Ontario County Gazette, 13 Mar 1903, p. 6

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o~f thec Rolllng.WaVc, OUAP'I1R VII always been atthlg gaine.>I opine, * Thé extmorlrig~ ~.~~ retumed. Waldo, wltb an impatient glad to hear that Zavértl' eprêdce- gesture a.nd -où.e o! hie quizzical- tion had been veified, and- uhat glanoeu. "You can bothe quaflfied LodDramore -wa.. iot much. 1thé inia wldér echool than this. I guose- worso for hie fainit-st thé dinner- ,ad -you mlght havé Pulled.-together, table. It got to b. generally kcnown Pré viouly." throughout thé shlp that the bay's --"'NO, teneral,"' I saici, <wondering heart was affected , an.d when ý ea' littie at hie perasetenco mter my came on dck* duriug thée o ig, firat defial. 7Thé doctor and I are looking pale and sedy, hé becamé qultÃ".'new acquaIntances, thouýgh I- thé victim of* a universall eyrnýpathy mnuet -eay that 1. hope we shallh one which dldu't best pléasé him. day heolod ones. Ho le a pleasant ~Itu il ot" w..hieln~gnntcopanion, tQ' sailwith. and about reply when 1 met hlm and renmarked thé best man for the bérth of!1 hip'e that h. would have tôd"go easy" surgeon 1 éver "carné across."" ând1 také' care of hI.msehf. "1:hros'.$"A responsiblé postlonit-th&tof 4othing the matter witl i e-at shlp's doctor," . remarked Wcaldo, Léat I nevar had anythlng the mnat- more thciught!ull y than as yet I had ter before.. 1, expeet -'I had toc> mach~ heard -hlm speak.. "It entails thé ofl that meringué rem.' power of!lits, andi deati-the-pertect- The weather contlnued fInéý and ly unchecked power o! ife and sunny, with Juat énough breezel to death." revive thé Jaded anong ýthe' aasen- On the top of this conversation 1 gers without making' thein unconi- was rather arnused, when Zavertal on toi-table. lJeing now*cloar oI'thé thé. sanie afternoon toôok an oppor'- Channel, my prosonce on the bridge -tunity of. mentioning, IVaido to 'me waS9 soldoni required, and I contrivcd. fromn much thésane point o'f view. te have soveral delghtful chats with "Fine spécimen of -the lb-rt Aline, Mrs. Brinkworth discreçtly. ting American,. that ýnelghbor- o! rnaking opportunitiee for a portion yours at--thé saJ-non table," hé said. of thein *té bo, tote-a-tête. At thé >"tYou and hé seem té hit it off .te- Saine tune 1 dd net allow rny love gether uncoimonhy wel. slr." atiair té obscure xny duties to the "Oh, hé 15 ail right-up -té date,"" other passeugers, and I worked hard 1 rePlied. "Perhaps -one unight get to add .to thé generai yacht-like 111e bored li' time with hie everlasting on 'board. Al sorts of am[wsrnents yarns o! Western lieé." tri thé musical au"'- theatrical lnet I «Ith-Ougrht you rnight h.ave'nmet Woc belng projected, the doctor hlmi beforo--you seemed se frl!c--Uly," shti,,wtng untiring cnergy lu 'discove'r- Zavertal said ln thé carclese toné of ing aateur talent where. miàb£ one: who réally 'wante te know. Icast have beon expected. le even "'No, I nover saw thé General ho- laid an eiibargo on' Général Wahdo fore on sea or land," I said. dHe té !?,ive a character récitation froini le ot thé' sort of man one w'ould itilp Vanl Winkhée at a variety enter-' forget -either. le . bas am pectiliarity. tainmerit thiat hé was plan ning foýr D-trikes me as beiic o itinmr the succccding night. The Yankee 'twang.V' than moôst Aiiccans of veteran was diecussing Zavrtai's on- hie- cluse nowadaysr" terpriso in a constitutionai. we tok You -are rîght," replied- thé.choc- together before tiffin. tor, *and id tle bound' te be genu- -Wonderful pusilîg !elow, this ine. That le about thé oniy thing doctor. 