'e e an for B1*ike ts of exceh- nufactured ini Cazida, ,ty' pontds te b. dii- ween teai. sud imnportautî collec' irale of Canada-lit dontreal, No, 1,13, foi Ilirues-tbe sui ol ct, Quebe., Ne. 10! I Leather prepareti 'au ibtî--1î euof tla 172, fc rter à btê moths' keej' 'fi,. poundà t. yacinthe, No.- 341 ninteenitig a tod, e E"n, wathout ti kteatf9al or intructîi own exerti*us, the âSu batsn&Co., iloî stor a barrel oUf i nds. - e recomendatione'v honouabie mention teui Caada wbo hai iakable eitlttr for tbe le circuutaSics und e produced. lie sboners, Montreni. f f Canada Timiber, N pImes of Maple $g ed by thetu. .iltton, Montreal, 'N ýjrice Mentreal, N 1 artice% o f Futrilu f -the. Bla-k %Vain utefl>' exhibiteil iasp 'oeil, ant iuis applicali inteal, No. 18 A1 .th'blted by hua, co -banali nproý,emc-ut Lk Wainut'%Vocedp t Mtoatreal, No. 17 M & Wrightt, Mon tr'e dr. J. G. Saurin, Qu for th e lghs Mau btiitdby theui rexpe .utueail No. 147; C. o., No. 14 SNc. 1 e axeî cf e Ird andt 1>. 71, for i No. 63, exbibiled we des'ure ar-, and a e rai leadiL aholitionistastownatcourbe 'ete 1iêor'uu prirmie. î 'JIi&afswer was, au one of the moff CfltreDt reporfts stateNi, that tbiey ilhuîuld stan thir gotid.,Acctrdingi y, ahuit S&c, aud eecreted thenuisel1vesin dite *neigbl>o'ringwuodu and corulflelcls (le iigtal of attà rk vit the, ufficers was the bluwing of a humn. S When the officers came upon the par- L~ty they wvero snirroiinded un ail sides, an a tdendly fire joured upon tlhemniby the negrues. At tlifrot ire Mr. Gor- tsncb, an eÇlderiy gentlesnan, and the - ow1er ut the fugitive slaves, w8S in- le stan?! y kild, and otne of his sols mur- talIy wouinded. ,Anuther i"f te furty, 3rsaici (o b. a lJnitcd Statvts deputy officer ,çf froi lBaltimnore, wasna., mlitix urt. 1A 1'hiladelpiiia oÛ1cicr, wus tired li ïg five timies and mi -vJ Dle wasithe Id im.dst of tie fighi t ut e tinte. At the M ime thc five o'clock traits lsssed, throtîghi Clirîstiannu, thcy were holding i.ailin qiuet on the boudy' of 24.r. Gorsuch. li The wollidcd flalItirnore officer walî *~j. inColtimbIia whenîthe cme ibroughuI i, weiI itig for ithe ,;f5 lu York. Fe Tiié exci teinent in hlite glihourbood w'ts intense. or Th'e îinformation te the fugitive sltaves ubat their niaster anlIlte oqficers, were liafter thettn, is believeki to have Ibeen giîv-» en by negroca frorn Pbiodelpiîia, whiu nt do)gged the p~ursuing jarLy tu Christi- A telegriplie despaclh was receivcd n. t the office of the mnurshal of police. ldated nt Lancaster, itsking that officers li. mliglht 1î' Sent tu Wc!st Villaidelpitia, tu u, ititcree!Lbtte murdrcrs, who.had fled in flle $l0V line. lThe erriveci ant five, and the des- W. paicia lid liât reuelite pulicu offle ilsnu pr ilcqurte *r Past ivu, iic theil gave nu he description of te susp.cetcd ut4s WC ;dci.riptionuand was Uneuweredtâ! t m. of ~Chelrles Brady, aigent, wutuld- furnishl Ne 'him with one NMr. Brady did nut conte! eir clown ini the lne. lr A nuiuttlet' of the niarsiials officers sepruceeded tu West Puuepiî n all the', other Western depots, but wert ). rw<> sU$Iuch'lull# egt'ucs canflgedIiwn ir, iri Utfive c'e[uek trai. :$eive-ruîi white Illen ulso came duwa, wvhn werc heurd 0 l'y the agent convermîng nof the afftir.