g A - ~~~~~wi w*Mh É ,e..omcp 'qgw wo oth~e peribed, dtmG Ithb. O -dTownib*g £foin2 Âirwkk tl.. TAIs myriadae t Rgs go _e th iri 1 o Strengthand i-ieetness. od :Ecli"ý-W opu- o . t i o - t 10 flt _____________________ ~ ~ ~ ~ -:»f wked', aow iiding -ore firznly upoa i utehor--eesQ ».*i.4a.Qt ieie i~tr vr rauting. est tower of harf okt h~» >III a4~tt b Thi e eemed 4Are Represented as Rkling on White OV1, 1t1oha>tiýIho 4nS] of the Weakest erved God, and gand d the ir ecJ'o Co!cB otGmIigI roi g' ~ I4 ethayna &b t ktorses.-.'trPI1~il nhabitaa~ <>~ ~iuit-é.wiuiiecompaniesreizRAKItS. and ever and for îver thiy Pat Iý 8UýsbI .01116tO ~r~~u1 Iieaveil.-04rade o! oidiers lathe Celestal City ~Pils 'o, gr.at troop of armxes whi h weré i eaven foIlowed -,%V- hep ~ au nvl#dtsilI binl ad o olirsq!YGo Lt «'m rn aif 41ie re no f( iinuo intudhors..'fs1e i ii eie(i ke ei r~jêo at - *ii~~ed to it- Forwa rd , artny of Chri-q- Lt bas b-eae, moae (hwo moqt anxiOUS #e BigflIO.O ubd~h o tao e With the (Great Comùmander atthe IHead. tia workerà 1 Ride- on, whlie 'the suf- ques - Of othe. SvGflig will you'and j !Tir terloim,1Dft.Ti eeY 5 fr r-Sr WhOm'. Yeu healed, and-I.the i ? oi t' t grent -Viroceision? Not un- wer" a iS 3iI ~, n i .. rn Ade. patch, frcoe Wae'k-ngton says: beaven osa hows8suatr the rw way, andsrued an he16 fleat w b1nge tu Lod yiDifU' 9- J 1 6 eUrlG o tid wn tii. ofloing ext:-Ând ii, rmiesth. not.aindoewom you .c1 ied. -adotem l ,onm Uno bt(h aar o cTRYÂTR-1COT z*fl -X4v. Dl._ Talmage pFeached fromi omu~ i. AB t(.h4 ffreis s v.Iioi%.yeu heaied, ani the ig- arzny, and fcloItoW#4 utETe rhe Kinig. jhii> m11bI whlob wee'TUEbeaen folloed hm, out on the. etreets -of usa en to greet hea vn -thai. yoq1. £ )e OsflW gfought. be tair i h amd b ish a (b@to u L w - £ roe >a n W. cannot, lu (bis a' e, underistand ui ban4 a liniveli n L.eoh3rt a LC, hita or byalaswlrdre'aa wcan.tI DeV ed sinvetae ia eea.I i the eauj aad lor ~flb.ancent ltie the OSptiveSJ gc>iag baeOrIlleon eaFth. The. only ride t i.syever had darkne.se unLil the, Great Day. --ïmenbdrud hwe! ato io 1vr a'i *m~gafLer; .ba whole popu- w,-s in the bearse tiiit ent," ofsm ~~U N~uthie bai'r2e. bLs enlull cornes o US l dirchein LgPott.rle Field. They -went day, by day ge __ tshIOli centuries of ýppre85ioziand tii-e.lino. BU-.Lfln my tetithe ii. avofl..poorly rlad, -and mnianly Ifed, and in- Th6--ewIIodo not follov. Câ.rîst on d i ieafcc !we~.tedi bard treatimnt, wh-1h, havé tÙi1cn I Cumiiafldar rid(% iWb tii-seword ut: .ufficientlyf sblilered. ThÈ,y were jas-.earthà shah not tirtnibe wiLh him Iline.d aaddsiildhý ewr odf £LY thograoeu1naefron s hmb, sd n.verâà 1 triuM ph, sud -on IIÂs head are tl& ot &I h woysent L ho evn. -If ouaeuthe w rang rom'h.! lîms, n any orowo wny ve ù ae-ohth tii. paap fren bi