Whitby Keystone, 4 May 1905, p. 3

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LTIC FLEET ,&co lilgliî't1-' inrtt \ -irae toue iiit li~O talgln Plrt rlcbqi t-e (S1e litrck tu (11 OUIii> calo '1MIlaîdyt)the, 1 It' friun 1 te tort *u' cit la i the ' itt liit. ve îuî-r - S ler tpýrlu'i l 'l- 4131y j th i b a a 1131e)(Ir 41, l tiiw a rn1thte ToI ron £ ik to Build Warships Sh a for Russia. AKamarnh flav, via i-aign a c"1-: - -Y-otir correspondent isent oubstide in e junk t-day andI Boss-tht- Rallie fecet cruislng on the horizon. Four con- lierted cruisers and a torpedo-boat de- 'j astroyer are roaling inside the bay -f roni German colliers. "lie French steanier. Qutingrani bias arrived lieîcre wi-li stores3 for the fleet. 1h is bclics-ed that ishe v-Il praceed t-oIHong Kosng or Singa- r pore ýto repît-tikît lier sýupplies. Il is reported thaI Ithe Ilii-ians capturpd aion MttIytsso t-rmtîuisteamers Ihat were carryiuig cotorahisnd ho the, Jnp- anese. -e TOGO IS PREPARED. Ready ho Deal Witb the Enermy Wben Pu-oper Tuie Arrives, ALiitiiîtti rus luIt- Tht- rtskia ,-)rl---i pondenit of the- Telegrapli Beys blîcre ig consld-r-altlt uîneet-rli iii ty toîseerni ng t1h- wlieu-ca httîtifth le ihiilItic fîetc -but t ho Japani-t-trt-ptrations io rt-ct-Ave it are coniîltl. Itwsil l befotind tait Admirai Togo i-t in afise'sct-leuu suait-ie poition t-o tî-neu itlîth- eii ,ssile trsayI lit t-unlts.- HAINAN ÇABLE CUT. Great Britalli May Enter a Protes- ho - Russua. - ])aiIsNMail foit l imiîzltig -tss ît t-i ath fothue IliA<flltî(4 i e bt-tn t-ut, il is% lItt-I l î s-ît1 a-getîts. A Ithsgli ts-t lI-utoffi(-iti iai Jitsng iKtong isot, 1f- l it iiii lltttiii ---.--- -,fi ti 't - 1k- the s.hips b. turned *ver as early as pos- sible. M¶'iIéethe Bethlehemn Coinpany wilII supply the- armor and ordlns.noe, Iot-her Anîcrican yards will profit-in t.he iconstruction of hulîs. This i% also in se- jcortiance %vitl the wish of the Adasir- Ialt , tise Ru4ssan authoritie placing sut-h a large rontrat-t having un desire to aroiîse hosility' atong the rival cern- If mreial iliterestq iii Amerien. It la uàderstonîl that -no arrange- j tietits lias o a% yet bren eoncluded wvith HAVE HEY J!NEDDown to the I-ighest Bidder. Doubta as to the jomning of tise Russian The Owner of the"Safe U-Id Forgotten A t. îet-rsir eZt da îth saoiys . Valuables When it Was SoId. A1ecoidiuîg ho the' caléblltltos !th nasal staff Vice AdiniraI Nebogatof!. - ---f0 ssîîo lefi -ibttil. Mitri-l 231h, if lie hait'ok a..ý-aIFane. ve nw mn l Let-î uIiakiuig 200 knots per day should I NwYrMy -alFmne,"ukonann i uvu-hi Singapori-m iorross-and could as the proprietor fer many years cd alleys in the BoweiY, in nitt tinihe hudis lslttti ssitb Vice- AdiniraI the fixturea o! his establishmect on Saturday, let a saI cOzti X111%. nttqinlt uti orth of jewehry and securities ho knocked down ta the highes 'lli geea - honi ta hirjn- b carried away iscicre he remembered tise value of its cotert utrt- i«t astuird (in tht- theory that Ad Heu-aid.