Whitby Keystone, 27 Apr 1905, p. 3

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m r h t ti urtscsat HUSTLER3t tkooS pay. Suu til re rti"payiag 31l kluids iut insu livting lu a (îE" fiN ban iu>ýt4ier and ,Platit4. - : ewpri.ielu. -- --,"--M A Y , *Panl'COmpIains That France Is -Comltg a. Breacb of N utrality* . itn Frine ecars he ýiq Ding Ail She Cati to Maintain the NeutralltyiLaws. R'ojestvensky May Wait Untl Reinforcements 1-Mis Ileet. ATogeo cable: Itl is tated thise Ii.st pan huaa inade a strong pretest te Franice agaiuat the Bltie fleat staying at Kam- tani BeLy. It is strongly faIt here that France i. actively assisting the Russiens withtn n'hat t. practically tise zone of hostilities. The expectexl advnet of the third Russian equadron inta the China Sea ln about a week strengthens the opinion that the situation is anc af ex- meetiing gravity s0 far as French neu- tralitv je eoncerned. and that it may force .Japan- toaail herseif of ber alliance with Great Blritain, n-hieuprovides in the ovont af Japan being attacked by any two pon-ers Orceqt Britain is bound t-o assist lber. The eider statesmen and the iInd a1boUt &3 1. snd wthI I t il I, te pus>- ge 3 . ner cJrd ilatel luY 1- i t -t soealluuuu trI bs * y s I L) w - 1-1 u ll tiri çIrtiui tuiire vruba biy h. :Ilu sud tuIl'In wilii ais,, f- eekern ale ,vf th t trc. s nraiceutorà Ow. 1 at- Spig ii -b i liai 5 ta p î e nlthei 4à Dany par lauc a fsit'h ot or4r tat ak y.'rland lé bd at3 o Tmark aon 'tanu? cr' langefio- aad gvy zs y~r, asW« lMENT CI Bneene>', îu- tbroat, tf ana lot- waooderful aui gS sin. Tri Donnor, aun -vea4t igq avenghag niembers ai tise Cabinpt held a co nferente to-tia>-, i-i iasted fin-e bours. - COVERED BY TREATY, But It is Roped 'France Will-Genfm Wîth Requeat. civeraments n-iil eonununicate n-lth one anotiser fully and frankly." TIlo agreement is te renain in farce five vears. or for a longer perlod, until renounced by ona af thse contracting par- ties, bit n-ath t-hi. special provise: If, n-han thse date ai expiration arrives, .titls- et ailly la actually engagea isn-ar, the alliance sisal! continue, ipso facta, until pesce is concluded. MAY WATT OTIER FLEET. Jam ~Dees Net Believe Biftic Squadron Wii Proceed. A Tolio'cable: Althouglh net report- ed directly, it is believesi that the Rus- sian second Pancific equadron continues the occupation of Kanisanis Bay, or saine other port of Annmi, nhere it is expected to remain until jained by the thîrd Rus- siao Pacific aquadron. The report thât Admirai Rojestven- Rh-y id raaina nina a patio! and examin- ing netalsi~ng off Kamranh Bay i-nereases tihe rrit tion tonards France for 1permitting tic use of tinat port as a liii" of operations. A Londons cabîs-: A despatch ta thae LESS CONFIDENT. 