ev~ and the rch o r üw ý, A.1 býI -LYturs out ciuld not p y,-,a d out o! ch urchoas isde, yu 'hwad better cr s coe.. Vio e nhg-ii eb e a and tiarh-t gretCoeiiuerur peelc -m u fans ou beloïig t theblack ,ocaialry 'l- xrfi.Te ttivd(enolotIey &1a thola uurm iscrth where (bol-r t LOTii.dnceqsmaaf L.uE'ofelfonce.ieu ytà o< poERp trom his n c. Tiie fineat an-LÃŽ 34Ven u al te 1 ss C nieig te niriiaLead',a-the white cavairy,youi bad faa n tik o! bv g udrr( d se frI ôi b t(is anow to 4 efound pranc 1- aIii Li hiiig w.ay I1 Va-,e ail many of (hase went ou !th worldbetlar héâd the aier way. 91 t0 he fisb odîgGnri Gaaia5prIe h*3 bannera of ligbt t Ring, all (h.the. pear detoring, and 'the coarse jthe ýPUr& intO file flanks, an& dasb Up i lng l (h. arkssut saientkiilg lii;o.± eà en l "IIDsanu.ih I Bieas..dshroud. vand the haste of the obaequios -under the fstandajrd a(hCrsi -îbw'codtk h fldTnr(afi.T ro.uld not hoà ve beetu ýeen riding. 9f i ha t atoumoth in.-Lb. namin -theLb.you imiht have expe.cted for' (hem a 1L suppose, Of course, that? Whab srin aganthm soe(h nd by~ old,7 tho ox end (hea *ss (i led the Lord. Hhoana onLb i.g es"î si<,d e~~'b'ut tet saye 5bà ut- t e W iteherses,< bud fU n. G n ra rha & c pue gr-u d doarrIed t urd .-ns; but COKIÃ" on uoù shebattalionï 01- (he as'hining retinue was w iigbeyond- heavan 'a figU1ative; andý ysu. Àkno'w-Bn ovc. repasses 'b. regi1ment of the.'river for.thei ean pirit, nUL u in 'end mssengeS ta tuija DignadS a eccau depaitings h 3ia aryr.- hcspi -,rt It'Lha ndng lud ta-nimeifl. Ts coi- pîa'ing an4 triuip.han prôcesial,. k'ngs 1. f~ or Christ ; thiýy were'hounded ; oonfrontèd' (hem, sud snow-white fior e.3 shouid b. rnal.reated, and Vi cndsedtantc. l ip- be ~u.D sud ciettins ittiuo ?~Jbhi ywre taw-a asuuider; tby were chargera of heavan are brougli l, ped; and kied by thIe cr'ely' oM (heur u rrswrà l u-ossadwi- desoibe wu-lIors un Il ' 1anaIhurxIcd, nt of hi. o., Hore orne (he aud he conquerors niunted;, aud owners, and lhave no otherst.ate o!3f rGrbunocjiep.heltr Ti a - I ~i.ah con h un-snd Se-?Ii Cc'h nu e.shrsthay pass iu the th rong of tho ein bwro!cipfS&iI. *y tanHi.WbDîTPca4d Oin DIPt hbeai' ho chamii4ng of bh itw >~- in oua przi.cu .it. EsL vct rs-p -aose eXch na o ~ itechuld '-efsix yeara c>! age was COIo& ITSYt g~ l,- stain ola.ttr af s oofs among the, c.aped iror- he L. che3 of~ Calver- sce. rags for-Imperia] ýttire, weary, ctverhaard teIlnlin er brother çffor GainrrvdaElThu four Y(iLh ahieda.'Iht thu gven h fu-e and bloody eze n owUdkiug for seats on th w hi te hars years that tbeeà wvuld. b. a heaven hus i . bu fu huad(OKa howror.aidras MÂkt * ief roin the King>à Sstable.! Ride on, y. for liio b:rdi s ad .anote hae Mfr en. Oxa iw' o'eapoci fiorïse strength? HastIl(hou clothed initha retbat talion ai