Whitby Keystone, 18 May 1905, p. 5

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THEySTONZSWIBY tIL3À,MAY 18g t905W 'SE st~ ring (loods i'c, o have, weI~ NOhaveé. thin ltürest, Lue foi. their- t-tit mBore iUm ~.45 soli., 0 0 'SQ 5.00 tt loeil 1.00 45e 100 per cent. ]men and »for inen, and cuill- ê 0 "J -i -. Empire Daycl ebratiolle DJiIEa*nivrsryof the leirthday of oui laie beIoved Queen ie 80WI K knoutle us asEmpire Day, and ahould b. celebrated by every loyal citizen of Canada. W. nôt only belong tc> anuEsnpW 111>01 whose territury the. sunnever &et%, but upon Whosu record every loyal son' of 13itin might vell belproud. To measure iiipgreatuese of Our Enpire by territOrY would l be imsuficient ; Rusa is j big. W, judge Great Britafl. flot altogether.by ber lande and thipà%, but by ber law's and statesmefl.;tiot by her industries, but by ber noble institutions. The spirit of patriotisui18 flot jingoïsm, does not love warfare; fight only in self defenco and maintenaince Of the countrys honor.&Patriotiati âte a Nation or Empire whai 64"Home" is, to the fa.aily. Itii the one word which cements an Empire togetber both in peace and wari But wbat we need i. an intelligent patriotisMl net that which rmises îht' the union jack by trampling under foot the stars anid stripes, but a spirit: ibat recognizemi the good of other nations and otlmer peoples, and wbich ays above it allil "There's no place 1ke home." There is no tilDe more appr pri- aie for instilling the thought of intelligent patriotislfl into the minds of Can., i da's cititens iban in youth. These men and women of tolflorrowaeCu ada's hope. They should know the full meAniag of patriotisra war, Cn In thiitcoiinty town, we as y-et hear of no celebratiof, no public recog-', nitin o Empre ay.It seems imnposible nom (o arrangeaypbicd. monstrmtien for the 24th, but Tus KEYSTONEe fntures to suggest that a patriotic meeting could be tield next Tuesday afternooli by înviting ail the eJucational institutions of our town, and having the publie achool children, t'ne collegiate stude-nts anid ail citizens who eau attend uieet ou the coilegiate grounds, or the town park, and there sing patriotie songs, and tbu students d bu addi-essed b)v one or two of our leading citeaens on patriotie subjects or imigbt..tot the college authorities permit'their students to join in and hold@ t'be demonstratÎon on the college lawn? Sucti a publie meeting would have a good effuct lapon the yoting life of our town, and wouId be a fittitig recog-; ~ Selool Board o>r the teachièrs of aforesaid institutions? Spedial Industrial1 Number of The Keystone. W E purpose on June 1 issuing an industrial number of Tiuz KsF'8rOE.- N OTE the E W N E S O FIt wili be an annivursary nnnber as wel1. About two years ago we conunenced the, publication of this paper. The pi'eseflt is a fitting time job to issue a spécial nanîber and to mark the arrivai of a new era in industrial y 0 , The speciai feature of thé issue -for June 1 miii be an illustrated isupple- 2 u th e t r c i met, printed on calendered paper, containiug a sketchy write-up of the, I n ashi n, F bri, Fi, Fi ish financial and educational institutions of the community. There will b. fine and value. issue wiil be something unique in the bistory of newepaper enterprize ini the twn. It wili b. £àinost timeiy publication, as indicating in a ver7 vivid Men who fOllOw the faShio n and men way the improvement that bas corne to Whitby during the pust imo years. It will b. seen ai once thai mach an issue wili bu of unusuai intereat te whor -th fasions follow both will find ail ibo bave lever ILved in ibis community. They mould doubileas appreci- sorriething ofinterest ti iOUi ate more than a Uitile the receipt of a copy of the paper. No doubi inany C LOT HING DE]PARTMENT citi::s wil anlt te send copessmway.a This demand,:togetb:rmwiih the. copi& oderd b advrtirawil mmna vry arg isse o th paer.It We.aire showing the smartest and best of may be that car canvassers have overlooked smm of the business piao.sad sp ring styles. It is extravagance to go to, have not given these an opportunity te b. represented in ibis number. Or high priced tailors for olothing. Our' iap~ there may be a few who a& the tine of the cal mèe. not able te gir sa or. assortm