Ontario Reporter, 13 Sep 1851, p. 2

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ùýfrvauon'the 3thutt. As a uer- etaiMon of the eteht, flus e bohis- At &o tiiglit thle pr1much<sl bitil- we~ro iflnminate4d îtrci4glt for- Lezwais taken jn the interior alenti à IIcSrty xhaustod, sud Iwngry.- k aked fur surusthing tuent ut M farci ue aud lay dowln. hle nsloep hli afound ad made prisutter. Of bis folowers, over 1000 nre plow prisouiod in Ilavana and -wil ho àent St. lionw for 10- Yeats confinement aduogcon. Ttîoy say thiir suifter- , befur ticy wcro tuiken, were in- se. Fuor sevoral ilsys tiîey liveod up- Ïeuves of trecs, &c. -'litat tteaut by Rte 'vus the hurse of ~.Lopez. iy lid nu matiwtteù taken. T1he maiuuder have either been shut or mer- le fom hngr Naw Yuîtc, Sept. G. Ad* ush hune bec ilrocerived at %Vàiasi- eobhoGoyrrnurelative tu upoz, wbich cou firtns otur, lirevîîus ad- mg but has this difficrence: >nIyý 0 w.re take*r prL-souers, the tcst wec The Tribiune sais, "W. lelururthitý *a teamers 'ver. noarly lprgained fur . sait~for- Cuba 'when lte disastrums ws recoived yesterday 'iuudefluiteiy Itwooud tihe enterprixe. - One utlite IleWs the El Derado, fer- whîeh, IÃ"00bdbecit cttred ard .$70,000 rthe. other. Both vesseli Iese lu ýv siled wvith ins Many pussengerg s u ey couid carry in tidditioit, t n Witina ftvday to Brt- havme- iéd frwm di port for Cuia, bîut o8- noit)iIy oltqurrd fur ports iii [lie GuI tf.- )th theze ves-es e cloden witîl mg, unimtsntion aud provisions, fur Sof the Lepe7 Party in Cubai. Commodoure Parker carnies (lut in- ructions to sond a wan stanmer lu Mnt the otle ts' cfthie Mississuipii hile the main 'bucdy of the &jStiadrumt bnotween Cuba audxil Fcila.- Cajit. laitt, outime"Aliamy," vi'îuiu'sl 2Mn w prison andl «nined.Suille imnter- ting aocouuils which holie %iR$end tsu e tifted-Slates- Tih. steamers 1"hjabancro,'?'id "Alacîçut. .m "Pizarro" -atd "Isabella Cat!iell- Ltwerý ui Suinday dispuchiedltte Ba à-Bondýtid -%aril tu bnuîîg tisa truits ,ré*g'"t0ry to lte exceutiietout'Lopezj Tie ksmof the Spiunish trooue wüs MO. Ic;vcry ojgageMett tlîey wtle !Gn-Enaws kiLleat t îIead of 3 a0.7sncn g cul unut. .lDe 'aslisecondJ 8d on lte nonning a o9ciock. - The ex- ed by 8m00 roui ias$ 'vrdi were 6 lavted Cuba.", lie thon ti1 - emachine 'vas'adjus- >minutes ho wam dead. ru ouy that in tic instance les of teIsland maUi1f>s- ispoeitisun tq >ointt c. ussary furlise reiccnp- ,gitiurc Slave Jituding uiMs nad ie 'vill doulus i e Laîily.- en thusiast ic Cuilunmnécl- à Motxumeut Square jast e Savuiumh- pape!rs stato sadied a prisoiter of, Gen (e!phia -COrrc.tpoàJexL9of York Police Gazette, Ai 811l-absurbing -stil eject U the shuO.t emtire exclui- thr,bnhuexen the Ctban tL bas beeui a perfec Gtid- ûnu poiticians lure, -the ag whcmi, for the next etion, hbalicou long set- la aud Cua-titis beinig by eiJxhha juaichicu le- on oif cor Demoorals and ,l b. otlicted. Depotsd Canaida andI Ctba is the s .ioxt presi4Ientiah elce- cettagn whicshuave heen ghtsf Saturday andlMe sre persens nmnong the Êtewens, and Vice Pro- ie.morereflecting part ýty-u- Iy expecd tu ,puly minIenuuice an net ewipiitlybeen deilared by Werrimeto ho bca vicia- w of<uaionsansd thoseeof 8 iUir> PC mei ThW, seàýjiip heoke,"Capt. gland an FrantaiiMaa n ia Winle' "as fried t te 1aizc.