Scotch Mar- victbrs1 - scandai1 ofnt hecoraget hLisueckwith -thunder The glory -o! tyrs, Ilugh MEcKail, and James- Ren- . Arieher retinne: thatýof the Chris- correct ber' détective theoiogy. U' iaee iebif le ati y hi-au1hr bitnoetrlp is terrihl4. He paweth.iu wi--k anae JiinKuox, and oh'ers wiiuse tian invalida.. These who pass nowvwake up at Ia.st lu hesve>n( and f imd îg-tebvuigoln qaeo anag j& ihihie, wurdaaeabue-ou fo h languisbed fean fy a yea on their reai wWLte hores for the rôdeemed tae rLab N se asiaeuti u t thl aly u ijiehl Churcli miii nt-man eaii:*gi chbeek- - couches. Froni the firuiness, aud (ho ride upon, 1-,shah flot bai sorry, bu~t Grahmhsdcuc(dismnui.bdon *(r)engtb. fHe gocth fiih tu ineet the bones, and artvng drms, an'onseorsi.- streiigth, and thé exhilaration with for the pressaint, 1 muet takernytext soroundt ieswrs hn i pn rspoe *rrneJ men. lie 'a1Io&weth (ho od aepi-ia. ~t-iay-riaÂ-s Churchyard whieh they ride, yon would not have figuratuvely, and leern frozrX ut (o. iba(leyadif~tya nc.mvm gro-un wlthfierous~s nd rae. Hotook çsome o! their balles, but he.aven asupposed (thèt th3y baud beut double f leetnes and th trad(oe Sodne agrdudr(oITehi ~aih anou th trupes~RatI hal took al L -thir souis. Te eton Iwitb alinienta,-aud baid prouched with 1strength of the re.daemed. Rejolce, 0',she>k h ngil uh4 pnehinjl u - ~~~w.Paary eet,!through (ha glan.s ci Scot..rçiins irmedicable, sud writhed l yin htouin (ho glonos pro.upectl eiieliny oe ansd he smeltetheho aLL le afax off;!iaaQd la tLimes ut. Lp-ise-u ion, a nd crfýwl- tsufferinga that wero ghastly Ile o Xdo-(o atwr~ eddansd Tii ateIse be hus sqniwihw the thundor ai the c4aptaiùs and- lie se-ý up the rags on their bauds' sud baholder., But à fter tw.,enty years of the returfliulg rmy psessed in. review lestful100ma.(hLrtihbs-ruon kaeei; bnc nvtw thoy to.iow.(hie Chrîstt useless prescription, and al surgery at '%Vashingto-n, a'moug. th Inint 'fl'1ly 28 ildad10wudd h Lns shouting.' ' ~lor *hom th:-ay' icugiit aud bled onI had failed, in eue moment (bey ra- posv sights wei'O the lbrsa Ms.nelfl[1 lukt S~iIme - Wenzy tort, lu figuré,. reprêsenta whLe htlij-.es ai triumpu., Ride o. eoee.The -black groom ruamned Iwhich the, generalirode. But* (hfle and l w>wesbdetrn.e l-getw (be armie -!of g t i0ed as ndn5cLqeoI Vioore oai Dunttar Death camn3 cot'and ptter otl orsest ad flot b2-,en lubattis. Th-y soif t (u iYwt nwar~.pi m u4ou whito borz.eatset forth (hoe ~iC idBass Rock, and Ruther- the stirnlip, and gave therfloeelift, hdbe, te pa te lsf0 le T glien I lUde ou j -1- by which, in s moment, they sprang' lad btey ad ck pari(b. no aue To rsihrnvd pn uaknlI ana strength, (bth, er. a'te idry Jre co<fleOs the regiment oa! l*zhU 11 wite o hes ta, eforth-con- w;they alad cn uari nabutcae lS qire.Teaku3gc!un oeiea h and tho innocenýe of-.