t;orner ~ ~ t..21o &Se DafI Ara'. Our,- 1'-am vwua a>- c'diel-sa-care," ât haste or round' tiihe eaa, -An'-folk% wnad hee hlm fou' a' prasak, AU" ceuldna' keep ftee aucisia; 'They- a' ceid Tam iras n' a' tiser., 4n' t locht ho vas delecit; Tice auld pe-center o' lbe kfrk S&ud.- he bad an cvii spirit. --Sometimcs lic mait vad "flype" hinisel'I Iiy tlumlin' ±cpssil-teerie, - isngrlu an5 lanch is i'open mouth 'At eomecnie's vhig-mc-leerie; TisaIT am cowes a',seu oftezs sald - e lenoa haverai modal, Ais' a' t4xq eebors rouas' Ilhetoos Sald hee-d ne'er ho vontis a beodis. *-ýTie une bit cliant ne'er had chance Tae brin g oct vhet vas la hum; itis. maint ho gelvas giniaW dule, But ne ce' word teevin hlm,ý orguhe'd cpeek cernecommn mamie. IlOr! vear> for hie mitiser, ýTi.y'd a' mises' hlm or a fool, A' se>- h. vas a hiether. TheI' maie- tisa Tam wad like kiasd words, - 'n if tis.> thiak tisem davpit; - AI n-e bit cudliru' ueo an' then WVad Jet hlm ken he'g dawtit; A word o' qiteoris neyer hie. An' wisea hî's dean tise>-klikhlm, An' a' tise cslia', yeipin' doge oin Street or lasse, tse-y sic lem. *Tiiere are-naec Tama hut. lie sorne guid, Tis'inone teec a' thoni deanlo, liel lantisein heants are kindhy thocis, Bailli blythesoune, g-nuul nid chiee->-; N-Ion <ina tie-en-thingcinire heir n-ny, Tase nartn-lai i cr.p--t, Yccî'lh ablns fiud n jcee.raie, If no' cwerlang ngcl.-l Viace Villa, Caît. Tise Land ' the L95al. Tise Scotche peopiehavas-ct-i tains e-- luctaîsle t ntg tlt.' ortls deat-h, il d~ing or ded, and or(» vehe .î icaai' te nr aUvle 7 sj alîftici bencanin- an-a' or Aippin a%",i. Wscsthie dying oue lhan passcd ou- ohe ceothen elde b. ie referred ho ais invitig ' wurr !ava" or "gleha-me." Tlhies safîtuingdonaof tie n-orsi. counected withe lenth f inds its hiFlist expreasicî l'e Lady Nairsie's beautiful death -sois, The Land o' thse Leal, w-hch 1%i prebsibi>-tise f ineet ivrle eu tise subjeet l in :>- langumge. The ex- euste pathos ef the smoothiiy-fhowiug des le typicel of iul hl iat is putrent and- siobîcat lu thse Scotieli eharscter, and there in lutIle wendî'r that thse soîeg la lmperlahabiy enwhi-ins. lisi tIse heart cf -Bcetand. Mas> ny r-fs iriglit le gi-et etfliteappe-oprie.se cf tii. 1elye, whieiscari fuini> h eîsbc slaossg sacred onge, but spen only peinie sof mn-o ex- ampls behsg ct~îto-l . isitors te Dîrilnor tei-voer.si whohaïra passed titrouigi Ihat enthsedtlîi hostiehy rail, uaay remeurber the famelilar teris cf Jaszse% 3 Wby'tc. vis i fortoty 3e-cars acted a. rale-porter tisere. %Wii utiseaid mana bad réeired tram hie active itities., nand tise isaris cf deet s na» un hlm. hie lest request i-vat thile aoI cronle, Johi Rogers, the tlddher, - iîcîld bc -brosîglt to hile bedelde te play 'i lia Lafid 0' the ' Lent. This vas nîcci.edigiv (lune, andI ve ay e>-bosuretiattise ohd iol-ehist, made hlm luenit "ïpes'I l**ina a -y * bc ha1ud prcbabi>o- er douse s'fo-re. Hlie »nui wasuld entes- 1111etise tr-iibliag, etrrag," Iai d dbtleîsithe plantiv'e tac- cd>-, vils ail Itèa slUord tsu-seeiLaions, would trosjbau tise l> ir.ginsu tfoirlui -passge.