Ontario County Gazette, 10 Nov 1899, p. 7

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P FESSoit AXEOOXFORD§ *9 ê vumabInaea t eîg ua SAYS ACA OGÃ"Y UPSIETS IT. fi ae 'd-wrd t -~ I ~ ~<> < <>*t8a21the word oùf? ôd, .ie Wmniet AssjrrI*logis8DOdlAYOS tbeV'art.her 'thn o ise tewo o 1 ib~~dble,7 IupeSu t the IBilew, have the, speraial revela- oer la thi ~<'le d.by Godto man,,but made. ln th ooenf literatuire, and thit it Iligiior oritiolem la wr6#g. The.1the spirit that underlii' the form, anxd bhigiier criticos of the Bible ee e ngagt- not thÇ fOrIitaelf, wiéh contans the ed_ in bair-splittlflg trivialitie and*are mesage f God's NSw'1I. As yo kno0w, pqrsui nfl s]a'ethoda. Tho old view the idè0q Of inspration hae ucver been > authoritativelY formulated. The. Eng- of the l1d book le correct, oxoept irEv'l"eh ÇhUrh knows nothing fe inii- gaÈding the book of Da»ie, which je PiratiOn of a book. In the, liturgy the. pooiposed ef legenda." 011Y imin%Àretien spoken ef ie tthe in- This is the stsrting etatemont made l1gration of the. hearta andl seuls of- jýy rofesor &. ]f,. a -m'en bt the Spirit of God. Wia.t'we by~~ ~ ~~ Prfeo b 1 yce, archaeologi zrea.n the inspiration of the. Bible ca Pexlorer andi profeffser Of AsàYri- 'S tlIP* in it we have the. will -of Goa - ioj n xord, Engle.nd, after thi.rty r"BVal8d to, ns. That ýwi1ll . reveal- oy ieti ec~eii nciOit d by the generQ j Spirit of the. Bible, berglyphirs of Entern lands. otb Uiinidalwds r ,Our researcIlie," ho e t c d Ra ceede~o d thopossibil-_ va maorg tiie xonur>4Btt' ofBabylon, 1 tofmiracles 1"-> Assyria aUp SjCienchvedOpenl up oly with tho pheý- and gypt hav opeed 1inouons. observable by the senses. Q0f Snew world u ndreaied of a few years1 the c g of these phenemena it knows &go. The7 uho& that the. hiatory of nothinq, and consequiently it can ef- manindgeMbac tetii voy'remotet frr- no evidence ltiier feor ÃŽagainst past, and that, civilýzation waà tiien - ntewicia e nt in accordanco tiulto as high as that of iinperial Homo wîth O &-Mee ev,- t aT ýi' houl or~ théoolvilizotio n of Europe at the b.e uch -an event. Criticiam has been tirno. ofthtéi RenaioaaàCe,.if net higiier driven back to the conviction tiiat the la soe repect. Tii ît~n cf«1>1 l B.rativeS are a true& record.- in omereeeetj'ThePoPUlation f Inthem Christ claaxnes te b. tho. Son thé ea4ry BEse.t wasi highly cultured and cif Goa, uand thereforo ablo te work highly Iitera;ry. Both in Egypt and mrcesi,,to Produce effece which flsbylc>n a< largo portion ofthtei peo-j do liot tali within iveryday experi- pie *tem to ha9ve occ upied their time] OflOs. . Inredngen adi TEA CARAVANS PROM CHINA. "The monûments found in Egyptan BDabylornîa are literaliy cevered with writing. Evon the, mallest articles et daily use have 1- been found covered with inscriptions, The revelations are -jeio pattly du te the discoveries that the old citiesi of t4he Eaet ha d very laÈgle librarles of books. And some dis- cuvorieh nih.de a fow jeare ago at Tel- ei-ArnWrna ln Egypt-where a large cumber et letters on lay f ablets wero <found-preved that ln the. fifteenth century befure the Christian ora the whoie educated population o! the East., trou' the Euphratea te th ,Niue, woro engaged ini writing le tter-sN on. an- This correepondefce was geing on actively in a language and formo! writin«g whicb belonged only te the. ]BaIq1Q;niansi. -Tiose, therefore, who wrote in this language