Ontario County Gazette, 2 Mar 1900, p. 7

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VllUSfer AWus*a Ar Mar15w7 are ustwevr4eS4. .ekbnO *V lis f fult et the uthýetitlSBof lios<jth mei - d tiste bê tb. înetropo1 l falny oonsl4erable pro x'.' adead ru porol th Ue peupleoào- London con- tinue tumnt the.description of "'the 71, ýgre8' uiwab Fa." c0i&lte luit BbItfr mm g îZtA* .SiIi .awylà MR.Bdia of aak ti4Iii are Umaz'y, and liii. are early .ai!, alOID being incroa~.d. At preet there are ras ors 04o th" ila>n other ed LaL,ý sinLi n hee Y.C»aLarEic -Other ma y pFra ise rhei e d w a s h Ji u 5 'e s a L b i s b e a u a d o p t e d , M - -MO P Jý e Pr « a a t o l i 0~ r n h 0 O f q et and in medt of thre": thete are oe sor 7rot iba ttela as aacute,,Éorc%4rrh-. moreai i hobenI.bbôt Lu.l aan-oza au method"4 w~srkingardCrNADA.ea nt guarautsed to cure i 1.î 1b.8 ihbc number ef bathersansd CANADA. ' ybe ýfe eecio moet chrc»iic c.aSes of Cdâta rIb, Â,tbm-fl wa-h'ers rachsed. .h.irespectable ttal, In 'fli em wforl.ktheb. -ral elotons. B rouelli.,, Couglis 1 olds, &c. Suré ok 5.030,,.), a-là . -bàee-u1-tSo0)sioier - -inWinnieg h«" ls. afeand pleasaat tel use.'. solby alI ba h-r.s Wh-) uý,eod hà private or asvw" The. price of gitiWuupgbld-giss. Trialts outt ~itrI Miioe ba i , and th.s seznainînif-lg zi81sbeen roduced fitem L50 t o ";4 1>01' in stamnps by.N. v. POLSONe &co.el Avaine4 u..ng the wa -h.uuica' The t»su IwtonOt., Proprietors. liumber elhoiir~i plid tor- by the lat- IThe. Hamilton Board of Health re- - te' r vore 2,05A 3 3, or ani ,averagei of queesa taait szhocri cçbdren ii tIio.t -îayadTre ilntg o 8, .uý .L'wiir O bebht city be vaccinated, tl n u.y ilntgt in bs rvuuais . 0? t18 baý 1ra oI Sylvia Genieli allter ait. tSho wal u in LbepriaL& âth 18 er eât. TheManitoba LegisIaturO 'will be jhanded êver tou erait ier at. Const'n. were eira.ei, aud oý..ibose usîng the caledsemadaydI, b ekle *W7riw41ug "bu l1s0O pet cent. ghnning -Mar" 12. c pl w e-.a edbhy io i arem.a f * iuà,a 1U.Si e-~auy estabjbMn r. ir liîam funerce wqhd Ia &enr, -shaem ça r-rie& on so as ite producet a surplus of tihe'luhhope CarîgeComî.OIy cf O'KIEEFEIL',wX7TDO MALl over qý.pendiuiýr, '; tiogb 'ini a rew Orilla, is deed. - Inuruan Sty5ihens. i oa e iwre as no actuai oChargeOon the iLLOYD WOoroare" ULXBIL A GI. ra es. The. total eiPaidÃŽJturti- ut.Lth Negstiatioiia, t e Eaid, are in prg- ,enue £75,3 1, so that- the &ah f .rve ju CVîuada. Tiie gTent departmtIIBfstore iu Pai- Lî)ndon a5,.ogather :co3tthle ratepdars James McS hane. -ex-M. P.t,,or ,Meut' 19, bd "Don Marehe." bts the biggest Qà auanuai sum of £83,30j. real Centre, bas been appohnted bar_.' it< hoti n the, wo.d. Iu tuia ýitcb4lD bourmaster. at Montreai. la dnily p.eparedtii. food for thie 400OM IDLE SOLDIERS Braulf ord bcpe., to have a uew' iu- e.IY8o i.getsa dustry iu thei shape of a braunb O OE ITVVAh - United States electrieal-<cGflern. I~ TS.W ovioSRFbsle *iil a esui PrL.k ofau nuy-EYI' o~ireia Hibou Com'Laof caSued hi mothe"' for 111cm cbi1dren icetiis. itaouLhC la Action. cer4b-askLng ibis Guvernme.Iit t-o estab-te hdafeshepm.aly'encrswu Modern war. t» sucb a compiex ibus!