-aees thse datkriver. acettiksoHrse moanument. The utmummt el-ected on the Esphan- ade et Ui Cai0e0teM .6itimer> 01 tise 9-8&os btLmea cf tise t&Oetll Moruesé feUMlantise Sauth AUrice= nar wu -au liw « ehe islth ait. iu pres- enes of a la-g. sancoin-se cf people, n-ho "ine aonumeat lias takea tise tprm of a Cllitet elo unpollsliei 1'eterised &Mui , stadsisd beticet tise statue %q(I% 41r.red auomtalla , l bl 4h*t (1UA ysIs.thé deeis 0(t tit 'W Mlsul. id tises (h ù"uxu«t té the l ~e eIt n& cm abs,->' <ods os'i extse oo iras nlic -'~ o-e.. I :WIAT-11E: ..,"OVERLOOK3D- «I met Tom Leser dowu ton-n to-daY,' laid Mr. Hfazlt ta bis vite, "and he tbld me he expected te b. married la a mon.t' or se." Fit tean minutes laler, afler bis vite isad fiaisised asklug questions, Mr- Raz- rit te as fohhove te hie f rleud Lester: 'Dean Tom : - "Phease enever tbe folloving ques- tions by ratura mail, special deliver>-. Tisy cover enoe points I ncglectcd te gel trons ycu: "lsat lai lh. nase of thse girl yen are tot'areryT MWhere d<lacs h.lire?!" "Where did yen meet lien Y 'Tem ber father gel au>- mon.>-?" "Did lier father abject T" "What did ber moîber say! ? "Waa it loveaet tiret cigist? "Wliat kind ot a girl would you take a tancy te, anytna>-? "«Wiat l ineenrd id eh. ,sce In yen?1 Uj5 she a blonde or brunette? "Would it be funny if sc n-are ced- beadedj, "Hov old la athe? UWhom are Yeu go ing te lieo "Will Yen keep bouse or board "Dccc sbe kaow anylhiisg about bouc.- keeplig. "Wlshat kiud et e ring did yeu give ber?, 1Veeedid Yen gel thea moiiy te bu>- thse ring?1 "BRave yen got a pretty good position? "lienà - yc.n and I cone ta be mach friends?1 "Are yen goin.g te invite us te thse wecding? '*%Vil vo have te give a pre-"ut? "le it te be aechai-ch wedding? PlWhee-e are yen goiug te cpend your honeymoon trip? '*Are yen going on a honeyncoon trip? "Dees aelnritete yen srery day? "Are ý»u ver>- much'in love with bier? "WNh v id you stop going eith Huttie 11aiî-n't yen PropoFed taoether girls? "Did veu look ftnuny irbeu you pro. posed ! "l)id s'on cek ber pereonailly, or write your proposai? "For geodaces cake is sce golng te - ltt yen keep on cornbing your hait ce you do?1 "%%*il voite Iron- an-s, Ilose actresses', pictures la vour office; "Are von fickle? *"Do von tlink the engagement wil be brokeri befere the date set for t-be wed- ding? "*Whîat le thé date ef the weddiag an>-- "lx)yoVeltbiîeg lier fathe- vil gis-e Yen I cash lpeleut?M '<is-îfieil lvis .-voun osse te c"ei er!: "la it that hi-r hall grl yu ote tîse the-tre one nsgItc hast ninter? "V%*%hI, in tlie' rnd -ina it hi- "%%hcy didittI ask yeu ahi this wheu yo adme ? "%Wliere Yen sa excited Yeu cottldn'L gi-e lueRnnY information, but aiapiliehd tu rav-e aboutI getttng ain-led? -A promîpt eeply vili help me te gîve te matdaujescone- such-desie-ed informe- 1tien. Next tim e yu fell me you are go- i in ta be mare-led, duet t Lliik thuet la tIse re«al i imporltnt featair about it.1 1Yours hastil>-, "Fred HaMt,"ý-Itc. 1: 'I PI Tiff BUBONIC PLAOIJE.L ITS RAVAGES IN INDIA A»!ID lAS URES TO STAI(P IT OUT. Fsos