q THE KEYST<>NE, HtRMDÂYMAY, 1&p'1905 Tii. vrItlâegsof Charlee »iokees thon daasieq or 'lbe poliA, apd 'Yet JIf j.of -bighlmw<ýIicouIdz be put lain 9..n and gived lb. ihebpua ak cleverly au "David Copperfleld"11 was rendered tiy the 1""~~ of the College, TIursda.y evealag. Ilwould onsure a. rerivol of the writlîiguof that well- knowa author, *MAny .%cenea were presented, andi oacb character w&5 80 o wlrepresented tiat lt would aimust sem n na. Ito U"ae an> distinction, unlees It be In the. naineof miesaChôwn, Missi 1Edwards, Misa CGriffith, Miea Huats- berger And Mise suilti, wbo had the. Mnost Important parte. "Da.dd" na ~Weil1m~pesoaaedi a W-a.s algo bis "n'otber" and bi% -country, mont."' Miee Crorne ln a Most effective ihan- lier rendered the. death scene of Da'- vid's muther,. By ber syni'jinthetie e-oicoe, ber naturainesa andi spirit of evpence 'iie createti an atinouphere whlob kept ber'audlenct in a cubain stiines trtxgbot.It'is sali that thlis waMIs" C"es fi4st appeai'- 'once before tbe -public, and Ifilso she .wel) desere the apeelai mept4m lbe sgiror. D e. theristee ;'i wa. a large n* 111me te con- ceilt, hall bieing tu!Wlý*th- students and towaepeopie. 1 "" Cook, coin- menced lie pi-og amme - wlib'a. well rendered orgun solu, Joflowed 1»sa voeai moto b> Wm1.Bryce.The ef-, fort of Tuestia> 'ight apeakes weli, not only for studentea *nd, Tecber. In elocution. but for tise repq4tatiozi of the College It îelf. ,L, BrckSLWhtb.Tht Pcwrr of Ezampi. 't Broc St.- Whtby.) 'ne god c impie e t -b> h f t Whiltby Public Librsrj la placirng à i lghit at t1ie entrance door, as 'voll ___________________________ as gblng the rau4ing roome beau. __________________________ fuiLy, is hruvi'ng an exceilent effect. Already iailar oplglobes are bho- Iing riLaceti at the dour's o01totge. COunly TowIn 1anti bu -inepg places on* the leatiing -treets with Llie tian-P of the hast- Happenings ne.'sor iociety tintplairn lctte~r* on Use- -Happening iwhteo globe, witli an lncîUWÀ%i,ç,ent Thomapson pants as weil as bangs citiig, sn i igli vtrl" Wbit- ber of U& KÀUTONs on June 1. uecut. on The 4rpleiui. b.. ber season ntx A Fine Forge. Tussay. e. Perfty that le comnug io Wîutey. paper.MrJ-JOCnola@benrnvt -Annlversary ana industriai number of jlxii btackstii .ubep uDu~ss Ibis puper out June 1. Dornt fai o b .urvet enst. The olti forge &at bel- ortier eutra copies. -lý-ows l'as given Plac"e ho a moderm The hity Mson Bad ae'. in orne viti thi.latest applances for Tho Witby ilizns Bad naing the wlud. The. iaterler of for aunIlouting " on Jane 13. The Band 'Site rearrangeti sbop lias beca t reut- lias been made 1h. ballalion band of vl tu a coat of wilteîutng anti pro- the 341h l.eginient, which goes. teNia- seflts an appcaraneic.f- cleanlae-4q gara ini lie eafy nuonth. and'< tbi'if t cuite furetSn to the ordi- LtLr,y blacke'ngth miiop, Indeeti, so The Ladies' Aid Society St. Aadrew's rxuch vo, that witb bis assistant, Mr. churob, holti snnai bassar lan(Jouncil Cha.MC1Fafden, the new naine of Chamber, Wednesday afternooa, JUD in çh 1Palan.le igFro' l N1h li3Ëe ut neeful anti" fanoy articles, nmore appropriai. for thlimnodern - fmaopsitb sbup. It lbeveen ausoagel ý;à ' tble of home-matie refreshunents. thse 4'btOuQI aristocratie uuiilne es- Te.., 11Yconte, rom ô ololook lu 7. tabUsbnientp, a~ i' . O'Conger eaa Ba'uJt c'nvince thse - mucet akeptical Hou1 -for Vicorna Day~ .. le phen- %,Iltorto hls bq-ines plnce, son aUic ikets good going Mfay 23 and .... x$isl elsurch 24 roturning tîll end 2ôti at single lare. A ieries n!titunda.