Whitby Keystone, 30 Mar 1905, p. 7

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Particular-Pi The svcragte man kmows more ai hdoms. Give hln& TEA for a month, then try anot' a short problem, BLUE RIBBON ONLY ONE BEST TEA- Tho brldes wêre vW~one o!lovelimnss ùa th-lu' î'chi vory whilte satins, thesir % olltiruous velie and f ragrant ox'xnge h1lossornél. Tîeir costumes weî'e ex- actlv alik-c, antd, alLer thc cercrnOtY,I mLutikt3s regardLng the rdentily of tht' two brities, tîmns causlng no iittli- eîîrnulsemî'ft ani merrimîct but tite proi-I a-nid buîppy lînstuaxid;vlde "dBrerue' u&t aL losîs tau-lLtiguisil tiî#'m-tl1O>ir foird eycîs wore pick to ,-ecO."ilze Vi'aehtli ts ;own. luJi xîinevery opîbrt ely. that lb-' lirmi xithî x- Iic'Ii-,t'< ttgb hl ilt :i'Nscated-fourrti IL icy'ssary tii -itî ii on a. trîi ta the Uliitt'uh SIut-s Jt tat titis (!Me. t: ,tîlu 11' illit Itputrt3 saillîd îogethür, 0anc trglit Soc)tetnbtx'.rnart*iîg, andi a ',-r hî: pji î'appm ny' t ey xve'o' I liroÛ,iout the<' xoy1gt' ýu xaig Sir' .\xtliuî', beiîîg iat lte leuist ji)yofs i uîuuîug t ht-r.Ar x Iiglxi Nt-w YX' tiir4 itc-(auxe tilte fina epa r t Itoxu.- .1.01. ('a.t.tarl Ji umxîl lilm bridî"Jlî'niltuit t' tact:uary ttii îîaddirct lx' Lx tii4-,r Laxut'inu -tcibu t tli' vmu îug milîtiiiarrit'tl tIil- lx h-il-l lu:t lit' iaup --1, ti Lii'4-n 1t o' :1 et ni 1,' tif yvairs. wl, t ishil' L.i1 l-q u 'oliut M -xut'a-xu î"tu'fi ontl, tîisi toits. andisi- tttc iln ut Yov u'rk, x%il-nfi-i 1ueiît . i btvli- xotiutd Wlii tissiîuii. 11c.4aLuilv oths- Sîi. x' n hipt-l ira nI-i lytîi xii N týiimu' t-tŽ tti tlit liii' u-tîj.uili lit -x'i ax' I) p i i, )1 ' ui it tîIi' t t ittlti J iiI tti vuiu' ii 'v ', i,:ttî it lt i-u ' a'---î'v Iut_', o l ut'1111 i u, tu ti tut 1i ti- t. tut 11uui tlu t hi l i il 1,vxv Ali- b ;p t tl i:iî'xutiu~Lttitl ihtJI tiîi ,vt' it uiu 10 I'-lliO-i i oul' gtiti t yu', tu t I -.i li-a'ut' uitl l'td 1'r-y- cat'dfir t'ttviiiîu'. t' i d rtht l' i iOf- rti-lt -tii ir tu-ti4itid[liiin ' "fXitx'ti'5 eatidx'.igb- t a --aliadutxt' sIta uir tIi-uf.c jtiy mut t ir Iabtii' 1--lrext es1u.1i tp bafoue tî10ecutist i tic sceat I ' etî1 t-- ni-ar t)4 )Irs la l , tt - î-xi on,-11e to 101,uui"l ~îgbtt 'xu TUE MAN WHIO 60I OVER IL. iltut idex' aof i t-c î x t\ itv(. li a t. is a f li'tîîîtuou'>.i. ' 11g ult ti'lui t-'-111 u xiiiI -tl, - ttt îî l T-'xi 1hue NxitIlitrtt' u u\uui't Iiut ut Àlt' xx ni)1l. ii it tîit-t ltl tilt tti - a -lii 't I t'I,îxuîu ti\itI lu ti i ?,mi ttilut'> i i t- ii t ti' l I. cit it 'tilti - it- -tiI, I-i il- t ii- î;I i tu'u'o tu--' otu i tu ' t-1 i 'lt i -i u tt t- iii .1wtii lt t i u the fire from your brain. Tha.t is, 'it faceptieusly quoted from Anthony -Tro1 '44éOt.*e ,&,* him would be from your9.ý You cau see for lope's Ziovel, WThe Fklxe4-ideap the soheme b yourself that I have 'entirely reeôvered on Wvhieh the plot h-igs;of a, iolleëge PA ST P entîrely. it wihat 6. e-aoudretirefo-Si bot eathn iswie hiksli aiedunilbeha urole tea year of contemplation before a peacefulT paptathnhswfetik er atd nil it od nliesd hedeparture bv chlorai orm. '"He.adds, ** iOl. papr ad loke atit n al sdes an p-inting at himseif, the barb which I£11 * *wo swiftly rolled it again, before lie went POh Cem edrso h diynw thoomnraer fth alynw m è # Aj ~ Itwa theeyersag, jst4ierclaim -vas hurled at. their aelf-respecting ira vuleft town-that I first met ber. 1 selves. t.hese words: "That incalculable ii yo benefits migit follow such a sheme is (By Prof. C. A. Zavitz.) tha wint t e yut be naeyounwoui apparent ta anyone who, like myseif, is The area o~f cieared land devote.t abo notkna be-bt se ws c>t'g- iearing the limit, and who, like myseif, pasture in Ontario amounts to -nearly 1 ,%as young then too-and -,4he 'vas so had macle a careful study of the calanu- three million acres, and that àevoted ta and beautiful that ail men were aÏttracted tie which May befali men during thâ bay and ciover to about two and one- kii ta bier. seventh and eighth decade." baif million acres annually. A large num- 1 "Do van smiie to think that 1 was Hie then adds, after reeountitig