-, ei n Admirai-y. Court th3re. eia su hthcL rned o .inhwa .&bl fless, andso inanY b esides tt ithe late George E.-~ Tuekett, oafIlHa.uiiltou',' amourits l " i yalyIs ibao-o!gldcu igbtLirg bave tu, bodoue, that avery Theuo id l03,CO ye ar r whssinvle o gLu cinio large part e! au army neyer tires a The. Governmünt bts extended tbe1 Y rarnd (oaout $2 in0ciul tion5 shot. LIvei ai (tie soliers actuaiiy time for pJ,«.vaLe tLaie o,: bu-Ider twvine at «0000 appWed to th.eeyol a Portion Kingston Peiteutiary ta, Marci 20.1 oomi o tacauflÃŽet. in any battde. At Quebec Polioe Cônstable Cazes I Ppay 10e as. ,Ma-neoSuroeý Fer instance, Geâemal I3ulIer must 1btadkle i wi ie ur hav ha' sme 4,0j en at the tat- rei arising out of the man's excessive - tiaove ad soane à,03drinkung. iI can't pay that bill now%. - told thkot oniy, îOOoé troops went in- A pro-Boer workmau atb BrantfJord I If you dont 1-11 tell ail ýyour nthei taction. -waS camnp6lIed by bis feilow%,-empIaytes creditors tu&t yau have, paiçltt.L The exclanaition ofi tus arparent îy t .1sul ad apologize ta a Bitishi e m 1 eu- at is'that arm:es- don t fight f lag, anid was aise soündly' thumped. Ir* CITE A COUD IN 0 e DaY Itisprbaletht he LinteTake Laxstlve 11roina Quinine Tablete.Al n.uw in,'dense masses like long ago. Ldapoal ba h entr rugglims refund îba uioney sfif 115tailla 'r The - terrible hait of bullete. from Regiment will remain on' garrisofl .. ores #,'g4aîure as on eacii o. magazine rifles. and Maxinàs, as wel il duty at Ulalifax, so thie Canaiiiaf cf- -as tiec- destructiv power of siilo fer (o. supply- their place will uaL ho A iirnlf-blood Indian wo.nan, Mis, charged witb gh exploeiveso,. acepted. 1ba-ura Lykins, is a promînent lawyre woPuld anuihilate an army 'iu dense Postmaster4General Muiock has an- Lu Oklahoma City. %She graduaýted a format ion. i'epce- , th, figbting troouesi'anged with the authonities of Great the Carlisle Indian Acade.my Lu 18SE bave to'scatter .,tiemacives- aver a Britain and CapeColony Lbat lettemars~IAC Ti Une 15, 20) and even 30 mi les long. f raini tb Canadian troaps in Soutb La Tosoana, lo. eEI£.1.C IA Of cf'uetcchne ofbte Africa shall be forwarded aud dcliv- bring il about that, white the figli t- ered wbethar paid e r uaL.Ti.aecft, anyahI19( [ig becomes very bot and fierce in G REiAT* 3RITAIN. .Tsquare mUe. te-Lrnva e19 certain Epots, -hie troopa iu other The Britishi mi.LJ.ter in Persia bas. parts of the Lne do't comnel into con- imvi.e.d thie Shah ta viiEnglanci.j tîict with tbhe enemy at ail. 