-Wi.th question. ad protecting tter aly, ,pjin.IV ~n...e,"ha arried ~tthe Te an d aithe wil arentuaa; httt nt oce wéek'slInter neWs frutti avati.- Tt oW Shoe will probùbly cone upi to the oity; we cannoteconceal frein tite worid tbe faci, su this cveticg. . that no- Atacrican etatesalen havec been ih A deime-fro üu corespndèltûtfourni, inus fart, who wili entertain, fol'ani A dsîach-fom urcoresondnt~ bingle instant, te îdea of any chant in tire of the Balize states that Uloez huîd becti aatie t Chnristovel, and puibl1 y govcrnment of Cuba from , partis i t any hi caprted nti1vn nte2 tiy. other Europeasn or unonarchical ritde. The cr gn.rotcduitIlavna o th 29t~ ut iougitt that the United $tates will coutr- Thenand ofperms wtnc,.Qs-d ire-e- we believe that is, the wrd-witlt any ,Late advices froni hio Crande, Mex. power tin Europe for amy additieual protec- 1.tton le1p6 n uustarise froni ignorance of < ico, have battu recqivcéd. Itevultutioti- -Oritt uin-fon a want cf apurecia- o ary muvernents have been diseovered tien of outr .poicy, antd from inistaken no- te Wocil fout in tihe Stes of' Tanrnli- tions of the pîopnar uind on questions cf aï pias antd Coahuulu, in whielh ntany ànfn- titis _ciaracter. It. uns been rutunored for, p eufinl Me'cans bave Ir--n det.ected as borne limepa, that there exists a "lsecret leaders. . Lar."e, buies of' 'rexati, tan- îreay" het.ween France, greawl;ritàîin,.ut~l r~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~e ""r a îolct egae ua~tu Pain, by which t vili bece e t'duty cfi TIM latest caolîst tstte aîiatut' s T e l tte s t accu utîtg ste hngl tlo t,ih e qr'u ts t , in a my s m " 'et e liold lier pos . stemer"Fsh on"Ni bcn sutdo~'nst!.sions. Ttsrprt sceins in gain con- tu then nti (fotre oin t uie ut'i f ritiit b>'tite toueeof the opinions in tieti' sixcatoanforcl faw 3iil jonrmnal.s but, thertgi a uvar wesld îryutuer uwmnd t' oloel Jyr, be a deplomahie and lametntable estil, we tri aid itu .qtclliittg tho- pruçyreiss u th-(it cantiot tlink that any surît secret uttder- revululion.standing betïveea three Etrp pwers Froînt pussengers, we leara of the wottld liave te sliglittest efl'ect, in dislod;ri;tg cumnpieteftît'ru -atnd uîtitiltiatÃŽun Out let te Uniited States govemnuttent froun a unt- Lupez expedition tu Ctiba. l'nsscngers ;'ersni l udemtattding which it las wittitie whbo wittwscd lte èerrCtiofl et' Lopez, ÃŽAtmerican peol)le, that Cuba cauttuot bi'come stat.c ibat lie ended bis life nntt'itliy.-susth'et Io lite nri' cf any otiter goveruiiuenit Theiu lailîtrout' lits exitcditiutt is attribut- tîtatlîtat of Spl'in. \te e tittetorti- ted tu the selwir'out'Cul. Crtt(eit- ver, 1iltatlte arrivai cf Irlenry 1h. fBl- dctî'x cuutnnd fron thû tnillit ""<' wer itu London, ;viii more fily »Iol etplicit- initier I..pcz. Trite pontriots are stated iy mnfold te Lord P'almerston, and i s amo- tu bave deserted -Lopcz and fled tu ltec ciates, tite vîery curiotns, but net less uin- mountlains, just previeus tu bis capture, portant itttulde, whicilîtitis suijectlias as- Hle 1usd ibtt titirtcecarcnuating fuIlotv- stuned since tihe utnetmed resignatien of our crs, and thvy finally deseried hua su ',.