- IlitaI Togo sviîll iloti <are 10 ri-tk saîl- 6e e*e* 4 ê itn- Ns)tjt i ptclNebogatof! as bv so 01"'9tlt"î li-solidIt-a%*vthIe wayto N'.adi- Fraenke-l lîad hscinilahed a little ftir- 1lossed lup. but %ssîhOut, St-tock open lu ltojests-ensky-. tunet. part o!w-hidi Irac in%-cshcd lin Fraenkel. hv% soit. fpPE' '$8,OOWORTHI 0F JEWELRY AND SECURITIE, IS SUNl CLEAR IN CANADA 7 No %ctarîan Cloud Here, Sayu Senator fflord. Londont, Mat- .-Refe-sing Us a (les- Pst!h in ycsterdsy's Chironicle describixg the religionsq crisis. Senator hulford writes to T11Q Cbrenicle to-day saying Were Found ina aSafe Which lRad Been Knoçked i% Ti, c had reitation in syIng statce y~vr PTLC[R SHUTBU * RUSSIAN TRAL ORTS. Shretch Freni C ovitrett t the Head <- S o!K ranh Pe nauha. -' .i~ttrstiiitI ls 5 Criile. via Siîigon: --lite o0111v mlips r-it-u ining in Kaniranh j-vare font-rt(gtrma transports. Ailthie rt--t o! tl tra ,rt's anti the Ruslisin Itilllsîlil)Orailef-t icaterdu-. Ti s fît-t- is now aîsteynblt-d otîtside Ise bay and forntis mtiî xtcnded line slrtthing froîn îitpe Va rt-lui t he lhad o! the l\siiriii ~tît niîlu liît'lobonIs are -ttifg in ai I diret-iiou..'lht- ltijts set-ns to . twiiti Vit-e- Adiniri Nthogat- t-f!'s dli-.ion3. 'l'lieFrench t-fuser Dets- citutu t --sit h A<l tiritil)c»Ion4qnirih-s,. t lie- itut-tuiti oiniiîatuder in tht-e s-waers, re- I iv l- li, \liirtiîi n NKuaî-iir nh lit %. a !tt-r -Iviti rtiig i01111d tIse hussîan tit1 ud!rou i ndt -tIt.- let l rt-nted lu S.igttî. TIi- lttfreiglît Ilîtden steamprs iîi uttI lu 1 v Admtiral îtojc-.ts-nsk, mst-i t- î,dt-- Itt- 4<-irîsui flg. lit is pro- > I t l tiit I hes usri<-,tt«m -tc-d rof lias- of .ttiiîîl I 'tttmui lîtard. TO SLGl~~JW? XVar c Etrr P:ti Pîn reached in Il-allie t ct u1411 u101 t-r- sîl .t-ie lrit 1lt-lit un6. lilt o ihuet ntîs. - jipeY ' ri biti 14i.tî tt- rbt IN THE GULF 13F To1,,QUINi. I(.j -i -rt- tî!tde Vibere Roj-e::'veoi:y VJull M"cet Thu.d itliît C3iiSllIit ioi liitht tti tl i îiiot utit u -s st tlt Squadro. tl hb-i~îiuuru sls A St. e'tlue!. ui .- Iîî iu i-' I lî lit li- îa-I-. Usta tiuuat-I us c1>'%%l< l it A ittikt îiui c-îotl t! (e t hc 'lîvt fithe ,ruiiiîtii il. w lit-r-t-. îî th-r- le ltclt-r t v.' tht- Iti- ats n as- t t- Ituiinîti I - lknA - 1ît(l it tutu- t sietl eltr tt i - i ail 11 tu ifti Bs~k. hut tlittî ril triti I i :trs t, retto itit thetI r- itiî luiIl uits-tr tos 1i\t (,tî f tlii futur-th 1 Ais lao of h ti4 I I -110st 11 liki i:ut - if tt i tc s -.u1tî:u-ii-n ctiîitndcrd li\- A iral i v- ..jtti - 1 i i.ui s 'l-uuaî ti rîi-tuazi', jw-rt ~ iiai l( ut île Ad IIIi rituitu.1 ti. t-atMuil, -t1 ttîikuuoX5i.'r t-i u tif i' rt-liiitol t u all b - u- iiit)ii -t . Wililtîi'u J ,ewtt asked 1 A J &>IuEFET. r-il (if lii tuuftour-W0111('111 aisu A /j E E ' .1lîirft-ii. lit t-s.tst- Iiiii- tle 11 ustiai -- - iststI-t e l it 11tter- of pîlî ,-t r-c- Gen. Linevihch Si-tuAs IZe-ort o! Russian iitIît- 1 itile til'11 - uiu i-t: n -ad- Vic-tory. ' huc asli-sît ttj-e 0itttructious vitî-Ii rep tIsvu'sti ltiws i h--fil. !f-. t~r e-t >4 r-o 4tp )11 iiApKtI 22 f Na,îth- t-'Il igh liait- tlat ou sop ytisr encmy lu eveetl;tî- ttecst'cs- li--t.1titi ealiîîînuic-. t'ht-îisuîttiitl Ntninnsoancusg. l't- .lalî- fl'itse taI lir-c cuulirtg delsuttatioes Il-nese oectied a tfortifit-d iîositioui 'sth c-îthe' atthioritit- îuayîîg fur-prottes-- 4)f 'Nemaapononsieng-. ittt agiin.t îîlîeRed itîture attack,k "Tulle a)speamant-c tf a dctat-hmenb o!f ir-tttz4 sri t ]y desist frîtîn sut-hi dis- Mrtillebry topposite- Ili-ir- letfl faîîk frC tu ît p-ttt--t nIttytr sin u0d th-l.lpisîiest- ho n-tir-e in baote upoî i-i <~tJint îtey îiglt enlploy Uliu Kalytianhicn. tOn-April 23 w-e fort-cal imeuî-bttt-eu-by advrieiig t l t'.1i t-ilrt-us t-be oeny t-o retire frou n Kivuenit- ttfrcdsntheu-e,'-utIrîsns-I aiea. lBeating ttccnnîmy hîtk, s*-e o ltttîîtr at-t-t t e uhlti.- insof t-r-. ïn pr-oacbed Cirnigttifîî, but as tise flIns "ttîso1v- in fut'tît Astes open is Wm foursd ho lit- t<-rupied ie couiider- moutAi abottpr-sjectl'sIexe-ae s * àItt tlsle force, sic rt red." Ir-iritln for t-.sieks upo-th 1<s - -- ~~~~WHile [seubjoer t o lit'vy fine, ws-sa RUSSIA'S NEW WARSHIPS. îmentîîandI <'rpo)ral lisnîn"turat Nuts thstendin ti ih ellrd eh1e6 t VIII b. o! a Type Which WiII Star-tIeîby Ctiteatthorilitt, il i.s talsed ltt tise World. -ltLO{OJeisrs au-ealng a-'ai; etatni tt drfeesi tteussls-e&u4a!tltrt eu >-3, A. St. Peterslurr t-bl-: Sîucccssliass -ho. lain feier r-ichs. wetelee -evie Se A o 1.I'vtr>ir. J a uiî'e utebo t b rntthit e-so fbc tt,* pitlat-ons suilth te Ittitî iiiAdamlty tul vitriol. h1* 4resuht-ed in the- pr-attira-i conclusIon îte4îisttit t lîm#îtLhe strîôunsa et o ogj.sndrrangeauemî for t-he cea-true.aoi ther*Ituteoni t-heoýliro1. toum «a- num1her o! formildable lineoa-batt-le- arise 8Týimt* u rIic tomTist»e 4s ofeta 'typie shilcis irobabl sivîîi n- r i- *unei.IosTr rîtartle heworld. Mr. gSch wll 101 -h t focs f tli gîslrtiel SIPet-eïýbug to-nar-row. Tiie det-als janti (-oeaeke bavte botta ùerosa4. miù6to >bha workmtui out-, but la addition SUDITG 19 TUE WEST. toi those estrlloe o! .nthe Uitedm- :Jt-ti», St- Isquîeill ey i-bat autyard %w-lu C.P. IL »Prents Show That thi rtoi- bd const-ruete-odnt- a allie po>rt ho [se Partof t Wtla Det. À*i=M 0al 4 ~ mnt t the aliîplmillig Induitr'A hou* ln rer tuo evoz4ualy rrder t-fr co4r 01bpeduta titi orelgu 1%yh*ite e r- Seis Prpoll«t lty s Ji , k-Iau "vt.lwàt".j5au. About the l ime howlers ii dîsposing et taining S28,ooo1 ilt bidder, and Rt ays tise t îl.Cairl F. ealc tsVm ,J. ~tc ftE-_ co-l î3rew-.ng.Cotiipan__y1 %cCorr;iack. a lai'er«. Dbut il vestêr- liek o dtrnîen toaigo out ombunss.day. %%ben the PLI ' .e wsbeýig eanet f.1 lie eteniiied o gooutof bsinss.readi.nests for Oithe ceupanc,%* of another E%-erythiing lt- had in the alievs. he dks- teniant, uand a îisr! wNith tIse huîf oblit- posed of nt auction. AIL.er a trying day <rateil nam sii 11 i adresq of a truck.man it, suddenlv occuirretl tu hims that he h:sd w"" foid. therc %a fl othing to allay the fesirs ;o! Fraenkel. With ail posible let the