nothlinlà the b.mkO appM"0bIg' Ibe qualiIy o9 make of this v6a» #b. sat EDDY' S Ummbla tbe booof o .sb usai .5 and 1- - .~m -, - MONSTRÙ STA - no Lther Lnmûét uinthe Heavens lu -tAnywhere Near IL IL, jbeJ JWjI I dIC'1Id In the constellation Scorpio, seenwhXL s' î b us ow * visblea al, liQw dowu in the SoutheMi- so2* iky, je a Star, of ab9ut the ,fwet maxàni- M D ES _______________ tude called Axtareg.'s44ýi5 'objeot 15, a. ?R RMSCLAIOS - 'cordinig to meagur-ement ocitspa--------S~u SÇ~mu~ Fat is of great acc ,i?.$by Sir David Cil, el * Roward wiII b.LADIdSby falîl and must, therefore, be a cooe-Ibd.-!5OSLvr rter r0 rmdy; rlot quick and ti .Rý'1 to a baby; that. W nY One astronomer-, J. E. Gare, lias compt*- 96 6 e ad'L "Bohr babis ar fat -, ~ ~ ed from potometrie con4ideratiofl5 that LInlted, Toronto, to any person who - baie ae at " f you itsmase pobably 88,000 ýtimes that 01 can prove that this soalp containS1 * ES -I3 bay s caw ny, Sc tt' h u.any form cof adulteration whWtoeverp w 8- îi9 rem.en, a in-u babAs a rule the tendeuwy rof astronomérs or contains an'y injuris",sctiëmiCal&ot. t 4 onberg Steiand E iui~ s htleis to d9ubt whether such differences as - JO 01ma 035 etb ée nipubi 40-go pi sent r > (lieue figures imply exist anaong the cal- .'r w!ant e.ýThe healthy baby estial orbs, but undoubtedfly the mass of - A LoUi,0- - V. S Atrsmust be exceptional. Mr. Lar- An in een dopted D0-BA T D & C0.' ns of thehowehoservaoru Ealsfr -aTnarofnhmo stortes as fat what it does k f(i oeosrvtrClfrion Eng 7A- - Trot points out that round tis gree-t star engines. 1- trip wfr.M not need immediately for is a wide region "about as void ef stars out~ leav" heir construe-35ta. asaykont h eecpe. aytion and t anism as thor- FUTR MÂNUFACTURERS. bone and mu scile. Fat starry fielde are encountedred in thje oughly test ~ n an actual rail- lOffl warth of F'ine Purs. elearn et babies are happy ; they do areas show TmO stars, or,3if . , (bey are revo1vi.r int which the wheels  ut.W r aighgete on the extreme limit o vY i hsof(ioçowo ve f it, and by (lis means 'York prices. Send for prîce 11sf. not cry; they are rich ; splendid and pure moun i- -In (lieue acee.rXeetùne le"ra~ ________________ dark expanses no trace ofle delicîLte ýjeetto of the "paen ayl poued fle DA IT their fat is ila i d up for peari white shimmering background of trsoeh esigpatrv le DthISER (lie aidereal structure can be seen. iTe the s ofhe e s ith ngpln t e, wh e it h I "Y SI' snd m tume of need. They are inference le that ail the mnatter once ini lu turned on, se (bat an engine cati be your name and addres h a py b ca se t e y a he areasasubeen tdraweist.ui d P made to ru e at full peed, as if itm were I will send you some- hapy beaue he ae he pcsasn Anare" en. on the metal rail, without xnoving an tbing you should know Thespceha ben wet ea.ln inch iri a forward direction. It often ail about. Send no eomfortable. The fat sur- (lie constellations Sagyittarius and Scor- la apnd(ita nieo t ra money. R. S. M'GILL, pia (here exiet many Cblack fijelds, with- bsip res ew n n inlobback (rale SmoOtro rounds their littie nerves eut star or nebuloms background. tfo r m ers. But (hiedeioce Qbvfi -_, _____________Ontario.