Ontario County Gazette, 10 Nov 1899, p. 6

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retndCr toit Awful Disaster, in Natal- theQloucestershire Re Mountain Battery, Ce Flghte ai A desl*t ;h ,tr om Lo ndoil, saya:-TiiG says :-$<'t' took out from Ladyaniith aÇ followWgis the. text- ut a deepatch î brigade of mounted troupe, two brig-t folow~igade divisions o! the Royal ArtillerY, B fro m Gen. White at. LadysIIith -to the! th Natal Field Battery, and two brig- _ War Office: as tnfnrVoinnoitre ini i hiave $o, report a disaster to, ýthei. fo6rethe. enemy's main po(ition to thie -ounsent by me to take a. position rh ad fti potiuYsol ona hiil,-to guard the. left *flank of uffer,.to)capture thebibi behind Farqu- har'a farm, wiiich iiad on thie previons a the. troope. in these eperationis, e dan be:hedin stren-th by the Monday'tii.. Royal Irish Fusiliers, No. Ienemiy.- In connection witii tus ad-:~ 10 Xountain Battory, and'tii. Glouces- vnc columu, consisting 'of the terahire Regiment were sirrrounded in Tçnth-Mo#itaiu Â, rtillery, four- half oosnpwniea, of thie, Gluncesters, and sixd the hâla, atater losing heavily, had fcompani et thiloyalJrish Fuiliers. T to capitulate. The. casualties have notj the,* Whole under Lt.ut.-Col. Carlton ,jet been ascertained. and Majooe ÂAdye, Depu1ty Assistant A man 'ofthte Fusiliers emplyda Adjutant-General. was despatôiied at ployd asIl p.m., on thé 29th, te march by iiight a bospital order ly, came in under a Up. 1Be&ll' Spruit ,andseize Nicholsun'à f iag-of truc. witbJ a letter f romn thei Nek, or #some position near Nichoîson'a d lurvivors of the column, who ased Nek. thiùs turniaig'the enemy's right 9 for ssitauc- t bur th dea. Ifianir. for ssitane~ o bry ii~dea. I "The. main advance was succesBfuIîY fear tiiere us nu dôubt of the truth of carried ont, the. ojective tit tthe attack 9 theeprt bing found evacouated,, and an artil-a report. Iery. duel.between unr fieldbatre ormued a plan in tbecarrying out <nitiebam' un ! ti.ption of. whieb he .disast er Qcurred, and 1an4 Maxims s auun sod ohv ar aon~ esonible- for the. plan. 1 cau sedb'eavy Ices to the. enemy. *There là nu blame whatever to - the "<The reccmnaissance forced thti6 troops, as the. Position was untenable. eemy to f uly disclose is -position, FEELING IN, LONDON. aindt after a, strong counter attack on our right, the infantry brigade and While tninc>r reverses were not cavalry haci bee mi repulsed, the. troope WhollY, unexpeoted, nu Engbisiiman were slowly wltdaw ofap ever dreamed tha nyhn k . , piokets being loft on observation. t Gê'nhneJouethe... Lat. ini tii.engagement tii. navalF itver a tow e eIWerlJobr e-conHingentunder Captain Lam'bton,,o! livredto eneal;Whie, toces onH.MS.Powerful, came into action and MOnday threatened the Britisi rmasincdwththret.ml aci- ibi 'uth Africa, ' da retytea etë ire, thie ànen,a sguns utposi- an paetytetion.E fuit extent of the .disaster in flot yet STAMPEDE 0F BATTERY MULES. Rcknowledged. E*.quiry at the. War "The. circumatancea whi.h. att.nded t Office seemDs tcq indicate that the, miii-'the mPvemetut Of ieut.