'Us-ýlegi-4tpîs f rom Tokiô asys tîat oint- t-rs have sxtucled the inevitable criais i 1n Bn ss-fert-sce 10 t-be uowar-asntabie'stay of tain No Longer Rt9icules tise Russian the ilastic fleet at KanusriablBay. Jnas>i Squadron- lias adopteil the oîly course openi tahi-r. A London cable: The British public and a formaI prateat lias beau delin-eredi i. lginuiing ta ri-ahz,'e hon' mucla depends ta 9-nnee. it is experted that (;raat ons Togo's ekilful coadic-î ai the ap- Ititain "il lîenrtiy support thlis action. i'ronc-iiuîg naval calist. Until Vice-Ad- Tise incidlent i.s regerdcd as beiog con-- MiraI]ltojess-veoskn-actualn arrin-ed us ere-il)l*sy te Aaiglo-Jnpanese alliance, but thae Straits of Malacca there¾n-as a diapo- is k ioped t-hast Fransce ufli cootorus ta i-ilion to ridicule Ile «forts ai t-be Rus- whait arq- eonetili-s-el ie elemeastar>- priai- siamn sqiiairon, but asaw-thsat tîsere se seen îipies of neutrnlitys. otîeru-ise-the sit- tobe a growiiig likelilsood ai Vice-- - uaitiias. ta wlsich there must hi- n lime mirai Nielbo(gatofi joining Rojestveuaky lisîiit, uNvlul eris c er-uiugiv griave. Tise iîefisru-thse fîtelt struggle opons, hnke- Jaiîsiusese fier-t s -ai * vtiigoa ta Kali,- isnri îitterest is du--penisg ioteanaxieLy. rasidis138n. The toise (f the' pre-ss c-- tissieq indignont. TRANSPORTS TANEN OFF. Tise hsîk1ai nis iliu-'t lint ifÇ thela- I aies-prîitîst ik igsairpd. lKamraînii BayvJpiA~p rc mistbe is-gairuletns anRssc:uiibrse a. - p Peutions Agaiat Capture1 'lu-'lie 1i isl1n1lo snys t-uta l asprtet of'Thien Supplies.. witlaoîat .1s rsl'înv force sîspporting it is A Vinuioii cable. via Te so April umeesis Ail the' papi-TA p-aise t-le -aON-- 'i'-i trzanspoats are io - arrivsiag et cr-ri'ýinîsi4stit iattittude. Tite Thi c-(hau.Pis contràf wivtii t-ha si,'<t isaý hi-sirml-i-oaled and pion-j- grsîsh ai traffic ami-e the ojseping of isa siolieil nti hassanrasia daliy. It mas becs as- Lino Ri%'cr indicates that- preeautiens are u-risulthast stli,- Ilis!4ians aocisored 1;eissg takers againnat possible interference tiera onu Apsîl 1-2. IL siittKl tlînt ha- thse flussis Pactise aqxadxon, mtrisngr- tnslscrts n-<re secs in tise lay 'V-ast- aecuinulat-tons of stores ha-ve ai- a-ien s-a rues-tisaisthiat daté. Tise cria'. s isdy been mnade alang tisa Japanese lines m.>ggests tiat tIse presesiit centre afinliter- af mu'nuieatlon, asseUing fil supplies t s-t k ir goi. f rasin ii place Kanirani ta tise artisiesu in tise iidi--s if tise Titn- ki.;-ontroied. A U-ritisis steamer irusncport s-i-:e is itersupteel. tisat lnsarriv-el t\nagas;aki rpartn tiant on April 14 çthe maw as American WRERE WILL TIIEY FIGUXT? sqisurss j cuad rfosr Saigais andl ato asiotier sujîsasuran. preuruaubly Britishs,RuneWadPsreBtt o t- bousiulfor Ilortien. .Opmnse&a MODIFIED NEUMRLITY. A,% tesnrj ale ie main - quem-tioli nom, agiteing ttrinVAl ýoffi- Fi[suce Thinks That Restrititve Condi- -ril is u-h-t-ber Rojestî%-euskv n-lit eet- tiens Are Just-ified. ta isro<ce<d narthn-ard tha-ougl;tb'>e St-tait-s <af Formsosa or bar offi m the Piacifie ALosidoi sabla-: Tiser. iW no0 ffi- ilîrougîs Basîsi Chiannel <sentis