muet bave stu- Med and learned it as we do French. ÂN-ý,IXMENSE LIBRARY. Not long Binace, a. discovery. was ma.de in tii. extrenie eou0,th o! Egypt &bewing tha't papyrue books were tian history.'t As regarde the. Jabylon- ie.iilibiîiea, they were equally an- cient aO~ very numaerous. - Every, 9reaý iibrairy iiad its'elay books. Some time' agu, at a place called Teflo, in ,South QIialdea, a Foejach Excàvator iseove M-d a library wjiich was ý form- dthier olur >centiùrieà before the )Dlrth o! Abra.ham, and which ho con- r-lude -bad cuntained thirty-three tbou- sani aiporate dlay tablets or bockis on e.l klnds ef subjects. He -found themà arranged [ln shelvee, piled one upon anotior. Tiiey 'bad, prebably been uverwhelmed by the. fail o! the build- Ing ln which they were plneed. Many of these lay tablete are now in Con- f3tantinople. About ten' thousand were istolen by the. Arabe. Tii. tablets are Inostly written in Accadilan. a ian- g uage iwhich ije til i irperfectly lrnown. ,What laeaepecially needed now le exca.vation on theý site e! certain old Caravaeu Route Thivoucla Siberla. The newepaper publiéhed lu Tomsk, callod the Siberian Latest News, gives soin. vertr curious details about the Ruesian ton caravane,. tiat transport tho>juncnd,-o! tons o! tea froua China a.nd distribw'te it in variou's parts et Siberia. sud.'I1umia. During theii lert twventy V- daye ut January list 19,"0 'leigis laden withtea passeed tirougii the city o! Tomsk. The ordinary gsize of these, tee caravane:ie jfrein !ifty to seventy eleigis, though sometimes froin 200 te 300 are included in one caravan. The avérage 1usd je five-bales, eaoh weigiing !rom ueventy te 1L0 Five sledgeis are fastened.tugether, drawni byune hors., and oneî m an at- tende te tthe deteohinent. To the rear eledge of esph, grouip are tied a bun- die of bu>r and a mensure et oataseo tiat the hurues may tfeed during the merci.-This facilitatee prugress, for the caxavan does not need te hait for the purpoeof baltiutg the herses. As tii. horae, !in front, however, doe net have anything- tu eat before him lis- place ln the caravan muet be chang- ed occa.ionali*te give hlm an oppor- tunity to ea t his lunch. Tii. caravane travel nigiit and day. Tii. only halte during the. twenty-four heur, are- in tiie villagea whero the wearyhersS are exchauged for freh animale. The drivers eleep on the eledges, wile travelling, ila pite ot the èsvere cold. HoW WOMEN LOSE INTEREST 'IN THEiRHOUSEHOLDS. une nrjstnwneit is certain AThe loi» tgoWIutcbWomnouAre ileir CBae" we $houldfEnd early librariesofo! day Unueh Suffering-The Experlieeeef a books like thoee I bave epoken of. For, " h m-Fmll&'peyCr instance,. there Wioeeplace I sheuld L.ad Wl. as Fou a Sodj Cuve liko tQ excavate sud that je Gezer. Mi.IaeTCo auworsds There we know, frorn the cuneiform at 83 1-2 Arago street, St.. Roch. Que- Inscriptions, that there wae a library bec, le ,p. teacher et French, English, ln Canaauîiîh daye, and I believe a -and music. For maLny yeara Mrs. number o! inscribed dcay tablete would Comeau_ has t;ut!ered greatly f remin l- b. found. No doubt these would throw ternal troubles, peWuiar te her sex, m Uchii liit ou the history oe. Palestine, and a4etuaei continuons weakness ut ýof y diecoveries was that o! the result o! headaches, neuralgia a.nd -THE-HITITE MPIR. -nervous prootiati-oni. Uitr trouble be- Certa1ýi monuments 'fouud in Asia Mi-cam i e ad hat aie w