(lie- redetused. Imaryrs. QU,ýen Mary againai. King querons for avern. they hgadsen nuthards.hip, but-cae nai3aloIiîrldI. mnDg- -The horse bas alway0 - heen an sin- Je-us made an uneven tight. - Tha 1 heard Thomas S(oi3ktan, lu thpanc3 nd a-ong (dl un d pb rmced nlia dtGe evrleal ,rr a ate blein o! a(rength. Wlen startlad b y -ny thýJuzà .ifdchariotrs oL God com.! midst of his* sermon about (le Good 1trappngs, snd flIpng f leet, aud flain- tliossdmdrns1s b-nej0~e n5 ~, Eddenuigb oraoun, bo haing down thas(eap ai heaven Land, stop snd cou.gh for two or tree i ung eye. A; (bey rou-nded, ýo the. rall to 1! hi ie i. nla în a aîcug tho ~~ - WILLIRDEC OVER t NY FOE, minu~tes, until 'it aeemed as if le ncv- of the drumn and (ha trum'pe-bln-,t, vanea urhwvrc-prit4l h plunges lu h igwy1 he er would geet lis breatli, snd then go (heur, driver3 bowed on. ethbr side (o fi-ri ng ta oly.Ti ioei e bandyof theQueenoMaryt>îv-ruontitlit byinsonouagaiu; but, recavcning lis strengtl, thLe almmast interminable huzzah! oncele (odatr.Tein of YVêIPI taud 0f the#.gr-rofg drir ld.IihoeGî,ba.heoy tewp ransd -lire ahi lau dniven Protestants he putis baud upon ie lungs and Oh! when. Christ ouir Ying. ,7hall re, Innrv a hdrluliemkoft 'tda Here b sad "Thnk Ga ther' is.no tet-had r, r ike'(b. reth asp o sa ci. is hoofe d ey wn, but *oh- p y do thm p. &id"nkGdtpaerd e ln owtr.abv- i î h rie w ie I oda~ec and the veblie -hunled over the rocks. r Ãuedr .r. d.'s;nd quent Thuomas Stoekton 1 Glanions and agasi the Ue, may- yauu aud i Tley psn pnteEgs axsýblll -V1.411- clibi h,Žj Cia-merndwhoaglu. bis -ur- Thomais Stockton. 1 had a friend wha i through the infinite mercy of the and'ethmbakTi.citc'WJn - ~'itlinostil antig au fo nifyzg ag-s 'bdck i' ueotosuive tu-s'ouiî; au-d'ffached (he-Gospel in: the West. 'le 1 King,, ho among those wha rhall fol- tiheri>fr adt-adeo!1it~T In 'lake, hi ýýhoadý tcsà e oneitbr ALne ..ko, wl a. Nthnty- glitsr lu fak i , h h a t cpso ohr Âme a-aw, wbo tan' lvaenyA&ear oe aaseized by a disease whicl must lô Hum in the, great csvairy troop &e-rveOmnî igasupo w ~id inwil tntuiipl, ie (ojlno f r ' Ot gert r the t~raeke 1e o, poea a nes e~bmitted ta a of (he. redpeeied. That will be thie Th-eGtlngnafUnt ehndjotk Lemsi1èb hurled at hum, nor the sbuiu urgîcah 0 eraizion, The-' prospect Ga~lRve fhae.a i e.