Là 5~. manoy o 6ien, a J'lmof huddkil.ed. or, hosd iicambat, kjma' l" miweoneri and muni- JrILl'lî tt of-the war, eet' t ' 4iort time ince, Iooo tý Brtih 1P comromsewith the Dom in i- -No, btid b. ou rpriaîhg, as or is Cointg, if befure, he end of six 4à ,netin the irot and bis utbî- âouldbe auongthe royal exiles, DdI again tb the humblect'pa- if boot bi ?ksndoyster openefi Uam., 8:rabge, if the 1E7mperor «Is ,tld b4cme one of the di- ib f the Ilfried, rosted,-and Stew- SI May,»oni,4.btn. Btrs vit i; Y. Vrerrbt ytreAil i ýAcrTy ANmin îv0FkDa rin 4 ronri; is.,clt related tlo 11: 41ýI sg Isicident. One dayrltst the wfr4of NMr. Dickinson, a esiof thet'amily beingabsent ibut r, hid occsion te rtep ot oth ie »a a errünzd, and on bier rc'titrîi M""a. Mélin on Ille loor, and a- 4w aundlaïid do-, a favorite.lît MYwa-ft tpoil him holding him Mrs. Dickingsn' tld the man 'W stegl}iùg. lie proniptlv 1if. ' Silo tîid tu cail tbe-d'sg o11 id not: tibo then told hlm <bat hadtt'istoicin aüti3hing, thé, dog liot leit iit go titi lie gave t iup. orne ftither parley, the dcof ltoid- *h -a i$rm gripj"th(! ~ut ookz ýrspoou frum bis jockei., wilieiî [,ken from the howse. At the spcîun, " Tiger" madesame, ftnonstrations tif displciastîre,ý as VttidifâfiltCr kept from inju- h thief. Iiuwever, as -suooî as oon-was thirovn ttpontthte fluor, g let go, and the follow was al. te Ieav'. theaPremises-Stecb a wýoti 14ving, iAL OF THE- "LGR. Britisht'Mail 'Sýtear nr ~ rn 1at Kowcv ork on Thîir.day lan-i ~h aa from London taih ýlty and frani Livter[tool l ioto' îe receipts of thie.CrysîiPttlaor fur ix days endin'- tic lSîh Juliy Ntas; 970 os, rîuRO xTsv-frt,t..-Tih ,Or- chîsfLive.rpoui l ecichrati <iM. .î- JioIy 11, (the aniversarv u theîi. leoc the Boyne) by a proccssissn. vecti two and i.hrec îlîusaîîd ler- took piart ini ite eremonhr.a. Theo momien was atîtacked by lte Irishi in- tai i*LiverMoo, and a fîght eti- ,ýwiei r ~esited ta tiree 'ruenrîs g killed aind a lirze hnumb.er dJaric iWv wonded. -The scenc is lixos ribed: %non it rocess"ion bail gfut -a 1bèyond ,Seyrtour-st.,thie Ifri.%itl"î ,ed t1aeOraîîgCnien wlîa ok ikbts and atones ; t heOran .mnil iied, t1soçe iwhe liailtheiii pus !,m the aind fired upou i- ereuwd itue çwurduîinonun bH'dî- md un tô theïr asiatwîtisî v rely andi.I fttiigthem lI> beicene at thi,4 momeiilît il &PsbIe te Je-rie;sviral 'kere aiivyborto îW ly i4yiug" IlThe 1Boyie ,t tvîte throîtsiiail #eac( te îowil lsingtlî. and r r~t~thrcôugbIoit ebot 200 Isliée ,ýotüdiIit a acoot1u-et ý*kw4mý4»mfreshrioting c. amhqýRy very serions Con- l'of eiee-10tl1 oinsrrna.ican wius igh: ity it ah ils very neasfires werc. s 110f doutg, tu iraors, mh- rctllly intend- m i a straeet. ýb à d4 fuat 1lite gurion ; 1Lit wPJiI tostprise the DuliDOBE pOtion oi the city, ,The.fou is variotîsly stated ut frein two tê five miliiions of dollars !Th«firo'%vas the wôrk of an inceendia- ry who hits been ariested by the Vigil- ance Commrittec. 