mgIation ln ilies miss. the. hair begins f0 fa, days. le s*fness Our book send It to you. Il von d'O not obtain aul the ,frtom james J. J effries stUl remainq the MrotId's chamn pion puiglist. At the Conev isla.Tld Sporting 'Club, New, York, last Frida,ç night ho szeceeded in vauquishi- * ing the famous saiIor pligilist Tom Sharkey. Th ' fituchttho limit of 25 * rounds and throughout the struggle for supremacy was-vicious. Men's fine beaver overcoats, singl1e or double breasted, vt-Ivet colla.r and fancy -tweed linings, extra values, $7.00, at, Ross laros'. BIRTJIS. Rahm-In Tyrone, the wife of H'. ]Rahm of a son. F Elîott-In Oshawa, the wife of Joli» iElliott of a soit. Barber -hi Rouch, the wite of Levi Barber of a (aughter.- Collacot-In. Oshawa, the wife ot Chas, Callacott of a son. - areon-In Oshawa, the wife of Dulien Cameron -of a son. WChildren Cry fo- divulge informamw WUcU wiuseu I the convkcion of the guilty party. - The me.mory of Guv Fawkes was per-, petuated by the annuhli demonstration on Mondav evenin-. M r.- Wm. Cook and Mr.'.A. K. -Sinclair clserve due erltfor tho or-()anization of the iRffair. Âpraeesion wns fanrined at theý eleetrie lighit in BloreIia and headed Iby throoe un-, knowas on horse bac1< followed by ,Mr. Niehol)as Hlouek pIaeeeded down Queevn stieet. Mr. Wm. Cook drew the histor-, it ai Guy in effigy and was folluwed by a welI, org'anized torch-light procession. Tbe.concourtse held u.p on the Sinclair lot were the iainary'blr. 1Fawkes was; consumed by firo in the .customary< mRnner. A display -of fireworks3 foliow- ýd which presented a brIlliant spectac-le. Owing to- th 0 il!nie-çà oftbtree of the :nembers of the 'Blackstock -ýfifo and drum band the management were de- prived of th7elr assistance whieh had bee» preyiously contracted for.' DJAMOND DYEB are Home Proteotors. ImIttfltion Dyes Are. Vile P)ecep.* dions, The tbousands'of women In oir Can-, adiari cities, towns and farming districts stand l»n eed of the protection afforded !bythe xîever-faîhinog Diamond Dy< s. These marvellous coloring agents have been before the public for 'over twenty year.4:aud have always been truc bo nam and promxses xmadet. The magnificienit colors Zn shades pr.oduced by Diamo nd Dyes are everywhere extolléd, and, thé colors bave ln every case proved fast under the6 action of sunlight'and soap. The plain and simple directions on every, packag e f the Diamond Dyes en- able a child té use them with pefect succeas. There are imitations of Diamond Dyes sold by some dealers for the sake of long profits.- These imitations are deceptions, and wherever used they cause annoy-; ance, 111 teuiper 'and los. of rnoney and - valuable materials. The -colora are rî'uddy and dulI, and they cannot stand wasbing with oi'dinary soap. 'lo insure perfect protection and secur- itv', ladies should ask: for the Diamond Dyesanaîd take the trouble to sec that the name"l Diamouid" 1$ on each pack- agi'.