fry Si. E14mnds,t couftnsioile witli itlegitiimaite .Clii- lurticulars have ~haut becain lcorrect ly rCepres.@ed JOIIU Q~ I1I>Oloasf o or' pit t1i tlleprieuonr nîuved iiia t'-bneiutt 1 i h wilftitffbrvorâiieu tunid politit iiiiefir sution ini ife, te fact hu-ýi dit4lones:'SY Of Mr. Price.flie liad fui Ut h ie ncle 'vith wlouîu ahe wiu,ç lire- I e'euted theconfidence Of a large sçctio t il g,jcilaker,atç<i .jcf lois former miploorters wvlio tuld hir 7ealiMer uary; nor-ls the rîîniuurt,sia-, 111011 l tht they ceu1d nu lne o uja» £Jer or lier vlullreu lwas 5~DitvSîîîr un. Thev ri W avnudomier ii I lk, eilîîcdiy oihcd lmil1tcdim.qclfand li inare auceurlto; Ilid pronVitb, wilull firieuuds tb ealla convent.uuu(rfilhe liai the pri&>tue: earried ow an ihl tcon- _ Yty (ter and sîulmit 10 ith décisîil '~tln bingiii uct ~ abouertueTliey ngreed l ut 'if arter h1aringl *ouzuYi' iriir unt Cocktield,- wbere'e ln1i)uutu roiies for the futun eîÉ l etdwae. lived. a nifjority stulil hofoitlud iilhi# fi lie ret'ied ouns of,6or <,vor, tlucy- tttld suýiort- 1dmi. j%11 +er rme umae n ast> Lriccoi.npaîuîejectySýd aitIl iue _ýti;ic o omty gaolIliry, iuuý the tires. overtîures. deciging huat.conventjol, ,ooUUC te I tev. IL. JefIreyâ, uand Mr. were "î Il djuue"adtilntlue wouli tIoguv'craowr cfthe gu.- nrutat alulrds. 11c justified th, 1elea cvuâtrnoe wat-"akeu n i eoelilpa3t and lprois.ed, no!iliiig botter f(, wliçro liie nas confilled ince lier com the fuuîre; rt!fuisetl aiu Ofrèr <o le put il xxliulitn, aiîd where, on oocoiuîul uor tuer lutuuiuuaitn for flic (ify wlicjl 11 ;nnautjjje ituctit, IL. luail breui ft)tiîd InÃiîlt have carrîed, iand ibfreed i lisel ilcoery tuolac er iniur rettiraihit. ilpun Ltl ir>5t riding for uîo apîitrell] l~secîu'us 'nrf xrruiiU, . Ilieh was cobje-ct. loutt If gratifY a cuî;<e:uuîîibli Là 1-110 firât iitatuice, nîudé tu plice,.- spite, andi tbe rcsuti that t/he ridzný egtluaior D' l3l-ain, 'vhuetu apprchîcntlod ist! - Vtu1at wvillIlfLe ref0rIuneiî byhi»un ,W drda mta t, was stauued Ijîlu andilîui fiw eutuo 1by the. witnueu il) tht> ollotwiug ternis; oreivil aind rdligiout libertv" uu ' ~ sad,. Lt a afurîuîgn '-day ~li he luofucat 66 oh reftues 1(>4ce uy yohstd ivas bi "I aSked luer btue -flîditiug foumul it Mr. l'rieva à it W*adburn olive?1 $luc md, 1- Yeso- renly î ' su lidteniuuîçu itIS,4it was a fine~ libtie girl, antd aftcr aplit fil) te ref(>rm party and seni %-" isurs it cried anid sucked ibm fin.- Tory tu Pi'arianwuut, tluey enlIai a con. -ru%ýpcLl;Y doar." And îient,in U la.