Io e V<qpe orK the atain lie ha. cast, uplo lbth Sm Te hi wtluP1tai01. are rrace. and'ettand ites &ubers 0f destituu eoigris .thy ntei-whobhava arri vvd in Ham i tun, Duildas, aind cther places. Ila Dmndas; we lemrn frin e> l V rdr ttuaiprtiviloîti is bc- C paid itigrmade for titeir Support: CE igh. I entke1 Acusumaumée illc ual 0iiinfed tosee 0 of skelter tihat wbatevcr ie collectcd lis applied Io Litttio the I ige oe f uhese îmmfrunate eceatires-è gjtlst on the mnajdccs~aîe;aî uow~arc, 0 thjliat nu loi)e whu -giveçs sunelhiing rendi-G me îa i fiiudhillsefny l f~b nns lin bis letuerrine t lr is -bar$$, N>Satnxprod wy lleOctober uf '",2 arives. %We hadgl ales 5ea lOed, e -yee renly of Ille -1swa l , &l w Ni ermnav live 1 leaith o, s ealI'hy, ad ws,,bajpy es i ý P WeaIlmn5t Lnotice, ntsc,, liat Our wor- Ille trnlfortit. , Imew.,v fa h iy &rs it~ city latliers' havtt;been wcmd~jattcudtirig te their cdmitv an ibis way, tuo.. egîcet eTie rî,platu cf cliauriù-il. ooperat ions i> ~ n'.it crnneuî un ud wc expect'tlîey wil le prcut u go un %vilh uIl cr) S posali mtuediately. 'rhere is nmure plu. < !1-emi rnt ruý ou ithi (vernent 0et hie uî iy 1te ccomicil uhau peopyle are, Ixossibly, gen- die Oè<st;rVa- rnUy aware uof. lInleir session of iT If Ile an- Monday üighit, the grave natter of Io~sfia heaisssientfit 1 hé currélut year.wiîîsthie dIntv. If ne-subjeut ofdehbciiratîuu-i--a sîrlbJect which utiity of lit"d%ïlotes, uewul xpe crbeddt ti recize lit a epertls of cliriWy, for th1le T re ey tlfnm* beng, ettirely. Net se by any li meai 1If.Sc,: ia-bl os aWl esb- ir eib the 11- pelnec wau dratagn.bifr.ssis i whele~ ~ment, fatewcrthy cutiililotswere cen- sii hlter,, 4nfrii mtîtcxwh jet ,Çlf,. i btio dite! frctxcvînig the desiie ~~ ~~ ciligraxîts in the tîu"Tho c - ns; ed. ri '1fi lonm wel ute»rtaitied and weilJ di- d ef~Englsh st.ed, andftie modus aperandi, as we s, e t tîuA h1v 'id, was adinirably arrangad.- ciety tét I> t was, tlu have as eiary of the mcx n a- icumld l'e etuployed, .,U. tu work tu break wmsilie des'- stemis for theinacadmii0gcfo pmlkpeollC;kircts.For.ttis -Uxey wuuild lie paid gtlmaimi C- fair wagtïs,-armd to tUîuse tlnt have j'ru- ofae f' pet fecliîmgs, anmd are trtxly wortiv cof, equeitth 1 assistance, aimelu a mode ut relief wuli be iuitsto hei air'e accptable tlhamîunmy oùiier ham iv un 'the emj cO b" treulred. ~ ~a, î1~ Wetu tit, howexer, imenlu f>ti ik the aid cfounr cha)riîlle tfrît-ilds iitme eii ma c Furuxary sauj rflil uby io nieans.- iditioil fi ý>. , reqmired. AMny cf tiii iippd t ~ îo ii re sick it-iîmitle te w rk--- [NJ4tsImtr'.anmd tu imr tiste ositnc f cliarîuy atiding o."r00) elyogven. th miis" 4 j 1 ¶is %welI worth beîmxg ici4, limaIt im Limayo lins tiifuul rscrib il $10; a.nd sf11 oo rlasgîe atid, Mr. l uradditiouuu(ïo i'uehi), ated1 Uj $lu~ia - TnPtTLixL Gî.'~ i ni the verg- of igreaitirregularity with !souneuofthétîa5Posat the eadiu:Oiice.