Sepleaxber, lm1, l to amendcf lm0, tise deatha trous piagu. alonin l the n-le etfmla", vere reposted asl aibout t1% million. ll the ais .year 10 tito erisn-rs8M,473; ain 914 tbseen-as- 1,021,M48. nhlst lanlihe psmt gs«W thee isa er>- prospet ofaet .11 ee ris. la lb. dettr rata. Tbest, lavs- as- cal>- the deetiso dmlt"e s p-oe t-o b. due ta plagm à là »e.. et st.fr bishonle or pasumeela. Heuy aetisntîe. cSser that, à tor amakiug llovnce $or eon"mlunt, 'for n-a-ceg dlaess,. a"i for defeetive reçtsstscelah ln "a statÉà s,i lest 0 et st aisoal4 b. added in os-des-to ir, eettise 1ta-ne moi-luit>- attrlbutable te .ils- eaue. Asauassg Ibat lb. deethin Iuso"0 wes-1u% êsalilouse, tis a oi>-reprenata a ja s* t a bout flve pan mille ç= thse visS. population or-lsdt ia. l ~ie mb ol a vo nissmbereu tisaI gresAn*an.ssd *ut sutmus ofars cf village nsd lovas are al abusict or qut.-e fs- r=onuUpssre cîud Iti -bora-ors es» st bu e Ia. byr ievlag it 1c4Y. .it à s-a yî à tise )a# fev veelis Imt lb. diseubas reauhisi Bunea, n-bs-ea1ev Camssar" repo'Wedfrein E-a e b <ets rate la lbî 9utrat Ps-os-wle atm4 Maiey qommm (bI êsf09Uanb. Cityuk. and LIer. *M 0u"herm = UveIý ailbtly it*eto % 1,t- breiiene>ë- -ibue -wtr wIk v iseireftq s a Isp& d t et af but 19.p« ille Un lb. ttal1 Popsltisuset tis p-ores. ie 31" ptïgue destbw la eue IsuMjal Iola 14 tIbo .du*> o f about 17 pseo out o!1 obýrd0ttbeliat; l tisas fo smt s zlu lmtbu -m 3) -.7 Si -3 3 itb&m e douD bted uihetiser iU w"ulint S ]L eeeutsda etilI mure bittero- Mik .4>n, tis h e , thee guaions é out \vith *au (hà oalnia4e a- l"Wé,a tise exen - ane.t >èe was certamn]> want cf judgment la tise issue cf corne Of tlsem. 'IleGovernmenta wvete on the borne of a dilerpasa. If thcy debsyed the issue cf rides they risked tise stsishing of a march by tle enemy>; if thqý,hurried eut thse orders wtliout coiteulting their cira caccutive eficer or ise social leaders cf eppe, they ,mwe i n danger cf nsakiag serious blun- ders A notable instance accurred la the United Provinces irbere etrtngent rules were issued before the appearance of phague lu the province. The rides %vere promulgated irithout an>- consulta- tion of oxecutivc officcrs or of Ieading Ind.ianct. It was hardI>- surpriglng that seme of them wre found to e le nsiit- able, but it was astouishing and discred- itable, that.even in regulations drafted as tlîcy were4 there shoula appear ont evhich provided burial in lime for tbe body cf a Mabommedan irbo hsid died of plague. To the Mohammedan that would neean burning, and burning implses te lilasthse furfeiture of isaPpinfslanthse next world. Suris culos, et a time writn tbse ehoes cf fanatiosi preuschig on thé Northwest frenfier were - rerertiiig in thse great Mohammedan cities of In- dis, did iwmeae barun., "Visca a tyisewriter labu en3operated for "ev1 1 leom et a istroe tteramies a cen- tre~>reietricipheDomciina,'* rled a otsgrpir. 