COTTN- ýev âtiauiy bed o wWd fur me, bat rMILL. 1 'èboarded wîîh tny father,1 antd I paiti .hi~tq', iisboard. A. few înonthis ugO lhew&%~ --oueofe the pii1rely un- btken siek, whien hs mother carne with e ùrenl onGeeiahirdcifla nd wagg~Onqand took rim '*çifraVa cy ,)n away witiolit My knowledg3 or my. tisfied w,îh conbempla- fatber'e Consent, and I paida tirece try of motion', ut a sale wcek's duciôr's bill for 1dm. Whiulie iero uest neetis introdlce came batik 1Itotd him hie mu st go to hie eeu- the cards, t*0e a ,Ilo'het and etay titi lie got weunied, be- ~Thii move broiiglit liiifore I would litre witl him. liment%" iflto <aigercnîe AME 1ST 0F .&BARONET! %1hé gruritig of the hne. ~rcbyhung a tie." A feuw days ago a iveil knuwn Thea- r! Se ge~ ~otydon' tncal gtit# Baronet paii a Vigit tao ir iid Jontiaai, etitrilg , îd Cliv f(>r t rp u 1tneb IL M Idét doRnYiy[ing cisc," f 1b vrycarefis how ypu lmve roid amotiget ihim hardwa'fre.. 'Twus unotlv l~i4~l~,siItuta prornising youuiî Mau a(r o odrd-a sttit-it.ut te uu- demy hre-wss drawn ilîtu tiiiit7vtcry curd. -sir, and before anly assitatncecétitld ,.,jeuh birm, h. was run throngli, anti manlfactîtred in~to NÀ. 16, super extra, Cottoni warp yurn." 'I 1, 8*--t' wow ! Il boieve per jo. ýiC8 ,"jl.u1ereti Jotnbaun.- isr," ceitntied Stripper; and hie diseonsolate "mutter cai drnwio4 ayis ugn, and got fre buncli. t'sIOÇ,l*it seme yarni, a% meltocholy re- f1ýUËÃ%y>t1n poker, thit can't b. true V' IlFact, sir, fit ! andi cadi-of, lita el- a w stùudents purvdhused a skýin >upiece, te)bc in l cekets, and w6fte -in re. snsuejcc of departut ut -! caled, Iltti, and sot in lorkes 111 ' personul dutiger here thoetc44à tcdu eur hero's mind -hie bc- gaui % ret'ëà t precipitute'ty withoui ~Wtiting fur Ali anuwver. Blit there wal not mmcl'roun to spare betwîxt hinri self ad the gearing of the card behiad An thier stei backwards eompleed the< e'i,émony hnrdtcii. 1llustnwvhis. pbles beiugà ut large 4 calire," th( p9esot*oarllag them up intua liardý 4kuotw05 1noways slow. Our lbert ~ave: lo gue" iw4tanter. "O-ht i .-!.-er Let go- yow! 1-Ui-pr.t 1 Biaet yultrr jtickter ! Le go,AianL ye ashanti! Get out Let alunte on te-cntye 1!-du!" The geriq h>y [bhis time.hit wn l41 m)outat lie was obligeti tu stani 'ýmt itu.Ais lbands were resuivvî'1 vigowçu3ly bçhîIiiîîd hiro, lut he dîtrei nôt trentuire theini eur the 16 sent 0 var,»1 lest they should b. druwn înt The Sxd.tiI1ppr threw off thie bell but,îe jnuneiium ot the cyliiider kel "*'#*>lyiDg, and etir here, ut;pjmosing ý in tll opsratiun, burst out aîtew; I, à stop ber! siop herd-I air well, and 1I orber b. ut humie. Fattit %rw ts th steers, and motter's going t Lxo1stup the lamnai masheen Cali! ye ?