Whitby Keystone, 18 May 1905, p. 4

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ITHI31"DÂYý, MAY t, 905 4 Lefters from Our Correspoaet SROGKUl. sroes ttua maa, sid bis bon.'. bln -Mr, Adison Ricki>y, 01 'Toronto, was parti went dowu iu the. mi" thu Pro. aIn town over 8unday. duoed. Shouting lUitilly ho soon loïud Rev. 3. H. Borland conducted the hîmoelf surreunded, by the ill GoOk ,evoznug serdvCici the !jiethodist cburch sng, Most Of whom w0re moe or leu on-16uijday, on1 5000117it of the ilîness of overloadod wth ballast. Their attempto e th. pautor, R.v. C. .àdamse. Mr. Adau tu 10 rscue Pascoe's steed were more iu now botter. amuusng than suocesful. Presently Mr. Georize Hiaines will open an ic I Obief Constable Crawfoed came along vream parler iu connection withIlhis! and joined li the attempted rosclie. It la the Sta-Zan. it ceou- bakery business on Baturday evening. ini wUL fouitd that the more they churuodfonstthfetr b 3Mr, (io. Prigloe. hop. Hie il doing lte horne up and down in their att.inpts lràtdh etrsb as big breaci business. tuW drag hum out, the. ô.eper ho wont. its eue of adjustment, Mr. anid bmn.W. B. Robsoîî visited Finally orne master ammd in the crowd tiSides this we adapt f riexîds in Blradford for a few days at the tbought of the derrick for lowerixg es t yor y. *end of last week, mains, and it wus carried to the homse, e«t yor ys Mr. 3aîîîos Croxal1,a condition is littie an¶i set up attor imany futile attempta. by &e .malt mode=a chanigud incu hasit wéek. though at Liat Soon thle oid hors. ças hoisted intothe methodo. tinie bis death was dailv expected. (air and laid out at fulil lngth on bard A nrinber ut the r;eibersi of the . 0, ground. He wau oovered in sticky mud 0. F. attendod the funeral service of the and so was everybody e1... The animal hate Jaimes Lawrie ini WV}itby unor' idâ5y had been so long orposed to the wol If you wear our invisible bi focal lonses îast.perfumed breaths of bis rescuors that hae for dist.anee and njear. Dr. OsIer wa*nld Wu are roucli ploased Lu înotice that too was foulîd te be spiflicateci and nover recolnmend yon tu hie chloroformed,- Mr. Creorguü Pringle 15 î'ow li n uch couild îwt geb up. Vebericary Surgeon &@ tbey make You look under 40 and botter tbotth than lie lias been for son-be Dr. Wanuni was routed out of bed1 and nyroe 0 timue. Weo hope hoe rnay iiiut ind it, wli]oeh was yet atar off Pascuo had *l A A S T necoRsary to niak-e the change of rosi- delivered a futiera oraition over the NO M N BA S T donu thiat lio liae bee or eoiplating. prostrate hod>', describing his long and Jeweher and Optician, f aith ful service. Shortly atter midnight Sciatic Rheumnatism Cured. the nioble quadi-uiped stepped intu the Brock Street, - . wliitby, ii %ave lxenuIi u I)juct tu catire unieuî- shafîs and net hie face ,'Vestwand ho 1" _________________________ atisîuu for u's u My$; E. Il. NN'allrt-ni, otf ndut waltoiî .11tînetion, h uas. -M NY joints wcere I;mlii aiîd gave uniluv111liainmanl sd clscoill- DsCough îMedicine for Children. COUNTY COUNOIL fort. 1Ny joints wouul crack wiieui 1 WVbui you boy a coogli inedicine fort COL'NTY OIF ONýTtItIO. ii