Ontario Reporter, 25 Oct 1851, p. 4

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na !~etet. for tli -e brban thwn 'ÉM mheso ous,14 os l th"swsll M UnusW ats. T me "aswere Wolf us. in use esud upwss 1 'Y o wWe m n a aIwoi edibe SSSate.oF« rdinq' m!ode of cas-p wMevr Le r.quimred, as -au' in addition t. ià power bous is stated1 cing four times tise qa ueeor tilue aseouldi dloou. As mey Co wsaing as ms the os-m ets, suditise spetime aforuu, , utiout e"c tnd regulsr in thse tdme I efteuy anticipaIA f lisp awsrdof.prizi 4 in the castre of t Wum r s ttiseCeune md statisg tise gvu T EX P LOS-1-0 0 8 S -F L IF James Jackson, C a ber do*nward tri ) Caira,hevlla 1paMengets, toucla von lime *Ilae rot rosclod tho lover ei M thse boilers, expblod Lad dests-uclwsaine th@~ sutlirtfs ies hthe tey Ibinki ilor £TtAQDnAat rSvicn>.--Theie hou à noyès beon romarkeso 0ma'iy suddcn th deatheansd suicides in Pari. md in ütise go , uburbe ns vitisin the laut few day.. Kh T~hefollowing-in one -of th e textra- Sosdnary cases of suicide : "sTie body Sof à younn man wus discovered fluting in the. Seine, sear St. -Cloud, on -Fri- day lat-4heS coqe appemred Io bave -iýemaiid smre'day. in the '(ater. The, nd deoeased appeaed tu 'have been about 0. 25 ypars oF age, and tb have belonged be to thishg es-closi.of soiety. !His-fea- *tures -Were bandiome. h is ha ir brown, Sandhi. beard long and black. His lin- ,r on vas of the. inest q:îalit-,, and his *._ other clothing made in lhe laIest fash- eh ion. AÀm#mltgluss bottecorked and pe sesied, was suipended (rom i.i neck, et ini wlich, was a Paper, containing lte ad following words in. writing-. 'I1arnt bis about lu die! . . youing, it is triuc! to -nd if my body b. 'niscovered a coin- t. plaint may penitapsWle made. Thîs 1 b. do nul ws.."* Ait anget cppebred Lu g. me in a dream, who sait! lu me I1nan .tiseGonjus of Frace... ral bk;,ud ,.circulates lu yurein ; biut befone yoiî - ocnpy lise sovercign power, whlai td Partit> are dilipuing in France, you inuit go to we.tise Eternal Sovoreign [t t,,ail thingi. .. God ! . . die. Let the waters of tise'Seine swuilow yunnr Sbody. Fear not, you shrail revive when the hour ut your triumph sulilihave êtîbicli ! have -spoken V anld lte an - <~gel disappearcd. I have ncowpligled ..,!iii dm>esr.- But 1Iclave titis writin-g in case the celestial envoy rnay have deceived nme. 1 prayîn th ito.trney G-anetal of lte Republic lu jrmsctite yhi:.-FUTuRt KrIqGc or iA- c. Tite body lias nul been clainsed, and tii. police outhoritîes have insgiuted an ap. ituquiry tu discover bis family. ced an- 'nd led V4- u or asc"rtain tise tion or bman 1lite, ed condition ut tise" ev who -have been~ Iful vreck,tlIlons brland Vallev, *ns mtid ufthels.James diuaser açSurred;- ned backo and len- ce. inl er powpr te irons. Touo nioci asded toiser gentte- -h an ~ crew. id sd ie4 sdaervice ers, sand cenveyiug myufolisera havé t. bons., sud are .161 atttonlios.