Ontario Reporter, 25 Oct 1851, p. 2

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nar a- dwi bù ebôI1systeut 0 püwe4t e thse COMaIn ýhs hae produced lb âffy belsold la Amer r th dilfertace is mc W. couintry. We =s the tme banka of th -d la mow begl'sno a ulsoit emaps >f Dôwn4s-treet; c ey 30, it wiUrivaI th s thse soutberm shoret a livies ths eenltorît Mp et, ber E.psblics wto thee sseubus h; -i vreigist Upon tsel w York. bus beeh»n a mgIad ;bsutCanadla . Ha lIadis as fe just et fit for thse pu agrt as ihose of Ne ok the commoaSi em w ud ftie Gover hiw ti te teri tret haie boraeaira ) bau iassed trou -ai ,ZÀwreac. výth tis al be'sitratinaq dll tM &0 sinilar, and b ktoi misat eu sueb âwabiedThse rem twi r.Iite ua btcemau ww-aba iiebs t, a 00 h o=- pee$ wiand ofpopei anad vigç 0 yn> 4ufree la àe onte province tht C c'S"tr or their 0e &Pot ti a ta e-mb ai' h se. 10 Comad.outei dia ant t elmt is 1 awh# ancharetrethe Thrêowg is mel uli atenios, and,1ibhlaneofbas -g st rinJor see toand ofort, a1dthtý *~ ~ ~~O Capiitlasrnieis e t~ rxn;ieà À tter +it towb l.andwevie verinte liccesai " tte cfent o h at dber CppulhF-coL- to-ba rojïel ofa ".A e fbotfis api ated fiit ~JbnutokpIsui hae m~net bd ay oleasure, w May s aeshot itae nl tic t he, Catar;aipîi bisê.tSn tht 1>itUiir -scod tA a i 'nron thne Cl en i r1 th hc t~lea Feîhn u lo kcc>o<e î si in Ofice s establiimrt 4kjenra til 0 £ usiltSN i f te~ l'ù ostione took af t d - àfid UIr sWlad 1w ho i and îthe t C vniigba ah 411 i tVt'tî oct %nr Une nithh;.(Wneu behrgui ît a sge NiItib whîskers'c ndn bhma fd î.io tialt1 ofr liha bersat mt IV wof e n s:ck;i t~ The 'N wblsled, aib î0 utiîoù ruuî fra trip. and wmli irt e" tion t our t' wliienat ur rolied01,hirn t a gl i howta uetBr ie theout 40u e- qie. A the -kîg biait e le for, a , Fdtrew him mb h -esathe ()Iâher leqi a-m t priali.nr# lt vialrl r- biesswiner ws sIl icî,ndaferlyî Di ;heree for morne ithClt pnoulr aiw i. ledonti. i o ot ear d sie o;s vaiskerspcaoti Frt, hm andwa asomisued da s nurea¶îeîdd<.li- e tho' thit Iedand ut(i glisewhrla de of rt,su aliisnr;sriinoe)theoalr maronteryiu cldasigo Ilrnany ofiem. rmwe the ~ oet t rb"mrai(tsaou ha ab ney.Ars r-n th is ay's iupr î t eeunfo b. pos an r ig nto thecînn ni i tr-d mer or ters in the iiity. '1'h' ther lengift hi tpe ii ir AllaMis acî JQ- the wbes tint nil,r fer ililtî ea tharfscre n o'tmpinio n taietance LsU tisa; ot, a cnallervatnùsdr iit ase nt- walc ut, mdtie Fort, papheboe whade- cM the thia at uili is tcse, as hat de- wot flue, s ors ulypvthn bd o thsui 10W ~d whomh e, tu d acks eamuut uant 05 in mons tr-aN A lieteormerani. I bW veryn iath at if tise elecor oti Md o- Rettormterentu2ilestris ulla 1ilen om Hoe,-Ild utli teiÃŽr 11iioea-fo ,w i er fÃ"ebthe Cot yflig wio.tllt gre et sjyc ie