Ontario Reporter, 15 Nov 1851, p. 4

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NoslfInirMucico.-ý-Thm te'Iegraph fiomchaflefon of the. 30th ultirno, r. ys:-We have ntwd frorn Noithora i Mexico up to the Q2nd Ïnst.-the revom tion is s1i11 pri'gresuing, end affaslook ~IISprornusing for the înburgonts. À,amatI imt-o aravjaIs' trooji having been flS irJî,pofi from Matarnora, they rush- 9 d in dlto ihe city, mnd aeized the Cusitom su ieHouse, bist sfierwards compielled t0 re- M"Pu" tire with the. Jo f 3 m en. Lois or indigna- Mexicana. lu ibis akirniiah is h.y en ýorer- CarMVIaa1ai% hourly expecting 'large h, bc a- reinl'urcements an4 ad rmode prepara- IlS u, t ions (or atorîning Matamoraa on 'the ' bil a& tollowing utornîug'. Alarge body of tb 'Mexicau reinforcewents (tors Tampico viÎTStOTSsand Véra, Cruz bail arrived, at ]3razos, mbIfbut b earing tbat there wu a detacb- menit of 200 Texans hetweeua ther sud O'"" Matarnoua,,cotroluded no% in prceed ricimsedi any furabeti- Many or the -United to States trvoopb had dceted and joint.di r a:ý te Crmaltrops.--A tafer report ays !o Matanmora" wuscaptured on Frîday or SSaturday. AD AUîaL.-With Bloston critica,; h i.anythisig 1publîshed iw Massachusetts. n h. se. &>*cki f-Anythîng -publishA dauy- .Tb -Coxz DttsÂPes.--TeI a sman yois're coniee b psy hirsnt ocy. 1 vodM .à b eat cou*tie cil il hollow. Ama- pesipiui eu r my practice by calling at the tuf- dm. faim fice of the Dutchman. Faco » r 0 WAIT"-ofC Otur iqgarth cotîrts decided the other day, that a mas tit h wusinsane, Il becans hcpaid money th jsv 10 a-Iawytr without takin g a reci pt." U sa lmaaiest otse The body waarfe- yard il, md (eut pro-, m wer tqudescept about 12 incih« in- D.-More thw f T goa psmaed lb lut. week, Theraw*à# a *am, 1Pleocf !ace atthie Worldes pair, l'O'fine, thut it ajîpeared lite mmt, We ishouldu't wondet ià i ýwas, the fiuaI time a pickpocket gets À friend of 'ours ays ho wohld' al- ways have remaiued ingle, but ho coaldu't aff'ord 1. hatit*cost hîmfor tt8PJ#.-nd ce. creasi," is store tlîarî he nows puy tu bring up a wife aud eiglit childreni Bachelors should thik uf thia -Some of the bachelors in tihe Ohio Le- gisature are for à tax ou hostIes. X%7c uer- er knew ai a bachelor >et, that had't smre- tlîing ta Say againstatldes"fi behind their bana, f Girlâ Who "laintl' hsomne, hate lb those thït ure-while those W~ho are S handasme, bt. anc asother. Whicb ieirdclama baulthe mt tinle or t Uie but de sà- LyôTAI1LY P UBLIC, dei boy Comàlsalocer-o! bhe Court o to! uns Bench, i UPo Convegancer,,Draugletsman, pe po.nt 01R f 3MARIJAQE LICENSES AND Oiic 08k star UCut HÎOUsé, Village ofi IC'lttje Mâncugxmrlx Townshp of B.zàcul, ....ex. C. W. *24tf Mr. David T*Gk« loAIItZ Mavicuxez à Aasir, -TaltIîTr * t coLt, DITLiP, Pli i ijs, Suatos, ANDi Accoicuazoa, pIb.. -NoKWOOD, Pîic.arieu, red te 'Nod, Oct. 251h, 1851. 