safe. contain4ng bis stock cer- hate t1-is dlue w as followed, with the re- tiicates. anurting to $20.000. and jewv- uit t.hat theec.ife %vas found. It had flot elry worth m$(),whichlinhd belonged wo been opened. \Vhcni the circunsatances is ded wife. go w ith t.e other appar- w ere expained 10 Benjlamin Blun, the' Aided by several frientqlié ho ught Fraenkevl .opvi il, anmi inside, undiqturbcs, sisinly for tr-zwe ofthI-e naine of the buver j werc fourtd Itue iv uritie's and the jew- of t.he safr. (lues o! aili sorts were foi- edry. BRANTFORD R"S A MYSTSRY. BRITISHI FLEET DEFECTS. Gold Nuggetu, Jewelry and Huîuan Re- Fifteen Batliesbips Said ta ho Unfit for mains Found ia an Old Boiler. Action. Bîrantford. 'Ma-y-1-4olden 1 - ,ý 'ieDil UCrttp'si and part o! n dead mîan's foot, burieîd in an oid tîle. were discivered >. î- tt-ungtrtile trie% O! al.- Chbarles Campblacl, a re-ident of 'Mount il'ttti1 1iuîîî-i-ituediaino lleasuînt rond. ut Icîs-dasys ago. Tisethie urnsuntît .4- 1 - -fi us<dî-r-n Britisht fiet niattt-r cuy bt-cmute ptnblitçly kt.oss-n te-lsauîuî -î!- . flt at.it~ de. j 5hoid lit~ - b tut l i t -iltu , i,4(;et c ltt tlt Mtr-. Citîplît-lillires f iis cs sssla-- ont.t- a gut tt -i -t.'ricessritcr aI- s-ortd ilic lotti-t-nI 'oftu .on te oppo- Ire4 tt haut i iltt-i i îuitt!et-sîtiîs unfit for suite lâdi o!f t- î oud. It w-atis while atitf btsie-i ý-f-ove-srvd atind t lui - tht dingt inIii, lus utrd a bing a board fi-uite. I 2b-ih gît uS t-t, ~'îli h- lui xi a ficsv 't Nfi-utatht- bouse. thaI fnie-nI!t h --e ---are incapable tif )lis spatil' sî>t;tIck stghuît toint Ing f i r;ng 1; fuIh.ý ttlarp ant! Iard. Witlv som4- difficilty. Tht-e i-t'Si:v,îptrîGisl f-r Lt it nai adeptli tif titrer fi-et frei Wire guis lit. -itfaiLletd ier expert- tht- tiraalit i-ritu-lid ait !d baîtcrcd I aent. ondt!lt- î1uei-tion itat:ralîv ari.4es i i bo- NIt 1. hîsidir thet hoier .lie: ai, ho thet- itditrîu:î c tf tise au-moment c-f îut:i-d otn*tý iciiiuofa imai41raiit. Wit h tht- rnut-vrîi firt-t 'l'lie freîst-uieapte a grîld ht-nul, anAa <ins- hutndie. svsap- flighît tîîroîîgîîds tptiso! W-u-ksp pt-t lun a'-lik ru-ig shiehîi ooked like ini îîcsslong ,gîtr-u- nd#r experhunent and ,Ilti- rrmaÀý.IIs CIta lituan'b ut-k. On the- tiinstilhtîiuuilf1ilIre o!the t-selte off 1-1-ut i '- ulic foumnd tblat thelIgsuns in the 'l;-tccIa-a o! buttleshjip.q, biindle ssuu% par-*<tf an otid shoe - w-té n -b --tngo ilel l th l'emlt.r iher cuit. off nIt-t-e t4es. Pro- Jaî rgit t1iilitiagfsueh u tritdin;r fionit i t-t-nd ie svaslu orrifical *tis, Jan ese Lt >1 îu-hî igBts. ht- w-rion ho pt-rcs-ivt- hart o! a nan'e foot, w-lt-b otsh oui, îiiri i' .tîîat Groat hritain thle tocfs tt i sin 5-ut-u. Pin-OuflIir htGe iia. Skngtlît, boul, tise foot felI Out. i t-he-offlv powrî- t!iat bas auiopt-cd t-be Only part of the- i3s-ttp and thbe tees mnfctuco t~î us w-trt- letf, d iltt g-qîtite es-idenrlt-bat t-e int-nîler habecu. -'o seveu-ud with HATCHED BY ttECTRIC BULBS. seine tiharp instrument. luit the- i0iot' t-outairied mort- sur- A