electors. tie ther orAlln Moit1b r, a acaor eligion 1 lgrýoua d» oitiance. ietD tla a be ysd vi rin tan pen- feurt, h and tsry paipe; mrebade . ýpn g*ivo L tit ueorn ss .eh «ti tamp ies Athat4en W or thi'nk il preplosterusa, nd If a Rvt dc- tn candidaeis brtiîght forward, eve Sry tian who calte himnsef a tl"turrner Op- will sisltify himeeif lie dwiot sup.oî Ù11 port h u filet 1hOýwul1 liqve renouuu eîcdthle party. Wbie, the- Jleforatcrs eted. are aeîys etigaged lu <mLi the rural S'e'districts, anirkissg arrailgomncntsfor- tJie ~u-securing oftahe triumpli-of their prits la 1 pies, H=siltou-iiheuld not leep. Lel IFut uuahave a fîitcoateet to daoide tle4ue The d hw ecm ufrmdatise I k. e1 'imiter, 1db in tis broo i n » isd- liebl ladlrds site uthe sttn fro i l bir el leopue tt dorasd etned &Uo17e Mdar, wee e' foîdlieof dee1sedJCmof yagii#va b *kImd cllg etOh tw ry ave-khed m e ui bas thWt.ee-si imtesoerromd taI th cesdad bee -taWbe*,au-tmîûàplaces. Tht mue ad mmd vt et n tthewar-ncese, wllthe:tdea ainhch f the mvemmd ansecon tainhes Ah Iadoew mdusÇifad' oue lnfe h adodIn eie e Cminuord indthean ere onsittegd a f Oeshdte : Guo 10 take th-eii t bc ba, eextsie.-HWtilton Gee._____ney TOW4NSIIFP'0F REAC. 'TOWNSHIP MEETtNGwill be beld in 'h'own Hall nt Mari- ehesicr in lté sid Tuwoinshi "on 'ir1UESDANY flie 2Eth inet., at-tit bout ofÇ EMLMXES tlck hte (orcîlon for hiC'4î,ivî tiuî n i lie hoWlrIn ai tn l' ' ih ttVillage tif Uler:ýdgt,. un ij<l,gtidaytdie 30tli tif Oeîbtu rjît.wh' lhe Cttltii.'eninwjl ii.îuiîi~tllte àfit anid j ir ji r l o ii resecit thle F. iiirfi Rýidll ifu di theCoitty uJ York ili tht- ]Dr. ]David >&uçkcr, GasaAxrTa IsNMlzici£os& &am'TsN:Try' COLLZE, DuistAiw, Pistrt YS .z$Kzon, AND Accoecuzumt, j Orwood, Oct. 23th, 1851. 28-iy WANTED AN A tive Isttitiig'en man ih travel in the Townýships of RzA'cn. Bltcx end TiîomAH, oa buneJhat is rriponsbleandvTemunierative. Apply At the. ofloe of tht. paper, if by Leiter, Poil Whtby October 251h, 181. 28. '1HE1'ELFTl IdLon NMeeting of thiîî $oWtv fot the <ispisal by Tender'o! Oz0 Rhare of si)Pyuti4.,whob.bed AT4N.» 8CR WTU)t,?%%8I." on ONDAY Evening. By Oider. JOHN MANI PRERY. Whliy..Qci#ber 201h, 1851. Blasik Deeda & Meinotiala for sale at th:u Offlce. 'fH E RE PORIlT ER. - >EW' CABINET. Tht construction ai a ilei Cabinet husata Iegltieen efftetid. T1he iolioking gen- tie enm understand b>' thse EXzm",cry have aceptcd seuls Mr. Uinck-lnpertor General. Mr. M.orris-Post-Masmter Gecral. .Mr'. Rolpis-Conmissioîner of Crown Landi Mï .Caméro-Chatrnt of Commit- teecof Counectl Mr.Rihd-M rnîiGnrl Tiselion. îMr. Ross-&ulicitor Gencral, without a seat in bise Cabinet.