1À-ctive prepnration-q were being ruade fo rebui li te bîîrntdisrict, nd allea- dy stîbstantial building* are in ptogs of' erection. ThrabVe been a nimber cf aidi-' tional cases of Lynch Law, and crktae btili- prevails tu a fkiarftnl extent.t NEW ORLESANS, AUg. ~ The stear' Cino.ilnati'and 4'Psn- peor saledto-night,, for -Cqba. Ihe 'Patupero' had ()n berd- Gen. Lotez and 50O0 men with amnis,&c-h 'Cincinti' regtulnrly cleared at 'lie C'Iltti otîsqe. Armias meeting is row hQhifing ltu celebrate the dcpari.ure,ýad g-reu at ihuusasm prevails. NEW YORK, Aîîg. 5i The Frenîch tnxnistry have bcendepjd their resignahiou, but the President te- The Poritig.il Government la alreà y 'rcoble again, Ouc evoIt lhnd taiî place, but Saldanhia succeedIed in quel- ing il. The patato rot in Ireland is contrad - bcd.I BALTIMsORE, 5thl Aug.J The souther» -mail bring* infurn - tion of 17 deatlis front choiera in N V Orleants, duriug i- hewek ending A Ira-Pefirc occuired at San Franci - lancltoly case eof leabb from tuie bite of W mad dog orcurred in Toyrnsend, on Thur day mornin Liast. Abolit a montb .ýince littîn boy, tlire son ut' Mr'.-lames P4obinso Wa.ls bit by a a rabid do;,,, the saine 'vbicli ai lvrwards bit. ,wveral animais un Pover-a althotîgl the greaiesýt care was taken of tj cltild, Wh1o."s parents took bim to Toronlf for Nieditai aid, it was ot' nu avail ; and W'ednvesday fast, ite boy began ta showev dent svym'tons of mdes.Ouri' zat'ela represeuttes cellce as truly awt'ui;thi rcliii d was on1y about six ycars nfîge 4 r wben la1bottrin, îînder tibe lre>adful roaladi his violet struggles ivere- far -beyond thi strengt1b of hbi<years..- Sirn oc S«trdairc A inan i0 Calif'rnin was pursueilby1 aýrge snake. Ail at once it mccurred tq' litinjit as thie reptile waspreparing tojîîmil ai bis iliroat, to ritt around a sîýtnali bircli tree. wlîicli sWo'd in bis patit, as liglît as roîitd 'pring. I1k dît]so tii ll lgai it e.! cCt ter" ini a ,:nari, wlîen etopping suddefflv. k- threw a back somenset, and tlwre snakei tryin& i tu foiiiw bu»m, tied /iimrsf int a lzardIawt.! Weak do-es ofivr-t ub are now 'recomen.- ded by pliysiriane. for young wu'meiî mho cornplain utf dyspepia Young men iroub- léin the saine w:îy. may be cured by aftý The everlastiîtg perçeverance ofth ie Y arî-' k e is admirably liltraîç4 din< a case ihat' late!y oacctrred'à t 1 ln», away dawn eastl Il cutie -chap icdvntured himself to a boni.-1 înaker for twu weeksleý oIaritto fit tot. ttisenti ut' three day-s h@ hoîght ouit Ià time and soi up for ms. 'S initii announces a new song, ivitb tige modest requett, 1" 0, ive nie bock but yes- timday!"1..1 Acompariton bu the above,"0 could youi spare to morrow, love"in, preparalýion; ta bc sonî fierar folloedi by the m.quicl lyrie. of'i" Vou haten't gotl snclî a iîing as ntxt week about vuu, have A2-rO.IST 0FTUE CTALLEST At. the late celebration ut' the 4.tb of July in tie parish of Caddo, Louisanil the fol-1 liwin-, toay>t was given. It may be called the romance of the confectionary,,blîop - WVomnin-Ileavens berit gift fo man- bis Paidoa, or caeket of jcwets-bis -onfecý tionary shop, or 5tick of candy-bi otto' of roses, or sugar côated p)Ãl-.