Ontario Reporter, 22 Nov 1851, p. 2

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Choiidc. irai lueurs, ptautig çvenme , 1 was ver>'gis4 10 sec the t oke Fenmchu tho>' were quite ýpe lb.>' enjoyedt tlrales. Y'agUn iirpeted mniutely the Mr îProvutui, atmd apent ueulu itag tam, ovidently svmtlm fluei 0. Iwe tltaaainl, thesQueen *Perry, and exprersed Io bita atiedsîe ias %vi tli te diapla>' hbad made t n'cornpctilion wihi 4d alit hoped tbat thc rebulti eicial t9 ai. emboldened blàdanconde-icen- Skin4iy tunea41> f bi!$ replie " "tCanada irai ,dtoIlr aesty for thme in- ù hstd nthea effort It aoa-> toeomuplv' wth the Cali orIli-s s4 tpee t~ pon e nw ltl d.y it belhe'very .nî.apleaed; th'rsu ag;aditheaie ofa wol duo poi4o Chapyda-0 d' roridin hIonable con etiod «il hiadto'dorstice= tben set to it bcfts e nd iain qmted bd aecopy ofmit s-asd ýlumean wi peithona, fluai.îh Euxitio rUtboZotn oad = 4Ied 1wbl ceAlbleri r buea bee abiereasetsogaut = fsth Cean dicteioe. anu d a0 r oPery ofatit %vu Eaeveo atrnes, t. 'He.Ma ah the hgl ria bîe sen ii- ueolonber, icfrmniaîgrlutitt iven aonc e, ndpieclmgthetiisaa guier 1f tic M r. r £ hltuuub i' foter riy <lt-th fiin. 'tenrtii0si i ti patsut rttai the7 some. ictisc hain- er Jrhtish Iroopru i gtuae d bot-e steiaiof ten; .Theho tof-m -i'mnifely etiComnite' e rm-Istiâ ncn paerssnouneii Brits roe lae tîfer. btwoulll the sid, fthe » ossion f 'e iwlîole eou theli~ iserumble rnud forts ami ~tows,. t here our gurnerat! lhod-uarters. la es-or aico4otI-. tue deîmredationtm0 rare ctrried cil-With inîpùui jw M ntIst tho burghters a ntt, Crad1ock, mand Zwageri ýe aonr p ndiratiotî of unes-il *o drive, the Kaffirs frani th4 ltaiis.' Bttthie uostalanrm &-in the liîpt neivq sh ie cor given, ltat smu.Seriouns var bu at iwu the. Oraigq! River Su ,;500 niles froi ;rbh Ve ricvver bati 4dou ib at tU tlihat qimrter woculd seize1 01iiibment 10 dectaire agmins Dur troopa were aicnpied ecia quiûhesti, the Bestits Chie! iiieithe lend ofthlue Battau n ~$mo~hte4agsnatus; Majc roemel immred ne Sau PAmnericatis. On lito part, ofAvu soven iule4 anda large atumuber woî -ARBITILATION AND LAW. »Ox.nt the sirangeasi étitjcct in ilhe ivorld to thhnk toipmîîh the moat #111118 fliaut, terni atter terni, are ex;'mnded in lmw ; every une 04tnu1lains î tedclayu, eots anmd tiicertaimi eg of, litigl t jil. Mustindensaitmdîîgsdisr,î and tiiîl ifk ,r- Cuîcc- tiuefr must he, anmd disitun-esty rus mit yet dri'vnn evetr fruni taituuuîîgfit itue, who ana 'weliltu do in the, wortd ; but, dieu wunclen is, thimut lIse gremit eommner- chal coernrunties trf EngtInnmti bave nul hong.situe e riii y the diffleuil. t105 tif ul;tahn i~ug justice tu the igstatuuh",ii. in- ut. ca.utrts cftlhervin l or1wscttle- ment of aili raîdi dispuites, - EvIery gnou' traclimi gandi tuatu nîtrfaît numtown imul)oid notl y hav tuscis chaam ber bttits