'of yours, Captis.," héo sald ail Amonicen woldn't- exaggcerate as we paced- thé deck. '"You ad hé PurPosély." ar. tust 'eut out for running ï4 mar- I ha-d got pretty intimiate With liué hydropathic shiow,-like this! H'à ZaVertai during the four or five days an oid partrier of yours, 1 rc hon." 'me sent tégether before thé- chip " On thé contrary, I've onily nown -sailed. 1 ba. olid .him -of.thé Arn- - ' - " ecan, Kennard, irbo had calied- at. -msy i tvoyageéInuthe ueen, - --w t - -,0 tn fît.remember." ~te bcecngagcd, and I hâd rsî-ncè" is- "Ah, but frielh Zaverto.h hasn't cussed withhi u strange for- On FeebIle pe rôuns Ail Whio Ara hIftLw tity .Have Roa;on to Drondc the Oornlng Wee'ks-Fortify Your 8ystom by Usina DL OHiASE, E-, -R'VE F000 u watch the nowspaperý for x-t lew weeks you wili fiudI lue death record la a large Dd J ma4, up borgeiy oet -pr- I advanaced yenexs reut b! vcak 'Utions. lty oeoCns to be lat low ebb iUtim o! year, anti thé sudton is 1 temperaturé sut .umIti phbere are more than s ýweak- ystom eau wlthstand. A lit-ý Y.er-exertion, a littie uIUUe*ai- e, alittié flegleet Ã"'! thé and cIealth le un-derintled, al break-dois 'liovtable, u could but realizo thý ne- active andi upbuildlng in- o! Dr'. Chas'. Nérve ooed, id "ha easy té ceavinces you Viadomo ioulng thub - pre- vi at this seao4 o! the yoar. Lhg-blogd l in, r.a-4 sutn watery, r.Case's Nerve 13'L'od o rkcs it by increasung -théeu'umber o! red corpuecies. Whe 'thé nen-os are exhaustedi euorgy gone anti Strcugth dociining, thie great foot curé builds Up-thé :ssezn, res tores and revitalizes. thé wastct nerve celle sud rekinte thé spark of iWe No physician*- au ýgive yeou,a boL- ter retorctivé -than >ýDr. IChas's- Nervo F oot, for IL le preparet ýlu accortaucé wiLh thé most -. modern andi mont aientifiep -mc sp,é, asud centaing lu contensed Iorm thé e. eûtI Patent reetérativea kumé-wn té medi- cal scii.ue. DY noting-' Ithé -increase of! meight wirle é using Dr.-Cbase's Ner;ve F oot you eau prove fer a ce&- tsin-ty -that ncw, fin fi cÉh su iLs- -But. Je bei9ag dtdet té thé boriy. F'lfty cents a box, six boxes re $2.50, st ail déeaiens,, or Mdurms listes, e" Ce., Tenanto. - "' W.L, wuldoulie thef beautiui dréssed cli? I-imus' Il iiUmpd yon ono do Ir rge. " Tait tak, -s look unter tÈat'tarpauûlin, thé Spauish shops sud -a Méng. thé sutsée1!yeu eau catch a uto -quit by aso! thé_oit towm. -We away2' - unchiedat thé hotel, sutlater -on But beforé té'order couid hé exo- ie à~r sitting iu thé public. gar-. ceuteci thé boy's staieément iras voni- chne, haviing'-what -Walto callet "-a lied -lu a différent. way., The tan- high oidtLimé," I wen>that werthy paulin over thé boire et- thé launch veteran, -rbo ira-. -néxt.ine, téuchod was raised , a an béliat coveréti iith nme on thé a:im and. whispered- - touzled -blaë-k har appeared, "pré- "Hè 1re cornés -t.hée black sheep.