* A litIle care'in this direction will, save a vast a mount of trouble., PORT PJRRY. -- The regular meeting of above coun cil CASTORIA' was held -on Pondfyý evening al 8 ______________o'clock-Reeve JeflTry in the chair. Ail the councillors; were present at MARRIAGES. opAning exc ept Mr, Fornman. Whie-Bryant-ln Cà m-'rav, G. W.. The miniutes>of -the laisI regular mccl-I 'Whi-te., 10 Polly E., third daughter of Ing*were- iCà d.adcofrmd * the lte J. Wryanl, both of Cambrav. The Clerk certified as 10 the number Feun-Buîtry-AtLakeSt; ohn f votes polled at voting on House of Que.,- Percy Alfred Fenn, of Lake St, oByîw Joh, t Saah aneMau, ~On motion of Mr. _Rundie the following daohtor fSra lrahe d eod fA.mounts for services sdeputy return- ()sawauei, Oing officers were ordered to ho patd:-- _______________E. D. Rodgers, $3; J. H. Brown, 83; Cr. ________-- Norrish, $B; and 82 for booth 10 R. *Not -a Faith Cure. Penhajil. On. motion of Mr. Rundle tie follow- raith neyer wor.ed a miracle in the. ing accountr were orded to 6e pad:- case of Dr. llaLl' Rheuniatic Cure. It J. Cassidy, $1; --. Corrin, si: J. Gil- i L the woiiîderfuil curative -properties otL lard, $1. Ille reniely thât-does the"work. - M r. S. On motion of Mr. Ilunidie the memhers 04 O Ta3 !or, Charlécote, ont., suffered of the, Fire Co wfýre relieved of tie per - 'iithk rheumatisin in the hack (Lumbago), eentage of uuipaid. taxes up to the sum for four years. Five bottles 6f Dr. HaUlle of s10, until thoy are paid Ihoir sala ry, R1ýheuuxntic* Cure conipletely cured him.j [rom'Nov. 181 until said salary la paid. 'le bas been free from pain sirice. T['b On motion of Mr Bateman Mr. John prepatratlc.n is used inteinally. O0" Doubt was allowed a rebate ofS$1.2C on Jbottie cotitains te» days' treatinent, Se water rato. - "-r-s bttl. Fr aleat ildru& On motinn of Mr" B ealenthe Reeve sîces 1 and MIr. Purdy woù. allowed 81.25 each as expenses aiten4ing County Ciouncil ~----'~ ~ in Ortober re House of Refuge: also tU~t the Reeve and Assessor Pach-roceive 83 PEATHS for solecting j urors for 1899. Ewen -I1n Uxbridge, John Ewen, ln On motion of Mr. Purdy Mr. James bis 72îîd year.- Carnegie was allowed $33*.à 9 on account Mann-In «Bowmanville, James Mann, of lumber supplied the Corporation. aged39 Yeîtrs. *A' lion composird of Messrs. Reid, Baird, Williamq sand MeMillan Graini-InClarkt',,Mart.ha MeChes- caebeo e < Counil ] akiing assist uxoy, wîfo or the, late Jameé Gra ham, ance re organization of a band. Action *gied '77 years. was deforred -~ Achli,-At Point Si. Charles, Mo nt. Mr A. J. Daviss hpard re exces- *real, Lewis Alehin,, aged -40 yeara, il qive as;seesment, ofi G. N. W. Telegraph mon this sudS ,dayý. . - Co's property ?'ere. --- Parkà -At Myrtle, on Sundavi Nov, Messrs. Rolph., Doubt and Dr. Mellow -~t. 89. ImraSaria. beloved wife were hea:ýd re piceg»sver streel.watening )f William Parks, aged 45~ yegre. (iardeper-Oùl Tuesday. -Nov. -7tb., -m99. Jean aeron, roi icI o',f *the Jate 'ioet. Gardeueraged 7(yearsebSmonthe ajoinths and 14 days. GaIe-In,,Bowmanville, AnunPoWell, relict nt the late 11ev. Jacob Gale, in -ber 78th year-mother of Mr Jamaes iGale, of the West Durham New@. tax. The bonus By-law re Hbuse of Refuge was read a third lime* and passed. On motion. of Mr. Forman Mr. R. J. Bruce was allowed $886 on hardware accountLi Oni motion of Mr,. Bateman a copy of- the honus By-law re Blouse of Rtefuge, as finally. passed, logether with the necsarvl notice appended, waa ordered 10 ho published an e ired by statute On motion of Mr. Rundire Mrs. A.nnie. Cran. ell was alIowed a rebatoe of 82.80 'e w- V¶ C OPYQV WRAPPER.i M M BC( Oouia là pnb up l la not sola ln buJl I Tea snythingt elseOout pose.,,~ c ta TU0110- Boys' Buek -Skii NXappla Bueqk Mitts 21 p çair. M mie-se botties oly. I on't ullowaym o un cl fi plua or promise that