« Teiion. li 'vu Ille 1îunauiuîuouls pili. amble 1,kitud ut' wà msai."IlBe*son Oft ho eIe.w iut'f Pi -~~ild Lried over ib, 'and dd not Mu iulu" Mr.Cîuble %wouhfl1 l be p )%v ihai tw u do) h t l.", 1asked hr fi. 1'1ue ieber Ifet. lri lurrnuIu ,iwhua& tiite oa ens Jcu il cddateJ reprtÃŽteuu<îni tlt-eur l îneililh' bho n uiStc s fit i, awb rII Iljtot tt 1 1t fumu.Oe~ loi. ut't lar 111il lvoip i utle3$4riuwu, w«I h-d pofrW-- g Ifit fîruiualei~î"t . i hîsu4a onît, lheldft to'mv- lpthasot fini 1 'ut$,l5 c r'~uSa oleawesfs<e it ximk. t begatto enekile, toit] 1 ;ttituiîIjc lu<; utuuno nt uIuu'ee kilt it. 1 put ()% :rny l i vr lte nu 'î,fie Tories wlidrwu, e n oc off uamid uspxcd thec lbruaî twibl. mv tiuîirs, delit lue wc7Uiihave 414u11Xs>. As il a Id 1tIle" 4 ik ily ga;rtevr auIli il 41îf't ý Mu'.Uauîîîu, heTr uu~a;uus icç uoulla Ili ee&,su tihat it nuiit ic ya llt. utt jof, et419iover bot eius4. I IduL-1=113rutil hhuoughb <in<1 dt tI'l'lue follhiw iîuare i la g1~j~ in hae flttrtrmv'l:. figu 1res us.w~hv rece1 ved l 11eJi Ie 1 ktupiel iii suy bcd iututUl l uindu:.y ratural- G~nu.irwx<l ing, $1îý of mgut'bie uuext day tw' Vr120 0 ; takou, winIbiit firil MV un les bht"ke, loi 4-3 .35 Judge. ' ILt18îstlc ct i ttle ;irl Ibv :mg.u, 10 89 4 ~tdnc. trn~e twuuI1 u.-19ur 167 107 140 Âft@r 1 prayeti to Od, andi tuttihlifl -- - tic C(toravo une 1i w:ld flot tio a aaiuu. jGl(481 2 Blut luav, aitd[if* 1,vray tbui luit ~u r ailI" tuîrl sîurf lito wili not heur me. %r aiiestn(Ii steeoe ~-/rlj*evictetîce ut'for oiceeconsîaîbos 38 over 1r.P1rce, tad 49 over bohh'. Ullogug d Curd'Welî, ttvho u pjrelen- Imerettitr(f. dodtso W miter ivs risu tken To 11 IuCIIc AND Tlli , R. TlU tilb-*hter sueio d w vtucîurpeunleDN kppoo you havtuMyo- re ate fe-- sie itCi1ed.Ille, F ir-st iln '1I*vou~ben t' uil huci~e? epet- lbas nomîna~lly lucen lusb, Mir. umlu -6d oû tu came fur ,îîue. I ahnîlleb Suîre rt Coruservaîive-4 but vuthbe Pro>- tu lx- Iuîag." Tite child iras lundlbu-gressii'e sotolavit)# n t. lui uM r. ~4i#l, cfberîiuel's < ge, 1PrIc'> re 'ese-lfýitrmer buit of Li1tc M~nymouurugheMo tal ai ndivin SciuoAfilv 3M7 voies. A de-, woIi~vu: utjlac nnei y bc pis- fcal- We k.,. W aaà Ajvrbl f u. m«srýud ftmad ite remaills ôf a skle- Pric hudmne as lue deciard lue ,tà "fa child ibotcit le 1f'ct ltuadr- wouuîc, ihuether lie -%vs -or %vas uiot tflic *ftvrumd ; tte hOck tlueMI 11andi dclivered ulorince ofth beConlvention ; but mwe %uèiséU tMr. Image, surgeon, Of BJ3uuiry.luuy atuticipattil su- large a tiiajoriuv Tile ovideuîce of tir. Img-ats dis. "auî u ru. otîverb thefea u 4hm ad lihve severtat Ste luilti pirby in tItis Rduug o su'cure te ýtri- sOrfî*h~, tat iuvd sverl bui ,aru îutuîulh uIteforin-rs'iun bIte City ; tu e- ~Iu~ci*c~ ntîrihunnh-îz, îiik.