Ontario County Gazette, 13 Mar 1903, p. 3

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hu4I -Ameu=at ofSugerîzàg. every day IlUs that distresa thliea wblcb selz. you uud'deu- Inake You Irritable,'.îSpa- 6dfàult-Andidlý,. Thre, root o!. ýrôbls Ieslathbblood and and yoiu cannot get, i- of* mtil the. blood bas bee n ma-de and4 pure, and the. rerves 1eed and soothed. Dr. Wil- lR Fills willl do ths.e, nd It more- apeedlly and with basting remuits. than 'any miedîcine. In proaf dl this =1W Patterson, CJIUlllwa.ck,- ýY8 :-"My daughter was ln *alth, and ber system badly ýwO. Sb@ was paie, suffered Iovere heaidacheu, and 'iery 8- W, declded to give ber Dr., l' Pink Fille, aud after us- Sbxs,' aýh. lo a, strong, 1ginl. gladby recommnend la la similar cases."# Spille cure .11 blood an.d 'oubles, uuch teauaemait, la., lmdl«tîon, heurt.trouble, ýtai, 8St. Vitus' dance, pm;p- la«lysIs, klduey troubles 'andE aknsessewhlch afllitwoMne. byou get the genulne pfill 4e ful nane "Dr. WïJIIiomgs' 1114 for Pale Voople,»" prtnted Wrap'per around the box. l bt, s.urd direct ta -the Dr. kVi MedicneGO., Brockvllle, 114 the pilla wll hé me.iled, dld, ai 50c. per box, or ,.âîx tor $2.W0. iCNOWN 1IANGUAGES. br1gl»es o! tho. Malab.r Ie- mo a perfect whistIii4 Ian- hY ~ians *aofwhich they caq nicate wl th oach other* ovçr stances. A stranger wandçr-ý W the, isiand 'a la !réquently ed to bear tram a bill top the o! loud whistllug, whlch la repeated on the ue;gt bEll, la carried tram sumrnlt ta, utii t dies away En the e. But perbaps the most mneaÎns of communication Iu rIm là the druin-Ianguagé of a' tribe. These queer people eau eaeih ather with large drurns l baimboo hoops, awer whfch nl o! sanie animal là atretch. ýie druu,, howéi'er, E la don nmrtant ocçÏasions. 3C A KQiÉR'.S7 W0Rb. 6iduaofi bthers li ail portua ada, have written to,ýay ~tàiat Own Tabletis arce i.belet ie t1y have cver used for, the Ueittle ilUs that AmIfct ail1 a. It lu lIUpoQBSfl»,to pub-ý Sthefot etters,, for,-thiey would haý Mi apaptr, -but the. ng eXtracts ar'e a fair sanipio t all mnothers, say about this Jas. Hopkins, Tobermory, "'The Tablets arc e blessing m rother andi chiid." John Dobble, St. Aridroe Que. - "I constder It my ) recomizend l3aby's Own Tab- 0 #,ail wytrlen¶ls wbo h-ave A.. -Burnaq, Minltonas, Man.- ea tfnhteyson Tabot ets or -sent by mu.Il ai 25 6 box by wrltlng direct.ta the Mtania' Medicine Cý., Brock- -pool, corpoation iw consider.- réheme for building worklag. dweblng, t. let at &ahsillilhg, ,i per week The. Edea s te b.q hute In *asingle plece e *f building It up brick by iMw fronts, -ides, ftoors; sund &te - &Il to bemade, En sEugle bhaUd >Ito .position,.at àOd toirether. ulgand how iiany Coylon T 10 I"thefl t Ton the worWtd pioducea, end Is -801d ontyIn od 'apan tua&Inkm fry %Xada' Gmste&. Trhere I~nanthingl uiial spsa.king., so useful in caaSQéo! inçrv-- eue prastratian as the poor e.nd humble anian, maya "'What-to, Eat." They are- almost the bout nervine kriawn, a.dnàemy be ueed _in,,co0ughs, rnids a.nd influenza, lu cansumption, scurvy an~d kindreti diseases. WhIteý onions overcoine'ieeplessness., while red ones are an excellent diuretie. ratou every day, they soon have a whitening effeet upon the Complex- Neuraiga hackache be p acùa1 i oIly Achesink ai' grat cîties En -a, mo.'r, seine- what "reseniblingÏ thât lu *wbich their" sc àcl iepîosed V a ofn e cently niàde by, Dr. W. N. Shaw .e calclatêe that about .7,000,000 tons of smokv air would *have" 'ta 1be ,re- xnovd fam Lndo evry day in or- der ta keep, its. atmoPljerý cdean. It. takea 1,000, 00 ton s ai.o water a day to -Carry off' the sewage of Londan. Five h4ndredo' etetrically-dzlven fans, e.ch dellvering- 200,600. cubi.c feet ci Lr per minute. waüld carry ofl al tii.