Whitby Keystone, 25 May 1905, p. 4

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- I - ~ - TUE& KEYSW0NÈ, WITBY, THtTBSD MAY 2,5o, tOO5 WIW. Farrow was arrested on We<1- ret of effiolencty 1I the 'Christian ne»Mdy nlgbt for thil ba -0 ffeece, IWO - . eQ IOOkIng At Jeul. ild also fimed 61L wltI' COIt8. 2L eep confe&sing Jesum. S. IKeep Leffers from Our Comsponde çwuef Crawford ,as notfIel yutudying the *4e. 4..ieep Pr& 1y-....... .. votcard to -be On the okout 1xn. . ýGo to woîk. mention was fr two sonng girlé, alged 15 and 16 aâsmade of the Conference Summer vlstligf iedafnROthéwsîjp o r ons o!ndoge rcnmdEeyf Qe nJI -10 net ,and of tbeIn- ,land Ont. li~~ait been publilbed. ls eaedymh ht/ w eurJV5-sn.t nitlet Wolde'ot the Baptiat cburcb We are pieased to tiee EugeiiO Lee,. last gi onsweriag the, descrlp- lnM discussion folowedinl whicb dei- o id afternoon last orgaized so>n of Peter and Mrà. Lee. Of the 1EWELS TO nion gîven gwre. aecn in tedar, Dale, egatee freely crIticizcd themaehves fQr a-msincircle, and aplnted the Brock Rond, around again, atter be- blee ()b origteraircm-ibadlaanw t4iowig oficra Frsidnt.Mrs ln atthehobtta reelvD9 rea- boere. mAt an early hour Thxrsayresoîves for botter work ln future. sor;Vice-Preti., Mris. (I)r. ?Starr; ment for Injuries recelved f rom the ong the bie~f, acCompaield by Testinony, boweyer, was given to Seoretary, Mths WestawaY; Treas- kck of a liQrbe several weeks 119- goe l T e ConstapIo Hown.rti, paid (.edai'Dale thie good work done ln the churches tirer,.lIrs. Hioiman; E\eeutive wt- Atbough Ille injuries rr.seere , a vislt, and upon n' est Igtiofi found by fli&fy Leagues. Tite DistrIct 0!- mire MISoo liti o..tran it. oy omA n l o hlave n ligl exper- the wanted oneti locatl in a hougeficer8 then reported, Miii Harve.y, Msr. Bnny ad Snclir.o! to îein bitHe o Ill< pntuated r In our jewelry maes xnay 1)0 there. where tlîey prociirtd a stop- DIat. Sec.-Treaé., preisýLntng a full re- ufbie, rere ny adlsItiB ai Ir. fMI- c- H Isuc io!etueaimefit r.- ed found somethin* sure to ping place, "the ladY o! the house" port for the Is-ecutlye. TJeey'i n 1'ldaylest cLved t tu- Chîldrfl9 Hoptinefot being aware of thleir runising Re-. J. IW. Wilktnson contrlbuted a Pasor lngam wlo w" uffr- j. G atiMsionl, o! SVlît.y, ase any woman's taste, alway froni boule. Tite chie! solo at thls point, and was followed ing rom seVie clîl, i suitb, pent sitidfty withîthee atters par- no inatter howxit may incline. once tonk thenri iilit igoUnt-b .mssonr ofrnoldb ingtrusa ev41- e iilsofý lied Cie! police 0~i.'.o Cobourg, the Rpiv. à4r. Nevilie ocf tireenhuînkr, to take tile seOtîCe lie on -tundaL'y pente, Jolh n fd mrs. SteplienSf ! If @she have a favorite gens, it je who camne bore on tue Oý1.56 P. In-lntri wlîlcmany suggestions of' val- Al aftertnooîiý ie senit a supply. the base-llnt'. Mr R1. 