1pElf;1l.-'IlHED EVERV SATUIDAV MORNING. fLSlN-%JULINGS FEIR ArNutJ-IN 1,ADVANCC. "I cm a an d t mtsia ut b i n daatuformttu er."-tbruc. VOL. 2s. WHýTBY, -AAD A W]ES T-!D ECýEMBB1481 OANTAEIO MA1IBLE, WORKS, WoLpFplmDEN k& col# ANCFATL~RrSmid DE1ALERS iu !br'm SIOd'.1-S109MM.atm, Paint S'oneIXu Vtlr.mi¶O C IE'2 O XJui.u DRUp, RPAy.. ICAteLgtS.a.IATENTu SCOBIE'S CANADIAN ALMANAC FOR ON A RO1O E Jiist Receivei nd tôrSae hy (L A TE ;R A Y S JAMES H. 6ERRIE. tavermS$ th~~n Novtiiýe, loI prrir fTîitin a sspetiotst :le for ;thNovçutl 15.1 wcommdglon i te Publa<, by are auprove- mtîsihe finc and furnif"'te. A Iso. hy en- -FISH'& -MiNERAI FIRE PROOF PAINT, emo-ituil itnmneWls in the SZiabligtme- B ES ant CI{APES urtCh " imodýtioti. so a* 1<, plue st nn an Pquai fývrnng iropitit oiugdtf 1o E',1Iin n coinfort, with any other Motel oratiFor ouSe ,pr fO;;aesital paui - . tu tthis Ne.w Conty. J'ASleby - Iio Bar fisti Tab"es .Vii sîways b. slij*p1upI - JAE~ . GRiIE. with ihe be he irit b - b prfUred fi be M aket, 0'~'Y 44f~ ~ and ev.ery attenlu n panl tii the travreling rmmii Wh' ~ 'NOV., 19,51, 30 nity îhat cn posihly nuske tbo-m f..ei comfotabte Sran t býme,. 1 --..a- r-#%-. JýDM Lt>iWOt.' l iract of Cherryan Whiiby,7tdÂ. CARLETO~N'$ RINtfi.ON & tl1AYM! CURL.. OnivnisWa, Pru; Store 7th o.î'. DYE STU FFS. CA 'MIW 0)01), LcwodBe d-wc.oc, Mailddet, F:eie. f x!'ac Lo-.wnod, Cudbeai, Copperas, Blute NVutuotl. . . lfor !Sale by Jt.If t;ERWIE, flrui~ud4. W ityVlug. W. Cd'. ' j f .1 DYF.~~ ~~J' STUEFS w t, mSrAchtic I; !et1 'iLIi' YtJ~tI~ -reSrloi, zit Low l',ucii., 1IIVAT<) UIIINES1 I3ALSA'M - COMSOCK flDIi E &S W 1EET'1S F IIYCUIATIVE CHEMICAL1 PREPAIkAr1oN, <'utCmee t~e~ Uuî ubam~Aui 0 )weill uow in Canzada, Ilimiebet'tFt-.NunilsdTtihceCarlu bl iaeieuli rltintiîculutd mid u 'inuxS 1,V Eh ttF' . T S. Cai&tl.u.hy trie very pt-os bo eir crouit S maî;wuurati- ., ,;tdt r.Ivî~S i N FA 1,.T,1-BÉ 1.1,' , YE W A T E . CMTCt!Ne%% Yorii, Io the. ony Po1tîuuýîr. oueiSi.lnt.ye r lWtak Ev1s. lc ones lLFeGREA4T PAIXN EX'TL/ZCTOR 'u - î;O (t.ntucliusj) rurtn;ulll curta, ad ail Y xîerîîi l<n-. i l eraiti SitFa('tît.ttuii m.at l'aunaalnd1.ukt.,.and Io ?ndý-BALM QVCOf' 1IRMfor Sayiîui iiuîiîil r¶nnycinld.e-s Tri; Ielu Iuglble 1-luranfliait-,1 yoiu uIuli ut l egu.' u. 3d-fE il*Y VLE' V &B QXJEL .VIAfF7'j II.uN.UNEQt-AI.iI) bPCuE -mandINDL*N V<~4IEEJI.sE~IScELliATÂ'Er) BLACK a ile itoir amil Bhefmmbfismus. -01~i' I IRE ATE tb-1.11 Yl'ILINIIffNT, -Thl nwnia e Ti.be*i anti '-luapc-t s.'dîrine uomidi fi -D-R . S P 011X 1 e SLCK IIE4D.qCIIE îry; Al! hat bav-e useti i- mpemel! Of it. For iffE LuIltesuiinonimîs, cm inl'era pamptvbel. The, loti,t 7th-MOTUEW8RELIEF, foral Womeun mu. crtu<tcrte o i rvt L. ieheW.,~q, ao wa.~. GRE~TWESTRR~ o! i uuher.~,iirCa'nada ei- INVDIA N PMAACE 1.-i.1Fo r C tula andi (Or M ary yea rm 'uior 1Sw~c tie&P:a rk 0 ils tci [i i es, fr à m à -f rt i 1i si- týr e ventimuig1;fe..er$ - l'aid can îie1y rprommreed 1t 1 tl.o sePulie aa ft6rs 2 F AsimLierCQfmliuuatu [YliouýsateprrdPars t li "s amckei, gall, it*. btut.m- mie 3. For Cair mI<a, mitcusunisprains.