tri bu nuit orutcommerce. Iitucswluicl i cotas tlmnusuints aof îou tuta ettht ttîrough tie forîns of trwimigit ho set- tled 1îy a cununbcrcia! cettint-ut arbitra- lion tt the'custof a few &billî1augut. Itisk uf course uabeurd lu suppose tlrut tiiose sshli as-e witftîtýly 'delt tiunfaily ssii agnec ta refer tilti lu tuons thti decisioni. fany twf or tlîree men(y comnîcu) sense, aDnti atiraeu knuw. letige uft lime' malter in dispute. Tlteîi Iwm u tcca irtn est imut wreary opuae auitcertittude of fdu were a commercial court uf refçF(aîc( ettabli.,,tiedt, csnry doeod of pinlersiti contratt, sd agreeorent nilîm contait a clause binînçý tîe parties, ia tse o ifee Ie o 1 rebfur the tiaitet-r the ar titent of, the cluamuer cf amiiercç Anîd theme -r>'faci. (hut os-ery unsti' in -(litrteCwunilil hoviesvtvd tipot il own inerrtm, utti wîviliotit regard l rr ceiett tir fora, vcutwld ufteu 1res-en uiautt i t iiiinjustice. manduiwoi.ild by eo Sly refere'ice in ec'îes of m.ere mnst; -der:tandimmg, bring abut an amicalhi -s ttenent; where Dois- G-Vcev daiy us -dethlie bnoach, anîd, itati frequet - tfflorts tu overreach amti it;jurearLe madt ticb as auîy of th entries ould L I .iahtmtrru iiiu the first insaniice. Th wcarisome4 waatftlmress ut lais'canai lte cxlduuranrce ofuýt ormousramont u wro, lati gises fugtier> stucceuru il couiti ien lihave fctîîir~t q ty *ère rtdmimtstercd bsn commerci: ttmen. Ev'eTy pi l uf hanse* hir hon t -legat î teronsents a-quurk ut' lavvs', *a line ih thie attoraue'a sbll uf crÀ* Once ettatietiinth de mtizeuf lave il -nexit t imixossible tu lày whevn, or wîi hwiîut ar tit ofjlucking hy the wtt>' v nait ay escaipe. ý"fl i îrmî cal auat liaveo wiole painphilets -d CpIeau e iigu, stortes of svoumes searcliod up hf d olti and riustnces-un both aidé Thrie, very hlirar>'(if a iasyer olit Ssumal fortune, a:Id reqtiîres a gooti n otiay tu kee1 i t ni), not thaut baineec sticrubulk of los o teaclu hirru lui straigi-ut forward justice ; their use la ruaiulyte guide hua te Iho chiti ta rosîgii which clever trickcry huis vthe îuke îinsàances establiiîd lirec of dte»tbfo)r dodgitig .Justice. Thte mul j. tuadeocf law luuks, the pilex cf l1g1 af us-or whhich the Tlainest, Slaletuent it rpead witim atluitutiexpliemble v erl -ý age, are aurci>'of t temseis-e.çý eveir 1 ilniuosi every utie, ciltlier iW their-eV J'L p)ensois-or those ofth leir acqtiatiitari u .Were nut instances of lie lartiships n- bmwe, sufficient to doter ail reasonit liîeraons from lhe courts ut ]av,, andi crnforce the impoKrtance f lthe appuil ment auot ue ait C itirîs uo' ceMMOmi a'- .e ms, aloug %wth a Chanîber of Comrnue ait is ncw j-roposed tu csttablisi ha L lor ît tir ïe icd CcttloofXrcunfe- land aitdDurhinjoe mtcdy t/w Coui of JUikrvp4-,yfur liae Distrit f ïew- Czstké. On the Petition- of Robert Gilles- - pie and Other& seculion ofia UmîianatfBachluuptey ams-mdtitt and ti,3~uc, and ti n ii porecutuoi. agairait Jouis 13,owrc,c< tiie Touna)hul;, of Dartiaizloit, iJSill'-r, ai i.teGLOBE MO4TEL, in mi'. LOiS N OF COBOU1G.un tbe County ofNabub-an, on SATrUIiAY, l iiSx-rI iAs- 0T F DÉctxoriBEZ t4txTr',beîwee'n lbe ho'uuîgof i'rcanmi TWELs-s. oif tbe.Clock, nha ii.Foreuloen,abo uudermentiaied rPrup anuutey- - or No. 1.