2fkiy onid FIRE LIFE AND MARINE tbey INSURANCE. e out '1'HE Saeriber continues to issue po- would 'dces for the iollowring responaîbîe Corn- NE ?W YORK 'PROTECTION FIRE AND eteMARINE INSURANCE COMPA.NY. 'u t&o 4TNA )IRE AND) MARINE INSIUANCE ier to COMXPANy,,or' UrcA. N. Y. CONt RNTC UTJWTIJAL LiFE INiSU- R AC <C04IPA NY, or RasTroga». Ail lob pmep<lya&tdjshe1n4id*uer theyOrc-enreYug&(ç rbor- - Toruto.. ur SALT, SAILT, SALT. rue 50(> .BÂRRELS FLN ÂT for &ie, at 6ls. 3d. per bbI. Cash. ed to IL . i>ERRY. raveà MARY ?RRRY, senx JLP£RY.ý We, avl ansd IR . .ptar, do p point J I. .PEU Y suie iwc.ln% P.ecut#r la 1 auîîlement oftthe above Luisis, and as 6uncbif' coi. puwered to r«eive and collect ait debti amd de- mia8due lu the same. M'ARY ÉPLRRy. R. L. FERRY. SUPERIOR SALA.I{ArUS. tftiI{E Subserî,bers bcgleare most repect- f lly lu uItons the .'4rchanté ail Ibrougli from lMostreal bu Port Sarnia, that-lhey are now manufsieiîng'an inproyed aridle of Salaratusa, whc byferA colufidcul wiliî give the. utsvish sat- saci,,pt up ln box es or barrelà Io suit purcha- Ait ordersatatended to witb îhs- lesst possible dulay.WILLIAM MAGE£ &Co. Brookil, Wbithy l2îh, Sept, 1851. 23-tf. MORE MOXEY TO LEM..J AGOOD opportufIity 13 flow uffered tOgyporson Who basa little #pare casb, ans wisiies tau make an Învesîmeuî in whas la moie valable ibas cashitîsuîf, vu. :-Two vauialile and improved Building Lots ai PORT WHITBY, bc-. lag compow setri oieeîer Building Lot No. 9, iii Stock 3; adjoiniug s ea's Bakery, cotitalaing huiti au Acre, haivin. a g"Wd Lirri tbuâto. aln ,xceit; welil; aleca 'oncfassocIient cI (haited Foit Troeu. A goàd boad foute entloies ibis Lot. 4ro uidn Lit No. 11, onBod3.tcn tanugma1 hait an Acte, baving a gond Fiante- bou tomru , w bîeh reia ifor $3 0> a yéÏr. TIisi Lot térao éneof thiemost bcautî:ul Buîidi gLots i Ui. Village. Thea*bave 'Witt be **Id iii part, or thé whole, Very chup, asud on very ea*y iersns i0 ipaymwutt, au au Io sait Purchagers. Baker aud uaiw,. PotWhiiby, Aprt 22util1 81bl1.if, FOR SALE$ CHLMP FORi CA SH, A Guod yoWIgEucj 00w, or b8wiI V ly etIme UUice wut iis 1>îqer. lii Village, Oct. 11, 1 8â 2Z-tf. WANTED TO BORROW 1 e0kLa a'I*Urm of <Mec, £W à ut fl1RLl AYrats, theasurnnI £IUUor £2wu, fer wbich the mont iodsuislle seculty Witt be gaves, l ialo Fer ppicationa poli paid may bc audieased 1,E. M."Whîiby IPost Ulire. Wliiîby, Apsil, 2bth 1851. 2-tf. WANTED. AIN intelligent, atitveu in tg Mail, tc' .M aci asAgetil lor the Report4r, tu athocnil Ji- botlîîoracirîwuuld bc mlfoitdedoit itîplîcit- tion, il bi ici lcitpai. REC.EIVL,*Iuîîtd FortSALE'at the £0xtà0 &%Ouse, W i I TB Y VJL L AtiE, À Feu' Baies of Wbiiby, Sept. Cs, jt. 2-il ONTARIO CHIAIN rUMr FAUTORY9 Tât- Szubsribsue Nlütitlfaettiring "ud cuîhtanîly keep on bond± &Il ready for puthîi; imb WzLLs. '1be i.bm u >ipuitbe bs, ebeapesi, and moui dui.b!e Purîîp tiimebtVoî lU, tni iti uiJlcit) coiiiicted with Iin-tu1 ueianp, but aewuaà :eauly. 