'This i Dr. CharteAs P. Smyîbh, a notej as- why certa** battalions lose an appa'-- trononier aii ItLt>rgh, Lï dca.d'at 1 2.C a-4lAr/ in nu umlber cf men, w-hile others corne Londffl. &ff wit h a few casual ties.. In- the grea t l)Tatwd konEg'I battle of Koeniggma«tz - the biggest H .Talwi nw nls ,*ew.sapec ma ansd audior, ib uead battle of thîe century-lt is said thitat 1.uun Lg. 92 00) Pruvr üsiangle< 00 ustan A British syndioate bas obtainea an impertant cancebâion in thée gold min- > 7feue Ting riun i Aysaoà inia. tl@ ,9u1vu anueuvres 8and proved very success- m- t.iW. DOTATr, EXyPrqRESES ;y avuLe af 164 ta 3-l hie British WWUiams' [ink Pis,, hecause (beY f irmly believe (hey saved thlife 1eof their lit île- daughter. A reporter ýof tho Sun' having heaîmd o!. the case drove out (o Ur. Doxtatcr'a for the purpose -of geti'ting at-(ho facts, and founil both father and-motber ai (he litle girl very enthusiastie iu (heir prtaise of 1h., medicine -tint bas uns- lquesti<cnablyi d6ne so mucli to relievo ,suffering iùf (bis country. Said Mm. Doxt aber: "'Yes, we bave go.od réa- son, for praising Dr. Williams' Piuk Pis. - 'think (bey are worth (en imes. their 'weight Lu goid. Wben our llllid daugliler Clara was about elgit years old sue, was ati-icke» i wtb wba( the docturs sajd was he4 nI trouble. Up (o -that (lie sic md be en a strong beaitby cbild. The firsîl symplomls. sbown were fairttiîîg spehi la d (ese 'would attacrk ber without a,4ornt'» waruiug.. We cénsaul d Vdoctar, un- der wboe care she was"f a ime, but the -treatment did ber no good-iu fact sbe.was'growing womse.- Thon w.e all- ed Inu another doctor and ho fraukly told us (bat ho could boid ont but il t(Ie -hope f or ber recavcry. By (bis e' time she wtts confIned (r> bed, and fo-r tbree mntuhs w'as as heîpiess as an infant., iu com-e of tbe fainting iipelis ahe was attacked. with convul- sions. Eer appetite seemed- en(ireiy grue and sic was reduccd to a living rkeieton. At -tb(s time 1 read. the particutars uaf à cure througb. tie use of Dr. WîliIis' Pink, Pis. wbicb guve mie bope-. and I aetermiued tint êuAitlte girl shouid. try them. I tirst- «ct one box,. sud. wbeuthey wvere used sic ,îeemedhniglirter. Tien 1 got five more botes, sud. by, the - lie 8h. had finished- (hem aie was as sa eund a eI4d as yau could find iu 'thbe neîkhborbood, brigit sund lvely asa a crice.. Ske bas been goiug to mobroul for th4>epast elghteen mouths. and suhas sbxswn' absolutely no symp- taons oft1ie aid. trouble. 1 aîtibute ber cure entirel y latti use ai' Dr. Wiliiaûs' PinkFi, and if -anyone doubis i,; tmuith of 'Ibis eataement yen eacanrofer t hem eitber ta mysell or tmy %ife,' Dr. Williams' PiflkPilla are just as wýa1ablein uthe. caseof rh~idrsen._aà wilh adulta, tmd puny ittie eues .would. soon thiivé and grow fa-t undes thi- treattment. which bas un eqîînl foi miilîdtn «up tb. 1b1qed n Living rq- ýýÃ"e«wd arengîli ta brain, bodY suc servesl. -Sold b il dealers or sent post pald a 50oc. a box or six bezea foi .42r* 50, by addressing Ibeé Dr. Williams 5M.dine Co., Brockvilie, Ont.' Do nei t>., peroquàded ta t ry smtin l Mid to bs 'just as gooà."# r~ ase of yellow lever bas reaciod New YorIt liarbor. .?-vm. Wic-kes, thie pioncer lu thbe ne- frigi.-atiiig car business is dead at erooklyu, N. Y. Tia..îc on raitway lino«s st Ithaca, N. h. as b'een suspenied, owing te ULaied clStatoi DenI-o"cratie conven- tio>n wîtl lIyâ dtl &i. Jan.