îtl.4u n fa. .soui ni*il kitsds. lb la atud Lait ofAppetbo.4-For cosîu.reuutu* jthiue'hit ivh bof un ibhi.coiuuiry. ad thle ietmoti * Rheummmi ri, &, ýTiihc -e fnril p'tîuare, lu;1ethehta!d Bt-lt Ou., mauufamiittd 1qW C. t% not bal Io atte. nevrr ;evcs pain, arid ne- Sae. Lih.lv .Y.iwti tie et-cri ver c-ae~ utemasoc.ho,r.e .iWu-r Io l.w-p a boitte o!thr abovt Oufi rt for al ,uu trFttîrntOl i.' ~..-!)V . W. ST E 1IlHE NSON. loth-.KOL$'OCX('S VERNIFU-GE <Worm 13 For s~.I" .Sizthon.ý. Wîntînelle; Iiltr) folutidlti*,u etcrouin peresonu. C. lnhrpart Hp;Dr. Prindle, C0oue; lith-MJtR.DieR0l l?'N'S GREAqT PIN-i'.'S Mr Cii'.NwttteW.J -Subtun, Oshma2 u .h7LL-ER -.o melbîusuuchall be-uti ii.0-ovc _;_ Ueaae titail by uhdi m iiso 1happtlyv adapîti bousue i trtiall - JAMBIFS H.GFRRIE.. a.ips tI)à t..' t aten, tandiyet pet-buast-t Whitby Village. wvutders wIimii applici .txtenaity at-ý wâ'.li Aiztit 22 1851, 19-y. or bath ty<iebtît AIl the R, indee turc l elsieibed in Pamph- z. IL an'uze'M Brug Store. keefp 'n criurtio.-and î mu.'m.. uî;tiN>I ay bLit,nle atfr digcalle afrectithe 'y which ail orifinaty Sickeku ica î-u prevente) y r .eeuly raur.oved, wjihouithttc .xperise o! ll ti.ûlEEI it GUMS, ranty lyayiciaîn,aiýd S.eere Dan.gertîs Duseass 'rlifirdall'lrclh in.rtcd on foltl Plleor Firol. Eeer<amlyso~lcaTfUlYPISfidlîî$itk. Fr-o,»one £0 an enire Setî. to re(et ies whi M L,% x essro a L, coruier of Kt xi ,e!e 10 benany ernciy . wattedhtib ast - and lSieoiz sueta. theb parîteul4r .à rtil,-e tidicateti by t.' cofvlTttint. Ot 0 v, v a.t~.3- anit hov&ng wbere stuci reiaeily rMay alwaya b.e__._________ bad. - m - Drgr tl X -C - fl 0 Ç .4 WiùyV7ae wltle& et-Z Arnt 4 Commloner of te Court of quemu'. Beuit Conreyancer, Dratùtgktsmar,, ISSUEII 0F MARRIAGE~ LICENSE-S AYJ)i 1 Aééoé,,çANTr.i Ofice uear tihe' Court I-lous, Vill age of D.?CISZL Township o ut Aci C. W. - 4tr . CTH{OMAS, CONVEYÂA<CEB. AN<D Commis8oner--cf -1queeW'a Bech For taking Affidai4&. Brnkin Spt 1. O.O224t PS-Ch.zrge ,no;l&rCo, ONTARIO HOUSE. ]AENOTICEZ '[ H x tr u % Fcv e i d î b & W ave tm i e e pd fr your n3pWtOOiio> one .agr t llhiprt. and eutFtst ihotLble, DRY (--OODS,Ç CLOTHIJVG, BfATS, CAPS, BONNETS, CLOAKS, BOOTS, SHOES, GROcERIES, UC. &c. &C, ,u'er otred b olil idhitau134 !W111-81. Tlië y od.ba'.tnf teru Paurmhamed expreugiy for Cle bertf it ut Ibos'. wl.. .aîi a u-gl gttood arice, altthe' 0( IV-ES T PR I(E,a 1fti âl to givt Intire tti te'Iflt lte b#iyr. The C LOTITGA'NID)BOOTS & SIIS Birini! tunm imdter eon t ieuî-pvIoui. k' firnuti'e %workrrnt, tu rur omein uriuot Mtt ui mmml-0 tue approbtio nietaitbi wh tor .S'VLE. QI 7ALIT Y &DUVRABILITY. A» I tiiret-etcsubsirtibetrs beg tin amy. thtt Iîe-y f..'mk riot toinfringc on lto prvuleges o! those who put.lish .np prît-e :end dernamud mnollwm wbeui 1 he r,iîtnlrrer cortnes tu bly, L'ut plpd4p ihruielves tô cmmfit- arntilinIin luti tei s i~ temest o! i-arh p~hue l'y vvinig thiue r ty advaurtage t.! t-an he hat iun Ile W..-nw i-1-ilte c peArnWhuby and i wct tu'r.urhon-.