36 0 4t lit - mijk in tile banc in 'Ombilied * courits for Ti, "r"rL, p wc«P the and ordèreil t1tcir papers te É ýe -BLOOM ER , bas died 01 natn- of bcing )bo -t flIfeir dis- Ã1111ID-PLIDING -01NYÜý-U- SHAW LS. Tite trang Parlianient roi derayj and KÃ"ý one rcgreL4 occurreuce- any divi: r Il les T 1Vt V&,§ 1hipsil f t E 1 V E a bf th e erry %vitliviit iidurlninÃr -thL, a ministry-in Canada take FOwer Townshi mn tà ý tfi'é Ã;ttoro& Never did 30th. 21 in wkbliiglier prnépect% mid b"ed hy a luge wambi zc, 0" 4pst IS511 hi t_ lfotiýl, TJnîuný hitby, Sert, 6, 851. â5o et'-(,Qtitig and o%-erwlielming majority-never had a 4w 'ElVED and For "ýAl',jE' at dIc 0 evûr oeý hain, in ý Ille ebtivetitiot, u i T 13 y onverilin(Int better emportunk of dicg perltalis À* alkove. ý,M t//,c gnites to,,rcl , re.ý Mué >Utatto ý110VUey NVII ni lie it pf» esp 75 IlIte-, ndllol)e,4 and Third Vl L L A G E grenter goode and never bas fi) a 100M Itidi.ng of- viirlz, propused tulyle held ut dîs- .01 à Fitc, Bales -brigyt ,iittîciliation.s 1)(cen InOrc - Mad'y this Wa and, 10, eSUrlïng's Hutel, Ilickerin g, on the là tii appointed. r tallit,«, Cavalait SI s1l'all ex or lie (,ovcrnitiritt, in tr Septgnll)er nextef Ir tho linfilose of se- y- is. sipproacIling Wh(' '0 q gallons pèr minute -; tII"ý-Y L'Ile, perkni T110-MPSON, PEARSON C Tile Inelnherï Yoll will lectiijg;t Candiciate tu, rei)reýsetit this whitby, 21 stil exercise Your coristitti- plicase both giving w1y to gg Woko,. "-" 1 Ilille Tiiiis Illion 10 Aïon ofà nely "ep- 1t.ding îa the nf,»xt Iroviiicial I>arlia tc t'rial e cd ý1Ic forilla 8, 'bc rreat question Of ýlVe j1m ad; ' il a col!, J tioùà eîightl In 'If ment. lklais id% kg sie nt "d viench influence ni) 1 to C,;tuad-,t, and ialîric 1%. 1 throtigli it deter- Davîd 1,kresor, ilaving hoeil joli-iii shirkingr tite Ckrgry 11C.- A fýItltI'o lYýIirY of the called to the chaw, and Dr. I)OIli,>rtv re- r 10ilier ill- El _1110 ilt 0ur faut- il il Ji 1 pposing evc.ry at- ýirwant t0is lac that tII;ýre Ws1ý, ho Dtity Io y q tlrstc(l tu net sis liceretit ry, 1,01low- wMes Und Ilecodes-4n 0 Icarn Ili outils Il LItitivlls wero EPTEIt$FR 61 'Sb" tClnl)t at retrenclivient in 0ilir Wedine: ami t1lat the, and ymw God, demanti . SATURDAY, S ligrili or Oif, É,tkgîtlt, ()tir clectoral waés ans Presclit made id inoveinent ta Iliat VM dolitç, cril-ýin their an- --s' and iýLe foin til page. en gnat that il. was un simericou rnoved by 'Mr. Joselili secondicil syst _ni 4& fatal and united op- J ,ris lat tllev cowd, hi Ili k(lui. Law Reforin ,ettrr,ýbiti it has not enine I-I-ý m the a-V in lyhici 1 wil by Chancy Cttjý;by, E'sil ui re. BROOKLIff KEETIN» I)nmiticiti on ûvery occasion to elective princi- wt 1 T lm c ' p the dellientiov. to r('veseili; the 4emrmhudon to ils of ,î1tol bl;i li %viiiyk'týïl 1 lis ANW ýiaIt3 towiwhip ut dos, wid thpir apparent 1 lad the ilharly. 