- Look .sentiug -sUch a .,rebegoné figure e -etfor equ alsa ,Ca.ptain hé:- fun that -seomé eo'-.thé pasu3engens Pears to e éounsa. thundening*,-oeut- laug-hcd. Thé -apparition loolcea hike West teaîr." a ;re.igner, -anti certiiyl dit net hé- -Féhlowing thé - 'direction pf bis long- te thé shîp. As for mýyseif, -I éyes,- I saw OnlebEcr -ceuiug toirard f'eit- censidersb-e annoyancé, for .a us,.udlhas tmeanor cutil rn stawàway iras s pet agaInst, whieh rmuLet th«ë Generah'A irariing. ' Hia I hsd takén neo précautions; iL - net bloodehot e yes glaýret - with --druudkn occurning to, me that auy_ one Woiild férocity, sut bis wiid >eticulationà. tty té 'sneak a Passage on a ci as hé -maté stràight for* us werea- net kuownu-as a régular j""lser." ready, causing alan- t the,, hall- "Côme dem eout . o that, " I sait. dlcizén' ladies of o-ur, panty. Mrs. "We' mli 'séedIf xwiý.canjt t int you Brnkwort whoc wyirieias cit- better' qiItrrterns',iI4thé bit uvith atngo-the ,éther- 'dsite cil -e Gu- brace. o! âukletÉ te stesdy-, yoii." rlmu-siriea'a seé-t s-hd' -But tho. thnc'at tfer fia«t.-'."Nosplk I ïeomendté eb nito ! e 5ir8~~~'. ~t'hé". tiret-dy-et .,Toor felloir h 'aà that hé lea'(o -eCouiét.) bugy.-Dôat hébe.ard' du hum, ,--- plescie - Alie, wo bat come Up with '- thé i'est, aàn;t te that swêet inter-"'éynkpklvs"'ke 'u iventien thée' tra-nger ôowêd .1thé treat- nontlkig ésppr by mentthatira -moet!qut é .poppiug hie heat- -lto a irell-knowu'. By-signeah - ias>aticugte-h îndue.dhardware - shopoee eveulng. "Oh, te 'ev houcsdourahu yeÈ, weve kept them fbr yowr," te- thétec h ~tedrevalti ~ t~î~turneti thé - shopkeeper. "Weli,"Ï finely-bujlt jfllow 'with'features b' huthahtyug ,p. rprigt despîte th*fir extrem6 'sirthinessel, b 4you shouit , adverti.se,. -'o, anti %yore by no means hîî-îolcing. log" ré a-wuiî'_kePeno ventai, irbé ias a'ma:ster _________ ,languages, triet hinu irith severa ,anti. at 4sL prouéunced bu nto e , CIDEIR BY TYTE lipanlard andd a ship's steward by Citer le uow se cbéap lu Uermaxi calflpg, ýwfiô, failing té- fut o. bérth AwlierlandthlltIiing àsuppiçeki os a ship goisg té Spain. bat t-en in lu 'limi iquàties l.,Many -ttu..way o! gettisg bhome. cafs at se n'wp" per heur, tjhe con-, Aîr*w tréeî is viemet - Irnuas short tistancq - ii"'-miill.- appéar. as a gtaéofiiy lbrÉn- et s]Préadinu-"yas. Lhrough branchéà o!1 f ^yclh'thé - ligbt'lcornes.frýeely and evénli, Thé -truuk miii- hé ecan andt cm oth, anti thé lmbe frée frein cndss -branches sud' lon)g sIender Lugie. "ý -;, 1 - -, -- HI GRMEYOULTRY. Pro .d uce rd -- ethig> h-gÉad4e-poultrr. .meat -uut.,learu té: m mprcaveý 'iL%- at- .trctiveieiss "b Y-, sbaping. haping- -troggbs, and, bôands ecau hé- usét by a nybody alLeir aân'dk-per!i t or' twe. 111gb-grade poultpiy- lu 1'-F rance :utnd England ",is ahwa,àyeshaLpeýd-'a'ýrtificial-- lv., At thé -Cauatîan stations whéu, .thé cèhîckens bai '%e hbeen ýpickéd, -thé shapiug-béait o 'r trough 'le ucet.> That- -nay -hé a .be-rd siyluches wa.de face-d agaiuet $a ir ýIUat an -tlture of!hs-pasggk Zavertal. Ï-credi4 of..t hé capture. 1I beard Waldo ~marking. playfuliy that perhaps thé. drawin -g hlm. on thé subject o! bis sentieman with tha,.ptstol had met <iséovery. bim again and had *4t béén se for. 'I gues you wdre' nover smart bearlng.' 