îIthe icONTARIlO IO 1U.'E. whenu îliey wili ui e"erv atiie matti l inplin fiurp. t-cai 1 the lawest Totutto pric.eI CUMMd s-utctu u.Om f li wl.t# hall patrotiie T110>'I1SON. PEARSON &CO,. ONTÂRIOHOUSE NEW GOUDS! NLW G0De.! %Mw hOl! Jarc recirtedfrom te Engiisi Fren4al *î itL*,t1fit farL"ts oeLr mtoopmG Cobourga îuîi-e wide, Britîsh snd Anierican. Grey mmnd WNhÃŽte Cottoni Sldrtin«, Snioek- * ins. fieknga Cito&C. ru &cF Uc1 Ucs T. P. & o. wnuld mail espet-al attention Io ilu-ir splendid tock of Fi., via-- Giev Squirie muid Sale Mufp aud Bom, Sor.' ~imti su Mirk ulo, tuffç. Vietorinei, Fur Cap. A vrye Aucsv .sortmcnt of RElLD Y MAIDE CL 0 7'IXGY Compising er very neuéesierY for a com- plete, outft, and whicb being made under thei4r owauunspection, anti by the uiost fash- iorîabile amd experienceti artisa.defy Bonnets, Cloaks, Sluxwls &' Scarfs, In greazt varity- A vofl Stock o! thaur Weil knowa tUsh %ITYPFMCES. Thirisiail , ar stock ni Groceies A AS Pv ERP. ÇtiIIand $Se-, *Jrér4t Oîr Cha*g0 . TO NIRAUDA. di Ithnwp'n W wrmoe pwn. lore- Ther e's ru'o;ht l'à wigh besidep I'ld chciah tbee ailoe"love,ý '.Ny-daris, ud sMy P"a4. M Nover sh*tild e? nopignJ401 go, Tb<>'.'dst b. a heuven tb me,< And ii nine inmoo0*h4dloi'- i'd cberisb Qnly ý4e' Thu4i frrrt 11Ed, Thmn *I Jiw ým.0 1' Wa m ' Lité the n woos14! 2 arsil ruse, As b1et ri4hse and lb.-; Tbrnugh sylývah.*., and i towryfaI. ' We'd roaM forti'ft fee. i Toronto.- k3MW TUE PI'IEî - TI MESSAGE. Th>e le4 ingt re, etractsfrom Pres- ident Fillmorc's Messge., Rie poninuesatsamrtele-ngthtospea l îÇpî ~ ~ ~ ~ an rh.loa ttrsdthen 111 My laet annual message, to svhich 1res1iSctfily refer, 1 stateti briefly 1I4!lle 'casons which induc'ed nme tu recoin- inend a rModification, of the present ani, by convertiuig titeadvaloremn into à tiecîûc -duuty. wlierever the article , v m;orted was of sncb a character as to permnit it, end that 4auch a discrimiîna- iîon shoald 1buumade in favruur of the rîduistriuil pttrstusts of ouor owui cotsntry. as tu eucietiruge home productions witlî-h ont exellidung foretgni rompttitinn. "The numcnrous fraidts whkth con- 11 iletobe iraci.sed upon ttic revenue, yw fulse invouces and undervaluations, cosiuean linanË%%*eraliloreusoil for1 ado;.ting specillo insieud of ad Valurent ditties iu ail cases wlîere thet nature oft the comnuodity ducs siot furbit il. A trkinc illustruation of tlwsti frucuits %îlI lie exhiîhttdin the Repurt ofthLie Sec- reirury ofthLie Trenasury, sliowungr thce cLtstom-houue eval0tiuon of art-icîc -s m ixorte.] under a former law subjeet tui ,!lecifie dtties, tien-there %vas no in- duteeettLu uuidervahuation, andth Ie ctstoru-hiuusc valuations (ifte saine ar- ticles, under the present svsýem of ad volorem duties, se yrcally redsteed as Lu it-ave not dotubt of -the--existence of the most flagrnnt abuses indter the existing laws. This practicul evasion u(Ltel jîresent lawv, coutUmne. with. the Ian- guishtig condition usomne <of te Cirent interesta of te eouatry, ,euused by over itn1,urtatîous and ouiîseguent. dcj'rmed lirice, nad with the fuliure in ciblains- iuga