-do! Aint y. got nu feehin' for hýoiIer ini dislrel Oh, déar! l'il t ,,vmded und spun, and matie in lockets tu Greiene!e" )ppedunt lait, bat, Jo-I ýre so tatigted in the k u 3silit task-:to ex- was uly cuttingouUt învested territoryo" relensed. %ring te resue bis edg uuder diffirml- juails were chanita- nd- e acatîered sud- ! i 1,1 givin g a serieil ,h eithet leg, on b is Ilinieit that liehuti tait cemîleoent of ,used machine. iqsse.-Thîe late J. itewitad htmiur.' biy seen a-§ mucli ule any one, îsted tew- tll ~,whili ii t») nm 0 tg -nu ne ltmi jÉlâtice tu it. Ii, ehuw thusar k isein the cast, in the we.4t;ad 'wnâ mure or less to procuirt-a judg-> pany tut Jnjoiry, un oftire. surci qtiotit, and gitre >*treteuplts. esms, a steambotat ck, bew ap neur xttho e b.Objo, ablished titct, that tasqui --s will rw ach accident, a m o f Mm. Jo- sad ler. truuk for lt ù- agesi playsadIis %î-s Vî' are toli Ireis detit<>on tlie lltetor mt of aetîntett.andi plaYs hîs part 'teehi ltat h liari ed ltme po- ptîlar L&sset' of the TI'catre Rloyal, u ontu, T. P. Il., into aiten agmlt 'llie 4-lrowiîa"' vere -1plai k d, anîd ail1 went on wve'.1until Monday imornititg - ast, whcen T. P. B. cmnenced to erneli a rat. The I3ruîîet %,ia$e bout ta slope. ,T. P. B. not rolislhingtiiis petilier style of acting laid him artested, and handed Over ta thu tender Mercies of thie Shei-ritl* -~Kingston iftraId Au orator lholding forth ia favor out woman. *coaclurledthutit66 oha, mny bearerm, deptind - tpon it, notltmag hbeats 'a gootiwife." -* 1 beg yeur pardlon," replieti une ofth[le femnale audtr, - a dmaakea hubbad dmc." * AçT-Toncc.-A, tempcrance paper extelidiiig iLs vie%" imb [thé regiona oftabac- ' Whatru splendid figrure thme apostle Paul rwouhd have, made bhle'gune about to pro- dlaim tbs.ablitne truafliof christiatity ith a quiiitof obacco anti a long nine in bis nMuo ! Sînalat tdai ne give competee ,with tranqit'ility of uMiai. T Il E !S T E, A M E It Captaln Koir, II.leabove TORONTO for ROCHIES-TER W(ono.sC gT-uewdliteXi,) Cvei y ru».- day,'rhui.av.aiml Se.urdl.y iomrnig, utIl1 n'cuck preiel.caliumar t aI hiiby. Olaaa, D.urlintont, litud leati Purt Hope, ami Cubour;, WmIlleave R(>CH ESTER for TORONTO, cal- liagat the albuve 110m te, (w.tatho.r permittauat.) every Monday. Wedîte*day, a'ad rFday ilorain,, at 9 * ,rThis iio the SitiORTgET, ?LXA*ATV5ST. ami ciirni'i:sT route Iu New York. 'Cime front To- oulu tu New Yur k. Crry hou ro. Royal Mail Stt-=.Pag-kel Othlce, - Toronto May 1, 1851, 49-y. T £TH! TEETU !! TER TH !.! R E.410V IL'. A . rqnove'-l his 0OFFICE front the H0$11AWA 11013E, ta tbe corner of Kim" &Simeoe st', orer !4r. Jan)J,Lainç*» 14.1J{1E. Engirance on sintroe8&. OPFICE bouts 1,u0 IfrA.),, Io6 1'.M. N.3M.IRWIN will Continue his viità ta the WAYERLY HOI.SE Bmnmuville, on the FIR$T 31(MONDAY in cadi nunth, anduJ aï durin; the week, Osihawa, July 12, 1831. 