->a.sCity on .DJr. Leslie Eà. *Keeley of 'Gold Cure" famn.ý died suddeuly at bis winter home ucear Las èngeies, Cal. 1Coal miners lu the mines betWeen Jackson (enter aud Sauay lake. Pa., blave struck for haler wages. SThe members of tii. New York Mer- cantile Exchbànigc fayort the 864,M,000 canal imjrovemeflt in the. State. Wm. M1ýaodonald, a noted Cüiforniaii basso, lias panalysis o! tic jaw, thes retsult. o! a Ibad booth, sud la '«iying at San FrauciseoS' Leander J. McCorrnick of the Chic-ago barveater maoliincry firrn, Qbservatoty o! Lhe University ai Vir- tgîiais1dead. Tb ut1k. n.111:u auSoe ewaa m'arried aL Washîngtofl ouSaturday to Il-ou. Robertb Bro)mi-e-v, of Stake Hall, Mai-. tî nuhqm-shd e. Euoelaxd. Thie Japanese bI&isster ôtahbcUnlt-ed. Stateis, Mr. Kut'amo Iomure, býas been n.otiifiei&.by caibic3 f tom Japan oai lla p- po;lntnie.nt as iniisten (o Russir. t-Fine b>as desttroyed '320 houses in Ataquilies. Spain. The bill extendiung tic nadus 4viveud(i ton tic Frencb bmenaty sh-are baspasa- ed. the firsal stages in boti BSouses 'of tbic 'NiewLo.undand' Lei4dzalure. t tAcoardin.g 1 'a despatcb f rom Rennes, France, a fac terhere bas re.. c'eived an order fr"rn lb-e Transvaal Government, for 15,003 ardillery sheils. Gales '8wý cite Spanisi voast, 24 seamen have been drowned, 8 vesseis Or missing andt w.o ships with 48 mien ou board are liiived ta bave Loun- dered. - . Mont.e Oarlo pickpotket recently i relieved Sir Chiarles -Rivons-Wilson prie Ident o# (he Grand Trunk R& lway. (otf' bis pockolboak, canbainLn& $1.2m0 Ù; ff451>and om ealtu&blopapers. A Le~pzIz o IÏ Ba a »wsubsti- * ute for brase haas been inveuted, be- Ing -a DOWmethofo!pliating oast Iran with brase by a gûalvai>iziiig proceesý. t Tii. pl'attmig isso0 tbick.(bat a oastîng (buas tredêted cannot b. dis(iuguishedî trom u so ll bss. Doc. 81, 1898 Dcc. 80, 1899. 44 61l t)ec. 80,1899. .4 d6 1)30. 80, 1899. De.809, 18 tL STATEME1NT 0F THE I ýAMmERIIJAN LI-FE RNE COM1PANY& 12 - 118' Ki ng Stieet West, TURONTOR For the year ended December 3th, 1899. To net Ledger Ases........... .8,77,451.64 IRECIEIPTS. Tib Cash for Premiums......... 74,t58 Ta Cash lucarne on Iave.stments:....... 148656.81 -i $8,870,974.08 By payvments for Death Clai rus, Profits,ec..0,815 By alfother payvments ................3,823 Balance pet Ledger Assets. ................ 336702 De-boutures (mraket value $608,9.35.65)..... " toceks and Bonds (market value ffl7,3915 . ~<Real Estate, indluditag Company's building....,. "Loans an Policies, etc......... "Loana on Stocka (ut'arly al on cal)...... "Cash liq Banksansd on land ............... ~'Premiume Oiibstanding, etc. (less cont ar collection) LInteret ad Reuts, due ad acrued......... "Market value of Debentures and Stocke aver coat ILIABILI'rIFS. 834)681.79 88,836,ý710-21 86,074.76 899. To GuaranLee Fund............... 8 60,000.00 ilAssurance and Annuity Reserve fund 2,929,55.00o CDeath Lasses awaiting pi'oofs, etc... 51,507.35 8104t.059.85 The linancial positiei cf. the Company la unexcellcd-ita per- emtage of net surplus toi iabilities exceeda that of anu Other Home OompanY. N ewdinnea(lie bedt preina 1899a............eue..mi.lio Enxce izd'the eisud ret 1899 (nbynrl oet)......... .... 