-Ait and singi'lar Ilsit certain part-el otract of Land aad Prenumaca atu'.iie,, ying, anti la mginte Towntlîip oh ýDauiitimVron atoaesai., conlarinç ty -amemailireaumeit ELEÉvrN ,Aïctas, bo the saine muore or les., betîî;g cotyunîort of parts oif Lois Noî.Thi iteen and i Fousiteen,mii e >ecoiai1 Conicebsïotiof the sauj>Tous uîshihp, wiimsait! Pr-n cet of Landinmuy (e bter liown ais lbitoss: Commnctgixteen chains anti înxtyAes-iîsu linair;- ina adairnéti umh, foiî teen anti a huit uicgreea enal from en a. rth-eaist rorier ni the inorthbwesi qîaiarer nI Lot No Thiirittim, ils mhe Secondt Cori- ceiuioti oh theosaitiTownbuip, where a pfitebats tucen platuiti tuant-o . 1 ;, tthera aoiih aety flue andia a ahal' egred, sebt avuueichamri muamey-ive links 10 a ist XNot 2, Iht umt atittn and a bal degrooseiust thîrut-mm, oaitise»4uty links Io a pou No. 3; tien atoangIe Creek hee hlitib nlone sor leu., tla puait Neo. 4; tIfin oî lei fis-e degreeâ asai îmue cuins Io a pudaIl'ç. à, lhilnnonmt trurly-stest dc-griesa, cu i e chiis lily links la a PotNo. 6; thofieorm01lîse-Votity-hh'e minid abal( tiogmes.ea, oaIflutee auuts 1tpo a àt-Nn. 7; lis-a nooth ui imeenatnd a hait' demirsi ea.se houn chuairru anti twouiîy lint10u e phceol begin- w ng, %vith telie islanami otler bunîdumags tliiereor> Alto, Lot No.T--AII Ibat parcee of Land anti Pretmiea hltuame anti beiig hin he Tewasbahp ai Danlitigtetu uutreaair, coiahing by adiueibtîio- ment Onle-quatrof an Acre, muoor ct ess,,hmig cttnpoâeti nt part of Lot No., Iu'e, e5intb tsiii Concessiontofoh'le saiTouvnéiip of Darfnitiem, -andi beinig Village Lot No. Eighitlint tie Vilage et Jlowmuaruuile, ttoninencilfin ttle W o il ade oh the tineocf Dundas-6treet, ws-ese a pomthbuts hot piammed aut theuortl-east- cornei ci sai>Village Lot Ne. Eigbî as almuresaimi; thenteiru a aouuberiy drteiion tuot Chaîn$ lhlîy inkai, are or sio - wbtnu a " a $ s, e li plante> at hq aouîh-aimi1 rangle ofsai> Lot; tbeitce hi> a wsctons- isectiolri, fity-eihti litsi, tuire on lcsti,to wleîja posl ii5s *beain Anine> aut the ouibssaî aage l then s eïii BlpcDeedik& >temojl.to for Wc ai liseOfFipgt MRI. 11UGHII . 1IW is a thorised travelling A&gent for'the Ontano 1?.y*.irtr, to obtaiii subsçribern and rec4i¶1é oresfrPrinting,MAvertising. &c.9 THE JIEPOBiTER.")l WHITUY. b TRDAY, 01V asi4ct22, 1851, -For Repretenttiton of the 7Thi-d Riding,. ADIOB WRIGHIT, Esq., MARK1fAM. Ata meeting ofi-teforniers hcld ai. Bro,kL- ntouwîr, E]sq., beinir caid itoî< hh annd ( J. O. 1>onnA<.s appointeti Secretary, it wimmoveti hy A Fare~well, Iâq.. second- ed by G. Mott, tEsq.i WN lierrcai.