Bruce Miss UTICA. P Luther Sonimy, who liil itlat lever, t d1hl haB been nks, Shnon Orchard. >Mlse1tg Murray, of Seagrave,- been the -geeet -mis. 'John Murray. uld togiveDr.Hall'a)RlI ut- Cure -atrial.,he i very mttfankful he, did ire -thé cotents of 'one bottiee hi à t4eun the pains- disaperd ' ras able un resuLme his work, 1Ife ,n41 one oottie of the, ]Xeumatici and n. box of pffis, b)Ut even filat Il quantity compiute1y cured,--fim. lua not been troubled with the pin adia nowa s ffng and Lea1thy, Wâz4aýntinint ten dayé, u, i> D-R.MEÈu .R.C. P.-& L.- The Terrace uwease gerno» ,, t #bscfamlly'w 7i MrNq ling of " Ireda1bane" ,Mra1 church w-as a' great Sunday Sanday -sermons were- ý g - miiig and evening i Jno. es desigsaangt irîakept in s pay you to cali a.Ur*~ Dr Yourselves. bènxisl& by Agents. ', 40 hem, Sonse uently we can ani egent'S cmisin. zo -per c )u il certil a e by.4,Urch i ~4elampa4 I ktllem. Theyae ment onthe co1 nd' the school tit'e 1r 'Gray as teachéýr o! Ibr.While luie-are cènie Mr. Gray.- are6 Chrlsty jio uzedà bits Auci h- i~ fMichigan 'and .isting thelt ststçr, . 1kf'4years sindcothe, aà rt.. Ug, looks hale, anà ù é cà 1es , >5 b WvÂneed in -vem,#_!ý I ii SfsiP asWD ail solicited. tby- GraniteCoj Po -tOfe. WXTY.NT ittseasofl of the yearv I&jlll m , - f P r In "e I Ieaving the farm having bweughta-'.a ,hood of-Oshawa. ir thit Msso 4 oYou Happy~ fld Iloalhy. a0, liv~ a Nev Lif Th.usandds- of Afling V'meén and" willd GoodW and for.AfCorn Next .to-Né*,Do. .ýist flGe.*tc-ek. 1catîlegeon. Ita, etc.,, the %latis whitby Wocneer. '-1 Ireat &Uctioný he property of' 22, con. 2 rowni'-4 short. *,iYoung Ssheep, it1;lunch- ~eées wiil Chas millens -,of and brôkel lng Weêth é "iMn. Win chlldren'te por- ilow pend upoul take about l hes h a forthejrc diaturbed ai ruet by &a sl g villa" ,wn and d ý25 ýby )f apples ântre of Iost ly presc 1for slem PuirPpOse aud L .5 5votes Ad68 for .r man acted The, Deering MH others -are imitati< I arn handling Will P#y anyfarmg .lgent OppositeQi and. il rest. and flitc cough ids oheaI., weIs noth- ý bac for a ià as cough- Stop it by ca butcher le to b. theI1 the old r-,LI Up«ira <'ubN i 1 have a'maxeîtl BOWMAN Walter MIl ý Uend. ctyý of 7 001 lii 000 05 ab Ithe 0" on I 'T ofck 'W£