Whitby Keystone, 27 Apr 1905, p. 4

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Vile, are ýVwtij friendi W the gettp Lshot t lefton monda atimfor yeîr Wilton Jimeit MifT andi gave E fort. Mby joi Pain Bain am thodtrouble COtrtalily a ngw sale b7 ail dru, 0 Frone'y iLon DifÉ lag a few day. ber caster'vac Whitby. A few [rein xurigIs et Bi 'Mies L is iJ gow et bier littli Mi. Melville got nticely settl, Mr. and Mni Iy are going t Wiey vacated 1 àgr. Eti. Bon Colnr for hi Ore to Coôme ou IMiss Kirby, recen tly. Mr. JAMýe% f off Mr. Wm. P traction engine Mr. Alf. Leu Ëiroti with Jars threshlng help. ses ouoh Wlen- you b le thai not on' T Wnt o4e -that Sea. Y>U wa'r tahke. Chaînli 5 ineets all these tain îreventivp tbere is nio daný TT igg cougli il uted in miany ~Po D4i", Etsie * upont Eastbr wi -311-8Georgi Mliss Poxa, of' guest of Mis.J I1 L, of Toïor 'j liçTene fIl - x rckb i0ml Il he hi xIT M at.eroil y41.~~or eko, o4Pery BasterleMa foylu wztl is o! Il.. haSt wo veeks ylittkssi riti fri.nds in port RelieOSHAWA. rd, andi chiltireno! Stonif- 1hefry BVarth lshuappointeti et a Mr. Win. Wu£&'s.night censtable aet a alsry o!03ff. 'ir speait a fev tduys wlth- Police Magistraté Mfurton lbas iven, c~y. vsrnlng tust it à an offense tebe founti aU kle bas been bigsy ate n- a bar-room dnring prohibiteti hours., use. rady to -moee to., md -that ireafter Le vill mot îUev per., 1I Edwards, o! Uxhridge 5sono no conricte t te4 pea norance e e taoninX 6 ivo on the ithelaw. y mornng te~ork I marld Smaith, &e.'Brun and! Fred thuatL.1Cged. Bush, three moulders, were UP Friday toscltie r eum *ening for b.ing drunk antid dord.rly. Il" »Y.;LM.LWaldron, of Ig' 2adci-,,i etus. .in $ memoe ach &Id wo s ind ýçots. M. murphy3 another imouhd- n4à woulti crack whun 1 o,4vawu p the :iTegl t où the aime ip. 1 useo Chamberain's charge, andi paiti $1 andi conta., Mr. id bave been thoroughly j BsndelproËrzetress of the Qus b htel, net hati a pain or acbe froni wuasummenetoMnay 'for selling fo aawAetha. It is j aturday night sfter heurs, andvas it odrl linlieuL For fisilod 20 <d St.. prea mitl o! Bsilats. was arestedon Tuesday'ou iREEKWOD. ja charge of assaiilting bis vifs. He vas rGleeson, of Toronto Col- , at home drnnk, eating rmv turnipis ad ,og beriEsater vacation atat mi, vIret Chie! Vengelly paij hum an &offciicall, and re'sc thechie! ad- moy, ef Monitreal, s spenti- miion. Hs proc=edeti tb nafl uap the iunder the parental roof. doore The ÇL - v had no jimmy %long, m;-adkezàburg in spendng seolio sent toe nt"b Stevens te bring catieii at ber home in over t"os anti effecteti an entrance Ilirougli a windov. Sniuth vas fineti $3 bore altended ths bell and comts, $9.90O in .11. John MoEvan mughara lut Thaday anti C J. McCartby wore sent te jWli6 anti7T menths respectively for theft anti ixon Selclon entertained s pointing a firearm. f le nridas. On Saturday lest Ie o nng feflow$ 3 White andi family haveofo! bou4 IUenty reahod Ihis town in led in their new home. vitat seemedto te b a littie pilgrixnsgeoe i. Tho@. Proctor andi fam. crime through the. cemary. Thirer bisi. to move jute the bouse ne»a va evaently te, hold up people at by Bd. Jackson. the. piste! point on highviys andi do op ntly bas sent te the Olti thir slow toms.. ln walking about