tan ore it nor wêrèthe work of the. Hittitesy and gve p aiigangotanh- Oieyposessd apecuiarsysen~ o!pital, but tii. treatinent thero did net theypoeésse a pcullr sstem01nateriliy benelit ler and ultimately lieroilyphices." shBe îef t tue luosptal etîll a great eut- And what has been the resuit o! ferr- Meantime her huoband having these discoveries as far as the Bible. -heard -o! the great value. o! Dr. Wil- le cofrerxied Vl'-- ; haine'Pink Pille ,fer Pale People, "I believe 'that in the -main they purchased a few boxes' and prevailed est'allelu the traçiitional as opposed te ,Knhewf otr he.,We n the modern critical vxew o! the. anti- upen ie wot th eitof' Whe u Q"t adcredibility adhsoia pille Mrs, Comeau gave her story tei trn'wýorthineeso eti Old Testament the reporýer a ut as foilowns: records, especially t>i Pentateucb.- I I"My troubl1eI came on at ter the dc>-net min lte esar»t4hut in sîl respects birthi «f hiid, and up te the tume the old viewe)w b ad upon the subjdct î s D.W liaecPn Were correct, butItiiat on the whèle the IllegIcoa l fnd thiug te cure me. 0d (1-Testamcuntt recôrde seem' to have pIlsutferildE nduc ano ,wsvr been virdiùated by the. discoveries we Bake, ha frnY ws er are nrfki. weak, a equent 8evere iieadaches, "i avecom.tedihehevthooug..and littIO or -ne appetite.. It wae-net lY in tho seu-calier critiodi vie* ef th* long a tter I *bcgan the, use eto the (pills compsiton o th Pet atuch Ie- tuat I tuund they werc heipiug me lieve thatsubetantial.Iy it'belongs te ver y mrb nci u alti er takiug thein for tht' ceaica couple of, menthe I was as wehl as hy it îcage, and I Blle o resnever 1 had-been. My -appetite -im- 1ý11Yi'tshould net have been written by prove-d,th pan e madI ~O?.The book has undergone cer- g t .cni. pabin le me sd aI t.alli ,lterations and changes, but sub- againbe coidaenl tenl e lesand Sitanital;y it is the work of the MM againof abuleiattè u the lessous fte ad o Moeshimelf Itcotains Fhouseheld work. Sinco using tue pis extracte t rçmesnlier documents, more em1afIhvrco endtb t esçkleilIy in the. Book o! Goneas, -'domy<s and Iave remmenedthin bte 5O1ýM of! theso earliem documents oat1 rs ind bî -av he vr ohu but -bein theito havverewherevtt u-edn" besonttaebenwitn u No diecoery of modemn tues bas to have been contemporaneous docu- poe $ ont wmna r Monts in the Babylouilan . . roedsuhJa o';t wiands r Cuzlifiorin chardieters." agug Williams' Pink Pille for Pale People. Thon you consider most otftir- c tmg directly ou* the blood aud uer- voseinv-gorating the boly, regulat- sui t-ot the igiier critice te be more ing the functioiLa'tiiey re tore health i~Ues~vor ?" nd strengtlu te exhausted womeu, * "Yee the, more 'archaeelogical tacts'n aeter f-1htli s gi, COPte thé iighat the more I ain in- 1wertli living. CIrieod to iitruet theii conclusions.I Sold by ail dealers iu -medicine or The higiier criticiebi reste entirely Up-! sent post paid at 50oa.a box or Bix 012 whait: le caled the. literaryraualy- - boxes for 02-50,. by addressi-ng t1,e si,9 r4 the Bible. the division etf the iDr. Williamns' Medicipie ce., Blrockille, W'ritngs o!