13y muiug a cratik, almy ciud cîgit yceeus nid, cor 'n îI Wii Ii cae. P4fleiuuîpa au Chiis aie ail masînî ce- lUted by eXpentoucesd Wolkiîei diect iom thelb largnt hwii ruoep Faciury li i be buteai e %w ï0tra. The suovg Utl'>nîp .n JLc toi ai tri- mr, wholevêttrby h"V#e een ied. Ali)>pelbuti wuidit pszhait,$1îîtA elistu caî.îîML ut yac-oly alla sce elleili opettits. -q> k. . U tLAsiK & F. RAÏ. MONEY l'O LEND. TRE->iscùerisprepared to LoAN plicaltia, on S&curity ujJon iteai Estiàte. Pe&Oiàai applications oiIy aueided io. Nono neeti apply oiiy tboae-%,hnonauuruiâb te most uîie%cpuuita- Nie etunty. Tlhé butoïcriber continues to attend 1,0 big dueà of Faim block, &c., Ipnnctuiiy altended w ai a rcaaonable rate ofchalge~. LekJitAIM Wi'IITE; 4utc#er êComnïslun 4e n, !e!g! 2!lr2, 1831.24f "Blow, oh blow, y*. he,'huy bitemc AIl a"onçthe ieavesaud tssa 4in, Obhiin, y. heavenly nises, Whle IrMalte your blols and aboeffl.90 RE $ Wribr bes toatquaint lij the above butitîeaain the Lait end ni te lb. W uuîr CARKIAUE FACTURY BLOCs., whereuail Cui.- tom Work wil b lonewWsh uaa:aeib,Iil4 U!d thatka more than moit Shoonaker& cali ga) sud JW. TILLOTSON. lJI4hfrrs, LESALB & RE aflt 'àdGeiteral Dry $los or T14C Go.DI)ESLION, 26, Kir t S'rsurEAir, Titor:,> 'AIL Goûds Merchcmti, Sios OT iltiGL#Li, :6, s.SaZ5 FSTToiîoreru, B A EG i ifbrm the teaders tufijue' whitby IReporter# and Public gftldl'IIlY. tilat Ibey hav'e cmpleted their Fall importationis ni çmaple aird Fatwy lDry Gonds. wbicb havîng becs selected from the. bei Sîtckin suForeign Marktsl. antd purchagrid for CASH, will bu 1f usdt upoit ex aiminalion, unsnrpassed in thit City, f;iî qiaity. style aniu chebPnes5- WlEAflTH E POLLO0W 1IN G Black Orleans Cinth f omn 08 pr. yJ. tWhite 0ttPils (coin 0 3 Pr- Y4l. Coloured'Il"1'Il 99 o c;rey di 1îyd. » 0 4 d Black Cobourg " g"o 1do do American 'i 4O fi Calourt'di 1.2ysi witie-1 9 "Id 'Sheeting 2 )d. ' MutlnDebsirtes dé1 îrpt britj " O412 Prints Iyd. wide 0" 5dé 1BedTi Tt t 712 Hoyle's,, dé. 7 si Broies Iiollsnd ~ O71 1 yd tunatham&(Heavy)" 0 8 ( UaaPlaids '" - Dark Sable Boai "3 6 Dark . Slle Muis, " 9 Grers1uiinie l os 28 6 Grey Sqtirre-1Il" " I StonueMartint 01 't115 O j Sone Martin » "40 O M ini- 11 40 9 Aik dg '37 >6 Toq-ether with an excellent Stock of FasiotabI. DRE$S5FGOODS, Siiks. Gloves, 1{ciery, &c., at .,qso, 1,000 Wool Scaf Shawls, worthi, cýf notice. Wattered, -.and Damask .,"oreen8, Carpels, Dugts, 4"ccofegmt)atrS la lhriýr lVooIlcn Dpariment- art Broad Clothm Cassimeres (Plan & Faney> Doul,liris Idt d'i Ttiv eeds Piîlot Clotho ' Bitaver t'4, VattiniiiWoolien, s. rD. fîom 5 ( wbitney C:Otba " aiO .ïtitak-ln S3 61 Mohair ' 2 3 jAnteric;s Satinetts "4 61 Canadiae i 6' 6 6I té Cot I 31 Corda IPladid,Swsows I fair Pluéshea. 