f - -~ 4 UBLISiiED EVERY SIt1DYMiLIG TF.%SHILINGSP£l 66ar MUDs, mai thlak a tolmnau aaid*iout te mue- 2ereîea. V-0Le -26 WIIITBY, CA-jADK W-E ST, DECEMBER ~ [O PIARI SCOIE'3CADIAN ALMAN-AC FOR OINTARIOU 1 l LU -jus? t$anec(A E R A YS.) 'JJUbY v ti l [ aTnti are î;ow preparir si il in sitpe: ilof style lut 71b Novembter, 1851l. 3 rncïîu i the publtlr ic y largeingiÇION4'- i.efil; ijît he fittille alld futr.»luim Ais. oIy rîî* FISHS MINERAI. FIRE PROOF PAINT, ri#.gwîîiaittiiniiiitî tnîta 1 lth; b-it A1?T~TT~' ~ titînit. mn aj l ) 'agi frq-gî f.V XVtf~~~PT7Q ruiltI~~~~ B1' s rand CUEAPlESi'artic~leo uîrîh'tt 'iifî,~:aat te ti 1 U 'jE r1 îî .t r ouiside niotMrO tâis~rtal Pairitin~t1g i lîs$t-%vNwcouity. 0 11 ui -s.iItîs î;r aitil 'laJîî!eî ill a? l ys lie sitrplittJ 0LWPENMDZN 1& CI., -jv~~I i; the ln'tI hatl ca.1 he liw:v t uhe ~I~kt, A rWhîll,7î Nv. %.çe -3ùrîI ! dliq y aflt;ta n îî r id j t' la vitf<eit ~---- v~a~ i tid a? homne, . ji- tutc1 t~rrIc;&aur ~ arrgr;rr .iwru &- C>a.a . il [arc, ciretsî.tlsit U âa ?iî tow,* Cv ry et yja if 'ti.Na 3 ataIQa1.dia!s JID1I1S iiiIca i tract of Cherry sud JAMES Il. t; F.RRIE. D&VOGIOtT, ONTARIO HOUSel. N II".-W. & en. iiei4 lsclimai ?31 hev has-p .0 Whily, 7[h Nov., I851. -E0 croiiictiwialObdnty e rl~hnttuîî" -~ER$ I F A R M E 8l S IFRE itmp-fl t lieir aiie(lrm tetwelil fstneJj 1ýttlafI4o C IIIITfiNIR F PNI I TnFn% i TÀKEi NWICE DUNtiicc, ff sti.(:rUTlTU SRING-DlON E & SPAVIN 'o;fwJ~epenrd ,StoreîintPîY ccuPiett 77tos' Wda-rn, Mark/ram viu<~. ~ Ony Agviit iii Whiiby. jh Ttalrtiv mt sccicr - &"ft lA M E" ai. GEillait. Agentfo OU ut pe1cli6ot n«)f 'I-e bopetbrjlJ,).21-t(- Drug Store 7th Nov., 18a1l. 20 Lr~t traptl.t, n tsl falîionai'tie JAMES H, SERBIE tuîliIkn BEGS to retarn iujîsincrere thtnkttoh DXE4STUFFS. DRY fiOODS, CLOTII1.v(lYG h~ ?tIeahus etot e IlfUL% ui that clic ioptte, Blue Vit ol, &c. &r.., feu 'Sale I BOT, ;Dy 0 ÎleE,&~ &X C NL~ YQLK.#Ls"D1f.V7I.~L, oct. 2- l'id . 2A >4 Gth hailiz beiî -t- r xptesy fat A UGS- I.-- - b(- --.--IK-T 1- a i li»Cef thiii uni' t mti %it a t'Z-4 u~î riirln, ]DUGi ; l NIOALS, PATEM NV. C. WiI~ CEi-LE13RATlED dt tbr L WLIV S' l'Il <c . toi fdito gvr DY TUF, OK, STATI(Je , auiî :i'(itllis tend everytbirie euih.i$biway, %whicliei e oet mit OiVAN~> b001s & à TlOe Siv BtIltC tttaittilj i r e Orijit il iWt is 4I il*4î mt fiile c iai et airlt-Wthoîflvil~iii 'rî n-i EhT~{iKDNARYIJiIELDPIIE T$. 1Stn 'firoliîd -Inià arh, collet$, il -i.UAIV& 1)uB.A TIYdf. - l~L oItt I'ia, thoi C ub,CIU.