13-ly THOMAS IIÂGLEARs 45 Yoffg $tret IAR PEW*S and the International Magazines Godey's, G(ham's and Sartain'.t do, Biaektwuod',the Art Journal, W. &c.&c.,for JUly. L.ettera o My P.îpils, by M18. sigôurney. Mdihaufmouieo, by wmnslow. Geoitfy oflthe Bau Rock, by ilugb i Mller. Là ys oi I1ipKirk anidCoveglant, l'y lMateath. Stray Ariewâ, by 11ev. T. L.,Cuyter. Trbum GILEAT nlUT&f%.. ' u s lsVols. at 3,ç. Od.eacb. Pt, 'roeta by W. M;%eGactan. F tam oaship, l'y 180 Clerg-ymen. ý0ioaîu'â cyetola>dja .A tricil ur e, lupart 13. 'l a: Insiperiiil Ga-eettem, l part 8. The, ul Euscyclopa'dia-14 voia. P1MI'tILttT. The Giy Chief, l>y Reynoldu.. Ma!ae. or [lhe Cisihloof[the LittS. Field, a taleof, Waterloo. '1811, or MgI. and M». Sanboy at the Exhition, part» 3 and 4. -Punch'. Cumpiete Letter Wniti.r. Teooto, Jetîy a3,0îlei. 18. ALL Parties- iatiebted bu nthe Late Danil L. Gould in the. Towasltip of Reaeh,,' ona, g(o niaie immeuilare yei;an eiiaaimt thesfaid t, Wai lturse duliy attesteil lu the un 'Adrnmntiratom, to the. nid Esl.ateci Frst Day of Sepeiuber nei. JOSEPHI Uxbridtte, Jane 2nd 1851. o ne by m y sf pewal4 ai g lirtitni u re requestedý los> 1 aviag ýase senti la T HIS Oint Ç£4 O'q', ver b een k)Lfown lu j Uiiin l>£a inçle in- Pl stancewhere it h been tboroughly 1'. !. ~AU. tried. however se the case may have been, o1 Of 44 -~ .,. ~* owlung standing. erl 0 ent Wbtby, Dec. 7, 10. 43-tf. NEW CHEAP LIAT STOIRE' !(~arly oppo Ile he Globo-e" Offi# King Strcet, Toronto. Lin the busine.., rejlpetfuhty annouufcesI l) the T ublc Ihat 1w ai opeieti bal' uve p r 'e eSwt aui excel lent maorttmeni of HATS, andi also f r <a013 iiffaio tgobes; LadiPs' Fur% ai rvery drseriptiol l aWayi an hftnd. ~?-Th taa.hcs 1ric 1aid in cash lbm Hatlng' aund Shii)ilmg Furs. JAC013 BASTEDO, Jfater caud Jiurri '-r Tnonto, Oct .18>0 ,.26 l~1LIE$u'~ombe Ias 110w on hatl, a -'hmantity ofni*iiCelebratei EXTR4CT uf &IR&IPAILL, inlaQuart totîlc% G;ILBeIItT B. WEE-KS. Whitl'y,Jant. 27), 1851. 41-tf. t'Booh biow, ye lmavenly Imeezes AUl =on,, the leaves andt treesma Siumg. oh ,'ilmg, ye heaveîly attises, Wllain1uake yuur boots andi sbueges."1 Tl"" Shlmcr1 e gs to acquaint i.s -frfrniamd lthe pumlic. that lac has commc1uiýe't lte ahuve 1 huine#e ln the- Eaçi leruttihe 11 liiTauT CA- uI I A GE FACTORY BLoc s iwhere ail1 C ts- tom %Vork wmtl lie donc with naieac.fideIity <atiti ilmat'a mure than mnit huenca-Wcu gay) aui tie-patch. I if. 1yf V.f:.