-,in returraing papers not -calkd for, f of t1wtm, i, d- &e. he law inu Uic case 'thakesî the dui- epr~ia.Ili of iT et eiMasters te returu te the Pub.. reattureti liaire lisiers at the expiration eof four weeks -al ff- state cf lit- papers %whieiu a-e net takeu eut oeth te 0f- h)egihex: way t fce ,illarked refxîsed, flot calîèd for, or re- mire, *ilift <e mocdusUiccas my le,- On ftue part iaioht. 13Y 71f e? mA%,ort le 1,, tmtr ttsimotn lut iuuded, tihe regîltion is punictialUy' atented te, but we ~~ar voixmfxniy tosaY l ivnet se willi ethter. ey eacf. if j n.tead etof'four weeks thieY are suffered ho gracote CIJl~ Fn en~ eight, tent,, fxfteni andi souletinîes twenrmy iie4s, before tlaey are retmrired.- lasseupgcrs per Tii subjets lte publisher te à grea lot, , in ltme Iligh- whieim !ould 1w sael by a strict adiereuce elemily 4puete the regulation. Inetme cases, someti- rhsut Col. Gur- mes e oM, tt otber times twivo r More Pa- tatew in$uhprs..eot or tata, or tivetve -wreeks old, 'ng titis seusolniare rettrned, b"not calleti for,"' wlile those 18, lie glie i of<1 a mûre recent date are -nt rtiturei. and mip lieaustml Sub e elenow be i mt füsped fi mu1aaýts M iqus OW'x, anal lie urrounting comut4, lihtI le almder ot? its Stock ai COST PICES! wotdadvise those wisldng to'buy, to read the fiowiotng: ttnYam, 49. 6d. Bumach, Carpeting, 2s, te 30 perry'it. mlieso, 1 yard wide, '7 d te Sd yardi, White I3iankets, large, 125 6d te 15,. De. Conmnon iit, 6d' Siriped Shxirting, hcavy, 71d. ricane Cloths, 10dti te1'. per Y'd. Tickingr, heavy Anerican, 9d. Lebairs amd Lustres, li 3dto1s 6d per y'd. Best ÈBaggxmmg, 15. oôbeurge (very fine) là ',per y'd Silk elvets ,an4 Plmisiies, 55, )range-and'Bine Print, .7 id. Cotton Velveta, Is Bd. xi-e> C.oîtous,. heur>, 4.4d te t5d. Foir-Caps, 3s 9di acb. ,ýe Clatli do. 2% te 34 9d Paeh. ) e Flamuci,'is 3di per y'd. aaPadle3. f bite doý. le Bd Gl Pad d lik aud Bine r-lane, 2a 6d per y'd. Dg do 14 yds. Wide, 2s Gd. 'arpet '13ap, 3& l6d te 5s. Do de 1 & yds. wide, ail weol, 33 94. Iartimî'à ýUes, 55s cach, Geod Silk Ilats, lUs ecd. Xl Cthis tei -S. JPruneila Bootà , 3s 9d1 per pair. 3rowm Liamen Table.Coi-crs,.5s. lier pair. -A L S 0 2ut N\auil,,l6s. 3d. per ciit. ; 7 -w 9, 8 i, 10 Glass, 20g. per 100 fect ; 10 x 14 Glam., 12s,.6dt. per 100feet- l3esh Tea, 2. 6d. Sugar.,13 ibs for5fs. 'Iogetizcr willîa xemail loof I{EA DYl"A DE CLOTIIIN,C'y whielî lbc -il Isdi cleap, and a mneral assortuneni et? AU eof wiiich, hc wili seli ai Cos Piies, for the purpose before înentioned. Cali andi tt coivinccd Usat yen can get better bargains here tirait can bce get in any otiier esmablishi- mient iumuhis towu. Ice *enuld, aise beg leave te, say te those that _,we luiti either hy Niite or Bock acci., tbat lie ivill reqire sucit ciainis te lie paiti by the 2 hth intit. tu save trouble. Whithy Vilage, Oc..UthI 1851 CR E