Osh. LU vUfe anti family, *ho &aatheir fincy vas engegeti by a stock t in May. o! shoos te bo seen outaide Wm. Bal. ef whitby, %isited f rientis nan'a shc, store, se tbey approprîateti a pair apiece, and vent on clown street. pongelîr is pulling atumps1 They vere seen to e the Igotwear 'engelly's fielti vitl ishuand a ue-andiýcry vas raiseti, whîch led e. t10- pursuit. Sorne perou- on uted &o non anti Geo. Gibeon have Arthur Miner te întercept them ms tieyr iesaPeigel ly as bis biroti passed, andi le managedti t bug thi e»c- ond ene to bisi besom .But lievu ata once given a vision of the other venid Medîcine for Chldran. through tho barrot e! a revolver, 4nto, bia cougli mediciîne fot the mu=lie of vhich lie vas perritteti s'eu %vaut ene in wbîcb you te tae. a pe.He mueit have senL eit confidence. You vint oe h orriCble, Worhe roleasedtheii gly rellêes but cures. Yen tin unqnestionably liarin- msn. but ho et once bécame ithé poi- nt one that o. .leasant t0 Sesor o! a gun o!fbis ou., sud thenor- erlain'e Ceogi Remet>' gamized a farce of citizene te ýfôoovthe conditiern. here ta ne- thioves. In bal! au bour heo andt h.1 for the cough and colde otiierrs brouglxtt hem back anti iotigeti dbood. It tis o i vcer- jthem in the cooler Chie! ;euil and cure for croup, apil IhaWpéedt te b lirn To 0 ntithépa qger!-%hatever (romeunWOp- swrcne éarched untilliîs returnAt Il ît ilý,giveil. It bas be.rj(,< hnte eandt .onen epide mies of that diseas f t gýiteur n ti wavwx as t e.rtaines ucee. For &sale b'theJonM.wus~bs3. osty 'RT WIlTDY. ii.y&ae eNmieutly yn ouag eilve w AtUnsn, ofToro have= décided upon a 1f. of criminahity, ith berpan, trsts. , and vitn tieyzoasueUp before P. ML 11 br aiila. -Martto on ndyorigtii.'plaid. LO Vanyalkenburgh,, ofet jguilty andi ver. proulpl' soestencost et lier home for the. beli- te sixmmtis ftor steallng the boots, anti T mocartly luad 'smontb addd «.to b Bownmne, spent Gooti portion ý for pin bis raroivere aI Mua., r fitbui.èe. l' Wus !olnu 4 3114, @0@duug n, o-! K.insae, wvi e i. îv bri~me Of!Mîng a Pairofi<t ~andMis Plrene M. thldins a pie! -tg a ar'. heasi iâret'o. - -when sien of the age~ or uteél &Y& sOU,Go;Cdé àf To- sbep o jý90, )Mt wree re .8e xý Jackson oivqr,,8uï.'ft2eptc*in l4twry for st&rtiugu rnet I rocor(rosi hesu wiqu3taklog aay rnSon, e! $chioÏbero, la pro ion or treatsaeenç, antiakaowie loidé,y'vitb his e!NütL O. if IIfiet lesaioUfflto Métteir uldersof (iei Licane mntead t. i<vtuqtbeir oldt ei Iàuid that evoirY von- vesheus thi sgg eorpntreAl, *pout -over.",he îtall> -sL-4eà%.- syat.u 096, ail eofvWh eh weri in kiepltig with the Clay. '& ong .emi" sse Wcilu the Metbodihu1irchIn týmnine The à anîita- veutry m.tng Of et. Thomas! churc!i vas Md on -Monday ev.ning. Ayoung os e rh upbyMOhsý Grauý, teck fr*ht nepr the-. utatioun T edyovenig. Thie buggyvus tuce ov.rtp=4-ed; r. Gra andi hi*daughter, Mina Jennie, bothbeini thrwon t, but fortunatoIy ver. net seriously injureti. The hersé vas canght ieu hus Own ts- iii. by Mr. George RoMlday. The buWg wus cpideib.dama'ed Mr. Samuel Dudley, appie packer, o11 Colborne, habu o hbs fora fev 4ay He itates that'thi e ut eint lait y"es operations voeequite unsf.toyt th* buvers in âpiteof the kv price at wrhich th.e fruit vas purchaed. Mr. George