Whitby Keystone, 18 May 1905, p. 7

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LtA, E 1 04 lic at Dve wff ;LoudGo. 00 Kuiton' n 0niPco asnd S5îurd.Ls' "ud lnterute- AL LUNE iKINGSTON. ýrs lea-ve Ta- ýttndeys. Frein usand ISlaIndlî iQuebec anti -R. agentq Or tous appetite,~ 1.3 al buman li ko arefully tion eof food 1uded that If epkrtionately d eat et day- small aflga- . xîmne a.xn., a leck a sbeep n, lark pie i ened> the oriy nad igl ht~yre- >ut,, Who Ied i a at-search gy andi dyspep- tuÙtis Amprimai Sbatties csred. il elPsas with tnt iL weuid t bankirg for iLution te ýw business si abeen pOmôn fll 4- vertis5iig, andi ve te influi- ýten cf their helm in thrir : k .-R Ru em 'Mrs. O. W. Cox and her twe sens sycre -killed. Rumors that ether towns were des- troved are net credited. The first xews et the etorm was re- ceived abeut midisiglit. Th isatrt relief train, sent trom Holbart, 32 miles oortis et Suydar, s-aclisd tise stricken town just beteore dayliht. Every oe on board began et once tise work et relief. On ev- ery band they feund thse wreekage ansd streets almeet obliteratesi by piles et demoliashbouses. In ail directions evi- dence et the terrible Le'oe o et tisasIe waa& apparent. Thse dead andi dying lay about the streets, in yards and mixed up with the wreckage, wisile tise.Whso e"caped ran hither andi tiither ia ax- cited attempts le bring order eut ef the terrible chaos, andi toeusier wbat maea- gre aid they migisi. Snyder is a town of about 2,500 ~The storni was neot confined teo Snyder. habitants, in Kiowa County, Oklahoma, ,ihewyteta±ewsdd n n In the Kiowa and Comancbe Indiam coun jured were prcsed in plan sight of the try, opened to white seUtlement in 1901i. ee trains, but these were passed by ici Tise town n'as laid out largely bv the tihe efforts ot the tielpers te reacis Sny- St. Louis nnd San Francisco «alwv der, wishere tisere %%as greater need of et the junction of two of its une,- anti their seritoea. 'The first mnan to reach the ecnspanv erpeted iniportant buildiors Si-.der and ret.uris to a telegraph point there. 'snyder is the diviRion point frr a' the station agent at Mouutain lPark, the Quanali ivision of the reôad. The a lii'iglilhoriisg ,,town. ,ite walkoe'd anto town wns on nnied for l3ryan qnvder, pt ýsridt'r, re-aehiing thc-re at dayliglst, and, senertrffe înnge (f hesytens ;,fier taking n luîsty %iew of the aitua- Fron 200 tA 300 Killed. tion. anti wit hout. gathering any exact t5-. ILouis report: _AtIhe g ter of (fthe .,dorns" fffeets, returned tu re of c otiisais Park. Tht is u reported fim f th Frgro nilond eren brirf! i îlwtown partiaiy destroyed and asserted report froin the division sulserntendent 11.t the tsi. of deadi would reach soe- at Sa,ýpulp. 1. T.. received at 9 o'clock, 'uhere betNNcet 3M0 and 400. The injured, stated that it was estirnated thist fro, ince aid, %Ncre to be seen cverywhere, andi 200 to 300) persýonq had lost thpir lîves t1icir nîsoîber undoubtediv1 will reacis into i the tornado it Sns-der, Oklahoma. De- lte hndeis Vhile the tornade seensa tailLa are vet lncking. tO have been wideý,primd,ruroràb th&t. It is heievcd that a large uumber. of otîter to%%wni in 4outhwe-stern Oklahoma the injured ivili (lie. In a nuMber ot h<îd been dlettroyed were declared by tele- cases entire farnilies xverc' kil led and in ii ont' exe-hanges to be incorrect, but ahisost everv faînuly in tcwn sorne mem- inue damage te property and loss te lite