111alkeil ni r-To day tire grecit lit Bril(di a orge sorne of our W14o L',Itýtli huW t filic the Iý çP14 if ;euvsll iliti yvencon tu bu hold fiir l'fie v4irilose of se.- c, nar the appénirrient of lbkgmes Il là %4e the ilendi and lides, even -1 woiild Jave inado, over wic-, lie rrI11i(ý 'ib*ectiiii-,,, a Candidale il)(,* rois tu ai 0 14à . for Il t Mlilby, tu in"L uth lllvgales Dui Illpeo>e of thvir illaces flicin in nn ty , fo (I t_ ol'ipId id frcé lmslimidn>; whilé On dw Phird Ilidinil rd' lkirk in the li(ýxt 'Pro- Pnsitioli henire the connuy. aro, The l'tif, rrç1ýlLi of tilis trio are grvelvv Illau 11\1,;byn thu grithégrof de- vincid !calculent 1 le compowd uf duc il! niong, Rw 11, vn6rtly liew wns toq ri iitl", ý the Poils for their idval, sit f1rtst ilsilirÃŽtl(,41, 1; Illey wijl Ilive tri an,,ýwcr ai le d1wilig g cif, a (,aiitlid;ltc for toit the iermrs or 1 Ille grant raoItý, ul, acts ut cojnIIIîýý-i0I) and and [1, ýýt lhnjnnmï- O"Aln Ilenry 'Millurl' Vwea nodal -neral ciertint inkes Place. It wHI ho ,gath(,rtlci itiork, lo witac:I M Alorri,-oii,. ý-,oa fklt glcci,-4i(jl) ,Ã: i imist loir, awu 10 r id ibria pu lquiru- 31 r. Ira M already apPoinied and thvir 1 have lin douht, %vvvv of lücw owac OUI mid évir -ins nre nIanY4ý -Ili art of darire, el M04ce IM r. qiuga, anci a preil Larp, mm have giveil tu both [)amjull ,*l, dwi Pl ce Me %ri MW Io Ili 1 lit- NIr. VrcIIlVîý, Biliti Joliii \,%-C thhik il, 1 nerMis0y so ; le4de sint e Of ýýct iliey havcý Passe gué nud j,, - I, je, ilériorai gçmlvsl is V) il si finx rt-ýillv lÀriti(ton,ýe Iýul wIlo, ippr lbv Il r, Arrist liah, v, Dir. 11M kkitrdti nai«:ý inthe drh,à Uoll rire >aid tu 11.1,,%,I. ýwîIn1l,1 bi! foutici tu Uuo VawMa mwi bc a un y "0 1 wý 14-1 a"Iiiiii ilil. Il NI jancus How 57-Ir. Ans. Ven-wiclil requîr(ýtl or) a y Ur uiJibý 111, oi, %% leil ïvNill -deliviii, luteil on Ihr oIq)wvilcý 11 is lit .1, I)iilitýrty, Mafr, 1 loir viaitris for Public favoilly. ThLcolliAry ils litir é or il i sur y iN i ir 1 M i muhavd au a C, ewmld bear hi lénili tu !hein the crvot la to 1 la flil, V Jirry l'a lie c, 0 Pou (Mkv Lam, de Fnýu ilbilking, lu la, 'lit 1 1 a riamrs M M-d l'y Mr. j'Ira 110psur, tralici 1 !w (il in kir j! of ItLe i'r t.k*ý 1s«-.ý Lec 'm es d, l la it Y lui- non, ans -are %lvé miproy i Lirri ww ICI suy Cyndestu ni, pionni. lilt. 1-c- P-V i of gemmi w nt In \Vins vis cor, Y 1" w0w ou la M cha- 61MYMMA la lu- à uns b, ils hme 1 'F Cal 1. ! cW chaise. 1 lit ÃŽ. VTIQ> pipi !) %vat ion w é ýt(iýývt1wr dfi t',Ssrïtiy, Me onop" c uniii. ir r wrip 0 wV10cranlicin 1, ; 1: P.W-, c cSa "Ut ad, wi rertaà p il i amas il KY lm i impc and cip KUMUU, and '1111. T eni., il, înl a i a, r , 1 tien. S, Le a, Ihy ait, 01 re'q"nry i 'Vý l ;sp%À,UL Lut lui 0: L; ici NOS, i M lm- turc), Y . c"q'abIc M in y 11) in- ï- n "Mon v, é l-ý 1 hr es W pln ai! (moiri"y 1 111, ;il iýý i*.Ir y cluw.r. ibal LA