Àp As1 a li t , 1îic' Sutts.' itiers iie. b la y, ttai TIIC CttrbtATIP- 't a ek t on 10 liii, taze ne o dittstrti<ig <iforihow -CO'MSTOCK M IIIjS& \XLr V 1EX CIATiIVE wiefî!tlilist uit- puce tai? de-rîalli 11illtt mr'i- 1~~1 \ I -la, N ~ ~ ~ !hr ' ite itlorîar ticold-$ lt'liii. l'ut 1l..t trr-es éahamnerully utfrt-d maid - ,îisri w ai.s rail -t-lie ai in i~h t a ,iuîAITlrdIl Cs4à rIisd.i.ly iit oW pit ui ite.ri-ro. Ilit E iT- Itt i lsh irchai Amsîac4l le tif.t 1st-l~eGRb t PIS EXTfU'7'T)J< (A ' dtil.atttiIlia~t, Its!V i»:,.'t 0>aiic su tà )-itring dits Pue a ichastviii irive at;ti tsal iti u i l îli.Z' 2.-.M-OF COLUMBII. fur Siyitti at-i ýj it tittl- -ii itordseJtae.f yf-tuit(1mi ftiitni- Ilý AiLM bb & C<ý itîiL ;4b te li;iri.titfliait-. yoe tit ti itt, ttgîi 1 Wlt Al".h 8~ abiiINDIAY VLUiTA4ILfiE LIXtiR i î:iîscî.iiA'i 1> c ue Ityr i e si a iait DeAl VS' LIMRN7',~wé!II kituiiUThorfi' be.l deui chfaerspftl itritte Lunwi ,14î,. x iR O 11 t farthé-Iiileu. P&c. &r. cir- omitiidby enti enric r ttr oiii court-.~WGO$:N~ tU '~ 1<I 6t h- 1) il. s p f6' ils j S CK 11F.II.Cup, îry,. Ail thltiihave uu-ti hiiap§M.sik ni-ltof ît.lemu RE ME F11.- li liaotitiAix rail fir a-parrtîîhtet. The foiowi tVtt1l L 7iIl~MOUEIliSRELIEif; torglh WtmelIn certhlicaiufiasnt y.. ttîi'pjhenaoi,E.. ao 11ft~ the Ftiillu iv oy - îf d:. Cuîhctiil'-t, Canatda Wro*eit qMan 11-1. 0 YGaL1 V' h;8 RE Il T WhLTEILJ,1mis W. C ("ýswî;t- se T .50 Ttit L'îii.--l havi' I le -ri -1î.1<frn la'EflzisXh Jrýrevwh- fyffftJ *YCi M .l-For Coid td (ýj or many ventttst wi1sIirtOl o oti' atdmrtutMîkt n1arit!upifg - Ire;sheti;5 suhprevet4ttttg heit.-andIi-ttfeiy recorm'ntd il o fotiPuatiir adoa hifis' ,ir 'iLsurk rpf Dry Gfigd, GCitlgi, 2 fa slm .ivrUtt.ti.t;lIios uir iretatilioli for airait-hec alIlscute. i tîjihel, Grotcriea.qý. t- Cntifiîgin tlt'i tj *ff.-'etaoîra, 2. Fan' l>sîtféa~i. ~ - ru . in aifats.lsot-es ou? ailtîd. J .O îat 'ohs twiti Its or Aipelîte, 4. V'uirL'ttîtiel tîti tlýta. o'ut i itcnur-ttiy-, irit tnt io-w-ti:ctiC oug î.nd in hmaial'-a -iti? m4isntit n .utsti l i ltîu , iît-r--aur. 1 bave noirait-t? mmy pref arattîtefor laas dl'iiea ('i atîr , - ITetaiisit, Pe. *rhe riceat pot 1 its aie,i - cîiîrali i lati kOii t ato, <âîtai-d 9'C. (ua l>ailtlL li's i, )-~de i6 io!nubc tIotake, neyer fite- i-t a i rti tc. SiA-et. it'a'ir'tr, N. Y. 1 noulJ advitte e-.erv wide,IBritish cand Aînett i .),rey and ver teaca ne toétni ttao'net lîieeîi ppa hotti*- ohmulit.