ber %vas injureil. fiad otcurred ti the outlyiag districts. Every bouse in thet'fown e\eept ti': I le ase tornade struck Qulaliian. ti are said lu have te-o t ilur hadly wvreek ttdwr county, on t4s Santa Fe Rtail- (d or demclishied. many o! tisei being suay. destroying ceeallouses, and et blown entirelv nNav. îlia t. plxitere erLsons. Mr. . .WN. Coz Trhe htsvoc %vroî!gli t i mot complete. anîdlier twe sona, are known te hav'e The busine-s potinas rt-ported ent irely lwen killed. The tornaglo struck Snyder destroye d. fr-oi the stouthwest, trasveflhlg noitis un- The Mavors cf (uthî le, Oklahama fil witlsini about 100 yards frein te City and ;orne cîlier towns have lssîsed trarks of the Okiaherna CitLy and West. call» for maeg meetings te aid tIhe in-crnIsLtailway. Tisere it. t.ok a nortbeast- jured, and earl 'v in the day sperial trains: erly course through t.he business plitien bearieg physiriens, nurses andi clothing of the town. North. ot the trsck Dlot a- were started for Sny-der. - building %vas leftt andisng. Cosning ai At lenet une other town in Oklahomna.1 it dit! while mosi, of thse inhabitants of Quintaxi, aFt sîsîl place in Woodward .Sntyde.r were asleep, but few had any County, was Btruck by the tornade, and warning of their danger. J APS REPU tEhe côurse of their dispute called the The 'Young mnan acted ws-tb prompt- RUSSIANS TWICE DROVE BACK JAP fle8s, and befere the Yankee agent reai- CAVALRY. zed what Lad happcned to hlm he Lad CAVALY. Ibeen knocked down twsice bw asi eungBrîtaber vis Itie- pu lait. A St.Petereblirg cble: Cen. Lina- vtich, ln a despa 1 Io-te -e Epaer, dat- ed 'May 9, sa-,: -Our etivane posta along the lune f roni Podvysours--ete Shi- bouze- were sittace-ee by t-le enenivas cav- alry May 7. Thesaps1anesc caVAary a-ara repulsed. They senieweit4 esittackMaiy, 8, bt veve-aRaîntnsucce>eeful. "On Mary 9 our cavaIs-y adve-nced in tise direct-ion o et -îLeSIuhetzy te-unee, - viicis aee ccupiesi by Jaîsaneme. wbo lis 'tiseface ofeu aurrtillcrv tire. andi a tm- Issg tuovemnent a-ast ef ihe minas, oas-o oigesi te retire levas-i.s e village et Sineiu, frnn whicis t-ey snbsequeutly % ves-e disledged, retiring tle i llRage loi Mediopa." MAXI AND GIRL R32D. -Sus-ange A.fvcutures et a- Couple dis- - / liais-Kngston. XIngelon, May l&-To-day an Ottawau girl '-oî attractive appea-mnec,. a-b -r boa-st ae local Lots-t, -emplalned ta tepolice tsf luuvana beau roîbet lsy a- Is Na ueo ati laen troduced te a uts-ange Young inaut, viseepresent- et hlmsalt as a iras-eles-. Tielveut tes- a drIve, andi viec SAres miles aft et tisehelCitya-are helti a t thie poet. eta pstol by a- meaked me-e, wvise t- usane-ed Isels- moey. ler oempauon, aios saithantai over hi&a,":wislcý bse aelese etalnet $7&. Ib e epêra-oý ohé iallegat, thon tus-et his atîctn tet lae, .Sitehadenseti LavIng e-ny uouey, aado., - sr ons.ie t-le, hieo«amed te soasch, es abi a s a eva-sdet bi t d1soeranng aroll et$113 secreted taber E e Tise j oreethbemordoes-e !Na e i -Ckteyt dity býtlot«hc . 'e-ied Status Of&lmle- ISLt. -lses-e-.,Ma-y 1&-Reo et thé S-meanues. et oltes!StatueOk" sesse front Niagara Fa-li9 almust dally, ýA lady- front Bts-attend4 a-Itàtwov. *I O te Canada -te e-vois! arregt. IGNORIItG 2mpE STRIK. Se Sxe-Ullau tehaUntimuponant, a 0. T. RL Otfacuakt Tesousnte, May 1.