yankee ChICk'e-a Facier lits on el prslac, natl on ftIi"insidt- il ho ra cce dîicover(-d tî:-ttit Ii, I-c'coulained.cîijGra cce .111-(-îuitl-e risi auliblc trinkets, i -Mtiku 1--. I.T.. Ma v LJ-T. iîl o! gold. Va0tve. t -il kt- laer, st-as c-preting It, i% '-aid tliat on rînlîiusis-ioa te eatgreati-t -tis fr-oria îrtthog 0o! eggu jt-w-t-lcu, lie plat-rd the' vatue o!fItie nug- tiîat prousi-tw-t- vIl unt-il hwo day.i befturo getst end ali t 730. tue lfor lbotchissg, whbtn t-hobt-n brake A-t;foir as i-t knosii. M.r. Camupbell did ail t-beeg- ext-tpt hhreet and retuseai 1* net- tomnîunicate tilit- iicw's o! bis dis- sit- on thteiutI ere-l1db. M. Vance t-overy tet-ht- police osîthor-itiet, but lie t-ook tse three reinaining eggs bofore kept tise boiler nnitl Il il cant-eined ini t-ho- becuinue coId. ineadee at-st- la t-he case soletiing sbt4otld tuen îp wibis bouse, placed an electrit- bulb in tise neshi referonteo o 11I. The' disconvery bas ad turned on t-lui- urrept-. euuusw'd quite a sensation la tise neigis- Inmelt ot h a #cý ai broc1t-ces"a-tI-h ia -V tii-ea ma vblokens ais eny ai hem ever olucked ever. The w-amt-bfroua t-býe lectrie igit ires jusît btutu-eenotigb. youn MAzUà dY ?Qunm la C. P. IL Wiîipe.g- Ma-y .---ih.wski f mu retos'îvlg t-lie dbrIs itemti.14C P. .Lstation thie uses-icg, oalie lY t-ho falling it o! t-b.e.! en4urejk st-be madse thle fideLof I a àb upon t-heviotinso e ai&nt tlbear niaisW a-sideuutfw o* atIlA mn, X. Wadàller q Ïiwg arIvr mu ati ouMY om4W SAIL FOR CANADA. Over Tbousand Leave Liverpool Under Saltlon Atuiy Flieg I-i rt-r-ol, 'May sgîs oui- gi-.nts te- Ibe nuniber m. - 13 sa-lIed for Cauîîuda- tiss i% mirug om Lter-,s-ât-eDo- miiion l.lnem V'ancotver, vwith t-h Ie a- sation .Arxiy fluiz et- îh- manstiscad. Tihe 1tr arit--t wu-egat-isrrd by Seivetion Anitjs- egoaseltu*, end t-ba aajt-tyare wsurktamen. AIl a-s-s payiag their Owtu pa4u and i atis- ýaut tppieal mils o2t-w st-oCisth. Prije-r o t-élutiing t-he'Lord 'Ximyor o! Lis-eu-pool, Rider Ia-g-ad, x-ho ha the- isu-age. Thte Lord 'Nla)w r ettdi tsa-t .iaghand w-a-s seg out iber bosi hrass atsI inut-le t-o w-orbe lai !ýnev eossrtrs-, atwi epeniac *i doabrs forleu Onthe Horizon Off Kamranh Bay Yesterday. Togo Ready for Rojestvensky in Any Event. in Lancaster1 Desperate - Fight 'V Men in 1lis Bed Daring Attempt to chants' Bank, Lar A4 Lancaste,,Ont, repa -broke into thse Merchant hast isighut and made a mi sauit on tlhe beller, H. Van slept in a room auttise M%ýetzke kiîhed -one of t-be burgîars dccnnped wit-bou The a! faim took place abc ane o'clock t-bis morning. Von Iletzk-.was eleepini rooni, wben ho w-es awa giare o - a ttech heldi Four or f ive mon were st-a bis ht-ad. fflien bh-t-em lie waf struck on tise heud of a tevoîver, und t-wo pounced upon him. il around and got hsold ol tram in der the piUlow. Tbl aga-lest t-he body of onei ants under t-le end o! and fired. 'Thse w-hale g backed bum, and ait-bas again, thse bullet w-nt w-i iu the w-41l .They ubowç bis head, and.