se fiiuChnbramsa h irezi vou tant une iii wluîch you i'ain Baliui atiu bav-e beeii thlorouglily eau plaSce injîheiit confidlence. You itant Te curoul. Have not lad a pain or ache froui1une that nutu only relioveas but curés. %* u TeexmetgofteCuilfte îhe uid t îoui laIe for ijuan1 uniottîs. I t ik ut ne that ins înujeptiumualdlarn- Corporation uft hue cuiniy ut Ontario for cortaiuilv i 1Usturnirdertul :.ninîiît.'leqmu. Vomi want une that in 'uheauanl the, at9o yl h ahLusaît Vormal b) a] dugggt. tt. coghlitibe adjourinuierit au the Courtlouse ini tbe jniets alfthese conditions. Thriieolno- Tw Vo hitby, 0o1 PICKERING. ut hies in su good for the cougbe aud coids M@day, the 5th day of Juno The c-igngoirnont isn îouncof M ineiueut to ehilhiood. It in also a cr- e.a i oru v 'lc kiadie J. Gutlîric, Audhoy, daugliter ut tain hretoîtivo and cure for crouhu, anîd * - 'the ar f to o cin Lb. Mr. 'Richard (,'uthniu, forînerhy ut Pick- there is no angerîiatev'or fren in tvu>>. Aiacoîîaftleibefno rebu C ering, lu Dr. Jas. B. Jolinston, utf Whut- ing cougli wiei i i g% h.I lias beun A cil îîîsî hotew'.lad Lu îLe herk aI by. tued in îoauîvepi<iemiesut that disease il n efrade uteCeka wth rfeet soceessi. For :sale b' ail 1 0a.sît tree days before Lb. meeting oi bbe The Quarteriy Officigl Board of the drugist,. Coliincih, properly eertilied. byt'aîîd Columbus Circuit invibed ilel Dated at WLiLby, Ibis I5tb dayutfMay, pastor, tho Rot. A. C. Wilson, ta reLu rn BWAVLf.AD gâ for a third yeuîr snd ho lias accopted Bowmanviîle, Ray 15.-Rice & Coin.i JNO EB. FAREW'ELL, liîbjoct lu LIhe will ufthlb.curning Con- pany's workmen 1usd a close cail to-day, County Cierk, Co. of Ontario. foronce. while putbirig the flnishing etrokea o's ______________________ Ruv. %Wni. boure,pasbor utf the Friendi metai ceiiing in the* Methodist church at 1j chîurt'hi bore, lias beouno a rosidont uof Salemn. By th. breaking of a pbunk i 19053 our illagü, lïsving royod bis tsnlihy tb. scaffoldingr Chas. F. Rice, toneman, heon unSatunday last. Tiîoy wili oc- Williami Branat, tiuemnith, and Ernest L II cupy the Iouso aoly vcated by Mn. Rutidie were precipitatech in s eap on ceesfuhly filled Lhe position of pastor of or leese injured. Brant was badly injur- the Ju'nends cburcb in Toronto for bon ed in hie face and hie rigbt leg wau bnok- WV hitby to Toronto. yeurs past, during whinii ime. the soieby en ut the ankie. Rice and Ruaidie wereSrceiifetTedayMy23d 9, havo buili safâne commodious churcb on considersbly bruised, but no bones were; evc nefc un&,My2r,1W Qurton Street. broken. iatter whiecb date every The. fencos are being te ruoved freina ùî Bowm..aivile Yewiof re-nt issue says. Tuesday rand Frlday front of the Methodist churci and par. J. A. Culverwell, Mmaging Direotor of WYei sonssge. the Central Ontario Power Company,1 DURING THE ISEASON. Extensive - praparations are b.ing adcbnssed s meeting cf the. business men 1steamer leaves Fane round trip made for the Epworth "eîgus) convert and citizen. o! the bown ini the Couaicil Newetle, 6.30 a.am. 75c. tion bore on1 lti of May. Chamber. Mayor Tait predod, anidI Rev. J. B. Moiore, Ph. P. and F. W. after