- ieve Mu irice t fur>lis etle îposition 11céWVeUpa~tlls u'orCOIlh1Sbntu' tu c onvenitiol;n;to- imtuite bhe m the lkude of thé tifittlu auî ifi ciuî- friends uoffreedonutu, cquality, and puro- tibell>aSt'et tiil <eck; Uth i t (,Vo aî'a. gress inu bhe Suppom fM. îsu ~'thl>tsjan ~mjectedi tuiee m.ks hebcPrc;urietor of' htýno iîbight that ftuecil li aI titis Joturnal il, uuuue i irubhiMr. I -tom d*Mujnt~uifucainnth.1> ns aerBron o ,f the GWob uni bbluers h i le %Pi4cl ere tuose of fuîtrowil Lt- 1 4.l1jt>luii eseîu1 rvi to N ibr.- là t>tit itad beell Uuried, for a itglu Puc l uilw uusel b h pielun r - - - minatiouî fur te e îbV e_ d .1 afuq toralv clnsed lie, stà bomlt tor« Ile IiCcou die lx-carne a~raudgrahy- Sni appareil tly htsilig all otu- Iw.r ft"iîs sturepeatedîy her us3ciewii "laty gar Jin. Wheil tbcitliesat Yjc;i<l ove: bu lier, smite sanitin a ýuCL, sw" u ab i icard by te of thte gapwj uniy-'I ituiti int4e lIolge, l'avili- sirangleil 0Y garer, 'n-olbody k-gieW g u t but myselL" The er- ftho -Bîry l'est] gives té c>eustvauf t'thilielane Utlalwarud bvm takeu Lduibt-writilî., reati il i-uifreud if -tijtt was 3hb tel)i!d, 'esit wto 3citsg-ftsktd ir.41he wtld r l'and Utiu the sfternet $414 Ising raised fla tiîu MSPOUFlllîty of ber dtoiug1 Suai'-Wtbcsuisctiaen, E cirs ut ite -City cf'crotilo, uequfflt yenwili iimfouni f3cm, wheifiez Iyaui wil< ceili ttu btbecinue a Cntiat or 1thé J le1tesutuauî if lte City it Iluta cuta.; e unin. if y c ieycuir auitiutuis loesc, a-e have fiucdletit a-nu tc exteuutaa-eVty aigttsd Iy ail ToIabliuy u J'ames 14ve rie Choly Wa'uo-,Yonçe Stfrt. G ENILIL ENl arn ftuiîy ensjjible cf Ihte tc- t itou'"ypuhave coiteu'rei ulon nie lanfivtir eoul msstand as lte lle<'orrn Candidate fur te Ci:7 et To- Over tutoi<o nt the asîproaclug Elechion. To rmpresl witat youur City il'ar<'uarnr, wnutdbe a dustjtaclcai cut f %whieh anV might-beb prouud. 'm-I 841, ia-as 1bma-hît oruvard erainiu unr lie wil< biv th' lefrnerà cà the Souith Ridlnz of York - ite as !heir Canididaie, a -id aunîditt muit-h ba'ouite, anti. b ftrtee cf expenop t riutnpuaunl rehurneui. Silice l hiten <bey iuau' ltre. ates eleeed <me, Biaen tu years 125v. 1 penessed tueir 'Of)fldewee. I arni fier- laa a n fit, for er sfia.,w*lthe 141 f - ycn couuidence 0 îf beig once mio trtnu<u alue lected; wms uinder te carcuuunhancsi h wouIdkl14euinjust le de- ,usu.,te St heisti, d 1Jasure you. !btit as monta as 1 t,- Cramruaio. >1 lalîm:îJ&Alwk ln' o>cr li Il)1.--.. 