Ontario County Gazette, 10 Nov 1899, p. 5

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1;LRY, thmfor the" uc: erbefore given. m and the -goôds S-ON rRT. d ïàtérestilg, News f rom E very ftrt of the Town IPicked -Up. by Hustling Reporters., lhildmrên 's rib1' riîts only loc. la.11115 Gussie Burk, of Port Arthiur, irere the. grueste this waek of Mrs.Ânne. Grand Scribe Bowell attendad .ha E fiftieth annivearvxj meeting of the Il* Oshawa Sens et Tatnperanee this week. il Fool'tb&ll- The Oshawra football teain miii try conclusions with tha Balsam teani on> the athletiec'grounds at 'Whitby te- moirrow(Saturday.) Gaine called ut Port Perry will aise plIay the Colle-E giate hoeeto-morreir (Saturday) after- - moon ah 2 ecleck ýfor diae championship et the Micland divisio n. A Great Parm Stock sale. Parties wantigtepmaegood feed-Ing cattie and stockaer ipe mantes should attend the exacutors' ale of the late Noble Stevenson next Tuas- day, Nov. 14tb, as tbay have se eÎhoice stecasand heifars at the.ir tarins betireen, Brookîtu and Kînsale. Thase fanes, tee, are p ent for a tarm ef years, se everything advartised In another' column et The 1G(azette mili postivair be sold. Comlng Oveats. The Hon. Geo. E. Foster mil speak at Osbawa this evaning. There's t e aua Unele Tom's Cabin show in the Wbitby musie hall this evening. The Sons of Enigland will bold' thair annual eu pper on or about the 5tb of Decambar. A," Christmnas Fa ir " wilI ba hald in the council chambar on- thea at4mnoen antd. ev.-ning of Waduasday, Nov. 29th,- jjulr ý,auspies et fthea "Wiiling WOremk ar" o et:diaetlioist Taber- Sale. On Brow le au nain con., Cali be seen. l Aint t' Festival. All Saints' church festival.,bas couàe andt gene, and thoeea weis~e fortunate enough te bïë pre ient w4re amply re paid fer thieir trouble. Lt is seldomthe- Whitby'people a ae an opportufliti te njysucb a spread and programma snbasms fumni8hed on Tueeday aveu- Ing.. Over &NO anjoyed'the evaning's antertainment, and it -mas hourd on al sidas, - IlA credit te any city, " The ladies *.'serve great, praise for the wà&y in whieh evemything iras carriedo1tî and--tha manner ini Which elarge, a numüber wemea acemmodated iras proet in itself of their capab7ilities. Tea a~i served frein 5.80 te 8 p. m- and the, eiýn-' cert - coinmenced at 8.15 - sharp,, tje auience -bain g wail eutertained until, 10.80.. Rev. ]Xr. Brou ghall was chair-- man, and on tha plattorinmur hhim iras Major Henderèen, whio gava a mflOst stirring addrass on "1Seldi "ers et tha Quaen." This iras a teatume of the eyening, and ha was rA'peatadly inter- rupted mith-applause. ýAs for the dif1ýr.. *ent saiections on the program, it iras liard te- makeany _choice, aIl bei ng mi randered. Mr. Arxnstmong, o! Qsba*a, excelled himiieif,,anid sang as ho 4-1J>I% can. Mm. Somnervilla, et Tor-Ok1êý*6 sang well. Mr. W. J. H. FffhW4ion and Mr. Firth irere *ell reeved. Yiiss Herring&, -Wis Fidh4'r and Mis Hillary sang spl't-3didly. Miss Warren piayad te iavoIWý rn very- fine stIe, whila Mme. Collins ulaedthe piaue.1to the satisfaction of efl. The siftitùg et si 41--AQn, a 1- à nP-1 - hraTLoht té a at W. G. Walters. A large number of relatives and frienda 'JU I.eL 'u" The.SotbOntrloElctImi.wee pt~sntinS. ) ' chrc close the most successful gathering held TheMai Emireefyeserdy sysToronito, to witness tho.0emonly Unit: for soe time, witl eepsaenting he hast ini informed -Lib&~als saýys the i '4 in' wçl ë--**Wrv Madeline t ea$~ byo-election in South' Ontario wili' be UN leýNr Pr.W The Archbbshop at Whltby. hel'ý on Tuesday, KQv. 28th. prFbere js H. Higgins, to jetor Of -the Archbishop O*Coirnor hald enufirma- io ôffiial announwement ag,.et, liem'- Whitby CJironi~v J. Sheahan, tien at St. John's R. C. ,church ýast pi, ever. . tS.CtaIl r% npta eaSundav