-- [0 Oiîef rthem sid wieu lie -beant tie fi- re ring, lie rode .>ver (o the scène. la Eý iVi'rV effort 'îill lu)e umade lu nrrest e. the ilitrderters, if thley conie this w;uy. il- Wc a<:aw,uaaie buolîurt t iglIt, n letter iuistily ývrittelIté t ageîli'"Iumuuii -i Il i 1eity, hy a u<ersuuuwho -îvin i eye )n- witiess'a.'of Ille nul, ftilycoîfirnung tait liuelb.vc tacts. One of the fugitives isa tall, slimt, 9;W guu iking, fiftâched l kittu, andisi ai, the murderer of Iis master. lie bts lie not yet been arrest<d, aind las supposeti n- tô haveflied Northu. PENSYLVANIA RIOTS. BALTMOE. Sept.13 1851. There continues great exciteoeent throtrglu eut the city with regard to the brutal murder ind n otheçMess5rs. C2rsucboflBaltimnore county. Sby the Moh of unawaynegroees in Lancaster ,~couty. lTe bod!y of Mr,. FÀward (orwtcb of his son wlbe brougitdown to ay.b Trte were, yerba", ano twojwrivate citizenus in the. Slote more.exlensively kneivn or uni- -fo versally esteemedïtba'th.e iogentiemter b>' andi no e&iers ae gonde etheir ein f b ditr Ck se Ak ree tflll tuý iitnate te the inhabtan y ltUIBtl1f- rityt haï hoLu eý lheStore lily occup#ed b R NO. 3, COMrMERCIAL BUILDINGS, Ptere he4 iiow oponin; out the LERGEST, CILIAPEST end BE8T eootd Stock of DRY GOODS eter ofered lor SMe in tii part of the country. The advaittages be pomsseain. IMP'ORTI4G 1115 STOCK irect 1fm the Mdanufacturers, lonïg krowiedge of the Trode in Canada, and hie determination tii adhere. strictly te, the.,amI& By"e, , wuli insoire te, int ending-pircha.erm, ,GRÊ.IT B4IRGJlImiW. Hie Stock will alwasy comprise ever novelty oftitho Seamon, together with an immense Stock of St apes su itabk for the Country Tra4I "b. following comprimes a few of ibe leading aniclcm;:-Gala Piails, M, »tLaines, Casmmiref, Coburc loîba, Almmtan. Orleans, Cbe,m, Jemny Linds, long and square Plaid Shawls, Finumîjali, lilankets, etcs, Biroad Clotho. Cussimere, Canada Cloths, Sitinctis, Wbite Shirtiugà , actory <ottwê,m, 4- Lilmc and Mulder Prints, Cotton end Woollen Yarn, Batting arid Waddfnij, &C. &CI &C. 1ll of wkilicc heig dctermi-ned to Seli ut the smallest possible pu ying profits, for CASHIlOX<L Y. Llarge Stock oi Silkm and Satins, Silk and Cotton Velvt, Rib.4ons, Flowerg, londs, Laceu, Hogiery mml Glov"s. D .C. wotl begl; t direct due attention uf Ioue ceperm, Farnieres ad others to has STOCK 0F GROCERJES, rhi.ch %ware pur<'hamed ini New York bofore the revent rite ira prides ; be i. therefore cenatiled t ira.fer a Good Jzrlidé at a Lower Prica tIan il <an now kS import-d for. LikeNi3e a compîcte Stock of Waw-rua. Sept. 24, I8.rl._______ 24-ti. JAMES Hl GERRIE fUi -N.pr *B3EG1S-to retra ibssincere thanks tb bi% A " 'üoasar srtioe Frit-radaandth Ie Pubhie geîîcrally, for the, ver)-y t n£a e. ' gveti byniie to iorgec il.i 1t.iberalmsupporîtheyhbave affoudt-d him intimes p asi, Or tearer, $or £3 159. C'y, date.! on cu about the he lakesîh iaitot of iaflnuruîg them tai h e i 23rd megt., andi mode payalte ira four montit,, en- aow receivilig (rom dorseil hy J. Wallatc, as no value bas bees receiv'- NEW YOItir AX.N ON7RI~L, Ced for tesamée. A. CAMERON. 