coup. au! ysanani loi V, 1, un u coud, t!Muu-n m , vin moi 04 :iilýi î i; ý 1 ý:ý 411li Il') la au p "cosy M ons (r% ,Ase- ut GICKSOCC a l lit 1 is! esould la main la 1 fuulll 9, unq TU In a L- 'ois, %vaibi Id"e, tu los 11, l", c"sW e Sho of the J oiwnel > A . jarry rý, lui' l4 ;ý;ý i,>ý 'a :A, in C ri à wrv 11) a Illu lla ýlJ tu ý,ý 11,1 pyn- Ù , c 10; i and ait > Y m 1 aller, Y co" tant ni! ri Lura"Sur 1w 1: i, il"qu C nus! opsoui w W, 1 q ab 1 le cw lu A m 't-1 Yl y' n i- ut lu il Lil-ý ýllA !Àýý i 1 c ýù1IIy Týcqu;ro tri il'(Iil ;l ÃK, l, -J, ",a" ý" ik.id llincemini '1 r ils ýd ;anq 4 % , an wc 00410 ruhep but" w- Iiiiis -v 1 wwr- Ili [Lo, of IL, public pumedpï My. hmur The Cuirrutw innu-laily 1. à . Y Y wW lu, - C tir Lieu l'r t J rî Vali'. tir,, Ilty, iii- rvliý:4hÀng fi-w front the m ind une C.Pci 'bat Ion 4ce m, a cenom" "i 1,,i cviýlr, La, uadmouist M y. ELIXTIV à qi jl'Ilif 1 IAÀ 9L 1 lr, l T: l m a Y (ATIMLIV (4W A- ty, Un isim>l yp P, q J: id' 1C ýilitlirmoh, 01, lis rv-qaý)îîL24Idký offire. TIp' t j 1eýiîT1 ont ino (lis V C ýI 'ria. ch riont ta a rofilicillor ljlso là t i 1171 inlA dve, nov h ;a % aKy au, M the >ctiielv 1, it iut-,inloqlt Lie- fli'n.. 1". Jluka hae gow, 144jibel, ami Pia'-c aî, In, day. Evvry. ciprior i ty a pas i A y cw aîc"s I*c, barWý !Mmw:,t to cortie in rtý,1Iisi(In Il il h trou 'ILWA leuna , sel a Pr. lini'la un cladtn Le Ilivre. Aup, bis ()tiii-r ;il Port Huit id lhe, s. 1t-rry? ru,- rMwcwd in a entin q ý'ÃŽith lié, to avoid surir a calaillîtY., took, fix: allus c". W c -pis; es pas- le!mdten Inn. it) Mr Iléid 'I'Qudon, ria, ýl :1 ;rat. ewmq Op (%Oià c 1 Ùet hcat nir tblebre. %vîth .nnlllýltvyll_,r 1lJl,ý ill". Ivue roi il n A tu iw Ils bater tlitc I)Fonsed scis was swged ci Ic, fur oui lune! îýî1à îgwf YuW Sgdui cuwqmndmrc of the Rrputa* .. . . . -- 1 11101 vviril I)eý4 wiýýbcs for yoniAnne bu- ,)t youltc,'r il., 'y r the occ2cý', Ils teottag to at- w jtýreý,jj 'ere the stirreilde,- il hy 1 fie 'Acd to the lq livercil by Severai gf-utif-illeil, when çerv dl,,srespect- %Iostof tLe ad- ý'ýingi -'Icý Weil aýs in- (;enileiliati, ilà show- the lniw«ster,ý of r(*I'l- hol, (at a time,) stat- 1 IýcOtLaDd' sat two lit , %ç.Li a man 1 inan, layilig on the eld iM roll out Of the .ç,hout(i be considèred ý>icnaJ gentlcman wbu wm kt h4., woulfi l"! ivillitlûl m lit, threw 't whirli oçn, W11,1rh r. Iiiiii l'ri aîý ý £ý (jf ýII j't _qpt DA. the to ,woO, and marchof General En- are Con- ()Il the 1-jLh'Atigust mary. The (;aPtaýn- ,Nir. orneu, the Amer- ýjjc tir^ n on the ii Fal- ruistake-- had vfqf1L,ý1; 1 ;1 Iijl, Il! , ý -ý,, .- - , - ,, of ;ci iricundlary. iî.- uoý of iw- il- hut tr'vitilz uk A 110 la, wcoi ýrvei" of or 11«. tir. lcaw,ýe leu tssn si le- Lraliuli 1va, C;ý Iý il -uý VI hojw dnt A cime h1SjI,ý1 j t1'.