- lu tht Lo*erCÇanada-section of bise Cabs- met me bave une>doubî Mer. Marin -mli bc provincial Secrt4; Mv. Druinmond At- tonney Genïerl, imml Me. Tate éReceiver G;eeraL Two other gnlee iii -bave ta he addedf, misose nmres have mot yet remebed* us, but bhcy mili undoubiedly cor- respond ta 'the otisers in thse liberahity -et tlicir poitical sentimnents. ELECTION INTELL IGENCE. Mr. lliscks, as received tise noia taU9 et tise Oxford Convemtioup, -b>'a vote ot :25 te 15, on the condition et bis subiscrisimg t the phatfamns lad -dowab>'tise delegètes, mlîich compris e eer>meassre l.hat* bbe country' demantis, nad mniti sut se une- quivocallyý, carritd eut by an>' Grovernnment. limvlmg tht Pcopl's confidence. Sýould MeI. Hineks mot acquiesce ia tii, or decl'u el thse affer ofthtie delegation, Mr. &catchard 'et Nlssouri, miii he tise candldato, Thse Waterloo Conventionanonated Mr. Fergssso,,by 22, 10.. Several ote sauteA mire »ittmed.but. witWrmn .W psyauctrick U "umwt deféat refonn astu encies, and ecuro trn à.pro-re - viets. Iti weilYthe r, fo to he un their guaN.,ýeJ6 Ilaton, itf"I bemsen that tht reformersa are determjned on makiag su effort te plc-etthe stereotyped RepTesntutie of icty 9ou the shelf, and return a progressîist in bis stead, and thsfrtowned cofidently expected wil be cî wne"ýiscceis. In fact,, in every part of the Province the- cause of relorni and retrencisment appears most prospero us md cheering. lb bas uow 1:becoin a malter ai Senrisa enquir>', mi> hah be tht candidate foritùis important Comsituency mIt t ensuimg edec- ias 1 WVe quote. thet fqllowiug frein aur aeigbboum, bise Bolvmafnvfflc Uc,«Ong&r, wihout note or commxen t.W'c Mny>j. hu- ever, remark tIsat Mr. J. 1. Pcrry's naîne 1 bas been wîdel>' and stro4ily umgcd in mari> quarters as tht mstI proMr persn on1 repre- sent us in Parliamenl. froi the be'avy inter- est he bas la the country; as well as tram bis tborough knawltdge af tht wants and îrish-1 es ai thse people among whmis ile bas been brougbt up. mmnd mitis irose sentiments hi6 feelings are identiied; but me lhavc ail alon-L ayoidtd mluding to thc subject from taie na- ture of the position wc occupy tomards hlm, as aur ca-proprieter. There la now, how- ct-ar, an immedimbe netessit> for saine steps eigtalcen. A newr Ministry ia now in power, the ieading members of wbich accptj cd office oni>' uth the a.'seut cil tht late Mr- Perry ta the Union,mand mmibiras abtaineti on bis sick bed, slîartly berore bis rntoyal te Saratog,,a. by tht lion. MaWcolm Camer- on and ses tirai other gvnt-Ietnen who waited onu bu for tisaI pupose. iT bis Minktisîl, therefare, bawet on tht great principle'. wmicl formedth Ie leading Ic.atures of the' liste larnented Mm1. Pcnmy's long andi ardent ptiShic lufe, mnd surrounded as il is b>' many man>' enemies, wiii require the slrang sup- port of the people ai. the polils. Froni tisu arase thse desire on bhc part aif4ene f