1 A J1ULL AS5OtIMU.NT Or Wlutby, Sept. 27, 1851. 21-3t. DRUGS, ORriElOAL8, PATENT NEDIONESFALL AND WJNTER FABHIOlYS DUE .15UFFS, BOOKS, 8TATI0NIERY, JUS-r RECEIVEI) 1W -and every îttinq cin utbis way, which ha aili bc a~~ presre îoSelaîLw~sEm.\VITISY VILLAGE, SEPT. 25, 1851. THE CELZBRATI Commission uradpr tae bande raf The )iour- j able' Joliia JkrrrkM)tbiasmclijum#tio; he' COMSTOCK MBDICINES' & j o.ouilîWllitam Jfeigry Draper, und 'Pie liit- CHEMICAL PREPARATION, 'oro.51c Robert JEao;toi Bs ji uoices of the o'f- of Queeti's l3erch, and 8pral of lte raid Cou.to g O Wel l knownnCantada, bave icen! Queen'ascîtrit ; #Wteen ssurgi cafoaiitint ansl Ãhiarntfully' courter'eited muid îitributed lutn a1îpOantÃŽe4'Itil$lit 1 >îîwg;Na ticîclwîîer j intra Canada, lsy the very terao.îs alto, aoi.r Ilîcir uwr.i -owîîîtuilçîait l1-aw, a<whi or f lte srid higsutures, bRve sdîrîitted thit Illr. Lectuvs S.* î Curt w tis,, tQ('d rmtve w'ithiji is, (itlllY ?j Comiacic cf Naît'Ycrk, is thea ony Pncpniator. Y 1ork, ail anîd cvery sucrrccgn.zm-e orn rîo.auî- These attk'k. aie itrtes 01 bail or b4ull, affidavit or att'tdavils, tisari> it-T4 R EAT ~i'PAIN X rEXR.CToR, I)( 89Orle r he is 11ahail willinizaiti desinoîts b (Cnnais.) cuiittiaitl Burnts, and al External arknowileiFge and niake ha'fore him, in any arcti l'oiesai.! Sme%,. nsit dt.petidi qin ihe açaîd Court, or in amî1y aisd 2nd-B.4LM 0F COLUMIJU, for St4'tng'and! j onreilrailg t091Y uf théeproce"dngs le inie u laid Restoriîîg"thc }inaanflair. - Court. 3d-JJF. IVS AIER R J jIONE LINýIIMZ-NT, Wth)y Sept. Z5 185 i. 24.3-t, mutid JNDJ.4N VlGE'7LELLELIXIR, - _ _____ a curie for titiîl lietîmatismm, 4th-McN.4IR'S 011., to c'ire ail i)eaf Perions.0mi0I btb-Jfî.'h" LINMNa clknown cure l'or th it * Pal,&C&c. 1 N0TAR ILY PUBJLIC, 611-1) R.* 8p 0HN 1S SICKJIE4DAIIJE Il E ED Y.fommistiuntr of Ill e urt of Qoîen's lcnth, 7uh-OTIEWSRELIEF, for aIl iom n un onveyancer, Draughtsmait, 0 F 118-L OTVS EN fStL OF lAltlUAGE LICENSES A.N) INL ,ý.4NCE-t. For Coftts anîd ACCOIJNTANT. 2. *i eelng au i raventiri; feves.- Office near te Court 1leuse, village of l' or Amîlima, Liver Consptairanud Sillons 3ff'cticnsý. 3. For Diatxbon, î,iigestîinlMA.NHST£ltr, lowaslaip of REÂcîl, aîîd La"s cf Appetite. 4. For Coativeuia C., W. 24tf in fmîr r.!ra esinn.rvous cnînplaints ____________________ 5. For Stomnari affeciioras. ýI)y*p~epia, Iilea; Rum tao&c. Th'e ureat ipointa ri .'êîu 'uiii nt~ il Dot bat.!Io ake, neyer âireld-rgin, ala, ne. ver leaves ocracor aive. (FiiA 9h-DR. ZBARTHlOLOMEW'IIlS PXicKS YRUP y G iNALof for ait CruAiiihe r Courn'iptiora. te .Nhcrrilcrm cf lte Whitby jeldmng ltth-K(OlmsToCK'8 V.ERZIFUGE <Worn miciay ill hli bield iii <omplianca aititate lotit .Kil.r) for chîldren or crow~i personâ. Section cf titi- 1y-Laws. at T.N. 8C1IPTUIREi.ý il 1tb-m R s. B R 0 W N î8 GJM"p.MN INN. nit' MON'DAY Eveiiara, >l3th Octotier, at KILLRR.