'Toucbh i vith eonethinio;me- talle ame yen vii geS« a d<incI choc)'. At thse saine lime tbers yl l e a crackiflg souai and a spark ail appear ai Use point Of eon5c.fante perseon tiss thse oe eWho b as i>Ee ",Doh e rtIl:sheuid begin ta peuIJW th.e bboard atter tise machine ha& efissaIn contimm'oui useofor s ejuple of hours b. wIlh expoteece a reai siectrical sensation, tue pins-and -neuiies feeling et a fout esleep. De-swing tise siseet of paPer arft the rolier rapliy viii charge the paper. and Itll 1i Crceit. ben laid on tise oi.her paper. SI will aise stibere te thse oifler siees or te any surface with which IL cow-neslucontact andi qnite as tie tu iug neressary toLeenOMi IL. A ieug-woe-ke ypewrltefr eermieto lie- coue an eteciricai plant on a mIII Aceaie and wni furnlsli aIl .o}tý of 'urpriss5." UNDER THE NERVE LASH.- Tiseé torture and be-nient ecf t, ieytliu Of mer-tous prostration landi nervouE debitlity Do O@ aeice rlghtiy setiniate vue bas fot beenunader Use rutls is a of tison. reenti"',@ iunesu tees.. m. Wlhsns t Fortivicis. Ont, as fer fotIr1 years a fieevous wreck. six bottes et Seuth 1 Ameý*ca -Nervine worked a miracle. and bis dorto.r cenfîrmeti it-1. Can Yoa Pronounca Thein? Writing cn eîthlority in Er.gli-d, pro. nuneiation ini the Poptilar scient-c Mouth- Iy, Prof. E. W. Bloven remlais the late Mr-. Ellis' suggeetive test, whieh ho be- lierca lia neyer bt-en successfully chai.. lenged ; "Ido not renipinh)er," Paid Fll3, "ever meeting ivithi a pergon cf general edues- tion, or even literar>- habits.. nho could ila off witbout lit-aitatien thse wbcle cf sticb a list cf words a% bourgeois, demy, actinine. '-cletv. Satbe.n. beatifin. bre. eier,-eok, fusil, f egleman, vape, tac- cel. bnoy, oboe, archimnandrite, etc., and gire theni in each roe the same pro- nuncietio.n a-% l# a.sipted in any 51%oni pronouncingý dietienary nov in use. «Liet Lb. reader try the". test words" mcye Pro. Bowen, "and set visear lie proiwtns etissshort lut aeerdiisg th jn an wS*oived autherlty le use et thse Pr*- &--nt a.."I) Q b the<wig b.laid et etiser spaI-eci setwlslTainîtlIeseand statea s t hbave officsl>- reegnSzmd thse vrainet fPUbi- ,Yt>, iudiaz I erritory bas justl lan*- cd a amdcledr arlsiig cai»iit A spe 1train ' oaded wtb *5tTIal, OMMi anselisd saes] ux«ùobsp-aym Ehis. eiaâ4tpset th* Ter-tor> las Iss sent eut cm a tour oet bs he e! *fett ot Oi, lurlana. iImels, le"a, lImewt, ea4 lance. Tisese alîlista p.*» l tubn sud dltbdvu*" .e~ tise o- acM».on vsee inaises a be"sorr>batL The mium lIg sues vi>-uocd o * a anadjueite e amore poverfuil force- éo t la botie eoep aMi bdmsafetsf. 4 Vwan- wperess dettmdunSstse valUe si rocieiis-i tbabls. Keuelstmioweuie b« boni-a b t ffl 4osesW ir*st'hrsa W4tncges tu 41 i 0rose c"- Otts grIIbox% latia.K ve.- ï bts e te elee lso s c e 7z tu esestst aibib bel ai, ~' 7« -_ - osa oni tIse 's- t 4*-Vuat. lcte dii vue di for Your Protectionj we place tbli -lab enou ve?>- package o ett îs Emulsion. The mnan wlth an isb on lis bacli lu oui- tradle-neark. ad l leaa guarntetîsat scott'c Emul- iea wlll do aU that le cl&lied loi-M. lKotilu;better for hnng, tbroat or be-onchîal troubles la * Infant or aduit. scottUS Eniua- sion'le eue of tise gratestl fees- builders kunotr te the asedical worid. SCOTT & BOWNE, Taran5t S.