-& at a inecting of Reformers held at Brooklin on the lat instant> five Dclecgatcs wcre appri teci 10 meet odier I)elciates at ]3rouiham on tUm 6tlh imstant; and ;where-«r complaimu %ere mamde a t saiti mreetinmg of )lgr. thar a fair andi proper appoimmimeni. of 1)elegatcs liati not heen amadie in \ý lmtby. and twheireas' aid meeting ad- journeti wi;b ithe vicw of giving' the Weforni- ers of %%Vhstby an opportunity 5 f appointin, a mu'w set of D)elegatçs. Ilemsolved. thereiore, that otimer Delegatc.s be appointed to supcr!ýedt and net in the ticad o tith&e- formcm'ly alipointeti. andd (bat the following persons do compo4e smuid Dele- tnon. via: JP, L. PL(iti, Jolin Campbell, 1Malcoli WVright, Jobm' llac , andi Itolt. Raticlif.- iCarrieti. 'lic mc eting then dissol yod. BROUG HAMCOVNO. 'strects.lendipg ta ,rÉanc1 ule [le catium ho taken Wtu)*- oahu o f IUe mtust follow from Caraïol's îiîued, as tbey mre tobe the attekil'ig pairty, whilst Avalos8 m'en are-,ftdly puec lythe barri- cuides. -On Smtnrclny, the 251i, t luc 'as no - figtting tof a.ny ccnst.qtlenceuais bllit pirties r'qtiîrect rcst. On t$wmdny. duc! 26th, thore wns un atteunpt matie- by Cara'ajtslubfrces toa gitu a l;tont nieur, the Gruund Plaza, wlmce.Aats' qîtartere, ore ,ittinlod. lbut withm no émru- et s. Tîmere us-is nù lu astif ifile ;nIbis- mtack on the Immun of ' Cravnlill. tt e tvers]l wcre ac-verely wite.It 1% . i-itUMi)1b in&a1êtlm bw imntimu!eré kit- .loti and wo:runded on Avilugs saide, lus licy madie -ftstvfy whdm ihuermi 5 raupitil> a-lier the attneck. Monclav, îte 27th, Manlm ur-lis 1nct.yet fhcuuluru iit ltn ,d of Cuirais-- jiioi~tuigli tducre blns heen hmrd iglit. im al day. There lsa arein£f'rceett - ut exîcii treýoluib )i'ko-d fo'r hoity by -the wtty cf Motrterc'v, 1ni i f Carujn Sis nut very 8anuumni Ve wilt lie lhermtmýd Sin. Therre %vats ait lien fine in Ntlm- munis to.tii,,ht, lîlha. îvassult! ns dis- tirts sth~Ile par.-tdî tiet u îgli t 'hras-ely b luy duc ighîlit u aurau-ju al- ed; eti.mt ew jummaiin. Ir Tui,escny, nie 28itm, t lnies's uire- Sing oifamy ouse 10,îe odumy il i k ex f ;ected tihero ss'il lbc- a nigh ' attiiCk. 'I ~ t'il no'eniceavottir Io gis-e ynmm suoli titilley of' lluC hiltt'ttandt-iiiidemînld tt P'Caravuaut' s ide ns Ilhnve cone.tlu 1m31 DAY.- "he Meeting tnttk pimo-o iniic h er Culty finland wuwi mei l'ntmiei. c j . speakers wero iNLesar. Jualiai A. MeJItn- ,C. -att, J. Cuiter, 3. Forsyi-timd Soîti t n i othiers, anti alt tîeir nru'amnielîom*tît e r- un faunon tif a Ctannm»m'm ç4Luniistotit a.frunu Cape Vincent 1t Kaiisu. t 14:, aliter the ,tmssimig of the etiso.1utai y rüsut- îy a (;oýnrutruuteo mt Cal-e Vancemt. tu takt le, niistimes tudi.g theenat ldirt111.7 tîle cglji be ing î'tetr. And,rusCol. Pmc-sîml lie s', hiMaiSdune lceurcthugl.