-ýecary cf.SL-iîe-aud witich events tutu thatli hata' net one remsinitîg friand- present, itereafter, even in a tmore ,sîv lie %andL'red alune sort i ime, anti and striktngitositioýn. NVit'de ntel o1bt. was fittîutliy rtutî down l'y boô-luînd. iewvcr,.leuvly ottr gi'mttnuay lue dis- u1s thst wursi 'ee--"detdeuirCU- psd ecentire," intu viewof ite atuxi- ~b. rite simniait aceotîss tute, titat a;ipreiîensiouts autd strottg îe of~~ ut' the svbole stiutiber ot' patriôts landcd iGreat Biritain anti France, titat il willIi eîat, i)y tlte 'Patmptero' and froua chlier quar- ý appica.-tions.ý on titis %tbjectl s it lu-,s îrealedi !_lers, 5'56 have alreadv iten ît kiiie. and it lein aiready. wiîtiî re-pctftil attentitrt, il 43 are ini prison. Previesotithe death i.,te saine lime il wili not be forced siti t'f Lupez, hie deciarced lue lbad lx-eti grat,- anti-naticusai learues ;atd concurrences by iy decceived in regard lu prunisd ait! in fitreats anti intimidation', cf anr sert. 11t- Cuba. iplies, tlrüà(ly, te lte fereigut miinitcr- i t A steetug f pasenerswas etlc1 \a'ttngtn.have sutfil'ienlly iiîîstruml<l tdili cit lurard the 'icue, in wiihGen1- ïgovitrmmvnls imntererted in tite l.tbîstI'o emri Latrin, cf Oregon, presided, andthielte ver), ftrin, paiuiftu,.but yel $irtaitt ctirttsc foi;i'gresolution %vas isituxau mnousiv wiici t ite Uîied M.ý*-aieýs wiletîtlt î pased . pursuie ; atnd te de ftot 1eilatýý 4t0 say tuaI y Rrelredl,-T hut Mr. OIrenflic.te lBritisht cabîrtet are fully inu,*tricti-d as Io Anieniciiiu Conistl nt lanvatna, bis for- tire probable ritararter cf îiuî policy tof otur 1feited evi-ry rtglit Lu Ie re-girdeid ns ant govenîttu ,t in lte event of amy eo1'tîial Ànuenicun cîtiffl ; that lbe basouuîr-.tgcd lithreaLs teotake lte 'ie t auihi.. adl- every seutiient (ot' hutatiuyii, utnd dé- vi.'ers recréant te tire~ dutie., t~uoi'dupon xerves lite exeecratiutî ut evvry fu ietud oh I dem iîy îltîir lafty pîosition. Atoiter resolîtlieîî was 1inssed, ne- iluestîtua bis recali by lite Atunicar1 ' .lt xCtut#.l n eaifi nil n1.W- ouf (it i f..i..tnbatedi. (en'iciu mumout", L"ii FRt.>\lVI('T0R R oiftire stcî l at ite'tota, eî t fltrii-. AN ) S11'valittg forcesmintier L o1t'z tintîte b ex- th r Ncf i r Ore(),'h.ui J1lta, A ii-r,. -22 rite tise pliic tuitîs ; anîd iluere i io es Thre ffliowiag ,le'tte.rsfrom ibat gailat I tt ineaîs te asýcertaÃŽn te tulttt li. 'e 1 young c reohe ý itru, Viclor Kèrr, are aineag luocf revelttien ry uymjîtiiz(,rs tire an- te las* whicit lie cicr wrote. Th*Iey- were ,edîgydjr'e n lvtî loiae r writei -in a boland tuascudine style if chi- 'Y- .rograjbaiwi uïceîyrfieu~~ Twe tmore 1-agilive Slave cases bave or- s -foumded, rumeors oucbing their tes'tor, put, iii- cturred ai. Buffiato atud ire Nctw Yor-k. rVt a te irèulaien-ye.sterday by ite ietuies cf alleelslave h)amiel lDavis, areswd nt ilsf- 1Cubais îîitumy ~.fuo at ilte instance of a clautualt Lfrotnt K es-r 1iiUt1j i We i ,, ... te sa ry l ie Mv1E'uFr.t.ici.A :-Adtieu il, uîar bs'il,,, grattes), ite cus tas ,arm'liviut cir. wife ; titi-, ïI lte lrLsi. hler ltat yîîtl wilil mc- au ttui ii'sccsou fthue <,lhîisou s reire front voiu' 'itîj;r. Ilitone hour isAh-ires'redb>'.1utigi'euuflit flits '.S bcm nee hs~c no i bi ias iuumtuu'idiatIh"lst Einlraci' ail cf my frienis fer une.