a te-w prelimiuary nemarks iro- Bowmanville, 7.10 a.m. 70.. Elobbs, Reoording Steward,. wili atted dodii D08,wip..e~cer Ohawa,- 8&00 ar. eoc the. District Meeting at Whltby naensadbonolme i M"tà ! tbe c *êtÎ Whiby, 8.45 ~ Oc wek.of this enterprise. Ho oxplaiai.d fuily Chiidren under 12 years, hait fane. Liglit persons were welcomaed into the. the benefits te be donîved froin the pro Arrivinj;in Toronto at 11.45 a.mn. Methoclisî church luît 1unday - eveniug pc.ed sciieme of tuis oompany te bring by 11ev. Mr. Moore aî-dthe odilcial power hoe froin Burheigh Fis nai. Iteturang heavea Toronto at 5.W p.ai. Board. Mn. W. F, Allen aito addnassed- heUp T picts ion be îîted fortiee adon John Baloden sold W. E. Vanstone meeting, sud sttted tuai h. hàd book.d pomntappliationt».addtironu o tii week tai cattie, smoneuof whicii the.mattor aven sud couidened that it Payent et 35 et.. aditioy ns]. om relixed $611.40. WaU a perfectly sale investment1 innfaut iy. Tiie excavation for lie new elovator oeeof the bust he bad ever soon, Aflen Memle sud state-room accornmodatlon il tiow coanpluledi, sud the work cf ,on- a long sud gonora disoussion aItute at nessonable rates. action will bo nushoad with aJIl possible close of the address, th. fohbewlug A. W. JACKSON, JNO. IL4ZLET, .pe.d. solulion-mored by W. P. Allen, Esq,1 Agon%, Whitby. maniager. The. membersof the Township Coun- snd sooended by Dr. J. MILBr.macom o m la. . Il. D- * K-Etc, cil made thein annual tour over the. roed wau oarri.d unaaaimousby: 4 AeGoddeswhaarf, Termite. 91 th. township on Monday, lMay iStu. "Thai baving sula" e th te addus -Nto#.11 . O O3- uICvMwOI1m05the bêedta teobe Fer $ode derlved fromn 1W Catul Or4tada Foyear aO Ladys Recorarendatles 5.14 F1fý< Sexes eo, Llunted, we odor «tuatiIl the î 'mo&brik c taei Contre St., cf CambrIaagsSleach811 Burligh Y*#* pover u e au ecurad for Whc,ln*-l. odtof, ce Live TibOfs.eont tw * ethe , mmv. w 01 l u.Apply Natiownast Cornpmny, 1 have, 1 beliove, soid f111 boxe. ofoS ou'sîgin amiouor .b Ut.lin,__________________ (bauiberialu'es ltomaci and LivrrTab. %W. bel (tte b# . -daty ef «oi« lUaeus 111 ml iotà on -the neouiuundatlen coneoulady t siiii utpley~pbs U reu hofnt bougbui a box of theinfor puoerredstc.ù epuhaogU I L &bout a yr &go. 8h. never tires of PItckI UIiIP o IOllng hor »mol and inne sd s onidr iitook l a goed in. f~ hO the poildquâWieu pi tuèse Tabieta..- f vtumi roolyUdOU )Lîo e.mn tpu gjt, VBecsater, lu&d.the reip<ibIs i aslsu. o pl tprai vo lrtoffst t hèsTablet. Situid A. Taiairman 0# M&Wkea sfavorte wlth ladies vsrY. me ,when Y-or sale by ail da'qglals@. OSHAWA. uaWae lruduo'a ident - Ini a ratuor senastiesil way a lovai PWWWeolasu P ukaog Q4 ocf Bleu. %al lia uown lie eharg bas te dovIh 00soOO ?