it V111M euwer.every pr. M 5ci anzd per Men's, is on a 15e. wire-frane.1 After the paper wears out. it e au Alasilv hçe removed, I GROSS - & MI ORANGER, PORT PERRY-. ReserVý,e Wedneaday, Nov.,!29th, for an xînas [fair. Mr. -C. IMunro, who has done such an1 extensive business in purchasing applest thisfaîl, shipped a number of fowl o10 the Imperial Produce Company, Toron-. to. lasI lriday. Trho lot consisted oft 300 turkê ys. 20 geese. andi 10 du.cks.t The birdà wilI ho killed and re-shipped1 ho the old country. Mr. . Currie of Ibis place, lias just had erected along the-f ront of his fine fart», being lot 2 iii the 2nd cnession of MaripQs.a, 120 rods of Cyclonet wirî fencing, Mr. Currie purposos ex teud. ing the fonce along the whole frontage eariy next season. Mr. Thos. Raines of this place is the agent for and hulider of this farnous and reliable patent fonce. WHAT 's Mr. Mat. Willii stratie way, dol in the saw mil] parîmonts of bis the lasI month h ber of water wh< the Dominion-c the Rideau Car, lown, Prince IE Newcatle;-and ville. Hie ha. orders :-two wa Landing,- Maniti wbeels for Parry wheel and saw ri B astings Co.: a Bothwell, monei an energetie but assistance of bis Reid, the two cc PAINE'Sý lb Mean.s jLie, Eealth, ns diltveBOO 0 .es.1-25" ..008" .010" N MÂIRKETS. it ....... ....., . ... . . . ..00a Lv....- ....s................ Rye ....... .... Buckwheat ........... -Mummnie peas....... Black.eye peas...... Canadian beauty .0a... Blue pu..... Straw, ton............ Alogs, live Wei . .t Coldeliveree&...... loal at clevator ....... Butter., i.......... Chiekens............... Ducks................. 0 65 o0 70 -0 40 4 00! 0 24' o050 (0 60 o070 o0 70 o 00, 00 0-00 000 000 000 8000 000 0 00 045 600o 0'52- 0 00 '0 65 0 75, 0 M5 0 55 700o 000 400 6 00 15 75 0 18- 0 19 O 08- -0 10 OSHAWA- MARKET. * Wheat, Fait , bushel ... 0 0 O66-- Wheat, Sprint, bushel.. 0. 0, 0 066 Wheat, CGoose, bushel ..... 00'Où71 Barley, No. 1, bushel......O000 O 4g Oata, bushel..........O» 0O26 Marrowfat Peas .........O0 00 ' 0 70 Blue.Peas .............. 000 060 -Mummy ýPeu ......... o 6',060 Common Peas .......... O 0 O' Hay, ton, new........... 500 6 50: Flour, ro ler, per cwt...2 00 2 10 GrahamFlour, cwýt..... 00 80, Rolled Wheat, cwt ........ 300 4 00 Butter, lb................. 000 O018 Lard, lb.,r endered .... ~... 0.00,O010 Lad, lea-0.........ý O0OO 1 Eggs, dozen ............. O000 14 Potatoes. bushel new...0OÃ"(>6'.à O40 Baled' havi..............O000 '10-0 POIIT PERRLY MARK] Faîl Wheat ............ $0- Spring.WVheat........0 GooseWheat......... Barly........... Rye ......Ie...........0 Oaýts............ Rlackeye Peas....... Mummy Peas.........o0 SinalfPeas.............o0 Bîno. peas..............O0 Buckwheat ............O0 63 0658 65 066 89 0141 50 052 24 024 72 0 72ý 00) 0-65 55 0,56 52. 053 45 0,46 Chlildren Ory.for- Whitby CATRA Th c.PORT PERRY. Th .Win. Cooper, B. A., ltlc of - Listowet, having accepted a very cor- dial an& unanimous cali from the con- f gregation of St. I ohu 's church of this town was installed:as ministeû here On Tuesday laIt by the Presbytery of Whitbvy whose mùderator, the ]Rev. ms is, in air undemon- Alex. *Macaulay, B. A.. presided" and ig an extenie~e trade inducted. The Rev. Hlugh Cilozier in ae he e preached and conducted divine serývice, founrv ore Duingand ]Revý. Messrs. Abraham and Phalen 1 foud hee. Dringdelivered