- the Old Tetament among- Ont. Rfs I usitts autho(rs whoee works- are distinguished Refuse __ail trom eue anôther by- difforences iu SEXES POLITICALLY EQUAL. style "aid ilu-the. ue'!fwords sud1 grammatical expresions. Experience 1lI Icelaud imen- sud women are 6h0we that any conclusions of that kind ini every respectpoltÃŽcal equals. Tii. In l~t lie xtmemely precanious, because:.nation, 'wi<uiinumbere bu 7,0 h next two impossible te successtul]y* people, is governed by representatives anlaly-~ nte documents upon aelectedl by Men sud women together. MllrIy pioloagial basis;' even lu tii. of5 e la nguages well kuown and still1 NOT A COT BY THE SEA. H e sentimnentlYItIwrtepo -WIJAT INSPIRATION, MEANS. 1poet oh wud eteo h ~eciî ispiatio etyoudefie ISheVivind d icture e! the-future1 i udgig tieofm te Biii îl, 1. hexpectantly-A little plugh box, Jud;k truawhat eue reade in sati n lined, cOntaining a diamoud ring. -The. dullest Fren'cm-an as hé wait dea±h or glory, becomesi an ori-j ginal wit, while. joux. Gerenau' han4 gen.rally fenis snechanically for hie' pipe. A Scotaman's jaws twtch for~ a. second or two, ana then he standý erect aend motiô-nless. waitiug; hl jour Iriehuinan givas vent to hie feel-j inge li a mad yell, or It that la not possible, i lu a.0 eltic mban. Cur- ionsly eneugh Italians, Russians andi Spaaiarde die in a -very similar man..i ner ais to their phyoical bearing; but thia firet and laet probably ris. te tbE higliot state ot courteoùsnens man hýz ever ettained. Thomas Âtkins and the Amoricani am alike' when thie moment cornes. on~ curge., anethee bringe the.bloei tiirough hie lipe-, while a third-mutters 9, Dame which muot ot necessity belong to> hie owAn sister or eomeene's elses" INUER~OLL ~IkN Can Do More Work ou the IFan Than Ris Twenty-FouP Year Old Son. For -Thweé e' or. expraus et one TI4oE 1 WU Tee Wak te Work et Ail-Dis- gbled Wittk Ridmy Disease- eaddl's KluluAyPille &&,ve atm, Ris Proeeat thst 1 THE -R~eneenerdarlngthat tbilg rmd is a mecret. ,-Ail xight, deer; reet aerd 1wUl keep it. WRECKED STEAMERSLO- MAN Was no more eut b er bear'inge than peple, are who use any other dys th" nHome Dyes, ais tiiey arc fprunurncod by pers usivo have used theni, te b. thei. cleaaiest and mosi atiesfactory -dylese over Produced. Ani person cm n useHome Dyes withoeul 'soiling their bauds, 'with the. beat, re. suite, by beïing a. littie careful'an~ following tths directIon *on each pack. age. à ttrial package'leail that iii ro qnired te convine youthat the abev are eolid facts. To b. bad at all dru-g.. g idta, or xnaiied direct, free of Poet. age, 10c., a package, or 'a-for 25 cents, Get a package and ib. convinced.. TORONTO HOME DYE CU., Toronto, ISix undertakêrs In Hartfurd,.Cean. fwere recentiy 0iimmonecl at midnight by telephone, te a bouse wherein nt une wae dead. Tiie duped, undertak eib. weoee mad enough te coffin. th ghaetly jokern A SSESSMENT SYSTEM. ingersoll, Nov. 6w.-We have a man inIi The Torento office o! the. Mutual R4. thi, district who le a reen.rkable ex- serve Fund Lite Association during th aanple o! the. adage, -Health and past wee has paid to tue beneficiarie# strength go as à- pair." H. je a inid- 1 of deceeeed policy-ieideris over fort dle-aged manxinL perfeet health, 3and! thouÉand dollails. Among the. check~ glories ln hie errengrth. Yet éoei we notice oeeoe ton thousaud dollar yea4rs ago hoe uaed to b. as weak and, toi tie estate ef the laie Souatolr' Sa>'- heiplese as a kitten. Ifi ford et Haimiton. Theffe large amou~nt Mr. W. H. Balley Ilves on lot fvive were paid at a cost te the insured mue~ on the town lin. between Debain and1i beiow that et compting companie West Oxford. Heolis a fariner by 'DO and coniderable tie before due. IL- oupation