Eolliday, who hia spent -*% nZb wihIltv ee et onWp aay Umerning for his homein 9l' et Thomnas .B4nharm, of Butk's Fiail, WhoccSupie the i.pulpit of the. Baptiat ohurch tvo vueke &ge, 18 ex- pected agai next Snndiy. vadeWe- sharp but tii * eutld« vîc fame oven tlian Le. IThon yoei vint the beà4 knives, !orks 9spena, ml- ver or steel, (aUlon Norman Hasset.,ý $eweller and i Opti&ian Brock St., south2 Whitiby. midueao Dimo tws" 'Mm.Caivel Reiti, QritviUo, Muekok, j Ont., vrites: "1Forneari> twent ua I vas troublei vitli kidney disese, anti< have reoently been coxépleoly onred by itelies. FOr al number of years leu'wu Man thres bores o! Dr. chae's KIdn,Y- active in publie lie, having -been de- ir pUIi - 1I baye trýed a great-Mmy puty-rseve of Pickering towniship for remedies, but nover sened te <et an'- !ten yes.rs. ne. va a member oi thse tbing to do me so eeci good outil 1 ~~cuct ~a urie > nse tho tus il. ie one daugister andt lv.mena, vh - * bave tihe deepeat eynipatby o!f te cern COUJMD*IS. - mit>' lu their autden bereaveuaent. Coik rete on Mi~> next. 'j is funeral il tak, place at 2 pqmn on aeedlng in s thiug 0 e i.put with SatsidsyWhoie bs ernirasviii ieosa. Borne uf our fariner. Iveyed te Erakine' cemeter>' for inter- Misa Elibetha Doolîille bas boeepon~ the aick fier. Mn. Cbarlei Wilcoxshn letI on onda>' laut for Detnoit. May' succes be yours, N w !teC uc e Mms J. C. Maso, e oTrento, in riait-j ing -ber parentj, Mr..lad Mms. james- Smith. Ine -ToTberuace. Mr. Joseph- Hotlan. acostpauRed b>' Baster Buntiay aItii.» Tabernacle vas bis brvther G orgu lroli; n,t thé anenjoyîleoccasion. Ployer., besuti. latter part e! laut week trith theur brother fùl and frgrant, lentcolon and eveet- John in Londos. ~ ~ sunt e-i.oson.Alagcore Xvs. ThomnaS Ï3lýandnn-h oaso.Alre0 6ýertt and iltnid, sPen% the holidaj*:u gatiorasembleti in the evenIng viien the quaeen City. thé pester preicheti on "The Siguiti- Mr. John btlocks aise vsiteti vith Te- cance o! tih. Resurrection2' It wue one rente triends. . 1 o! tue ermons tuat dustnguish Mr. Eut- The memnbers of the lQ. F. letge, ourt jory aS a îhoUghttul, praCticalspiritual KIng Arthur, visiteti BIOOklin On MeadaY preachen. The musical part of the. w- teo help the brothers QfL that villatut vice vau decidetily plcasig. Tii. choir Missx aa . en le mýaoràat andi goît rezdere t ie.progam et'anthoreuan- snedaliti gae sorne of lierreadimis lun ue" la Ibis celumu hast veek4 tiere1 Lise ~ Cam ottousthrkk Welàesmy re- boing ie nutmbere inL $.1 unng A4nil »ti. - - »y specw eal ',te g«eo = e ours- le e.iiibe UrnnI~ltudal 411iaa4 éé y= urnet jTho EnUter rSunday usec nAUil bosahaêbeytihkeft. TSe ~ j aints' cburch were iveil attcntied,_ a"y x Cieanaîg t reoiv&.it RolOoa.wt Dire QUias' Ç>Iamt.nnt 'am at 8 *-n.andi at t"e cioffl o!tth. muuic.The preaobeit the mitr. - * ing service " sCanon wn>. »--O I, L' U An iteneatîng fature o et tii. u- Ms1 k il e UarieM vus inToro ta on'. vrate Whitby valb. fs*1 tht Mi ÀAt i aon okiOng £o alioea. h ery bOsleaetdthe presmit rco vita ýundir thp he those tiuaea $Sukateh V4 Dic*e . , but IfLbaPi.f jéif'wîÈ &for i re. ttionedsomalàaprt liat t. Janstes PIaket thIssr*g. sOuver Inztiu luate, v i ere inWhitby.