- lv.B -gro-ana, and th-an weui. with boues sa %v sbt 'ho would daluholde Wbnha ihssy h hvn- I:CR GENTIEDSRT mnti ' iwiic~~~~~~~~~ I a w of ô thai multitude. AwayuLjtd b usb crid-n Ouiy (h --halldltv o!Genena4Gra- rin it t- 'hi [ies irasaiUIYI1 Ichair (o (h-a ȏ,lier iast worda ris- reobthrevaa - built wali- hofa t~ Threfore, wleuithue radeaued aire ~hog lm~ en ry~ o OI FRCVR, A-ad ,,)early gates bbeiod-. ~ h- vre oLHardre i i.murd-ererà . Oh cavalGadeaf nmen and ansd no ho fait It bis duty te aubmit. Thy bulwarlm with isalvatin etrong, birokilnsad hard(a renoenedasndig n huO irsa,~ I-M God suà -LclÃed UP 'fmoiti One Sabbath morning bie stooJd lu bis AnId stîreets of shiniug gald 1. ~ Awrabs abtbcm l iofu~iwt i ' tb£ir étreugth is seîît forth. -lhe dciýs 1-ta i on l1gr of torture into eter- pulpit, ; e Engisb a-rillery elt (I.farchair, theR of hei iuahui~clI uddecrepituid- - al ife 1 Ibide on, (hvu gicirious regi.. sud saud to es congregation,."My I OsafoiSukn btne :W4 of ait eyr a1tby esukaLk u bi daulghate asan o NwYur asuii t et ulinmrtr -da pole omorw.... itrhau adOf. l dvnesu eq ee agan c~ tr~d êgau. air ti. uadud huuand Wh ar thyî urgcalopratenwhih wll rab- pnaeica aranagerosultd. sm<n te fit oi.heir purbuer. ênd neighii ng aid- as-'nSri tohe as lnght-Oa-Gô or 8ai ailw a.in 1sick." R ieyon eDgb-aeaMhmeaialv j rm h éet sta O xpeso at Ùe1 esc4P'- rO - i tvarda o« heaveu.- great host ai nêcoverad invalids iu the (rader sud a Hanflibaý of ths ese Digstolutéwy AHtép- *-~~,hey-lihl b{ te -rde~ied n . îdîî aiGod~ doe I triumphal possession of heaven. Slavery lu Egypt 15 nominally saho- or o nti a rult( ort b»$veiO. -0 the exh.lara ion ci feeil- .o.jieury - VIII. brought Aune Boleyn ise.l el( tfonse.W a ise' thoam~a.Teefot~' in u l' uce-n taie worlds at a Ad wîiîte taruai odmploy; toi his Waace.. . The river Thnmea wss wa-u vain. Be ivas driven front eue Wal ' , eu, na(ditac e ten lher- i Tandsarsjoy.' aresfola(lo sheLard- Msyor. Or- O&mau figna se(tleà d lu the 1eirbýreen oan4.Am f-nauy-wp ouUd- com-Il diioauc beweet hre udRildeOOn, Ye mouuted troaps o!f baS e I B]arthoioow',6 1fit iale dreésed in soanlat. Chirs c.OUutTy. ferse b ired a baud e-olio a ,srbu h onn trj toïa thieavn eis aIaL ot wii. cen-g longteýb HeeI e paIte oto heýo h wsass desent denizens, wlo swept np cuai: bscesrd 3 Ii5(. gi is th e umuiersprt If lo, liwait erscrrsudnohr atai( ra~ive.« asaorn Lb. bielo! ho hiteaatr-a ea rufre du f~ ~ t roachUS inmo asueSiai f ( l ru eepe1h egmu !Chitalng aà th~ebreeze stirred (hem. Anae iddowiu the bauke o! (ho Nie, caSp- ta ao aa uti apii sa uin Lt le s Qun 1ad riais ai petil thelattiropiel ts. e etcarwn lutf Boleyn, lu clati of guld, sud wesrnug tuiing young '-moen ad worneii. The adtsaio!toahuue l-<igfrt iula u d ir ecd ad .et- ,bati bi Ltie an t heg Ciroîet 0o! preciaus astones, stepped captives wexe huxried te lRed Se-a Ahbe n eiDgn.' hw- r thons are worlda t.hatLhave beau creat- sud moulded prisons, sdan dd b-tbn~ arsndtIcabothef s kng-Si.Qma iu rw . Mof atneutu (oEg Ot çkd tnagas, 1 has luglitfhaisGod a.nd buian governors in*îbe- dom. Thon ontering the, stroo, ea -adn~quarters %vereSterrsua Isup1Suin.H-rudth funy .- eoched iu. If lgi,!yu u u-Iai !