'lk va u- froni is Fraiievs T. ltçrris, A. Ir. C. pretty sure to b. found bere i a trai. n Ln took fluent blick to their ne to thtis departaiti wore Inter- Mrn. R_ olr - a> or hai lo1 oules. Tite Bo, », g dîlamm to chaliged. ii(I 110iu p flt 1q., UIlle populîir a d efficen ti tl kh- ring orbrooch, lace pinor ea ing h-io n b dl 'l hy ler father, At îtho evenng ser»ion tlhe churci lllltlttayover, as fill 1d1 îéath aaveebp nIlaelutIls 'ictoria L'ny lc'h r o! îiiiiîîiîCntait'e colige, wola teerarticle seemay prefer. liptnce lier deNire te niiiU'taîîay lier vsflevit aeratnteu- Mr, .or.haeaIBowaiti~vivl(', tihortly for U.erii.iifly for a peýrlOd Iflrntecanordit hm ,yti O Peud'rwotirtgll nje ni radea rie f bouié,'isut 0:1 or Ntt e siil. ltlogete-ha o ai liîî.luy I)erî-il Ifoloerppoe r etîîee, it orougl.yenjoyed ioU. dity. A fine~~~ orinlii o fence litas fobà please ber fancy, we can show toj(,V ay eaoî fr ier io "e apretacdn xclet oI sdA uCulbitî)Y 1 itrA ne ornintL' imenas. Iîi it5cly liet I: .led10 eThere neret1irc nddresses. Riev.B Mr. .Tohn 4irîii.tî,ii cîlrit'lr lus t erected erouri le tht t . pro- mary handsonne patterns of the iwlil'lier frienîl.KA.Tnimaeat-,ikblad dii', :ul eutetaut'l i fir ntii.te Mr iatjstio! tt %Vil itib 1 well-known SimonesChains andfohls fller. %V. 'r. obr.W)laslt dress ixpon thc League 1leldgo. point- doy, liathlsoil, 01n1 on uiow 1etlîiniînl li, per- icoutrelîtioi alore ast an fstn - ir l pfd î a l a . h iii e i upî n y i , tI i' tlr ii t v C ., w uM~ i! to, l n W eti-:1 w b ic h a re m o re w id e ly k n ow n i a n dI 11p't d lu . n )i n ti rp er - tt- ù g o -i th a l a r no s i p ol n f l u i n firCiuu~ M1.y lii E I ,~ ~ H'5IHY Il WJ tT utiig t b~tii tn patorl charg, Of itie BaP- pledgeti to enc'h otlier wicl we do foelap , ilC .tklgaieuoiiri 'ir i.ie more uniu'ersally worn thàui any t-aetpftr moe iii t'I :aîtltf tlii ttitid I:s:îe euui.'y wU't ina n- 11ibsit chtiricl Iltre. wais gli un a niosi flot lit'slttte Io t &kt. in fulConti- blgrur'.' ufce III jîooi g niv or thie laie Nlrp. Il. tiAil ii other niake. tei î~ws iîlaiae I on 11bry nsnu elo-luenadug a id farie a. Il I ? tIiiîîîLl 1 on te e heilal-ste;ii î oiwretl o their"degraiad o! whieht it lîy et-ng iýip tc ue r.Jh tiitgavof, uieî'ering of WettriesL*tY. April 10. î'îg.t.ie Im;portanceo f e videncing the thi lîglusî . i. e'. ,IIUa. i' 1- 1. i'o rs. cTiltt' asoi l) aS epA fomr Osîjavi e citizen, M.siehyu't it ua'hit soIi înit'hivt Normln i i t t.A terili.gtr.nmi .iti * tnia <yrtIoiOsi'iiii tert' ted Lteti;it, ' u n L'r. ' r Mo..1 i he' ocî > t. .ephîo'4 (-ui(t' wîîbeîîudjoiln H. Moorehioutv. liats won ~pledgas to ILIiui whlo lias coî'euanied n ki.JwelranOpiin. 500 li)t i l,.