-huît ts oit Wiiite Cotton Slbirtinot, "i-mock- 2,h- DR. RB i't )9L Tr'S FW'$' 8YBrjU I hittît (ut-il i ?mely u4ne Wiltsave-tirtiieantd fmoitîy. foir â a ýit Cti r(itltiîtYrsiit-tiy . TPWSN nt,'lickiig*, CoUtnYaa', iOi~~'JLliS1<>C - i:R~wU;f Wur i- For .iIy r. v, suztoa. i:>wmaitvîiie j3LANl1ýET:, &. Klq. r>r îhîîiorcýjlrIr t ri~omt t-enita'. ( u hmârh'-- l -opa-; Dot. Pt&dc. C btîg;&c. &C. KtLT.eR- ondta-ate bas liueeii îî's-t kul-ilPiaid;i l by I-c1:R cd 1î1 wlt w)s t aplyctapti.d 11ade ais e rtitiiui Nt-IR Iaý<t- T.P.c, ta otd c ail! cîatt aentin as ît'îî as ab-- h -y. 10Iottiraledcniiti tosti oh Furs, via- or li.ilh tîytriclonit. -- Boas Stre Iulaiisa dle %lufïr, & Ail thrit LMleities are hialy4lefctibedin bPampl,.- osý 1-cil %iott a Miiï jeta, Pl'e U lu 1 o ailvitu aail ahuhTf Viaiotitiis. Fui Ca.s. J. 13,*V*tG S"o y"store. . cy7e$' ~ltw1p th Itineicinia h s-ry aiiiy littih (3mpr'>ig very nerCc5"I1ry for a cm kcsp bu fihe t ii.edlili? timiee al i Ci ty.(i i tit -i Mail'econot tîywbehci odiar Sctnes rntyl' l r l.e avrt lily for atydisa-are affectingti ek1ieouîfft, 1.ani whii.lti tingnmade xtde 0; ru*pelly reirwcd. içithiout filee xtýIeiî e o i riT0 ^r ii eti u m stiatir osaiinspection, andl by the mnost-'aimI F4rndty Piuysici'atnn esir Dnj;iim u aar. tIiii'f!lîerr i »1ttP iflTHo.ionabiti and experienceal artistdi i Ctrei Jroit 0oùe to an e'ftir'e sortt, ' conpetitoti si) releri hti td.4art> iemeîgly h<id teI - à *h stu - "aittsiicor.$ es ,1i-it R ' ,(, Sît t ý,(ilels. 9lIBontCéas Saf -(lie niiti ti awe îi;ul;catll Iy tte Cur,îiitt, 0<-xhwaNi-r. las, i.1 . 3--tm gr~7i3(t -chUt!/ sciiA hassiisï -wA Cite schria envly May always lbe - --- A Fuît Stov^ti f Irit laa-l anown dudi : .Û t i iIII 'WlI. &Ros ~o ~ ~ ~; '~- ~: ~ j -' E -~ ! I * a = la f~ ~ o t i.~-2~u i) RtiiG ;i s, MlZEtU rWItidJ3'ilage, It4poi jrd i Woi e& BRehidJ A;ett ai tLo AwE slSago, NO TA RV PUBLIC, Conmttsloner or îhc (toutr !q1irelî's enrit, Ccînveyancer, D,-aut-tsman,: ISSU'EII OF MAItItIAGE LICENSES AND ACCOUNTANT. > Office- near tiie Court Iluse, Via;of MýAIÎCiitTzî, Totwnbbip of W1Cf C. W. 4t L. CI. THOMAS) CON VEYAN CE n Commissioner of Queewns-Bnc For latin- Affldalits, S~ii1u. 