ODT AUCTIONîI A ted inineaily a'Ais uffi- -. XNSATUR DAY lthe 2M tirmober on Lot lNo. BanDed& emjaorleatai fc. 314, âthh cetes ion Reach, albout a maile mWest c ln eoitimias osl ttri ii Price -%Iert, mmtheollewînqpruperty bctenging .) jE R LEVI LOCK, VIZ: 1 Oine S$pan Sorrel Hieres (mnaicbed) sevemi years i lI'YSArTIJUDAY, Ocuram 8.Iii old, ~ ~ ~ ~~tNo Mimxi4m"s e be ofcily u 'rau SpamarijuiynDranglit î a 'tbe liil> n in g0oil cnt.dition. nouinceal, aiuhongh ruiner bs his mait the lpre. 'ruce Laiubr !.caeas rwr.Licît itaaggiî.jxuinarieS have been satisfactorily arranged* Oisie Doit. bpiween thc hmgh coutractang pax hies rtbe Six tir',yeir olW Stéers. ~eTusasy iiir ep Six yearling P siefers.y sy ta Jr 1op Tui o îwo year oid ileifrs. bias been cýalleci te the head of thc Cenucit. rswo cows. L 0 ne fttt double hîrness. A CANDIDATE IN THE FIELD. Onie uaaa.brnile *atld Martingale. A AT One Iieeabrag ,ow aind pigs. ATIS Tnao dei ab--miIwej4o. tilh varionis ohratîlao rionrolas mn mcm- tThe cardinal dittereace between a mnuac hou.Sal tocounîeaceaitTENe'cocà ~ andi a *ainè mati wtme arrives at a faise con- STERMS: Under £1 catbh dowmî, over ihat !elai 1-4 MO.NTHS creatat by Lurnishing alurûvt-'i j îcluiomi, -e h2ke tmec ies :-ltformier Note. Ti reasouVeorrectly frein faspeprineiplesi, ,and flefarb, ct.15t KING E~rEErR££, CO!1NERt-OP 1rONCT p wrir»on ITe ma rNoBftNs caocutay ,TOgE. T11E Subscriber bcg-sto inform in ~friends 1ami 11w Public, l i eh ~sjiibt Up.eeda SptevJid Asqitrnerit ût Tf, ÂC 1coý,xeï Biwvssus, PEertxFEwr, ard YA'NKfsj'. NOT IONS, %wtiich wilIl be 'io!d Iow for c3s8U, aI râteà wbich m iliICouipt-,&with any ciber sitni- larE&ajbet in Tosonto. j A >1ES 3'X1N NI N<r. Toronto, Oci. 1,11 ~2'm~ PIRE, LIFE AND MARINE INSURANCE. liciv'l for the fulluevîo- NEWYORK LROECTION FIRE AND ATI UlE ;ANO MARINE INSIJRMSýCf,' COMPANY, OFurict. N' Y. C.ONNRCTICUT MUUUAL LuFE iNSU- AijI plyifitly 3djuted and p tid in cur- rest'iuuds. J AM31ES M AIN N NG, Oryir-(orner ut Yà ung &King ý(tà *27 Guii BOOKSAND PIRODIC4LS LATELY ]RECEIVED ENNTH, a romance of the lgb- S I1s v g iold$ - e very pericin oapproachhim iftmrespect We are loti te tus remai-k b>' lime t.ght et? a eloice production jalsi tbrnst. unîlr ur nese, atidresacti te the eleclors ofthie Coumît> eof Ontarie, and signed G. IL. Griersen, b>' i-hich-docun ithat wortbv otiers bis Ilun- rtetciýe d"' services as-readers don'l hurit i-lien we tell yon--member et? I'arliamaunt. Tfli piper _iî wortlu a short exaninatlue, on. acecit et? une qualit>' oamy !,lime oeuw cLaraciteristie il professesl,) via t-ils un- mat.cbedimpudence. 0f iwo uhing i-e ai-e sure--first, -lat nome- et? ur reuders destre te reati mne-le abodt the persomage miaeti tlereter'e, omr remirks à 1balIlibe uï femi as j»riZZC of, kn~ u Ie ubjeet permt.