Whitby Keystone, 27 Apr 1905, p. 8

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Sponges j Ahn îfa Taest Wool00 e -See .them.N iijavâ jutu receive alarge Unions and- Hemp Carpets awasIn- stock. 6~un1 ffine niiled TiltSeapa «INelitro, Carnation, Lily of -b Val Yiiiy, Fiorodoro, etc., at 10t ox-4 3 cakesto 40c.- pet ÇI '- spke. .AlOOfine iinperted Castilo. Extra value ln Hair Bruahos Fc 1IRTrA N oaiôs. -- WUS Nottingham Lace; newestde pI -e ',Drug#1st Optician rfrom 50c. per pair upwàrds; also fullrag Miedical Hall - o'f White Muslin for curtains, with frllle Brock-st. Whltby. -ý and lace bor'ders, ail pI'1cs; also colored Scrim Curtains. -OW -nyTown *Happenings -AfIrewM.Ros Mis. T. Devereli bas cf late been able, to oit up daily in ber înyild.chalr, - »iough oMndy lut.sho waa report- 41 sudý exaimine our stock cf mua-s lins vetini, tc.A. . Ras. gaffin vill bayea àhouse of vhich hoeMay in tIre Coierestage of tIrhdss., ph e ls'o, »0'c rosideinceocf Misa -J. F. Pattersen be reasonably prend. The. new-paînting has bean opidemie luNwYr JdS re'S fa ou yro steetbasfolowe th pr- j an inNý,w Yrk Widnai Menion moi Bn çstot anfbaslee totpre- sudpapering make the rooms look sweet se mach to b. drosdod..-'The coniim .- ----. - i vsng i utm udasooaofnew totdres.isud inviting. The >dining rcemWîlIl bae ot the yôung lady ins m ev wtW but Miss Bond ýS in tUiCcity on Mou- l-.. fo-ss.- rofe e he.accommodation fer thirty. -Thera are alilginthepes1-are entertsineit cf h ie- e- da y *TIre ciroqiar iasued',by sauctiela.ô tr rom auffilcient fur seme fitteen b9ard- ccvery. Hem haiet ffrieudg illwel ia isn avsilgaYt. les -Myrcetiing tacts re the Sugax ors andi haif-a-dezeu -trasieni guetta. coule any neya frem thre sick chaibre eue Posotory ky.iaw viii Ire tound au unsis-s uuishugo ofthle beit-rocana t indicatiug anu nprovement. oue s4 Txs KsyaTNz. - leai, ma new sud bave been purchasei in XM Jas. Sltvenson la nov a very sick -Mn.& Jas. McCiellan vas ln týie city TIre auction saiee oftIre houseboid. et. tovu. The-dovu eaaîrs s net yot in vemaua thé resuit et au atiack on Tueo. oun Menc>' fei &Mr. 'ILS&Cormack, whidb wasorder,8se hbsioee ~it judge cf vIral4dy oveuing of an-' nid eneuay--gaU1 Mm .&Goflo Si oot to have, been boit ýon Wednesday, _bas- h will be like, but itl vif! doubtieus b.atones.î Mis. Isteveuson va ti i' n .A oofie asi oet tison iadefiuiteiy pcstened. lu kpepingivitb lhe parts neoýonapetet. homeorf Mn. vans, where shet ba on Monday. - Mosa's ready niaiet ieed suite worthbltMa Mgaffin vus grauleil a lu. by't r.ely nlier 'beip in earlug ,eiýber' i D- i OnsonwsinTooi SU4>6 Mad o $e 8.00 S4turday, Apri IeBado odasdb i ia rit iennSudienly the attaci ca.e uaY qri.etf gay tb. bouse viii oub"lsbe reaity. -oi.. r, scouple of!hber.,,e,&zgoues.missSuderg vaqsa visiter toToe a  nmbr e ctienusu rtep~esin tevu, lie, Queen's viiitUbties.r hen omme sver> sick woIÈn M id owden, of Montre4 apqnt- b*aabeen meeting uightly tuis week carres fi . ong. - tle "MM.t E o aailasgraihu Tiy te*etescoet. A cmle. blio ori i u..*t illad e h< ghis aim, of . <nd4 » u»0 plsa a urnclniib tain muahiii. puces. A.M. Ros. t f tag* wsy for ti. Fnniry A:Coacet os ah1y S. . *saMargaret Yle ootas LeCg selle J paof Twbeto w _'WwcalJ4Jhave art en' > The MacOreor-Pax Onton r7rtth eaueCuqno t a, t Mn fùer h.holidayl, Iýta it; paer R Tms onwIh .u) nia them,-.O %rdbylt. 