'et, 13. I0- ~ t I'ÂLL AI» JWIMTE ]PASHJ*NB JUST IUCEIVED ZY WIIIrBY V ILLÂGE, SEPT- 25 18,51. J. FOSTIERY LADIEiS 1 A Nb I îLEI No. 4, City Buildinsinkg Sir,# ry a.Lt theCITY PRIES., Tholi t ;atally arg,» ifini ,v roc'-iî" fl EAP AS V E:R. -Cali :and Sv. TUE Subscibffs. of the WHITBYWOOINFACTOfiYl are 1ut ?thi psAdrai ?tu rt xcitmail ordprc wic;4% r, ell $CReIrC. t i,çricï-iq wiit be.arà oliOwa- Wo(r -ck fraibiated imb Saitinit, the mniu iriintuii>ttWrrp, 21. per yard. Spîarit t~o;e.7 1t'2i M, flb. do. Double anid ' tIoti.. per patmnd, ,Spîiia iiiià z a t; 'haiiei icluding Warp 13, , d, pi'iyait4.-Î 011,It CAR' Witl-r'o t'O Por Pe eve01.17otherwa-ý,rev-W TdE LAEOUIERè and îprctls Ti ohautIlle forai A (id lltrîMnithy CGod.-Who more soul as ds;îtiels mid the Stormi A,îîd pitrt, au humait breai eer wore. jha? thpn T -tniî at as rilè sà MAI AS moi)ta lbiteluaieti mats aloï.. îtii r t iit là et4plan A4 .1iy 01 Iltle jColrr tlutotîg. thi lîe entmy 1 The bigb' 0osatôi ; in wcatb th hti;er 'e ïieut t li>C01411 Pm** Iti' by. Vi ploiti rt'to- il 4,41 titiU yO i Nav iut e LOuny aity eah lhcjîÇ. ti Uit t iystlli Oil watt, t. h.d v.ert thtr tid U0ot k'*ti n to theel L-reihes 1, wbtib tlju îîîiýghieol cc "ide, abr »tJîy as the bhh.q Srveit lhe il-hitil'fi=ontheb ree. rit uliciiirb"J astine 1w deffres, rht. oiiititt4?Itôi iîlittt4 tires lîttiep &-unîtoUIiî i(t.t utratlit ampte Fur cvçr. âlIýIjI :lauduty elcekud. rhose irelhirie eiirmnips-thy wort- They chai.; thée tu thy humble lot- rhy ai b.îur aitlhy tile accula!t,- kh à dail4l etui aîtà .Ihîum hem buruli1 AliJ luiî4e: sAakly butr moi. 'hg)' eat thy tbïil îtfe eneny ! ,j t1cgre 1 %s iat bî-ttel 'hey than tkaou i liasi (od %ti ti tqual fot ours thce Neglecrd rtt.la t 0eidi>W 1 No!-wa',Ih hou MIl r ot-Iof 'dbut dub? Nui «îe'~îîetain*i the witid! Btin its îha.1 til.1,îî,4',t'h %% ith tIby ciuct ?,îui ntvclr, iay <Iesisé dt ie I'ist ATili til, and iîageiýmtgider ban,' Triie fitaîr.d hiy fitaiiii (.;W, l'hou ait the peeroai aîîy mri; OS fiâUIflité ntà y nAilI h trO.ý NJWYORK CA-SIJALTY. A O? 'v A- 'I. 'f il A A '1 *1 '1 t -J 4' Il t-I t' a 'i a s r t il tirti rst, t- th- luIo 4>5-i d i L, tad !GALi tio atftaci îIlllicite t» si ltu o hu the- riglit arr», cithier a-$ a-il of uras* irtotcetrll auv 4ritte at (heoi e a , 0r, r jrd' iul y u a rrsi sitio-ci- T,iwre were alycilitIli blickie ¶ 'ýra-tdso ta o, al. -1J IT ri w ri U T A 'seu filîd inIilte New York Courier Enquir'r te fouiiuwing ucculit ac l.e fragisihi causi:lty sdiieitl %vatuen- *;iist-d iii crtiu a~ti otir<if LIa Sýltrily after tai't ti'clock oit Tilufs- uy, titi lie lt.ttils hn'trt- li *he tatiiditi tie pîrict 0 lim e fetiie defrlmtoiî lOi la-riS uuwit,,stiudeaily ueized wili Llit ui jî-tratys:s, andsidl'efausiting frut a-r chair. 