and -well known thiroughout 1 tive agents wanted lial unrepresen- tah~~~~~~~~~ ditit1o easM.Bie ed distrîcts to sell our new'£nd ta- was a vietiin of Ki&ney. Disease which1 ing policies. Addrees W. J. Murrat saWped hies strengtii. Ho was not a1 Manager Mutual Reserve Fund Aes- believer in patent medicines, but heliciation, Freehold Loan Building, T- tried ail tii. dotors ini Ingersoll witii-1 rente, Ontarie: J. P. W. Pattersoz. out avail. TVien h. teck three boxes j, Manager for Q.uebea, St. James St., of Dodd's Kidlney Pille and became a!, Montreal; Al!fred Manley, Manags r * whle, oIl$1 mn on. mre. o Il Maritime Provinces, Hlalifax, and A.R. great anî extent did lue gain ini McNichol, Winnlpeg, fer Manitoba ankl strength that lu epite oit. us yearsbe1NW.T ccunld civertnatch hus grown-up sonN, W.aT big strapping mn uof twenty-four. tGruauamIttcr reedr .Mr. Bitiley says: "For yoare I1ibave' beenfrubid wth idny Dseae, ' by imperial <ecree te wear reddlsb ien sirubd at tidnes hatIsea, bed de dogskin gloves during the manoeuVeri uotbing. I had tried ail the. doctoral, in t.his town but tbey; would have put *CTUACL WOEDY - me ln my grave. I took three boxes et Take laxative Brome Quinine Tablote. AMI '! rnglsts reud the mou.y difIs tallu te cur i. Dodd'a Kiduy Pillesud ami -ow abie i<ô. LW, rovo's signature-la ou eaoh bot. te do more work than my twenty-for year old son." -'A sineauie le a position iln whichb __________oee mani pute you for thie purpose ç, drawiug the saiary whule another ai PROVERBS BYTHTE CZAR. destiwokI The Czar las a very lucky man. Ho inspires Proverbe, and every ene kuoweil that wiein a sovereigu begins *te in- spiré-,proverba, lue le pretty -uearly rea&ilte boome a great inu. UEërd are a few e! the wîse sayizigs., 'wiicb ewe their inspiration tethil. ruler ef Ail the Russias:, "'The Czar je very powerful, but h. la net the AAi Powerful." "The Czarl naturally a cousin te Qed, but Iie ie net IHie brother."l "A tear la the.eye o! the. Czar mests5 thie ceounTtry mauy laudkerdbiefe." "O0nly one eau b. tlieCzar, ibut mauy! May love hlm."l - "T, ukaffssoe the Czar are werth, uothuig if Qed doeesnet say "Amen' tei them." ONLY ONE THING LACKING. Thisîlustrates one way, the. easiest way. -et excuslng personal deficiencies: Th,' professer kmn spake lu four di£.* ferint tengues. Diuuy. Thoras only wan t'ing thot Icapes me, frein dem' the saine, Larry. An' p-hwat le thot? Oi hovn't the tour tougues. Married people eoutlive the. uniar- ried, thie temaperate and ludustrions live longer the.u the glutonous andi idie, aud the residenta of ci vilized na- tions live longer than those of uùiý civilized couatries. A piffapit Gurl*15O, "Phaoh 10»o.0"9rawQ4 Tii. amateur phetegrapher -cars but a enap for any protty girl he ses La Tosoaga, 1Go. IRLIACE QA More cases et consumption appe among ueedle, maker sud tilemakere, than any other class et laboreris. O'KEEF%-0PST.