â Hierodotus on Mocqitoca. Tisa diseci-ar> et Sir H. Arthsur Blake Ihat tise tlaismjuc:on ci rmalairia b>- mosquitoas la recogaized la Sanskrit lit- ealunere-ase.thse folwiag pesage in Henudottis: "lu1 ue-i tivSoe ihiti tise> use agmiasl gnats, vherewith tise ceunt->- mn-e-i, are the fohhon-lng: la lise parte et Egs-pttuboeetise manches the lnaibtants piqse tise night upeaIci-t>- Ion-ens, n-meSs are cf gresi service, as tise guets anr euble tb fI>- leann iigt On accoluaIOf the %vnme-s.nltise marai ceunIe-y, nlucF'1rereno ne leers. eac.le Mane posse-cees a net ttîshead. B>- day IL ceneshise o <aIe fs. n-hile et nigis he spreade 1h ci-or hi% eubd lu whiolu he le te reat. ad, ereepipg ine, gees le iecp underenath. Tie gnaue, n-hichi If h. relis isecif up in bi-; lers Or la a piece. ni neisehia. aure scré te bite Ibrougi thse oreriiug. de net qose-h as attemt to~ pase 1h. net.-(a-hingýoa'c Hferodolu,i Vol. Il., page 154. UIYEB LTO 0R fi 1. 0UBI'in REAORB For Bailevînir D04d's Kidncy Pils Cure ail Kiduey Ailmcenta. Cut-sd Ris Beekaohe ef Tweesy.tre Yem-s Stmudiag and Saeà s*.4 v- e-s-one le Reeomm.nd ebem te. Fecos os-eint, N. B., Ifs- O.tOe gir. lv. ephendid ressema or kmbeis *et Dedd e Kldncy- Pie aret theu remedy for KiAseallaemb&H m e.are the we r«»rese is 0ic-vMved e *"I vastrousbled withs lame bck hMr U y« rmore, semullas e eS s t i M et tua-nMmçselfla bed. 0»eba bar.ebW ne reLté et bekhm «ZI bayers eemmousdM »cIe«% là d' FlUle e asu831 c prss e boit KldaeYbaTrouel . Ait Wb* . es-qImm rbeef ied exer ed," Brenlg DS f>lsee, bq4tise>-MsMa la! a«S. *ma. ut somet"es bM eéén or tue bexes raliev Il *kuamm@ ers meke a aompltte*eSa-e Lady AbeSteeis>e Pets. Lady AboIe« onbua 5i béeà a ve«7 eue. bull la t"lislcsl fis1021; poee*m~. Peo beg b dw*l hb; esoe ei tiet. tue eesl ead 0" tffiet<e B th» reo toureV - stMt be Prises. « ies- sybib'e i ais m e muais ard taus ac. e- TEE WRiIT PLAGUE. Tus4vidor l siuy, and dues, invade ev- ery portion efthtie body, says or ivriter ini Lslue'a Mtontihy for June, but itlhus a mecetive ntfznity L»r the lunge; there- fore, pulgsouary tuberculosis, or, la com-- mna parlance, consuasptien. necet appro- prla.tely ternsed tise Great %Vb.te Plaguie. It le tic mont prevalent disease ln 'the woce-d, and thse Most terrible, cînce hope of recover>- lese rarely confirmed thet il le held 'te ho "incurable. Were it as contagieu±s as it is deadi-, lihe world would coca lie depopuhated; ns il le, excluding deaith by accident, tuber- culosis kilis c quarter et us ail. Thiuk et that perlîus cliauce-onc out et ev- er>- four te ho cacrificed totehie dreRd diqease, and yct, it eau b. madec oe disappear trous thse wved! f"Fan- rende matnrit," caeOsier, "aud noue renchdiseiage =tiout bav- ing lied a fuctus o ettis di-iease corne time. Tisp geras is ubiquitous. and noee"eCapes il. But the resisting powver o( tise humisu body ln vcry great, heure al are net finally vanqniched b>- thie gcrm." Suppose our pow-er et re- sistance happecis tu e eeloir par et the trne the gensm my hie found a rest- ing plae iu hic favorite &ssunt.