-luomt Of emummiu ia;m-z0- rM.wFM Nr& Ma1 - xaMltlons. uin' lsuaa..Th MeunvId UîniteLu omaaybas an doosttw ull bes*ae, as lte lézi.cL Wh"ohhildvrau4duof~. ar gmrited .sado*vmiul psileon.o- 7Ld UP al pUticsaa r bus.. dovaaetlt w si avsry p.rolisasz-alo i- i us fo tab4for wio odo,, *» sUuwsa hier&UailbI moiw » of» « 0 maitomis. ukelyleiiuâ iree theU ýlaa- o tâmna i-t b i - rfi Il y', 'j ~rC~ 81 @~* e-*~ vos-e .1 the Sauras-I est - MM. go 1 il git a profaina nian, 11e Se:, te haul somle iphous &And., hoenez.,&a prld -ta-rouad ln wluowl, loue 1h15>' dRI at haldeînhlore, hc ses, oI thinkr»cOur 1,yes wnd feel niore ta liomé ni, n l lui no danger (raiLthîs tebol>'Crouand, ho ses. W. canit afford, ,yer hon- or,, te lîev aur bye. spuled b>' th, lady groum2, lie tes. ive wantu thim, ta be, able te niâe wthast lauguage thel> 10Ikes and rIroîle a febtar wldosat hevln' to #Iun# a.a ett orte rupbot the sthor.tor latokien, bae .&QIO blles to lie ree te llustrate Me ro. Mm ww1 urda, lao.'ses, %bat coin@@ Co me as the ïsela»e, widaut ooesld. erlu' where 0QI arnAt or stqpin' teo thial IV a V" i. vli5orkiter lq quote IV coe he . ouecli hor dS ~pw, Ouiresed bu-e .r.sUogun'lm tlbe 10o1«. An* Wbo»*. ibis>' Wr.lu- lhe tmots ibe.y Wu aip "Mmto' opli tort>' dours.o unoa oat 'uersa frou ~aba'bol, a lops, an that whl le 1Je1' il the.4hUioku vil k.tta o tbelads wâ#'io o , dïw thoUifagsI~ubav Mm~dp THE- 'jWHITBY 110 IIS~ Philp'sý Building, Bfook St. a aby lait Wee]L Xrq. eone has movad to Hiimpton. Mtii.Greenrîver tootbiJl team &0.14. our borne te=m lad a friendi! gaine Of footixili la'it 1'uesdaynlght. Sanie or the oys lIntend t&lngin1 .h, cJ.rus nt ogbawa on the 28r&cI Mr, F'red Dçi.ney bas purohased a vu~r Of youing foxeg. 1 Misje Vanvniken-burg vited Whit-, bY fr1enail laesattu'day a.nd Sun- dâli She ma% accoaipanled by Mim Ueorgfia Melson. tQuIte a Ijuaiber from liere atteni- ed KUinoale churcli 13t Sanday niglit. -Mr. John IttiojollO. , orlroughln, Wa'4 down Iooking for a teaîik to IflOVO Iim ita lliglLnd Creek recent- Iy. 110W N J.ugLilbfllcomlng ûlong. )oym.? la it a toui, lou? Our îi.li inziii,4 liorue ran awy In Broughayn îagt week, breakLpg th11e 'i41afto f rotu ie -agon. Whefre are yon gciug on tile 2.ttlIî? Mdr%. Brjiznail, whio lias been viilt- Ing tricritî m IIToronto, hlirteieturn- ed tionie. Mfr, Norman *,Ianîsofl liapi pureliam- ed a îîew c00w. 'lr1.~[aint.r. liaNe inislied t le chuîtc('h, EAnd(It looký îcry îudoî) à1r. .inte, uxîîjgîîllyw llorq ran 'IarY the other dIiy. Taklng Des perate Chances. IL ilq trUc Iliat imafziy cotract COIli 1111<1 recover lrouî theîil witlîont taking any premut iosn or treatiîicft, and a knowledge OfthLiâ fact pd others to tako their chann'eq iiseart of gîviîlg their coIde the needed attelltiuii,. Ih shouid he bornîe in mÎtnd that vvery cold% veakeris the longs, lo%%eLrm the viitiiî y, mak-eg the systeni leesi ableto with;taîid eci sueceeding cold andi l>ave thie wav for more nerions diseases. (2asiyou aatiord Lu take gmcl deSierate chancem %whleiu ('hanàberlaiii's Cough hieried'l, falîliolsi fOr iUR cures ut coldâ, cami be iîad for a triiîe For Baie by afl drusirgist a. COLUMEUS. NMr. Wattrr Hill, ur Port Pe riy epor-eit ruîentin unOur midst vlNlttluigi rLtvand f rlendo.1 . B.DooLitLlk ,of Tororît(x and(IMi Mlnjn1.m Kprr. of0f Osawa,1 -4tn(Iayeod n tiol% ciuitinlty. NMr. Alex. Horni, ut Horiî Bro-4'. WooIILc 1111% al idLnd»ay, wai4 in thlsl Rection buyiynq vool on Satur- (107 laqt. liev. f..TIl. orlaintd occUP!d the lulpit orthtle Meth iiulsL clireli at Xroo)kUiî On ASniîay evenlng la.'