some of ber of varieties of grasses and ciovers rep ber tee, he wcn't drink ItL It's attracted, too? True 1 had not lived the well-known follies of cthe age: have been growni in the Experimentai pul N'S the QUALITY that counts. the life most men live. I was a stuàent, 'Teta0r i hudhv he eprmn fteOtraArclua i and had lived among books and dreaa. periods. St-udy until 25, investigation un- Coliege, both singly and in combination, 1 -BLUE RIBBON TEA. Sbe vas the embodiment of ail that tii 40, iprofessian until 60, at which time ior pasture and for hay. The mixture af aut __________________________ was pure and iavely in literature and he should be retired on a double allow. seed naw -ased for the production of pas- uni fancy. I liad worshiped lier afar off un- ance.", The press missed this point. ture f or a two years' stand in the short ifE tii she cailed me ta bier. Howard, sbe To round up bis playful allusion, he rotation on the Coilege f ormn is as f ol- 18 sent tbe others away and called me, as savs, witb affected besitation: "Wbether lows: Red claver, 7 lbs.; aisike claver, ai a qtfeen caîls a courtier and I went." Anthony Trollope's suggestion afia, coi-j 2 lbs.; timothy, 4 Ibs.; and archard The paper wvas growing ra.ggeda h ee n hoaoM shol ecridgas lbs., making a total ai 18 lbs. edges. He heid it up a moment and out 1 have becomne a littie dubiaus, as per acre. This mixture can aiso be used iooked at it, then clasped his fingers my awn time is getting too short." for hay, but when 'the chief aim is the He ,nom % ~~around it tili tliey were white from0 the Dr. Osier is ta.king ývith blimi to Ox- production ai hay, the orchard grass is pressure, and went an: ford a cuirious tepist-olary collection, for not included, and only 1làilis. of seed per ,"For weeks I saw her every day. Ilhe lbas been bombarded with lettera, tele- acre are aown. yf ound that I could say brilliant tliings gramis, and articles f rom thie senile and Farmers frequently write in the spring t]ý to amuse lier-I, tbe recluse, the silent.ý h r-snl ilaeobecutyfsa-a the year, statingr that througb lack on le gfr o )M oOther men, -%vealthier, weil-known, social- iv n i good, set terms wliy tliey shoulld ai germination ai the grass and clover th: ly, stýod off and were amazed, but I nôt be chlorai ormed. seed, the kiiiing ai the plants by the bot wE crdnathing frtliem. Through ail the If Dr. OsIer was ta stay with us much dry weatlier ai the summner, or the lieav- of ages, tbrough ail the imposibilities a ongrefartatlewould have ta no itecae nti al spring, the nI time and space, aur two souls had been Caet er h diea onG ae atr crop is likely ta be deficient in caming together. Mlissing lier, I1 vould wh s*tlie caming, seaso n, and asking what theyn He egn arl t ~kcan ntrethave gone on, a salitary studezit, ta My ~Laî awcrasbrpi can sow in the spring af the year that in ublc ffars ndoe!îwed imiiself .end.il o'hearddsbeetimes1 l go pulic a.ffayinr n tinthe pro- .iaurney's en. 1shudere, samtm, B tpd i o awiii furnish tlie best pasture in the same motion ofeeygo ok- 1t hn- Itm iewol aeb It's sucli a very seriaus thincr season. In acdioa four years we con- o! evry god war if I hallflot gone ta thie bouse where 1 ob0aîny a. ducted an experiment in testing fourteeli straiglbtiorwa-rdl and unlmp',-eba.bie ilmet lier first. 'D_______a______man. different kinds ai craps for tlie produc- in 111le and character, that he W i Nls.$ir ie sipw.ldhae_______ioo______inth__rfe eaoni finrilly electewd tic meaiber for bi isn e u 1al iv agid ina atr n h an esnl baouoigli and took lais seat as an M. an. te v t te croý%vd ai suitors, A SPRINO DANGER. whicii t'Je seed was sawn. As a resuit M P.,inwlîc cpacît le cred lias -1îti she weariedi ai tlemn, and tliev fell of these experiments we find tliat we can pIr., -nor ell aaiîn aliae tîja aav, anceliv one, and ici tlber' still Many Poople Weaken Their Systeni by get betteTrcturns f ram a combination o ai Iiim its -Hboutidcd confiîdencecand1 v bart- hae anda'ie.te Use of Purgative Mediciîîes. varieties than fraîn any anc variety sawn te i. ife %vas filled Nvitli suci dreamns lv itself. The fallaoving mixture, wvhen di as sown1-\inzthe dsct)ranglie liketel Vta Mie ady b A-4 ,r .