1 was now ou thé Point. cf-. uough té ',think o! thé launch té rnentioning casually hoi#r for ;bhaIt bide lin yourself ?" aid thé Qeneral. a secotid on thé previous night.Wal-. ""Well,, noeut ."adniitted thé do's' expression b.d rerninded me of- b y re u ta ty the abse nt passenger, but smone fé And i Who might ha-vebeen respon- haileti -me froni thé bridge suad thé sibié for. that, bright ide" aiked subject dro ped. thé oid gentleman. - A' littie -later on thé- afternoO! Itw11h dct0wh1utm that third -day out Zavertal propos- u t tih"eaidocDarranwo put me édl a gainé o! "hide..and-seek," and Waido ii net pursue th matter' w.ae soon eurrounde.d by a number luter, b9t wýalked'aa with a etyuuger pqssengers, éagér té join. qer hu ô iesoltes Severai o! them in bit lu turu, andT Wat night at dinuer thé swarthy wree ount lInéti or, lees-probablé Sairwseeu rsé p hiding-places-under the côinpainéiookhepaeaou h sitn .9taîrs,'behinti1 thé piano lu thé mi5c tewardhs, who iaiotee1Zavertal'e rolom, wirbleoue .atventurous maiden t>e gave, a longer dbas3e thaü usual by - - Stowmnir'hérseit Iu thé fiag-loc]Ker hé- - CIAFTIER VIII. - hîndý thé aft whéel-housé. Then - IThérnars h a fBs -was Lord -Darran niére,-s turu té The runccpli the luay fin iar bide, sud. theé searchers ail retired and on thé. morning !tétft a to ýthé dénie ovér thé saloon-stairs o t re t é p seg érsf cae ond irble h. cnoeaied lulnséif. - teck, Gibraltar iras l-isigbt. right - Aln~ sd rs.Bnukwrt 'In ahead.- By. thé turne breakfast iras commn . with s num.bér of éther oyir ire had threadéd our way nen-players, ~ were- sitting undér thée~og h ol-ukat h awang. watching thé ganeien At Queen o! igtlyt-sior'a chanced, on- té thé' upper deckc. andiqatr-f~ il rn h ér chatting té myseif sncb tô Gênerailel ~nln h rssn Waldo, *hbo by this timé iras- on rounchet by th usual 'm-Éedléy -o! ,speikhug tarins with evéry, livi-ng-soobtmnedb h abr soul on thé ship. 1Phus irefour iu ueetrso!irtb-eros - togethér -.irben Lord Darreninéne grapes. Away on- thé Rock the caine out o! théetdeck-house te hidé.bge rr oudn érl o Thebee pace o th uperchek orning, parade sd ven froni- ourý hbaving, aifeady been -exhausted by anChorag thé gratnrd aswt theropnyersthé la odiee«reeechthe straggling toivu at - foot, iras théopiio tht é ioul hvé é eeu te bé' as .gay asa geranium-L go beloir-if ho- w ...te show good bét With t é ba e e nts c r -sport. -let.- - "Witb -dueo'subinission, I1ituess My instructions -frora thée wners no., reuaket- aid. Théirre- te shbow sa'etear twentyý-fôur yéung'un bas gét a best boirer te heurs at this port. té eÈable thé play, téà judge by lhis manoeuvres. as Jt eéine tétué hatthé êne a it gers te go nehoré and .explorée -It eemd t methattheGenera it thoroughly.,Numnerous parties was right. Thé boy titi not bésitéaté had already been formied for thé for an instant, as if. doubtfui whéré 'Purpenturbasiee on té g. bt trné su irut oriardbusily engaget lu transporting sight- on the port side tifl l e camne' nearly seers -t hélniu-.ce9mn sbrest f té dcto's ablun'op thé first te start iras a boat-load' posité which our steam-iauuch iras personally concinctedi by Zavértal,- elung. Thé, davits supperting it irere comnpniciug Lord I)arnanmoeé sud hie1 turnedt iuwards 1ovén thé dock te tutor Mnr. Oniobar boing alse witli -prevent any nisk of losiug thé iauuch tépry h atr-bt be in héavy ireather, s0 that it iras ac- drnking heaviiy ever sinçe' hé caine cessible irithout danger of, fallingou-basd I-hadtéotr overboard. It iras coveret irith a trying éidc i.