9,os4. JOH~N L. BLAUIE - HRON. G. W4 ALLÂN.- HON. SIR FRANK. SMITH, K.C.M.G -HON SENÂTOR GOWAN Q-.C. E. GURNEY, ESQ.- LL D C.M.G. JOHN N. LAKE, ES Q. L. W. SMIffH. ESQ., Q.C., D.C.L. - J. KERR OSBOLNE, 8Q D. MCAEQ Gueiph@. HONl. SMR WMX R. MEREDITER, chiot JustIc.01 Otari.. MANAGlIN0 1»ECTOE, WM. -MCCABE9 LL.B, F.LA., F.S.S. L. G DMNA..A.J..THOIURN, MleD.wa The Report cOntailhng t rOCeOdnUP Of the- Annuil Meeting, -bel4 es January W, hlait, showing markmed proefs cf the great proqe ea od po DeItyôt the àompsny, wM besenlt tethe iIy.toldm.rs. ap s expas&- Ioyet the attraetive luveMmut plansofthe Cempany ana op of the anmiual reprtsholngilsnueeelS financia poIsition, wilb. e ui -aon applios- reporte lb. ing-lfituce ed Int l~p.ysq.cs St ou 1 ,I<n Two-tbird li ce thectn i oledeo. j* London i w-hid of3lLft the~LD crim 'I 1 urday a -49 a. ), r%- M nda4 MMTREAL MOTEL OIRIOTORY. O T.R. $itation, Manwrernl. O..Carsake& Co. . Der daj. CuT. JAMES Ee-1 L .-c»teGý«R- ??mt, Rallway. fiim-clasContwra mùlioues. Kdern lui m"ent. Tooth PcWdem e tc.. bave beein &wartiei 100 t:uedkia s mud dipipmafor i.upertor excellee. Thu ir regniar use pre'enti ntecýti. oueè diseames. Âak your dealer Io obtain a supply. LiFts DI»ltd fu'ee on opplicatlon. F. C, CALVERT & CO. mitNcI4ESTEFR --ENGLANO. r I Te end fo r Ont camrlet0 SKEET 'musIC TALOGUE and SPECIAL RMIE OF DISCOUNI. We E. T cmjIg "ic u pPIeveri music r t 168 Yonge St., 8it~ TUK ES~ ORONTO, ONT. RCarters.OU URE10c_. amln a 3157 P. Mo& 00 THrE DES MOINES IN!UATO -Eest and cheapost 0. Rohiaud iP-e agent tor.ih Doniioii. S.-tid 3ct, stamp for castalogrie. 373 st. Fa IStreet, Monureal Angier and agreeing with ihe most sensi- tive stomnacli. Useci by physicians iii the trcatrnt of afi throat and Iung troubles, and - if restitiS count -for' -nything-almost no Iiznit to the good it cari do. sà.nipIe bottie ffiaied t any address on roceipi of 8.6 cents toi cover postage.- Çheical Co.~Toronto OMM N bi & KILLS ioachea, B.d p"'mauctq -u tIuos. Rate and Mices.SoId by &Il _____ h 5OU MWM D ru#gi ta, or 31 Q uesai W . Tr r o . ad " d r.5 c A 1 abox. W rite for pat i l rs, T he Indiau Çatrrh Cure Co. 146 St. Ses-st.Moteesi SaUgagg CangsewltpoUions flnesI il ilsA4 BniC a HOU eîn sr Liblp gooji at rn ht pries.B rristar,tc..r.mo vo AR . AÙXELL & CO. Toronto. LW te We4ey Bldga., PR1O> Cathiollo Prayer 014 tI. W.TorCru. R uciormi .o t a. il lord-r ret-eive prooy In g I u u ue a nIn g îio n . . & J . S A D L I R & C O ., M o n tr e a l. P e h « o S d F W w r ' & HA RI LEAU, OPPER, B 1 Loofor agent inyr oy»m, 'or ssd di '.s% WblAR ly *Lin gDistaneTlephouel729. »Mua treal,Toroato, Ottawa, QuebMe Th the Odrlole Crematory C.oset C&e, Hgamilton, Ont DEAR OSm -About a ye..r ago 1 bourbt trom yeJn en ot 7tur odoriesli Pi emat. ry Ctouetë aned