aur maot n lguential reformers ta tesnd Imoîn tisis Ridieg, one mita is acquaisîted misis tisa poiicy,-ad misa mould yield i ittaI support. Dr. Ralpis, mIsa ias been mc long tise co- Iborer of tise lather, wosilt rejaiet in tise Supsport of thse sonisnj carrying eut those eonms -Which haveé been sa dear te tise peo- ple for thie lasI fîlteeti. years anti more, andi ed by tise bm-acher> oft tisir reprcs.ntatives. To effeet thse realization of tbcse pninciples mitb are. nom an thtec-rt of being tririn- phant, aumit>'of action, for the sake of the Party,. wiîi be nececsry; and <o secure tisat unit>', sueh a persan shanîti be brongbt for- mard as la aupposeti ta comnen thebbcconfi- dence ot tise Part>' gemeral>le is içRiding., Tise eonservatiîes are coming out il h ter candidate, Col. Thomisn, irbo la Weil knomn in thteR.idimg, mný misa is mare dasigereus. irom tht lad of his callinw bimieli a refarm- er-the tisual trop in diicult cases. Thse Froin te Bowmanville Meaienger THE THIRD'RIDING 0F YORK 1W4' e nt fronMthtie OntaHro Repoýr Exýtra, ihtioý r g isg 1va seêlé! t Nor- -wood. on Satsîrd,,t for hIe ptrposeoàfnr. runging preliiinurit's fir tttu ui- vrgrnizftiOti of tise R'-ft.îrm irty i'if ilit Third Ridtîsg. in vîeif- t heCise Gencmo: Electiun'. A;resolistion mas'pased tv bise;effbrt, bat it wibe thuy ofthecte. formrs (f bise Third Riding to consider amdadopt such a course of action a s wiauld beat promote and insire unity lu tie, pRrty Thut Towns.hip tueetings fbetid e cIdin every Townrship it the Riding, at which five IDelegatea salI ýbeîsp poimted hy thse Reformera of lte respect ive tfjetislil*s,and that whem ci1sasen, thcy shalh meet aItIhe village ofvrbnea, nte sielctcnisda rNprenient t Rdsegluct ise meia !pamest te dn ntenx We received a communication'1 un inflututial gentleman~ ia( .Wl, 't i . Mest Whltby Fan! 8liow On Wednesday last, thte aIl Show ai bhis- To 1wn'ship t oOn lce intieVlaeo 0 .shawa, andl was tht largest aîîd best attend- ed', ai fanytIa precelded it. In tise after- nonn a large party sat down 10 di ner nt the 041awa IjO#Iee-which la s1,eken of as ne-5 îýjji,- tht 'le.'.a t-ht on thet worthy host. 'The entertÀintiet wtis acciaîpanied by the sisual toyit-to*sts and responn" e,îsm' and bearty gôodcsýer. Tise tlawsart the prîmes warded:: CLe.s Ist.--she>of aflyBreed. Besl mged PRam, John Cade, 1 0 O '2nd " < DO. do. 0 15 0 " 3.dDo. do. O 5 O l3Best Pen 3 EeJ Seph Plierson, O 1-5 0 2nl " John Cade, O 10 O 3Ird " " James 'rieedie O 5 O l3esl Ram Lamb, John Cade,' O 15 O. 2nd 66 " Do. do. -0 10 0 3rd 94 " Do'.-do. O 5 O CLAns 2nd.-4ýFiiu' Woe>led Sheep, includ- ing Southt Dosamn Amierinoca. Bl Il-am of any age, Jno.-Spencr,O0 15 0 2nd" " D~O. do. O 10 0 3rd D o. do. -O0S5O Bet Pen of 3 Ewes làa. do. 0 15 O Qnd" DO. do;. 