- Ne i'-îutsîiî f aCrada. "icase utof1 iMil ve'r ntarmy aeaimi; i i> isrr. yasIc-us t liit, i"'tail'tikieus..t r.) to my sisturs atIbrotiers. .AP-aiua lNIt Nu' isrk emtiasduta1iic'tututat adieu. 1 die iikç a soidier. ler Ylur hushansi, 'i'O .KItl A ('suvfutuiol cf tIti!' Atiericti t huusîm'tc- Aîîgust 6, 131-6o'cîck.}tors of IlIte l)üt'ufand P1uitib wsas iui'îat Ilme TO lIt9 FIIÇD. .AteiattAsmylnîtu iii i lanîforn etlte 27tht, -- s - --..~. r.. :thiand 629îb tlt. Tie s wictuas inter- ouer, andi 1 go tote tsotier womisi 1 i n L risner n JU au a, andi in a n hur 1I tsla bae censud le euui.t. 'My Jearett frient6,1, thiiik Oflousof me, 1 i. ewortby o eta reuck,) wortsy et' a Louisiatisman, andl f a KCer,- +My dearest frieutîs, adieu for te ast tinte. Yeur evoteil frieul, Te N. Larese, Il3ouiigny, Lca f-a- mnde, Wiiliasut(;-. Viacesi, Feulx Arroyo. .August 169 1851.-44 e'chock. TUE PiOSiviLON 0F GENERÂL LOPEZ.- rie cw Orleatu 3icyuneti. 23 In addition toe le huIer cf Caipt. Kýerr, ptibîIised la.'t evctiing, sud tisatcf Adj't Stanferd, we havre bad put ite eîmur inuimis tlime fclewi p frein Cat Brandt ami Tisent- ais C. j %n,two more of tise violluns siaught- teret so 1 ruthies.siy at Iavans. - Ve bave alibI Iwo -cher ietîer5 lu>'Capt. Kerr, which appeareil in tIhe Delta cof yests.rday. Thiese yotumg mon weme aIl weiî kuown bore, aind bail iuxeous frieusîs, toe wbom thesel touching niemomiaus cf Lie constanmc witb wiich ltiy mnet tiseir hard fate aiemu- etpressihly ilear. Wlwctutrod tisese site- pie muid feeling lin"s, wnitten In lte laâI boum eof moirtal peil, in the ver>' face of doatb,andl not 4. l taI luese getierous en din ha ie foUl faithu tbcy woro etngffd inansa onorable caiU~m ad lied as uaýrtyri-- LETTEI YROU<-J. ]BANDT# HÀVÂ,Àu, ugtwt 16,- 1951- etrucigIs,,te Deaf and iuiu's ss'uil 1>' exteuil iu y the exjicriene cf îhtoýw u-l teck part in the, - e-reuses. Thse Tiuird ConventionuswilIlubc el ttcolnrabu.s, O., on tise feurtis Weuinesdaîy cf Au'ust. cigis- teen and t'ft-twe. r)m. Abri Fitcb e tendrc iegn of Ritalmead cetspiMaors ini'MiIicbigaI, lied in prison at Detroit on the 2t,lut. fTis ks tise tisird deali s 'ice the c.onmmenceentu cf, tise trial, and it s uippoeue that poison lias been cieployel by Lise unluapîuy ten. 'flue Presideut lhuas been invitel by the Comnititee cf tise Bobton Counci1%ts lc ake jutrt iriilte appnoacbiag ltailroiad .Jublee at Bos ton. ' flt- ictale of tIse puihc business. wsilI tieterinine bi.s ;wcceltance cf lte invitai- bien. Thlic eads oU Deparments have"as been invilesi. Three men have been arrestel for coun- terfeitimug iaIllinois. Thbe bills uere on New 'Vork and Coznecbiesut Banks. The Western Auti-SIavery S~ociety bell itîs annivcns.ry list weekia -Stark Ce., Ohio. Tisrec tiiotsatid pemons were present, incIta- ding 300 women in tIse usow costume. Thte permanent epeaker were C. Ç. Bun- leigu, lParker PIdlslury and Mibss -ýally Ilol- loy. An explosion oecurred aI Ithaca%, N. Y. on the 2Sth uit., iuy wlicelutbree men et- tucieil tote smachine#hopx> of MeSrs. Frfc- a. The Atlray took place nar thep-P Wr mines. Trite AMnricanà ivere defeated, vith a mo-s of two mne" kiliid and twO voiuded. Thje J3et~fiJar< Comfni-'ssion WAl i thte Copper mine", doing nothïing. Thef tIrvey iad been uemporaily suspended, oYw- nte an error in runuig Lte Boundary. uaking it 60 mil"s abo-ve iii Paso, instead if 16, as required by the Treaty. lcr ad bîcn un main in twelve inontîts, ani the crops votuid probably hc shtert. Outr iatest dates frôttI Mcxico are to Au. 4tt ,2. 