-Coi. Carlton'a tary despatokes- c<>tai otiier parti- oloiiO~ are not yet fuliy known, buta inexeclentpearQ. to have carrie out the. night to punjuli immedîitely, but: the.Seri- marpii unmnobested until witiiin two OUS nature of whip*h is- not, disguised. [mîilesýO! Nicholson's Nek. At tuis point A BRU LOSS.j tw b ouiders roiied from the hill, and a Thoit rF leÂRFUL j fel'w rifleshots astamnpededi the.infautry storyins ai*sd y kowtiow-Iarnmu.ition mules. The stamp~d evfer , u utllul1bd Ti u s pread te the -battery mules', wiiich 0ffective mn must b. appalling tc, a broke lbuse from their leaders, aud got- Gentrai who is practically surrounded. away wit.h praotically the whoie outhtei Tw. uft'thO finest »rît.ih regimenta guliequiPment andflhe greater portion * Sd 'a mule battery dedncted frc<M teo! n.rgietiamî1muiin Ladysmh04ittogar rnweflanà It aout The reserve waîy simiiarly lbat. s.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~oa ftt tisttlsr.ghsdatr!"Tii. infantry battalions, however,- tiiwiOIO. situation very materiaiby in f ixed bayonets, and,- accompanied byt f9vctr O! the fBuera, wiio, once ai ain, I the personnei'of thie artilleiry, seized a havashoiu ithmeeveas ftern fighâters huli on the, lft ut the, ruade, two miles auqêImUitary strategiéta at superior fromnitii. Nek,è witii but little upposi- dr.The disante r coat the. British' tion. Tiier, they remained unmobestçd trop& 1,50W to 2,000 mn uand six seven- tili 4aWn, t" <tim ebeiug occnpiec in bosnt crew guns. and, as- the fluer organzing the deifence o! tihe hibI and artlilliry in already stronger than im-. constrncting astone sangars' and walle' &aIn.d, te capture ut these guns-wiîî a covrromlire.atck n GREA HEP T TH BOEIW ',Durposition wua commencedl by the. GpRET romP-T O imeÃŽTHe BOseR in en y. but made nu wayl until 9.aD)a.1 A.prt fo d.imeia ba nM., wiien atruzg reintorcements en- teotvs which wiiis-eriouisly crippie abled the= to rush to the. attack with U.n.WhlMut avoe.a os thdeBrish great energy. Their tire became very dêet muont h aave ao te Ldypressîu earciiing, and two cumpanies o!t the ettot n ti. alace ! ti, aymith Gioncesters, in an advauced position, forces, WhÃŽOUleltMay b. expected. to were ordered to. faîl back.. The. enemy Whv. uRuohwaeigitwih B aies, then preased to short range, the lusses ewoare .ad trl as to whichaie toun our aide, becomiing very numerous., sthpe tSidia wl i àal risAMMUNiTION GONE, BRITIIHCAP- 1 ; urisoft4 ti.Boar forces sud, 1brlng ocrowd.s o£ recruits to tbeir stan- URD dard. "At 3 P. M.ounr ' ammunition waa WEITeS MA.NFu4NEk3S. Practicaily exhausted tiie position wus Eu rtbsr news muet b. awaited be.- cpuesdthe. survivora tti fOrO-it18,Rtt=Ptâ t atchLthec0umn fel iCto the. enemy's handa. fore it is. att elned, to atahite "Tii.enemzy treated oMr wounded blam whre t bIVrgs Gnr1- WiiewitJi hlananity, Gen. Joubert st once etreets iscanning the pagea ut the ex. ters nor the Fusiliers were piresent in tras. -Uaving read uft tii reverse, fuil strengtii, ae previousiy imagined. *uch as dues nat exiat in the, memory Tii. fouT half companies ot the f or- cdf living Britiali subjects ., the men set mer regiment would nomina.ily only their teeth and walkied ous witii bard- total 250 men, the. six companies of Fn- oued troubled faces, while saime womez siliere 750 men, _ ud the artilleryrnen cried. Mi 5men, or au aggregate utf1,125men. R«USU FOR THE WAtt OFFICE. 200 KILLED AND WOUNDED). Then 'thers waa a rush to the, War General Sir Stewart White bas cabi- Oftit3e, WhLch by- loun, waa surrounded ed the War Office, that in th.e engage- Witli pivate carniages and hansoman, meut on Farquiiar's farm, near Lady- whil. many ot the-humbler ciasa ut amiith, un October 30, when Lieut.