ý -ýj> 31-d (d Ille t1ard Parli'Mil leilbf* IL) lit (kw. i*()I..,!Il oli 11cv Ille Cinuliber of the. IS EMENTS and 11-veniv Bilis rece-ived tituk-Li,, in ail ont huiidred w %1941 Vu M fâ. T nin y pass'-il and 1 . ! ... Il. - - - 1 - 1 'Le ':L' 11 à id you aiiȔt,,'il. 1 ', kýjjce, ( 1 'l"y a )fllcer'iri d't-ity. 'l'lie Cottrt Vvas hIPAtly indizi'ant W A E, 1) .1S A (If A 1 ý;N . and declared tlic docttraciit iitiAt for the an U'e perceive by hand-bills is.s(it-d at Oà - records. Nothit1g MOte hU transpired. rueil on (A11n1ý1 i the wem, directûd to the Reeve, callin a' meet- ïNhacl'herson. and-Craiie's Spleildid Nlurltgoinerye in- at Broffflin, in October next, to recon- Ilflw amer Champion %vu Ifavana Cor ýSidcr the Ward that'the evûr rest- .11anet on Moil- r.si' - Med, beat the Steanier. g !'e- Llliýý,,tOiïn re0n', - day last, frum Toronto to pirt Darling- There seen sbil), âre -agyaiu iiirîiati;iit" t allil ton sÃŽX.teetl'tnz-iri ti tes. I)js!anc(-,40in'Iles. Li' 1 ûMe Of C hë fr"ÃŽt uncalicd for stileject 'f e bail Parties sliot Ciîurtcir uvn_,ýrsc;,-\Ve perceive bv by the d 3- hoyed tleut the ovýenvhelining fuilurt,ý that 1 M S 11rC, thé cobo11rý, Steir tbat miscrcarlt à ýLt ILGýVeLl tu be attended ilieir 'ICat, çffortlaý>t, February, Lo fir e to and burnt doivn tfvc J'Lornaa Catbo'lic Tlie "f its lead the people Of this to,ývniVilp illto tLe three hours, ýb lhelà - in Port Ilope, on Sunday moruiDcr perpetration, pf a folly, froui die of : ZD reqtiested to aý 1,1»st-IMIýiired for £300. A reward of fif- an order to, vi whieh they cûidd Dever thu ' e, the ty pouillIs bas been onred hy the ToýÇ'n ' t1l' especial interférence of Parlianient bad ýj4- tlicit tied that' question, W tiot- for ever, at lvast ('olll'c" for the conv'et'on or t'le oRtnd.er, clipéd thi4 acct -room for a Plea tilatit WE t4ne sufficiently, long fur the pefiple to NMILITARY PF..-ZSIO.I;ERs.-The Yew [Ife for ùver, consent M Watch the working of the .4ystem in those Bra brutight up to lýiii,,stone and tile of courw, . was Townsiùps where the electors are, by its Prince8s Rtnjal twk up to Toronto, one personai derà ý d til ah too hasty niloption iýrecovcrably blaves ti, hundrod and sixty (wives and children Spe it for ail times to Côme, and wliat effect it incitiled) Military Pensioners to scttle - ese r en route 19 01 '4-cly haî, or ià likely to have- on the social rela- touud-al)otit Toroýito.- coq8t. orsa m îions-of th(- people. If the tbing ývcre an fatè _'W"f:ý11_d « h oister. Z, -Por tibc Iepûrtef. ýce in a experiment thit could be got rid of Nyhell TO A. FABLE WELL EsQ. it'cea-sed te 1vork- We1lý as Ca-sily at it was cons!U1 Nuiný0- '.'IR:-A,.