- IÛ, lotel-keeper tie son, viso lw* mbarked aboard kw miaules be. s-n their distan t ady vas instant- la son mortally iman, fs-cm Lomi. ich 5.adsaed ,e cannaI de tail m cabn-and nma- ~total wreck.-- athore by tise Wo givo below wowmnded as fatr preat a uiber ut never be tund op them de.d.- MtaininDg Papers, i tabai fs-u theii oued frontahe* aeo ud ansd Natchez, Miss Taxas: Dr Wm . Ms i.k, ses. yGemmzan and' NunubeofaIkit- k in the city ut bave basas cos-1 es vasai ta the. Acctuzrcr 0F Tfft PRINCEAL13ERT STEAMR.-Yeiterday morning tbis steam- er, on -ber way down from' Lapraîrie, rau lao a rock opposite the city, and saiik at tibows. It is eKpecWtetat sbe wiliI e goI off in a few dais. TÂ:ou.-Among the other curions chage whehthe bite English census re- ter7n hit, i. a Mafing off of a a third in thse number of working taiors. A yolifil witness wft8 on hua exam- instion in n court of justice The Iaw- yer Ewbo, by the bycg-had an unfurtu- nabo obliquity of vîxîon,1 wa, afxiQutuk have lte buy's answers dlrectly addres- *ect tu lte judge. Aiter a %vhilc Lthe Iearned counsel uaid, "Look at bis honor, as I do now, and felseat yotir ansewer."1 "Look ai yoù do,;ir! answered thie boy; 1I cn9t; doit, 'cause you .Nortkerit ( Ogdemurgk ) Railroad. ON Nsn &Wa ie Mn.20h,1851, Trains, manas MAtiL TRAIN. LzArts Odenbh me t 10 "elock, A.M. Aokatv Es t Roue's Point at 3 eooe, PMb. LxAvas Roaae'a Point at 9 1-2 u'clock, A.M. Aiativts t Qgdenstusrgb et 2W ock, P.M. --ro Stemurs;-, Ax&týz» at Rom*'.Point et midnight. Aatr.os t Oplensbarth-ut Il 1-2 o'elock. P.M. TheTr&sm(romi Oçdenib'gb caosseat Rbuse'o Point, with the. Raîlroad and, Steaman Lion rom Boston, New York, andMmtrt'al. Pasaogers 40 dlreetly (rom the. Caro on board tbêeStmbosts at Bmo'Point. (Nu charte for eouyme of Lwggfroui loo Io, t Cïrs, or fross s t o Boat.) ;rire fmmau w gesugb t. o treal,$3 00 " Bouton, 8$001 " Ne Yoik, 7 001 ýCHARLFES L. SCIiLATTER, SuosrlaUwd4t. Office of the Nothen Rail Road, Ogdnbrth, lune lôtis 1831. loir1. ONTARIO 10-IIAIN PUMAPFACTO>RYS TH SubserubersaRe Manufacluring - MAIN VVDW8, affi rv for psttinç inbo WELL. Thse PWff-Punp ls the bat, rbeapestand bnOs durable Paampn th ue .M, tbere àuno dlReslty eouaet.d wkth thso1ntemag upibut alway& ready. D tu' lsi~a skl ony cetiht yards *Id, cas pmpv oàsse. Jf.B..-TasPasaps s«M Cbaim saue&U manulac- tuLed b xmoM wka,*adroct Sp the veethse <55 May L.>bave boen, ora 19lk r, .>howlong standing T Prie, DO cent$ Pbst Dec. 7, Vaïrsapa rîua. ¶11Eý Sul%6ciber lias now on hand, a Qumnity or bis Celpbrated EXTR4CT Of 8JR84P4RILLI, in Quart Bottles. -GILBERT B. WEEKS. .Whltby, Ian. 25, 1851.