(tii r lol.iitr:ei na guebsiiîg colitest. îvlîh Ms people for iheir salviation. yý-ikr go. «tl,' Illelocai t"&('I)101]c llle ' vIll bcIeTd eeWllir ad OptMii-u Tie WltteY's MCiii7)0fryTheroeth 'O Ththlumgnlahth inLte goegupliego guerris ail i t) tilt,- r:iî' iy riglît itrnoon. M' Il.Hov?, te Brock St., Southi, W'hitbV lel nuilcuîtttii ittis oï biaiosaWcmrcummes 0:ly. of Iltfi!.î ue<ert ui.iurgT lcpîue àCo.. wîll e ruI ettown on May :AI)31 a"titi'n@ Ist. îuffl nveouglit not to hîeitato to fîunîu.0,011 'ilshu aliue O.,ry info rena ionA fuîl anuiouîuceiîiii w tiI be given jpIaceouorsecveti on î-ccort. in a Roi- thu t nuckue'grofn- 7hlu toui. ross to ext neek. ywdig o etmn covenant for îlefluiîte peoro- iu. nuir-e!(or Il2lul utcauglit iii t lie uege rdinIi. ti okig !fuess A quiet but prety wddui tokace of tko douts thctolving upon us. guinîl, ju.st a ?Illhon tîuîui, txfore Hie h eui. rnies. i te. 'lg fM ..le- ' utifieult M. leu'Ho illl omhe, 'Vloiîuî.a cnt ov-r it iplace at the re'-itlî ce e M- le- rA. (>,avi, 01 Ja.psi, nstes- ameon tralin cu'1<ltité. u. -lU g n~1 ien tOO M Y O JN ort .1.sllt'y, ceigia ',treet, oui WPd- 1denut of Victoria '_ uîîvei-It.y. followi- ~uiun re a'1 ittie-est ouh o! uhë ic rpouteti thaI Mis-" Naouui. youiugzeet mcd>.lt us.. pn.we u t e> npi.î--ear o aittial*rMr. VîilJ. Xdair WaX LlilP(il lin %%tIeditli fito and lutenslty tipou nvay ID tinuete1u, ut vîi ot ltî <tfuguîer > of ~ -a~~ COUNTY-0F ON\TÂRIO uinarriege te Miss Matuîd Etehi Tlu- flupnice o! Cîristluîuîiy upon iuuoi sirt'ly lia" bs-l I i t srtouj4I hîa! lied titpIe vou'tiits ci eiiiig an I l. uldet. iiî uieuî tla u 'cok ittcr> g 14 IBryant. -etll pc)1iuian ytuugieoule ,lipall.- Mn. <Jza alei thiorotghly tu rakou atîi nd at ou iMon- 1yririrs and 6 niîtllz. . hI euuily Tite rexh meeting of the (outacl of the of ibIs town. n-conversant îvitlîthue îm'dtion rrUgi- tayeuufiernorui tulY iu'h oii raInta.bout a yvatr ar tige t ite -04ut' uni- --Corporation of thue Couunty of Ontario for Oui Tuesday .May 1.8'averyCPl uislj of bs native land,. and thoi'- biay jternow stlîire iuu' tltu ii eabi-dtolevehurhL-hto.hî'i l -IPithe year 1905, will lue leld puretuant t<i jo>'abe gatherilig met aIL theblIed- oogî.y convîncedtitutu îîu alvuaiton liap o t ieigu ir' ni- thsoufiee 11w ilitI tubee eoiftefor uuute djnnen tth ort House in the e i c ! parsonagu t.'present lMrs. as a. nation, wîîhîhlm teg"at respon- way. 1hIf, silt hictire uî0 uiv w- ioutitls, sufferi'-~fioncucrvutui'c o! Towr of Whitby. nf,01)l.Iunewtit1ieieube-sblte la Ir eoehcnIt lngkep aiboue, ntiîie 1f onrithe spine. t'tle ie p-uituijtitue a h 5hd of Junêl ship. Mrs. Boniis lbas betl pî'esl- lni is fccttiLeane3o! Clirlot and the tln kibetenthopot-uiv, itpît afl't u-oujîu. o,,day, te5 dydent o! tiiev. M;.for tbreeyars, priuteiples o! Hies Kinguoun. Tie old tilIr. J .ior.fTrnoia iu o1rfini h-Lnti.t ili. next,et