0O110 0 3rd" " Do. do. 0 5 0 Be!tFat Sheep Jas. Pierson 0 15 0 2nd -' dé John Cade O 10 0 3rd là" John Cade O 5 0 CLA&ss 3td.-Catle. Be-s t lBeast, Wm Bisisop-I O 0 -Imd " 4" Do. do. 0 10 0 I. rd " JohinCade O à O [lest Bull Calf Do. do. 1i0O0' 2nd " i J-EAI-abinson O 5 0 lAeât liier Caîf, %Vm. Dosv 1 0 0 Ind di" Jas. 1Pierson, O 10 '0 CLAss h-Siw i;ndÇ . lais 'erso, O1,,0 0- Jrd " James Mi 'tchell, O0S5(i 9nd 0 Ts~b[lro, O10 0 3rd ' S. BRoberts, O S 0 3cît îlo-se Colt,.f~îmes %lackie, 1 O ù -2nd - à& - C 0u , (t10 V 3,-d dé *64 0 Nà.i-, S( ,kst Mare Colt, John Wi4ao, i1O0 .ntd " " John IieaIop, O 10 O 3rd " " Josepb Piaèrson,O0 5 O Ct.ass 6.--Darij ry o duce.- Ilest Cie,201b., JaceoWsC ronk, 0 15 0 Quîd 64" DO deo 010 0 t3est Butter, g5lbs,., Wm. Garfat. O 15. 0 -2-nd u64 1 'U'.'tsê&tmnO10 O :3rd -' di Jno.$pencer, 0 O O CLA&ss 7.--Rota. Bilct & Acre Turaipa, Dr.J1?ott, O 15 e 2nd " *4 John Cade, 0 10 0 3rd" " Jos.iNaekey, O 5 0 B3est "M.Wurtzie,Dr.J-Foote, O 13 0 2nd - d, di John Cadie, 010,O 3rd" " John litsom,'O 5' 0 let "Carrots, lo1mCadie, O 15 0 " n ' B. :B.odgers, O 10 O 3rd " " John ll4ason, O 5 0 CLAnSS 8h.-Domestic-,MAanafacturus. 13eât Piecellome) Made FulîCIits, .J.C.Bowerman,0 15 -0 20 yards, -.2nd 44 à6' J. Tamulmnu, O 10 0 3rd t J.C.lbawermanQ àS-Q l3est pieccllome) Matie Phannel, J. Tonilinson, O 15 O 20 yrs 2nd 4u4t J.C.iwermmO 10 0 ýDo do .0 5 0O iltîCor~vlt, 1-enry Coller, 0 15 0 nd " Lia do 0 10 0 ~wmt ~peiîseu J Wefington,O0 15 îû C'abinet WVarce.) 2nd" 46 Do do 0 10 .0 3n" " Do do O 5 O Bentpr.Coarse Boots, W .Mcl3iren,Q 10 0 Best"-6Fine dé Do do 0 15 O -2n4 il t' 69Do do 0"10 O J3est dozi Table Apples,.A.Miaeon O0 5 O 2nd dé il Do do 0-2 6 litat doz. Table Pears,'. Riton, 0I 5 0 liest dé Winter dé Do do O0S5(0 Bcaî 4 bush, Ossion, Tisa.Masei, o« 5 0 f 2nd ' t Wm.otbO0'ý2 6 Best dem. Oulmbagie, J. Corbett, -O 5 0J >j c Olof Painting. Me.G. ~ lud " ;t Ms srd di Miss Spalding, CheniIle Flower, Msss 3p.,,* i 9 cretionary Frize. Miss Spalding, piseretîonarY Fie 3: f. 13 r' fi fi ai j r it Il d i5- alto Fro t Prize, James F orresî, 1I 0 O md - U - -Bfour, o I5 o l- s o at'l' Vou ngz t 3rd < rvnlr Front oir EX TRA/ of Saturdqy last. aLroaUpERB AwAZft!! Nveeoslty of Umity ii4 At a meeting bcld this day nt ?'o0ioode r the purpose :of arrmngissg prcliluinais r the tlsorough argassization of the Re- ,rm party oai tise ThirdlIiding, in view of 1ie Generadl-llectlat, Goent.:? ECKAILDT, rsq. in tht Chair -and, J.