fineign nmrket fur otar incrensung surplus of breadstufe aend pruvisionis. hLs induced mie agtsîn to > recommen.] a utiud ification of the existingtiarifr 44tJIwuli bu seeuithat thëecash sales of the public lands excced those e>f the., çrccediîug year, and titat titere js reuson' Lii aniticipate a still luther incre -ase, nut.; witlistatiditig the large donations, whicb have been tmade t u any of lthe 'Staies, anud the 1lîberal grants Lu individuiais as' a rcward fur mihritary services."7 -ý~uitable meuusu res kave been adopte.] for coin ruîcuiag bte strvey outhetc pub- lic lands in Califurnuia and Oregoa." In recomnietiding the,-estabhisbL'e nt ut au Agrîcultiîral esureýati.he ssvs:- Agriécitture.'may juistly Lie regarided en the gir<éat interestiXut ar pepe.- Fuur-ifibs of pur, active ipulation ate enhpoluyed in tue c;ttltivatiun,of the soil, and tiii- rapiti exp)ansion orfouir $sttle-l m'ents ove r newictcrritory is daily addiiný ttt thie nuumuier of thuse engoged ilu ihar vaication. Justice-sud ,utund pulicy. t1leri4u re, alike require tat the Gov- ernmntotld se i the nreans ait- thorized by the-Ccutýtsiitut ion tct-prom0tie the itîteresu andc!weifqse c$f that iituir-1 tant clais of'Qur f'ellow citizeuls. And yet it i.à singtiar fact tIfat, whil$st tbe mianauuiiing and eorni*érfiaUuiitter- exs have engged heattenti.ao tCon- lupity., olteil r e diff«, ng June j-0th. 18-", are $7,898.775 omiýtte.; p, '2, elowing areduetion ofi$111 42. be p Mu J#T!4~etiw~~W ie ~ppotof scale of PMtip Thi eimtes W te in"r of graduated sc qXVV and ý1arine- Corp% the ensulingi >tprêof th joeniyear wii he fotind to 1)6 $5;Gê dered more 1 7241e ilhé Oinr.të4 ibr the eutrent modes fnp lr the trý ç ths eparrnent aw, tes > 'q. l nint tu 2642O Q~gJa 2'writt~u ltw .10.980 for thrý prpsen u r th e c-therqefoxe, s 1 ease,,being ocas:oned th adi- b. a-e ionaliinail ser/ice of the Pacifie vOfi5, cd impdappsl id thfe construction of the dock in, Calh. , bç m d» brn e, autiorized et the lutVm o f in s mse ~ wongtess. and somelilighIedtioas nua- ÃO, irry *Uhj ler th? bead of iniprovffeiJ*,.aud rT6. g, .V mirs în navy ya1tls, builing end a ma- retl"î. 4.&t Ille close of the last fiscal Yknt. orth~e appoii licegtT of mail routes within the tevise the pal Uited Stalas, wAS 196.290 miles; the States, arranj rrr~nliansîurttiuntheece 3i22è ng deficienc 152 miles; anci the annuitai costof euch , impli ýrassort»tion $34174 eportIng the -The length of theforeigu lmail routles t ie.%irnated et 18,449 miles; and thê Tfr, follow nnîuà I transportati iuithereon et 615.- ii=4t 206 mile%. Tlheùintial eost of thisser- vice is 147217 of'wiveh $448e937 o uiie is Imici bw the sOffice Departmentof fgitdesndi and $1,Ã"23,250 is liaid 1 through th laue emnd 'Nivy Departîmert." - iheContu 'l'lie animtal transportation witkinthéers .i heldt ll'nit-d :State- (excluiding the service in State, under Califurnia and Oregon, wlbiek >isnuiow à nto, enotiier fur thîe tirst rne, reported sud-embra- a nevîae or ri ced in the tarbuler statemcnt o 1'D'chagedtro mecnt.) eceesCP