- &zeend, aur patrons at a distance wili, if liiey rend the "mde ut ail, think ils attor omly in fun; but we beg to nmâure, titemit,. fomit tir jpefsoal kaoalealgeaof lthe mani,-ltaIlie wasneyer more serioas, and for the reasclas givemu in oar irs sentt»nce. Like Cîeno,hbc dasm ast once ito ie sait- ject, andi gives ms ti-enty-mine irat4Lyles (i!itiomm allowing ms tiie Io stop "andl cor- in fu) awhich lie laà hesi-itit nnspang seveitye he lme"Imîmmrrv, aeedy. areedy." but ah ubonest m T~1U~o' #yabomt 81 of thé Ieading mn,' efM'bis oiitt- Lw»*is tedo 74111 W'%eil, sa yoeaeuency. fter t~ gâ nodrto on. belie d :drue t elctr t leIlt, loyal ftOa3ts on suo ccaii ~ th er~ expdafn yoblyairticular retiment$l11 to prove te them hkow abiy an- rcbl 1' f i O"urfltej, ntt'Ie anmd (1W can write-huwW ell you knOw titeir twant!1 rpseyJ an'a low well you COUld att'end tsc uhe rn- poedb-..:u~~n;qwrizlt l .lr:ir, and w ýh eve .hrptr VYoi ae, cf coure, included.t, f y 'platise. AMr. ~mt ~ egh our eadis t, pofitby peecù, gyai'e a history of-the Çqurt of CaI- shonld the ' de .se, we have not the smaiiest tieult but tiat ttcy wili forai a just"e - maie"Ilet? bis "ýpower" to cultirat6 tny' cone.eivabie amount oÇ..-wbiskers. \Ve wonid recommeud ail ih o cau, te reati the entire document, but ae thé sane, dîme, caution thein agmin-st pledginS thein- scivcs, for %ve arc asanreti(limai -mottier can- didaW villiishorti>' ofier bis services, i-lie, lu là !§ encouragement et? domenie menataures and "lgi f s .peeciiy" is incomparablysupe- rier te Mr. Gricrsou . liii addreiss iml pust- sibi>'. appear mn tIte next R.epcrtCr- A ýNEWLV -F UEIiAt1S Tthe i-Iole et? tic political platforma wçhieh have been Leced before the sov ereugn en- pie for the lasI hi-o yeerb, for tbeur rejectiOti Ior approval, notet crie xtscetairmei a çlank plank composeti ofgoo.d, su4 ~ngandl tougk aiîatcFnid, woutd be of more re-al beie- à i to the County tman ail Uic pelitheal pianLs ibat coulti be matie b>' tiiappointed,unuprin- cijilei polititciarits, fromn this titi deomnstia>. iib mmci paak i-e hutendtimakiug, witb the help eft? he peùite, longl strong., andi suifi- cienihî>' rxrd te Carry andl pa:sover ail par- ies et? ever>' climat, nation and political c om- plexion, a s eue great famit>', anti frce of c/arge, ant i viiilibe tistirsgrmisimed b>' net being tranelleil 'witli thc cu!tomar>' tilises, rates or TOILS; -andi as an carne«t of the 'commenrementet? ibis imprêvement, 5teps have aiready> been taken li tîs, Village for tie grai'elling, by contribution, uof the main road frein thte aîtern, limite -of Whitby -ta the Ronge, wbÉch wiiI ever atter remain, ýa free road.. Ail iho have travelied ibis roati in the spnîing anti fal, mviii mie question tlbe niteessit>' of this nuprovemmml, andtWI ii doubtless, readiy corne forwurd irith ativice anti assistace for the speeti> completion et' this undcrtakiig. Tiht preiminar>' arrange- meuxîs have been- ènte-r< iite, anti completed i-n spirit, andi