(,,,MALTY - I I Australia ,la the une place in tIýê worid where the. tewns are more bea;à- titul than the country. Folk OVEBR PIMTVRVAR M"B. WINBWIOW'B OOTHU!G STEIJI lmsb~ aseil mothsi'v for ibeir children teethice Ituoeths tas cbild, sotten" the gmsOLia Do'nOum ub »o, sud lu the lst romedfor e&Sa.e. Sab" ils. Mod b mau drumis hr out the vend. A truly great-statosman le a politie- Ian who is able te persuade the prople that the thing he wants la tthe thing tiiey want.r $100 Rewarul, $100. Theroaderset this parer will le pleaseodl Isaru diat there h at leaet oeedreaded i~e tInS srcience bais been 'able te cure uak 15tige and ihat 13 Catarrh. Hall's Catar~ Curetla the only positive cure uow kDowu i the medical irlaternity. Catarrh beiug a cou~ bitutilonal diseaze, -requlres a constitution treatment.. Hahl's Catarrh Cure l takt n inteer- nally, acting dlrectily upon the. biood an .eenn airté.mi4* he..witm-thffhv For those whe have theugiht that Cat*ýtry J hefudati othe'dieas% arrh is incuirable, sud te whem t he giving the patient strength-ly building un constant use ýo! sauff s and olutinente constitution ana as-litlng nature l inril hsbéen almeet unbearable, is te leari wsrk. The proprietoîs have no much fait has liscurative powcrIq, that they offer cno e! Catarniiezone, the new medicate4 ïdred DoUire for sny case that Iit talle to c air treatinent ton Catarrh, Bronchitis Bond for listeof testimonials. au-d Asthma, Catamniiozoe i 1 a guaraný Address. F. J. CHENEY& 0., Toled disesessud Sold by drugglssý, 75c. teed cure- for. tiiose »iess n aîî's Fam ily Pills areî-the beau neyer f ails -tO cure them.in It cures .by 'inhalation o! medi'ý Wbouevor a a isepositive lie cateci air and aiways reaches the-right thingsansd a!terwards diecovers spot. Thie is ne theery, but the . me e ouly tiieight hie eaw thenu,. suit o!fsotual exçperienico, ansd thou- tino te turui over s uew lest. sande of testimoniale -back up'al wo say for our medlcino Price $1M0 OTILHTLDRSSY at ali druggists, or direct by mail ooi t ___________MOTEL_____________ receipt o! price. Send 10c, in stamps TheoIlBaimoraî," froo Bus Am for sainple outtit ta Nf C_ Poison& _ _- -___ Ce., Box 518, Kingstoni, Ont. lsa a ma e"... Rice water iu lauudernug w1ilstif- feu dresses. Boil a pound o! rice li a - gallon of! water sud rnse thie dre«e betore drylng. Do net dry thin*gowuns lu 'the.sun. Roll 'n s cloth sud iroul when partly dry. nýig tbc ith 1 curý. that if l Pan. G.T.R& Station, itoritreai. e. arlkeio.,ro? AVENUE nous - 'Dl 1 venég . otel y ratecsi ;&Ã"I ________per dal. ST. dJAMIES' HOtEL tobok rm0 R&ahla. Plt-ciass Commercial FuaModau li ,provements-Rates moderato. p 'frtr I-~6~4< N o I - - 4h e LAW Best God Fl 11.50 Best Glissoc... 100 W6guarsntse perteot*etotO. OLOBI3 OPTICAL £0., flY.ng. Street. Toronito.- a usinn«umry. Writo LUKEBÉROS. 00O., Moniea. WAUTESy-aalesmen; !'Arborine" proteois fruit trecu SrmUpea"; #MM.Oweek. ÀR OME 00.. Mx4era. ÇatuoOOLD Mlkg 10b. Cures in J~P. M Ton un MO IMsOUBTO-ft"me sepe 0. "0 afflm.t for the Dominion. Bond 0&t av. PsorSirsea, mutrMsL gls Mg<uingsrellable aih udAs ]PARIE, BLACKWALL a"ÉO., Toroute. 82.0 PERDiYSURE - .RELIÂBLIC $ab0e IsR;posi«tiyo emanen ldt; 00pr ear sud. expenauesexperience unoscaarp M. A. okEFEx, Dii. M&aagermontres!,Que, Barmiesersesc.,remeej erouto. is Irou Too ittie iron means wea1kness, lack of spirite, palIi cheeks, shortuess of bremi sleeplessnoss,. nervoùisness, want of appetite, eâlaing iiu genoral.br.àkdowe. Dre Ward'e Blood ami Ne#wu PllaUs ~bs contain iron in a siluble forai, sethat iteasilvsad naturally assllates wtt» u gastric juicos of the stomnach, amd't>uo reit le tht ym 1*1 ymarfflgM wsl I mmodlatean tmMsg tUme PLU W. have on fylo thousauds 'of testimonial. frdun Weil known people who -have beei( cured by the"e pille, and wil, on application. mail a 1ýook contaiuigg a fewfe thom te any'address froc. TUiES18 No SENSE lU FEELMNO0MISIRLE VIEN YOD O S E0MLY au&I PRICE 5o CENTS PER BOX, FMV BOXES* FOR $2.0o0 4~11 druggists, or SAM. WILUAMS -r&-co.,TORONTO, ONT.