éuean farauhn, ut e rA.t vudé quietly ou thé chip under thée pé neccssary te sirarn up thé davit, ltext' tht-héexitmén o a1dy' but these difficulties wire. net golng éu tthn e excinjnieuste f Inn. '-~ te~~~~~~~ ttra agl tnby fenBut thie ropresentatio0n oyhacithé avaîilng.luimseif of a hiting-placé se éfcteoncnsig he èn mia llkely te be oveniooked. -Zavertai ten èt o nraig hsdtria iras staniding,- in thé doon of thé ten e go, suad Za-iental, yielded-- compnionýwayread te ive somieirat toreadily. I -tjuought.. wvord te thé, searchers, -and 'hé cmiil-s.Bikwrhha - éd andinkeci at . us as, thé yungraue 01te 1e1n a party irhich.ia Earl, bégan te shin up the davit goung undor thé escort et Gé Gnéral] band--ovcr -haÊnd. ad, u tthé .lst -mnoment,- Darranmo*re ceeu got' a grpon in'dinig that there iras nethiugt 'bé buwarks eof élan 4, ni - p '-m ou j) 4, deqled-p ac-- iratchedt him raise téeg ! tecmay th-'i. '.Oun adng-- tarpaulin, tuck his head benesth it, stroliet thî'otigh thé mùain ýa#te and sud slowiy wriggie eut of sigh A up thé steep street te thé 'poet olffcé soon 5g"- hé hat' tisappes. rd- Zaven- -for héttérs- aud 'elegnainis. On en tai gavé thé Word te thé seek*ers, u.nt tering thé building ireirere met by they caine. tropigett then-tédécLore Party just léaving afLer. panion-way to comumence thé searcli. mkn iilar, cail. -111eeon-voy The quet - hiad 'ardl 1y bégun i were mestîy iiusy with thoîr . cernés- oa.,rnosjt when Lord-'- 1)rranmere's poudence, but ., Zavertal himeself head - reappearet froni undér thé crarnmed a cablegram - he ir as, read- -taUpaulin, and it iras seen that hic -kig -into his peeket, anti cameî up te, race ~ l irr ene.expression:o eokigornied and anxious. a 'Tia, rwh a was S hylok?" 7goodness, boy!. Ypii attend and Sunday school. eve-ry wei ,don't know w o hy1oeki %vaiý9 his father, 'wtha look 'Of and horror. .-"'Go and read y i IFPE WORK (:N 'THE iFARM. Thé mistké ô!of1le-lu innarrow- néess. The average mistahé. of par- ente le lu choosiug a speciai voca- 1tiou Or -culture. Outsite o! - their .owu lives for their chiltren. More hap- eise>sud greater ail-rtound success corés ron ecouraging thé, !arm or Village :chilt té . respect thé - bomne, home -imprô&Vomeuts, home >rnoraiity, anti thé' énie -habite sut d'sentimnents ofanniug, or. village -pursuits as life. W ork. .ILtot éher cultursltm ch t or. grow, up mith thern,but not-. choke the.ni' eut. Né though tlul eh- sou-ver ceau' l t1e se that thé hope, _O! aiilai ndu thé Perpeuity o! Our utttené -are' rotetiin tarin 1111e. Gd luto- suy -greàt city -sad no.te - th é a uxieus, bait-sca ct e . Ipressions ou thé, faces ef the ven agé. - ttiÉens -;-notice. - thé moIti eh iék utose hro live.- by --their wits -thé dtuI, hopelees air o-'thé. wérk ,péôpié., and t:hé dint,begninmet huugry, -bodies -o! _t es__ t--c dren. ý- Can âuy stuteut -éf Ille - con- Viné inne iàéf . tb'att *héfei,r -niebý folks, hitiug with- thirten barred sud gusu-ded palaçes, ec 'l to tily ou their private caru' or yachts. en fil tii ea bot enughu-", -hi- selfsh oinsto reateL thé nebite.hile- that ,évvlutien- proinise-W eur raice? Luxur yanti xcitmnt are thé obý-: jeçts fought.for te ,thé vénèy .decath in city ile, but -the hope of,évôIü- tien is. stilIlu innature's sou,' sud let ne natura mnu-er- moinan, 'ose sigut- et thé' fact. Encourage home tuLlies and thé -cultur _that. cenduces té - kuomieepo f thé comparative hie-- tory e! theé paet, thé science t h présent, -thé hopeo té-futue, a guides. to conduet sud *.ôrk.- En- courageb h e- epie .oècn veuxencés, borné coinforts.