1 l b.M o IttI jÏ. B1"Nicholson nisit bis aie ugton, mgon ..,Eg ilarocate,.S. tphn ~ot office,*Wubbrr u4u uwrayeia uniter tIae nsie f 1"14 -t, h 0110* the ti.Po ahoua uotfsail h bar of thre tarpus sotih loue, Donald .O, Ms]&CC î1>*X h m ,rousnvinm viw.nm SlmUatton ovr Blilr.- Mr. siMd mneHÇEper veoin TO' wte un Eater Mo>ýday, Mr. W. R. PaXteai4 tNapaue, vas ber alsterMlis. i. B pasusua ML orusiaMçO, iess hue, ftoua Maters C Mde aru ae l Muan-u laoldalaa vii r ieahrolimu u oti3 a trmçdy - >- Howdon vu la Toronto os lSUgflr 'FCtor Min i uh Marcs. ~ p5 Tbe Mamh ( t Ira thý Compny la1 d-n on lin udoil Ast a C, H~wa 15 ipeai, I n Mr Udm Gee. Mewatt-were in To- rohto'f or Esater. MWss Grâce Rogers, ef Toronito, wua honm. over Bunday. Miss Edtb Newport, ef Toronto, in viiing ber parents. Mr, Har yWilson, of Toronto, ia v-lait- ing ast bis' hoehIere. Mms. E. Starr, of Mentreal, is viting ber mether, Mis. Powell. MM Gt(le. Cormack was in Teronte for a couple oi days laist week. Mr. C. Clospon, of Toronto, apent Kaster at Mr. J. D. Howden's. - M. Hrmàn llyland, et Toronto, in spending the bolidaysasathomne. Mr. Joseph Thonipson and . Mii Thomp. son were In Toronto on Sunday., Mr. Vau snd Mrs. Woodruff have beoni attending the ors, Show in Toronto. 1 Mrs. J.' E. Farewell and Miss Minnie Hswken were ln Toronto over £aster. Misa Jouis Macpherson, fetole inl «penidin the holida&yu wit1 ber parents. Mrs. Judge) Meorimnionis vialting ber sister, Mru.-il(Rdi1 Borland, of colupibus. Miss, V. Barclay and Min Ruby ste. piiernn re in Bowmanvijle onSun2day. Siiertif Paxton aud Mr. Donald MeKay attended thé Heoue Show in Toronte on IWednoady. Miss Ethel Socithwel1 sud friend, Miss' lie, cf Tironto, apont E&utor at Mms.. . xiw ~Uie IWarren, who bas been at- tending the Biahep Ee&huuo Colleg., Oshawa, -ia honiefor the iiolidsys. *Essier Visif ors te Town. Mr. J1. J. Hobson, cf Hamilton, with Mn. J. T. Mathison.- Misa J. Rose, of Richmnond, Que., with Miss Bcrrownian, of Toronto. Miss Min& Camidge, et Toronto, vith ber sont, Mmn. .L .Gordon. Mr. John - Oaridge, ef Guelph, with ýMm. Wm. SmlItb. 1 el. snd Mm. McGillivray, of Toron- te, sud Mite Ratio sud Mr. Olas. Mc- Laren, or Ottawa, with Mm. Geo. Me- The, Mises Black, cf ]Kingston, with Mi"s k.Fr&isr.ý Mr. S. Theaupson, ef Moutreal, witb- Iris mother, Mm. Wm. Thomnion. Miss Rael Yamneld, et Lindsy, wîth heraont, Mu.,J. J. Lynde. 3Cr. Bobert',Dcv,,cf Teronto, vith bis parents., Mr. John Bure, ot Monrwl, athbie Bia. l. ollt., ef #oirgtl4Mmuet ith ber tuother, Mrs WiÜïks' Mas insUade tewart, cf Teront, ait ier homne. Mi" Nor& ldwws ofetoroite, witb bermb ioer. M.Straito; Téronto,' wîth MWs !Ptuer,,of-Byrm -stfflt.' xli i OIIrvill, of Toronto, with ber Facts ,,for the Eet~ Circular iueeld fe the raiepayiers by oro Co1nil, 0 N Friday, 28th laùst, the. quslified freebolders-will b, called upon to vote on the by-law granting aid, to the Sugar Comapany. The proposition la to givo thre company ýkbns an5,00sd oexomp their proporty from municipal taxes, ýexçep9t' ot sohool prees o tre termofeton yèars., In return for thîs, the cempamyiagrée te erec* - a factory and equip it with- machinery of tii. most modern design, cap- able of manufacturing 500 tons of