î, the question f of %Vards knagain able lîfe be.m do ed? %çe should giy, let 11.4 try it ; 'or if to be aeitated in this ri ipe and you, The narnez its adoption %vould -retnedy any grievance, beinIr one of the main gupporters of that 'deji, mie hopt rinc ple, induces me to addreu you-on the an'd ihlere "a 'y toùek, under whieh we suifer, oý avert (*ý't'n the p 1 of açt- pw-pect of one, we shotild eiy, let us adopt Pre'Sent occasion, It is not for ýa moment hffl thatý th to be supposed, 1hat a man of your natural 'qetjtiMentý à y of- it; but our eastern aýyitators have failed to !iam-acity and reputed abifities, would >O at this MOM4 poifit out a single good that can rebult frain strenuously advocate a measure of bU-clivi- as car- it, white evtry tliiukin- . man loobupon it as t3i importance, wi" t giving it. the fune'st PerfýrMancO consideration and attention, and being, at 44ffliùt.y;,,Dc M, and pregmnt ývith a host of evils over whicli the on le If,, pareil, providing the qustion wu MMI, a uubl ! paitry people could have no control affer it bc- adoPte of making the ptropé9W divmon 1)e Yemembej tandifig, caine partof our corporatt, re,-,ulations. Now. sir, beingý one of-those: who ýbiVeý_ ý;çmýt » ng the It faiglit certainly allow a man te creeP WO neither heard norseen ý _g, reç any> se hem of divi- untit thc« ý should the Council through, a Ward, rho would dinir tbilýfownkhip into Wardý.,j,ýýc9jj, > îhen t06 fet, ï , ý; PUU Il tn net, Bot due te risk h, j"éneiýa1 V e on yDîÎ,-tOrýmaké known thrdujý Tlle 'ÃÙ Mors > wqer U 01 l'pu a! au- Plis IÉ.fowe and hW 1 1". proi,-eed,; or inftýrc-I avî-înýj, de lommes ivî1l, aru-or-1- emidonve, amant to ait. jour alialim bu NEW ADVERT 'n 1-1 A tel u M, 0 bout 9 A. ý,%I. yesturday, ille tî1îli Lt,- U ivii r r A %J 9 ýýiX re:erved for l'lie further hi CE 40. Clais are PlanuË ýMatcrials of ail nature lia, r ï, aud i-quality dm of 1 or M ajestys pka"nobal 1 , thi, law Sulu JaH W dan 01A lu Av M tlje , M 1ho Spcv(,hý ll hiiýh ww, rend in both Eru 1't,00ili a1c (JI _!, Imuluccun Wick Oie ralivis rest. glyliý iw la W è 1 Vrappréla tic of tiliat 1 titu ircariy swý(,u ý(ll, 0lat Wlcý of tlio- raitf,.,r.s %ittýs (ýîL;u1 loi 'n ý,tp wliî(ý-il ail siliiii.ar documents 1 îýj noti-J for. Y our reade tu the COMIr of sovnal indus, uni un r.ý will judge ni illust lviion ( 1. 1 ;ý ; W. es" je uni. Wch r»oý and it.s illeaniap, for tl 7c. i, iry. znai llw lump Prýviýýus occasion, lire place41ý il)] C14- S. 11.-T-nec arv! ;)re titi trianusc- (>Ilr;-,ý-,,>t!!;i)".---(tLý* 11olý calme, te"' ubac lu", biyn pm4lumd Io luted üy expeuraval toMteur dhec bout le mdropknUy agaW a LI11;1191 J'ý" tQ FaOuly in OÛ b'"w ut Nov Ille mmmeedWg> La the lower Ilowse ili.;, nupet ûf W IHY crati and es- 1 yW. rite L!ýýiW îne pliciétied Io ail leût- À1âtclý luider tite flo(iritigui' 1'lo'. grlapý-ýý j toi, Wictsvel Ay. lýâVv bei-fl triefi. Arly -VvTýnri lals1Îýo daysof lire . . lit binz tu jus vilie>c, wili do Weil tu cà li ai the Plury- "Ortanabdy fach ULU"eln Me S hed lifid of the chfiýqiâmn and part ooL lrioré of the nature of a bar-i Fac-ý5'i y 41-J olie iii ulmrackmi. C!ju.ýîl duclart,4, is CLA111K RAIL marrel or strect brayd, lhau legidatini dibcuvered 1cforu, ally Semois (hu luis li*«/ý,/ (/.