-her pt-ebence bie bebt compaay---her vWC is hia eetemt music -ber nis his brightcst motents-her kis the guaridittn of bis innocece-ber arias thie p ale of bis !safety-ber liés biç most faiîtful councellor--ber bowmt the sofle5t ploofbscares. Girls, d'ye bear that ? "UIk ot(oof ro-" A mnai who wa-q iii the habit of ialk- ing to bimself bein g asked the reason wrhy he did 80, plid-"Beeause 1 1iik,- in coiiverswithapman of sense ! Ife had a great or4flion of Ihiîngelf. TUliE S TSEA M E l llJiu w»;Standing. Price 50 ceÃŽt Whitby, Dec. 70 NEW CHE1AP HAT STOIRE NeUr4E y * t" le»Oce, JýîBSreet, Torointo, TJIHE&iubftribr, baving bail long experlence la theba.ines«,respectiruiIy announces toithe public thathe has opcned the ahove premises with an excellent maort ment of IJATS, end alIbo Ladief s' Of ettrYdescription iwayaM 0-? The hichest price paid in cash for Haling and Shipping Purs, JIACOB BA$STÉDO, Hiatter and Furriër. Toronto,, Oct., 1& .26 T IE Su1,scrihr halnow On hand, a S2R&S1P.1RILL.II1in Qfuart iil. GILBERT B. WEEKS- Whitby, Jan. 25, 185.>41i "Blow- oh blow, ye heavenly breezes ýA Il amo'ngithe leayes ani treeses. Sinir, oh smin,-, ye heavcnly nmuses, Whil i1 make your boots and shocee." T LE Subscrîber b)egs. to acqiîaint his T friendaand thec public. that he bas omne trio above btns in the East eil fthe %Wxrny CARRIAGE -FA'cToRYBLocKï, wherc ail Cuis. tom Work wîi be donc wiîh neatnt-ufultty (and tlÃŽa's more than muaI Shoemnakcru can say> and dsr'ptch.j. w. 1'ILJLOTSON. Whiby April 12, 1851, 52-tf. HA LF-W AYHOU SE1 RO0U GE. rlTE -.tbscrîber retiurns thanL-s for tbe ~liberal support since undertakisig the nId stand (laie-54* %VF. WSLEYe$) at the ROUGE, and hopes by strict attention Io business tu k- favnsced with a continuarice of thc ustiai patronage. The Bar ftzished witlrchoice liqunîis,atid bis Tabie Weil suppled wvich the submatnîîîls 0f Canada. Good Stabliiig and a &tcady liloatter ini attevffance, evéry accommodation tou make travelirîs commîrt- able. Stages daily 10 und front 'fplunto Io Kits;- AXDREW NIOBTA -B kw k' s lolel, l ROUGE.- J BLACK uespecîfulfyacqiiaînts the Travelling; t>- runtmnty,t"rt hai lunse id atl kejît in ils usutal romturtatlsi) i>le. Hus araum ilI te found- wrll gupplicd withthe btLiquus.arud bis Table .Wjlh tihe hoiîcesl viands the unaubel aflbrdi. Ilias Itage is etili ruuîigDaiy, fionu lii-, House to Torornto. teavirsg at ,evenn r'cloil# suthe Moii- iîîr, and reluitning the Same Evenil;r. ïvery arcommodalion cati bce afîur4led tu Tra- vcilers, with gocd $Stallirg and latlectiu'e ivstlrs Ri'.March 15, Mi5.4-f. COMMERCIAL HOTEL, VILLAGE 0F BORELIA. T 1ESU13SCltll3E'Ilretturis tbanks T-fur thte iberal suîpport lie titis recei- %,Pd Pince *ue commtencesi in lte old Sad (for- morly ko-pt by MNr. 11UNTER). ai CIIANDLE'S CORNEIS. anrd hopes sy strict attention tn Lasi- tu to Ire fà vored -6with a eoisinuance aoflihe pa. trniehitheito conferred. The Bar ià turîuialued witrh lite.best Liqiîors, snd I te Table .supl ied wih the choicesi"eatahies taIt cao b. procured. COO0D S T AB LING, ans a* uteady Ilîrsuter in attc-ndaauce. Every accommoudatuinlu rosCe Traveller, com- foitlble. STAGE daily tb aijlf roin Port Wkftt- tiy. TIHOMAS GOREY. P., S.-Carriagc in aiîrudsrtce on the Býoat. 1 lBorcia, Jâme, rth 185J., 8 3 m. VTALLABLE PIIOPBII1 FOR SALE, p JGthe Front HJavex uf Lots 6Ns n , id lte 3rd Cofuemsion. Âpply tg B J3IîRELL,25 7th CONCEIO'f 2. -t. JENNY LUN 0IN WlïtTBY 1 B.. BRýYAN lAS been iateiy appoirîied AiÃent, b>' the Man e. utacturero, for the disposaI et, several new pattern nsome, wluish were pâtentes titrce. uîobs ago, and took thte prize at lte laie NIAGARA FAIR. He ha. on baà d a-general à ssuormenf nt Tigbt Air, Parlour, anti Cooking Stuves, Ploîabh K4tiles, rUnd Irons, Do; Irein, Dýoci-bmters, Patent 9ts. teris ?iu pu, &c., &C, The. new pateerited stovt la made on fthe OLD1 PRINCIPLE OF M..KJNflW TUE PLATES FE.RY TIIlCK-and thee ire plaies are so ron-i uiructedlitat liteflIre camiel injure hemn.