Ihf tise Il- cli conifirmsatlisn of Ilse report tisa ili- sand of Fgrisos), or Balingtang Chailiel pan hue s ritestcdtl t Frasice ageinst lier lisorti et t-ha lsamnd ai Luxant. '?bl violation of nestrasity. Mainy Tokits dii'- Cioniction le gs-aawlng atranger te piastuee-ref-les oti tgro-inogindignsa- 'upianse e haî y' uisba la concestrat- t-lis of! tistio es anad public. - -laie tot-e t oreoi f aispas, antd it The S.P-ecr correspondent of alto believed that Admirai Togo will n tht' 1'<-hgraph seîraeut t t USes im'tei cbatille la thceopen set. Thia souigist i-i-se.,Iaelp on bebaîf ai . tii. i bthtisaAdmnirait3-etfficilàîshope for, Bustieflet. A lsrisk exchange eoliemt R8 it SineetelY blihen-t-RojesaenskY oei-urre-d heI-esn France and Huuiaca 0181id hava e letIa au e-e-n chance annd uni'tficiaslly 'i-t-use-n Russanai- if tihe-t-n-e quadronbsàinusp la an open i1erraaus- -uith the remtit tisat ssiliga. three î'«' wesrt-greed theeretîcall>' citis, et t-hqt-t-hi- rest-nettve coaratruetloan luth- ote put Ou neitralit>' obligations by certain pan-erg -. xexcessive anti tsjussi- ltied, or- fliýi it bail becemne incompatible uit-h latter-tua>' coniditilons. Francf, it- is erfdihîn asserted, la ,elgrt-4M ea o benovolence t-o thse fqjrtbiest eciaptlble witi immunIt>' ircm international re- prisaIs, regarffing , luity ' nslarq&tiy, ensurcil b>'Engbandl'a t.lndship. m. jtI.1 -use, t-hé FrencisForeign Mlslter, lu niasse roluet-ant t-o incun snu- tsa RutilaOctrans. friolle are ie*ifese lv optimisatioe They mreeonfldmnt - tat iÉngiand's iluesce n-lu tsauqilse tisa Japaisese. - It- ls it 4 Usa I $L lie!- casse neluctanti>' tnt-cis t-o requst Ad- uniralI Rojestve1sky t-a onoceon. 'ris- compact- ëftecting tise Anglo-Jep- anceallinea, undeër t-ué. t-risaoef - Uk"li Jsspalncse aows#papars éaY ýt Iow beeguou< nsec essaur>'tisttiGreat Etitae ha aorue t-lut ber Co-Oplritonisl requireti, -n-as seged Jarnury * lPO, - eIDUg ix mado tntat iblugh is latldý 1 ou trglity Frunce vint-si l>' basa coun *oIo *W @la'isad- limace, inier thsoeomftt,>.- In1setrent>', att-tir *sertwthiat tc 1' ~ ~ l pups tR~J*'aJ"fais to Mâh-1 To xuiiifýy t-lisEffet et eula Act> New Yok, Aprîl 4.ý-Tho rbn 'puhlahestise lalltwng1troanWam n- tout Advlca ,fromSt'John'a s'1, seen's t-uhaict-.tisat the eeIesillL lalature, u4iter tise leadershilp of p mien Bond, hat, Icy tise nartssiut- c1 ie- tuater>-, Igiolatsen, reader<4 ,steubi>' diffleuntthtie t-saS 04thé** msnuI«s-sof tise somte Wn-be hsIopet UI ttatel Y te uure t-bu utlftkt-lcn of thseRay-'- Bon 'tiuty ait«s eluim stug , i c istuma t athtsaSt-ste Deps,itmqwu A4 tlI fitreu*e"et"lut-bat t4 ' lriudt, lie. *eOffice lt-s 'il .51' - LLEIEF, THE I ASSASSIN 0F GRAND DUKE SERGITI& IS DtoAfo1_FORkAEF. Grand Duke7S*ess' Murderer Rèceives Sentence@ Ma-an-. April 24-Tse triai of Kaleiefi, n-ho killeul Grand t>uke Sen- giuc, b>'t-be Supremne Court took place to-day. Tise publicei-as not- admitteu tet-be trial. Thc prisener