(.Icroae bey preacl- ed on anieiuîy capariisaned Palfroy, KIaou. Thîe wholo SusJoie ionE<-VttS1IIJM ab iaofatle adre0d bs audiety-t es teonero m lesedCios o theaity;g iiie besLd ppu Bi y sometimes walked, on clatli of y lîe-d tributs (o bis traiffio.suBih-eltbs.Teoorea-vryg ~ond0tu6fe !. heaven, blhes sud bread intc thie fie AW>Wandmvuded - the surranderboussudfoi ' aret o; adorued with scarlet aud cRmen qpri SWEET RIVE-ýR OF DEATE T beaten «aid ; and along by foun- bud Lssed au edfiat againsL slsveî'Y.anrtcr nhishw-seuld. anttl onden to admîuiatée tinto a u? Swift- they lwashed ' off the filth and the t ains (bat were mnadà on (hat day to Thiey c4osed the ports' af tih ot u amcsce 51slinssdtw îe~5 o onianiess of- (boss te -wham thoy pour out 4xo WiiiO nefan (ha peo-offirslarorypant 0mlsrmE ilu;oeïe -al1 agl6es, Or wuings- lbd ad-mlnlstered. -Ipie, until aIse ait Qlst, kneelîug lu La thce culiaRE .merchaudise <01 os- frin ukn or gh l ae (bm reneleined. aw(e ue heg hosrsaWXeiitlnator Âbbey, tooi the crown. 111840Digua. Ie wfg uow a typ4cal- nar Tbe Im),rm N-W TeY mue@ttryouop re à iefeets Bu(hoafofo- voeuctr Ti rs i t 0ýtst 's &"%0 &a sym>- O!fheaven lu glanious r eview. There uta fu .1 aeer Of HenlîY VIIi.Mohannuedan af fifty w:ltb a'harem "ednsry caiof; but tbe conquer- I .< tho 'globe ln the nameo tf him whe 'career waut aont in darkna.ss. Nat >îo orm<uptt hm ~drade onnumaitg :.aia, ' I1was siek- sud y. visited n "~w ititoowomarKn ha ai1fe ond(i Mad. . :ed, h cou- a ocnrdo thn4ýolamaVion't Q the rejoiing muL .What ta Hlmwore the thauks to! th (he honora ef beaven. 'fiSAPA NC THE WAR. thtOiailnaadbusansd CF titde. & al ho edems n loav ~Hoas t ommnaorthorsogi a LONG THE IRIVER 0F DEATH The Mahdi detected '!the greatuness~wo~a~opund ttre s" re ictnit.Ye,. iie ar mas (an o!ai eh.governm.ent on oaxth Cani- their barge éhalglide anxld the alad- ai tha uew follower. Ho ga.ve h1 let- oututOs<uadTJIyWnsi- conaquii reth.ruu'hth hm, that loved pared. with the joy of (hie day lI ews Until it cores_ t he iglit Of the levlaesac u e(otr.H xe ri b e-lo .dvt tbem.I ' ~ whie lie ides ofliowed by roui- <ty; sud (b8n, o0# streets of gaid, o!*io 1 Sbl'5 osuloi.Junel,18.O btdyh Ky f*x plms m-on eue cf the. itudos et! thoBo whonx he !auud lu sud greeted by harPs0-Pgold, t o (beyf i abaingoene usany avenuid;, the, ~(buCelestiai City. dungeons- of darnessansd lazanottos salal join the armi a Le~Ugfl &iWl Dgl.l 88YwscmaA-lsinmrPî me.TaBnis hee éaThld aiej o n ae onpadem e usm fienierg(o rainMis- towig oa' w.hte hans6es. tiveîy unknown koyou-d the desert. , wtud oansfr~( re h euuntly bttiesud ns o pande. . I ia-aiWho wena taîd -(bat (bey IBUîi. 