atternoon. The church was Mapl * Premler Ro i oywa g!roîi y V efy Rty crowd; d, and the servic&- througboùt town coinlng. Vicar-Genar14 Ket.ann. Miss Nellie s~ e otiprsiecaatr Né,%t Tpeday aftçrnon theLiberals ggn o ôieasserothbrd aofamtipesv cree. cl ,of South Qntario will rmllv inithe. music igisotMnteasite ! h bieFollowing are these presented by ithe C hall, Whitby, te enfirm dtha nomination aetas, bridedmaid, and' Dr. Sheahan, able and popular Fathtir Jeffcotti for or of dis lien. John Dryden as their brotro tho grm, west man confirmatïôn :-Cirls-Rose Me 'Crolien, candidate for the boral Legisiattra. Aogtoeas rsn eeUa.n Maggia Mcflonalid, Mox SfW4Wate Premier G. W. Ross 9 to be present. Harris, ef St. Catharines, Rav. Fathers Cara Foy, May Foy, J,uey Barbon, Muintee aand Sullivan. A feature of Mona Brean, Fanny Been and Gqrtieo AiEIocptlonàry Trmt.. the occasion xz.as tha presence of about Coffey ; box -Lo.Cffev, LeeO0'i',n- Messrs, W. J. R. lcelirdRoU .and J. fit'ty relatives- ofthe bride, who bas, five noyLus-ehet. C ~c MIt~,~ E. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ nr Louiis ôidd Wety ithaLawrenrce4 lter i Ioroto Aterth E. W ednsday ehnt' g h pre- crariy thera asi a reetit. e atthe Willie Gould and Francis Paquette. IRis trea ondedyéeigi r-crmn hr a eeto tteGracewas borT' in Pickerinig Town hip, senting Mies Jessieý Alexander to a bouse ef Mrs.' Ridout, sister of the bride, and this, bis firet visit to the bch Whitby audience,an wee ewarded at 168 ]Huron street. Amid the betaest~ the place of bis natiity, wa with a $612 bouge.- Mrs. Wm. Ayrns, wishes of ail, Dr. and Mr8. Shaahn taken -advantagaet by the Separate Miss E.- Rico and M -ri Richardson. lsaise lft on a honaymoen tour- o!fatmlSeelBadan ogegation te gssisted in the prqgramme, and ail won ciies. address the dtstinguished prel ate. Ex- welI merited applat1se. Death et WlUIe Ooldrlng. Mayor J.- H. Long, a cousin et Arch News Prom Canadien G ontingent. it le with sinceré regretthat we have bisheop O'Connor, read the address. ýThe The onteaiStarlia di grad ds- note tis.aweek the doath of William Archhishop replied ii feeling termte' tictonc hvigwith the contingent Goldriu, of Part WhiLby.- Like a the7 kindly reterenes te himiself, an a special war correspondant thoroughly thufldCi'bet from a clear, blue sky came tnoir occasion of his Whitby visit te "go aceredited who acconMparued the Can- thle .unnfceme.,,Bt early Saturday te Audley, wherfe ha spent Monday and adian treeps by permission oethda ernn hat.fter.oeashort week's Tuesday with bis step-mother,- Mrs.j _Miniistter ci! Mlitia, Dr. Berdain, and flînesWillie Geldring had been called Denni$ O'Cno.Taadesra whogee wth nsrucios cbld tomaway at tha asrly age et aigliteen. It is as followis: tha \Var Office by theSecreta ry ef War seams ha had a savera attack et dysen- To Ris Grace, The. Most 'Revarend 1The Star had tha choice et enipowarinlg trv, and tookan excesa of medicina te Denis . YConnor, C S.B., D.D., Arch- -n m an in the- ranks to send it anu ocheck its affects, ;which brought on bishnop -t Toronto. casional left er and dabbing hlm its war inflammation. Deceased, a son1 et Mr. Mlayit plasse Your Grie :-We begI eorrespexiilent or engaging a sppeial and Mrs. Ed. Geldring, WRS a Miost te approach Ybur Oraca te day, te ex-J exp trt - equipptod with photographie -promis1ing young man, *and. was de- press, with heartfelt sincerity, our jey app iratilH 'and' accompaniedb a servedly baloved hy ail who knew hlm and pleasure, at seeing yeu, as- ôur be montd rdrl. hadiff rnce in T-a funral on Sunday was attended leid Arehbishep, aînong us.- co0st, was a matter of five tholu-and -hy a great throng et mourning se. Èhool- We feel afl especial privilege in pras- dollars, - As igoht have been expected mate s- and friands.i The luneral service -entiug oursalves befere Your .G race in the Star chose thd- expansive plaian at St.