-!Tsc itue-lIeais-. ing eut ef tisa machinlats' et s-ita le- un- citangéd, anti, acces-dinýg te tis alsatament of a. Grand TrinS officIaI vcslerdusy nt- tes-noe-, thse trouble lu nDoweoale-es et auch ai-l coecuence tise-tlitho at- tention la being pa-a t'Oteit. yFs -ens iii cave to Portlandl, il lu deelased. tisera are Oe-ly fine nounthossos on tIse sylesu o lerea ny- ea uit e-erk---eî Londona, York, Bts-alto-s, StThomuas mudTorje- te. Tise tous-mm w vie atuwàcit 1the Sis-attord reunilome a dtnet retunet te wos- Yetes-dytau"si f tluay doet -repos-t le-dy tofos-lMsen- vIIile sant P te fui1 thair pie-cees Tise suetos 0et is -hall dome-eaI-ters aI tise'Yos- reu bouse bave amuàt .ami- ouxesitis- t rjwÎsL . Tissy eb"ayeth ieci te ostrifr retus-ne teta o-k, ut-eustegxin, «mat - hus-e t 1 os-ok onc mûea. À Iamsdfs et mai are est -at Lndon-, !a tsw -ofzi3 3Mn, >T. aG.l&suqZ. et tise k lBe-nk, deelu tj*essa-i tomk a lic thse prie. la-at1 Uiofr o the MaI*d. iuus " phstug. IK eslieved.ho VICE-ADMIRAL NEBOGATOFF, Wbo will soon gmetly utre*gthen Rojestvensky's Sqiiadion. Furtlsar Particulars 4 Guthrie, 0. T., report: ews lias been receivesi Iroinitise }risce station agent et Mountain Park, Kiewe Ceunty, a nekghboring town et Snyder, te the et- tact that the tewn le eonly partially de- atro.yed, but tisat tisa hiat of daad will total something between thee and four huadresi. Thsis agent made a permonal v-isit te Sn yder, wbera hae bserved th. details efthtie celamity. I Relief trais sent eut froni Hobart have net as yet reachesi or returned. Tise intention le te send eut another train iroin that place. Chiekasisa bas se far no intelligence et the relief trains sent f rom thet town. Rumors té thea af- fect tiset otiser townse in eoutbwestern Oklahsoma were destroecd are declared *by thse telephene exchanges te ha incor- rect. t is l consMped likely isare thate-tNe- Ibogatott*s division isas elaeady passesi 'Cape St.. Je-mes- Tisa itssan hospit-itl ship Kostroma, visose arrivai banc waa -anueunced May 8, maile May 1-1. JAPAN'S POISITION. Ber Case Against France Suhstautially set Forth. A 'Paris calîle: In tise course of an apparently autiioriWi.ive atatexnent pubs- liahed hara to-îlay of Jaipatf's case age-inst France, a sutusaray is given et varions actaet assi.sLudre randeredth ie vessaIs ofthe Ruissian se'oisd Pacifie sqinadren a-t Cliarbour,«, Dakar, Algiars, Jibutil, Magunge,; Nossibe. Kammanis Bey, Port I)ayet, ansi Hou-Robe Bay. Tise conclus- ions etftisa Ja1sanese Uevemnment aIse ste-ted to e ha s toUesws: "First-WVitheut questiening 1h. goosi fitis et France, Japan holds tise-thLie Fr-ench ores-ies te observe neutrality bave e-et beumn snfficiently'executeil. . Seond-France sisoulsi have taken eut ficient ineasures beforehanti to ps- vent violations et neutrality insteasi ef securing tisa ebservance et nautrality ae- aIr JtFpan's rnaonstrances. *"Thlrd--In defauît et sufficient sur- vaillo.nce, Vice-AdmiraI Rtojastvenasky has beau gseatly taeilitated lu thé accesu- pliasmant et his nîtesion, Ands l in eg accesa te c2slnesa wwatesaCouu.qutly, il vas for thé antis-tfas-tartsat-Vice- Admirai Rojestvasky ut=--zet ou suc- cessive occasons Frenchs waters, both -fer anelsoriag andi re-vlctualiiig, 8a nl awaiting ta arrivai -f et -csorezmmet&.