ont and low prices.wM r e tbe e. der, but wbo would 11ke, te b. repres.nted witb ibe other business places% mad fai. Eesyg r e t t u ptrm aincethe paper will be widelly distrubuted. Any sncb miajiéfseure a place pat1terne drafted from the Individual "mea» in bhis illustrased edition. surerment of the customer.hit may b. mention.d that the iliustrated section wîiii b.in addition"te »lac Worted uite - 84.00 the regular $-page paper. The prie. of the paper il b. 10 cents pet 001>7 for any namber of copies. Each porion ordsring temi opies and lover la ad Tweed suite, $12, $13, 813.509 14.00 vance wili b. enttled te a write-up in length proporsionate to the aumber Ready-to-wear of Iower grades at 86.0of ci opies taken. Orders mhould b. sent i early, a» aftèr the. formu is tala,. $7.00,9$7.50,$88.00, $8.50. frein the preis ne more can b. print. If yoij want to see, how the elothes Wil-__A look on you, corneii at any time to Type Settlng Machine Inlled. T he. C a sh Store T wHh vu ofinsldcei wu D iOWequ .the in p o teinmaithe e R < > S tyep. bs&aHlb.omoct by baud.Tii, usobu oaIMoty« bom yIlta R 'MScS et typedo btrwork "tyM anc by 4pewa.mg a o mmon a machine being able .te do as ma*é wh 8 re, or b* m Thi ntoduo t fmdMaluoe a oro m admola â q. pestassesof .ewqqssrs.di&tauMd W.élhê l'Tb* s.SIy ef rwmt ilt4 Fo.md~ '172 I...umpmmtéi 1u g£inm hmsbeon àhrgsiy laenes, aprsboi« auIWgstea erdo" A, foae -7 2117 4àr mercpwty. At iMmah. . hd 01 d17W Imp&W ocsbuaes tiho maci o ms.p~o0 4o.-d eMu» poru". for county ekistoblu UIWtSy .bw comoithrougho.î usheooaury. ile è ao 5 e pi*V71W 111311 IlliC 10 I~IU ~ocMPrY Coffietu% face.b ave. mdi t* t ~o r we M of i rà % *a~ hot*h » ~ 'bink v vo " of North Aneloriput la o*0 om «0 .f Wh1 M MV Why take àny wik wbeu you oun <ê tusbut~ YWiN8 b% IU IrM, k i B.w llï î"w ,*n ~s.ui Patronize 1h keyst-one .Press *3t3~333~ .~ Posterps SWheat, fr .......... : 10-00to -092 44 white........... 090 t 096 I~apring ...... ..... goose ......... O 0to 0 85 Baly. .... O40to 04» SBeans .. .... 1 00. t 150 *Peas........... ...0 60 (tu1065 SRyo ...............0....... 70 tu 0 72 IBuck Wheat ............ . 050 tu05 Oats..................... -0 4"o 0 40 *AlSI-e No ............ 'RO00to,$600o " No.2 ........... 400 tu 500 " No.3..... w te 4 00 iRed, No. 1...............>o to 6 00 *Red NO2............. 4 50to 5 50 Tinxothy Seed ............. 90 Let OU1 Flur LOLR ANI) FEEX). Flupet cwt ............$82 75 to $3 00 Cbujiped Fecd, cwt.... (. 1 0 te I !L5 (X>rneal,.............. .2 ix) to (2 r54, àBran, pert on ............ moU (ta(o20o o *ShortR, per ton.......... 20 oo tu 25 oU MKAT, POULTRI .AND PROI)UCE. Beef, by quarter per 'it -$06235 to S-i 50 I (attle, live weight, but. 5(0 (o 5 50 Muutou, per lb .......... 0 0(10e 10 lo L.arms each.............. 300 te 4 00 110ei, lîve ...... o00> tu 6 OU Iloge. ligbt fat ....... 1 >0te5 75 *Ilogm, 11favy fat ..........0- tc 5'75 o .lg, dressed ier 1001h 0 t) ( c S O Chiekeii, per .......... o 1boto o l£ Duck@,, per lb-........... 0 1l (o 12J b Geeme, dri"aed lper ~'0 1)to 0O 10 Turke>-it, deAaed, per 11) 0 12 (o 0 Là Butter roi] .......... o18to 0 "- L.ard......................O0 10 teO0 12j E"sper tiozon .........O0 13 to (1.13 P"otiitee , per b0 0.... O(0 (o 0 vu iApp)lea, per h.arrui ........ 1 00> to 1 25 Onions, Per hum....... ... 0 00 (o 2 OU Blay. pet on............. -S00 to 9 00 iStaw, perlJoad.......... 200 to 3 00 lUder4, per oit......... 80 OU to$8 OU iSheepokinsi.............. 100 ( 1 25 b Deaeonàs..ý ................. t',0<6 TalIow, rendered, per lb 0 O4ýto 0 4q Wool, nnwasbed .........O0 14 to 0 020 Lamnh8kin............. 0 WtoÙ 00 S oti f the Division Courts@. (JOUNTY -OP OZ<1-A.RO, 190&, jWHiTiY-D. C. MBCdODoII, Whtby Clark, Jan. - , F.b.%2,Marckh2-,pr0- iMay 3, JunoO6, July 5, sept. 6,-Ot Nov 7, Dec. 6, Jan. 9,lIU j OSILwA&-D. O. Maodonel hty Clrk, 3am 10, Fh.3, March 8 àrl6 -o?. 8, Dec. 7, Jan. 10e,1926. BIIonKÂ-M. Ose on, Genwod, Clark, Jan 11M Marck 6'. Mar%, jui10ý Pisa-J, W. BUrubm,-Port. FeMr, Clerk, J&a 18, Mamm 8. h 9 AilY 1l,Sept. 8,No.1.êJau 13, 1w xwnouJoee ILE. oug ,Us_- ~ b,11. l.I~ Jas.12,Mue17, Mq 8»on LerJn 11, ael2àan. IL*718, Forail kindi of, Books *ý Paph lets '-Cata logues. L

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