the bour of tWO o'elock lunftue andiasnewon the lu-antr, of the con- religions are Cast losing thleir iold yJ131tr lier 01, Moilda. As s Illeri 'f ni (t oon. grege1tionlpiby liler uiiîîntuug.gregeiol tylier uitiriigthee and ponIth.p'anfte. fnd noftor.pllaced case ti-Iti îail Toronito frieitIs i-ho foir d uriig the - 1 -1ue wns eîcu- All aci-otnte to lie laid before thie Cour- lithifihness. b -ue n oe frno couc erefu ta(iue hty iai, iliely hennyi>. .t l iat1 ie icidhoi)f cil mu Itahe forwardied to the Cflrkah Soine»oay borrowil dthie bau of a religion tiie country must drift loto ra -r'sorny telliai eto nettînli'lviti. Ho'in about tu- lu dîa'is jean% three daye before the mueeing of the81Pcoofrutiehvnhl a.irigon uî achabereks. wu$' > ueIutiî'tli. ein g li it.ruti Suut tara tthttiirdV rock. IL behongs to the There aire 41 uuisbionar>' soclethes ho t i tp iol rLil IL it lii n g ý sle --e'cii-itlitltueu il-o! uefl-t'C.olucih. pu'o1eriy -ertiied. iî'î ni sucir> îîd b te -- tokig nJp n nIo to mou Iuuconveuuieàituillir t-,rtos îlul aiaîahWhtytis 5hdy f im 1.or get ntvidy for iroiUl-< huuuicbe97 an-e selfstustuLlnlng. bhe-e lm io th utlituhîug ilitain wouhtitiui iu nmILat leert i-A.D. 19013. t'e inaertand tilt autitities kuor Mail>' vIdeuces neru gîveni-u! thre me Ii te t,iui wtîte'- n oition woîi lit-r' n an>' fnientis, to .INO. E. FAREW'ELL, vlipre 1. o ttrim iajds on thlie realiInfluence of Chuntiihla4îhY uipma itiahl frorctonto.l Il S à u-" -hiolualer 41-adî i ame as n c. Connty Cien-k, Co. of Ontario. part>'. Japnan, mary or tlue leaders o! the ,trinfr W.Muîuîhau auîd lungh- 1'Thte ileelpent yptli is feIt f orf __________nati_________ ~on tiç hlcts. In lteratura andI to- Mn. arhutoijae nck f rosi 1tiue bei-nt 'et f:uuiîy Itu1.tht-irsu.h-1cn TiigDsert hne.lucommerce beîug devtoti Christ- teroNfto. Dnîtgt tit ientt--l lfxihot. hir uen- î-iltae't àluj t'rue that man)- contract cuIde and laits. A fer yonais ago the critical oc recoveur froua tlien witbont Leking aoy Jaiparette uted toeho îasking uinaus- ITor.nto, £wh.: îhce iluls !tt-niitheuat :l.: o'clock. te. pr- oa ht iolt ! l Iu aceien b aft-r ju uuui a t s eres1m rcuir or treahunnt, and a krowletlge weriabhe questionti, aakln for, proof. Merouï flrecrackurti, the t241.11 ras i cureîî the luýt.>-uuent trili ite pAtCe U W L of ibis faci leessothers to take their o! thoe exibtencaîandI attributes of- 1ýe% 'lzt4 Al- f)tic chances instead o! giviuîg iheir couds the GotI, o! the Imirortaht>' o! thue soul, ame ave bis nte't-slIi ltR ai.-.mmenatii LEdFIP eoded attention. hi uhould bho borne jn o! the exitece o! pan-nise andiliell. -'30. gave ils bY ii te ati ig li On t 1ady's Reco mmemmddhat very cltI w akers lîe lnge, o-dia>' the.y ar e eouitrlng uushead the Mti(ltelrl nLl iel Liver Tablets. Vitby to Toronto. oIbehoiisa.i ahsu1edn o oc.Mr. Ozs.waiaes wanIy We regret ho leîînuîilînut Mn-. 