* hausehaid emoke.: THk CEMENT INI>USTRY. PInyof Rooniin: Canada for A !ew weeks ago there appeared'En the"e coluinns an nrticle relatlng ta, th. Portl'atyd cenrjnt iidù&t:y Eln Canada, That article. vasreptintçd tram thre Peter-b6r6 *xaminer, 'whce- tu, 1h e.ppeared a etro tire bdltor o! that.-pâpfr , anmE vas no1ý signed by trewr ae'spropername. It nvtaprethtthçre votae maziy -*nlIeIading statexiezits En tire ortkIe referred toaiM wou)d4, ppear fi-rn tire flbo-wing whlçh lu ipped " -'be rfter evaïiç4nty, had isot thre rg-t ign bis uje and cer, iri l.terstla tb*, lavemting buýt le'apparentiy lntceç.pted i3 -tref cérnent bu8isnn- .aptE ojlis .tq,zplP.-. ieiid the publfic y 'a &4tfflent -Pr iÙntlvýst), ud lIuopioecs LQ1rIswpw ,buiýinos; -a, i-hQ une. £c>tuE4ted, vit ëà,4i i l e-.lduy eit »ur*xs' za, >uh. 4[l4ate are so0t cprrect as ta thre'Production -sudn coflsu.mptaf a ci-t uCanada,', ortire amber (of glants-,pim thiri o0UtpUt-s. O! the, tmurconcerna- n=ed - la that, aràtticte.uan-produclnmElbaý 411 190301, mot 0oieof them lad a .pro- 4uicIng milii for thio y@ar, afld three the tmare snot &ma lacorported,ý whllo several o! t.hé othershavo n>t. ýot heyoiid the papet' - tare. "Bsreferene- t&¶ the. getlen 'ro! thDurhani enterpulse t lal l b10o., ýdfus ir l learlg. 'Il eýmd hanesty- or busi ness menn l- Cui-" ada, vira bave buibi a spleiidl-d'mod- ci-n veulent zuibi, iud Who kuai tirat t bas beeu honftesty 1mml 'ýeonoinIcaI- ly but and everyq dollar prop>erly uccoUunt0d for.: We -bave goad reason, lie believe that tire orgahîzation tirai iuit tire mlliiet Duiiiah ate ln 1ho way I nterested, au t-he-writlèr o! tbut' articlé Intimates, là. ptémo4fg -any otlier, cernentilliti, EnCanfada, si- cept the' Durhamr dnd HuU $eants. "Tis article roerr"o'ih;Ipl*é 'lmeis' article" on îhe 1,' ýUj't ,iubllshed l >crne.bt faIB ts VurirgW the., nineteenthcentury, Lpn- don, gTew from 800,000 people t.o nearly e,000,00«,.,ià the sare Per- iod,,New York -Increased from- a to*WA 000. At-pre3eut La ndau -is 'grc>wiug 17., prcent., ni a -4ecade,an e- YOrk 3 - cent., . The puise d! that 1 ritqike -an!imalî, the hamster; beats .150: tErnes ta the minute in- izurner, ,but - in.-winter,ý .when'-the 1 kte iberuates, ,this: rate deéreaises to 15 tEnes 8a. minute.- F ~-': 1 There -are very -few deans-. SoaP, cannot be ýused t, advant. age. It make theo homo 6rigld SCHOOLOYSIMY IDRNK. Ou. of tI e sters ln -a, Germnan Bchool ,reSently, addreased tii. tallow- Ing. query ýto the tathers of twenty- one of bis pupilis, w*x0ae egs raug fram fourteen ta 6f te en "1V>Wil yau allow your son -ta asmoke and, drink dwring the two, days' gymiiaatlc ex- cursion 7"' Ten parents, replied that. on, zo account, were -their.boys ta Émoke, -wbîle - oyeen answered that they mnight do sa. In regard: ta ,drinking,, ail but one o! the parents replied tat.tbey woul.d allow Et. 