- John's church, conduced by the fthis Chtdrch, which is the nearest oeate Rey. Mr. Howe, was most irfprassiva, the spot where ý1ou first sai* the light Thie Grits Prepartng for Battit. thara being sc*rcely a dry aye in t ha et day, and when yo .eu1coma teu1S a118 The'Liberals of Whithy tewnl ma' congregation whente1a' atemt aha l ndge rda and porftce nogztolte0 b,ttle had tinished bis discoursa.' The aâl- worthy and illustrieus prelata. fer the re-e"tdon lof the Hen'- John b)earers wera, Messrs. Arthur Sgouthwàl, Our joy at yaàur appointment as suc- Drydmin in the bye election whieh myn re.Gaa,'ere Gale, Erne8t Ri-ca, cesser te our'late ravered Archbishop i A- Iiow ho anueuncod any day. Te AIf. P8rrv and Wrn. Cerraîl.- Among enhancdb htyo r n f O follewing officersam ceînttees wer'e thé, floral 'offerings wer:-A bea.utiftil salves and that tha golden chains of f.chosen :-Chairmàn, Chas. King;sc rthro the Whitby C61Iegiàte In-,..vrtice,aff.-etiefl and obedienca will re-taryv,- T. G. jackson; treasurar, D: stitute, ot whith deceaa;ed w*sa piipl; a lorever bind us as faith-ful children te a Ormiston; committeas - north west wreath trem tha Messrs. 'Golring, beloved father. ward, Jas. Long, R. S. Pattersen, Jas. Bres.; -chrysaflthemiIms 7Uom1 Miss'ilun common with the priests and T r Henry, Win. Reb$sen ; north east ward, Smitli ; carnations from Messrs. ?erry people throughout the Diocese, wa John Noble, J. Stanlick, W. A. FraPar, B3ros.;- and -a wreath frOm- MiSs bég te assure Yeur Graca that ours '-. F. Stewart ; centre ward aast, W. IIowden and her Sunday scIioel 19.5. are Det Mare amptY werds. We lova Il. Johnston, W. H. Piper, Wm. Gold, - rolt..te oilow the bright exampla of your W.-B. Pringle; centra ward west, Gaoe o n ' wedpats I t $.W er par virt.otis-lita, and te look at yourý sac- A. Ro8sa. 1. H. Anmas, John Tho mson Mr we asoy, red and axialted office wi th the a',es etf MAlx. Wilson ; south -ward, Alax, Smitht at W, G. tr. f'aith and te tastify how glad we were te, Jas, Wiliis, Byron Hluggard. .Jas. Mc-* Every description of shoe.unaking tO know that you wtere theught worthy by Meiss C.FoxPortWhitby. Clala. asrF. L. Fewke and- L. order 6Y C o, ot.tba Holy See te ha Archbishopî et Te- K. Murton, o! Oàhawa, were present -Ur. Jas. Johnoten is adve!rtietîig inl rente. >, and delivered addrasses. anether colamn for a lest stéer. Thoqg or congregatien te emaîl, Town Council Doings. Miss Bell bas moved ber dress..mRking we are grlad Le ha able-Le assure Your Ml /the membarg wera jpýesent at establishmenlt over the photo gallery. Oraea tbiat oitr 1itte church la *net in -Monday evening's regular meeting of v&dôuble breasted tweed Bttsoit atadtu h aetipoeet BOYS ergare ail paid fer.c tia town council. fit ages 5 te 10 Years at W.G, Walter. Wea a pesdt tt eYu Mrs. J. Haulpv- asked fer the re- Dul fold tweed drass worth 2'c rca edut tbsbe rt 1mission eof their 189)9 taxes (be-tween ~rdc~te 14c. this week at W. G. fully exa<preqsd in many other Parishes i~d 8)onacontofî4efeblnee tWaltèré'.in tus Diocese, that iiii out' social,- liber husband. Alcw ut1 i ,oftnsrescaial n egbnt eain Mr. A. D. Fraser sent in *a coinplaint AlCW ut"i"oftesrescaial n egbil eain Qf ei~ hagedwih dubl asea-frein to-day. Se orders Constabla with Our tallow citizen e et hem creeds, ixint et $200 on bia parsonal prepertv. Calvetle.y. we IiYe,,aa we know Yotir Graca and > Mrs. Helliday, oftrooklin, requaate'd Special lina ladies' cashmere hou.qil 1 ~ o ec o at eiew an answver as te whather the council saamiess foot, ail sizes, only 125c.' at should liva, naniely, ln cordial friand- * a. wllngtereai te o~d aaîn W G. alar$ shlp and with good-will*towards ail. waswllngoccpia-the rdl* ig . G -Wa elbeg te ai'ura Your Graca that teba fr I r ifaceamnethltaWB net a littie ef this happy state et affaira Hallatt. ~~MadilI, 4th conPcelg a odb in this Pareis te ba attributed te the Dr. Warren netifird the counicil that au tio .tWbitby last Saturday te Mr haweldbod t esonibe orWm. mase, fGeeiWOdfO ifazealeus tacbing and k1ridly axample he .woud' hld îtrespnsile 'or in.Emeronof Geenood 6r Ï!