> evening "i'- Se an sr.ayour' leisure before onfà on the thene, "Heav#s," Co 'for Sanda> erealagis R. ~ ~ ~ ntucIe Wrihlto.MRflfiadreued botd mebe.utAi alIs raehW À A steir t ahyongPeApl Sudiý laiof lb. cussexgain yslr hl o ona eunlrIlwq day~~~~ (Wcnsa)atrno I3pm idea ltu ro-Qrganue t ie B. Y. P.,UW day (WInmda) aitrnoowor 3 fui-t"tise .ummr. ! .K. Thoxhpson voulti b. gladt bset inténiuig buxss-r of Wall papes. Shop nearly ?PPle post oflice. Le.kIsg fer a Site. Vt-'qwtler, of -the i. £ Beugar CO.P as la tuws ion Tue~ 4 M Pn cdfte ulwu ¶'etr poq, r r#otber - vor4% .-nhaz-'er uetr fthieeuiu, waq 1i lathebm' xlraoon. Ur. Fowlier Iký expelti 1u«e a&gaui irty 'lu .wlto eoipti msiikidnsu&MAi'. - 1 o t" esusrbsri t baka. 4 B. WI VANS. Tea1a'eau-mnt 1h51 t>0y oa- st wlthb Tit fax, b. in, d.fèatlug nsbip subis>. bi aum to alint.ar »r t4b" owing te the. epura moani" es.cd Mind ôt Ut. Perey %=,bCoks au c dent -Whoh vous-d arIybae«"oeJ fata wu vett *m on ftii>M Faibanksantb4 sl oe.saeis bulkn .lo hiilss .~ viset ho lamdIlua os. bs Oue Meeaua. yE wbo vau op.ragà vadaswb loer b buoîn a tusb e.stvi w bu heig b.ourbln avs1snse mut lb. 'au hao, ostihave bsà i etusiiet, Iutslj- Fai rbnk4 s be eo.b oRes> tOtme' in etppins06 si» 40 bo"eror,0bt-at 700,m i ýwuufotb 5-ovu aapl-ý --ý' WW ---j- - 41 .' - fm ,5 -t*.90O &tubbe'r Sp onses VOD ponges cost more, nger than natural ap e64a hem. We'-. i" ut rsceled a large 4nt.tyobffinémfl4md'Toiet SoaPs iiiHlôrp aùOêLl or the VilloePl>uOt~O, 41,. a 10e.a box of '3ceila 4to.se où..ý Alsu fine itaporleti Cetile. - Mr. and Mm. H. B. Willing bave been in Toronto for a few day.. Mina Agnes Dow loft on Thursday lait for Saikatoon, X. W.T., to visît relatives. Mnm Dr. Start,) oi Brooktin, was visit- w g i n lo v a o n W e d a " y t lI t w e 0 'Mn. Chas. Lad and ohil4elilias'.re- tura.d frIma tIovu eko viit 1Mi. Ob.a. 0ras.% Brookilu. vasq in town laut wek . 1fr. Peter wiesn, of Toronto, Me. G'I. W. Bengougbý and »Wà rý 4.5131 su tyat âir. Âx c.WUMIma4 Me.. [ W. 1 , utportlad, And be~ 111*1 mon are rIatIag ber -iister, mes 41ez. Waun. Ulem. Davey, wbo 4wu l esspeâ4.- ingth 'lb te-a t.a'b. it.y withlber daugt.ter. im .Tbeo*w., ba. larned te-bar*I' o' Ms m. lvy toi'tb l mpam Nes ~ hechutehMa At 151 t fd.aa oioigo(flo«ms-watt il W.,',m aa ,J. 'nom anïsweffl the diftieuft questions. Af- ter examioing oacI> pupil 'upusrateiy, Hls OraOu adminîsteeticonfirmatIon. Ur. >.eCaan anti Mr-s J. IL. Long oct- ing as tslppaors. DBo une b.his1il- reil tsx>k hb,-aJr ptucé%. liii Grace as#~- ed b tbo>*Y lu utantd.It vas lndeedu auanrtey fâx'mlgbt LOueOhi san- lx ttA. fellu* ralie'lt riglit - aii andi. piedie blisell (te obeaà n frein aIl intoxiuating drink saillitle age of ètwent.y orne. AVter sa 1evs-e- marks frein Mes (race th« ~choir sang 'beisediution," a nutewurth.7 featur.