'lhea111111t,1ït ecamne aiariiwe tidtwi tg' r ;liree rainl u o prucure LuS staitu;C for lier . &îe--iig lise chldret Uetut tl asseiiuttr.~ i.(soti -îe~ ~ ~ 1tt- f't ile kiccrv *f firu 1 Bil! oit Jefknîicn nîrkelsfuion, wic s wmtliin a hock waîs jiickly ttic taid iii a nomntt, a crowd-ud Ai~eret arotirtiteehoftîi ul tOie. fTe ularc if fini iatviîg coin intitiîcoed tu lte pt ilîs, relidtired tet i tost. f'ruitac Wit t-<jCtth.antia hey allraishi c ul.i a itiy, frcmi lise finisr fluors,' crowdir ittis to the Stret bly rite-amsof tihe wu- stuir caste. Il)te exeilenusîit cf tl inatr tlle clllltdrçts %-ere sort tlitent iirçcd-u tr rlise hamstuers, uthej loapv uîd iwm, andt were jnstamslly kulv [)y fiiiosg ettîî (hle venitati btioni oifIlte weliuand fl the b.rom iccuute su greut, ilmat te leaitiisters -a% ïway, arid ihue .!?ialdrt>n tere 1rec.-Iiitutî 'icwîx, lucreixtati fifty %sleî, andial 1 cue iti Ille oiliei ahttite 1,cuiloin o f tî %iel. 'lîlie citîaçusîtirî eaun1,0 belli figelît tir wfi tii i;f.iott - ticsuiil &ue un ilir- uiit't. tltit iXiany whoiu 'V 114t îitirt lits te fait. tteru anither tIita iI thle iii rt-t ! dixirs tq-t nu wvuaii, werê-ci el cbv the ni.-ss -dOl itt, tg i$ ii.aii~Gtit i luwax lllt '119)ee lwig imoî b ;-afh at agrusfor Llie t.vlit -.irruru'd sliiuaiiijtc ai t tue k litia. - lit--y va- tur4sad taid sî;tiler lis t.httsewlat tjlIpoilus- nss otsi siie :tU,nîi cUtlhtc xc; eutice cf mtin 1 I. iq sLouilà AMci "*, LÀ,4r 1).onecfti tt-t lati t 'hiej'rite r .y df--1iaritîe»t. p ievdliatî-eýin ut - cicurway, anal Jki nil inl er î>-wer 1wretit tht tîiiît-eid chltdren (t rîts:Iirgo on, and fleth cier tenaciersi as trc, uther-ise lise dcst.ruà tiOn litesnîst taWbeetu unacil' reier. irnilttà u* twa!%thibo sj, liuwever, Il fsne Uft th teacliers, twu, Miss M$SI R£TT'A L. zKITnuMiss CORNCL 'Ignot1g the initiliiied lbOdif.- fur the IEXEGUTION OF IL . BCONLI 'ittIe- titen. .cciimtomed as we are Io FOR <$ON. fri h i ffi lCa ' sult es in ibis c ily, w e lbav e U T I A N O V .2 I t y 1$ 5. nover eeu Sni CS Ios )itht caikd bu The unfortUEnte Ci 4 D1ý1 ýec St foi Iîudlyflor the syni liihie% >of thle fwh1" qate.paî lr uer. M1aîy rr.dlic rs wet ere, "Lo4nd wus atteni4ed bsi butt a ÇuýW imît uites h;r ac ùu1it- r or the. fird Pre> bs è their on!y cWidrm -fi-r selitKI i, I(l ely f Lth >uliha'- m 1 1t . > ir ail t lwt r iîîottw îl tif îlic 'j ýr 'rL ' 0 . i 1;. K p ùiut . h prisoner, 'r agîtîttar;,rm, vr T ri; ti l - I~ Ltj'r f. j U, i Lar$ , 4ýC il~ .