- Il. Peau>' being eque>ted ta act as'Secretar>', the folloiw- ig resolition pasaed umaninsouslyt Bebolved,-Tbat' in vitir ol the ap- pramcbMinggeneral EleCelon, il hecomeb the [îry of tlie.efersrof thse 'Tird Riding, to consider mund adopt such a cour>e cf mc- tion as, wil beat prpmote and imaure unity in tise pas-t>'. Titis meeting la therefore of lie 'opinion, and would reapectlully recoin-, nend that, Township, Meeetingi lie lield in the sevýeral 'rnship.s .of the Riding, ai whicli there shahi be five Delegates appoint- ed by tîht Reformers -af the respective 'rommhip..and tisat such delegates, iren chasen, eshail meet ut tht village of Brough- amt osa the first Thumsday in Noîember next, at 1*2 o'cockl, neon, there and thesi te pro- reed to select a Candidate to reprçe"nt tise Third Ri.ling in thse nest Pa-iamnenb. Felsd-Tbrat the Ontario Reporter. Cr/tife. Ea iner rnth.,mer»Cicanand O.sI14ziflornmer, lie- requested te puhuiîih îieaoept'oceediîties. GODLCP ECKAIIDT, Chairman, àlIews oif thet Week. t'ovixljî me'tu.Sicii î uit l tuwxnshîi uf Ibis Riliiig (im Snttirdsav the first ut November tîcît, tueclîccat, Dele-guies fo4r tIhe Convetion Ib lie ld in[ut 3oight n itthe firat Tutesday iu andmg thrÉï saQnd tsem i1 rand thegitii ltan git isel winiî - tiseî omp an>li t Comanoithe te wakithnt tis hveadstae lI aulstroga I w.Trisan o ry. The Amp ,inite. Tp tormed injte Thse Glo/i-risitig like mueroury Iin pers the Sun, in tise estinmtioa cf tories. Se havi vulusable an nizilnry i. eagerly grîsapeti ut by tht dying compact as a mneama ofbe #preading di!ïtteion among reformcrs ut hisi the coni g stnug glt, btit wont do; lthe oI sent effiîrs cf tise Globe iii tht preset t ri- -r ni, ttscflsh andi eosteusptable, and Bali wiul hbe sjnirned l'hy ever>' humezt refor- thy. Mm.J4M&SJnFRzNsox, Osîr worthy ml Vilige Barber, Jis oti with ans Acdrem Ko, to thse ecectors of tise né-w Counity of On. Lac larso mn Oplxiition 10 lthe m-wrtby Vil- l lage-a eiitiem an cîUlshaw , M r. G. Rl. ton Gaimiasoex. ,'Ms Jc'ffersea, wili coulest M. tise CuîîstY gicle hy side iih ML Gritr- S% ~"I, nhe ix fifly s.îîiafi-c4 fron thebc-d- A ttîr li'î,j"ît.îîti. iîbîn 1h11tutrtmt(..eh Iy1 îîtI lTh- eroniwdoid 'tîWr 4 elttrt'ba dness bt en, biiu; utS mn i - bat! nc-xl Tb week & hm office. -- w J.mos-r yL:snI.-The, proceeda of 4.ii lmdy's finI concert iun- Totitonto, afierjtu, dcducting -exjcns, we, are imfarmed, ' amounied tu firt huudred Potndi. 44JDt ercîu 01'J,. ftat ta tise Austrian ilii will lie apparl shall bave iausded et ,f Enind. I-lad )t't lie uiev-er Iltduî lie- tou -the tionpriU1 relu s.dding ttli plit rnmrtyrdon. <The during tihe peu ylea mihethier mchisiati iht sublime Forte il orebas een Rdich',thei lin is-wlai tiose eiit o doe ware t of doha h renr tantthe ai i sponduîc of t vpours 10 prô certn all Cestainan mte fluteitis md Sisteenan Schdrastzeud forts pr o surnpret of lispLd to se Imâae poei tis p iii? I i3 shrt!> Publie ]m4ai pue Edui 1 Gachol f ihs of. ni an .CSiut mm thýth trand inth t ia ana terMosti CI Clyd id of -1 1

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