10e 1 have, I1heieve, solîl i!t>' boxes of iSrielueMcTtsdy a ~-,10,colt and paves the way for more sooeia noudly applauded- H1rtop ilsù siolotI> l '%iItii IL se- , Chemberhans Stouactiard Lier Tai-'a!ter wîiih âate every diseases. Can you efrord tu tkeamdeks h BvW .te orA , B 0. â uo! von-e athack o!f uufhammltor-y rheum- lets on the recosuiuendatioui of onme lady dfsperte cfones whe ctambru of ls 0rort made ue Aime." 1addrees upna atsu.bre, Who firet bouight a box of he TuesdaY a.nd Fridayco'drtw paia odsle e; Di-.i. Ho1ildca> ls houne f rom ~about a year'e.&f 8 h. river tiires f JCong ldeume lI enius foite ueresiet t-ItutherbjLecaue M u." ani i Mn heu' wi,.sierti trlip. utle ut. aboutMi-telling ber neÎlubors and f iends about - DURING THE, SEASON. b>' aIl druurgste. mate the Ira. 1Epwontf Leagtuer. It fou-r' uuofflis ivithi-relathives Inin- the good t1nalities o! these Tebtets.-l>. îSteamer bessFae.-round tr-ip -------- as of priuiar.y importanlce that -wos sesta. il Te-4~ hotula have a dofliîte ain. Tt Mi.1u k>e~wiola et j hore, Vrnggint, hRochester, 1ui..The'63 -n 5.' la sr. ou si> lI forni ununberof Wias IM. %&&nt purgaivie effect of tiiese rabIots iNe1wc~OIatle, ..~ c. SuhOtroW me' nitt uu hudletepnootout seuB llor dciimhbeir if uas akes ibeni a&favorite witb ladies evory- Bowmanvîlle, 7.I10 a.m. 700. s-etopmont of ai l te -.Young people. tuera le goo huile o!Isils souri behng Where. For sale by 1ail druggists. Ohaa, -8. 00)a.uua. 60r- Ti.udn-ei e w>igjl hat' r4 aanso vr La rog B eil agiîifluu.NOS is neretondpa to be in constant grorîlu-. The>'B Mn-st . H. i:pier Is ihousse rom 1' y4t Whitby, 8.45 a.m. 60c. S.0.W'.I. meeting!s ddn-eused by lIns. A. sbouuid le lacreaeltn Porer to Ci .nî Curto!Jljileol ahjip.m Chld-n aner 2yars, balf fan-e. Kennedy anmd Miss Jee ille. «pesakaudhlnanir'. -cif Montrpial. vîîare site spsent the nia- Coulnil nIl motet 0on MOn]dupa.>" tu-id r12yan hik a d r y. G ea o Xeri- vhli er sonu t .mCutO u -l tSnoa 14 --MssJsi iisbjcsae"ak faithful wtuui>' o!the. Bblace t bm-sJ. MPhi" , fi aformer î'eoi- lr. R ..-lodgwi er lofA tli nt-kiArnivinjg iu Tc-oon tFoods m.;issJesit e fuis'sbtare "T l. I- aPisthti rstlad aupof te pae mta ieuî o!thiJ. iliielerias bei stlrg for Port Hope. wbere lbe bas aOcePit- .Retuinle baesTonto ah 5.00 -iu.u nFo i wu ouosrtos. i Pl"inatitis urovernctui. t la the f winttthhvrd lare, nrîuu te Vtietk. tltia positiion aas beaU clerk loa r, TicketsrmybIle extessied for the smmer valid Cookeu'y ;» 6- Misconooption of Do.-t'sie gta non of Chrilatandevsuop- rirons pîifbei t tapimen.nuciiof te le s Oe. ,upon applcatiou on t iýepuranso-md on meu-escine; ln idOjceo su niogtt atatbeaj Ils 4-otriol.Women'e tlies Practiedl l>'-fore-front o! 