ý, 'ý4itlWr Mou top hi hoo- %Vhtd>y Villago A-11. 6, isâi. 21-11. colild be (lune, its %vere n1ý>o t.wý) ottt- 1 .buiÉhnge le isevLaolit '.10t tL(,ý st».. li rvd Apuwilvs ever urught or coulitenatured ------- itr a million and a half of peciple. Si, ral -.tttctiilttti at arsoli l" bren undu î w v Migirm. lt is wowre device of pu ONTA131 0 or latighilig iwi >flou-fin )y suine -I)vr,.qows lairif Pol 7r ; aud. il, 11-i', in ail ages bern ptiiiditlf,'. -il, tir(, l!le. frtuiifui catjý -lit rvilions lwoentéon cul, Bîll wýts up for sinc Iniblic, nihid, is ousideraldy ag4tubmI, 1 "iý civil ci)limmùm, of b1(XýilShVd, and of sind il. haS hiren ulnerVoi Mat COUL Ilhe y ANIVFACTURERS and DF.ALK:Rl.s in hope never to bear agaiu svithin a Oc titne wbuti tfie ýalarLll or firo, wali gr '11OH11= 1'i' l'omb M0Hf,ý & finve stû#£yý Cimaber. Theaffâir was loiv and bo We %vzttit fluis yoling and riSitig, colfilly tut ut Lnà "'Ilannauth 110'l' 101 "rtu 1 bn d(livervd fr-uin 01;', f4-,;lrfili eur.we, Which, Varirpraied -Ilarbte,-i cusia the cticîneand.ýhadîttaken plac wu alb) OMCH lu Mlle difforifît q14ar-ý C'entre Tablos. (,',hitnney-Pic»r", streel the actors %vould bave been aee* jik-c un c pis -imting the old njon- archie'i of lumapp and iN inaking ils flvst. çlïlik-4. slids, lisuil Main, railir s!or)eý, &C. ter uftbut dity; inal,;i;l>,,, olopui 1 Il - lies, it apprarq thut ail' thewc '11htrius 1 vlriety Qf IWCDBCB: doue in la la tell mith 1odgingýs fur further in: veâtîýc lbl$,KS tg) tearý, of hipoul. ldi.mik Cuponor tt#lo, of tiffl 330-,'»t Mat«Ãa4 and hy Éte withorifi,-.i, but the performers î bave W ji catlisted. by Jwly vAuumy J.at itaJý-lo(& al gilý)I'Ioti> l)ý,jt, fallen lllillg"l- Tej lits ýfjtte8 t;tkill- fiffl Itilil ey L2v Genflemeni and wilikil tbej M ai witli & Co. l'i!g fil f;ay ilial Ili e Le .not be sapposéd tu a-r-isu,ý friiiii aiq "Ili- 1 lipi, and ljerý d(;ývlb-. ýn"osn Mîth Mq nowl Sey. df tlieir pý-tuliar privilege o Il lit ilicir 1Marb1e t'torii nie weli faitiol hutîaid Itision with the Acendârry of the ing ont theïr rowdy nature without a li 1 t "Wden à ud iésenlle MWuW6qn,.4bok nt piqx inütli 1-,Iotise.1, It hae Uleu 110un uleuri J fin-lawl with lier expll(iîtllrtý of $500% vemme. 'Vu4f witl-k swne alarlil dait on à lunday 00 pvr animai, cclrrul WIIITBY. the respon4bilitics. niýlit two.»uteh dugw in ldau&Ãîtmet, atullmtlini the inass atig the 'c"M"f Spwm6:r 1*4 18M. -if. Up to the last moment, the war wa whoSi. V'îîeýt- INSURANCE OFFICE. riud on by Messirlé. Swith of Durh= weri', l)ois0nc!dý and thrue inore in %de- fmarful - "' laid(3 ýStre-et; it that lofnl Îýi a( Che hottoln d the pit of moral JAMES to inifinate Richardâ, vvho were determined soine » luge number ut' Wat0i doýtis--liliv(ý debemput, yet tybosec anmud hwame is mat ha bas, been appubded'Age« or the itelns