- ssrencbed frein hins and kicked o 1 4 ' Iîn a 1,legoes un ta aay, .. wlît-rc thse <iîtluoic% otroîber about 43 pûr eqiii. oftf hlpeentire population, îand< Nssh'etlîeîe is a vcry -v uaîl but ac-tý-e ininority cf politit-al. Oangensen. it is 11ot to ho ssondes-ed at that occusionatly there are scaranextrenîist. "lb is onîY by the efforts of people of thiîs ehAracter that the- political aépet O! the Orainge Order t-au be kept alive. A certain clas., o! nîtiocre Figots t-an only s-é-urf- polibicusl p'oiniinene tismougîs tle.iese t-i!s; Iherefoe-it ii;found tie- ces-Pars- to w-ave ltse Protestîsat banner evpy d-<-tdeor tsio. Xos.as hîretofore. the agitaticu 15 roiîfiiî-ît t1î11t ;t uogtlier lu lorotîto, sîlÎci-; Pk eNtrenwiey Tory, an.d more srild- IV Orange tlînn ans- cils- in Ireland. Tfht' inhroduct-icn of! iegisIation in tise Domin- ion Parliarnntihy -Sir Wilfrid Laurior -reating bs-o new Prov-inces in the j,,orth- sutst ftrni,-lteci another wild ostburst froui tlàe,,-e so-ralledcnlhius«instic Pro- tî'stisnts. nunsbering. &a I have said, but nu extreniely sinall proportion oî thec popuîlation of the- Domiinion, and -on- !ined aîtnost altogeflier to Toronto. "L"fider tItis legislal ion INi r %Vilfriîl Laurier proposed that thie riglîts cou- fe rred tîpon the Roîssan Catholie ruiner- ity in the ariacs oîsprising these tîso Pr-ovince-,. which i-ere delibera lely con- ferred îîpon that part o! the country 30o yeas-s ago. mhould be confinued. That is tht' suns ant i substance of thse offenee by the Premsier otf the Dominion, svhieh in the eves o!fttis_àaial ms'norityis being heralded by yotîr correspondent as siguît- fying flic abandonent o! Canada ho rule o! bbc Roman Cetholic hierarchy.* After gis-ing tie account a! past le-- isiation on tbe suibjeet, Senator FuIE srd etintintr-q.u "There is nn prnpasal t toes- tabhisis seeterian sehiools in western Can- ada. The sdioolg are in es'ery particui- lar, bot4 as tô standard. teachers anti public inispection, sinilar to other sehoolsq with one' exception, that betss-en 3U0 and 4 o'clock. w-ics-e tt' rnajority comn- tînder tlîis Isarlicular legisîntion. religi- rnis instrucetion t-an bt- gis-cii by the rüsi- dent clerrynien. **Tht- pres-ent populathion, Ctttolic ns s,-c1l as Protestant. bas îinaved hito that part of the country ss-ltIhthbe fui] kinowsl- edgce thiît parliamt-nt huit by legisîsuoýn many yeaîrs pres-iou-tly secagzuited t1he right of loian ('atiiolie-ot-o estisbliýh separate schiools if thcy tdesired." Senahor Fulford atio nuakes objection te the statemeat that inost o! tise pres i-t opposed ho Sir Wilfrid Laurler's pol- icy. lie ends bis lettes- by extofllng tîte charactt-r of Sir Wihfrld Laurier. Senator Fulford is et pi-esent on a visit tu London., A GOODY-GOODY Y. M. C. A. Bishop Carisle's lîleau on Young MaW*' Brinting Up. LSudoli, May L'UT am t Lis es- socation t-o.b. nïore broead-Mlnde.cJ. Kt a feiW you g eni blhve been 4rtte away, tlroUls whsat bas boete eelWid Thus spok-e. thea Bshop e01Ç(ulsàle Wa connectîln with tise dlamiatd ju)bileé at~ Ctarlsle yesterdty of th -y*ouug mes' Christ-ian Association. Witbso ad ho - .dorecl gooduess, 1t o-le oathe4 "goodines» and bqhg s a4to me a broïdenteg and a '4ecsnipzt semt»'Of the' Y. :L C. A.golng on. Sumakng metbnoea ery l0ftY Or noble oemipaton3 but tue. A0 potilg tonifie abbu.t.