\rt',ur Vincentitla.gp grew asthese. wlielm seenîcd sa truc, sa niat- sAsic anytdactar and he 1,iilll teli Yau ural that I feit it nccessaï-v ta aUCledcm speak ti at the u aio purgrative forue atabut ixiveksafe Uc interesf-t in tile cuidit.ion of 1tic home- Fior, for she miust ,,ec as clearîx' as v11eakens the systcmi, and cannat pos seed is saovn and ta give gaod satisiaC- aider I bol bilgar t îîfst a gotl-reat lin 1 sibly cure disease. Tliausands ai peo- tian in furnisliing pasture thraugliaut CIthe summ-r: Oatsono and lnekhlfnduath r htriet gim ns of Lon-lon. vaeire, dur- The flood %vas carrving him aon-lie re- pie take purgative niedicines in thetcsme:Otneadacbi uh ilng lus t'ary yeai's, li-' lad obtainud sumed barrit-div,. witlî bis eves an tlie spring. a-nd miake a mast seriaus inis- eis: earlv amber sucrai- cane, 30 pounids, C ~~i>~o iiiCic;'iieia ia.ldt ipaper: tk ncigs.Pape i eltrdand caimaîmred claver. seven paunds; ilcriezr l ias a i uffern-s "One evening 1 -vnt to lier home. Ehi- and deprcssed. %--ha find tic appetite thus inakingý a total of 88 paunds af sced o AS i(Ol ZU le ri-%(ýi I ýýs ajr-noir wai; atone. -with a shadaw on hier variable, wholiavae occasianal neadaches, per acre. fssatasleari'c n a cern-ontiq okpseso fan akceo hs lo hw m ty 114-bigan 1ta pI:Lli. in varnot, fcadsnciîgta ossina n akcis rwaebodhw m Sometinies a farm contains a consider- i Iîw a n-lraeilel tadc niî e, and I-1 spok. 1 sec voit are dis- purities througyh pimples and 1Thptions, able amiount ai camparativeiy tougli landh ieiisand* sa. wit'u theii lit-art tiîrbed-for nie. Yoii neel 'not be trou- nceds a spring miedicine. But thtýy shauld or fields xvhichi lic at a lang distancea îs-:lin I lii ggua xdiail i, uî-'wnghld-it va's alovI- ong- aga. I have nat dose theinselves with harsh griping fram the buildings, and the owner ish hliiiî.; lii hart -' rti s xlitita ani- n 1er- iived tlbro'ugh it. I ean laiîginoxv, xhea puirgativ-es that galaop thraugli the bow- anxiaus ta use a mixture af grasses and pr.s&:-ia lia hal iîiaîy bei-n staît- I tiink of it-hha. a cis, tearmng the tis-nues and weakeningciaclvers %vilihvill rnake a permanent t -d y iîitii-r:hI~iu ii'opsî"a i-nt ~'liaughied, too, at the tune, and tic svsteni. A tonie medicine is xvbat pasture. l-roxn twent.v vears' resuits ind r*esmîlt va.s ulti.nut( ly achiiî-x d iin the aaid it was tie strangcest thing, that a is needcd in the spring, and Dr. WVil- testin- different varicties aifgrasses and o-f l &iîei i iuîînvroiis Rioineîis, girl couid neyer lic friî-nd, witli a man luani-' runk Pis is the bcsît tonmc tlat clovers , bath sin.-lv and in cambination,s Lot h ini City a ndil O it y wbtre tlii luit that lie spailed it liv xv-anting ta scie'nce lias vet di1scavered. 'licy -,rc wc wauld sagge-it tic following mixture jlouI'scol-I finl re!uzi, aiiql vii' t'a inarrv lier. Sic lcanedha('k in her ciiFh- qniiî'tiv absorbed inta the systeni fuI- for pcrmnîent paxturr' an an average -un ouxîulde' Iby 1;,,:r--aii['and io uned chair- there w-as omctliting malIl~ li e lu it mr iured blaad, soil: Orclitrd grass. 4 Isr.; meadoxv fes- îî~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~o ,it'iiit - .-un-abt iP i ilk and lace lîcliîîtîl lier livaîl- and- thaýt carrics licalîli aîd sI rengîl ta c\- -ecî, 4 l1s1» atiomt ras. :) lis.; tim- ixiei at-i 'î ii- i fv gil wti" utla eîîtic it ue WS -e ]iiikl'iliscure skia eri1îlions, undîges- cerne. 5 Ilus.: l- e lvr, 2 s1 an - al ii ttt-l, n 1 tyi it ti ziiii.t i met lat -li lkedta a'.e uc nartitin. licaîaches. ncrvau-ac-s, rheuinatî in xlit e claver. bý., titis makin- a total WIi îi t bi gail t i 14i uit t atthliclber for several reasans. mu ii l II )ood t roiabit's. Ilev imnprai e ai 24 ptunîls ai seed per acre. Same ai - y0uîîîî: bari ie-t xu:îg',i. u itlui verv "lIn tiefirst place. 