ýJet our revered and- belovad. pastnr, whe damge t he ugy ndhanea Frt fvaciiznsetNaaiaawera sfihfl andacaptably ministars E; Dr d complice- eabie. lÎ - W.U boule aa l wmt 85 i1eur 4vc i Wt tacourage4 tlict 1 took Aire more bçtti«! mhu1 i ot take auy morefor nierai - MsI feit se mucb better. l ~ amn not ow cross»da6 rrtable. T1h good culor inu myface; have gatued ao pouain laweight -aud *ne Ihouèasd poun, ;cMfO,14 for 1 ia n flW womau Once more youradice ad your 'Pavortie Pred-p cauaed it, couped wltli ydur 'Pleasaut Pel which are lnot tobe dispensedwith. I wt tke any more unlegs you sa riefor- I d aftethat I eed it." Dr. Pierce will send advi ce by mail tirely free of charge. AddiKes se boV1 ten tz-of &ld eu- -Straye4 orM% *téIef ' A light red or roan milch cow belo'nginig te James Jelinsien, Hamer's torners, h as fot been seen since Sunday, 2*~d ef October. *A siitable reward will be-" offered to any -one who returns îbe4 saute ýtn the 0w jcer or Igies information that wl lead te it; re- cove~. - JAMESZJOHINSTO~N, * 'W . i t y - rdwo- d, )hlingIe Beelcksi ine and hardwool slabs, hest Be jýcyrd Y cord or, c rd'. shmust accempany order. rders left at my res .clence. îwo ýh etf R.îy-il H-otel, will receive i VTHOS. G. JACKSOI roui ~gen Wanted. Must be 1eun -aàd pu1re, sui-taôte for sud. Coo pi. H.,Downey & Col- WHITFIY, ONT. il ýntario will be held in the TOWN Wl-I ITB Y, ai Twev- o'clock, p ut. HALL,, on ruesday, Nov., 14, Riding in the coming bye-electiOn LegislatÏve Asîsutbly. ior the rIONOG. Wo R0SS9, PREMIER OF ONTARIO, Amad others, will address the ! meet ng. Aill Libzrals arecodal invited te a ttend. SPECIAL RAILWAV RRS Class Fare-andua-third for round tri r adius of fifty miles of Whitby ; g n Nuvember -14h, nd returning train up te Noyember i5th P, withitî )od going Son anIfy *R. R .MOWBRAY, Pres. Qshawa, Nov. 3r?~, îE99. ing the- County Town shc notý fa-11 to cali on fthe Great ment> of the Meuris. t productions of botb. c oods, C lothing, buse Leady-to-wear Clothing ,Goos Es Rbls Brothers, wee rm tlie Grat Expoius ofiF ashion Of Europe and America, are .exibiedat astb-nishing low -prices à.,l-. tre newest and lat. Dontinents in PIYyGoos, &axe of ever- es -R a] a] tf ad Coat. Departmeut is the largest indi most 'complete. of ifs kind in >ntario,- wheré you' can get a beauti- ii fit-tiug coat suchaàs, the above $4 50 ami up to ç1 5 -1perfect' fastiona,,be mater-al in Faw ,New - Blue, BakardBrown. Alsol capes of' everyý and sizes tosuit ail classes- of people. Fur Trimmed audc Pur-lined Capes, Cloth. Capes li ail Calors, ail1 this scagoR's goods.- j, AlAIS'Ready-owerSkirts perfect fit Inga\~,$.0 M $3, $3.50. -An' earlli .tion, of the above goods will - satisfy the most fastidious., WH ITBY IE~ WHITBYi RO$sS 1108 DRY BROCK GOQUS :E.MPORIUMs STREETO * CItANtE Net because thy ara fa!iumes, 8-but bacause me know yen ara always loeking foemehgnir Our Lino of House Furnishings This season -e ail up-to-date. Furniture, Carpets, Matting, Linoleums, OïMIotba' La ceCurtains, 'Rooni Mouldig,' Wlndow Shades, etc. - moeear, re do business on ýbusinesslUnes. ONT. * e t1 The Ladies' .Mantle*- 1. * Cash,, Ross "and Ladies' ,escription ýf -tLl $4ý., ,,ats demonstrate at $3.90, of , the best and m« ost. âttliag » and description in all si.zes,'-'tailor.. made and 6(ooct priceý- 1 sec.d.

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