- '~ lYojuig 10Maua l not sooce:at )e Y.ILC . e tbty wOtld go O ts * h .e. -N E& SUgge.tedthat thbe aa.oatlom slsouldb.imade ilome use . of a trslnîog gron o «r lýo unticipul andl nationial f, 1 fa!ored &Ui ýot* of 4Witée 1olal. 8and $0 long asthey lt blow the belt towu ntottiogTik> blttlpj t U and 1515< w ÏO Plâ suoooo, o11 Insteadof C tues~~~~shw Paiitnpr~waîv bat -- misiypoint#à ulongig t ý ligeseQOia-g b" par-la bat ma T k6 j gna 4 t m 0 S mWy>OO 8>7 rsstha t dmt 01 Itle-al-the*e. u~, t &e uta U e t-h.0& inu la deta, the 8vua1 w I- 0 0t 4 t h e s" t 4 p ca 5 *l m- f t - b Iaflrnl P". Ott t.tbe t ,derfh8Jeau p" oil ado"~, MW lhi.4 et SMP pereslngp sAmi" «40 wt% maon.Wb-#tb" , x Wlef i-,ti"A *bou~t 4prétti ia:Uýý« WIIU Wben lie rsgained bis senses he wua alono in a liool of blood froin aine w-eunds on -t-le hroad anad foreheed. W'eak anid alînost speeebless, be st-mg- gered ta lb-. Huarkness> hanse. neur- by, atnd gav-e the alan btsforîs coi- hîipsing. Sas-orl villagers, w-ho %vert at once aroused by t-be doctor's fana- iiy rusised te tie bitnk aut found biset a toirch had set- fire t-o t-ho bodding and bcd clotlsing. This was- quickly oe- tingui3lsed. -Uni! an hour lat-er t-be'- beidy of t-le deed btirglar w-as fourd a few yards w-est of t-be (. T. R. dopot, w-bit-user it heua been dri;ùggfd by t-ho rosI o! bbc gang and le! t on t-h plat-. ferm, after ailIthe p4-ets had »-.ten' emptied 8o as to leave ho due t-o titeir identity. t'roni-t-be nature o! t-be w-aunai tisa burgîar w-as evident-ly shot dead. Tise doad nman is about t-iry year-s of ai, a-nd lad. been -st-yiug. et t-le Ledue nlous*, tmeastor, ince ý:Imst Set-trdaye, barno rëeisttedaï t~JJ, Dlekaoin, 8t JO n',Y. 11.(la Mndi:y lgtho b.vas, froû Vllefied, ndîr'isteW ed a- S. IL. TsiIlr.~.dies ta to ràk, Tula-î7 1aîsig t"aY. The. 4eoýxed vas livirJ :'Vel dea4min ark cohe%. i9 ho salal, soft bandecad itisteetis t ere beavly fleai. wlth golai. HIfe le sbaven1 a-nid adark biawn -hair, TIi. burglars earrl.d off'-vont Mottk.'a. tevvor, a beavy' 32-mUlbu-e auni, but tlntý' lttt - huge44-ma31b" C@ts reol- ver, ue.rly 18$nhieeslong, aie4a-ül echeluja- uJo4go.hammuer, uad.an el. t-r-l pookeLbsaaeee deor et y= Molt*e't mm w as smaütri wla vl a, ralmil f1-5 the gtsg prob*bly mub4 èpued an inquo.t on'-the . d4 n this m anaâ d a'ed $4 tlt Mon- da 1l g thi vo Mtke-télerAltbogh boýy ,lnjr*dabe '0 -e u 2 ïl f.rlng swvfly joathe - wll IIIn e0vr.Xe Im .yamwtb.$ 1 id t-utrt, lit - t,,ue r r teuittunatseri ta' Wotrtr <su pr-u ate ias lausaum* ,cca St0 fl;9- 1- Mm-Il" 1 SHOULD RAlSE RATES. Advlce of ?