-Tbhis slove-à the. xit.which, int weIve unonIbs, or, s. Soon as it becornes generall' knowo, Parimers wiI baye no otJwr- Itove. Ela TEAN WÀT7TLKER &HUTCHIN WHIOLESALE & RETAII 0lothiers,, Outfltters dind -General, Dry GoodL Sicie or TISE GoLDZN Liox, siox os'ý 26, KING STREET EAST, TUOcwro R3EG te itform the renders of the W/litby Reporter, and '-'heby have completpd iheir Fal importations nitotple and Fancy Drj seleC'ed [rom theu beul Stocks in Foreign Mnarkets, and purchaseîîd for CAi amination, unaurpasrsed in titis City, f*r qiaiity, style ami cbeapneus. -READ THE FOLLOWING: Black Orlteans Cluih hum O 8 pr. yd. Colnured il "Et 0<J Black Cobourg dé ")010 Culotîreil il 1 -2yd wide"déI19 " £Miaclin DeLa.ies idt) 10 l',intslyd. widc di O)5 i yil Gintuhams (lleavy) fiO08 1)ark'-ale Bo;iâ di *3 6 Grey Sqirrel 'd sd 2 .4 Stone Martin "di 15i 0 Togeiher with an excellent Stock of Fashionable DRESS GOODS, SMlk, floves, 110siery, &c., ai correspotidiîig prices. .dlso, 1,000 WFool Scarf Shawls, wortu of notice. Watered, and Damask iloreens, CeÃŽrpets, Druggils, 4-c. &c. of elegant Patterns. In Ilieir Wvoollen fleparlmctnt art- flroad Cloths from 5 0 Whitney C:nîhs romr 6 1 Cassimeres (Plan &Fancy) do3 ý I Linne;kin - dé 8 6 Pota ina Il .4 # 3 6 Mohair os - si 7 6 Twe'edîs di Il do2 t-VAmerican Satineus _ "2 ý Illot Clotho ~ 4 6f Canadian 3 0 ]leaver Il ". 6 6 $1 Cloto, 3 0 Mu1eshiui- 44 I 31ICorde " i G Veiiiig in Woolien, Plaid, Swansdowns, $i1k, Worletl, flair Plushes. They would call partieular attention IofIu'ir assoriment of C LO0T H INGC e The whoie of which hein"g malle p under their own inspection, by the hest of workmcn, arc nul equalied iiinaa for style or cuttiiîg. quaiity of workmnanshi p and nîaterial, and general iitable- iutu the w.ats of the po.nple. Parties about toipurchase Goods in tiis une may 1,pay too dear for tbeir whiute -"ilthey bu>' belre ouoking over W. & lits tock, among wbich wulllie futind Grey Over Coate; frnm 17 6 Fine Shootfine Coatls : 25 01 kll>"'tl 4::i 1 31ifFancy Doc Pants : 12 6 Beaver "4" 27) 0 41" Satinett i :6 -1 0o Fine di" 30(1 o Tweed "04 8 91 Liongkin di- " (30O 1laçk Satin Veste, 7 6 WVhitney "from .30) 0 ancy l$ dé" .5 9 Fine Tatrs "di 22 C id Toilinet" "94 6 fi rocki 0 1- JBlack Piu.h "11Il3 Boys' Clothing ini great variety. Paris Velvet-nà p Hais, Fur & Cloth Caps, &c. &c. Garments made ta measure and warranted to it. tl-Farmers and others tesiding in lte country, and not asquaintf-d with tricks ptaeittsed on stran- gers, by many dealcîs. wouùld do wpl inb cal! a thIis establisbrnetit, as they have but one straiglit for- ward mode ni dom; bnsiness. Anmung their rties are te (oilowing: NO SECOND PRICE74. Ail Garments noti suiting, exchangfd. Ail Garments warranted nat lu ehrink or spýot with rain. Ail pièecGods, cul in the usuai Ieîîglhs, exchanged. Toronto, Novcrnbcr 1, 1850. - Coner of King 4- Churck Streets, joining MteCourt Homse, Toronto IlÂAV E ON Il AN D The Largest, the Cheapest, and the ]3est