ît. Thle Caialn tîder ut Fore¶ters a-i<i the lndewensent Orde;- or For- esters Witt n.nrcli ln a body to the 1"r*di4>Yterian cli urchi on Sundta.yev- nîing, Ma.>' 2'stl, witere the 11ev. j. H-. DrlOL(isd wiIl occupy the pulpit. It 1% the tmd dut.> tiuls 'voek to chronicle the deatlî of Mjr. Edwarcl ltîee'.Oui, who died at lis retildepnce Jlicre o11 Tliday nîorning, Ma.y lith, sigeil 77 year-4 aiid 5 niontlsm. Thv luiîeral Luok place on Saturday a fter.iooi. ,Thle Women"i4 Inîitutte Witt lbol#] a m'etlng In Mr. Wnî. I'urvee' office on Raturduj aftrrnoiî.*Mr 4. W. &. .Kinuney,, of (iraiîdview, and Mige Jessle 11101, Of JIl §i$sdna avenue, 'Tronto, Wait le thje principal ipeak- ,erç. Mr. It. 1R. Hodg"on i«Mnt a feiw A1xyS 1U the <Queu. Cty. Egaoh of these places will bave -"lr- noqn and ovening sessions. Meetings bo begin at 2 p.m. ad 7 p.îu. Music and reoltatione wil also be ren- doued at the. ovenùng sessions. Ail arc cordially nvited. MaiS. wit. Ptjiavig;, Mu. A. P. A»ircI Preaident. Sec.Treas. Mr. Ilinnissy on the Oame of Lacrosse. To the lditur 17 Tnit KASr-ONE~. Dear Bor -Itq .>ersiIf iîli be eliock- cd wlîln y;z Iearn 3 what ol hava to 50.7Ill wha okeL 01 lwo-iderm som- tolmes -li.t- la becomin lV thie max- ai Iv tlie peepil wlîln tii..'Cati do %ICI thngs. 'Yez w111 have hierd thîdata acroeeea club Iras bee.n hlitarted in town. ILa- Crosge ls Iwan IV tlîlimg.liee sPla.yed wd 10:9 shithoka îiid ii. baskit on t'lie l'id. W'iliifelloiy t'row11 tie, hall to n.nogher 'wk(l iic 'îlitlck af- ter gitLtlinit iniie lyi aklt. Iv tlie otiior «f110%v doi't Catch IL an' a ieco,,tl other to-lier tioe, te tireit otîtor toiler gets hia- 11, wîao-k« the <ý.cco;d othcrr feller' over the bld w-Id his obetlck wld tlici baNklt on the iind4 Tite 'gger hiole hoie au iake inhi ibd w-id the .tluw tiic bet i, i- la croNse player lie N. IV a gaine je jtaLiyed ibtrongli widout watnit' the -4ervIces Iv a doctl -r or a uuîder- t4Lker thle gie 1% pruoiuitcedi a taille %van, but If 11ofiewanLii lebauhly litîrteul or nItogueiîeî- kIllc, hie gaine 14 a lîowViii' Sticcesas. PIli.î zluitie lsport, tlîln, huixiaulet( itq ai.pcarice lunour wn>lmit. 0I 1'#îuppoaes the Idear le thiat tiiore are Loo ýii-.any yotîng mnior' too tev tun- eralq; at ail CvInte Lthe ganue 1l4 lere. 'The byes have bi:i u'4lri' tlîelr elîtleke 4oitr down in lte jtrk, but the grpiîrîdsç doemn't sutttIhîlîn, an' thcy lt,-gnts It chanîge(] 10 maLiki il .eauier fer to kIhi0an' 1b3 killeutj Sa wiat dcc', the bye do but gite Up a. tie- INcrta-4lun an' goe 10 hie CounUcl la,4lit >Moiday nuIghit :1The b.es id the tuqklto dldi'lvuat to uplîa.ko, ,4o tlîey puts uli thîolr 1rleldeuîîto t.alk for thîlu. 3ieter liayor. lie »Lit, and Cotincil. ho s4ez, the place whereon i ve play@ le biol.>'ground, lie sez; We Ivatts yez to change At 1ertiv. To play 'tIhe Mig gantre lv iacrosc. Wu wauts t>yes vito are tumi, lie siez; min wlici can w back an' slitand to be whack- cd hloese%. None iv yer nanî9>y- paiuby ktnd fer us, lhe se:. Our bea are net 1ke the. groud, lia seq, wlîo l lhoilie haeos. The lnfloo- once wud bc bad, lie s#As, on byca, wbo moiglit hboyte kilt a.nmanî ln wan .1v the gainieti. Wu- wants the %trenuous loife, lie set. .