1rhe country contintttue i stateC of great disturbatire. oges was en- age< i the discussion of itit eîatp' affair vvitlt clseti iontes. A mieL lsad taketi plae in Durango. eau-.ed by te scarrity of certn, in which four perseuts lWst theit' 1u~citave itrs front Iluyti 1te Alîg. 1611t. IEvîry b i uais 1îiî'uu stiet Mitu tue oliticai a1'uirb cf tl! islad 'l 'tî' Enuprerlimasi ne- tîrnesi te Campe. i 2t'ien frietît luis totur,liîav- uicros,-et ltti' X tiurt frorulier witliitut n mu îol~s"îa ni1 it ws eîo tî'tl Ile lîb1cutIii'~iîî'uri'ti i ' I)olliturin nti i tyitii g(tit'tttttetl'hIid lteuti atical An e'rujtiuu cf Itie long d iurtautf VOlcanos uor t'i'ii M oittlit,in N.l artiifilt', to4k pliace' 01tIltii" uîidt t'f A tgijt 5. 1 : tuas ui"oaiivi t it àllt iuîi' it;iliar te t" api- proacl iof aunîtrtud us uit a strouît Vitbra- tioun tfliatI w.-kfeltInbu a ccuiirale distance. T"ue t tuf m t. .l'u:uî, i wtt!uS atdit!i sutrolttittg ru222iy. ua~etiitî'î tierwitit 114-~ lSi. 'le poultaion cf I 'nscltestr sua i Iioe t ee ..fromu i'r imouttî, and lo take n'tg in St. 1Piere. 'FlTeir tvns tun Stot'kof anit ia'tiiukec. "e ave tsîvives front MiVlîeviis'Otro .1uni '29. '1ile. u'quî'ci t t ii iazit 1tid Btt'tos A yri's ias livnt) îii ' auts 1pacifie. 'i,1 Th -axtilliat nci'-. ttlit i.e îWltrî't- il.leu I'('oitauiri-('tif hatîu'Iuetra- '1 b Ille water's noftiI. t tt",amudt1 i-re ! taîutiu t.cotmumnditer prols aling Ilte iioutit itunkotuf ln'- ir. Th iti iias'itiont oif 11 lit'inc ouf Etunte Uios lii in ceutfol- ltrsVci hsy tiit iI of ni tia utltt rîi- 1etrtl<îiswe'u'i n traun andlu"rtiut lîy t ettn a. T'I' i vi'traitemin the 1 coast cf ikeuzd ia oî% î.Ib, a 1di-1-11 liaidisit'ut fmr ils rut ,ivail itatiru' r iuî de- fi'atedt lv Illi'àlibius1tttnuo 1itvi,000( 1slave e l' .re latusîrd tnniitm'r t1 iti rst six iuttotîtits cf 1:3 i. wisitle tiin les titan ltis'ty t iîots.id iiire iandd tut inti' -sain- eriî' osi of NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. LOCK PORT V IE, stlhsnmiber Ita Jusst 1'1et!ivcd a Ilil au'iimci.t uf WEEI) & lELII3iS C~ OOPEWIS TOUS, TîtOS. 1AWOR'lTH, SuI CceuA]a.i.W, 'rot"To. CIIANCFRY SALE. b~>b odty PUBLIC AUC'TION. in fixx T Ly witilnaappobatimi of Aatîuïw INOXt-' TONs t5iau.. t'Si;., 1t ',.ur cf tit' C ttetchuance- ry, usu; $A'I:RI) A lthe FO'URM'I dey cf [)fl.f tixt.l, t oI'1s'îi-oclc, tuouut iClark*o Tavorn tutntIse ol îtwecI' olunbus. 'otisls.ttiîi tub Wluthy. 1itsiuai ao a Diactetat ordî'r Of ltse haid (',osrt, msade ini a cernits causeQI'uf i-u:. sud tutr rit<'n. Il'p. 'tumaund iii Tlitat Valuablo rarm belonztusi tithéta lui f tisth ale .Joutif csu',,nai «< %V rut 'y. t itu h ae Niurlh lu -ticLot Ne. Nusu:, in lli, N',IXTII(,OC.'ecs'î Oif ,' .y, cotuiii-i allot NtNlE'LY-'I*%V AltE ii sihich SluXTv- VIrVE arat Taîii 1hî' Faitun jw'ueut Walted, buidutuiàee'ied on il are a Fusi tj.utusi, ainsI -Two SmaIl Cottages. Trhe Noraiîton Plant ansd Grav'îîiRexut runs ibrough te putnui. I'u'irtsd ixamîicitiaui anti conditions lo e bhad in Toioutio ailt te Law Oltices of j-%leujs. 1)uiis umhsi-atthbiteMuter's Chamtbemrs, anduof e itemc. Wlsily, Sept. 10, 1101. 