~-h .~vu r.î,t,î -. i i î.t tr- *~- ~ sp.irdi. Ilb4a1fiu. b <'ru,'- rI wt cv<î;-4 -~.'1. t the happiet oeliÀsi~. Wii;îlu- d~ti ii' ' ~ 'oani aii; Protested (bhat he would'tc b mxrtî::.d,ùi ~-- îco 41.rt lieratler tbati ive thîelire he ad 'î ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'lf tiri rîît î . d ev d Mr Feinformed us o-'e;frlîC n s'rîd.~. ait . u ti.. 'tiac cnd not conceie hhat a m n ina ,tirro,.ifidtt ctiiîtdn .-i.t ,ninscireunx;!tance3 could act bettir 4 iiuitîsc-, î HgrY wutchfïîg -for i. FN, . t isre 'Pince bis conicitj-o>. t itetîl uf iijfiîrurmlvi %t Iiclî i 1~lib t, W I e iittimnïent et deatitwa.%a Icver, witb liglit Ltltitf the cuttiaitv. t lon e; r ani about two (ccl Ion-r thhan A m ee ting 01 < if i r1eta'u tnînt f 1 ;Usbiioder, ore ted at NW hititboroe tir) the , Schmi s fiww eld ait lte Sc-lîi ttîsî' - r . rwe itt.led tbree fi,ty-rmix poundt Nve i 'lck ill the e tYvlil.ltî,ir 0 1ewe4bt ; fi-com the shorter Itht prisoner watt .îtirilt seo f tîa v çsti «Uting lite ca llec c î ._ ret, , qci n re im w s a îc e dis:~er~ ____________ iî a oril to a beam~, and Ly cuttingr the cRicius iiOU ) i ov s i:,irs o0r.A N4- tord twwi~t ere made to lfail. and the irIUi~'1J.$ irrîtohe ~ver N s"ddcîi1Y raised about SýXfée. r. heenclosulre were about 2WI O n 0"ok n1 1 o r E t gl sî Cl ~ tr4'()Il . j rymien, stpc ial deptiies a nad $fl ' iscy ti the , eitd lait s of cth uti- er . ia~U ic~a Citiatais' corps , and the. riisove;esuf tt r;~ninscf tth~r ' 1i aîerViîîe corps, were on iuty. ,At .1ev- hîave 1iqtîî iv n itt l a iit u Il le 1L §aits . 'ri 0qdock thc eah warrant, signed by ditit tif Yorkshtir. A Y rsh r la t ildgcs Cridey, Bot, Litrans. and IPenfild, re.tirkîng tinthe W1 iicvctlsiys ruad L'Y tie District.Atterne, tOi the Vinder the dirutiîîî of L rd Loti- 1î n i h is cci. Ile liîseeed te it dti.Slorotgi, sevs>raoi f the u rer tis eaimly, and he n shook bads wîih--those iisuruw nea DrIlied. r~ 'ie 'ti 1 aroliid huii. At a quarder-past 1 thePtris- iug c f Ycrîslirre, hiavst- Iecu cxîtiured oner watt brought from tbec-Ii,accoinpanied uring the at fwuasatid Vry in- by the Ee. Mr. Fowler. Coffkin was at- rterestîn g discuveries made. 