à it We-ay ae sit, te thbe Çoiauevtivs r. . eer T re-T Ib w, 6.. Mr Walter Lynd,4iejAabborvWstmd I bag by t"se residçpt Mm Iwl.xoni huadterMau 1~osioe shm orcet-t bahai f e!thé e Maashe an ias ý I1"Tbr. f.n4 ffift and lokoti o! ar.oioué ieeuy T ev. MrMtkasAv.l~ us.,.- s.....L ~ Lt i.1i mi et janan. Who in -s*aadin W, H. J.'Bingam ocupieti tii. pul- i lndi7 l'utEybs ig PlkaPsa exstd to sup-I ~lmda7jM7, Ur..~.ig becbuantof thé--nfrc *bsenceOf -ý of tho coir oving te siceknems 'sopsgigtb progrm of r.mcuse opruýardwvanet sang. à "sui« 09006o)Ir. Widter Bar- Mu ýBahro!. Toronto, played ip8u vlu zitadrie Most delghtfully jMr. John ooalbas been app-ointeti Polie Iagite the iTown o! Orillia it is. thought that F. . Ilann, tue and liat i nncei troubles caumsti hm te mlorse Wauutei- - gotiwrklg horse wmnted, accus- teuedt driiving single. frive f rom$5 te *U Apply te U.BRE8#LIN* Whitby. NOISE BLS Tan J-mresoe Job departinent is .plenddly eqiiipped for the. printing of route bilhsor cardL The. work vil 'b. doue in a satlsaotory manner and prices are reasonable. NoT-Iorsmen ordering bil or' carde receive a free notice ini the Bout. Begiater duriug ithe sawsn. -Orders by mal il receive the saie cars and 'atteiitioxi 1as if left personaly at the. office. The -Keystcne, Wbitby. 01pfiomion =ý FoIian and NoSeatond geto au pikdn i .ra~Oe5 %icftçe %o 4. ut D us, I3iài*su Fer at oet Pli 'Ev fin ÉÎ4 Spring Open+ng We have mucli pleasure in showig our Spring Goods for 905 to hic we ask your ca.reful, inspection non that our friends look upon us as the leading store, we- have Imàde moat careful preparations. The class of goods we have always carried, the straightforw-ard way we have conducted our business for the past year, shoûld appeatto the interest: and common sense of peoplewhô appreciate Yalue for their money. A personal visit to the store, will tell you more in -,five minutes than we could tell you here on a page. -A new stock o! SÉirts-wili arrive ibis week. Yo u can depeid r on style and fit, pnies viii li quoted pext n eek. Ladjea' Pint Wrappers, prices $1 00 te *.5 Ladies' China Silk Blousês, alf colo rs, apecial $2.OO- Ladies' Waterproofs, in navty blute, spenéial 82:4 5 - SilW Piano Drapes, Mi' different colors, prices $1.00, *1.75, $2.00, $2.50. .--- W. have a- nov teck cf Priats, Muslluhs, Silks, Shirtings, Planneletbes Dreu Gýoç1spur prm ico v ihelp- te sel. Ploor 0o1 (lotis, 25 4nts a- sqjn axsýnrL, Our stock o! I C1obminiis -meected frun depdable materials and the finest werkmnship. o' * ;N o ! 'vm -o 9,rry mabout fit, am our stock is large noVgli te suit aIl clusses. Men's Sulta in fine black tweed overpladà with white strïpe --latest style Matelal "d i*rk,spÈýecIAl Men's Wîterproofs, gusranteed frein lté tmW~actuirers%, speciai $ 0 0 Mien's Bitsta-a large stock'cf Hats juast aýrriveti, in àa dozen tilont sityles, Christies aud--Fedoras, prives 50c, -45e, $1.00, 81.50, 82.00, $2.Î5. Mens TWeed Pants,% a bargain. -£ff Mon'is tJapbrellas, special, Bov'a Maul Knickers, -ape ci*l, Per Ladies anti Oentlernen.-&re yen iookiug for, a goot iuestment? Buy whsîîever jou ueed iu our wisiter lines. Yeu viii profit 1 00 per cent. Il geods are net Ssif&aotory oy vii b. efunoed. H. .w,-cp LIN MIfl~ Otrit ,eevieo nW91 i' l- t1 I I kant fr0 mmawmomouàm

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