-No mnedicine bas lieit discover- SVNuroita reccive aliReport of tht- afh'irs ed tatos sa bappîl>' adapta..!l oe îierrieihOf te ocîety, and elact Vunecturs loite etîstirn sa M.ps in bltaken, arad yet perloim suXsyur avonderèrerena ppied extemal, as a waâ JOHN HAIM PPERRY, or b4tit by friction,&Cer<M'ry 4- Treourcr. Attlte ltemiuedles are full y deaciibed ira Pamph- »WtiitbY Sept. 27,1851, 243inî. lets,'i tb~e venat 1Who cml ita IX 013eRm'D't ~ut $tom.rakDeds&kMemoriam formmaIeaîthiomOflice.- - fEN~RjL AMLY lh~ETt~lY T E. R EP.0-R TE1. 1 Showiutg1ýge Rrmediem whiçht cvcry famuil> ehotulil - -_ ke.pin ÃŽ4ir bouses, and the mansier cf coing tiem, WIvr'i'uv, SATURI)AY, Saa-'a'rla 27,11851. -by wih lait ordîntsu' Iictimucus Mai>'b. prevented î X;VC or rpecdify re.ut:ved, wilhout ah. expense of thî FT ;'TION.-No returrus frem ig ie *Cure.!, ______ Every famnilyuhouldcrpeully preeTveibis bock, ImPortazit Intigonlce. to refier tvta en any ncmedy s wne-oiua'u US te pîirticutar aricle-indicatîrd l'y lte corupint. APO F IE MNS andoshowiiig averacl acac > u iamb tbail. A teleraaihie desuinîclai7er,.eived o' s I 7 t Y) r. 09ÃŽ 'ta - 'DRUGI5T Main Stirçç, %i Vify age, W". id.a¶i'.....LV Apî iAt 0& Ierday y:~"It is runuotumeti in towul lt ut Ic rninjislry have resignpetiandi tlaI a new olle avili be furnîed lu',e dia 'telv. lite prog ram me is neot yct la. îud btut tih u M Cmeonlate forni one. of the eai.inet"-Patriot. TH[E NOItWOOD) CONVENTION. 'rie vanity anti cvcrwcnin g ambiitioni of'souncnmen wileut ititrusted, witltina- crifiis, avili ut Limes anar tiibest ùi"ýen- ioied pions of the- ise afid Sagatilous, howevcr rluy patniotie andi self evident tie restitaotugit for muy app..ar. j ie- recent con vcuîion a t ýoravo0dnmaðt truatt of thtis pain fui lv and hopoleÃŽelW ai)-, deeo-wIrck h e repregeiltatioofe a con#uit'. .uencey would eaturelly bestow upon hiii, through wbom to meet the scienced tactics of the énemy at the pols; and if we are to judge fen the toue of the Toronto journals, without even a hope of an unanimity in the pi'1.. -Nu* the people of lte Province muust not be, deceived by the iffprexsion that a uuity or feeling among Reformers bas takien wing and liew from the stauncb eld I'bird Saxons 1 Deatb, or an ogau i 0f ail Blood--one Natio iý'$Cf3l Preserve. wbat Lberty beqwks1Grand( Rail Roïd Jubilee! Ca a d utthe Great West! Prosperity to ail! The, march of improvementâs (Ur countll in ail that ià good-Iet its course b. onwtu'd 1 Grand Rail Jtoad and- Stean JBoat Jubilec (two bands interlocked)! Cgreet Our Friendî. iBoston, 16~30. liksin, 18511 Our niarch itt onward !" Th4 route of the President wau, non' to thé 110115C 1wlier. the Pnublie reçention wax to take place Fading. It is not so;:t s rte want of uni-...-r --- 1---------- ty of actionj, th atbas but temporanily pre- in the Representatives Hall. Tiie bodi>, dr vaileti in titis instance, frouai causes 'werttril.'sesoftela!werereifr ýyivui lec people liaitno control, andi wliceh the Catiaaian gueïbe, andi officcrs of thtç Ar- wiIl disappear 'it the petly ambition tuat 'y ai n ad .Tcgleie swl i gave themn bitti. liati WIr. Farewell ziet-lis- every clluer part of dite boue, and tbe tened le tbe voîce of thc tempter and lte fgrounds were filedtio overflowing. '1?e .1 f lts inhlio, b