% lVhbvAprl 2, 8. W.52-tp.Oj HALF-WAYHOU SE, ROUGE. T7U ý 11E uîm,,crher rettumus tha.nks for the Slit.,ral aîpî)Qrl i ic ndeilrakitur the nid stand (la4e Mrs, E$E~')at the ROUGE, andi holle l>y strict attetion lta lmsinîes ta 1w favored wia ai outînuapce out ilbe natual patronage. The Star ftrnisaihd wthéhice liqtsnr,..and ti TaSto. aoýîipNieil w, %th the Rgt aitîauiri of Caînadaî.1 i;Çr,>l Stalli andi a o:ea<Iy HIler ini attendarice, every accommodation Io imake travell*eis comfort- able. Stages daily tuauundi f aunaTorouto Io King- mIon, &c. &c. ANPREW NOBLE. tai N faeMrch 181h, 1851, 49 1l-m JMack)s IBide ROUGE J BLAC K respectfully acqiaints the Travelling fi. cumisity, that, hils louse id îlill kep i luils hem1a coinfortaitiele k. ill arwil11lie lunuiil Weil Jîupp1îed with 11lkst ielîuis.and i bt;Table ,W ùth lthe chiceât viands the .iiarket alfurds. tUH4 Stage is stili rurmnng Doitl-y, hu m hia Hou. ta Toronto. Icavine 8tr a eeil cck i iù the Nlorn- inà r. anti rettunrlng upc saonie Eveiiingr, Every arcummofjmtion co be aflurded lua'fra-~ velter., wiîh goud Sta1iing amti attentive Uosilers COMMERCIAL lIOTEL, V I L LA GE 0 F B0R E LIA. T UE ~3C[UuiR~returns thanks T f, tIw -liIertil 4xîpl:Ort he lias recei-- vpd since lie com-rened in lteé uid SlariîJ, (for. raerly kp.t by %IrBTII. ait (RANDLE'S CORNERLS. andi hope. lîy strict attentiunîm Lu ui- ness ta b- favareil wilh a retitinuance' of theepa- tronage bitherto conterreti. 'Chi Bor ia lurielme#d with thebstîtLiqiiorm,,and thie Table upplied m'thla te clicebt catalîleb ihat can be proeured. G (0 0JD S 'r A.B LI1N G, andi a steady Huostier inataleîtdance. Every acmoaIo umake Travellers corn- fortaible. STAGE daily lu andt rota Port Wfhit- by.THNAS GOIEY. P. 8,-Carriace in attvaxdaace on the Bout. Borelia, June,61a181.83 nm. VALLABLE JROI'EWRY IN FOR SALE, P EING the FEmnt lalvex of Lots ~'Na.b nt 6 l ti.3ri oîceain.Apply 7îimCONCIESS1O JEW4Y- LN'D IN' WHITBY 1 B. J3RYAN AH b e lately a ppil Il~ ~ ~o mîat>es mthe d pattemnfisboves, wlafi wes ago, and Lokek b.pria. et d A gienl, by the -man posaI of several . patented Ibr. olwnt ýcLO'ii i& G GOODS. CHEAPIiR TUAS IJR WALKER & HUTCIIINSONI ý WHIOLESALE & RETAIL 810K OrTTUE GuLDZti Lotr, Sicy. or TUE GOJLDZI lfox?, 26. KINGa STREEKT EAT, TIIOJ<TO. 26 ' aSTIEET EAST, TOatO.lTu, U Gto iiiformn the routiers uf the W/iitby Reporter anti pulii generallyq thiit t' tY ha%-e cumPletedlheir Faîl impofrtationsoet Staplti anti Fancy DrýY t; uda,wbieh having been qeicrlfrmn the blest Stockin luForeign -Markçets, anti ptnrcbaaed for CASH, wili b. t,,und,iipotl ex- amîinatinn, utiaurpassed imn this City, for quality, style anmi cbeapnasa. Au Jnzpection la Iuvited. REAI> TIfE FOLLOIVING Blackt Orleans Cloîh Irom 0< 8 pr. yd. White Coltons frum (J 3 Pr. yd. c.temîmreut1. 