- 41-tf. Blow, oh blow, y. heavealy breezes AIl amona the leaves end trees. Snt, oh sin , y* beavenly muses, Whilt 1 make your boots àndshoese."' TI RE ubsoiber begs to, acquaint his fiend s ad tbe public, tut b. bas commenced -tise abovc butinenin tierasl.Et end of the Wsisr CARRIAGE FACTORY BLocz, wbere ail Cus- k>jm Work wil bc done wisb neatnessfldli1y (andl tha's more titau Most Shoemakers eau say> andl despatcb. J. W. TILLOTSON. H.ALF-W AYHOUSE., ]ROUGE. VîIE Subscriber returne thiacks forthe liberal support since undertà king the bld stand (late Mns. WESLEY'$)> a: the ROUGEF,, and liope. by strict* attention te business te bc favored wilh a confinuance of the usual patronage. The Ilar ftinished wiîb choice liqurs,and bis Table welI uppled with the stzbstantials of Canada. Good Stablini and a s»sdy Ifosiler in mteM<ance, every acecnfmodation be make travelars coinfort- able* Stages dailyyte und from Toronto to King- #ton;,&c. le. ANDREW NOBLE. Star. fouse, Mareb 181 h, 185. 49 1--n I'ARD W ARE. 44, KING STREET, TORONTO. TgîHE Subscriber begs to inforrn hi8 e ustomers that beïs receiving his IUPMWxF uvooz or 1uoewaxz Dy various Vessei (rom sea, viz :-Lord George Bentick, Anne Cropper, St. Andrcw. Niagara, Catherine, Zhpyr, and several others irom ]lver- pool and Looeto; and in a few day3 be will bave, a complete uasrtment of ltcavy and Sheif Hard- ware ready for Satu, and at prices as Iow asany in tii. Trade. SToronto, May 22nd 1851. T.f If*r . COMMERCIAL HOTEL, VILLAGE 0F BORELIA. T~HE SUBSCRIBER returus tbaucks forlthe liberalsi spport bc bans receÃŽ- ved siice be comm-enced an tihe aid S*.and, (for- meriy kept by r . HUNTER), aI CRANDLEIS CORNERS, and isupes by otrict attention to bïuit- nusa to bc favored witis a coatirsuance of the pa- tronage hitherto conferred. Thec-Ut is funnisisca wi:tiih beat 4Lions, and thse Table supplîcal witb thse choiccat eatalles that can b. procureal. GÃ"OD STABLING, andl a s(3hy Huilier in attersdance, Every accommodation to, mais. Traveilers cous- tortâble. STAGE daily te, andl (romt Port I*Jitl- byg.$._a THOMAS GOREY. P -Crage in atteudauce on tise Boat. Borelia, lune, ft 1851. 8 3 ru. VALLABLE PROPERTY IN PICKEDING FOR SALBE 'fEING Ihe Front Ilalves'uf Lots -i'Nm 5 and 6, in tise Srd Conceesion. Apply ti E. BIRRZLL,N 7th CONCESSIO 2. - tf.. JEW.NY LIt4D IN WHITBY o B. BRYAN J{A A beniatelyapontedAgent, byth eMen nr sctemrst iedi-posal of severai ssew ptest vsweb w.e patented tlsree month# a k thebbcpize st tbe (ste NIAGARA FAIR, Hie bas on baud a genenai asortment "f; Tigiï. Air, Panlcntra4M Cookiug Sbaoe, Pota.h ILettes, Gs-d Irons, Dog Irons, Doon Serapens, Patent Cis- tenu Pum pa, k.., k.. The new pattruteal steve is miade en tise 1;D PRINCIPLE OF MKNG 2'HJ PLMTES VER Y TOUX;K sud tise tire plabe# arcse con-, stractea tisaItise fine caunot injure lisent. Tbi. stove i. tie.onue wbicb, ini :welyo niontbs, or as seon as il becomes generally known, famr n lI arcne aises- 'sr. Tise sdvatqe itpossesses of taking in s long stick ofwood, andisnvilig s arge sand ceasem oaven, hodiug two liera ef bresdpans, aud hein« noteed for an .xellentl bakmgpos-eu, are tas supe- WALKER & HIJTCýHIN-SONM WHOLESALE & RETAIL Clot hiers, Otfitter8 an-d SION or Hai»z GoLexKN-Lion, 26, KING STIME? Eà»ýt Towr enrlDry Goods MerchantS, Slow or TffS GoLDZIS Lins, 26, rING STaZtr EAsyToietor flEG lu unform. lhée renders of the fWhitby Reporter, and ptublic generally, that JLthey