ivtuii, resden-Mr. Webter-. MNr. Canard- ciih mly u actriown ,lkete terge- Sl,. uart and Governor Boutwell of IMM- wiîen ho nai' ri oisie ue $othe ge ac hustt-t etered, and took their places in tienenwlo wre omnatti luve aitl1m-front oflite Speakers'Chair. ,The midi- hatcauy,"O, cntemnlwul nostuimitoence rosp. (o receive them.1 lbhe Governor becomea aveilge to <livide Reformre, drove il boni. b tic Tries ontItis elegainfou ccmed the President ian-aa appropriille Pickering." B3ut noit was a glorieus cha~nce, adcslnerngbu heosiatiSf c M 1 Stale anti cil>' wlich was happily replied te by a ittie politicati gimbling, te plt çr,$6"herse W Ie as ira îte tahic" for te getteu.al(1 .ectiort. b>' the l>rtsident. Danaiel Wblras 'made a few reraarks 10 a deliglîteIt audienice. Âla%, fer the stupiti sbort-sigiledness. of thee public muatti. I could aid see t!trougrl the During là i brief atidress lie was repeat-edly disinWest4 moive ofMr. areell invociferously cieered, and though seniewhat ljse i n gdac r r d o t o ue s o f tr e F a pr w ei, in k . ro m n i s 'is a e iIl n e , b l e sp o k e w ith keeinga nn-rsidnt titof o rpreen-gi-eat force and vigoir. On the conclusion talion of Ibis Riding, even- for a nominalo h eeote ItcSaeIoie i terni of a anontit or twvo, and so onl> tbre mlaywrenvevd nlt1eme > h handst irere helti up for bu naI Ithe nomma- president andi suite, anti Governor anti staff, FLin on ida>', aI iailtiie Creofr.which aas proaouncedtheticlargeet displa>' Farwel i shcke at lte nt'aUudeofever avîtîesseti in tie State. hue endeti the 'publie gencrall>', andti iis cop4tiîueucy tst pat .ualy ndlkeasesbl an tU ie proceedingp of the forsttny tolte s.t partcuhari>' ..n i.a i.nsu.e tian, isaiction Dr aIl it, tott te liglilesl acci- alh efflort (o serve the coîîrutry i~ sels lie t _î n'd~crpin vih satiug tîtrs ovr ti unrait-fuii~iduîg to I lite effective police force of the cil>'. Ià ; may ttir nvplan adoptidb>' are no. tac ramon perhajîs, aclito haveot the Cil>' uiarsial to introduce tic 500 extra more' for thiiLast year.ltrtuard tie îroýrte edenca ooiustiv of titis-, scétioti of lte ounty of Yor-k, 1titan 1toliceliete titlls ooot ilve titis brâce of village po lilicians. pickpockets .-tdà rogues generaui>'. Seventy- C(>RliSl')NDJiÇ:E. one, cf wiom six avere emleere brougbt -.Bos'ro:v, Sept. 19ti, 1851. in an uaf paraidedtiugi>' bcfore tie wiole po- DErAaî R»PoaTR- lice force, fle inarsial t lte saine tinte git'- Conîrar> te lte intentio xrse i -ung ashort itistot->'of ticir différent profes- my> hast, of git'ing a description ofU Mvoutcl Sions anti brill iant exli-it. lhe ebjeel and ils vicinit>', 1l un forcedt L precee t u'aas, to especiahi>' direct thei- attention of the. once wîlh an aicoôunt cf lie -Ibu'e tays1 police toeIluose arbo were twist te b. feareti GrattiRatrotiJeblc intlis il, aitcituna crouvti, anti no tioubt ha.! a beneficial closes à 4uî evening. lThe aeather througiu-1 ued u Ilr an iei 5qetoa ont bas been deligitfuî, anti turing lte titre bic altetierlte law aroulti sustain the cit>' .lay's féstivities tîrere bas been 'totlirag but Marsialni u arresMing 71 individuals, oune oue scene of rejoicing anti welcoaitng-bu- other grotiatts tItan nier.!