-esid.ent a! Canadian Frater- ual Assaciation ef Societies. Toiil.. iytv1,-Attthe annisai iisît-tîig -<r!tht-Caîudiin Fr-at-ornat WAs- stueaiîhn. sulut-b opeacrzl in the, Tersipte builing v'egterd.ty afteruon, t-be lri-si- çlrt eMu-. J. A. llutt-rson,'.K, C., deIls-vor- ed aln ad(t"-, in svhicIle i eedsocate&d-- vaîîcing the r-at-es uf a numbero!teeO-ta- ties, lit part à1r. Paterson said: ,1)ur- ig 190,1 t-wet-y-fiv- Ocletica nds-aîiwut-t t-ier rît. Onte 'o!t-ht-ni> t-hoCat-islic Knightu o! Ainerlea, edvançed ta'- a âchedsiie t-en pûr cent-. bigber t-ban t-he N. F. C. rates, butt t-here art, nea-rly 206, fruibermal societ-lesis Ca-na-di- alid tihe sIates, attssny o! whicîî are nat advan.vsngý tiieu-rates "A they sheuid. let -aU Ira- gteady %Yor-k, and net w-ait tfor An eartis- Rtegret -as fett- 4a-.I jqn. » M -sIr I e>-, of Port Huron, iepreïeatative <01 the ?Yut Inftl Irate=s-nai ress-aitîuld GLASOW ERAD'SLECTURE. ~fl Scottish 'Paper Thinks the Cajiadians Rave Swi'ed Hend. ('lAD au<41o11.t iîv 1.-ie lio --lier- lt iot it iiiî tttr of OU rlîrî-,e. thcvr, tit,ý Cnît Farl t i.t tltho t'ginniipg t-I .14, * ~ sittUiiit tliiot.fias bIti tniip l-ttilit. Si in iitJU i ter words of .îî!ieoîiutii suid instrll-îijîll. tloi il I ii*v 3 i t i lit lear lest t li B ank '1,t uîadijiiis -ticii:îi c .. t he-~ îl~ i p<4 elsivelle-tIl(. ad ht1 : :tthle tge #;f ti eîrffi'inc% With Four Ot>ittiItii l-- t 1333rt et.hrio na ti li5 roori-. îuî iilahgrentîjc tilyn ia 01 . i s i,4 el tto. in ii ti thit1 Ae 0, 1 'toe 11 1 31 t 'I li îev lt s- r s t- fllv Ii fi.t-1tlit' iof~ ~îrc~uun ocaster. to tue v wrld tîtut tht-yv are tIi- grcnut(h fi î1h(n eathL ti. and tdie Nvorld lias qieit- ost: Bsîrglirs 1l-v îîecepîî-tht.- bIvlit Itlias even bt-ci ts' Ban], here i.ditt.edltt1W tab tîtte iS thee13033142tif aurdeTous as- 'liv grt-att itirs un133 t)iinîtbut lit- mt icn vs hlt-l i tt hy ivnit- rear. VOn t..ire 4ait>- of living iri Iltu its idevals, gang, and the sotit i)he al iimportatî question is nîot utany booty. 1>egtl(iîig thl(- d.tgîee buit tihe kiiîd uf eut half-past % ' ledledteCaai>sfelicit I lhit" ' li ' ttijh.rooi ifor the worth- ig alono in bis .lt-ýt aitonuî. îandl îtody ssill bIaine akened by the llit'li severc-Iy if ini thei event of sicce-s3. aer bis face. fui l-izaition tlity lt-el construîued to Lnding arou n a ttcsht>iting. Tlaey rcadily tike upted tc, ris c A)f M 1 ,11ra-. *lîeli ta o a kw of ýd by thse butt 03Wli orst it.l,li3 Wtt etld gladly spare, of the gisîi -etn uit the' rik of lieariuig glowiing talt's le aquirmmea bout the' Canadiens' îuagnanimnity ? liVa if bis revolver haVe bOnI tolti that the JBriýish as %veil !bis ho pressed as tIi, Freneli L'aîiadianqaelyltth of bis assdi- Jýriti.i 'rowsss. Whly da o yal ýtheseehi the short ribs u do Dot enIiner thertshe vy g a n g t h e n a t - " " h c i i h i i r - i it ) v i n - o i n t e ? O i e ugh ho fire t't53id it îî mýt 'si-lt thnt i35ted of gciit- id and lodged IV- clsrgth(- "-olinf nation" Eari çred bîeon fl . rvy and 1Uoril flaifoîîr svouIiîtiliz4- aIl, the revolver clite-. lu tll Çutacla tht hih is od en- o'er thse Iamip, "I. tho Xîow k-lier iandtl pày more. 1

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