1 was tal. and sietehuiîî' nimk cr~miyte-cx-res praiuice cgrass verv carly i: t a teiîî lai'i iuuih a tch -rgf-ialitait thlitni, titi. xvlt oithers'are lat t t stýii i i ii titt tf iia r1qio to -S t il tmfoi.adi i gtii- ,o li-e l "e; 1gun .13,s s aixiniî -t'tlc qîcu oetr re u nlv l h i, l [' i.'- i 'le,, -.X it u i l î u s tsa toîî iii -iiitlis ai Tl ii a d Aîîgust.e htc sd ha i Li-u 1 ' t0 iitel) ii '. Vu i'Lii « i i -lî Ilit-ii îi il)o. tîl . it e i exv suthe\ Iciocus feu ntV i 1-;c i iidt-txo'j icitn tussrn i(iitiof i1I a a ui"fi : tîly t i h i 1ii 111i(' \toule fi t".t-' htni- xt art ei "le , p j l u ti c -j;a t Ile ;l( icit h n i.(I i - j- il tut-il , îî11:11U'"I ouzi, itou ir- f ran ia efoid h i îî-eauxltietiaxit in rllî. excel etithetîaity foi.,ii - 'iii hiis i uxi' and-.Iiboi e a-',liii khl'il or Niaitlipi'-îîei t a -r inchai-aSctr.xt re i OiLLqi tlt' i-t1t -f voit n-e tIiadIilt.dluat lttikimihi-irtutu - .il.elîîti- glu! sic - on lii - Pi t~'i'\t'- - iXiii~ ii îîij -il iî 1i lit lt-aiit- lýittoI dr îi ,-itfîir.unii'land tlînîuxîgTrIi un vet ati gîe-ti it i o i tk. Ili - t--îî'- :t I' lt Ut; îu\ i ek tu'i-tc l t,1 tIlt fuil li nu t h(r. , iil ox-'î il 'SiMax ir n o 's 'tivid ict u ai ti stizt ii't tt-.1.tiy t.-uiîtxi. 'ii 'îî lii-fo Fae icati isprntc ant d Ppur Ciereminy aa "eadngOn. tîxîtkýl 11 ýh, id k i t-elit otix-e. ni go. tli t-tii liv il a t -icent a d boor - i c tîmB/xx-lit i.: 1 -v 1wii -Ii tutrt' it i\ iv î\ .il- craN 'lid liai-itiiiavcs torward-max esf s q il l iV 1 il t n it i eit XXIII- t tiu-tlut'uxt( ' -ullac '. i O t. taicix m i A ay'.'. lvluke tu re o f a stne *i 1 -îit -'i Li -hO ifr 'il - p inignle Po uarC re o yofuta ig u. rougît xt".tlu s'a cuit. tîUilCî1;hîts its titre- t )- r 1111îtîîuu. u:l uij t-. Il' t ui j i.i îi g Ii'l iiià Px nuue t Il .f u i i t t 1îîuy Iit t xvx1Iii for- thon'. 1 liii- iigio'st 'I ci- Lii' Il ixe'Lîig Iii:1 tias IIaflt tît11L xeiy t'o-.tiy jt1vii 'ahi-t nonîl t ii ut si - jx-z--s Iliti- iîuitity ftai xn- t i i'giutri, "l - iut u ie,' an iliii i-uftig "liit i xig xv uuf hadt xx': ti nîth tt '- o it-fliii' tli- bt' niukx i xxloi nd p- - lhglit i p-uou.ad i oi titi k '.. t'i'f , é 11- t,. t1 '11.!i l'u1t-lt', ut î1hf ufîcu () ý 'ii. t I i-t-ti-' i uih t 1tltti iix tilu i- bu-îd li it i xx t l xx au i-,,cut (I fovi' i-ttd g i I I Ilu-h '. tir iliC 11- lOi' ut - Il i I il .. ' 'î l u 1 :1 \ i io i i- t 'l'NI.u t îu xi l ua titi-,-- Ill ut- i ivut-t'kut i l-l t t..ur t'. ii lu- tu u- - '-I- l'l ti- i i' tiltî ili ii -t Tu - .u ,T'Il" i - ' - t ii - I l kuutv -xxi i iu 'ut ititchu ut tilt' uiltua * illini- tîtit \x hit i-s letfi l idu- iuiux t '.'.'iî - -ovuruitnig. Il xvould lie uatNxvit ti xomul Ilc t.1 rd. iuîxt' tluouglut (ifvoiln uuauy -i utuut. fonr x1'. x iiiiglut copie- t u xii x' utolil a vanît x'yoi. XX'en "oit tr' purinçygott vur stuul tucv are toter- atll ui îu oi1 becaut-î lecauie xiii ai-c tai. SIt xviuulti rîin x'oun lufe, nîy boy. Daxu't 'lettIhenu tIoit il, - \VaXX a it ut utnnt," iaidic ehl-fc .q x'aungec ixaxi. w ithhi u-than-i onxutue iIh - Sru t-ni arni. "Nex en mnx-I xxtiutt net i utteluteîuilod ttu nianix'o ulhîx our - w-xax'tixiu toiestotai 1t t. Ixtina rriî't il hast xvecek. 1 ani on m y wcddu gtouir.-I i-tlit tilu t voit i îew" 'i liei' ej-d itu -ii. itht t1v tpape n htehtl outa Mxu otuiiuuttixlt'ss liaxutis. and itancti il h it t t] ' i. -'t - utnii~ 'lt".uipted 'id te --ta "T'Ii()Miss 1-lituur N'anri'ir" a)n n't'lSi: apér dnrpueul tet hue fluer x'.it1iut crafi an inthepaux-e t liatilltuxvd -er I tîunt nI lii;watcli tiel-Tt 'lin tîte li xiiut in l ila l tîxuii-eu lHie tru fg lx iilu L ut ( lin' u-tseand wltart i umzeli sivxinz for- xiii]] t'. nLhlong xta ' fl -r - tti '.t ni te eii)ngratîillate 'oî -] n, i is - - h I ut i it - - r l t N\ i- unî o-oi Vo '-t ilt--01'o t-.tb u t - l- stt i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1' -- u I ' i t - it'ttt t u ttiu it 'i- i.'tt"~ iii tliiitiut t- -lii t x.hui-l J~~~~~~~~~~~ hj N> tt -lt' ii e "ti lut, o'-t- h- tlt WHAT DR. OSLER SAID. New York Medical Journal Shows Point af Joke. and'ttt mlNu-ut-i an '.imotantt nueuI- cail jtournîalttf ?Ntxx' 'm'i n aranedit un- tin olisuiv aboltit tii>' fr(î'tiiuu'-l u'sîîxs ht htoaivxe tLeutcr1cii xîg lin.XX ii. ul-r. It niiii as iiâMt'. s 'h Ilue ii-\ 't fax-rtrue liutu'.' tir. -3u utl- li t t1lui Fhgtistix iiuxi'. tu u'ultit -e a jo k'. Thl' iintalstuir-' x'ti --liiex- cul v Iîulihuit-' uîandti titli'ns'hthe a ir- t.'