- IDind- yeur- chiltren te ho-me hife.with .heoks .eo steel, even -il. you have te -eut away' somléetofthé shrubbery oet your -0omu heant hife to. do. iL. -Don't'forgèt that, littié every day jove's'are irerth.mr te, thé' average -undividua 1a h .big,- infreïqfeut pleasures, andi -that, t h é , w a y . t e k i h i o f f b t h a i s às- b engralting ervâl4u.és nt. -]o'-da'n [up thé flowr-o!- -houriy - itret i emýailI-home alla -ire by in.diffrenée or iii nature, andti fyou know as, m'ueh as yeu tbink yàude - do ' 1knc pôeoie ever' wth iL; but, help theni G.taudl. up ant groir by it. Eveny day lu thé ècou ntny ile s full,'-of pos-ý sthilities. as,.any ay. -nu-theé-city,,~and afeeîi~ tsir - e.;go te to-wnlor e*ci -tement - is b .or- of -'thé neglect te utiizé- hé stvatàges - ,. baud for' irbolesome, occupation. -.There 'never- ia1s a'Limé m heu théré "more :se xauy hive, '.gro.wing muattérs et imPortance for*tarm sud --village-flamiiliés7.-te iu- tercett-heniseives' - :jlu as-thiere, -are 4o0W. Wheneveýr tbiugs seen-dtuIl, - .iméun fer séMebôd t elo'ok,%Up thé' books". musi o47 -gaines- .andtotetun up_ thé, lampes -hittié lu 'thei front EIIAFE 'IN :PIIUNIG - -Thé. - no'rm al,' shape ora '-wéii trainet appie tro e sthiat of a vase., Three o'r - four léad -brancheSstart frein thé. trunk, as Io* ^s possible., This is Cenvenient in'- gatber-iilng thé' fruit.o!' hé fruit gathewnren' b -au,- "4There is o püumshmen.t toc for- those who deoeive% -the1 F941 would have apels of rheu end a.t Urnes it would grVeýne 9g It.resM. in 'my bacek nd aide., tuéimà .have had tQ takQa fj reliève thé pain.,I 1ibtaineda- Xmunyon7'a Rheurnatism (Çcre t distributiont»'andclI am ao#Tîelii çç.el. I have had no -pains singe, -move a-round freelly e.ndl-, nt-ui larn 'véry glad to give My etperif thé.b n~tto!anyone whoma ering in a similar ntnner."4r& fat, 128 Mitual stret, Toronti Munyon's Pile Oirtment cure price 25c. .Munyon's Eye Cure cures wea ]priée 25C.- Munyon's- Vitalizer zestores- IWo to weak. men. Price $1. .PE~ XEICA&L ADZ Personaletters ad.ressed -te Fr son, PhIla.del.phla, U.S.A., cimtwl oa t -Ikness,' wili e nsweri;a ly, and free, &dvie'as to treatmeDA given. angle of about ninety. degreem rnhâry ée&aV-shaped" trou>gh, chicken's legs are p1aced besi, breastand the stern pressed thé angle of the trougli breast 'A weight,, such aq a' glazed b, -placed' on the fowl's, back, e other- brick pla'ced besIde tl to -keep it ini place. tili the ne is.placed -in po.sition.' " Tlib àhould,.bé enough to, slig'htly' thebre7stbone, bt'notto bý a;nd! -it reinains urti1; tVhe > c are c'oled and set,'af ter whi( are packed- in crates 'ahdd>Èhil markeit. BoNE -FOR IOULTRY We m.ay. obtain some,'eggs fi ter.use, without-4eigc but by -its use we eaun materil icreas6 the numbser., . TEïe 0w 100 hene isle osing -thé price go.od cutter -' very winter 'b priving them of the materidl he ýwould- be able te -furnish se' mali cos-t. We have dis* that for earlyhacedhil indispensable. T.o raise~ h4eal'thy, 'vigorous chieks.. Stitute..muet be found te tak place of the bu~gs, worrns, eti which- they thrive so Well lai the -season. A minerai substE aiea- rnecessary >for hardenii f1r'ane 0-f' th*, groWing chicki Perîrnents 'have pr"oved that edon green. eut bone >are surbjact to 'lekg weakness. But a -*inter feed fôr laying e we drïve thegreêtcst profit 1

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