-Co1. vepccaeo foai atigfrCanletonscolumu was compelled , to Cei possible potiug atmong the, liets ot surrender, six officers were killed dead utftii. mamea they-, held dear. By, aud nine wuuuded.i Among the. noeu .gloom and bitter- sorrow pre , iioucOmisoi, oters4 sud men ýVaited__throughout the flritisii metro- the csate ee 6 nkle VOUSa. a ud 231 in wounded. Gen Whiite prom- At the Governzment office -nu effort ises a listc o! the. misuing later. wae made Vo conceal -the. feeling uofj THE DEA) OFFICERS. dismay prevailîsg. One officiai said Vteliet .MDual oa r a repreqentative *uftVhe Associa ted tLlery .T cogal oa r Press:" It is inexplicable, sud 1 am iley norry, to eU.y tiat' its moral effetet is r W. T. Meyere, King's Royal Inéestùýaabie. -W. bavelbat heavily in !'ieu. Wila Capsu Ntl man, r, ans and,,have had'negîjuenta ieu.Wlim Camn aa almoet wipsd out, but to have regi-t Moauted Rifles. met captur.ed, aid b.y Vie Boer-4t :Major Edwa.r4 Gray, Médical -tg, ter rible." Corps. ELKUSE FR GN.WHIE. Lienut. R. S. Ma&rsden, King'a Royal Thie manlinees of General. White'@ lient. T. L. Forster, King's Royal- &Vowl thai; it 'mas hie .faut ibasj eifîe. &*,akened ths deepeet symPataY. WOUNDED OFFICERS. S Aà official outhtii.War Off iee ald te ao Ji akis oalAt a -rPresentative ot. Vthe ÀAaociated Mary Jon slîgiitRoyliy.il '<it je more thon iik.ly dite Vo Vhse Iàeut. Jffipld Beleher, -Royal Artil- crase 6! our youmiger off icas o dia- J.y e.ef tingisalithemmélves, obtais mention Ilu M«aoal flessee. uhnnridde the despteeandi earu the. Victoria King's9.Royal ltls, Ker.ly oya Cross ths.nto thé' fanlt 'ofttatspkn- 7 Iy.<> o, King'e Roya did Indian vt.ran, General White, In -Oaptain G. B. H. Rico, Royal Iish -*Pite of ies pitif ni avovma.l" Fuiliers, eeverely.' 0 U CAUSJ 0F THE DISASTER. t aptain W. B. Silver, Roy al Irishi, A later dosPatch'troix Gon. Wkite s.verely. It waa isit.rid froen tis d.~BC bhat the arillIery duel between tee Boers an~d British contiué, as Lient. EgeXtofl was1 a gnnery lieutenant YItll the big naval-guna. AnOther list utf%3aaualti« st Dunidee, ws Iffued by tâei War office Thursday' moflhiSifl It givea ,ighty-two non- >OMlnîsaoned officerssud men OfUt20i Dnblin Funsiliers miasiUg, idct ti8r that the floera captuireci as many F'usiliers as _tiey dîl Husars. Tii. War O)ftiç,e reivi64 a telegram lespStch" jfrorn Ladyamit st 9.2e Thuiraday mor ' ain htGen- 6rJl Wite waa weib and holinig hie BOMBÂRDMENT RENEWEÀD. 1Specal desý;îhes trom Ladysmnith. Iated Tu.sday, cive furtiier detaila re- S&rding the. renewal ufthtii bombard- mient. The fluer, iiavîng neoccnpied their old positions- remouuted, big ffns. Their tfingw accurate, but dmoatharmesa.Surs, utfthe troupe wesligiitly injnred by.eplinters. - Lieut. F. G. Egertun, and bis men !roma tiiPowertnl did, Bplendid work- mid. quickby silenoed the Bfler guis. Th. BSueaçaknýowledged having suf- Eoed, heavy bosses, in men sud horsea in the. previons battie.,. General Jan Il. M. Kock, wiiu W&g second in command in thie Transvaal forces, and who was wounded in Vile battie ut Elaundsbaagte, died iu the. hua- pital at Ladyaisitii ou Monday night. EXTENSIVE PREPARATIONS. A'despatcii from London, Friday, sayO*-Â:ll waa ;quiet st Bliawayo, in EIhodesia, according to despatches re- ceived thus morning., up to October 27. Plier. bas been some. akirmisiig on, Lhe border. Âppareuntly exteuive preparatiofla are in progresa sat De Aar. Ciape; Col- uuyfor iic!oncetratiou of Lieut.