22; L. C. TIIOMAsS$ c O N v E Y AIN c EP C,"ommissiaimer of Queen's Renek 1w tlaklng Affidavits. STELVXIBOAT N(ffiJckl 4 R ENTLY ,pfféred for Sale it lhi.; "(01" in WJIIITBY uNI) (OLIIUJJU$, whicb wil l ebe orOtbY (of Public attention. » . TH0NIAs DOW. Whltby, bIth Sept., 18-51. 'PAPER IIANGINGS, JIRdSS CLOCKS, TIIOMAXS 1DOW- àpprènticOe Wauted A TJ tits Offie , to lear u te Brirting '~~buittAsii An utel figent snd lnitustliniml lad, about 16 ta 14 yeasn t age, of «od moral charac- ter. Aulf'dtit t,ilby letter,* poâl paid. lilank Iteeds & Me is [for sale at this OffiCe. THE IjREPORTEI.1, ri- la.rtk Notes for sale at titis Chice. THIRD RIDINIG. On Saur a st, alrg tdifîttl imtcetirlg of ttît1. popilnet'otits Tsîtshp licîlî antJrookiin, for ilie ptps'of co iîtg in.iga te t ini cenjutetion with del- egates froua lthe titer Ioîvohips of ftiis Ili- tus un tin seleti 1'ahî itt' a tte tte rîet frumunthe fmrst Plaîtîneu'tif Inttisnt:lmi ari th irut t a isitesi enroftîis Les Etn.. te f'rtîliaîup the vacamcy ncasiores by th tlîaîh fiit i'ath ..imbtl lr.'rocnt y Tti' \\'rî fta he atgeitti' or rigi i Th'ti li tii iettiiilute iht'ntsMe ntioof mClui21tt2t u it 0ti. i'acaut'y'in tt i jett'"iu 1 I'aniaiuet. \'e ihave cnt>' îuîau'ut tf tuv b ot ilitis ai , <if ho .tuoDr ti' îii'im '.tu i-l u U "uv(of lsta taur as \\î1W:h i. uî'p uS th' etorn iii- tif ttis X 'it, lte iîturtut >fuct'r luss apî- juointu'i tte'191h cfdtdtePusn 'i'tt a.uuihfo t' nomîinîal ion, andsiif a pjutcdi 'ieutandethutIe f'lection iviliiubeid.on titi' 26ith. Witiî, re'gard te the general eecioît, tiistleîga- t ion ii.. îiast'iitsua rthuu qutîvonal t itg h ' Iti' Cuîîmuuy'es Dl couit m. MW it.t pl i ikeiy il uvul uiuuu'n fuAra lengih of iie, or au leu-t îîotii cuîlîigdebhiteii t' aruesi rti "mrs'g ulhe îireieîy ut'a unoinattion for te inctt 'atniîameutt. It ks very 1ue'.siiuie tat bu.fore lte gsai'rai election WCe in;ty be llacel lit a very dfferent uositien uvith re- gard te cuir electeral division, and in titat case lte noitutimatien hy thi.s conventionm wouuid fali tte erouad. The folewing are te msoiutioas adopte1 at the i3rokIliss tuetiug, and the mantes cft the delegautes citesen frouitis ý-Toirîtsip. meeingcf bc efuu inect ail cflWunib 1eiras o lieu nlIm e fitst cleat ro %klit t rmak lic ne ' u leis.atete (oinuto lnae-belie11 ut o erooîi lte (»itlsit. t aîgree 1101ndasati euvodothae nid.te fer ci-ü liîtlerreeseand lite outaad luiditîg for Yerk tiont 1'a rlui'tut. Tid àij o à' iscn u.tsgiasaiaîviîy..Cnp "relEq. meeig waîug cntl'izie Clsa«fr, nd- I.) tIiuhtu teinacas ecrt te-lary. 1.Olin t to c aessel eoulb Resoived, Tisait in lte opin . n f Ibis meeting the' interei.sf the coufftry requime the ecularizatin oeth Ie Ciergy lieserres- the abolition cf Lit teis-se equnli-ý zatitun cf tise lers atosteelctieut' ut' ai Coursty oiices-ttte abolition, et ait rchus'> e-uftlatin forru.cts andl paris-4iie fixuing 0? lise tinte fcr tihe unetiuug cof Pan- tiaiuent;--and tisait tbe 4eiegatots aabout txe lie appointed te nucet delegates froua lits othler Lowuusips jïconiposisug titis hiln have ai regard te itcoin- ,upigdidate te rcesre.sent the liding in Prliantmnt Who wili lionetiy do wbat ho oaa le carry ouit the aisoro pria- vihuios. IL. I l arrison tuovel