76 ~ ~andeer,)* tha in ti b as b rto, oetd ae e tfr e and e tkn iitg uu "'lLJJ i tr- 31 ROCK.CAME, GINGER BREAD ' ililtO u tolf3ug, w w uv 0 n inisglurt S~ ~ ' "t~ ~ eyuîîotur 31 7 7 i R N Y S  S I S A . Iv v~ Ithatf luce Priam nc t ry sêate or (à y - e udeavor a t c'a s po s ble ta confine M y - " î nt e " fortn a daii î s8 0 ~9 2 3 a r t - v C a k e s <a n d W d d n fy C a e s /r! c*f fi -e(w , a utl ne ro it of " Irn ' 1 , ef i o re b a r tl l fa u , a t u u r s i a a m n i D t o î r ~99 ieîe " ~ '~"""~~ "'~'-' wul hlave' heloe thbbfrst day of »T u hy t uugnîe. cu'u oouo e 1MiitigauuCenral -alur 89 - n@ete order, -nd cou the rhor,îyuuthe'. Aiti, 1e-' ot th Mnjriv or lurîlunn - 4- aaricy or 1852, betn filci y tît much abuuwie nd- q~ue uy ~ naa 'ae0 ir N w %VIueIîit jremembemel flunt <l ,D UT iLviual, fue Ilon,'MaIcelm Canîron, andi introt tht iqie oie ~teFIs-at-fmibdi u i 11N C o niservat v o oca did tlae i tf l e " oo ti i 't h (a L a rge. S to ck Of 61roce ,i s . hat staunc lu lbforimer D r. M acd tna lî f Niwaa w icb ar c abfjuib tw nty tua o Q j î " a p r » l ,is e, v e u 'O,7 v a th rnc b yi fli u njit y ua1 Iic l tu it iý fli e tut, n i e r mi tru ic l' - t aï lis, fro nt f ak e E ric , ui to1, ir e in fr o nt ubu.y n lý u c c e e ti ln u g e) oer 170,ieluère i u e fîriosentresuit LO T"ER y.foruner and ifrienu cf luis coiuntry Aslul e-' LdoOntaîio; andlfru heoute oto-a trival rotute%, i<hei j i0 ' I roouu bu$fieelueve une t a ' tw1O fitintgin.a ueuuhîîheoîtuuirorthiarMtI v ~ ltj'/EAL',ufe?4b on5ervative puress throuîtgout te thos rt re'ubt y bc iv ' iu ntp e e'to hs iba î~ lueîuiuîiul-saua gratcar 'uis tuflOs Provînc, ut 1the tinte ivewrite, i hWu<u lut1t i - t iteca r u it Icrcà týisttt front a ken place. aiiflhe size, a( jj iiiflc n i < soft )v ývjjeil cr dj ce - cttuto liil as ta few wlvce ago, w! 'uMn. 1,1IOch siltrn e o. qjjQto lebu-,o witlt i tlè Jîrogrm-41. i ê1 i rt ubi.- ory t Uhsibai-" A0 4; fit " £1 n returcu ul for (hr Lt y nethuruauion. Ietcia uit, ice i in ril,»ipiittfi! - a aa v-r eu- - t ext<nt, ba-, spri ou b ic n ' u. b 13ej, me cllu ic t tilt1 t-41a atnv iuud C ef teake -o u froga?,L!ivli-,,v v tusI, thittvie lia-igrî"at - ding ,141 uj aci1 i 'ni rve frouawj-,ti t \'111Y Idrf' tti if",£1.#ii liiil'Mr, Ãtfi) mention bm v M cial'n fluîbtt sot lit par l-uit s w ut- lti&. Gî d, uh. 011 tuo Ccrjoite,' 11ffilu>nivejagti- il îj ,1le ,f p 'o iii el f t itls . fr ai uv ' ulul Ille r z g ~ ~ JA M 11b toI S C c îuv b a (i tf e t- ii; tug 0- fro"ID tI uÉ-ýir ~- n t f ai , u ni b oa it g nt a. < , . i ntW l're. thro lruab M i cliet iluii tututit ' uIl a hî Nv el' lwuinuu xî 1- ------ ' adin.. -: tIo - et:tb L>ave muacria1l urku bIw, outitgfenri 1 t ) o I t rou, ienceto b u F Bu, tr y it l s etîn l a - )t m udoau t <' t u i j b - U i x ' -i? i