thtit of thse preeeding bult sh119b ,ear G.162,855, miles, aail iucrcased the part-y to cost of $547,1 10. . îour miey Le The- %lwhn!p nmber uo t offices ir the V oîted States on the- 30t1i of 3 utie Lgi lait, was 19,796, ýThecre were 1,698 ~feat ,utoffices established, un .d 25£i diseout. cal Dpn ei tintued, dur.ng the year.Stes The gro,,S revenues of the depart- Coge ment fur thc fiscalyer incliffing the gtfrst pppropriatiosis fQr the franked meattes ce"stfr :of Congres%, or the DIepsrtments, and .urieers t tGovern ment, ont! ei!clsd t asc tami the foreign "ostages, co!lected for, and < payable ta the ]3rstish Mtofit 1ce bV a act Ps amcîunted to-$6,727,866 78, È~resident The expetid;tures for the sarne period tnue (exýluding $20599 49, paidt ndercungrs, awar4 of the Auiditor, 1in p'u'su n E, o ntlVor, a resollitio ofPt he last Co take - foi inai.1 servýicc on the Ohio and is> - sjlppi rivera in 1832 and 1833, and i »ia cued. ramutnt paid to the British pot office for a n te f'ureign potaà es cllect.Cd for and pli '~ 1e 14be to that office.) amounted to $6,024,- pla ie for 66 79; leav:pg a balonce of revenue r~isfr over lthe projier expeniditures of the year jutice. or tl of $70U99 9.bl o ta The, rocP1eis! ostgsduring tbe.1fur an el7u11 year (txeltuding "the tfreign postag~es.tecea cofl cçeedfur anid payable to the British 81dtisS post office,) amoitnted to $6,345,747, 21 drisa eng an inecawe of $997,610 79, O! io i that1 18.65.100 per rent, overthe Jke rec-eipts beb Juy fur the, prectedi4g year. .cuue u Th'o reduction of lm:sta ge, tinder the c a"saort ac o Mrc lst dd ottat (1~etr i thesain atn of MacmflIeuit9f ttjie pesfectnlt en fiscai le near bçacmenis -fotb'epe et uT0 fisca year The ccoiit xofr tee 3uarter, under the opieratiod tf hé l'e- bor -hbt t, dccdrates, wilI not be setiled hefo t ' Jantunry next ; and nio relitible estirnatê.-;i' of thle receilits fur the prüehent ear csn S'n y'et1 bêtmadé.- T t is belleëed- -wti' liat they wW Cl alf farh'tt <'r !hWdf has. year.1 The surpî1us veithe revenueés JIUW on hiand.is, hooe'f au-large0 tba$t, té nu filrt her-npprpriaton fçon the-tfa- - > , ,spry, in ffiduoftLie r rvenues of the fDe- -eqar-d - - '-VeM 'A.-~ id it i h* t1tje I -- ~1' * I. 211~ i~' 5'TW e Miment'of a coMimiuuS)tot iblie satutes of the United igiag them n iorder,snpply.- ciums, correctirlg incongrui. ijng their langtiage; and em to Congres furlIts se.. wutare the conchiding te- o! Congress fur the return rom labour, ta vune reqîtiird ed by the express wurds o 1 An. -- titLution deéclarts, stTitat no to se-rvice ëor labour in oee the laws therecf, moapig , hh ii euusequene of reguhation therein, be dis t» sî,vh service or -labopr. delivered up onu daim o! -whom stch service Urns- edue."1 This constitutioîutl equally ebligatory -upon the lite Execnt-ive, and Juvii. ,ents of the Governuent, rery citizen ot the United 1f s, ho-wever, Minuit, frtirin e. 5t act .upun te suljeet, by the proceedings necemsryý thftt the person iii a fugitive uini to be used for bis resto- e 'limiaat. 'This wrimauë i. 1