refusesit-a pleaul, de- claring be n-asuat la t-be position ai a cniminsal before judges, but n-ns a prison- er taken in a cii-il nar. He n'as sentie- e0 t-o deati. Tise only persans pr-sent througi t-ha trial n-cia meusberrs ef t-be entourage of t-be lata Grand Duke Sergius and coun- sel, aofn-bans tu-o ere assigned te Kaleif. Thse prisoers amother n-as net- adanittt-d but remaiueti la tise eint- doe,, Senator Petce rpse idcd. Senator Sisciegbvtot!, 1Procurator-Generai - of tise Depantmeat ot Cassation, n-ns tise Si-nt-e prosecutos. Mhen Kabeiot!,n-as arnaigeti lie ne- plied:-. I1amns st a criminal, and you are not my judges. I amn your prisener. We have a civil %var. I arn a prisoner of n'ai, net a cririnal" Twelve n-t-nasses n-cie examnined.i BURIfED TO A CINDER. The Terrible Death of- james McBride, s Wealtiy Farmer.-. % Ottawn-a, April 24-Bus-ied amotit to a ciader. t-le bouly of James licitride, fariner, fifty-tlree years ef - age. n-as iassad aissong t-be ruina etlus lieuse. ibout a mile coutis et Bell', tiorners tii isrning. Tise discovery ' n'amde hy Mr. Patrick HaminLl, annere vWse fin-e near t-he MeDside Jhonxestead. -,He- rose abtwc 530 ooc-aune! ilusatten- tion naatt-rnt*-ted t t-hfle 1Mcide home, fren in nhutache nas peurtng la n-diures A giti>' sigit uIlethi.4 oye. ss'Ien ho innesùated tusrIneir.'Onf W ofl> e lrlide. iVvery atlt-eh of 'clotis- ing hall beens iinuml off, andi 'tbe Ire* man e-re *sebcasrail as t-o be xaliet tt*recenui - . Da. ianil i dioct dist-nrl theiselv, buit at once notiflat Ur. Fr-ank Getulin.- Aoaordug t-o tho ator>' cf a -lit-t-t-eTo daugt.r eotf-rs.m iclisi Sho Me a h lianes about a mile and a qp*Mterfrom MeBridÉo.,the. bouse. ea il %#ase atrut u n u lre t-1l olodc*lust - usai- i hlm o apia ;f beisg W. »fetude n-s;% trI.il.en u ries but bail basin " pratetifn-6 hi* lui 99Yli JIRNN» TO DE&. fitALitlm A" k tbfýL Prior to prtsing senter.ce the Peesident aske Kalid'if lie %ould reet the crime if fhe %vcre tyven bis h ri .Ie replied: "ihu oltIwauld re- pent itl if ordereti by theRelti- ary Comittee 10 wicb I amn aitaeed."l WNhen sentence of dentin nas passed1 Kaleief f Iouted: "Execute your.,judg-. ment as openly as 1 have acted, before the eyes of ail." The date of exeeution ba.s fot been specified. HAnged Withiu a Fortuignt St. Petersburg, April 19.-Thbe plea ut Moscow ut Klvieff. w ho was sentence to death fur the assa6sination ot Grand Duke Sergios. that a state of civnIl wr exista iilu ssia and thït lie w a'pri, soner of war asid not au ordinarir pri- soner.accused of a crime, is,.onidered ineres to iadi,-to t le positonwlreh theo Terrorist- a -a MYéoeehemtiw. Nat- urally surdi a xà 'Cikaowledg ed by the Gov anhf;it the, Terr-nr- ists wiII persist in thel Jion. 'Kaeieff living been f rièd by à apeeial, commzis- sion of ther Senate iigaiinst whiîc hrti ix no appeal., wil le4 hanged1 probatslý within a fortnight. e<I It nas 10o' 6 lte ilend uuny 914 tp thse ehidren.