> Thifonegoing issaidtotab. aubsta- tie-lly Japaula position hotu as is> tisa psst anti as Lb. hasts ef an y future "aaim s-ing tram the e igad bs-e-cItes et neutralitY. A"muesi by Prnce. - A Paris cOlhe: MWa Matin adme-it* tisaI tisane isa a MasqsBari-elmy, vIse le a holder et a eenoasou a-t Kanss-e-hBe-y, tram the. Posecho- *Vamt, 4a tces juuston vith - Mess.Portales.1 Il aiW admit. tisa-t tie Ensaisia as a ooaig tapet on tise khuit et ekoe& ,ne Sa ton. s-om vibis t.eiaa oUes fik4terhIdà. ¶'lse Matii t-sts 1. thse ouW pî sçlss eamolaittista csab mate su tiat, thse Rusiais entened Fraevh tarrntosiai vat«es-n ndi w"tbO s kueetg f ise, Freaois Go-ernusaut liu$ omrvitmed only eesbvnsais utai Rojeaftisky' Liut entant Sauts-ani Ba-y.-- ~To -£CAM - , cmv et xudam cs-Wsl £bu a Ni »Mnk fen UbertÏ'ý À A" tonton Jiie' 4I5pA5bto the Tise-a fsosa j sAu ua-ýS tisa-t Whoutsee pdlsa-vs-reem>uiuted du the tasn esilas.,DLU0-n ile 4iu a 51055s1&t »& KJLLED- IN À COLLISIIINo An Express on111 the Pennsylvania Roadà Cras'àîed loto a Wrecked Freight The Passeogers in the Pumon Car Were Buraed to Ashes. Over a Hundred lnjured, Ten -of Whom àt is Believed Wil Die. 0~ 8 06 Harrisburg, Pa., May '---At least twenty-five persons were killesi andi more than ont hundred others injureti in a collisOn On thle PeBnsyvanla Raliroasi south of Iiarrisburg a few minutes befere a o'clock this mornlng, Caused by the second section of the Cleveland andiCnint express, West- - bound, cnashing mIet a wrecked freigt train. Tihe demi vio have been identifiesi ar». lMra.Robert Danthenty, 1,205 Seuth a8tli aireet, Philadelphiea; lrry IL Thomas, of Philadelphua, en- giÎneer of thse passeger train. -Jacob. Silverman, et Brisiguton, N. J, l ises believesi te have been killesi. Tisane are at least two bodins uier thea wneck. Among the iiýjured vwere Mrn. m Uns. T1I,4the latter a daugliter of U. S. Senator Knox, vise vere on ibeïrn vay te Pitisbungfreim New- Yenk. They I van able te valk te Steelton, from visere Mr. Tindeil ielephened te Gev- ernor Pennypaciser, vise mut Private Secretary Wharton te bning ilium te tise ezecutive mie-sin. Hune tisay venu given medical attendance a&M cbotht. The Harrisburg Hoespital is erowded Clod% s sue, help me,' I pushed her eut witis tise meet seriously injuredi Others o ettisevndow and a- fellow passenger of tIsa injures ame et tise isotls5and Winl ia.ndsd eut, a child wI vcisbelonged te inier. Ha then lefi the train andi calledi ho able te resumne thair journey duning te mue te jump througistise wludow. Just tise day. Tise railnroad cempany la dote-g tis.n tie as a terrifie explosion. As averythiisg possible fer tse rai ef oethîe I dropped te tise grounsi e mîssle struck injuresi, msusy exuhein escapesi frein thb.and knockesi me down. 1 don't know liow wi-eck in thoir night clethea, sand lust aUl long 1 lay lucre, but when I recovereti tiseir clotLiixg assd othar belengings. my senses, I crawled acroas tise trucks Tiesa pesar trataetfimine cars and unden a freigist train andi rollatidemow locomotive wu$ise&,ec&d.tise embankment au tise tiser side. I waa At 8 clelk Ibis nsonning it waesti iu my uigist ciothes andti -" ohe matesi tsait tise deasi numbene eLtween loting andi baleuginga were ]tiu 25 andi 30. ot One isundrusi andi twcnty-tîve receivati "I neyer vent te witness suds a. sight tretmat: orinjrie et tise Harrisburg as tisaI viicis- follo-wed -tise. collison, Hresptamet t fo isoi cmind -tLb eni ere screaming, ehiltiren vere institution. Tan oet tise a n die-. crying, etreng men vere wanderlng Only tisree deuti bave beau poaitivaly about dazati andi helplese. Tise trs w ere identified, se completely wera tIsa bodies st.rewn ie- ail directions willi hall na-et cremistcd. Tise kxussn sideaare.