luinu 't 'flue Jutim 17.'4E caa-t-i s teiu tu- ç-iut. prsî.lit t-cle..uu i aruk w - dIstnce bf itis lifte us c Ii 1 T e l'tz i fmic i (i~ f M r. fC,)t1tmeriulccbuiw1 e wuîu ik e u' u .rdr 1stuI re t'h vo ne u Cu utaty itn uuytil-iao 8a B3uruuhîunf l rumulgllt b hlm tt ijc auite they in lI Ate tr i flîî tuic, e aeuîr c f P E., o tai e i /ulievird /te wou!d run à *ai e lor btte 'rstufc i, lY utu ihttt>y, ili* thé Ias.t Cen iaye, avowsing l t rîa- itclow,. - w tri siltcn etlwn an!1 'mu-tuin t/i ir r«nks, t:td tlumi qoir te ae, de 1cm the urpeseetpayonlç the 1il'. la e n igiuieiincm- "tuiisî,îî'~ef'la.uhseadtoua ~ 'bics fle like îpriucîil thty eld I)I l à uîdIi hid ltehandsith'gcî -îf f)area>ed aetut onel I -i>î abe, it ouupfite srea e(gurobn cati-al lu f . I talit;<horeqtdiue purea t lue lit îaid a-tII, fuiael litate aa w the pritcipha c. hua jý prty b- e.p r;- Iof c l I tts;ee ut ia-w h ti o l tte<i < t ôtlirj<.j' uleîi ato fuu t i'rleTî e Ilh ta f i I e rî (a:uat) t ilpou rt s au l ta i ut ctîetue lur'u luit Illue l , ni et'ery kirul anrd urtre'vuate 1-er, tNriongîi;k u en<-dorse stuctu îriiucipleti; antd the- ouîly chance A'i * t rom tti s; btuuiayi4, lits-,bà ilny f1orxi r AD si lSa: t .u'cta j4ut l 2'tl c tu th i ni 1 di s I t h a - t it-eiu~' osn-tve tv o'Iîlc-dv san- utir rieyt ticre bîau g lr vtah- ( ù b ,-c o n i ilei . ýs a uaxttI tîtde .11 iu-et Ihi,. QI' t if f r Salhaee tt - ct i ficita ne1 vpari n ~ ~ 4 lo. . . A;ne (Ili-i- wgut,ý-. lit îa oshow Jlalth ri i - t rihai If ~ -. -- - . I auSutti oLi(Tf ca-' ~ '"- " i'-' '- i t ittl at i t ii ptf roi.rLit ý 'i CXIN Ti N -oR'Lt l C'fyoJ au<b'~<idia ,îi~ e urii'utdî,î,.'u fle'1iriwîî or cflkr.etîrc, - r. balcfna ar, - t bil '-vîoxsidab i011'id ttt*t- 1 ~ f-ib t lt I ' -rtiiu, r ti a x if f. of j ieb rg M -irV-o i ttltuu a t, t tiuî trufut i ctuit'I '1t:luel ye a in d 'u« >î r-i l it: o fi, ruai' uuîihh P -~ant*ý Ii purwit i u c . i e t a a , i e I î ~ o ' t < u ' ' t . "a 2 50t u l v B 1 41t u . t u , , L o t s.itru h u r , a w o f B oiu t . f atC i . h l o f< , fT oa itro n t o ' ;- c t w I u i t - J a i f i l - t r . ~ O T fotr raaahdyt ilfeuIto 'ieiiig rie uf, fRtl u ' I'urt.bht~ î t utai u da dpc Ille t itf u d d tt - xrtroilhie t a ' uic aut-,ituheii r b flc b bs if, nu k u h n> aip il f roft M . 