___ ________________ ates sueli c possihîlîty. GetMnWoAeLtl and cushions thein. When Vegetable Growth in the Tropics. GetMnWoAeLtl _____________________________ Canon Kingsley net long betare bis they are scrawny t hos e To people efth(e temperate zone the et rw teto C(enu ert nevs r ur tevery r P id growth of tropical vegetation 2SRC..RIH DS&O- short men wha could be seen in a Lo- nerves are aLdble I mny arsMeStlC.m.en CHARSM&CO.don crowd. He looked upon it. as a sign un etet0uch hute e ftems lmos thncribe la many arte Genbemn,-y dachter, 13 i-Cars oeth(le detcrioatioa of tire race. but ungetie t ou ch. hey f te topis (ie cixcte s 5 ~I" ad, was thrown tram a sîcigli amd in- there are thase w-ho look at it as an in- able and the i so 0 fertile and condu- jured lier elbow s0 hadlv it remniec'd dication et prog-reas in intellectual linos- cîveplecd prilîtin he crt vîli stff nd erypainful for (lance years-. et least, frman fntuus f(u delight in Scott's Emul- ciepae pi-ti h at ii tf n evfr0n fntioto h sin. 1~i a s ee s pring ta life. In soine portions of Cen- F"our battles of MIXARD*S ,LIiMENT great mca of historv bave been meu be- tral America one may %c mile atter mile cemple(ety cured ber. and slue euasnot low (lie medfum lueigyht. Canute t.he whlsm tohm f fonces apparenily comnposed of grow'- been troubled for twa ycars. Great wma sirgularly In mail man. Nepo- lncg trocs w uicu iuon î'xamination, are Youre truly, beon was undeuiebly short, «Nelson had foCd a -ae once buon bre -r J. B. LIVES,-;QUFE. ne height of which'be ceuld boesbcci Sen fo fre sm pe. fonces, tlid poste luaviug brarîcîcd -ot t ochP .ltuAgs,10. the great Conde -%as liarcll more (bac £andffr e feetmpt(aSl. Jsephdlbr0..d-Gre,%u-ust 1900 acd gro-wa nirto good sjzecl (reos. Mamiy fv ettl.Hlern-ýe'- I1 Se avire tiat ihis piciure in a Central Ainericanta t>Wr'rapli pole 'utilI -(he greatest et aIl tlue Popes, wes quît-e thefom o alab l !i n he be seen titb a cro'vn ot luavs at tle a i iu ie p ro . 'No t in wrapper of every bottie of top, ,whielulihav-e spnoîtod situce tiche u short; se was 'Pope. "a littie crookeul Ernlaln > ~ visit ut the ilintiti. lit (lui tropuimali WHY HE MISSED THE LYNCHING. (bing thet asked questions"; so wes Dry- eomuitri's tîuey luave so muatuclu t rouble i') A rcn I r nLnontec dec, ccd se weu Scarron, who alludeuf, kpep tîhe trocs firii gniiwiuag as ttc hit te uii-u liiux-iaJ.uuon(ron- to bimselt as "an abnidgiment af humati Scott c4. Boune ini cur mortîiona litdudv'tlu ciaki i-i-ti mveton lin(il the (sî ubjc'ct. cf v-,mîserios," on accouut of his short st- Chemats guoîv, and, une cr tluu' revateat duftlcîr-icgi lu'I-lutul ti -s - lstu ire ccd 111 healtb. t-t ' oittii-r--itl . uut i uat rv iin r-ail M p- gcnulofii iitimt tuî e w-m s l i .e u - -- - Toron tc, On t. rouil t urk bais 1luiiata ket- <thle rail o de nd on l <f ami tilr i t i i iu -itm v (i seanZ100ties fronmi spunuuut uiug. luoqs ti îunu-h mtuu111 î(iriu.miu. wchdu WhIVen yau think y-ou have cured a - 50u.AilD$I CO ____ i(ml-mutulice 1ipart iii, etuu 'rntotrad cough or cold, but find e dr, AIl Duggîsi - .é.FasIuNd: hacking ceugh remains, tiiere is ________________________________________________ ' ir, 1 mu t luuav i- îjl mu I lti »s2'-e danger. Take Johnny Kcew the Sang. --~( " 'u-. i cui-i i mk iiC ag1t' lovp fuît t ii aiuu- iii' v.,usp retiytosuit ui l-a - umui u-r i Ii of ShA ilohD"s1 n -0ie liii- mt1iol alim .om iir0cc-r,.11top uiiiaiipri<l t i'tu . m-i -i-ct tuuli l i Iet-i m Siulmv s-hai i ' . s t- w}a. li u-l is- iiiit i 1 îulii ofi he L n uiiit -a mu-lui qur C " Tonim *%i - cucu'l hmttku' 1wmîuiti ati-ii-,lua- Tua "Cemue ].acet i'iut1l Iii i ui1ii alltmrc- - I I vja hn ai" uil u-ot muii ii E l n sc dso h o ga - -.u iciavlu' .