- of vhlc WAuS thse aagîng 'ut 4& beaut.gull"Ave Maria." led by be. a.nd Muio Melrdeil., isa race pIdý ebhoola nisit oas- Monda> . fteunooa,, allter viaci te drouwc l*isolti boum laPickering tuwnshp, . avmimvtùubjet, _" Ab "sStops64 What voulti JesusDo rMIhOugêrseansoui -vus .the $mit lugeiMatha thege mexaberq orthUe -obmrb ha»a tbes> tWvo t the=, belas-t mbePs Oftheb eoUol lm* orlan,, puI4it and o0 obair wre dr &W tile M$aO& Ur. ingha*u eome a s u taxt 1rV. X. 17,"The « e7 th11e wJt aI 0 ret iIV D wetm4«tiesa l q 'bat', Omla tIem mt âto*isqto 10 w* mrhC t-.'um 10041"" Se I be Pm wa auii. e5 ___ t The.-Northern Lîfeý Assuraýn ce -Co. C ARPES AID C*TAIN-S A full range of Brussels, Talpestry, Wools,. Unions and Hemp Carpets aT-ways in stock. frm50.CURTAINSf Nottiîngham Lace, newest designs., priees from50c.per pair upwards; also eu11 range *of White Muslin. for curtains, with frilled and lace borders, ail prices; also colored Scrim Curtainsb Andrew M. Ross, Personal 'Mention Oneoaraf t e m eichgen Ii r lte, nones te Ibor enlig . __________________________a long tune na« the confirst.çin PThe nxuvel Part of tihe ervice serv'ice beld In-aSt. .lebn'a (11k. C.) WOS nhnet a prrlte andi san - Mm. WmTil is on a visit to Toronto. Church on SunUa.y alteýrnoon. Long atilet. Mr. "ater Bardla>. i To no i>lxfore t.he appohi Led tune xrnnY coulti Rach. ,Tor'onto, %Wasîtbe organlot.1 Mr. W. J. Luke ww inTm rp o t obtaln seat& precifseîy at teDrihe nmale quartetesngalcu- Monda. zn.nute,î lu four thie choir. inglng fui sciectlon. "WeiIfer sau>good Mme John Brat, of Toronto, ije visît-a ,n.I>&uittJU byiu. -o1y Uod, We bye lu Beauen." MWse seccuznbe. or xag in lova. Pralue T" Nm.e" udixeret iniiSlow- the OIYLC, sang a mo1o, and i lâe Miss~ ~ ~ ~~~l FttohTenti 1.~ lilfteen caadhlteb, the litîle MCkminonti andi Misa Seccmba sang blin oote of orono, i the gi grls dremeil like briles. leadlag. lui- a deilgtful duet. of Miss Dow. Sme attler Pis (irace, Ârobib- Mms Chias. Taylor bhau aigueut is. O COnnor, examinodti ten, MI.wes W. J. Gibs-in, Toronto. MrcArdell andi 11on areý to ho con- -High -School Boad IMelinn. ctulated ou the wa.v the eblldren-I 1.nsurance written Insurance in force' Premium income Intere8t Iricomae Total msets Government Reserv'es Management Expenses il 23,68 0.00 4,14*,381 '.00. 131,468.8* 21,460.09 486,849.207 3111326.00 491245.4-3 Ilead Office, London, Ont. General Agent, Whitby, -ont. ALL Iron, Metals, Rubbers,- Bones, Tailors' Çuýttings, Hoirse Hair,. etc.,, etc., Higheà t Price Paid for these ly N. COHEN, Broçk Street Whit HEADACIIES DZ D ealsy are dangerous, sure- l y, wen vou have trouble ih pyur oye.. Wliy.xol be relieved fromn that paiun in your beati vith a pair- of -ibeBoard or F4îumato mt regular iseonlasl Wednesday or- exsase. Thes. nuebere -preuent ver. vaUsnimugai.l uttetge. Fergosos, Jacksn, MCletan, cuilvrv sad Wall read, andti h. Ohaivuiorepsrî. f eti QMal tiu. thelie ooot mà asage- mcent iummilîee bad met s»d e e%;derem the mani, bail ieomen>e the acceptanee out le ri'*atalog andtia tha le otier o001egato Isooi.. A et" bati agneeti todjlirbte. be work- belveas Ibesi. . ie »eroche's .jetsi or t euia. - "lo' read a uUwt."wu 1f n hflieuelelnte fsmUl. - I am xaow tu tébger -yTsI~Uuai Pie. "Y§,1 las! imittrm a ID >or collegte liu. t- i.h tal'e, regjgntoes 'lelaboe<tieot at Wo tu~bow laim e O'MMUtee Op"« LUKE, ml -si. wut. TORdoNT BOI ains th"*,. ad Jn =as uit your tu Gano6iya i29 % onlly1% Extra' Value ai Combi. in aBrh. EJt E. WILL1S SDruggist Optician Medical Hall SAVE f. ",' -. - 'y'.' o tby. 1 ýr r