-I0tti' ttte. t: i-111 li-tf x'..î- titi' îmaul- etrnx u\ t h t lu cii- utll uit' îî e ual 1l u f ixu 0iIý l.u im ii î i-".' ie tt- l i - 'i' "l t lit - i til-ltil alily lut t- ah-u he y t- rc mc .îu tut i1 i m - It i îh ' ii Aut c\pcn-imî'itt vith a certain nîelhiod t-f pnuuiItg taxtatoes xxvas tniedti is xcar '.th gmatixl uxg rcsuits \'iueni te Plant s iii tuelitot-bcd-s hatisix strnug laves ti"eiîiped, xxlielu Nias on -May 2trd, lte totps xxemc aîiuped ofainudthue plants giveni lu-e une n, bueLixîg îiIuueti ti1inclues mpant lui tii- mante- "iue abject af piruciixg ail te top aiflte planut xxus tu a xuse îew shioots la îcvcluîp at Il-euais of Lime leax Ca in orar-lt ahavt >ixxbranchets icar- la-' earhv tomnaloe's insîci ai lie anc ctia-tenu-tuai] t-fatuut an tieti'top ai tîte plat-u Tt hue-e vîre jlanttttout on lune Gtii. ahungside alter ,Aantus unipnîtie. on ut ite :2itd, hall af thie pruned plants xx i-le a gluai junicî, ail intimaIs being tuikeî tuttandîul iii-six nmain branchues tut1y Liinîg letf lte atien plants were left lt gi-'."ut xviii, ant i t-xvaîs founti thîutt iut'y 1raituceti tua nuest ripe frîuit, îieîugiu uit.the largesîcariy' crap. 'lhis syttitoai 1ruxng 15 vemy prarnusing. TIi' fuînthuer advatnced the auxiliarv shuttot s tant' xhexu the plaînts are set out tite iargî'r lu'earty î'rîp is likely ta be. lIn titi' e\lucxxieil titisycumr Itue planîts wer cr' otl ttartti tcarIy euîrly etotugh ti get te lue-Ire-iuls. W hile efirst fruitxvas uripe' tn t lut'tnpirunel. 1arks' Flîiiaxiu, uonu Juhv 2lttit lie-txa s xen litti ripu ne anltaI huile. 'IlIte txpcruint xma-stuggesteti iy Mni. J. S. Litlaoy, Ev- cri-lt. \XViihington 'fenritim2, -lia las bu-tn runtng thaut tua int tIisN-av- foi' soitiixue in 'Waushinîgtuoni "ai ugrutli l- ini-' es ul-'. xviene iltîx' haxe tiiffic-ult 't un rpening tixxatutes. 'lxvaii m î' t-s xî'e uuer test, the S1tark-' l-brliauia-ouxu'ofttiche I. if not titi'WC. -a uît euîn v x ute x andtthe ail-iý-e tilt marxke't gai l'îitr, 1 gixe tiuis sy s! ext alttiial tins xcar. Ilorticîxlîxi I C .1'. Sane or Insane? tel] t1u'- ' anxu ' lx iii tii' t-t Ice' 1ictli Ini lu-".' t! sanoix u-l e ii'-.uî- rtuv a-'. u a t i iht 'f i lio i nc uii'iit tttl- lît t ut--t tilt r i nelit' tlu î cxîul i- -- i li ' - V il li--t ' lut. i l't --t41-'-'t ; - iét t n Iý-u ill 'i ~ ~ ~ lt -1-tt tttii tactl ixueli-lare te al ir;is icit5 gores upc ani titunasheiothei ts hase Wott tpat nduthî'u-t.a ti utlci max'cxîteNîoil aoi he mu legsdlit e lat lne a tixtuofe hixig coutie ui o u no-t ti- a mm I. lt il.c ud S N t fol al i xvn t'.int uugrmxr.ttn i1 andîî luft-n 't y îakea, i,tlied by luer lîixtis to taefîtrepant aiflte cart. Sute la oblig-et tola go1m"'it in n ta uxkxxamt i îîuauuîîc tîxin t)itC stit lier hucai, xitilîils tluick, tîusomde-nî-l. lîlrees blonduie lunir, is luIf- t-i anuit ut l ii' iiietl, backxx'arti, amui li-r c-'> î', x'. te topen, guie agttivint tue, distance xtitli utdut] axditi nean'.ngless regard sotrutliiiig lu-st ta uxittint. lier Nlic-le luotiv us citvtredinlx exerx'direc- liait xxith ieiuaunuul îuuu'îlc strules. On tue lait the firnti. girtislî lîmasl is braken iy atuiîxx'andthe litlttle pur- Jp le ruxumîcu i bitutatri ukies doxvn lue boLdy as fan as lte kueco l3eloxv is a cmua-t ai citnaunon-calamctititist. Long ribanuts tjf 4uin hat-e blutoii ît ui thec woxnat's body, xvlcllî is tarribiii'.'iiî-andt sxvoliît, 'a-,ilitouigli toig tîatî'îtxvîtit 11k t'ic Iet sutaltlundgruice iii, sceiu arIa blei- uti tt -ui' it-vi. umuuîl liari'vtote tien, lua'vsuit iant t'ini l iiii Iem feet , fat' ait Iiuextu utisut-)tilthIle u-t tuf ht-n Lady, î'ouîiti e Itîund lc)toixîci aof sptucimot sx'.ot' leî tnttidi-,cuilareti. (lîuc cannt uuxtrsi axîtilui'.t il is slic il- i- lu-Ifa I oteetai lu uandl laitgimug b lix' t ueiîtiuls.ulti nuit pul liiie cart tu-ir o)ilto l te xx'uîn i :ndl îistx roa(laux. a'. Ilxithueeut nIstamnds a taltt ,i u'usunt uin-es- r-I iutaxwlit etiti tek andxtlalhck-u hti'i ,kini cap1, frnum hueatl htitiih ituixugît- mîuuuatio i uglut rt-ilhaut' Iîuxxîg- 'î'iîi ftrt'iîaît uiut i-me hIuu ieii uîi It-itie 'î- un tie tlut,- ut wlIt, te'uit 'l u - iehtlit' xii- oi i .11-ie 1tutilthe sluît-' li t tht- x'. ' vî.