-tIiié WS cumnitcc wos compuseti cf ltme sjeuu NEW ADVERTISEMENIS, ho, IN THE COURT 0F BANK, or RUP'ICY., 'fie, Secularization, of the ClerzgyR The abolition of tie Rectories b>' Vill. Iro place ail classes on an etintit> a.%s euvil, anti reli.-iouâ rîghts andi~rs"lgs ,O uithiotti State support iruin aIlseci and pallies'. 'l o fi% the Uie nd place for ccling Pai limimemi.. 'f regulate Ecclesiastical Corporatioi b>' one gene-ral lais. l'or thie iransferenoe of oquit>' powers1 lihe Commuoi Law Courts, anti abolitioni mec Court of Chancer>'. For Pbetrenchmenit.. ForIbe abolition of Pe nsions as a %yster For ticeiectîourof Counly Oiceri F or prcu-enting tic expenditure of publ moue>' usithout a speciai Act, For thme extenionof thse Franchise. For Representation ýba-edon populatio a;nd vote 'ballot. Il uvas unanimourd>' resotsued b>' tie Co veauion, (ou supporttue candidate bu-ou1 gbt Jtîmiiatety it er tileCoulvetrtian a feuv RefuramersfrnWbtysggsd IlIta thie foillowhrg geïuth amen nel as a cunî ni te tonfur iSTouisbjtou ise us-- ery jusi auti iuonurable'-neus uu tlieu: j'owvetroicisecure the îrittmîîlmaî, ret uri af MIr; W:igt, eth e nmmee f the Cou- John Camnpbell, John 1H. Ferry. Z. Bum- ham, JDr. mt~ 4ues 2N cait Iuck- lua, A. Farew tf--,M, . Âtuiair,flieur>' Dani- jeta, . . 3FIairbanks<, Johli tcliiU, J. L. Tfownship of Reaci, ~'nishit l9tru'Nos-., 1S51. )Rlî News of thieWeok- il ils 44 - Cabinet. - TU ~lNISRY.false iî On Sa'tmrduiy lat, - lie- I-Io. John mitteti Pocth, <m-D., -pmspeJ iii)tm,-dailul q» Brown- tIlt lis us-ny tu uIle umny (ifi ii--ruamotr, 1 - Ae lefi iuil îoit INlcntluy ruurniauog. mauiAn Il is uttierstoud 11usda mrnecIîtg. ha tu ssa fac tmke î;luoeé, u-sustbetwueeti - Dr. lu ie tri i~lai.hIlpucks amti Mr. Camîerun, Lue mu tien mit s hîîei ua.the tifilctI1îy with oun a Us Ille lutter rub~i-Cfig tue ttlce't.isgtied piti ii tu litirtipy but adj tsud.-Exmntru,-. s-ru' uit iedecli Thle pull for eatilonizin og tIse City if ho Il ad Toroito tu laic toctk iP tihe Turutoi I rLesi andi Guelph Rail.tudt uud thus r 'eqttis-Pe Yens. Na y'l. it t ~~m.u aergthesr. GIc St. Georgs aVr ho inthe iêtpp îred jetions, roi t. For tue lp ntîmunit the imefore the k-Iv irojirelia rm iorln (a 9011%ti itile WîI 1eldî.eRror Tw ns ië tob othre forluis man g ont> >is Attabe a worIo ;rn t 76 u'cl ck tdaL c t 01f t dp ftla t mmm na saitire to e mwlittheunfit for im purcheri Demi ic fth ihaware tfItdo~ Utta i i l c i rwspondý bytvndé k a m tý t , ifno M r e prte iven b>' time tay lt f - n ha ~ m t 1ýllet orhave Towh ip to e , h ct mis o r im anag~ot h r lp an a ~ e i ms î ae r cin pOSSibtC, ta acc d il mto ft hé£ r oç a o bUt, which îk not () îa n6t tC h ur k 1 m he~ ' h p o.Ithht1a o , a l roarty i titarbmiilvinu"'of neinhomîrinr'I'own prily iîr-tàai. a * aut or haf tt oc. rpud o tarrgo mit a çstfrprt it wtc ai lte itu ti re muh t or ti, ed potlu for mln 1 ~ 'hî Çnli pat buli ng, t w al n ct I loud ly for i.