- Gen. I3uIler's army. Thousauda. of mules are'corralbed in that ueigiibour- bood. and transport materiai is beiug hurried up trom the. south. Accurdiu. t. another despatch, the naval, brigade at Ladysmiti hais mounted fo-ur more gins from.IDur' ban. The. report comeq froin Rome that Portugal will permit the. landing o! Britshtroups, at Lorenzo Marques. This coincides w!ith the view strongly prevaleut 'in sors. m quartera here, that the. Brltlshii ivýsioù outhei.Transvaal will b. maide f-tom that point. BRITISI! LOSSES TO DATE The. total los wto British arma aine the6 war -antua~l[y, coim.uced with the bombardirig uf tha armoured train near Elandsaa-ýgte., twenty-one days ago, is 216 ki led sud 721 wounded. Thiis dces not. include the. captured,- whicii wiIi sw1lý the. total by tuiy 1#.- . TOTAL.*BRITISH EIILLED.-218. Colonels. 0 0* 0 4 Majors............4 Captains............ ILieutenants , 14 Rank and file..........191 TOTAL BRITlIS9 WOUJNDED-721. - Majors. Captains. , Lieutenants - RLank. sud fil,. e,7 .22 658 IÂRKET OF THRE WDRLBI, riees or Grain, Gaule, Clisesai die mn the Leadlng MVarta. Toronto, Nov. 7.-AV the Western cat- Vie yards to-day we iiad a lightt' mn, sud littie buaiueos doing, aud prac- tieably no change in pnicea. As the. trade lias been su bad lateiy tiiere, Wups.carcely auy expert 'cattie caine in to-day; space ou the boats la had Vo geV, and £roighte are 13ohigii tha4t shippers milfut buy; in addi- tion teo VidaptîcesAin the Old Country keep very loir. Any good Vo choice butcher cattie sold fairby well at steady pnicea, near- ly ah tthe stuf! hereiras mixed. Pnices nemaiued uuebanged fruma Tuesday. Stocker. continue duli; feederssud, export bullea ate ncianied. Good milk coma are irauted. There lna a~ a guod demaut) for, choice.vea ca ieB. Sbeep sud isimb& beiug in veny amall 9U-pply, Were ail suid, but pniea did not aiter.froa Tueaday'e figures. ,Quotatiuna eor hojas to-day -wene 4 1-e arlbofr choice, -hoga scaliig f nom 160 tVoù Iba., sud 83.75 Vo 13.87 1-2 Mar 100 Iba.! for 1*1ght sud fat hoga. Tii. receipu i'o-day were forty 1usde, includLug 1,000- hoge, 600 cattie, 450 aheep sud lamesj, and a few valveis. Foiiuwing îth onge of clinreut, Cat Vie. Spprper cw... $4 00 Btlechoi',e,do.. ' . 3 M8 litemed. Vo good. . 825 Butber ifenor . .300 Stokera per ewt. . 2 25 1450 426 850 825 325 Emes. ar-ewlt.. . 12 56 Lambii, per eit. S. 50- 400 RuchaPer cwt.. .-zoo 3 Cows, eaci, .1 . 200 4600 Cbseacb. . 200 '700 Liglit iiue, poi cwt. 3a7j 871 Heavy h e, ~ wt, 7 37- Toronto, N9v. 7,.Wb.agt-Weatern ,riýêkets were*,îl bowoe to-d%,a sd tbê lapaIaiarkt fo tuncnsais i It is béeied tý oeived rei.ntorc Fre. Stat. ZIewed the. umt tion wit a: big Tb>eir ra-nge wat age iâmaib.5 Our the fine witi>ex Tfii. inveëStm« p>racticaily cum-m CIlONJE -It isrep'ortedfi tii. bîg Sun wît iiad iiuped to dei a mucceas. lIt is, neidr-DOanet gu carniage, about ti sgo trem doua E ont ot gear ,verj or usiug tii. Wl fluera gave iluç. iat iiêeu'emy bas re- enta trduuithe Orange rniday tue eneni7y' ne- .&rdmap of utnr puai- ýgun at dawn ut day. Sgood, bat the dam- naval guns returned cellea-t resubta. ut ut Ladysmith la leV., 1S BIG lGUII. rom fluer, sources .tiiat h wiiich Gen. Oronje ioliih Mfateking is noV be£iievd o be a Sdi.' n 1 tout. Tii. recoil is n tO h rW the. gun times. i atired:. .Aft- apn itwo days, the -LORD WOL ELEY. SPEAKS. A despatct tfru Lodn says :-Lord Wolseley, co-i.uer -ii-ohiet utftthe forces, in a sp4ciiat Vii.- Autiors' Ciab on M4odey evening, admitted tiat Vthe Govr 1stnt officiais were suirpnise4l st t i sngth out*Vthe Boers. H ail w, hV«4 ournid the enemy much moe powertul and more numreous tba!u w. autic1pate.d." Gen. Wolseley went ~n Vo assuiref.tris hean-, ers Chat every ar was a game of îupa and' dow Ns. aminpaiiguin iistoryl 'was eveirza marýlh O utnnlph trom -b.