îî. li ilztixuuc atu'îatl . lti tut rof i11i lîîîîîîuuiil uai ?iiuu'iiîîuîv-\od ot t llei'ii- iituît utîtîi t lîttîli gfu-u- '.iI lt i. 1uiti:ut XX ii i ii ' -xtici--tvc(t" "i t w i. *)% h ýt t' hi-'.. - -lii ii' hit-t iti hilit- t iuutllto uiii ;'us ' ~ ii t f it-'Iil. - i uxnlilig It t'.\N t.y t t-n tti Ilui p t li i t( , t i- ut ai- m, the woman shrieks, a.nd'i. thrown ekwar4 to, the ground. The people wd round ber until she is hidden from [lie horse cornes to a standtill, but in nôrnent starts ûaiý and the battered, man is ngain dragged forward. And ,miserable horse walks slowly' along though it fain would say, "'See how noble a thing is it to-be a brute beast, it one is forced to bear a part in such )orinations."1 The sky, the southèrn sky, is cloudiess, id from it shine the .bright raya of tiie mfdiy suinmer Sun. This I have written is no ailegorical ýpresentation of the persecution'or ex- ilsion of a prophet, without honor in i own country. Unfortunately, no! The ceremony is called the "Leading t." In this manner hubands punish faithfui wives, this is a painting from fe-and I myseif saw it in the year 391, on the l5th of July, i the village FKandiborka, Kherson, South Russia.- 0 - LONG-DISTANCE 1MOTHER. lealth and Nourishment Arranged for by Absent Parent. he "phone" was.beard by a visitor at ,ne ai tic weli known women's clubs in his city, The woman at the 'phone as anc ai the infînential club women f the ity, and also, a popular young natron. "Mýary," aie callcd cvidently toaa naid in the hanse: "IHow is Jack?" 'Mas be iad bis second bottle ai ster- lized milk vet" "Well, M\arv, if lic goe.s ta slecp at 10 'dlock, and stays asleep until 12, vou aust give liii another battle and tbn ake hiiiont for an airing. If be crie witb that sharp, airili ittîc cry like hic lid last ni ght, yau may know that lue uns tic colic; so0 Mary just give hiii haîf a soda mint talilet in warm water.") MNarx- at this juncture probahiy said: 'AIl riglut, Mxiiu," or something ai filiat- ed ta, it. Tien the mistress and motlîer continued: -I expert ta be at the club until 1 o'clock, Mary, and you can 'phone ta mes if tiere seems ta be anytliing tbe matter wit-i Jacz. IBe sure ta, put on bis white lieavy coat wben be goes ont and don't forget about soda mints if be has a coiicky cry? Then tic pragresive matron rcturnced ta bier cbairmanship and procecdcd to discuss vital sociolagical questions. It afterward transpircd tiat Jack was bier second infant and jusi four months aid. And was praspcring under tic course ai langr-distanre motlinng. A MODERN M~EDICINE. Whlch Ilcaches and Cures AUl the Little Ailiexts ori' nfants and Ch il dren. Babv', l'a-tu Tablets is a miodern mcdi- cne xbr replaces hariarotus castar oau and pitxo-"ooliu"sttuffs. Tic Tablets anc a sxveet, binuess littie laz- enge - xvhicdi chuiltircî take reatily, and xvhirhinia Le cruil ted lui9a poxvier or adxttitiistcr.'-l in a sp-tuoifnt aifxxat-er il uee- Urv ifis uu'etiine cures ail sîam- acli and Loxx ci totible.;. breaks up raids, pvutscroxup, aiiays thue pain ai tceth- iuxg, anti gi-. es teatthIful îtecp. Anti 'ce hiax a sicînx gîarauîtee thut, it caîutain' îlot oxte partiucletuf opite or pausanous sootlting suiff. Mm;lr. J. D. C'ulty.IHeath- enton. Que..sv - I lhave useti Babx-'s (lx ut Tuiblii- for stexna-ii andi bîu've1 t rouibles, anti lave aixýývx' foinit thuetîa ixuast satiifactorX'meî and, titiont thuat kecps utuy childrçnu hiriglut and hcealt.luy." You rcan çet the 'lallets I moittltV t iiedicixue dealer or iv mail nit 25 cu*it-ý; iabax by xvitiîîg tule Dr. Wiiiiains' M\etiieix'e Ca., Brockx it1c Ont. DINING CUSTOMS. u LIS le Yea ns. Dartng il te lasI ciglit on ton yeans there bas beeua - manked change la tbe dinlug cutailus aI W'asbington, and I