- H. N. maen ainsi omen, sema etof wosu vere Thomas, engineen oftIhe pnsscngar lace- deati andi otiscrasarioutly le-ureti. On motive, Philadelpisia. ieat blewn off itis seanse train was Sa-m Sisuberi, th. visai bolier exploded; Mm-- Robert wall kisove theatnical main, sud Abe T>uesgrtv, Philadelpisie; Jacobi F. Sil- Tisaleimer, on.etof, r. Sliuharts venian, 'Bnlgton, N. J.. burned te a. agents. Tbey vas- eceompanied by Samn-', crlsp in bis bas-tii: identif lad by a Ma-niual Rina,'a New -York lavyer, and vene soule emblein on his coat. At 2.30 o'e1odc ou Ibein we-y te l>tt&bUrg toeclose a deal Ibis morning nneisaof the traekabalid been forer l s ue t tieatre. Mfr. Shubant eleas-ed, but tise vnecking tiews, ths-ee was sliglîtly hurneti anti vas takéri té in numbar. tIse twa original eumso Utthe a hotal with 0ereely e-ny clothing. sýene ahevlng beau augmenl.d by the Col-- 1.< .Tabmrws u bu h umbia crcv bepatriirins ti. d.bs-. s-Wlaim rvseu butt1 c-es- tise bsnk butotet.Susquehanuna face andi s.aL Mr. Kline lus nissingsani River. At t-bis tinne tIse fine In thse two th suppoition Is that ho0 wu5baue leat pullman car. va; axtlnquilbesa. ~The t eath lu Lb. wrock. sesitititi te poThdes-ads band. wo. k <g, nest.1thé contenta of tisas., visese It la belle.ve ci eiil ati erisgnsats nuiniser etbo»M -ver.9%» -osfehet .accident, ver. q a te-, conupletaly b" bmb*t USit Il v'nýt $pondtâte thg -ar-ias e inbjureandt ear. suiete 111 viethr 'bre vre sab d -a se6iiteof-t hè -te tlir homla ies tit r. net. If tb isea lse thev w 1na htleo.l -anti fte alla- astinatodeti t ts lusisa WIe ill sout.ten. xmed. etnoeiast te fislia- O0,OM. Wliçle heludes ÀPdaepàrpr, nomto . $151WK) far cash. jeveir-né[s s-ther - ý- hltepsarprtIfrainse isis afcs tii psuaisUe- - eaved irons »axnlusrgup te 11M . ms.n Tise fint Intimation I'ma - of.the tapen jà isî Pa17 pn eekl wr ek," salt jobna Bzleygé lilsof,4ts4--andi from to 8t a urned in Ibis morn- bwsg, a newi apW nians ise 'ho goiniz E'.wrckRlvenlbodies w, ere po- home frontou' )n, aidwho ,sopd end frein under oneas eeIu r« but -w1th sjr lIi-ls *~-ben 1 iseard they ver. as bladly c mui&d mangloa a- -vn«si au wa-5 ts-sun oout ite aite Iho Uus-owpambW .Tisa train'em-a îh. s" et et 1. r.t 1vas ta-set tor & taluet 242 pauer$ and a ta rain a Uttle tIme &aitonjy reahItus yposition uofI& Amo a àd j'_W, IL 1Aw - ' a n- <ia t h a i 1p e e v s f u t a( -, f i l a -ml womm gpabbuig me anud soreainlng fer vOIe bwd a av b40 kb ARNVAS AQ1IC 1. -.TO INCREAhI P1STVMM& s-ni Ru u leauCce-4 4m.- IJUINDREDS 'KLLDB______ TýORNADO IN OKLAIIOMA. wi& ~4- f ABOUT TIIIRTY PERSONS Mother Confesses to Doing lhe Deed. Eearedý Disgrace to Daughter and Family. Details Brought-Out by the Coroner, Philsidelphisi, May l16.-qi miurdes-ed the chiltd because I wantasl te save -My family fro!n diagree," was the startling statement ruade by Mrs. Salie Joncs, et No. 34 Jeffterson street, dermantown. te Chief Depssty Coroner Hamniond yas- terday. Thse mu, with ber son Franl, Johes, lstd been brolnght te the Coroniers office by Datective ýMeKinney,- tollew- ing bis investigation et the death of the infiint ebild et Miss Mary Joneîs, the atloptett- daugîster et Mrs. Joncs. The child b;& been killed witli chloreforni, a tew heurs aftr its isirtis en Wednes- day. Tbe niother of the baba bas been re- nieved te thbe Philadelphia Hospital, and i-s in a tserions conditioà. The physiciens have refused thc authorities una inter- view with ber. and it is net