have compieted iheir rail importations ut Staple and Fancy Dry Goud*,wbieh having been aclecteal (rom the beaft Stocks ina Foreign Markets, anal purchased for CASH, will b. f.und, sapon ex- amîramion, ransurpassed ina ihis City, for qualîty, style sudi cheapis. Au nInspection is llwt.d. REA» THE FOLLOWING Bllack Orleans Cbftb Irom 0 8 pr. yd. Colotared I l i Black' Cobuurg "0 10" Colorrof l 1 1-2yd wide" t 9 Xuilin DeLaines "0O 1b Pintâ lyd. wide " 5 Hoyle,§ " " IlO07 1 fil Ginfiams (Heavy)" 0 8 I)ark Sable Boa# , 3 6 Grey Squiurel" 2 6- Stone Marin" 15 O Mink id "40 9 white Cottons Grey dé 1 yd* di " Ameri "Sbeeting 2 ) Bed Tick Brown Hoiiand Gala Phaial Park Sable Mlugf- Grey 5Sqrairre Il Stone lMartixi 'E MYini' di -Tos-elher witb an excellent Stock Of Fasbionable DRESS GOODS, correlporiding pieca. .iIIso, 1,000 Wool Scarf Shawels, worhy- of no Damask Mo-cen, Broad Clutho cassimeres (Plan & Faney) Doeskins d" d TIweeds doE Pilot Clotho E' di Beaver IE dE ,Moleskine Vestings in Woollen, Sit, Worsted. front O 3 pr. yd. ican" 0 4 ci. 0 q a' O 4 1-2" 0 O7 1-2"I 0 O71-21, i' 3 9 id 40 0 id 37 6 Silks, Gloves, Ilosieny, &c, at vtice. Watered, and Carpets, Drugg-ils, 8fc. E&c. of elegant i-atterns. lu their- Wollen Depariment art (rom 5 0 Wtitopy C:otbu "3 6 jLlnnakin 3 6 Mohair " 2 3 A nerican Satinette 4 6 iCausadian 1" "6 6 l eE Clotho, 1 31 Corda I llaid, Swansdon', H air Pluihes. Ironta6 E'7 "2 E'3 Tkey would call particular attention to t/aeir assFortment of CL0TU IN G,- The whoie of wbich beinc made u p under bber own inspection, by the beit of workmen, aire not eqiaalled în Cenada, for style of culting, quatiiy of workmanship and material, snd generai puitable- ness to thse wants of thec peuple. Parties about to purchase Co"d in tuis lin. msy d"pzy bon dean for tieit wistisîl if tbey buy before looking over W. & 1'o Stoek,amiong which is al e féourn: Grey Over Coati Flushing Pilot di Be-a'ei d Fine Lionsitin Whitney Fine Taggs Fd rocits' (rom 17 "30 "22 "-30 Fine shootin; Conta "FancyDtoe Pants 'Satinett "Tweed E Blackt Satin Vesta, Fancy Il 44 il Toitinet E Blacit Plu3h 4' E'25 O0 'E 7 'E 5 9 a' 4 6 E'lJ 3 Boys' Clthi ngin grcat vaniely. Paris Velvel-napHats, Fur& Ç CliMas&.c. &.c Garments made to measure and warranieL topfi. lnlFarmera sud othecn#reâ4ing in tise country, anal not arquainted"witis bricks practiseit on stran- gara. by many dealers. would lb well to cati at Ibis establishment, aa tisey have but one straigist for- ward mode ofioig bnsiùsessj Amosg thein ridles are bise tolluwing - -M~O SECOND PRICE, AlilGarmnents not mitin;, ecagd Al Garments wanranted not te aiinink or ispot witis tain. A 1 pec Go ns, cut in tie usuai leagts, exciangei. BURIGESS-&LISM~ L rnr ing 4- Church streetq, joiing te Cort Houe, HAVE ON HIAND- Torontoi - Tise Largest. tise Cheapeat, and the Best Assortment o Rea<lyv?lade Clotldng iand Dry Goor1s IN CANADA. WEST. CLOTHS, Cassimeres, Vestings, and Generni Dry Gouds, Impcrted direct froni, CBrilain by Q-urselves. Garments