have inoe UW4 it czstentiy, in my private re.iilre wih splendid satasfact.ot. 1 arn se well pleased wLh it that y uu ca$ ah - me auother at ouce for my ik2Youri restsÈiy, iJ H ar h, Merh-dale, Out The Ifofllc>w'ng are the naines et!a few proininent citizens whc> are usinýg this closet, and f rom whom -w. have very flattering test-imoniala; Dr. D. L. Thorupson, Toropnto. ent. Dr. MrGleughlan, J3o>wmftinville, -ont.. Dr. M. L. Dîxon, Fi'ankville, 'Ont.- Dr. C. F. Fergusom, Kehp tville, Ont. Dr. Ulrie Gabourg, Plantaganet. Ont. Judge A. C. Chadwic.k, Guelph, Ont. C. J. Miokie, B.A., ('he>sle-y, ýOnt. Rev. John Downie, Watford, Ont. L. Dampier, Mgr. Bank- of Commeérçe. Strathroy, Ont. Peter iHope, merirhant. Perth, Oit Jas Moffatt, merchant, Amherst, M.8 For catàlogue and Iaiee lise. write tn The OortesêreatrCleUtCê iamIRN cest tho Canadian Meslne, Toronto Opp. Shrbournie St., 11gb Class Wator 1tube'Ste" fsonoers, for AilPressures, Dutlos and Fuel. 55740 POR DESCRIPTIVE <ATALOGUB. i ~~Torono Eleetrle Llht (Je * LUMM"e I ftu IThe T Raton P3o.. Lhiîted. -~K~~II1 JThe MsauUsiso.mtO îu Teroehe Gattbot"a mey l Mie . 0* 'HTH-I8 SPÂCU ,IRM$SAYY'$ý PAI NT' A. Ramsay & Song, MONTREAL, T PAINT MAKER& f I i fi LLI M «BUTTERONTOAPPES and other PRODUCOe. b ensure best resdlte consigu tc The Oaw8oil Comimssion. Ce, Liniited, Cor. West.Market & Coiborno St., Trnt, '4yer " ERS N A CORNEm<ýRK S..methiu)g that you can malie good wege* et. hend 100 particxh.ru of h~W to get ag& WATCH- FREE Crappe igros., 93 Lombard St., Teoror.to. Ont- WE ARE OFFERUNC TO INVESTORS 1 peffial stak.r guaraxteeini ge Wdividende; elso au lu- sielment aLock payab. e lu sothly inaelmenti, drawlu caxb dIvidend , hait yearly. Parties waut.lng sae L a > roitlei vest.nseut should correspond witb Ihoe sun savings and Loan Co., Toronto. Money oaned on favorbe terme; agents wasstd la ueroprsented di&ricte;,write us. iMiohig an Land for Sale. ifect. Ou Michigan Central, DeroîLt & Mackinec &ed Loon Lake Rtàilroadsà. et prices uanglng frous 82 to $5 Vy acre. These Lâande are Close to Enterprîaing New ~owns, Chnrehes, Sehools. etc.. and wilI b. soid on 0ou eeobi eu.AplR.M. PlEIROR. Agent, West-Bey City, 110h. OrJ.W. CUitt'18. Whittemore. MiCIL FOR' SALE!1 rsew I vill be sold cheap: 1 Garvhu Baud Miller; i Frnery Staul; 1 Lathe, 4 foot led,; 1 BlIeadale the, f foot ; 2 Ui.uukm4 12 in.; 1 Power Uset Saw:. 3 Tube vices, locu h'edestoi; i1LaePoliahiag .Iack; 1 Speed LÂtise; 2 Spoks Threading*Machines; 1 Engins L the;- 2 Spit Pulleya of differeut sizes; 5 Bock Pus les. &ppl toe W NSBII'T.Wooditock. Ont Portland. Me., to Liverpool, via .tJaIif&i. a Dominion, Cambroman. f - Katec o<«sae -Firat Cabtî l 50iguersSoeaâ i. tan. 836, 5t«, F#as..0nd $4 50e V'r futher information appy te local agent», or DAViD TORANCX à&00., enerel Agents, i7 et. Sacremient et.. Moutteal. THE MOSTNUTRITIOUS. EPPS S I; GRATEFUL-COM'FORTING., ;COCQOAI BREAKFAST-SUPPER. -eOT, AINT v- A ~ ~KI5li "k. v 1~l Ifi WAT

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