'uta- ilic 1 a tuen-r JJJc-,f.ra ' 1 le i etard> r - M lf i l iî'd - Il'as eca uac fit ada-t ct tut -at ou- tdlaawis'. t seul-arize lit. Ciit-gy it.l'- o ti isln;ania~ nt>uef -1 1o m't uac-, --,ou 1 - - at ~'bie li prany Wlib but ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a tiOle!ft<- lisandu pauiclarltteihbt'ei ua sc-y tatuut t.c iur-e iks'ru ebILu'cn ali î-, tuad(,)i i l ilt r uiîu o lin. li îo £ B O R A O A Eq aH U Ri O N. P e't op e N v r, l a h e on fIs î an >' Wv - hoIt-ta , l u-uu r n la. Is a ai C aef-1u ! t ed foraa< Pec. 2 il Lirs L', d4ne',clin 'ir. doefijq or thcb.geia!r; a* r-é P1frL un tl1Gram' r>, ett-ty uutees >' tt -a',anl Ai cmnaaiatci ithusiea,&-. tdnaur- 'aena-louortiei erChcatu'ncutettef utauiLdt<l.. hémae uaohepafru-'<'oad. ctuuoruettt -tae huity liiu Io fltewouusr e î c <'an.dD~v. ~ tig atei » t~ ou aidate.-utet i sc , ai auvn.- neta)1 i pL enuruuIIý,ý i ryiad tbjý ïon .Cme hItL S ile-. îl wlieu -. e-00 T'fot.- Aiauîîaaner. las duii'er 'mit points gratifFarug b 1if. titit-Iv-a btit, speechlban abrut coittuauu; i dO eneleId , -ittie fetnti ane> - -0cftheir Chiai k$sue n * tttca es*ys, lO IEeu or liéte th'! wbhuvbouolfata>aiwny. c't-aIl À ~~~~~ ~ ~ , it w o u i on a e , lt L -\ i T 3 , a Crunui a~~ T It- fi.on'ruut til, 'a lan cf -f rilie on rb t Cu ttî 1(J f o e l-éi t te h n l ve C.lh a k i ch u , i b o r Ci t e pl îùf v e'îtf () un for Ce nai tuuc iu i a i n g u bui ! b t ' s to h l e-e se r i ~ ~ h G o o l a- il c f W - tî r, ai d 12tt- c*t -eur vu e s _ bid (; o - r te nt 'to N e y e r . îýwtI ' ' - F r- 'iî t a e'cat( m anyo rt n e u n e h u t n. o ' M he n l i ; t u' e u'ep r u u - . l e m al, f a u t r a î c îi uyap t e M . a a yI i i S O i td î t n n ea -i n i'j i e c lue pr ote a tns cf là i'iiuty parJ ot'. .i &'j 36-t oObte cu no 0r4,g it the,.-o n <1 'u e l Iecutrr' Ir u.e(nie kuiowaledg'e cf the 'iOj of 1 vta,-i la __ m 'bien i f ' litac ic i tanIÇe e > l w î tuli t -yr i -n l -si e capart 2 O iu r tt i v1 at uy t-a r n uuu e m ef r o lû au y t h m t , r dM. C O B O U G I N L A K E H U ON . A n otmat ra er t) itcico d - tI d b s th a s e tiellcs slceii ie 'ea ani Ablcomi'w i atiuis et mut fou-bbvet I ted r ib cte, ornicnt ati. beeri cwu-1 aclborivtiui saucoreatly vote hallbe lafitu .0 lottrtenc refr ar x oc h P .nier, ffltub aunsi fuib n receuu' Imb h osne c neton(fi atc~bê e n ., s is a ver fr1 T cf titistitm'aiywiwin lîrfnedwork attenatore, ofntheri t i n u4 m tv and l a i s f r i c a i d r u , a~~~~~~~ s a c a d i d a e f r p ' a e t -E p (1 o net p p s i s i nh t onte a ! ' e i i r u i d r c fan d l î e n i > . a * s e e re s ud d a d ou n tgit l i s -0e w n .