from thfiitîduceirnunmis beid eut anti eceurag,,emnent gim'en ont ail sideï, wiîb eriergetic and i-eh direcleti means, SUC- ceuS5 is certain. Meetingys ilI horllybui helti in difféerent lecalities troEisgout the route, i hIis new cuterprise ili bcrmomre full y exptaiumed, anti aneppkontunit>' given ta aIl wiîin(g te a-,sin utUiccompletion oet iisI mmclidesireti objeci. PICCERNGFALL -,410W. Thé Piceriug Falit!hovandi Fait %ms hieiti t Nurwced; on Friday the 3rd ilit., aied' lie foiluwving; premnitmns 13usti Brt>od 2amd ditte'J lksit2 vear' tien against ils present abolishmet. u apemi the groundtiliati h haad miel up W that lime been lu operatien -a sufflciemt lenigt of (iew te givc il A-fair trial. LawIl efermalase engýragedbis attentiont, and bit dearly pelnt- ed out man>' greal advà îmtagiteUS changes thta coniti be mae in our cumbi-eU code et? legal pioceedînge. Durincg bis address, ite i-us frequenti'leîtl>'d cheered, anti if i-e take D)arlinzt6n andt ta meeting as a crm- tenion, bis retunfor the CounI>' otDurhamn hi. foirmei el, ând ýt princîples, in the bro stood by The IN a ilpecie.l or the bct held mesday bc disi tl i beyemmd deubl. coin Theelicsnents of -1 the IFeform Electers et? te To-m lps eof Clark and 1-hope," re- cou, spouded Wleb>' genîllenma (omathese Towti- etri sîips. Il &gricultural Interesti of Canada," beei repiiedtiteb y Mr. Colemn. " Cotmercial et?' CanadJa," answered by »Mr. JeD Ilunt'. and $6Mr. John Il. Ferry, the son ahig et? a frieritioftCaniada and tme Refera elee- toms efthfe Tird Rin"follied inlaqnick of succession. Nîr. i7erry, ini a shiort andi cen- on' cise speech, reviewcd a feu- eof the votes of a it the Weëpresecniative et? Durbam tduring ltme the lasI Pariianfienî, wi-bld appeared tw hé re- 1y ceiveti i-thmarked satisfaction by the aui"'th A bumper le lime worty hydaraùn Mwbfch commar npeiticr ncert in emiag tii ,ta ftte< Tickets b>' bin, calling fer united anma tieni ai the cong oConteit, finis of the agu-eeable procccdimmgs. 'i Platforai %vas disciussed s sixmilar ttos cativocutti b> si-e censtitulienai Reformer' Ince, but %with un -addtional, nothinéf more uer Iess than a dh the Unimn. This new plank sien,and avote iteitîglaken re ir -ie fo=a to e ho oui twù o pposers. TOiRONTO RAILROAD CflLEBR.À- TION. Wedmiesay w"a a great day inm Toreuite, Tht stores i-erc neari>' ail shutduruing the~ day, anti about 12 o'cieck lime mmasses begaitn to galber in the atiglhbe-hootiof the Cil) Hall fer tise pxrpoee of doiag imomor ,to, an eventhIat willplacé Toronmto on,a par wil Americami Citiaes andl addatalcuiabiy lc her future greatmese. The Sons of Teu. perance madiae a grand dîspluy ns well a3tbe jdifférent other Societie. The f*liowieg h the-erder of prucesshxi as il marcetmd thmiougm tic severat sýtreaxs 5 tte frontlof the Pariâtment 13ulidiwmIslte place Chasm jfor hieir roumuf. 1 1 27 2 in, m 1 Linton) l'm.