'The* Mayor of a French town bas Issued au order that ai -ats are ta be kept indoors -for six weeks.. This- 'ls owing ta several' people.' having been bitten by cats in the district. The inhabitants are perplexed aze ta bow the, order is ta hé obeyed. PORTLAI40EmmENT Everyons Ino estea la Povtland cêment wlilas lInterested'ila'a pamphlet Issuei by Mr@ Thoma MoLughlno, 1laKing St. westy TorontoA oopy wll be, sent-hire o? ,ohafgo on rsqùuest, GIycerine,,bas the property,. extra,- ardinary among liquids, aofuotevap-ý SHIJBN.,ACADIE-!S FAMtJUS:CRE fiow -Bright's Lisease wasý Vanqulshed by,,DQdd's Kidriey Puýise, Mother of the Girl Touls the .StoFy I.Full, Téerble Struggle, With 'Most Deadly of KiÈda -ney Diseases Step by Step thew Mo ster whei-Msýecal i Sciencute o obscurity and -thrlist Enta ýt, ,broad lae !public -notice -by tii. almoat raaculolus oiec on ilo )fatidF&rker, al ,thougiint týa fetu m6tithàamgo sha va -s alck beyondt tire hope o! reCoôt, thât -Brigbt's Diseýase hâd ber Elus clutches, snd Ipnce trtmnie' d f&steied -an à avictlrn the onbIy rl -a dtt 4ad aIil kioWý- thùt, théire S a beaIth bearning from eai-y feature aenmEspeaklng un ber -everymoerneuât.- Ami ail hav hard tmr su-ad a&gain tiret tis remarkâble ihsnp. vas .brought about by tËat i od, rellabie- Ca»adian rrey oms-Kde surprise tirat tirej È4eatee'l. oiie tire cure lias 'made En -tirS outuide 4_ rerlain 'to tire 'Warld biài déni on ihem- .day- by -da i*edk 9rdraUý- that ýtbey- foU t* egp # iagn tudo. , w w hqd tE~e qlr~ Q. tia- arase. $ TORY 0lF AUGCEM1 PARKER' ed 'ber." Aked ta begin at tir,*e h- ginning, and tell tire complote stor y o! the case, sire compiied willingly,' for sire feît, she-said, that -al Vi. world . houid know hôow her" daugEr- ter escaped froa nthre suppozediy, fatal Bright's Disease, and, that she owed ber -escape ta Doddtl's 1KidnCIey Pilla, and ta no other'a'geucy. THE~ MOTH'ER'S STORY. 'Âie"Mrs. ]Parker began, ~a aways a delicate cb*ild tr6m' ber birth. Wben she- Was twelve. years aid she .was, not any larger tiha-r auf ordinary -child %would -b. u t 'elght, yýeats aid. But lkemauy dellcate! chidren, Aieple ln-a dI- She-was then tirteenyers ad Onu July 7th om iià aStaken sionS-ue lyt i11. Htr'-eyeUids, swelled, 'tEli-sh ,corld ýhaîNIly sàe, -'lr legs S weiled' f'roi. he 'a.nkles to_ beir--k»ms.I took, her ta adoctor, mil ho s 1s ad ý-3Brlg"h t'à -Disease, - d 'couldf qnn t e n.Tr dôctor tendqedii fc hot si ees Dut aï1Seo:. and- trled d!itTe*üt'enI.idg a! .P'até't- mineicineà. But mlath trne, a a, ut igat v.orse -àikd W.ôrse. He:«Wu! teringa h- b î "3ttbi Enebe gskdsa- great -ttiàtýiý again turued 'ta 11 doctoréa.-,"É iEstErne I tried- anôiher one. Ho banno bèsitatîio ipro-' nounicingle» dsueBriht's Dis'- case o! thre worst kud BFLTUAURD48 INCHES. "ly--tis tEr4e Alice .was lu a. ter-; rible state. Herebeit - in4 heoaitir iheasured twenty Inches.- ,When 'sire i-as at ber wocrst-Et vas"forty-eight: luches, lier -tiesir- was bard andE liooked ready ta bur-st. Tire'docètor, vira was a vol-y -nice mani, said 'hýé cauld not do,- nytiriug.