-os t e t i o u l b t i s R --'R " - - b iý o - - ' - - - n a a n i u î u i t y 1uu toafI m s ia iia > m t e j b t e 1 f th côntrvby l -ci u0 0t eA ggapti t r nt u n ae si y.ynttedn i wo,_ 4 i h o ~~~ ~ N o i legatuel i t eilreua r w arIte.s ni t'dn b<e h adt f D r m o r a ic u a tinh o l i p u v n t e r . ttt e oa nd!i ti c , n tie u a ali a <yn do f u Il$ fti r et,-eprese: esnt atia-te, l n d srve tuni < £ e fo ,. saîie rc iitubcAstts ia eorde Lisar'uatatsi.fI f public Of*tut. * hy bb sft bautc -.li7dg.'flue Mini toî'i l c-iais ta pa t. a ui i cag s it couut ite Itai or lte a kiundfrandmil 1t,114. whoy voultiuuve bila oui yit- ui see-th-at-nial Dii'l *x J or ui'c iILeora'er a-cti' etur-et t Prlam ut B t sonefItaOf hue P W uigs ice g!et lc s i gLotomas111:iirteg t It i ýuru 'U i <Ilt TRUM H-0FREO M RW IPES II ptt lmetuustou byoia ouifiAl eti rtflic in L it ibeidth StaSesfil butani conOusare- - t oatitirp ti T o I ELa u a l c y i te g rltq u n i > r c i r c i > ' in C ac k <'e u h b . c t . m e i g b c e B d inte e l c -IL la oi f d u gr eea t ieet I leautt ic ie 'N W tisoT - a Co lin> att ei- epctd rn te a t Oiteac orOrd th'~ a n i a t u u l c t e a tt a t -e a n o u i , e d u . a t a i e t t- s e it î > i a n is r e c i c <u e v el t o f u -jlirip t(M i'f. E . W , T i aL m eo n - ' I s p i d e r 5s I uta - li is 0w hales on suitras uItio, M, Junesfnuibcuastageue-Ie :t- ' %,iÀ.[elSale lcpepefr Dif t utit '.-n. 5 -- t ,oldb ron-kesip dci iln1 b> a ntjo ity cf ' eu - f i . Uur- .tltliclfor= i te el Vt f dout illerteop cou boId et m teras . ag i figte .The the votes IXu11ed ilr.Burinhaîn 187 15 189 1,26 184 13t; 130 . 179;. N EW A DV E IT 8 EM EN T J'$ ;la rity, in hies own ie hnity , ix J re,-itib e,) folly disc arged bis duty lreeto him uef a d road on the nortbh, wilt mad by 4iwiacking the w bôle Wglnce bis [à ir Gt i ow tyi~d is o 4. ..ira.w avay m ucb of' ite pre, g~ttù g ail~tbe~nezu4sidet t votera rn trugsso rIIs j~oe eb te Corne to Ibis assýistance. mt' 4LI~LMt ~ weuturvIhefor the t Ine lia e ,2111 0 M the M rro ufin I Ia"erb; own friends adm it t at Lis re ur u w as virtu- L ake 1 , G V e o., 1.) 1 Ç vel. a OC) ;the contest bs t he e lie tie:,e eiv d : rca slo a uiut5ta re.q1 <c t h e c re Cit ome'taed c dtae hepeia cgcaaein aba(Irlger<ng iteAdmnistra- aund crioseti on Timuruda>' eviiing antb o"ctlock . lu.1very eertieu a aS t Cei, andi bis ca-a aiYairas- A s a Irienti of t cee-y scharne set on fCoot b>'tite opposite ours ver>' ustlyv reanmiei, "MIt lia pi t, thtY part>' Ie induiae theme no ,ru e Dîrbaf»tvote utucita ttn- nCayloyL aut1sset fucr An. Burton, but 4 was '"'nego .51 bIte>' on the incE wvere deteriainedth iat '1tb manie 'of the nteefplfis" TIý ~ clij tOry) proplet?'tas awas obmera-ed- bs-na )rdinar-y kinid 'la admnitrd .h teuie<hé. [UMe 4, mocon 4r3ctlziý robjert btLii vicui rt u-in t r, iian' e teoa te a th adtI Ce 'eul aTua- certain a regulate i ont i'ariou be of greai plarceti it ? 'vr ofI& t--(~'111f f