thtnk that tbe ýame may be obsemx'ed lu auu large cities. Tiue old-Lasbioqed licavy, long diinuer of ton on twcixe Courses. xx-ttl four on tuve ktuids of wine, lias liecu abandoned. The fashlon- abus dinners of ta-dav. senx-ed aI 8 o'ciock un lte exeuiug. are seidom. of mare titan 'ilte on six courses. witli two kinds af wtae, and il Is becomlng aimait babituax among gentlemen la drink whiskey-and-soda instead iof wiue. A.large numben afi lihttîs dîners-outalvae bud Ihal wbiskey la much lessslhable la, gixe tbem gaut, anti refuse champagnes aud red wiues alogelter. You rau dune out ex'emy nigltitnlutIe winîer naw- iLdays w!lhilmtt seeing ?. botte of BnrUndy, au3 l aret is net dmauk su luucli as the ighit wtie xx'nes af Germauy. Il is cusiomary te se-rre champagne îoward tbe close ai a diuîîext but tbe glases are seidomi filled mare ibaît once. A few years ago tbe uteas- une of Nwîne tva-ititie bathe ai champagnei fon etamy ltres guesîs;u itw il Is one for si'ery st-t guests. Sauteras and Rlieuisli vtnes are u-u'atty laken w-itb grealen imeedtiin beuo'u-pt' hey arc te-a goulx. Tu-ne lias been a great t-bauge lu the fuisîtiau af cooking. also. Tbe dîshea are '.er nyuiclisiizuptîn u iisauces are no> longer popîxlar, and tiare are more "milde" ds's sud tes-s *mcd meal. - -Tihe 'mci uicat" quesîtion is a seriaus anc witli mauiY peeruli'. ast lus deî'tes wilt tell you. At the iutluer ibaspapitmouized b3' tbe mi hpeuple er tuie Capitl the sales oi chopa, steaks., roadit sud filîsîs ane net marc tian bait wbat tiuey used ta lie ciil on lrinonyearà agio. mwhis tsedemand ion gatme. chunkcin and sulxed umucats _buis iucmeased la a con- re-pouidiiug iiutuuius. Scaru-euy a dinuen ba4 luetii senteu t1h- seas-n without a maast haut. It i> LLx'ery popular (taurse, eujoyed liy o litnitas wt'I1 t e-ne. Mn'. Joihi B.euuwdemsuu,'wbo 1 lu aYS a teatter, and '.vha titt-vsnteeOfthle lunhalt entert.tuuîuxcits ai ltte Capital. is uow haia'ng x'sgsîiuiauu du mers ext luîslxsuy- Tieme ii:îy lis oes ouinse ef 'iuicksî. or hirds, or fuit, btailit)ietil rncornu-s Iuupeîî ber tatîl.' St cr5fît e onrs-tcoarses ai tegetalaîs. tîntt s ttI î î fotoiniia pepuînedIta9a nuit t pl;iiituble x' '. \ t rau gem aI lier tait)l wtttilit nti îtaw mluit be w-as eatiug ait-i beur fI n is are 'tlw'sr"tiraux-Os ta isuuw 'e iat trs. li 'dùr oii xil gi'.'e ilîun ilt-t lutxii ~~'.~înie~-î:c o hte an1sose - v'c!, utntyIti!îrt v6iitlxxiit. bat ier duhiliuu' art" auit' t"- Winii h ijtiyt'tlait axty litaIt ri" Iiu'iu"ttlîiii l luSe ht utheill sr tuiel h ai, itenct u rlitt ur-i -t-tut 'I -- Iii -'i uîd îi-rtablreap- tii-cc u ho _al '*""lý;e.aund Ltr sort' u s - tIi litt 1,- -îx ' ate - a luigiitc-r oftht! situî lu ' t -' t o f liii tif" ln a ' i - i t- - t' unî': I i ii- t- i tri titittu- iiI-lt tuti7ti st-ui- i-ans aga. lii"I tt~ ht-ii ~ a--i tii--ianiî lia- . i I i 1! 1îîî ît -t îuaîe 'îî tri -- r y V) i.I, .. )i ',-ll- - - - I s iii- '.ý 1' ' - Ir A Colored Version of "Thie Nmtyq Nine7'- Po' Il' brack slieep dat strayed away, -- Done las' in de win' an' de rain- An' de shepherd lie say, ", hirelin', Gq fin' rny sheep again." An' de hirclan' say, --Q, Shepherd. Dat slieep arn bract an' bad." But de Shepluerd he smile, iike dat iVi braeKC sheep Wuz de oniiest iarnb le had. An' lie say. 0,~- hirelia', hasten. For de win' an' de rainaam col', An' dat lii' brack sheep arn lonesorne Out dere, so far f'um de foi', But de hirehin' frown; -0, Shepherd, Dat shecp arn oie an' grey!" But de Shepherd lie smied ike dat lii' bracIt L sheep Wuz fair as de break ob day.- But dere, way off 'urn de sheeptol', Is dat Ill' brark slmeep of Mine." An' de hirehin' frown-; -O, Shepherd. De res' ob de sheep arn here!" But de Shepherd lie srniie, like dat lii' brack sheep. lie hlii de mostes' dean. An' de milepherd go out ln de darkness- Wlicrc de niglit was cal' an' hieak, An' dat lii' brack shcep, lie fin' il, An' hay it agains' his chcek. An' de hirelîn' frown; 'O, Shepherd, Don' brîng dat sliecp ta me.