--îhe apex cf the righit lung. thon-pouf! ire write finie, and begia oun exit. Thse present is marke-d b>- a cntindet eg-ainst ttibercuhosis %yhicis amuntal-eh Most te a mania-c-eue the penduluin et public opinion, cesoielois swiuglng, swings toc far. ,The public ic juet nov awakeuing te its need, yet tbey have been iied te eassietinluarresting tise spread cf this <lsas.e s'er since thse disys of touis. n-ho wvaxed the -roi countries cf Europe te for% a crîîs'do agast il. Docsnt Expect Nenzn eavens. (Piuideipisia Record.) -TbeBibiesaeys tise-e vii li e ne marrying lu if e5ren. *sati mmiiiHam.ri-. 1 vnuen If that le tins?" - eiidh.tti ilr -Ho-s-cen id ths e woen nmarri hen ibere are neoumen la thse plae?"' ENCLISI! SPAVIN LINIMENT Rernoves aW bard, cott or calhoused lumpe and bleunlehes f rom horiee> blood spar-l, ciarbe, splnts, ingbone, sweenA>-, stifles, eprain. sors ad pvollea tiat, cougis, etc. Sae. 30 by nutiseoone bot- the. Warrantced thc moct wndcrfîîh Blemis Cure eu'er k»oviý Ktates cf Pregidmcts. Wash[ngton left an cst.ate valued eat *80,000; John Ldane hif t about -475,- 000; Jefferson <ied so poor that hoe wouhd have been a petiper liad not Con- pea urebaaed bis hîbrar>- for *20,00; Maion lofttabout $150,00; Meuroe <ied pour, aned vas btwled etthUe ex- passe et relatives; Jolea Quinn> Adents left about 865,000 et hIc daatb; Ja&kcoe. about *00,000; Van Buren, 8400,00; Polks, 81ô00,0; Taylor, e418MW00 Tyler sn.rrled a-weuu et wclb; lîlesore left *20,00; Plere, *00,00; Buebanan $O00,0W. Uneobn. 875M 0;Johnson, $50,- .00; Gr-atlest bisg es=4lanthis Grat à Ward Ibmsu; RyeGar'fild and Harrisex ver. aul modqvly- vr.el off!, McKinley&c ertume wu Mst *eca *0,0. ev b Libêt O*me" lag ta.9etwht = e= meese et amsusese tise belspg et* 4ut SetdMa.vxe*w1*Web mel. îty -un - .1ta Pft s te ibr,« . ti k~~»-m boit, atee, St V.ce ~su So~ - o wh hso .mb- rut%0 rêtlb.Md -Stéar - um s et ca sisao$a*i Sa Yeuses"I.mie vu ta $~ m sesnble w Md ufl owt fle Qê Li-. t Semei ts. t cvitit e la= t.<.Ilr bs -mla il~ ýczemna, 1 oarse handsý, ragged ç,Iothes, shrunken fIann'-I$ý On Their Nes. Itmo auno si, and 1 beliq3ve vltb* truth, ilsat appeîsdicitis bas goýt UPO the, nerves 'OU erart society vomnA nd man dec aue themeelves (o. be attacked w tht]e disease, and are not satisfied until an operation bas been performed. flc skilled surgeons can do notblng, As the patient wiilnot bear reason ,âadtise ouly resource lait is te place the eufferer fri-m nerves ina s home and go thi-ougis a f ornâ of operation, admlltering au an- aethetic and keeplng the. patient in bed f or corne time> until a cure le pronouu"ed The tee ie the saine as if a reaIloperatil bail take~n place, ansd Do doubt the sur- ge on deserves ft. 5fr Prederick Treves eclares lie ha& operated upon a thou- sand cases of appendicitis aucessfuUy without a scingle death. la thse olden daye, before the reaugnîtion of apendi- citis, sufferers vers told tlsey 1usd>colle or sorne of thse many maladie endmng in 'its1-0 las erur4t a f FITS Lt& !twxut M . ata ioemo TroicS torm&.ew proaverbia, yt ei'bu beo hson@ee tec eStie et elPl icgoshot5otme