-It. idaket as if ailtirat was left- for my dauàgir-' ter v,,a: ta go ýon suffering ltibi deutAi camüe tOý er relief. -"Sire was 'in tlia -terrible etate. i-heu Éiee haiced-ta resumarne ts tmnasas 'tO', what Dodd sEr'- *noy Pilla haëd doune- 2fýor tberté-.S ýShé> sirowd tirrn tane, and r~e àt t irs ast cha*i' ahelphes drowng rýman, -i",ps ut a tra'w. -HOW T1il* .c1VRb4ýepA~ -"Sire beganke.taitingjods lay Pis on,,Novernber 2tiand&'ie!Ore éha hadfiuiahed 't]» Jrat -1. caulId sèëé a hange -for tir. b.tt.i'. ]-- Daebi - -9ther -saza* q mproveémet En-er cohdition,. 1but there vs Se- aé einjW i 5àçô the 1sznal Ib! ir-bak a Pfu~e art e!f1' ter; hé5-' ôMc'booand w11ter. kgàn :wé -thred ,for -bler lte, sand- agaitf 'ti. 46ctOr 'Variiied m iÛ4tàtSbh - nA ai -tan :y montent. f<'3 lth; l$r -}dds ldey Pbl 44d aUl tiéiW~ h 'àg tWt 84 ,t6ok t4rent refru arIy, ànd ùndk' --I e .nÏt fi -.-r An-pli ' back NU'I s Wqhze rernenkable recôvery from -Bright' Diese'astai ly ceard 61t Ulthe systeé hr ;ceuld ony1 - ne-ue resruit.- t 'Xbie grcët -suprise;, .anuary. 102 :tire swlig a back. t1'is' Ere, tho3ugh 1 Iknaw hï ta do. I sent-'at' once- for ëix.-boxesg :0! Da -s Ii4duey Pilla. 'Sie beg atoce-,tcitake he, ad rial -the drea i monster -feli batk before- the- groatV'remedy.* By ýthe tirn. she haid aenfu'boxes,,,tire à,elliug begn a ee. Tis, trn i m-ýnadle- no ita , kept kight -on witr. 'tii. d4iseajse. bati disappeared'-.t'fll my. * u h e r , w a a g i e 4 r b a e k t e e , n o as te pny, eliate asl sh_fe a na zw,ai, big, ýstrong,. healthji girl o!ilteeén, fuli o! E ,,m andE go, ree.dy to. - 1o1L her ai-n En tire struggle o! 'DOD'S- IDNE PILS D~IT. Xîdrey PilEsam ta niotbings.. The'dactolrs toldmMrY .d'augliteÉr co ul1d nlo t 1lv e. .When .t bey -k4qei', JI tesadthat.-E! they qur4c- her Et wol é on., ,ýtthé'rafa mr acèles â ir. Wâd4Jfor t -.like i ,nve ben t~o rovre h Ii11' d14 cure liar gv er.ý7 -Of s Wthem a*together-but, t$y gave .ber,.lie inx returu,, adî 1 e 'htI ,qanâ ',ç y- pnaugh -fox. Dodd'sc K;duey Éïlb." - r-- A~ THE SUM MNG- U1ý. Thia iE,- tb&'stary oW -the Jtious, '»rlgtàits Dlaéaèé . re s toldSîth. DOVTORes coSTLY ERROR - eam of,,,.the ffc c t t. ]Rantgeii raya for tbe rex aid o hro ra t upper liÉ t9. Drerunam. Schurm!yer, -a prop»rW-, quai$e4 dootor_ *andRontgeur 'Pfflist, for treatment. HRe.operat- ,etwîçe, but..i»tead,-o!reulq,-Vm the, fflperfluaus - hairs the _operationî: re- iultedÙl7the skingo! the' face..be î '- [ing red -and the,:lips, sýwolleu. The ladt, tlereupon -brought. an actio-nU against the dactor andw'as. awardod $75- dae , gainstwbc.h-p- Peaileci, but ý,thedeciion basjus ben upbeid.. -wu offai- oseHundrel Dollars Reward, eFav ase ai-Ctarrh t*iat cannot ? 'cuired<by Mil'. Catarrh- Cure.' Wê. the undetsignedi- ýhaveknown-11m;l 0. 'Ch nefo. the. le.t yrsan beievehuaperectiy -hônaable _Mu -ai1 business transactions.- and iinà.n<aly, able ta carry Out s.ny.obligati.ons made. by thefr linn. WEST & T RUiAX, Whôles ale l>rgglsta, Ztodoï-O .-WALD)INO- *&illl-AN' & KÂIV N, Whoiesale Druggluts, Toledo, *Hair. Catarrh Cure Il a e Itr naily,- actàng dirotiy upon the blood and uoeuras t-hoyse. '"restîmoliiuîs Sent free. Pnice -76c. per botti. oid by l drouggiâas.,1, Mals aail Filleu.èare the bast. - Mldger - "lu Et frue that Pldger la finaiicially . mbaýrrassed?" Didgeir, -"o s aw!ully- En debt, but Et doesn't -aedm ta emtbarrasÉ him. 13 NO. 4 SOON CL] CANED IT'l' rardwkçh. JaïÈ. 5, 1903. MaSsey-HFarrls Ca., LEiùtet. Toronito. - Dear Sirs,-The Na,; 4 SInde worled through thick apxd tbin -this last season.