î a niaep ofnaon of conc hît n a e ppe lu tu t a t or- time s tm t l f publ i zof tboe ntï t a botwei be J7'owalpsoub e!ip.O p a tha ssnd i ti ap, i, pflr. il, n -cr thxe £on400 or. d ntfui r. OliphantHall,1wè lo*ing hDot be the luofo 0-RO01iawa ;ne an ht mnnry i rig o aeplin ges i- di G nptlem1nanrl Jur Lime O11ada n'él fr pubipr e es tb aqet i saw. lsýtpaO.hw torms NO.TI IDNG0 'îfE ou'r rerfieldnof crîtiemîco that e n~c5oftninschil- ýbi) ila wa b îl o, li f, ik mo ey.re al friv b il a îg oas e ca lc k dec r a Ç Ert -REND w1 Ic Atia public am'nctnhold i e 1.own1 -hut o te cumtirnds ar bppytoctal mîesdy the1.Uthday u NovtIii t he;IS.1 roÃ"vior. But. itimein he 1nltttvo ars. ex- rt n h 3 buildig, ýn call midly fnr' a t-xl1,irimime inhr- t atf 1îblr pusatt ulcntc,.on.ge .tbpens en t riof two pa eri'espap;lsr t tast for. lT tî! el' he oimt(Mcmairmuaî , atih and crm -%, - - , lin i irs a t ia t .o shawa, missfi -1)é ly irn - bis 1 hrthe m nr tihe 'otet a<ty, ire Ahe Vi. iwer BRReve O KLIue 1in tand 'Im:ore inaroryepgonPra prntiin es t'e slemtinft s~~~~~~Vu ip mii erv4luimi0ul bat ic I.'eegtmcs tn te Fortlm ~ riis .n viha c t ofaIlthe businest b~en$t 13 fn ing n theCouny of etrk it the rToc;twn est n the orl1fns-il th By arc h ippy wuii ee1 s A nntio Ipubl abiigadoptin<r th M ef c~ctae h r, icos. 'us teIiu ti] .omai Iohe tii bRicxr0f Parts o Vde a y I plsseaiy abce tfuor prun- isA lirîtIrenm;di iliii, mp9th ar:Lof et f poîmi:a bavnUsIllaea mm Iamis, atI i-bîc 4iotd a leait aîhmt ù tn, wiîButns'pro te gt poitor caran- cd<thetoîrw .ccd n li esey trc rcarmnr-tbt s't tmu.c frent o tayear o to eltl*, te t e ameitt t elt ani Ci airnut ne nd % iles ai nvm t P o "ar.a .esaje aticrriio ;a tmt er 1" tna z:-mreurrzmn%-lie<:n îmviastad es o sahe in efecma'licuat-mh011u-r hal liwovel 2ocit [y u A bnlifer$ttŽ, ecodd h.tag . te rmtb a'e s idnet ot mbk i 'td ble ilt, Uctt me,' bv elt' %V.omm o un rpnitalomom'ts V. fr ictusigat o ritn i i ioe ii ctU VnOi sr rlev ufwrt r.t-;TE 1~LCtNQ the t. curen Thwce x(fi pemioftpet îeo in iftiiwi~ 1IA 'lM N, uit, a. îbe ameture, nuthis ollage, be b toef ail he Fuawero fouina atr tenesly e oî ocrdial court .tioo hry t ecutrd pr urutoo t lo f 01etru CRe torn ofrs îrou ,bou the e itin. Wsit. an~d o th.e lie yotei>' or maieira ld u im r .t o.mo ntiom uidt nusmeat ouoaJna u inne foa ~O c 70 tr>ii'. Afit f 110: e otfae oube to.eci at rethi rmntî > .r m dat a oiu.lt'ît.,is. vc ntaiwh o nc i~ ur rnt ling euent ar >r ~ ~ î tll ace hian-lbmn nta Un :i O it i de-:lcv Othi ant ihea on ht pac fo re n-m e';crr4ui oku ntduicl orud anvi on; antit i apoi tihu at prolent tofsuporit ore tii e<ud liîîy son mL-m reoinoy r b e r ctuhiy cummuuuic , a e fo -arinigeuly t-nt i e;1ftr if