admirable addresses t10 min- Le has delivered a numn- ister anîd congregation resp ectivelY. dels at varions points in The ladies provided a sumptuoüs supper ne a- -Merriekville, on and the choir furnished superior praise rai ; ons3 taI Charlotte- service intersperced with appropriate iward' Ialand;' one at and eloquent speeches from memiiers* of à another at. Bowman- Presbytery and the local clergy., The in hand the -following î weatheri ;was beautiful and lAieattend-, tr wheels for Richard's ance overflnwing. ýThis is a very happy 1ulin Island ; two wvater settiement and the Standard ex-tendsf" iSound; one large water hearty congratulatioca to the congre- iili outfit for Tamiwoîth, galioti and, the Rev. NMr- Cooper who. id'one saw Mill ri g or we have reason to be love, will add cCo. Mr. Williqm,3 ij strength to the-preaching staff of our inc-s mn and wlth thie town and acquit himself'as a good and able manager, Mr. Jas. useful citizen, public spirited and syni- uîistitute a stroing tea,. pathetie. CELERY COMP'OUI4D? ~tren gth and Freedom froua Dils ease. Pne' elr ompound, sepopulan cýentury. wît h oii t hc "ne remedy that ,Pin'Celery eau ho îrusted ho make a person welf. the a;tomacb whé -It stops the drain on the nenvous Il', clned te indige 1 tem dIspeIsý the barliful humons from thle j pepsia; it relieve blood, and inceases Isvlm nd Its I bat result8 frôi neunxhigcapacity; toseI bthat vital ergf that seem to be pecu iarly the mIfortune, Pensonstin soun ai womnenîs ovenwhe3lmfugly proved by ally reminded c the many testinMoniala froin women of or liver 'by dis the bloehest tandînL, in the <cnwnrhni*ies1When'.m.v I*no' Cornlpoux I. aIr upon ,81ood Oeeme she cc Bleep. recovery, by puirchasing- a bottie of. Dr. iiu'sl 'New Discovery for consumption, and was so iduei re- lieved - on takilig firat dose, that she slep alilnight; and with two-botties has been absolutelv cured. lier naine is- Mrs. Luther Lutjz." Thue writes W. C, EHamniek !& Co., of Shelby, N. C. SoId by A. H.. Allin at 50 èents ând Si. Every bottie guaranteed. Dr.. On- Graham had 4itp an unusual eprien e 'ist Moùiday ight. While on beilsway, to Cartwrighi, to attend a callfhe was hüh( up on the Cartwright. RoadWay% opposfté the farm of Mr. Wm. ilooper. by two daring. indivýiduals who gaehim i te choice oË, tvo.,things 1.e., put Up bis coin or die , Itso happened that he did' not have to comply with elther request. Tlhe gent who' made tbeýdeînand received a knodjý out.blow from the Dr. and then the former's col- league who had bqen holding the horse, came - te bis rescue, A t Ibis crisis the Dr.- managed' to'get away and 18 net muchthe wnrse for his frightful enceun- ter , except that bis nose isi slightly disfigured. CASTORIA For Infmanlasd OhflLlo. D W & MoGILLIVRÂY, Bar. Driers, BoRlctors in Cbancery, &o. Of- LUc ' Mathison & Hawken's new block, Brock Bt.,Wutby. south of Ontario Bank. W. i-I. WARNERI COAL, LUNBERs LATH, SUING-LES$ CORDWOOD, $LABS.,Etc. Agent for h., e e e .PEOPLE'S C I0 0 Office and Tard, main road, just eat*of Mid landRa.ilway traok P. B. WAIIAMe PAINTER and, GENERAL 11011E D3c~0F~JA rO~R Wè J.- LUKE,' and a rich, prebiood ,supply brou about hy -Paine s Celery Compotiii theb best bulwarIk againlsue-s disei ode* lty and impoverishmfeiit as A .aicm n,.ialpiit-haaaeoha ad 81( e6 of sIrm ' T h b e st v 1 ni itts ever,,offeiëéd. Our 1Oo. Lamp S4~ade il M+M