Assortment of Rgeady-'ladie Cioith*azg atuldPro Goodts IN CANADK7 WEST. Ci LOTIIS. Cansimeres, Vestings, and Genal ryG ds nptedrctrm '-Britaitin by Ourselves. eaDr .osl ot dec o Garments made Io aider of every description. PARIS,1 LONDON, AND IrEW YORK FÂSHIONS RECELVED MONTRLY The inost approved style adopted. White Cotions front Grey s iyd* " Shpetinîg 23d. ' Stripei S1hirting 1led 'Vicie O Bruwvn Holatid i' Gala Plaids dé Darke Sable Mufs, id Girey>'Sqîîirrel s id. Stene Martin r 5 rExrr, ToatoxTo, ý,gpeCTlty, that ,whieh baving been 1be f Pund, uipon ex- la. 3 Pr. yd. 4 44 4 44 4 1-211 71-2"1 7 1-2'1 7 1-211 0 6 1en's iBrowen Hooland Coate, front Do Check'd dÃŽo d(10 d Du du 1NoicAkin do es D, Black Aipaca do Do Russel Cor dO " D l1ricefs L'rd do " Do Gambroon do s Do Tweed do Do Bread Clou <tado Do C-îasînre Io Do 0ull'd Water Proof do BelBonLinen do Do do Moleskin de D)o'Fancy Tweed do " Do Alpaca <lu Do Riussel Coi-s do Whitc Sbirts, Linen Fronts, es Stripesi do Mcn' Moeikn Trtisrs, frorp Déi Linen Drilldoe d Do Clteekîd Duldo Do Twerde do Du Citsamere do Do Doekiui -do Do Iluckikia do Do Satinett deo Du Etoffe do De Ckduînett do CarpeS I3ags, U, mbrellazeS, 8 MEN'8 PARIS SA' WDE OLO0THE 4 1-2d Do' Cashiuerete Trotîsers, 0 ?Boy's- Drill do 9 9 ,V ancoy de 0 Do P-aisMoLskL-in do 6 Do Chcck'd do de 9 De Doeskin de- 0> De Catiimoere de 6 Red FlannEi Shirts, 0 Under Sbirts aitd Drawers, 6 IIO$BAkCohVse 41-2 Do Bîneli Salin do -,Do Fancy Satin do 3 Do dolan 6 Do Velve t don o O ePlush do 4 1-2 Deo Mîacelles do 6 Do Baratbea do 3 Do Ca"simert do 0 De Twee do Do Si do) Do Satin do> Do Twgede do Do Camimcrc -«do i Ca iitsere d IN G [roms 4 41-2 di 4 0 " 4 4 1-2 frod J' ý9 4 41-2 3 '0 5 0 à 0 2 6 MANUFACTURER OF' SOLE, iÙPPtR, AND SIARNESS LEATHER, &- Cash pa id fer ides and SfinWha Oats, Pots and Pearl t .445 i Whitby VillaCe, 7ih June, 110 SCAIILO101. ILEXANDEII i'IOAIPSONi ropriOf- Excelezitaccommraîonfis for tiaveles. Gnod! LJIXD CXEKLT'E 4 DR./UGIIT7'SMVXi 1 (4FF1CI'ý, o1p1ositîý flte Couri.lolSe,~ VILLAGE OF INANCfEILS'rEfti- il. W. cfiJFFY> fDraler in PIRODL'Ci>. ijUGHT NDSOLI). Ilewce Srou'sanud PlI'i's 'er, YLest Sîde Il UG Il Flà ,A S E iL, Prlng anud ummer -Falhions for ISi1. whîitby, Ajîril 19,11,41.5. ALEX. PINGE WH!ITB Y VILLAGE. Allorders in his line promptly execuitcd. The Iatest Faekions al.ays onlband. wibjilby, April 19,1850,. Marrister' rd Àttorney at Zaw, BROCK-STREET, WHITBY. Wh*tby Ladies'*eminary. OPP'OSITE THE, GRAMMNAR $CHOOL Pulirc HMon ge, Can be sitppliedi wilh a fi-si rate aiticde of Ale or' Strong E3ecr on Moderate Term, Wo CAM . ai CI.ARK*S$REBJ Whithy Villagre, Jan,, 7, 1850. 21 IMP ORTERS 0F BRITISH ZDIUFAQTUREB, MVIDLESALE AND BETIIL. Whitby Villaie, Jmn, 1850. lu the i. rago of N.wcastl CLARKXE. J. E, TEMNNiLtY, PBOPRNIlGK. Augtt 1,185. ,19 ppite h arltcti] T'BOXAS TH W1IOLI Toeto, Septe Xo. 37, Kin zýe Ail kiznh tg eider. WB. lMO Muifin Dr.à i,«0 Pa msôls. 'w [com RESS. m E ssR WOOD- MB. TYPE & 5 of wbase mana gntiaseOitit are s0 wel kr)OI ainy remaurt5 on There onvi now hain btie <boon ail tlîey C office, will be i a branch oi ibis azement ni 1 Toî1onto, places Province upea t inken 1» for drosi, al 5U. 20) pwr cent, cçrDitties, F Montîeaiî Soi tiond tu the abc by 1uuîihming count. 1851. LA