an>' na» tue niglît C t ut ing he b e t irun o nt ( o tr an-rae ndcry to -ada orin day nler an iat to the-> faîiel to 1 q.cuut hv atei py f ol h mr I itn u if r Slr.i'owon, vlmoarehLrey apoin Ille r in lnw iu't of entorpe vr uc rn lmatehe iftames h ti o gïsnehe muc e a hit srct ante t niptetTI~LN n 4 rlo nao ur pviewsaa buvpolenespce fravetii- n oi rni-,fleiie me t esolueti, fluai 0b ' Iuî i n s ur 1Atu prss'ace s nhteose. naohrcl Ly p J.wer , lowmU RE E s'e._111.!aç anto 1b lýLýTI)N mNC nilos u!hmV O F à 1Vo~ cretV r. .1 ly 'rric. D of twrrk m imd B>;r eu 1 f io 'ue pt-rNA a d, ri t the r snaintime.oîn ot ir ; h!ly Iercmd<f crît~ rnnl le aL apone i a "icrdut ia n-oerat foi h dlar eb notrdiit î.e Dtingfet , h i! ltrc1%ûornestwonu t t h sace Ie si. beamaise ur 185e. l orm atise h' ,ef ath isu prtlgt asste t enb ad o-rait attb heligha i on£' 0 o 701e i nsIto n amI XV, illDo ila Iiiiwuson lvr se ripae ltîruen letettin na;tionis ut the de- ' ~<itîya d t h e i e a' ar nlim antI t '111U i rapicn 1 :satiTo .-thhl qaurdamuuitir c;andttin -4111v.V t'1w nt tw s~ttl anti appointoient corifirmetiabvitmenti; fon".f a.v-m ai e u us te the ls'ed,)r 0ý 'bct the pr non itru P ~hr feNwVi Isrd 'ta 1kt i n r ris fou-ivardeti bt' lime $ecrotary. l pub lse iplttiait Nwee,hralliemnfotye- Co loitd .~ [e oitir c o àiperfatpbaion y. toth barmtr f out, anedOl i>'îtftI.caue Mr Chaýoýi bingaeatcdyapote d o n aiu fteimnaiisjti ar'eealnu a-.~ieo~ k elaïf ois-e o r iA' tess' forrueincry able die o r de. nnîïe ieyi e-gl l- F ntimiî rrtannir mn ss-Iîich ho lstricthieti Uic Chair. alinont TU f- L TH t1 %es JO HN Rte N .'l W, s-PxtnInam4411! ibau of pi r C'eaima î j h ae M Ntf Y-J'theLIV~ 0i u estttt fi' neLLver A. liard. SecePRl$ NTeTJin th( neaponeda 1oaSet I ela cre oiultn te ýi - t(I i- fns%0 r 1- tiot hall Mcti ys -te) lOn 1utuîrtlmu to'ttheIl ais mu olpiniouu. f70 On Thursda>' last, tUeic eformers of th( East Riding of York met by Dolevates ir Conv-tntion ai Brougham, forthue seetior oif candidrate on tic ltieform interest ffa ibis coioatitutney. ushen ANMOS WRiGIIl'i hs1,of Marktiam,'s-as chose n on a voie c *20 lo 10 against Miclieît. J. Il. Perry £sq., iwolti tiot aulous- bs naine to bcnîsei on the ballot, as the g-al scciional prejudi ces us-lici hati been exciteti b> certai parties in anti aroti IlBrooklîn, regard minmlc ite-of tpe future Count>' Towr ss'ouuid base led ta a sptît in lime part>' at th polît., A. Fýarewelcl, Esq., follossedth saine exaple. anti realt>' deserses cru-dit fr tie candour ant i usmîimmgxes mih hichi I i witbdrew bis nmem. for thue sake of unit min the part>'; :o lte. Reforiuers, of thr I Uiding arc uîow crabîcd b coume up as or, man to the pulls, in defence of teir cit and religions u'riglmts. 'fle follosving plnuîfoir usas adoptcd by the Convention, and wls

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