è Sont by mail on recoipt o! cp.sh. a, osuer orlam. ig btnt 5*0r' O ME DY Ai eople Dis th 001r OfMW M DYE oftsd tsorrow. Tou iiib. ho' m ~~ou c apanson the sreh etiluga phseo HM YBsD» TOUR rmv.mi IT)O0COTHE, aS m"eh a iriding oaS. it dom uet maSter of what materlsisl>s are ae as HoQ 7me D a ýld!ysean -aae o ei ,ou ootlbo, slk, -zwoo1 or mlxsd goodswitk eqnall good r«Qutsas Shey are-POSITIVELY Unaion Dyse, sud wiII not ru o sr&ký Ir usaordn 0irioh onehpckosge. BsuadsfrlMDEadceioiss oobeo f wUihsomeihlu 'ist as good.' but losisi on gettlng HOUX DYE8. fiJor sale by.-pour druggi, or write direet to un snd uw ll aI o%. ires of postage, 10a. package, or 3 for 25 cents. TORONTO HOME DYR CO., ToRoNTO.- W. Po G 997 CALV- Oint.- ment, ooth Ppweune, e Oinht- ee swaed 100 oda Pler% 0dplma fr suporjoit oxcred 100nes.Th rlsau plru ornu lneor ouu dIseoe& os. .k jour dealer to obt a OUPPIY. Liste mald froe on applicatio. Fe C. OALVERT & Mir Mosk Tcodicrs Wê~tcd T. msd for ce.piste SHEIT musB CATLOGUS &ad S8EIIAL RATE are eq loped te TORONTOI ONT. Dyoin;iOomlng! "mmmsu ÀWRIOAK DYIINS 00.0 L~ook Io r «M4etaiuouritown, or seud idr.e1 MontrealTroto Ottawa, Quebec. heepeet and alstOevubsImu th*Werld. aMaica " LCovo ring BieamAnd Rot and Cold Wa*crPipes, old Stousge Pies LchnBoliers, etc. MICA .BOULER CommeRîO O., Umild Toronto, Montre!, and Ljondon, Eng. ROSE!S Ilflir Crower "oitively and, per- mnantIy cure DaldnseflaMr -Failinq Out Dandruff' etc.. aud renders the=i ot gor7ndau tuTestlmon"asto lgroon' 81.00 Ver bottlez ~ROSE & CO»?, mRomnosuie Ave., Toronto. Miohigan Land for. Sale. ÇsLakeRs&LUsdis, ai m uoes sung from2 e !rceTheeLsuds re Moue tosnierprlungNex DominIon MAI Portland, Me@, te Liverpool, GslIug et tsiefft Westbornsi. Lre and faut Steamérs Vancouver,! Lý Dominion, Cambronian.'a Rates of passage :-Firut Oabi k0upwards; Beood ( fbiu Offlterao, 08250 snd -W. For futhr inormation spply Lolocal gentsor THE MOST NUTRITIOUS GRATEFUL-COMFORRG PREAKFAST-SUPPER. j- Persoâally * onducted nT PGULTRY BUtTER, ECOSAPLS California Excurbions »ud other PJRJDUCE, t: ensure b APPEmltsS, Eïerï1bIIrto ,The atwoq Commisuion.OGo., LlinIted, via MISSOURI PACIFIt R'Y anu Oor. Weetý-Market & IL, Tront* , lO O NANBUE eos, ies«l, Cru THROUGH TOURIST S1EEPERe Cathollo Prayor Soapulams eliosPiotures, Statansd <huroh Ornam«ei, LOWEST RAThS. Iledtuils!Works. Mi rers iccelve popt ]te- For tnfulmailon sud reservatio f sleping oS thon. D. & J. SABLIU & 00.. o Wâ=i brtu addrees ______________________ a. C. Towpems» G.P. &T.A., St Louismie. WILI M ST TRONTO. f 10mm J . . I, Spt.m nir C 1MO SENSE KILLS Roachu, Bad Ouge, Rateand Mice. Sold by al Drglior 81qireen W. Torouto. ROKOOr Aàgents wwmtelunevey)ocai. 110 for 10O kit Isa of the là n sltii Hin8 afoty' 0 0M uflua Toronito sBllons, fou'Ai Pamsuî Duisand fueL f i r - i - 1ARGAIN-Seventy acres,.loes if desired an Clay. ln grass; adjoining Mancohester bestialIe ,,Huron Clounty; houia., orchard, neyer-tallg at. Win ta bu~b larr in exohange. E. N. LIDWI.tGoderich, Ont.' ourmh se Z .0 - U hrost, stoaceb d 4bladder. 00ek P abox. Write <or parioular,,The CATARACTS (absorbed i4u prtolBn oilAsthms, ana Over. stneu. oured by maie, sure an# poieni remeds, Absoluiely harml«& rlildas anatenisaddress, i i

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