'i7 T/iey wvould cali particular attention Io etheir assortmeiit of Thi- whoir of wbicbh ein«mde up siUer theit nwn insper.tion, by the best of workmen, are set equalled inu Ceipada. tai sti ' ol cutistg, quttlity ot'tvorkmartshur, ast material, asdti eucrai titable- îtcs a tAhe %%aunis of ihe p.'tple. Paitmesabutlt purchatk Gootie in thia lise may "ýpày to#)ticar for' titeir whistle 1,if they buy tore lookiti over W & H 'i Stock, arsong wbich will h. o knît Gray Over Cogii.frontlai7pi 1 Fine Shootinir Conta t'25 1 Flushing " di113a -dFancy boe Pauuis 12 & pilot ""18 B9 Il laek1 "13 9 Beiaver '"2b O0tIl Satinet " 10 0 Fine ' ~"30 01tIl Tweedl "à" 8 9 Lionakin "i 30 0 IBitack Satin Vesta," 7 6 WVhitney 'tfi-am 30 0 Fani y 5" S9 Fit' Tâmes d"Il22 C , " Toîlineti " 4 6 di FrnmcL< 'm i" e30 O0jBlack Pluih I t l 3 Bo)ys'Cluîttiirin gre-at v'arlety. Paris Vel vet.nap His, Fur &Cloth Caps, &el&o. j;arment.î made to mcasure anîd warranted tofit. ý2"'Fwrtenrrmud allient i,'s!(i.g in' th.eotintry. anti sot ae-qtuinte'il with trcks piactiseit on srran. gt'rs. by mitîty d*-'ak'r4, tiidel w'li to rail ai thî.sîhtvhe t idmy have but'osne stiaght for. wvart aode oftioing hnsiîîtmi'. Amone theu rtdes are thme t'ijioni ng- xrr rn C-4 Ir n K I uT.'i T) 1 r-C ' Al Garment, rot suitsrtc. exchanged. All Garments. warrî. ittU ot to ultninlior Ispot wiih rais. Ail piece Gfiods, eut in thec usual lengtlis, exchangeti. Totonto. Novcrtiier 1, 1850'. Corner of King &" C/urc/ t Sreets, joiiirng (lic Court Bouse, IIAVJE ON IiAND- The Larget the Ch' appeýt, nid- 'the B13t t Msrtrnent of 32-y Toronto1 Readynwlade> CofAing aond Dry Gooda IN4 CANADA WEST. _ (3LOTHS, Casiiiîaren. Veitîiugs, and Generul Dty Goods, Iruportedl direct fromý Biat yOurselves. Garments avde to order of every deýscription. PARIS, LO.NDO2X, AND ZEW YORK FASHIOYS RLCEIVEJ. MONTHLY- __________The m st-approved style adopted. MNen'a iBrown îî,t:land Conta,1 Do Check'Udodi) do Do do Moleskis do Do Black Alîtîca do Do Ruasel Cor do Do Primcesa Lord do Do Gambroon do Do Tweed do Do llroad Clotît do Do Cafmissrei' Io Do Oitd Water Proof do. Boyl 'sBrown - Ligien - do Do Checked Linen, do Do do 34oieskitt do Du Yaney Tweed do Do Alpa 1 do Do Knaeel Coril do Whi:e Suita.Lises Fronts, Striped tico Murs'a Moleslin Trousers, D)o Lise,, Driti do Do Crick'dDifti do Do Tweée do yDo' Casimere do front té 4 1-2d 0 9 0 6 0 0 Do Cashmerette Trouaera; Boyd Drilii, do f %o Fancy, do D'riD:ab Molskin do Do Check'ul do do., lO I)oeskiu do Dot Cateotrinre do R #-d Flatiii-l Shirts,' tlnier -Sh irts asnd Drawera, Mel 'à Blatk Cloth Vestu, Do Black'Satin, do Do Fancy Satin do Dua Holianît do Do Fancy do Do Velvet; do Do Plnah do Do -Marcellua do Do Baratbea:, dou Do Cussiuere d* DO Twtee do Bo Fancy do- Silkdor Dr)Sain> do Do' Tsre*de d. '0o loîh do 'rom 4 't 4 ut t' 5 4 1-2 Ji 4 141-21 (rom 41-2 30 'i 't, s o W1*OLESALE AN) RD JTAL DEALER 1!.TEAS, TOBACrP., 91M PPER' ,,: NNU ACTUIG,R OFSOL, PERAN HARNESS LEATHER, &c. f Casth paid for Hid and Skint, Wheat, Oats, Pots and Pearli e.t. Wbitby, Village, lîb Jus., 1850, SCAIiBOII. ALEI1iXDURTll PIlPropritetO Excel lent accommodatiortà for îravellers. GOod sîaluling toi laors-es. 1I, EX. [ iSI G L E. JTB Y VlLL,IGE. A E MIV 1 FA L Captain Kart, 11 wslheI, 'w WJitl.v î4.