'i. t) 9 Grey '- 1yd. "4 t0 4 I Illmck Co>"bAuýe " I" 0 1 () " di dé Amnerican Il t> 4 i tColoitred'i-,t. -2yd wide" I 19 "Sheeling 2 %d. ()> H 4 Misslin 0DPLairiea " 1é ()5îj()-dShirting 0 O4 1-246 Prints tyti. wide 0 O.5 " Bed Tick 0 O7 1-211 Hofyle,%' 4. 4.C0 7 di Browmî Hollanti 0 O7 1-2H 1 yit Ginathams (lleavy)"t) 8 cala laiias 07 1-2"1 l)arl'Sable Boaà "3 6 l).uk $a ble Mlntla, 3 9 Grey $qllirrei" 2 6 jGr.y sq4larre-l "idIl 3 Si one 3Martln idt "5" St onil arlmin d" di 40 1) id x it 0 litLtdi di 37 6 T~turwith an excellent Stock of Fà LIiionable I)IE$S (OODS, .iIfo, 1,000 lVool Scarf Slwwls, worthî, of notice. Ifater-ed, and! J)amask ;IIorecits, (Jarpets, 4-gis,~c. 4'c. of ele ganit 1utterlns. la their %Wuolirîî Iepartmen[ art Brouit l riths cai4s'inait4 (Piaun & Fancy) D)Otskamis dé 'i ,rweeds " ' p'ilot Clutha Beaver Il t NMulesin ls vcallin in la oolteni s11k, Worbîed, , bt 3 id 'ù IWhitie-y Ct 61 Liarrxkin 61 lolir 3 Arierican Satinelts 6 1Catiadiait I f; " II Clotho, 3 FCurds iiiaid, Swvansdowts, tliait 1Plaishes. "7 6 T/mey would rli particular attention tu their asortment 'Of CL 0 TUlt1 CN (, The- wbuie of Wh ich being maie tmp limier theimuown inspection, l'y the- best of %York men, are n equaltet i '1 enaa, l'or stylet;f uttinir, qismaity uîf worknmanship andt material, andi general iiable- ne&s io the 'tsants ut the, peopit-. IParties about tu purcitaxeGoodi iuinbhÃŽ ine ay "ipaY tonitieat for their Whittle "lif [bey biay before iouking over W. & l-ia Stock, among whi.cb wall lit fouridt Gmey O'ter Coats froni 17 6 IFine $hoinr Conata S 25 0) Finahin id"dé 11 3 I"Fancy Due l'anIs "4-2 6 P'ilot "0" 18 9*i ', '-Black "1, 13 9 Ileacer ""23l j"Stiiatl tMt 0O ri'ne ~30 01 si Twe'fi -t'idi R.9 Lionsin di d"X)30 1 j ,aaak Satin Vests," 7 6 Wliley afînrai30 0 1 Fane y "" 5 9 Fi1 e Tage. "16 22 G 46, Tuilineit" " 4 6 IFrueks i t'30 0O Black ptuÀihl"id Il 3 Boyvs' Clotîting iin groat varit'ty. P'aris N'elvtt-naj'l)Iais, Fuir & Clotla Caps, &c.&c Garments made 10lflUlrasurand aarranted tafit. et-r mad eri. wuuli o i'l luthecoiint.atndiset aisiint asthythacesbuta ue nestralor ward modeoutdoua; hasinea.,. Amouag their rile. are the foluwing: AlilGaraients nul sutia;. exebaget. AlilGamnti5warraaited nul lu sbhrink or *pot witb ain. Alilpitece ou",,eut la the tasual leagths, excbangeïi. Toronto, Nuveuther 1, 1850. 32-y BUBGES LUISHMAN, Coner of King iV.Clwricl Streets, joining the Court Homue,- Toronto HAVE ON .IIAND The Lllrgest.thue C1îcapest,, 50d the Best Aswrftnt of Reaa-.YUleCloU4ûgt and Dory Gooas IN CANADA WEST. CLOTuIS, as~, VestingSan rd General Dry Goodg, Thported direct frutn -B ritain by Ourselves. GarmM.ty made ta order of every dét±eripion. PARIS, LON-DON, AXDp NEW YORK FASHIONS RECEIVEI)31ONTHLY Tlhe riost approved style adopted. R M A DYmwMA DE ILOTHINxG:9 Mel