'aven-y Leaguen-'. ire. utee tîî h'ugoisng io ho a plun s A iumiber ftrous iveetouk la SSelle I of35 ct&s. add$inaD- » l- b91a celpuutrsma1o yow The>' nomululbe pell& on'cii-vus a si 4liswa on Tues-u@ -oihîad.d ully muid peoaaipt-. ene; rDss ftreat nor cft-r thlt! ztumoî>t total- day, ilIe some ccei"rated the 24th 1 Iy. ns .Kennedy's subjectse &mIl 0toutlaslgbt of., bout ltuut be subOrt- tfalînrpofo!the crup tîme att o Pi>'going to Uibrîdile. .lUah sMd statqoo<n aceMommoat-lon S wit the anne , k 1timcttit sirtalpr; e ra- à,rcan. Tie uewh~s of Ue Cnadin- O- at eseoabten-~'But-ten-;'>»"The Womeii's Institut-e as a craitIng andi traininggrt01I1o1tu ScalcRhamalu'Cro.- c- !Fo-str at ldj*dotk W ACSN.iO L.ZL, Sholo omsi S"mm.;-lTi ftr1 tsaitrfottbeeu r ti <~ hve eersubjct n-mer o Fo-osersare eqiesleal o ~ Whlby. anaer-Fabicu e b>' ud hw to m~e themthever>' prtIentsS. stlui as1 We have ini stock a number oif specialties ini the colebrated WilliaMI' Boot, for men- and boys. AlSO the d"AutimaSofrmo- one of the bost boots mad1e. A new line of Women's Oxfords and cbild- ren's boots has just arrived. tluese are good goods at close price-s. W. A. Holllday & Go. - M At the Cash. Hardware Store Garden Tool's We haveacmlt lino of Gardon Toolut, IHoes, Rakes, S Dpads hovels, Forks, in fact everythin' usçd in th e garden.9 BESI QOALIT.Ys NO'SECONDSs-ý And we guarantoe our PRICES RIGHT. W. M. igle Corner Hardware Store WHITBY t- I ô -I The Directors' 3m Anal.Repr xtun-e than through t-he vo-kso<f Hauds. ,We intpnd al»s to eak. ovis.iofl for gardon, and éower Plots for ti yýoungr studonis Prsdet'sflDeatl W. regret to have to report the death of the able and mueliteé ected Prosidont of our Board of Directors, thbe Hon. -Chas.Dr 4i. H. vas-a uman of sterling untogrity and, good, judginc1 nt '1nd r moyenraI yoars took an active interest k it-he volfare of tteoofleep. In conclusion vo wish te thank the, members of titis Conféirence cr valua>le assistance rendéed in extending t-h. iuence and p a#-n-. ge Of t-he college and tberol>y mu4tiplying ils poweur for gooiL Signed on behaif of Board. - L. C. HÂMI!ON, litVic...Pros, JOHN RICEe, Set-nY TIt-by, Mat-,26e 1905. gu-vet-lotit-b* 4àmebMaisg eoft-toi le xàmïutv ýte ýducue. i ctI , km .Soiunrvhle andi Miss T. Ib- sotyntY J" 11t-l4t afternoon. Wwr sa-,~rW bFr e ua'e laung' s la idc B'e -tmg ,of Brooklh, ylsdi'd Rrii. J. 1i00e oPPeareuti8sthb e 1Mdýy t-o t«eW~ ts inAtb aad-4100iogwt wt i bI.% e tb t-t w ~ î,. anrra charg* 0f1 "ngt male, t-, "id, ~ ,. oa t-I w4son, of Toote, at s ai la4 ~ "'l ia1l boIc 4-..Tia f 1 mln' Um ç raag ___»_______________ for t-be *â Èd Vojoti e.,à(Nig t- - i5t 1] à ~2I In patt $7.0 if: look ut P t r -~' r--t- mmmm»%imý .-, 1 ý AND Iný ASHB' tOOKLIN wm -99UWU4 'ýý -ý 1 - a udkhtir

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