Wen becret!Y Pui:'U"txt 't' e'i4Y ofi, ircr anniftn, -while th( in the tkecond report of elle st. late, Y the appuent lutupuretf (:llytte, Of dru, tale doue flot contingencies elletîn rid oCtite urc»ILial to 0,U0,000! and add 1;,) thi., illai, the popula- and dut hm i limpared Pl lake réé ai the sépary pay of à -few extra half->Lalved clerL,,,, Èwt passefigcls day ulld 1 6oà ed dot cornif ry is sutik in ignorance and tales, ni the à ; MAXIME nôt I-mil L',10%Viîlg die tilfle j overwlwwlel in wp ;£,,<ýý-.. iS IlÃŽunelîe>.l of Saiui Cotrillally. ilie js V 1wint, in Cliri- whitlyy, itýtsiwemhep Imm, 214A %yak shiri, in lice, die Governor (G 13 CI 1) if là (j fi N 1) whyom cou wud, au! nne>ec the unehws, bail alr-cady arr!vçdý Iiiid thi:'bcýin- fit bolil lob yunr« pilme a M V spr r - -of icatr lu spin 'wLM«ýAjn op; inir, la5t opportlistity tlwy woulil have te, livcI on inébu *ÃŽll col, ne diat Lilq Millid un- 1 ItENIE WS, DIAGAMINES vrioii4v. lie dowill;,ýnt, wi1;ý ý[ 1;ý their votes in ravoi. of 1Va,î k!lowll in évc ruý'Avt 1 a thýissond 110% pilvaclui SULA Lv apcojMîMi.ýi 1.0 forge, the wisely coriciudeul it whicli h- in, ÃŽ) 11 3j! lu lit L E T. il nuit look well for thern to allow the a frilill; '.1ild kfi lIfiIlý,r ilke Pl--;i, i'f a love f4iI tire christiail re-, at bd finaL 'Ilv %vas i,) aloi âAlys frir 14msdf and lis BY EX1"1ý fis and iwhat !S of still more hnporLin In ir y tbo saine al!lot:nt with bila, and (111ildi a tf) gowiralioni 1 > ONi- VoTF, startcd for and 1vaý ýtýc11 ljy 1 mAY .,,Ucsnnm. Thue -arc rIlIll,' vDnTiers, Glimp hy ewoeu, 2 % emps Lut Jesý'jon to eXpire,ýWithouL at leaý, seyeral persbns cni the way but ha% not hi 1 JýrWeTlturcý in hy carl)elllefl ing pretentions to kéep tip appeamet !ýýn 1 inany iil!ýtaiiww or a Augle vote at the lluer _ ý,j,, of Ille p Atlerneu tÉat 'dod-e not -Worl heard. ôf since, toi Tursdly lasst i ben his ingh having duîenérred the whole policy of Bickmstes, &dt 'was Ond in the bay between the a 1,et cvery vote bc given, Aodiorj's R0ý_ri1_1n Z> >1 cinaolog., er> LooluilsIR Elertint.4 of Aizebra, are not good lookin a d yqdcan -MbAs bridgc -and Lake 'lNýlemplir th refore,-ws if it wcre to decide our politi- a It wam but little decayed, and was re'adi1yý caf LICýstiny and our religiorvi freedoin for an 'Miller's Gvoinz), of Ille Baîâ 11ock, on-that plank.- by beverai periiontý, The thro e. Jet no mati be, C returned to Varlia- Lamartiriels Stone Mal,011, ýat ag 11W Fals hy G. 11, R. JaMeii, ý,teps too F1ainlý illidicate thif you wu clit front ear to car, and a Cçrrioýersju- nient unless lie bas first ýsolenlnly and une- LWis Arundel, Imrt 2. trut ry dedded tînt elle had been murd quivoccally heen pled,,èd to aid hy every ThoArt3nurnal,- converüs of yéstâda, ini, h 4" bi ilar j)er1ý, lýc International uni] Godeys, O;à ly"ýÃdde "d piýfç dý Jiu S', U*U,-, w 1 LU ZICL 3crierai lie very A-,ý ;-,