ý The eldenit- augb$ter, é.VnaBJoucher, 'Who n'as Whrèu 3ears of ae.nilglt have -sce ber owmn safety, but ails succulbed sinboer forti to >briug 1ir, y0uun rothqri and iistexr Wiet Thef*twr n4eot-er na W thtVs Wb*h, lnd boen adeep la thne - et ifs prent$ wère -the ou4y sb o 1*tbe 1lmno$t bar ffq $ chulldrcii and ft1I;ittion iw~ê Moane.c ~hee, idb1 nuse .. $h.' « tae oti w llsloran 0-1d'Lady, etn tOèDatb, by àn'Unknown Man. Br Into a fl-ouse -at RodneyandMAteted oùAaut Ather. When Miss Lowry; Struck "fim- WitfraPee of Woodl She Was OutadadIlIc. A Rodaey re~r:Mrerin.the tisird1 within a fen- waeks lu western Ontarjo, n'as comm~itted.isere to-day ,the victim bing ia Eliza Ln-ry, a "aden lady, seventy-two ydars c'lii, nho wnt about ttis district dcing- goed. It n-es nhile staying at- the home et-Mrs& Rtobait Covel, an old n'orn, inoso hué- band n'as an'ay with a section gang near Pargo, t-*enty-live miles frem harel, that sic met a terrible deatis. Mis Lon'ry n-as brutally beatan is thse house,' draqged eut-sida to a shecd, wisere aine nas assaulted ind Ici t toe . lita. C<vel, whoo je prsseticall.y e cripplo frcm tiseuia- t-tam, n' atteeked tirst, and defended herseif until aie n'es practically Ici t heipee n1 a bed. Miss Lowry came tolir assistance, wI.icin caused tiseflend te tutra isattention te ira.Con-d'a companien for tise nigint. liere ns ne dlue te tino murder,wnho stems te have, loft t".er lit-tic trace bolslnd. Greant ex- éitemnent ha& beau eccasionedlin tii. vil- lage by thse news Q tino crime, snd strangars -arake i upon' more or 'los witi suspicion. Ilere hava been no ar- resta, and tis enot IikelI tisat tisera n-lJI be any3, poutding t-he arritvaIof a Provin- cial détecti-e to-suorres-. Mgotive for ýtii.Clme., Thse motiva fer tisa crime it Vould seens, naï asseuit, ait-hougi tle nm-p'der;- eou bis entrance te tise pla"edein Led mouey. lu enforclng lus deuidt-ho man lot 'drop a romans tiset leads tic. aut-Ioitfes te belien-e tînt tinomurderer wes someone n-bo kuew thse Con-et "-m iIyaffaira.. Robert Covel, tino lusband of 3ire. Con-el, le!e section hand on tise Michigan Central, uud usually gees an-sY on Sunday eveaingad returns uni Set- urdays. lneir home, a amati cot-tago, isa about throo-quartcrs cf saile neortb of Rodney image. and 'la surrounded by fans sose. isere-ia abeuL an acte of latdarunitie lce ies Lo>wry -ih la -a neorker'la the 1>resiyterin hu btei, %ttimnea. ift iber brotýiers lihuse tQ keep, Mrs. Cne con>pany,, Last nliglit tihe twnowoomei~nwere alone ,in this blouse and mnorntng tisat tihe, maner ru 4coverod Mis, j Co-e ttîxac t hé e attenticic ei tn-e beIys, nu-am ,ad ieb*91gtbe startliin ty, sess-hetiste tae - 1ud- lng Mina L o'abod .l iesd. ise s u t- &a a p r n U isa t t ie no rn a b i heen bru àftaulted., -e~ cf , ,.0ulurder quickIy aprees! sdtus terno n' t-reinbrougist Crown A..une ermmn Cuî Magstrle II '"a udCounty Coustabîs Hopkins fIr M, >St Thom-au. - CorOor