- ginuing Vo end. The. disaappontments from wNyhioii thie wene now autfening were usetul'in nany wayis, eapepciaily lun bningiug. the !notion closer togetii- er. Hie d<lerd -bis abaolute confi- dence un the fi ùa outeome. service syste'm i tii. i3itish anmy-had at baat'been ack iowledged as the right one, even by iîtamost strennous op- "In mv ý,aro e commande," h. asaid 'I have learu d mu-eh o! the Boer character, snd Ieau eay trutifiiliy that the fluerau a a peuple, are the muet igunont .witii' wiicli I have ever been bro. git iiVo conta4ct. Their in- tention ila-Vo -rle the wiioie ut Soutii Atnica. Tua lia a- point the Eugiish ýeop1e muet kE p belone. them."l iRer-àdmi-alLord Charles Bere.- ford, speacing 4t Sunderland, contesa- ed that h. regiarded with great appre.. hiension wiiat might b. the. attitude of the. bîneks to4.vard the. vanquished when the) Britii ii ad conquered the. fluera.* "I mut t repeat," said Lord Charles, "thi a ~view, o! such a -con- tingency, tiie G [vernment u ,s noV? even now sending oit sufficient- troffl. As to the possibilixy ut toreigu interven,' tion, 1 consider] that 1the. great uavali miitary, and fi lancial resourceW o! the. Empire are cali Ulated Vo ward off any undue Europew4 declaration."' sud easy. Redi sud iwhite, Ontario$ sold Vo milleralat 65 Vo 66 1-2e accord- uug Vo earnes~ o tii.hemiii. Thene was no expont' enqniry Go e ie3t unoha ugeci, 7 wa aked, middle freighta, 69o li bid. 'Manitobas quiet sud le boirer st 79e bid for No. d Riard g.i.t., snd 78c, Toronto snd West.- Milwauike., l or. 7-Wi.aýt - on* cent boirer; No. 2 Nontiieru, 68 1-2 Vot 69c; Nu. 2 Nort kru. 65 to 67c. Bye-id. lower; No. 1 55cý Barley-Duli; No. 2 46 47e; sampie. 39 Vo 47c. Duluthi, Nov. 7,.-Wheat-. liard, 68 3_8e; No. 1 Nortiieru. cash, 66 "-0; December. 66 31e May, 70 7-8c; No. 2 Nortiieru, 683-c No. 3 spriug, 59 7-80.1 MinneEapolia, - Nov. 7.-WheaV - In store - No. 1 Nortiien, November, 65 1-2c; December, 65c; May, 69 1-8 ta W9 1-4c; un track, No. 1 bard, 67 3-4c; No. 1 Nuntheru,! 65 i-2ec. No. 2 North- eru. 63 1-2e. F our aud bran - 'UJn- Toledo, Nov. 7j-Wheat - No. 2 cash, 69 1-2c; December, 70 7-8c.. Corn - No. 2 mixed.- 34c. Oats-No. 2 mnixed, 23c. Bye -Neglected. Cloverseed-Prime, cash, old. f6.75; Nu'ýember, December sud- Marcbh. 05.47 1-2 bid. i-Unciianged. Buftalo.., Nofr. 7.-Spring wheat Quiet but stead,, ; No, 1 Nocrthern, neir, ispuot, 73 3-4o; N>- 2 Nortiieru, do., 70c. Winter wiieaVtvIrreguar;; No. 2 red 7Se. No. 1 whit, 71 1-2e. Cbor'-Dull,; woak;.No. 2 y. ,low, *38 3-e; No. 3 yei- loir, 38 1-2; new SL3c; No. 2 cor, 38o Nu. 2 corn, 37- 3-4e. Oats-Steady;. . No. 2 white, 29 1-2e; .No. 3 white, 28 3-4e; No. 4 wbite. 28 1-4e; No. 2 mixed, 26 >-4c; No-. 3 nýixed, 26c. Bye-Nu. 1, on traok. 64e;. No. 2 do., &U. Canai freights-Steady.. Flour- Steady., Chicago. Nor 7.-Fiaxseed-Nortii- West, &1.28:1-2; Soutii-West, f1.28; November. $1.21;. December, $1.27&34; May, 01.29; luth Vo arrive, S1.24; cash, §1.24; N. vember, #1.23 1-2. De- ceimber, 01.22; M.ay, 01.25 1-2 bid.- tietroit. Nov. 7.