ow beek'd d oi Do Cdo MolekinCdO DoIdo -% Ioleskindo Do lacsAel Cor Io Do Princes.Lord do Do Parineuo do Do GTweed n do Do BroatiClhh do Do BoC.aaoirmee dol Do cOid Waer P Oufd o', BroWn Leu rofdo -Bu daeck'd nLinen do D- o ekd Moeakiado Do FadcyMTwed ndo DoAaca wed du Do'J.eI acurd do Dohiie Sh rts Lne dFos Maua'ain Mutesin in ousers, Du Litueit Dmill-do DSo Cbvd'd Drill do Dou-Twe , a do Do, Casslmcnc do Do Doekin do, Do, Bockokin dit Do Ss&tîunlt do Do F.tuffe do Do Cussineit du 10 0 I U 12 6 't I t' 't I t, Lt 't 't front 41-2 0 0 Dr'auil do lb Fancy do Dbo Drarb Molskin do Du Checklit de du Do Doeekia do Do Cas.iniere do Redi Flainuel SItiis, 1IJader Shirts ind Drawers, Mteu's Black Cloth Vests, Du Black-Satin do Du Faacy Satin do Do Hollanti do Do Fane>' do Du Velvet do Duolhuait do Du i'4lcelles - do Do Barathea do Do CauSient du Do Tweede doï- Bcy'.-Faew du U silk y do Do- Sa'in do 4t 40 4 41-2 frt 9 4 41-2 CAII Il WSWLESALE ANI)~EM~ DEALER i lTO&q-t'rOBiEfOS IE PATr NtANUF'ACTUftER nOP SOLE, UPPER,.A ND HARESSLETIIER, Sc eaik paid for Hide8 and SIçi-usiWkeai, Oat#, Pos and Péari 4shes. W hithY Village, 71b Jtne, 185.g SCAB.BOPm.'. AIEXANIER T119311'ONt ropYictt Excellent acèiamodation. f«or tavellers. GSdt L.IIXD COXVEY.dXCER& DILdUGHTSMI/IY, OFFICE, oppoîxte te Court.hOtil";e VJLLAGE 0, F iMANCHETEP PROIWCE BOJGHT AND SOLD. JJetweert,$5 moud'sa nd Fiait'à Tarent, Lstde of 1btr4e r«, PrIîîe a.l u m inît lî o for III. A LENX. P lJN C; L IFHITJ3Y vILL./J(;,E. Allorailrs in is ini' prornpty eectited. The a l t clPashians always on /Afnd. Wshithy, April 19, 1850. farrfetr ad Attorney at Loaw. BIOCK-SRET, WIIITBY. Wtby LadIes' Seinary, OPPO-SITE THE G-AMMNAR SCHOOL~ -Public House, AND 1Can be s'pplied wiîb a frt rate articie ut Ale or Strong Boer on, Moderatte Ternis, for CASII, at CLARK'S IREWERY.ý WHIIDYC. W. LIl. SCIIOFIELU & Cu., - IMPORTFJUS 0-F Wbiflby Villaiae. Juan., 1830. Brilisk Cana a the Village of ci . TENNEitC. pitOPi TROMAS TH-OZ] DRY GOOD & CZaC BONN,%ET.S. CL WIJCS, 1111 PURS, BOOTS 13'l) 8H01 W11OLESALE&-& l Toronta, Septernbem, 1850. CHIARtLES 1BA ,,,Vo. 37, King Street WVe#t til Ail kiiads of SWap Flapsona lu order., IPAIRIBA119 I4.T, 'L4TFORJI, laat the pr<i tu the p tust la E e PRESS M ESS. WOOD-LI MdR. GEORGE -OF NEW ~ TYPE & Sr] ofwhosýe manufaci enrat .otItl 'ire su Weiltknowr. any reuaarks on th nowb ir ftours ail the y car OIBrce. si 511b. apf a branchu!of r Jg agpceriflelDl1. K. T'Ooo, places th IProvitice lapon aut NB.-Puis tioni tu bhc ai> !)Y puichsiiig1 count. WORK3 T~rGtto, 27 sAuhIEr'JI ef Ph Tiqbt Patent Cà ie. Pickering,j ý adc Dril Goods Xerchanl8ý .Silks, GIOYCS, 1105ierY, at 1 PRICE. N 0 Sý E CO N D IBR-ITISR MAI Carlfet Bà ,«r.,S, UmbrelLu, 1 'Ã