ini auuuodment, tisat the Word 'irntmedùle ' lue inserteil before tise words -~abl ition cf thue Retories 'l'un tise abovo re:oititiots. T1luemendmcnt, afer binff debatei eut tihe point f ézpeiency hy Mossms. .4.uuis, their wartett ana-j»Sp a"" b - Ca" ,it shah l >8 tl<e ULa u J oriniJ L w 5 the ainfil cirruffstaeeIt a pleaed n Ai-wt ce, to place 11ceeof SUClI Township or Union of anm . A i ÃŽl row nsiiips, iw dhin ue nlun lh after his Oliptan,-ltit j~ A,,U&~ FrewliJol.5 rcsjpct»e tntes for and against ami~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~rl Z.l4tla,,Iss, aCrnite ul prî n~lalid to give publicn. 'shs ti Z tv ait aii beorard i~e tice of the r#llt that ssno b y4o.W will or fauil o tlt~lae M. erya Cop>' Of titi! wilt not takci effect aco inwgiy on the lut 4th -Resolutioti, and aise, to give notice of day of De& rte~lWfgncr tits eein tolie ricial degtes of ding as litsshall find, at there wa a th..otier Owt'itps Ls jti(idti, angl Itn ajority of votes fuelor tgainst m iti' pubtl> ie atio ti o f te resolî iO <i rrii L PrQ P t *i ; MoVed Ihy1>'r. (îmn, seco.e11WZ, And be iii cnactm T tafeau l3rnta, is., thtis isnetiîtg, instrutir, suili13y.LfaW a-s 15referredtr> hrd-the tltirdcigaes o ei<<' ,candidat(' wit-iiu two next preceditig &Otions shiaihbave lite iiiding if praticalle. tkne~' nderw~~toenp~ Tit ltatk oflie eeInrhunt epres, vided, it. shah ul be htIxithe power of the rwd to tlie geittietîtan of te Cihair, Iiict c- Nlinit,,Inllity o.such 'Township or IUni- 1n V>ortd.(ilrnL~ o of Twtsi torepeal or alter the J. ('A MPIR.L, sanIe exee(pt by a 13y-I*aw tu be juuedZ 1). OM lA t$WIl? I asi1ilar petitiotl fioul ia jOrUty j3rookiin, Spt thS1M. of the freeholders and Ucuscbold~m 1 <------ý. iwbaoe zames are on the Colleetot's XXAfI)S olilof sii:h 'fowi.4hip -or Unioni of For thre eiftcatinn of thr fart<engClique Tournlhips. alli un1leuSursik proposedj .ît, îée amt ed, whîo st ,ti1 peýist inte foiiy eea or iiiterionW- shtfll be approvedl 1. iof by thle -otes (if a mu3jotity of lte of i.itatin2. in dlire-ct o rio.itîitn to the wLite, N\tunwî pl iiEectoirs of sitelTownsitip or oif a rwt:jority of the peopic fr aC;")UionofJX,>WtlçlhiPS at a Getierld An- 1ttlsta Clatisi' from te: 4Municipal Aln-nut mipiBeci ord sn, me~nt Art." This Ad t w te for tlte rehy to tire proviaiîots of the sald 1 w Q ýüCtîi ks l i r i t efoIre provid d, relief of î o'fl O wit îi sw hO ît tmif i g l Y jw ith r s >e t to surit origiun l fy 4 * w went iito ln 'ard spýt î,and,liîkf! îhefor dividin-' or abollshing ci Divisions frog in tite fable, neyer gave a ogtttixoVadreîCiCY" t or matirogettine, Outt ae',ain, %Vie r"- - ews of the Week. çid t îlroug 11.T~i,.~Csoi1C, AN O1'rlltt ICTIM.-An fol ut . 4net' oîtr itst i'eiue., It apppear{ 1liat 'ln yun anc iii wtotnoaxt daag. lïnting on and ilumogerford Whaunve k, plascd t 1ud, flxr iConpiained of ipiîisotîccin their iiinllnliebak usw htdww, 'l veli as toaty other Towntships, awî f t o'~ f haitualincmpra SIc i) Soa- w -Vl - inno ý1 -o <'r 0or Inter, is sure tinlecad Io an untisnety- powergi~vet to mirtritnw '(-,t a ope c wasfoui on Tuesday rrnin,, hast,. Clia "é. i it gail dt '.witts of ,etti e-b~~ack gr ve b te .ertraleh'tio syteil. it itoe udera tre iti a gardien mt lm west eud of- *....,. n îtî~ ~îcre . 