>' te Ilshow thent siness aras su*pended-e - nting rooins were nil" before lte police, in order to put lieu ubartdoneii-public offices forsaken-s-tores more on tbeir guard. desrleti-,old 'meii seinot youug, aginia- Thureda>' aa set apart for thte aquatc andtir rappearedti tebc but crac detertatna- excuirsion ut ticluat-hor. The, Part>' ruan- ,ion te make tlhe dannonstration worîiuy tof 1 bering betweeai 3,500 anti 4000 arere dii- tie occasioni. 1 deti betargen the stenaer S. S. Lis' 'rie Public Rteceplion of lie Presidenit (crac cf tic near Liverpool line,) $Benjamin on Xednesday-tlic re.ception of te G-uv- Frbtanklin, ' St. Lawrence,' 4'Mayflower9 et-non General, andthle. ilarbor Excursion antid ah a ndIthle revenue cutters_ on rinrstaya~t lie pocssin, DinerJohn Taylor, AMorris and! Hamnilton. lEver>' on Ttiumti rad he peveuiagon F da>" , point. of vicarof the harbôr, (rotaiSouth te ecnainey uadeil ite nos exen~uvee.jEast Boston, forts, arbarves andi vessels wre comine,.,mad itth inst xtciliveDe occupied b>' spectaters. Thtesitipa nearest mcitstration that ever took place in Blosio0n:ie alri ru hc h taessi or probahîly estîthis continent. eyLun eeaitcititmnlengu aas, litait coul.! bc donc te ensure sttcceà s, re-~ yard.nriua or an>' part of lte nigig but what grdesalike of trouble or cNpense, aras wM aseragaget b>' aixicus ight.-seeis. - lie doue., and niost happy lma been lte résull. I Wesiiuit andi suite arrivet ont board lte 1 wI ni endeavor te give a baief oudnue of : S. ýS. JLitais' rnt bat paiut eleveai, greeteti lte principal featres of tb. lire. tia>s, coi- on ai sides b>' thec lacra of the-n mltitudes meceing wIith thc reception ofhe President and te roar of Arlitkùry. Att - ie h oui 'Wctnesday. Tb. evening eviot, a scelle iaasexcitia-in th li1ti;hest degruc. Conuiitte.eof thc State _Ikgis pr- lThe steamsers anti cut1ters feula ito ine, a*tI ceededt teNewrport te meet andibeci werte slortly uder 'rir>rdownir-the -arboutre te Presidenî lotit. shores of lte 6.'..9 aluî we are fireti freinthe Citr7stamis tlb"anti accompany bina te tl4ý p4culer 'T$o',*3ýrrs au ese#,pethie crowd, arrangemnents weë padi1'I ISet diut -s.t for tic cars te stop at Dorchesterý , th '>tId ae.'Ttpr~~~4 knowillg onc5 disatoveredti le all ned derma te, ba*er 'te thie O,,i*; tilnete h ave il aveu circiltiaedth iroutah l. urned iivthe unie order e#çh boat u Cily>-: hierefore the ebjeet cf lie departare ~ ttPe~et Ipe bl~*n from lte Original intention aras frutrateti ihhJuts 4 BLOOMIhS.---WO1 couple of ladlies rece pearance ini Columi thls graceful costutl Iighitof the goodv novelty ûoflic, dres@ rul~ tight CeMrieudation OU 'movemnen -t andun limbu. scienice whjch b. veri but he hhinka izita) hat it muiht- lett Pharyngoteusy, Pble tand ot'bersesquepej Lita is a biou grand ex eursion cu et- Wo4man, ss Octeber itelt, froi Port Petr>', ansd ii a ceerless life hi recreation; so wî yolung. i Vve wouild cat anti otters, to lte opened b>' Mm-. 1 'See advcrtseeu lhe principalt olti County of Yoi ini Wbi tby. -Ti( in the country', b icre, as cbeap ai otur spirited meetl lun or O"t