~. '!iy, HA I t., il' 4 I~7LL ie»ave r<),&0NTO for R05,IiFSTER T(,rn g - Tt rieuîay.i:exî) evPry 'rimex.-;u by strict atmetiolà0 day. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 2 thîs.,si!~lra nctn.a lîbacoritmsuace of I o'clock, pneutely. call tr at Whitby. Ositawa. B ar trtisfied with chok Dmrtiton, BoitulHeati, port Hope,ani Cubou tgi> f .IliFp>es witit the WililIesveRQ<c,'ýEIL Rfor TRNTO, ral-,<ndhbiigadau lirtatlhabotPott <wumi;hcpemiuuer.;eery orYaccommfodationt Io ;Nlrnday. W4.'tln4tsay,- nd tFri.iay fmorîtîrg, at 9 able tagri diiîly iu n rr"huaii die stîîqarrsr, pesrrsastn tRrertaIT ioule- 10 New Vbrk. Tifnt. front To- 18ae ou, ae ronrto 1New Ytork, fort> lotrn. Royal Miil Stesrs Pa."kr(Office, i COMMERCI TorontoNtày 1, 1851. 49-Y. V I L LA GE 0, *IUS'i' R'i2ÙEVEI) A ~ D Î u~ rfn d R 'u o S t f Their laOy condition andi prospects, cotfaini- îng Tltril iîng N'arratives. PariOtxLOtrc c Iliti. xated itb nrvna Wlithr, 24 i uy. >I8bitf FOIINTlAIN ýPF.NS. AFsrw of theti4e eiobrated self-sup plig 4iL.VER PFNS for Iiïîle at hit/d JCr-' Eari>l'r is capai'ie of contai~nç z nk etongQ bocazîitul. and aîways ready for use, as they çarry their o0srt iîk. Whihy. sept. 13,18,51. 22. INSUJiANCE OFFICE, j JA.MIEs WALLACE begtsIo intimate %bat fhe bu been nppoir.ted Agetlfor the PROVINCIAL, MU, VIL &k 1ILt.uAl E antd that hlimi 'pre-parM ito take risha attlthe ardinary rate$, in 1t-%10,u"tta. PltoraiLTAay Màm of sr e tic dCompt.ry. WhtY, lt :Speie1851. 2-!f. L. Il. SCHOVJELD & Co., ;IMPOR'rER.S OF BRITISH NANUPAOT£URES, whit.by Village. Jîrne, 18b0. I)>M-iel'rlC MAN.VAC-rURE. Oast Steel Igoes and gay Forks. ,i0R SALE, 100 joz. Cast-Steell beat antdi fayFrbmtefo Nyoa .eoCast Steel,expressly forth unri". Tr0nto. Jurr 7th 1851. if qinrtle h mrt iy pi t.y Mr. c, 0 N F IýS, iafid nt'tust ta btfavored rouage boiîe oi The Bar il. mmis th. Table enppl1ud ctin be procur"u. andl a aready Seatt Every aee.omrnc -lor!uble. STAGE by. P. S.-Uaric Borelia, -June, 69 Port I 1851. ~UE $U3$CIUWft$are DOwM, e- eivutmg in Store, ihtin Spin; aui)iey of GRO0w Moit IrERIES. comprisisg- the usti1al asoflnrent, atuti SuS.'. whieb bhey nie erabled tu offer on ire yaulvasma- RF <Ceoup terins b heïrrconrezspondeiitýa.aUd the IraieTUE.'y ge'nerally. Moit -1FRESR TEAS: Stage 270 packages Yolisç Ilysan, coui'ptiiug some Fo extra finle, boat 60 packaçuas Twsskay, 3 akgsasreBlack TfleL 25 boeupowden. COFFE?.; 45 haq. ver:ysufseion Laguira Coffee, 60 bagiRio, 18 l'ags St. Dorniinro, . 1O mfatis java« 200 packages aootf s ', 25 hhdsi. Bighî Porto am.o, -Leonn tnf 'ugui, Livrr-octi' and Dutel> (ruthed 3trsprin nte rnicaru heter uulrfr.. Pekr s&7, st. James',îi~ttp.1îg. Ju n: th, 1 S SUt'. 1 ýi Ti C b'éýr2 s1c' tilnen r ilt 1 ýu Id. Z7 --.- - 1

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