\il i-i- i n i I cmi-' 2<1-i ing,," -It S eil \î ýlt 1 lu Mc Simi' lll Mahie tlie F-ort,'" --rilu ot-mho slitu.mnl-I'H ie - - he w' frumm n a iiummtr imîerut tuîu ti<î f'ces s&C ý a Uoer gain ainiat uta~ i '11e imolo a. Ivolpensir Vicor 5c SCc $1. LeRoy. \ X Toronto. an.I a nd lIast 'nic iciJ n e ic- i i ig ' Il.- IPa na- _ _____ ai; n cl friu'îu ofi u t 1efmiil'u. Salad of Flata leivere ()\I \1Ls itte I i-ou carunot aflord te derive ' uuceu nIt leofîi u-mîu î ut iir i, t l1eii ttie fnlioý-tiiL nui.glit. amtîu liii' itcg your andwîfe cf 50 valuau:cof he paid ai i-er. riitiîg tue hii-i-i mîitti l . Mr. wlten it atu i e bad mt oceît suîztt ed t amu iiir, tiîui i u i aa fouc1,ae01-tW a -egtan l)uuiels, 1 hiemrd l ii i~vitîr ovrleet- for $8.',. Tuionouglu- irnutid lui i-Lm u î 50tai lu-bed, uta ,ýjn isia. Ia Japan tl(lue tmuilnnchraaan- ing scn- lat tigiV 'Iuei 'sa.id 1 c-tha u i-e -tlue iuj<ir-- ul y s uug iuiîuî uitu hl tluo îu tue us ecten i urelush as a sa i tli ue oi f pseniragonis m 'wliat was mcie.and Witliî- iair.' Fur (luis lurpaoeouivth(le petals cre atlie cacao of it «1" -lit' P999." re1lied tbe ouveinuur deaolerir--,aiid tht'e .î i--s a im u iec i'ire are pîtucLii w îule tho bics- br-,hraic uftte(,nacst adve-rtised en- Hv;4urd01r11suudur- un s fresb and are baî,ed uctul thet; t o* ,thn-igoshow it to you or - gie in (liet-n]u. i lamt tliicýli gave fame vi-ie us <r b9lokiel, - (-) Il ou ctimlit vSeoi luis tuiur-aSmitune soîîetbing of hie consistency o: ~tu eEioioS t l-prss Bst1 DWSSIL e, -'1- i.' a em jllv. Salît, aincgar andilsugar are ther iliug -Damils lias;;ue niitoc t-ar.- LDNMITn NT - o, 0' ci I tueStuirt.aolgt audeti, andtIhle calcul is serîed itl nt rFroca On tlunmî ett 1 jmil1 cmtmu tlmutt ttet imuesiuitw<nos tgwhicli iiay ble preferred. Somoe r '~orkPres "iumgîe, ew s cairs Riîlimgi ch-Ief f-un 1iitit inginug - tilîaîs at a large dinner party (ho roon, e~~~~~~~~~~ ._______________________________________________________ ii frnti a c uilici I -ii i i fonrme atoutfr loi iulutiurîiuiu - t iat -utmoft 'C<tu- 0!curO.fi('111ii-r,1 agou ma W nads inm ntCaendnruf -aout -ta comica. tim i 1 a Iubliti for t he itat iu .t im i t' t"ilstueilco iees.C0111- OfCnyc ii r goi mi. Bmils r dr Curai,1-if _____LinimentCurs._______- riuviut bila, luistthe Ofteo v mîîdii1ai1is1cblited l , s Is ter tameta tlîîuiîi ivb11 at wontui th,' ceounka-,"A DO L R SA E . Vo li pas uvethevbcry fiatnd'a uus bieun o 5f . cJ. aniouuç ii" ilii le 44 years o)d uand heoa '"ADL RSVE. 'I- e -n a -re - t-m1 m i- . . i a u y î m s A n a r n u siAflg in s ta n c o a i. -tu re w eC .îLî-- j il- a i -T li ia - v et ite bîrruing, itchingcyourt tof 'uta She could niaI sleep aI niglt, acd liad te) sit Up in e chair fer tut-o suuiamII-ers. Dodd's Kidnoy l'il-bs cinemi lier. MNr. Kinsella, speakitag of lier cure, save ml'Atter (lue fir-t boxuaL)f Duxda Kl-Citey- PillsI e ItIttîuiî'hî lettu'r. "iten I got mtore andîitaer d«i im a -worlui of gecad. 1 humve ii,, or s.ltut iii .lie chair simice I1iol hu'h.imu3ed ju- Wouiai'-s heiulli oeu-rusrn lier kil- nove N in~-t 'ctI ofettiîu'Snu-Caliîonie- ,italO cuetihlma in ritmt, 1)miHu ,lv ui-me ilu ]id tif'< t{iiiuyi'vl <iiiir uu i,iic' Whene hoCzar Drives, 'IUhue lamit i ltm-sii iuufolir au1umîrmitî anuul, un' I(.2si. a l-.uhsi 1 uu muilfilutv ita I.iilu I eutill astil- rt'm at fttu huit i 'l.i Ille al atanuc giuuui ita ctiiihitu. il ia-il iuigiutti- it >"t. 111o tîî u itlu' \\,ilt -r PL'iici' Thi ,uT- Il1'il ýa gmui t luiiouit iC071 - Paradise for the MIen. (Boston Globe i) Paraguay would seern to 1resen( the emalI- est chanace for wotîatî s rtghi e unig rase to ho fîund oit the earih b Inbuat cuiuttry thu.