s at $ea iago desCua ene UE nR ngis e - so gugdthf5ifalfon 'mgln i. m" tlie aeo vrfu. 10 iole ntee Toinal tore.to fti ol aecea rcal rdit orm iTh ptr overl edneay00beforelesec .c4ienpcesly regiserthu whiSan!o Stiago de ubalecety i nlc thia ità ema ti ue rte ofo-e roofu tuhe suan horand statetveen 7 R.an fiot lef vat reet. berourY110 nt.,s festor o'erd ueay 300 squaremiles anradram phl.a v sna ix tha t a abetet e ekAn a: Itic u eban theacieCueutîks 1 raMe fer elean g rTsat uendfenes- buias 1.1. m terMr.-10. OIPU amisu. but at the *ame tlige l pres- TUlE FR OR ALRT -GC pAoedov ors~ura, alae.St 5% Per-, le.L London ]La coluCamny, -London, Ont. IflhK~.Montu'eal1 Lune temolri BillPketon Muedysand Torato 7.50 commeOclalJolie i. seaer Sae To- rmto1 at à S>P. . dl« ecet SdayU. prom juiy 1 d"171. RocheitS. ThousAl Islands Rapide. gt. IAWNUýqC*, Montreal, QUebO and Foér lnformction. apply ta RL R. a"ente or wrte B. Poster Chaffe. Western PaSsenbe Agent. Tarante. Tise Proof ofthtie Pudding. Wmen e etore le cromded nih p4- ebaere day afttcr day il le pret>- gs4d e videace that the people vis e dii thisés1 kunon-tisat tisey are getting tiseir sssney's n-ortie. Likenise, wisesstise ad- vcrtisiiug celumne of a aciraspaper are ce-ouded %nth.tise busiîuess anacuusce- nuente etfisardl-ieaded itencisûnte Il le patent that lise advrticuers ane gatiser- iag highîy catisfaclony retuiras fte-m ieir lnvestment» ln publicil>-. IER HEART LIM A POLLUTÉX> SPIG.-Mra.James Snigle>-. Pela. lstiand Ont. smye: -l wac ton tive years - atlctei vitis dyspepsie, crtipatohi, iseart d ilsease anerveus rrocIrtiln. I curedth 1e henni trouble n-tUs Dr. Atsewcs Cure fer tise iHIeurt,altse-then ao-*lmenta vanenisisc tie- miel. 5a4 reliai lu bhaiaulieue- atter tise finit du.-7 Tise Rule Was Too Sbort. pal irmebnsiiy engagetisalngbrick oeuen day Wuthe 5e tean camne tahI .ansi salir '*at go bac)' te tb'end oet tie building audm tuare ths e nstis et lheetoundatlcls for me.- SPst veuisisel, aisI atter a stay ct sanie ! durc-xaOireturuSl. We-il, PaL, sai tise torOISahi. did yen -I 411.' anovaml Pat. 41mien- [-cgvas ir' n-as 1the quension.- '-0e. iu ssUllet.."'tacs ase- lon Is, 4ne ar= .au' lys brIcks."- eI~ ô l..EDDYS PARLOR xoISEESS HEZS WON'Tily On?. If. pe4 tu isetIser flo trm- ub, l ll tset llte a soie. tisebeet y ASI YOU I GOCUFOR à nom The Ei S~eDY OompanyLImt Outside FLY MILS. te' a~a -.4. Shou!dfil Tokioil A TIué' Up l'ive days ha t or0ematien rents, and e zied b>- tisek - nas e-umoned Russian adra for ltse Philip et ekinling I -tise cean, anv iag Viadircet isead hlm off hed hlm sul sappanenti>- d blirougis Foras ~Soit. Tise rep direction cf 1in yesterday, * s oin- f tise lIer lisan cf 1 .-Ressaua slips TisaI Rejus ard ail on a eral belief ci coeula net ho S spointed r licy conten sic et lisEhmi Vire- Admir, important ta a batIe. Il commander Ih an engagerne rois mn>- leL tien wmus Rae moi-es hie Russint, tise adecided a-l Sée liow Rei an ztsstult fi la fonce. -, Kane!nuimier lînrasistasd i nid Teons, to -p lepiect tire l ise' hable tise fil tram tise Ja1 Admirai DBit s -Ccou 1 1