-Wu doegn't ax muqh from v.>e& Iv.'oez wIlktli We have mucli pleasure in showing our Sprirug Goodr, for 1905, to wvhich we ask your careful inspection. Knowng. that our friends look uj)OI us as the leadang. store, we bave made most 'careful preparatioas. The class of 'goods we have always carried, the straightforward way we have çonducted our business for the past yeaî-, should appeal to the interest. and common sense of people who appreciate value foir their- money. A personal vasit to the store will tell you 'more in. five minutes than we could tell you liere on a page. A new stock of Shirts will arrive this3 week. You can depend on style and fit, pnicas ivill be quoted next week. Ladies' PriaI' Wrappers, pnices $1.00 to $1.25. Ladies' China Silk Blouses, ahi oMors, special $2.00 Ladies' WaterprQofs; in navy blue, special - $2045 Silk, Piano Drapes, ini different colore, pnices $1.00, $1. 75, *$2.00, $2.50. - W& have a new stock of Pririts, Muelins, Silks, Shirtings, Flannelettes, I)ress Goods, oun prices will help to seill Floor Oil Cloth, 25 cents a square yard.- Our stock cf Chothing is selected froni dependable materials and the fineat workinansiaip. No need of worry about fit, as our stock is large euougli to suit ail classes. -1 Men's Suite lin fine black tweed overplaid with white stnîpe, latent style mate, lal and work, special - $6.50 Men's Waterproofa, guaranteed froua the manufacturers, special * $- 5.00 Men's Has-a largo stock of Hats just arrived, in a dezen difierent styles, Christies and -Fedoras, pricos 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00, $2.25. Men's Tweed Pant',,asbangain. Mon's Umbrelisa, spescial, Boy'. Maul Knickers, apeciai,; 81.00 490 For Ladies sud Gentlemen-Are yen looking for a good invostm.nt? Buy whatever yen need in our winter ines, 'Yen will profit 100 per cent. If goodi are iot S'ati factor noney will be rofunaed. H. BRESLI» I ISlT~ TUT EAI Wehave ie stock a, number. of specialties kith celebrated WiUUi' leBooti -for nem an boys. Mso te"mtaa h."for M"en, one ofthe bustboot,mwe -A new flue of* Womaen~ Oxfbwds and ohildi MWÉ' boots bus juat srrivedP;ý Ail ýthéseaé good goods at closeu ics a - 'F * i Joys of the< Country. Iver belp nuake -map4ie sigarl.h <latiier uap ^ml' bile It d owa1 ?r 'l"ht's «w'ec boys arc giad Lieyt-e In the country ',tld o' t-ow'n. WhAut can beat the JoY oft in-ead5p' Iwliaig 'Saga? on the uîOw? ,Wax? 1 'hoycau fairly tait. , t- An' tlIuch%% dea't yen kgnow ? £ver yoke vour father' Ydarlkg giltdb 'lii te tue aid hban" '<b.d. And co roamni 'round Iboesiuaadow, Somaîtime leadin', uoanetiîes iled t Ilow il ade :oua'blond &Uaitngle. mmi Me your bort fraI fait wlt]s 'auet o t the lii, tter broknn., Boeo ycot cikild to:4an' ride. Es-er go an' -astIs Ueraeg RU Vourj'euk it*Umt hr«Oken lul 'Bat eon liait 1h. cüaewloa belai' good as' sefui #ton, "'r trou kat ncw u oD'MOI04 Rag'v.d ed t, a Wowôn poo. (4rsr bep te lbea' lanu aius- Xo l emh dova $460I tW IP ai« u tii. o »Ow cmdwiuto îAgim.- i 1, q. 0 -2 hi Spring Openling 1

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