-Wiieat--Ciused--No. 1, white,, cash, 69c;. No. 2 red, cash, 69 3-4ce;; December, '10 7-8oe; May, 75 84 CYCLISS IN THE WAR. goesIafBrges. The. Tnuisvai .the credit of b 1a irn iii at least have the- Vi. irat campaigu iu mmici bicyt~have been empioyed by negulan tro Dpe; sud froua th4, tre- queney mitli whiei tbey are mention- thbat th. rider «vinoe. This ta der of! Si r d mental officer tho option utf oc bloren, s"d lieu of rations, the, militaiT '0. beattning Ve valus u.! Vhe b; e rAtw ,it laverji évident iare do>ing very, good, et, coupled witii Vii or,-. re BulIler that depart- i at baeea might bave' fl»~ ýtheir cycles instead receive an alloirance. in leAda une to- hope -that Ithoritues are at -length iayielve thie practical in1 l wsrfan. Australla Sends Another, Dotachuwflrit t-to AMrka- Wotnen and Children Hfave teft- L,ý4ysnith- The Boers Are in Force at'Kimbertey.- 130ERS MOUYNT MO", GUNS,_ "4ien.White and'bis, staff -were asti r The London Daily- MaWil ishie t.,ýiefore 4aybreak and - important movo>- 1mênts w.ee ffoPted.Ž At 6.10 the folIolvlDg desvuitch froza ît& war- cor-1 bluejaoketsý opempd On th~e rid1ge, whero resçx>ndeant.. W. Steevens. a.t Ldy'theBoers had~- a £orty-jounder, and a amith, dated Wedueedawi morning :-, 1furios oai4nonade ensued. After four "Matters to-day are quiet. The' hours tiie thepouuer baterienced Boem aire apuarently mountîng more Bri~hê tih ohbatterser iieavy glima to the nortii and nDrt- uofthe igh~tisi iain ete eant , wieih are likel A w Zgve .i f"Gen. French., with the Lancers., tirouble. Fi 11 uuxs, Natal Carbineers, and Border ABoler -contingent 1,5W0-jetrong lRifles, started at dawni and got wvitbl- aud- clearly visible from The.cam jeisla striking distance of the Boer camp iiem4awywte ot.Th nBesterle- hill befoie the- enemy habitants of Ladysmithn continue to notioed- tiiem. A field, battery also leav that town." managed to' take un a position dom- The affl-unts that continue to arrive, inandinig the. enemy11 camp- without reÈading the f <îgating en Monday only miolestation. -The. capwas* a large, confirin its ser ÃŽusness - udthe narrow ODO, surrounded by wa.ggons and other escape eneral White nad. Lt no 1obâtructions. I3ester'a hili cwas Well appear ae i i were--only the. arrivai fortified, aLd there were 0odgn of -the. naval contingrent frorn the, Pow- jtliere. erful which Preven.ted a, worse diaaster.! "'About nine, ocdock thie Bii lIt moma thax when a vaisa seen that vfpened fir6. TheBorre1d pr- rmtrement waa imperative two Natal edly, but their guns-were not so wel oa.valrymen volunteered to convey a, served and their fire was ineffective. ,eéespe.ch acroos tii.7fBoer unes to -Ma-," .Bîib ie a ery go9 o jor àdys, ordoring hîm co'retire, but within a shoit time -a ,42-pou.nd sheli the riek was 'cunsuderecd too great, and hrtrgi nte i1to h ap t lag aignalling wsiemPlo'yed inste4d. -inflicting heavy los and'demoralizing The- distancea was too great and rough the defenders. for cavalry to gotc> his assistance. "TheUL the cavalry suddenly'charçged Accod ig w desexcles ile ~ and swept over çthe laager. -driving Tueday diferiv wo~s erebeng everything irre stibI before -thèim. constructed on the. hil around Lady- T-.Bes ldpe p4tly ev~ amith,- and it was expectea there, that maany -dead and woùnded' on the the. big naval'guns wuuld ce mounted ground. -Tiie shell-fîre had punîs-hed the. foliowinq daythem terribly. I Tii. entire camp ecjuipment fell in-' ATTÂCK lIN FORCE WEDNESDAY. 