madle $o order of every description. PARS, ONDNA" NEW YORK TASHIONS RECXIVEI> MONTHLY The most approved style adopted. RE&A»y m»IA DII ÇL'O-T E1N G. Do Chedk'd do do Do -do Molesiin do DoNBlack A.paa do 1 Do Rasel Cor . do 1 DoPnîncees L'ud do 1 Do Gambronu do 1 Du Tweed do "- Do uolCltis do " Do Casime-re JO 1 DoiQil'd Wateî ?ront do 1 BaNo 'sBown LUnen do<li UoCbeck'd inen- do dE Do ,do bMoleakin ,do EE Do Fiuey Tweed do iE Do Alpaca do 'Do Ruiel Cbrd do White Sbirts. Liatais roïts, E Sttsped do E Men's Moleskias Trouser, (sou DO inen Onru do I Do Cbsàek'd Dy"Ld Do Twmed do Do csssiaue e de Do Dm.1Uiï o- PôD eks n do Do Satinett do Du tore do Do Caainetl do Carpel Bage, Umbrselhm., Stc MIS PARIS sAi 10 eO 12 6 l3, 9 10 O 17 6 30 0 17 6ý 12 6 4 41-2 70 4 41-2 2 6 , 6- 3 300 5-0 Ny'sDrill do ofancy do DO Drab Moisisin do Do Cbedk.d do do Do P»ukin doe Do Caesmere dle Real-FlunW lShirts, ~tzdrShirts sud Dimwers, MnsBlacks Clotis Veate, DO Black Satin do Do poney satin do Do Hollïod do Do Faocy -do Do Vel vit do Do Plush do Do Mars-eles do Do Baatlsca -do Do -Caaius.e do Do0 Tweade -do Bo' Fancy du Do Satin'. do EE 4 (0 5E 0 'E 4 fs-oui 'E 5 E' 5 E4 3 'E 4 4 1-2 3 'E 5 'E E' C 32-Y d'% di t Wi mANFfACTURER 0F S$ME, N'> IIARNESS LEATHER, e Cash pafdfo Hides anti Ms*, WAat, Oats, Pots an-d Pearli 4,6*' wbatby village, 7[h lune, 1850. Excellent accommodations for travelleu. G@ Stablinat for fofl i CALEX. PRi'NGLE. WHITBY, VILLA4GE, Alodei bpilin19, 1850e- etied Daiingtlave Bond ead, or oead ooÇIFT R, -wealbetcr n onTOONO,5 Will leave RM E oTRITci lingatthée above Pots.(Weatber peitittn.iceiy Monday. Wednesday, anal Fraday ffmnu, at 9 awIThio i tise sioTzsT, anSI<T5T bd caizapZjcrube to jNew -York. Time trou To- ronto to New York. forty. bouni. Royal Mlail Steam-Pa'-kit Office,? Toronto,;*May1, 1851, ~49-y. WANTED. ~Ninteffigel.tt active YÃ"ting Man, te act as Agent for thse Repoter, to whoas a li- beraiencouraemfnrt wurald be affordeal on applica- tion, if by letter puet paid. Whitby, 111h iuiy, 1851. TER TH ! TÊETH!! TEE THJ! REJMt0OV dL. U G1ON »ENIs'r RA emuted btis OFFICE fruni tise OsH 1w 0 l3oE, ib th. crner et King & Sitmcoe St , oven Mnr James Laing's STORE. Entrance on Simco. St. OFFICE houts (romn 10 A.M, to 6 P.M.. N -MIWEN wMl continue bis visitslta te WAVERLY BOM EBowsmVille, Ouathse FIRST MOI'DAY in <ach monts, andl 1.155 f durinq be wrek. Osbawa,,j ay 12, 1851. 1 3-lT WUITDT, yGC. W. L. ILSCHOFIELD & Coit IMPORITEES 4OF BRITI H EANUTAGTURIC8, WIIOLESI>E UIN'MAIL. DO3IESTIC ou8t st.eelne FOR SALE, gocn al BoHy bcst Caat Steel, expre Tormobo.Jane 7tb SU3SCI Teavn; in Store,I CERIEIS, crpii wisich they are epabi geon. termzas te tlaeisC genualiy. 1 FR1 270 packages Younq extra fine, 6(0 package* Twanl 25 roxesGunpo wd, 4b bs;s vYsuperi 60 bags Rio* 18 bac#St. Domna 10 matto Java, 200 paeLlra;. asrt 3 tocs prime Inn Whi PRE MR. Monts-es, N.B.-Put tiond te à by puichasila Count. r. ý,e , 1-niLERý-

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