'Iîi., towvn, quite dadIIidehm, and 't % ,w r ,y w ls r e t i l t - s i r io1 e 1 0o b i s f a e l t i 'a t h e f a t a l j i , e î n p t y . . l t r 1romit' tty a e j dneema s *iauts',itueudiate stu'js shetuld 1be1Laken- hy pî'titietu as set forîlu in tise claus-e bulesu', !t siluc fts cuec i lai to 1atI bis sIle 1hai, apsparety, becuÇilesa in orer tr at ime parties p ui sori ig mt ifiid .u-- ,...... .. ~~ ~ er smelie. 1 U nantivwatt. la>. Bennett- S.-i frtiu \aunulforAl>' Car. f1.4 AýO tei irovaiL er ]r t aL f it il-.# i.l bu ti, la %t 'tl f ur th e i"re i utjo (!c rs .'ti d 1 1o il )i ' S~ siip ufr 11w tear tt h"v ottfte iat ,i t.vîài mlithe a pp1licaut u ion i l l ue m ~ad e t ai Lu .ajpiuiY ity 1511nsits wniing ta 1.5'tIs thuit sîî<'ku 'wnsluip or Union of' tcwut- sis, if it blets iircady dî.iviel ito luaulWgruls, înay lue .so divided, or if Pht sci uTuwimtuiip otiraon of 'fcwnslips in a be-x tixen se div id ';, Ihen pra y îcg tît t mortS Sticli divisioniitu b liraI wuxrds nMay lue- uiuuli-shed. And ini every snch cuise, iLpr sha i le the duty ofaisuds M U nicira1itY. ty. le uavss a By-La"vt, I in lc former Case Pl iiividifit, stil .rlowr)75lipl or n in of iit Townshuips intu BittaI Wards, in th e nuanner ;urecriiu)ed i n aud by the 4t11 ville, section of tise Muxaiicipal Corporation sn Act ot' 1849, and in te latter case aboi- i'tiing thte ie x*isting "division of such becut rownehip Or UInion cof 'Townshil i-4 to 9.u1i Firstly -.That every smîch 13y-Lawt-niaiie1 ha jtnrsuance t' titis Sectionu, mshah con- ,tain a recitai oftîie Petitioux on wisicb 0f 11 il v.as 110111t, -tîld out Le mante having be it bacs juassed un comsplîauuce witb the jluayer et' Sncb putito, 9andl the <lime-- lions o etIis Secion Ani provideui ai tMn 'se, $SçcoId1vr.Tht every By-Law %:itailt i coataiti a clause liauitilttg 'ibie. saune ho >i tauke <4 efet unît csst> ieto operatuuior lime first tn. y et'ecemnbr next btintOne, u after flue samne shulî have been passed, bis liu cas a uttuju(iity ut' the Free culders ad llotnsabiders uf' sncli .Tcwnshiîîor -7 Union u' ewsuiuseititîl to vote a.t n the GeneraiAniuual Nltnieill Ection the. for stîli lTewnlship ut e General An-. fluai Municil Elctilfourte same ven to ho held for tise ye;ir in whieh sxuch' brin J3y-Law shah hlx su linjiteil te take <f- R- fect and conte nt>ope.Iralion e shah iii ti addition tooahhethevoes given by them atsncbel "Iection, Voetufoir sucb dtvidiag imi te 1Vards, or i he aboi ishing of the di boin viding'-ie oWuirds, as heîeinaûofer pe- 1 vidcd. ?rovided also, thirdly, That it~ sbuthi not ho Ubligatory 'npcn ansu sncb ~1) iipiitv toïpas any sutch 3y Law Bo~ hiiteks, iri luOxfourd, speaki jla not latierimig terins of his sueCeC. ~utc'~msîtîîuc. Ie bail Ilion leld uieeîsisa utaIevery oue 'wasrne. 4d wiîbetIusiasux by 1the electers. says lie lias p u dost C'f his trieza. ut retuma by Oxford. Thuis settiet imer, tise 'vaxiiiîîconfictingru trceivc l trough the Toronto p. reluting w bo is stîcces in ithat Couna >11VINCILU Fmxs.-TheAnnxuualI Fmi be Iid tis year inthe towtuof Brock ,on the 241th,fŽf5th and 25thkof thiepre iieuti. 'flic amuntofe'prenum a n CouuuSiserabiy inercased, sand tthe Wl TE ic-aye. yait sor j a few idem- 1, - My DsKý

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