- But de Sliephcrd lie-:,mile, an' he hla' It close, zAn-dat Ill' brack aliccp-wuz-me! -Landan Chnistia-1. Death and Aiter. Bevoauîlthte grave iîîit lie citlier ile or dt'a-tli : noaalernative Lv open, says tue î-oiuîxixioniaru. The suppased nces- sîty does nat folio.. replies an "Eag- scientist. xvia lualds a xery distinguisied- post" aeeau duu t a t ic t e S,atîîrday Re- xc'J'lie iiaru us conscilus oai luis 9ow'u iîîiiid and ai certaitu sluadoxv slapes pro- jectedti îerean. butt otîtside ai tilese lim- t- ha cannot travel: and hs rmmd is nat î'tti'triictci t u n1to pprlieifl anv' answver frîîîî beoxîl. "The ouly scicntific psi- hitihîold, Iliat- dis1lcief iii iiuiartaiity' t-zi a -- rurtatins a-behief : tii assert 'citit- er ig ta o mmjjit oneseif ta a positionx xvîcuis iot axlylv icaepabie-oaiprofit. h.Il l t tu elic u ca x tt x i be . stateti sa as xiixi. Tic ustial rca-aniîugs- in fax-ar ai i utintii ulit do t4 bt-i ue cientifie T- hi tn.'Ie ar'gumenttit fîtîxît îex'ation, t lie wtiochsclet of ('lu n -lian iapola - gel ïes. imays in a plane, tîttt uever in_- nia u ctuducI li s tlituigI ixut rani -renC gtî11 uii ltr tMixttlîîxan- fi tutu Illue sî'xg-of tu iial h fe t ler- 1l a i ) ui n o t . I f l-e ic ia s ý ui iii a n \ x- il gîi of t if ute it I-i u --tti tf Itle c~utt uttar'. - ( îulv Iiui'. efilih: unîtt tic- lolîlituttIutiake- texiii ()rtiiuaii blit fuitiltuit ~t.-~ -aniak e iu 1 i Na ui of 1:1. titi" iow repn u ultB:ug -liii.'.'diti x'uî litagutg' ta--et iîog thle ,vinter ttlai i' - --.t it' ppeî1îr tuf tue t'uiuxdiaî tmaiuiix' lîu-eut'ti O tf t oe xîîuIs .lixlun Dme unuutieu--ttt' su itou uitlaui-ttle 1)u xiut x'uî-- of 'i n- lîu'l LI-t-ail b tI lui o keepthle Ii i-' 'le 1hutibînta ntuI li- twt'.îassstuIt - gne ouait anc t'.' txonlthe griatShtec t- af k ae. a n dt h efrx c lie u e ves ba il iet .'.'. cpu ti wit Iti-tiiiou an te break' iîg fcec;. 'I i ixi l xil tell." v a S luir repyn -L i't i tui h lat I h ave kept S ue tght bî u in i I 1 w 'tu lti be lard i n u x t u l c h i i - x t '. i ni x i t i c a i nm l ais o licîviuu. Ibrutî'ii- 'itx-u'Ctx'x7 i tiere 15 ai..tx h le texuit ii toittacoîtider antv aile'-o'.'îîgx ii 'Ic enis tQlbave c' I ox e l a x C iii : îl t t il a Lv a î n x' m o r e W o rt if l i li t . A t . b uu l t t ' s x x o r k i s st i h i. 'tatluvt l.andti tîuv las itt caxt.(: ut e n d t r T hl e tm ta in t li ug is; t a k e e p t i c l ih t l u l r u in 2 . tutt) li t uo t îe r s ca f u r e r s , t hîîuîglu ttut'1'.. xi haultt ute ak.l1it'.' ttcdo it tt int til i it'. - I God îlx'o '.5 Pl- t E S l u . xx i i i i i u o te ir - nî ' t i et i ' ti ' x e r . A i t l o a i i t e n dx i i i I c i i - h uc a i l l e l i i ta ' . t h t i t x e u l l î l t - l l i t , ' t it i x u a tn x d i d i t ' t f e i - ' - urit. Ni tt x.etitit'î hret xhix' tt vtru' ;et 'ti i' t uta ight hoii. -- (at- ,Christ Our Healer. \lîex i ut'. itouritu'tiuilinuIlie lîtxît a i Ix i 'm it th p u ibit'ut a n d oî i tîh u i'î, h ot ai , ' :\mil iii' u t-u it uit îlt x'tî 1iihhnis-i xuît -iîbiio tt' and ls dri- tt"' -.gbfiuilt ltîuiiîî' it hu oi'tu'h iiii lii gr'u'tt ie îuuthactll:'xtg ltii. xx'tîl ut p h yh , i i il. bl o t ot pi e x t h t a r euit- - i k . I cuit' tttti itihi it i gte.iut.i it u- I l lin s e l a su It h u e at- ut i o'l - a-tu t f t h e >( 11h-; o f lu itin . fo r l t, t uitg l îlt lia I e xu a s Ihtltnetru'tici-' aet iat xtet 'the' lodt' s o t h e e au tni î a- î' otf s i n i t a I xxa -t e i i c s u i ] . S i t î t l i t ' c u m eu l l i t h o a l , marn d I I l i ,- s- k i h i k i n o"- iii mi u it a ht io n s . li sti a s e u < af t t uth u f t u ' î u b a f f l e I llt c . 1 1 1 1 t f î î i y - s t i a n . lu t i l t ii ' i r - c u t l h v i i i x i s n e i ' e c I lufIl\-i uîîvl- ut-'c tof tue -tul. "Thy' - . i î t r v i - i î . x I l i ' . L o ot k i u x x u y I xl m tai Cluni-i p-tit, i-liaet -î'ucu -si n -siek -iI-ý. uatmi tî l îevit ' et -r i0tilt ue.'t xg hu2 Ile cai'uu Iiî'tttu'u'ut (.-tti u '.îuîî :îandh - -kli- ut xtîîl- lxii XX'iliuiIn tiuutuer tilt ll' t -11e olfi- ~i t -t' ' il t- il )m (is-u' lii t'.'ij-nu\- -inii iii'o e t îîu'î'îl - iii t iii' u x 1

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