- Thre'grain W45 bedly tangled and lying clown, but tthi.- zo oon cleaned t up. I uam Vmore than pleasecl with 1 , as 1 diad flot expec~ t ficaultido, the.-work sa- clean this season the - shape the, grain was: n,, but _E t-made no dif- 4merec thre, réa, brcmrlht- -a4,,;Ying utuif ta tlW-p eevat7ors,. t1'ilsh -you a. most - prosperous _New--Year.-' WM. BTTINGR -Novem~, pondence E! Fresh rozenSea'Herri'ngi la casks cf about 6co Herriaga;$i6o u 9, pr 1oby the cask, or $1-70 Pe 100 i isma 'ler quautities ULbr"ad - lerri:ga in haif barrels, $3,oo. THE~ ~ ~ ~~C I-WO OMISW GLIMITEDy TOE~ A Venezuelan..ralway, ftrmC- acas ta 'Valencla, bas 86 tunnels.En: 5-m-iles*. She-"7What a' keen littie creature that Miss Wisëey E." HËe-'.'Yes, she euts. me every tErne there Eis à chance.",- -,Keep Minard't.: Linimnt Iotbeot. -The eSieln RaiIway ma.nke Et Possible te'reaci r IekinurirontParýis 'En 18 ta 19 days Vertr n' 51187lu AX OLP N ELTE RMD.-Ms wluIo eothinsg5iruphmao.. umd for qier aigti 7aff by ,mill longsor - eohrifor tbe$r. ohiIfirew whille tmeë.shIn wib roî cea-kmoMmiohl Mmftamn i .u.Iijaal1 juta, otirma wl Two Paies7-hâve eeýon Sent to jail1 -lt Springfleld cili ' fo&rfE~ mnail'sack. They derd that'te bad,.na ointenion o. rôbery,- but that flDnding .thé sack on theý station plat!orm théy a bstracteëd Uthe ltteirs Àidna1 bonifire of thm The n 'IvhtW8S btel.cla nd ,they-, wluýhed ta keep 'Warm. i;m 222 ÂCRES IVITHolUT A -iU5renj Wolfe Island, Sept.- 4. 1902îJ Mussey--a.rrls Co., Ll.mitedi ? Toronto.- . Gentlemen-I lpurchased on. of your No., 4 Binders, 7 Et. eut, !rom' Agent. J.Spoor, an'dam - Weili Pleased wth- t, having ,ut t~ cro~p o! 822 acres witbout a hiteUl or miistake with a span of horses of .1nedlum uize. The binder worked a*- 1easy -and handled the crop go pw.-1 iectly ýthat I would nat hesltate 'ta, purchase a simnilar ane 8 ft. eut, 7 il 'such were« buit. 1 can recowznend a Massey-Har'rs <7ft.- Binder to any otý my, neighbors. 'JAMES W. OBRIEN. The flrst strike in tbe Unitecl&, staâtes. was that a! 300 s1ýoemakèrs' in Philadelphia -iu 1786. Nothing la more cèrtaitn than th.£ the blood can- be purilied by the us4ýi 1of Dr. Kaenig'a -Hamburg Dropsý They -sýtrengàthén the digestive ar.w gans, regulatoi the bowels, curé livem cozuplaints, ýdyipepsia and coi<.tip""s tion. e Germnany bhas 1,420 daily . papermq- O! these 7-60 ara. publishec iEn Prus'. sia, and 218 in Bavaria. Monkey Brcand Soap M'akes coppeam like _gold, tin lika silver, crockere lîke. marbie, Ç and. Windows 1lik 0 crystal. An eéngine.,driver working tram Crewe ta Landou andi back bas ta notice na !ewer than 570 signais. MI&'Linliment ih U:edIf_4 i~ The peat boga o! Ireland could give an amuàül output o! 100 D00 eiectzic- horse-power for. the. iext 1 .250 years.. MINAIID'S LINIMENT. Es the onlpl , Liniment auskerl, for -at my -store and r he only anc we,eep. foir sale. Ail the people use it. U ARLIN 1 N. Peas4ut]Ba.y, CJ. ...0sters-are -very expensire 1-n' Ber' li. evnt-fve cents à dozen l the ordinryprice. ________ AU ADMIRABLE FOOD EPPS'IS ýýFOI iiAI#irAlulMa ROBUS? lIALTU

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