1 cunot couint -the jutormin- W-thln iUs limýýita eiYppltO uim oteae.Te xpd oay: $hall not have (iie(oose al tha great could' not go on a Christian errand able tria ins et od poptulytionaSt lbomte of (ho rodeenied ; but John, inla t a haspital where iîepiague wss reaieemed of ilag&Hsd anesd !50'd hi m. His finaL ,worir was tu, or- thisbdnvgOusu oor.bm 'T. in.t4to Pmas c>t à î.w af tbes iat- ain ' e«they. W-uld consent (e conditions. One hîad lansdsfnt-,,,a flatig of Ildosent bandits. TiOpeoe ahwy rn uknt l ÃŽj BarberAn nb0 uriesahno wersOnnsndid nay ony PUpapaer. fwi ~ouet ~Âu4(ho ainioswhicbw ors inluand neyer coaeon.t-delihenate- four generatians Of eop16 bave lived T£WIr bond. of union rwaS plunder. ~t~Un b anblcf(i.~ lunbave faloý*d hlm upon-whte ly made al arrangemoute sud went ainces- the wonld was mcade ; sud con- Wtij e ex b adbcoe .etbdontne issav nf brt ~Xuheesxi.ie (odl ~ln, a 4 teck r are bit the -uick - sud sequeutly -about t evnty-ine (bons fYOr:hohï bgà ie. i Lio (onaie ~Tho jo smw aonce (olled for Chrlst among Sasv a iatlcau: A great proportion 'of ih~e !(odenWt iMi.apl- bc xpre aArbaud-Ad geat 1tmntl1(%ststt dvlin nfoot througli (ha wi à , I (le mait .bave a ae nto glory, so - and huad unuwîusl .boutlng, sud sayiug, " y test are m-wayswei,but (bat notbtir« but-, anxfnt or axedbefore Sinkat. TUà ws W.8tiu- b tld ii rft ets s eut you 'kt" (tl tbe. proceà îuaw" asnge o IPull off My boots and-wrnug- my'-matmticlan, h an , arithmeic gust18M. go iu5li UPM thO S»t- manDgAp~ibu un.Nrw.~ near. 1 boan Lhý sou-ad of (lie heav- stockinge, and put (hem on again sud -of sternit y, conld ve au ldes ! (isthifl5flathe.(lieOad c! i hs fueolIC 11 b.Biihal ( u tp oO.ar 6nly lieut sdvankýng. Tiie shoot of go forwsrd, ztryiug te endure'hardshlp numben who ma th a.tnng't J ete a'kwb5 0osofelgbtyminsoraont .tue- nredeaid. from th.'e- mnakoR5 sud as* a& ood -soîdi.en of!-Josus Christ ;,, tâat tullow on wL$t&o herfies. Eer n5. t f!iwb5his 15Iiflnu-dt~dr<e in utlbda psIa 0 hae esn eae.Te eyngti args -ho hado h.bo (lu liste hiDlen t-bheÃœng. Tbey, are «B« meidawiiV. Thebman% satefl- lati 'e-COIS Kchn aho -- pnoowà ou lis luaigwd timarsbhai sf top presêluiug,- or die, by a yIu t n~ g tey 1"s ai 37hur.s'~ I~IJl t t o deem lS (binl- <.£ atb~ <,dtrle oda h l #M tb fis -gt oa pb Ão a n yhnr ýC« am (4 ~~i.e5bW* fo. Darab ~ Ih. ,&maa xLtXibe mn frnt k him; - Nexi; h. ntirineê- JJ6Wia~hwsecharged Lhe r-Cea pd s wwot ail ùforl the foCI0ià j é prti OY man by'Abu Gitgéli6az theii.had -t to hein prooun chu.- omaelerd -t pc. negol.ifr (beL mn wbain (boy iad undert îken to sulidu. O - -. reoevd L> exi.sarien at WsireS; Ha Lst ened to baic to 857-j but Lhey oould kil» aL ich.:- 'edeclared uuiht ttack eveny srnsed i wî4 hinauselimita cf whuit Lpoaod to shôw trading N G 'ISOWN GÂM& " IIy me;eUt Latb((ha, ixhaffl amauden wou.d di anytb.ne Lu prG.mote tai ndy Mhe coset nigit sud day. But.