1to, the, handis of the.British. The. The Boers wer 'e tiireatening to- at- 1 solieme was- weil devised'anld brilliant- tack the town in forcoe on Wednesday îy -executed; it is hjoped that it -wîll and- Thursday, and the women, chiu- j onsilerably mini mize the efficiency dren, and other non-combatants_ were 1 où' the Free Sfate Boers to thie -west. being sent -by train V tii.h south. Lady.. ws rd. smitli is provisioned -for two maonths. WAITING FOR, GLNS. it is believed that,: tii Delagoa bay 'nLno sta route, if not already: restored speiiy Tii. general1 bel.lu edn sta wiil b., tVms giving quicker comamuni- th« Boers are uoW waiting for- more cation with; tue. Cape. guns tram Pretoria, before attackiug, Ladysmith. The tact . that Sir Redv'ers. BOERSFELL iN ]IAPS Bliler appears to have 'ordered a né- A truatworthy correspondent of the'~ tirement !rom Stormbe.rg. suad pez'- Central, News at Ladysmitii. un a des- haps tram other places, __r'lieves Vo patcii dated Tue.sday. 5.15 p-m--,-gives soie* extent the public- mid,, whicb an ac.ount ut Mouday'a iigiit. ý H wouid have 31 beeu furtiier alarmed. Bae-.Coônfidene is 'feIt ilu any measureas "Altiiougii it waa. - bad day for us, t'liat> Gen. Butler. im ay deem desirabie. itwas positively terrible for tii. eue- The knowiedge that Vthe pigeon'post my. , Our artillery fine was appabling. La working has.also ýcorne as a relief -Tii. fluera bast hundrods inkilledaid / ta tii. great auxiety previousiy febt. wounded- . They felb un heape where Tii. third-class crüiser -Pelorus bas our sheila burat. b,-en oidered- from Gibral tar* to Dur- -Commandaut-Geueral Joubert -sent 'ban,4 and the. third-clasa cruiser Fear- a formai writteu proteat Vo Genenal from Port Said-to tii same point' 1White againat the. use o! iyddite, as-1. Despatches frc-m. Cape Town aud in'Iiuman. Tii. Bnitish long-range guns. ôther' centres in Cape Oolony indîcate are vastiy superior Vo the, eoer být- that. tii Cape -Dutch are bcornn Veries. - -very es sa i consequence of Vhe -"'he captured columu e ceeds 800 continued flur suece Sses. - men. We- are s anguine 'and confident Considerable surprise la expressed st that w. can hold ogr own." - th consmtant bringing npot new gns A defpstch from, Colesbnrg, dated byt. Ruers at Ladysmith. Nov. 1. announces that six police wiio WOMEN LEFT LADYSý5IT. were atationaed at 'Coiesburg bridge, - were surrouud.d and oaptnred. This A 1 dekpateh fi oip Cape Town sayse is probably the onigin of Vthe story-that -Tii. Cape Migus has receivedVthe- DQERSliN ZLULAN. .,jOn the. suggestion ut Gen: Whiite A- esathfrm DrbnSauraythe wumn and chibdr.nwresn A dsptchrm urbn.S[iuraySoutah ou Thurada-y evening. AL largê! Bays:--A. letter tram Eshowe, Eul"- miiuirnbe of muen btt at Vthe same timr. land, reports that there are tramn 2,- SjmW -o! theM e bhav«rd. ba dly tuward 000i tu 3,000 Boers, -witii several guns, -th women.- Eýntire* cÃ"nfidence la still Lu th. riorthward o! Zul uland, -and thatreodhreLGnIWitsu he tii"O. re ready ta maroii. 1 staff, andlit la expectied that anotiier, The - Amenican-Afnican- lin. steamner pitâiièd.j>attle -willdlp1Vilngr Maria, which ci'eared from East Lon- mng'hope of Vthe Borstiiat they wili- don for ýDelagoa Bay, hias beeui det*ai-1b. able tu take Ladlysaitio" ed here pending enquires as -to ber Anotiier despatcii froua. Ladysmthr cargo . I ayatie -Buera have procla-ped the Tii. shuppîng agents desire an exi.! Uppo Tug.la division ufNaal anz plicit defînifion ot coutraband of war ed Vtiith Orange Free Sta te." Lu rde PrV pre tVi rsn I- Tii. newirao! the. lusses at Ladysamith leoneniece.I casedau unmistakabIll*depression., *CONOENTRATED AT BETIILULIE. Iespýecialy wiien ceupled witii the !aït. A de7ac rg oruoMrusjthat Vii. Ruera invadèad the