rland, çf Roduen-, eened tise iuquest-titaftrc, s atP tie jury lied viand fil. renains the evi- ieusce of lire. Cevel sud Dr. Putereoa was taken. The OJy-Clug. *-Tia placing un tise wltnesà stànd ef John IVilissA a emer Whio, lines about throo asiles -northm iesat ftis sne cf tisa min-dat, n'a a surprise te tise cren-d .C,Ã"urt rem. It wax tisougit that thne wltzseskucw aometislg that uigit prove stattfng. W ilIa nas la -ROdië> lest ulil, nift for 'ome a&bout, il- o'Cl ek. M ile t -k ing a sh8 tc%,, 1on abou~t t-ire-quarters o! a mile frin xýti 01,e c tise manier, he claime ste havil arrePeted sôuada n-hihe b el- edt a, t e hise barkiasg ! a dog Weli"- bers el.y tirt- bedan'licard nutl Inuotrow ,n-ten tiho ts fiet O te le porfonoethelu t Submitte. Thenepen t-elIurdr usdnas eut frein a eheri>' trc' i olLamest IHôtel - Pr Perv 1,je, - wii- bunt jeok-knlk. rtyi as about r -lre, feet le1 and ées.and 4% liait incises tlsick. R -lt ta certa n t htt he ma wID eroiny ho=fl-as t-hmar se n marks'on, tishle bu tisée shed dcoseate tise ýpisct nharo tise bodyl>' TseVo p i f i c e r t o ' n l g s t - s e e a t t s e s . À y traes tise uurderer, bf t b a ts les are n ov bit Isýearrivai 01 a ftel0*ned hY denf'lopmnests bis mu 14-s thezI~LTh PublisL - . oloig~rmt~ri~ asengineer nasned Frais: Vont n.~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~c faie rmSnlnet fia ked to ixdy~tlmn, a de e fuit betiseen tbc t-wo. Our- Berlin corespon- dent taeg-raphs &jùd thleenginne4r killed Wbe th wnar tin-Damaralan. broke out- Ilerr Zipplitt valulteeredl fer sor- Vie and repe.atdIýy- dîsting-uished h I- sefiivariuus i'sctione. I4ter on, enetÀ lBerlin t4) contest certain dan atie- (erman Ian' caurta, and _n~ f en- m nths ag e narried the )iiSanmdaughter. d><a ricin Berlin nmer- chant The tiret meetinlg bétween him hnd. KObYliUski took place iùn an-aIl known restaÙunt in th~e Leipaiger -Strse wine oboth parties weroe t sopper, n 00on"p nn-tissoute ladies. Late iný tise'*OTening tino engineer protested that APPftt, bo as aeated at a neigh- n'ig ale as constantly .ataring at- 'hm. FIWalY they cme e biens, ana, after bêig separeted by tisait friands eamiged a duet. The two met on the Juaferni&he,, close te Berlin, andi fougist Witi' piâtois uat liteen pucs. Zipplitt fired into t~ ait, but IVobylineski took ateady'aiixn aid bit his eppenent juat below ise-.Ieart, Zlpplitt dying from the wounê l thse evening. RKObYlinaeki'bas -been ariýest, Statiatica Of- thse Insurance Business> Ota',Doue l An ada. OttwaAgi 24-Ti-un isuur- MnS, tin, t1preium,% r th Io îw WMr $19 69,24, an ibnrtse i,729 - " 100, i gain ýo! $1,06»0;Bn"4,s,4~ SU, ian lucre.e of »8,1- 'and-- Miedl eau'.03,70 idnor easof ï14A1(I34' Tiiee er. 8MI8noSw -_iéiaftak&èv ý out lu ,-Conadien empàùdos, U8$ Iý,B*rî tità. and128 Canadmi 1Al olint iD force tigre. In forte 0-datel, an i =oýiant ý neg tInt of- 1904 by PU43 ,7ffl-

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