-e are seau-n woni',î oi- 'na.(Corteq,'tentlv the men are petted and talcen tue groalest r-are ut. i-ii' > 1 iu i m iii a ulil i <i'a0i-c r rlsiky Ca rIons 1-y lime avuitien. The sirurols Pro a len i-1i Ti iii1tbe oxen cdriveiu by theni. and they even go tg war as substi- lut'- iýIi ti' .e-m. t s uîiY an appica- lion c! tbe law uot sup pIy andl deîuaud aluni crame iszy mec willi probabiy thinkIt a bene- fîcent ans. (Kansas City Star ) A mac rreemtly be.-au civarlng ln an Atell- taon tsaloon. '!,eol< tere.,-, the propriettir ialid. "you wii have .te i-ut out that profteli-1 lty. Suppose a is(lyT were teocdnte ln aller a drink. how would yoîrr swearing uàound?" dccli, Icti-i'. -st iat.it u u>tii'a r noter r doue oreib tîm 1.50ianseu, mir île oThe Ai m turmamîl coculiofcanof due elLe c'octry or or biso b. us ie uport is cluacged, partly fnuutti u'\iîustieui ani bini with tweoWu îu oy ci'eio An Effective Ahly. -M -&u iien tlee Nuali ic Fredâ. C. Kirkeuulall, (lie Dernecrat ie hadsLnietRleesNuaga MNavor-oloiit f NWiIRu'airnc. attibîîtes What a Wamaa Msunderetand. (rý ies victory at thte poîb.4 o it 'lîrtis u' 4a t N w York ltiessA o m d îrt l -i tiig . F ull u it ir g ii t lii fo t - sii-lusof (dîvenriaiir h)iiuglas. uot -ttiisa- 1It's lianrdlfor a wcmiinto u iake lierseit ho- i ejlait-eti t.hiei-e l eutauu1u- spuuîe liber- liu'iOlimatthie minu s-o pays ail hi iou e o allv drillgtlmu Ipeailrug bis lromuîtlY nd rcuît doait>'moru, ta u.- dît' ltunti1 luocimiim amugui.iaatad as lb>n- ui' suedocîti. ' tfie tot eror- et u l put ni i'- 11< rîuiglu b hîuu î ou d iv lo tarI ig s lts avIfli iie a bu ich o r l)itîtCtul i' utub lfu1itiuiimu iirlils. Cruor-s i-or> Sattardmuy miglut, îîîiutl t 'e r(-sm t.ilt i hut lui u.iîv' 2:,)t0-1) 1) 111-:m11i t v. %- umhu, (lue .ii%- uuî lic-mu'isAlto«-ther BeYocd Bellot. fi DonI )'îîcruî oiilue r ijîcthîmud .mcîaar- (W'ashiIngton Post. gin () ut itSt). ,uc-t.n is aunuftu't liv When a Nissoiiri lura' smuw SîXC.oiui'stai-la, ilît jli iti ii Iiutkiitg. w uut po îuli- 's i ifond Ituin lîîm iiigmý-ilui-st uiut u mj,(,lîaîg- aul t u t ýl u giis or c.imliitlO c<u . 1 l'iadt,î- pl 'h i I)IPAIitt< g i0 l ti r f acquuittaîi a-as retîml r it. l'lit, jury roulul imot cee tuuw atmy oii ca u(-t-rni(. u]itire tuan c-mu id resiat suicti i t enamtioil. 1 n bv n gentlenauî prauiialew- Iiii inn- iai circlt's. One day a lady- approachedMr. 'Sageg Il lais office beax-itg a book et subscrip- aons fer a certain clarity. -She sug- ?sted (bat 'Mn. Sage iith like toa add lks nrme (lac long list of those con- ,iîuting. Thie financier toOk tuehe oan d hast- vý glanccd ovor the tianiecz, Seeing the ntr N, 'r.RiisclISage, 0,,lie took p his lien and wvrote befora the saine, "Mr. anad.' inaking (lie entry read: "M.Nf. and 'Mrs. Russt'll Sage, $30.' Cash Better Tlîan Automobiles. (t'biladelplila IRecord.)- nlobbs-i wish I tiad mnocey cnough to num ,îi automobile. Slobbs-Whabt kitidul eui 9--t't Tflobbs-I wcsldn't get any. I aily il tuad the ioney. USE L-MICA n' 'e m0 -hi la 'ch 4~4 1- - I $ -N -a J5) ROOFINO waterproof, firoproof, quickly an,! very eauily laid, ansi theaper (bau other roofing. Send' stamp for sanîple.'- -Htamilton Mica Roofinq Coq, lit Rebecca Street, Hamltn i Canada. A 9 111 1 -IF i-

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