- - 1LDot'breakup Oz-mans-à ipet he slaves ultinued La 1* and exported lu aîarge nuwnw' ie great Digna had* bec-oms er of'(the oeitert. fHe was game that ineant the-.anQro longer ILit stad. Be augh- jtish powor (a ,searu. n wbu tirist reahizod tsie iras Kitchenar.-fHe ssw clear. 'LS counâtry,'waa p.-à ling into Ãfa's bands, so long -as (he - thi< si tuation lu Sua-ki was to endure. Hie advocated abando-nient'of, thie Pl an 01 t ecips Incredible OW# a fact that tbe*Cabinet -un ef1ýsed (o entertain 'Kitcheo- e~t for a- reorgauized mifîùtry ;tciy of (h ' nerxt few yaas rapetition of whuît want be- man Digna bld bis own, [a ail- ha wantad (o hold. fHe ta Onidurman, -perfsotsd bis >Id h*s slaves sud ýeuriched Kitchener set lu bi >rk- of!.orga-nization, - He ùow particular 'attlention ta 'Os-- ha ort hy remauued as elus. s tel. Ambitions colonieS and riaed- ta capture him. Pitched E -aged; ' - wbo-le, however. tbe Moham.ý laver'a Power deeu>iine-d, 1Eng- no longer playiu(g -hiÃ.9game. Joue influenre of the Mbl.tdiBt -t waned. Lng befroe (h - a t- Omdurman (ho SeîîdanȈ partsedoin et of Os.inDgna>s He Lid sunk ho heeePl o-a t large within its limnits. Kitchener went (o Khartoum )ignn w-,tiqneyer out of 1b1 . Poa!tivsendors were givefl (he,slave trader,- de-ad'o7 f, aithc-ugh the grat Engliçsh rted the quarry, he c-ou'd not ,enrth. Ocinan -ime outof ahive and free. He baud bcetý dit ln the las- few v,.enrs even OMM followiug-. The eventa' ira,,at Pongola revu'ale<l the ader lu his (nue 'colors as 8a ,er. new- hve o sd bcw xVfairs îeugUm8 te HIauve 33$,000 215" .t Uni* fightiug force actuaily ai - " Eobents' disposai: for service the Orange. Free State, in- thie traoOjP on (holin és af cuil- [ion fimStenrastroa i round iiidel, De .Aar, aud IHuq.aitown ,berley,,is eaoid eo! ilregi of ca valry, 45 lbattalions - cl in--- 20 ba tterie of1-horse asud fie Id y) and 19 'olon!al corPiaof, strength. i. o ffe-t.ive total B la 'vrobably about -55,t00 menl a fîeld guns, witii the addîtke gaval Brigadle he4ry hip gus,: e Maxim sud 0(1er mztobiue Thons were O :n the wy ont "»glau-d on Febru-ary 40 foidy ats of cavalry, 7 altriso 'Y or 0 gnns,ý Il batfaia f y,. amn ne ep cloflii au d'otie 1er coirpe- i&maîù iof(hese aà » rnaported as, ai, anv 'FURED APIMED GERMANS.- or hIe T.,wls. !,atoch (o (ha Londou Turnestxr'r oy ramzp, da'ted 'WiecIneduy, Baoer lagers nea r Lady4initb iniy vi',ible , IL la lÂ~osht t Ving (o f('h broken gruuil. whe- Eue Boer$ ii4-ve lallen bauck (lita poSsible tbo± (boliy oecupy.-h s bebîud the Colenso Pubii in. ý i .1 pus are. sbelli-ng us 10. sexi t t -bt e Tirnes fa-onu ýL ;,y-- rpicketm have capture-l 1 ' GoeTna<ne, wbhoaraue- U>îv-.t a r r u ti i s u c e c e r tl i c f a t e ' as wil - ital b&iid. Tî~l~rbudv'Etvi st( wtis vsry atv.