beots a day, and to car'r y on busiuioss for 10 years, ànd mon their factory, during that turne, te t1me utmostit that thre beets grown in tuis district wiIl admit of, The coin!pany also agre. that the. expenclituro on buildings and plant shall not b. -les. ha $500,000. No money is payable by the. Town until the fsctory' is built, ail the znachinory is in place, and the whoie la. in running order as a g 1 brng concern snd actually making sugar to -the .oxtent'et 500 tons of beets a day. Thre company consent thaclor the puirpose of scijool taxes tbey may b. assessed, for ten years, for $ 100,000. Thre deben- tures are, 4 per cent. forty year debenturés and the yearly payaient te psy tIres. off will b. $1,263,10.e The schôl taxes, -te be paid by the Company,- will return about two-thirds of this amount to tIre Town, loeaving only about, $500 a year, or about 4 a miii on the -dollar of, the goneral assesarent, to'be raiqed i order te secure tis véery important i ndustry. Thii would mean a tax ef 50 cents on $ 1.,000 -ot.assess: :ent,- and où_ a 100 acre farru assesed at $50 an acre the. tax wiil nýt nmeunt te more than $3 a vear. * At the «ixpiration of tabs ten year exemption period thé. propt-rty eof the. conipany will be liable to taxation the-saine s etier-preperty. Tii. taxes collected froin the company would inuch more than ineet tIre pay-- monts on debentures. The. reasenable prospects are that'tii. industry wiI ouly b.- a cost upon the town for ten yeara of less thanr $600 ayosr,: aft.r whiclî tIre.wouid bu n revenue. Lt is the. intention of thi.e onpany to matai sdditiqnisl plant and machiner7 te enaile them to refin, raw sugar. This wil proba-bly fur- nish empieypnent -te the staff of workinu.n the whole year round. It i. stipulated that the1 by-law shiaiInot go into affect unies. it shail' meceive tIre asent of one-third of the. ratepayera entitlod te voeo nor until a majority of the. farmers qwning farm lande in tewn ive tIroirý assent te it, dior autil an Act shali b. pa"d by the. Zegislature wo ratify it. The. total nuinier ef ratepayers la 480, m9kingiancs sary te ebtain et leait 160- votes in. fsvor of tIre by-law. As thereI were 28$ in- Laver of ah. Windinill .by-law, and ' 267 1lunfavor - oftii. Fonnidry, iii doos 'ô seem diffiinit to predict tuhat the Sugar Ce. by- MWi wIl sily be cautied. Thon again the confient on the part-ot the- owuiera eoffarin lande bs # alfesdy been aigned by a. uiajority of the. farmers, thua*s rni th 'sitance 'et the fain landè in ehe t6vM Mi u. _e~a dbnunr. 'e UM Som$eoeth iu armera are stili 'holding ba<ëk Lu the hope, that' 'if" they d4o net siga' the consent they- will net ob. obhiged te psy,. Tis jea a rulstaken no#ion altogother. These gentIerûieu may iest as- cured tIrat if one farmnir is'tà b. taxèd, thon aShiof 'theni are to be. tqaxo4 li.t1er tliey sigu or- uot.; and alse' ahat unless every farmeï or owner ef fartming laids lu the. town isýtax-ed alike there will bo no Sugar. factory for anyboy. 'This bonus àa peculiavly a tuinieri4 bon'uë, for the. bénfi -i tnsfamar. ~oe. f êm hb.laifr- . % ah. tt-feh Seni Pari D Ladit back Maf Win( -An A cal -vo Th Ontario wM Jadyo The 1d The lès fotei 'mon inàth -The 5À umcIl.. 44o~g Rouei WoIN pg * >HYk

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