ikely tiset she will be errested. Rnewledge et tbe crime ansd et thsearrest et ber-miother anud brother bas eugnîented the serions-t* nees et the Young wonsan's condition. Thse nanner et Mns. Joues after thse birtis efthe baby led the attending- phy- sýician >te becesise suspicions, and lbe ne- titiesi Lieutenant J3uchanaD. Specialý Poý licennan Bailey and -Fisher were assignedý te make :<sn investigation, ani from lb. time of thLe physicien'-report thse Jones houeiold was kept under constant po- lice surveillance. Frank Jones Wus ar* restesi while Leoivas lenving the bouse- with thsý body efthtie babel sn his arme- He was on.hie way te tbý physiclan's office, whare ha hoped tha undertaker would take it. B. was leeckesi u .in the Gernantown police station aid0De- tective -MeKinn#y waeSsent foi. The Young man et firat 'denied' any' knowlcslge et thee ciW~s 4eath. - Ltêr, however, he declaied tlsat bis mother Lad told hlm ase ed fiid the baby and glie gave hhm thé- bodV té talcs ne y4H a- eue. héd ent hlim te a ,diag store Ina tis fternoon té buy chIer- ofonin. _& aises-a lme ,eter lhereturned #h ad te hlm,' "I have fixéd the' Upon the 90418 etateient Detentive ?s!cKinney . arrested i#us'motheLThey xvere Iâlen 1 th ie (Cite ITeiass ad.attOr To~wn of Snyder Swept by Terr .ific Tornedo and Partly Destroved. üetiveen lhree and four llondred Persons Lost Their Lives in the W.saster. pRelief -Trains Sent to the Scene From Neighboring Iowns. WELL PROTEOTEDU Various Ports Mined and Heavy (iuns Mounted. Twenty.two Vessels at Port Arthur for Sale. Russian Warships Said to be in Fine Condition$ A Frankfort, Germe-ny ce-he seys: Tise Frankfort Zeitung to-day sityt it laue-s e ceived ads'ices frem in-anbur~ te tise af- fect that agents ofet ia Mlssn Goyere- ment Lave-cocmpletati arrangements tisrough tL. Seciety. of Germe-n Ca-ptles anti etticera et tise commercial mnen fer the. anlistsent e« officara ansicreva fer transport slips whisch as-e te accom- pa.ny tise tirai division efthtie Russie-n second Pacifie aquadron tote lfa-rcash. Tisese cran-s, il la addldt, ilI proScat t Libau, on thse BaIle Sca. Orticredti teLase. A Saigon table Tise Russian cruisen Jemtclstg asîitise Itussian ausxilir cruiser AuriAn, Lelongling te Aduniral Ro L svensky's quadron. crs-s-ed off Cape !t.tJ amas, near isere, during tise IigisI et May 8tis, anti yestarday inorisglat, a-t Lb. requesi. et the Govcs-n n seecL- le-do-China. The teapateis trom Saigon anneunclng tisa recent presecnce etftisa Russie-n es as- Jemteisug, off Cape St. Jaisea, dis- poses eitisae report ais-uatd by thsa Ex. change Telegrapis Cornjsay et Lamn to-day tisattlisa arip biltiueefed in- rearehig VIadivs-olei. FREE FROM BRALS mussai Wanship8Ara in G"edFlgitesg A, 8eigon -cabla: Tise Rususanener Jemtehsig andth ie Rsaus asilli- Rojeatvcusky'sasq"s-on, esrved off CaeSt. Jaei eassuisiere, turing tise ýet o May , an&beft yeatorday mnorssug a4tlIse raqust oethtie Gos-esa-e et Fs-ciscSInde-China.- Theusesuc - -s ah"csbrougist lets-w- lieus forkea= AdSmel_,Ntbgt a chevdhet or. tour mlen. 'à r«Y aeS-y siVat ruunng* s-=6ha1 s.<eu rtiaseutthea-uhps'lnliu idi v q elle t s-e rom barnacles or- svs- Thse sp. appeareuto, le: lumu4II- barse os-aves, sud Il hame»dttisailmu vure a&lla guet issaUb tua M" ' asa ptsiula UM ta b. veli prerisloset, bat to ha * c 111E GLO Y W s-i ~c:~St lae i Iriser À e eii ames a-ri a-latw. ou 14

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