'The firsi mred in a black drtss-co'mt and paits - his biirrowopefratiedloua3iiia ,uîue rieuJ were bound witb a'- cords, £ehin lis 1 lcftîrit!Kiiîg"* iMi-il nd l. ii gging back: on bis béati wa.' the death-cap, and , ii tuu-he ce nîire t the d ejîîh ctf four réle-: -ound bis neck was the. fatal rope. - H e lwc skeletontç andi severali fint arroW-Inwa id on ae chair beneath the neliis. liîads vere dîseuvered. Tiheriext iiit- 'ftr Nlr. Fowler said :'ConkfIdtWi- r l'% i e tieawd w as ilit a i tljijtitig u esb- ume te say for him, tht bç bas nothinto bie fieil, near Aluthilnwtiibridge. Il «add te tint vwbieh k b as a.réady com$tte-d iti a large conicai-hili, tt sttands cônf- fo paper; but be prayu' tbat bis awf4lezsm- 1 %pictiîol 5 Y i 0the midd. c f Ile field'.- pie may be sanctified to ail1 present, 1sad 1 i titis liurrow.. aboUt two (cet untd iu perbaps that it my be a waligto alto sbUf Imi the 1 stitfiice, -an"itve. bis course, andl to prepare for the. certain ti attwsfmid bctweilfour m ,rtuideath wlaich aaits jeu ail. .lie enea f ivi.'e IiiTg?,aot tw'vnd-a hall that y>u mayail b. ready at yora pplalýd iin deptii, and îhreu f[ctiwide, aPd,val a heur te meet hlm injd men ." The . lht ýith sleiu nat Ill 1>tcmi. 1t.idtes Gentlemen then a efren t pryer for Ilglleaidsurc firttnî'd îof si-ilsof rté l td-the pardon of lte prisoner, and that he i4b, mti ic~,a td il, w uts covere d .Ver wilh il b e with C hr W thatt bou 'r in P iradis e.- Slarge bl(îek ci' he suîm:e descri ion oa f CoikIii à id 1 Lord Jms exyceîvie my ,pr ttiewe.*.«himg ir1îward (of*atc a to. d211i " w'w l»op alitpb, an4 éibit- Sfiatike I cri thre i't ides wiLt bitiltiir ed ne Sipis o<f fear, bat met-ali1k one Ssiabs, tw o o<f which ttere standing l<>el" huv 55sw a bii ker proçMeef beyoitct tbé ni' -Ptheir cdges tuprigli. The vaitit WhiT Lemb.---Ilarmilton SPccaZ0r- VUi exmsd u View, nnd itatuIle tbotkt iwast aargiee t xwat h heuid towirdi &lctw ALT--4 ~lp cf tho tatit amîd itue lgs dr.awu uiip.Ne-tir lbe-taiing iiiluune cf tbe fir-ctth filieti o rthne kuecs wasu a fie iri, tf the (les Faticf, and w boartçides iu' e endid e'citania:wîts"h dnmîiiî, boict;eruerile indelirie, wasa few %day., lie fagrcfî,swIInl~rieî v'e i stii3ised by- treiving, q~fsi " e'like-atqupearatice, andl rietuiy mtnkited.- f'tnl sumfflpolice agellis, wo tinhe Ne Ncaur tise rîgzitt unit tais futîtial a pi nwt ite ýlite mutiner IK;S-ibe,tiforied cci' on ub aie tit si.-çinehcs kncu imiita hywr vn ëdr4u ii Ileuarly -sqiltrred aut th~e en~ds. ,- At eachl ti iiti4 nge, aud c-çoctaýling, hrý ter, en otî f tue t,îper or se.ta-riilaridt.ie s bouse. 'l'ie ei. mt u ér or.h ,â werelihules, hiliwltictî tceieee*gt s