j.olony ai- ,00 menwit Lofedgnzoareson- T- ii. D no tii. ln reiwn says: Fvebcdls o!fluoers, tôtalling mue DUitnOsy me, it fel gns ae oi-tiienielves loyal Votii fnitisar Goe aentraýPd at Bethu lie bridge, CaPe . I nt su, -su ar athe a been ih s- CoIoný. Tiey bave coiierted en tadmucariiaI:benEs foed. e erta-Ined, feir ottii.m have joined the food. s. BOERS' CREUZOT GUNS. jj Tii. Paris correspon dent ut the Làon- sill don Daily Mail, ays Ite. "I leamu that the Tranevasi and Fn.. I State Goveruments, !before. Vie wir piaced large -orders witi tiie guT- -T miakers at Le Creuzut, but that noV ail LiJ thewieaponîs cuuld b. delivered owiuig Nol Vothe suddeuuiese, witii wîieî îoalili- Ors ties began. The. guns Vthe Boers are . actually using are Creuzots-75 milli- vîc1 metre, quick-tirers, and 165 mi1iimetre t pat siege sud garnison. guns, ail mounte). 11i00 ,ou ligiit tarniages, and adapted in- 'eP every possible way tor use over muddy Pu~é moade. They had two mouths' tining Ioný prýactice undem cumpeteut Creuzot ':# agents. If th".y rould have bail anot-1frOI or month>s-practiee. u ,n Eurýopeau an- j iatm tillery couit). hive. witbstood tiiem." ito MOEAUSTRAtL(ANilTI OOPS. 1:8 Adespaoh-froun Syduiey, N. ,S. W.,. says :-Trendouis enthusia arn w W5 dîspiayed ou Friday on the occasion dt o! Vie embaýrkation' ufthei. second de- da tiacii4ment furuisiiedby Viie coiony -o! i Neir Soutii Waiea ton sei-vice in South W., AI-rica. - The. Colonial 1Govrenet la * eeiously eonsideuug, doublinag the. con- tingent. Tii. Prèmier, Mn. Lyne. has là coêmmuuicated tu Vie other Australian .Am: Preimiersa a- suggestion tha L -tihecoi- [the onies ahÃ"uIt).despatcii lu South Africa jfor suotiier, body o! troopa, te be called ont thé. Australlan contingent. H le says te1 thba't if neressary 10,000 men eould b. jthe sent. I iiO MORE HOT BATTLES. * wil A de5pâtcii trou Landou, says:-r-The Mr toltowing détiils ot tigiiting at.Lf-ady- 118 amiti have been -reeeived:l- hel "Thrsay,2.0 pm.-on Saturday et!, is osie utthe flnitiah guna mere quietlY iI plaoed lu a better position, th;e naval eni brigade getVLug VAirs. of the Foirer- W' tulle quick-flres on a high midgO ClOs. 6r Vu fhë western iaide ut the towi4,The ani Bouersalase dragged one of -tiieir f oty-. li pounders Vor an, excellent new position, a01 and npplae4 thoir. disabled guRs with kaiJ Saw onea i the oid-positions. Tbéjy rfrýe aise plaeed s. neir battery on a a It~ foux miles south-west- ofuthtii QWS. Pi ur isonere have arrived at fonstuwn, near Cape Town, wer. ýy arle,"el.treated. KliMERLEYi 'SAFE.. he Kimberley correapondent of the. u4d Daiiy Mail, Lu a despaicp filed rekber 1, -forwarded by way of )uge river, ays; u.e fluera are aVillinLufonce in Vuis nility. On Satnrday evening our troi maS tire), on ini Vth ei"glbor- >d Ofthei Wes&elton mine, the euemy ?n.ding a quantiVtyof ammunition, EfeC.tuaily, blowever, owviug Vu the tg range. A ree Staie burgiier, n-itLh a pasa >ml the, eneuiy bao brouight 200 oxen lti. towm. lT"enemy la reported ii&V. Vhree sieýge guns in position OliPhaintfuntein, foui- miles ftnom irRdeRierhbaswined Vi %r Office lýrom Cape Town, ' ulùdeI te utf St:uday, that Col. Kekewici,, cumnan ai -Kimberle y, reports. ,er dat6 o!' Oct. 31, that ail the Unded wmer. doingê welb. H(sPlITAL- SUuip MAINE.' 1desateh from London says.-The encnwoguen wiio ar:. equilyping e opital iship Maine are putting. ýti Particular efforts, Tii. fittingý il 1 1 1

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