Ontario Reporter, 24 Jan 1852, p. 3

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hava* e theA currae of t C 9fth rbroA?ç a- (3P TI -O N! fi -7 per ieo On lm teoh~er in zettc£ iii fatley, given ia sount of the foi. eybF üw s atrn im.Ur of tige lige, anpd wc cai judge Jy the, re- lowing %ad oçcttrafne<r; of the death of' Eveyf os9t 'isse.tom bcuefawlicb and proiremesgo isr titl, %at befcre .,lit &gG af th' neOIdSiva, %ulJ ~d t b~etts that we %would de- Wtt,. 3orse na<thiId eighit years old. It ap. onei. warc î, thë Jaunp eIl mtnius:f fiferit rive 'froi £aiNysteni or raii1ways. -Te thc jwnrh that un Tueday worning4 bisfatiler, U'iena slidden êxpo.iior c4nmaefomli*î luiscoft4ý 'Stale cof Vermoont, wi.c? IItO4 & %asoilatid Nartiti Morsv'plai'ed him oaitamarc., éa i ~drsgj indd nfcw f1ays or t'Iiitte I neway smperior * iS mt ros' , u. ad uften dore lî.fort . -bring wnl, < ie ekâ, i t as sala,. h,- or âf idfhasiyý Coutmiw, favourable part of 'Canailt, the rail% ays lrt wr ' r.041 h » tum, m is Si- 1rslruldwlhpuho u~cm iave give a &mont wonderfui stiss*u m aç era 1 ittv i mldaC1gv~te ttwe wo&ld zeler tal. teadv.rtisemiitton lite lit u,%t a - ýter t te %iltgvlit !iill aijd cavethe ouîsjle of dis pttperol Juddsn'sChermicat Extract' ricultitie. .1 great variety of prudiu e,-'thorse a, rap, at wilti h Ie Set into a trotand of -éClàqity and Luingtwort," wbîch is id o be iviilîi*h riuir Lu tigeetîbitn of' Ille jumnnL froîn t1w path threw the ladi. ;'rlte certain ctire for tbis awCul disease. Italwys wro holy obulab nowifilti ibalfr C ft e wibj autio-Alit f the ibove natneiJ arîtices ore ter halloa 10011 in thekend, whiéligit seleins realy tark lihe aa e Nt~ i ilfti.. Ille boy' hall -Jpped Ovtýlhie wrist, and lhe Yfuî e, I orqmlotcsmh i jtd low î 0pvolwng or emr Çaîîà<kaII jtzkihita ivas dta«Lpit ahernatuely ;in lte air, ethîief Nnld, importart a% art. alilite, sect O u4~cor in hàtt s. and un« 'brf e h 'oINTJIR1ES gret rtnkIiu~ t nrea t t he -0re,.- horst ran into the barn yard, Icrî in oe (" :îli ine to bha c mrparet.iniiPoi1nt ofi4tor- ttimh:,r, again'-t whirh lIte body %truck ý ctd hree for the Fatriot. lance, witb tho Qtiebec aàiîl, Uichu4îîqd. hen mnai întu îi,,-fild acain, turned fî-om.IanuarY' 23, 1852, (Cer)At Montrea! iere ïi't easy c lis- Ilehaut iot itIe îîow ln d stopped, whctî q d inttattIty Jtalwav nnt OUIyýViîhIel i w red md Joked nt lb. lad, ùtUl ue Flotir.,pttbrI. 1964bs. 14 6 to 16 3 grearninnwitf ciiîie, Of IL Ci ed fîtîrrauaifnilinuk upi' lte ifeic--s body )atmTel. pertbl i 614s 15 O ta 17 6 .-talc. and i wth tiw far wVs, u,,!>ijîll il f lis .n. ilicit %was dreudfiiîîymangoee htat,'p)er bish. 601k 2 9 ta 3 0 ;îtarts of Uîqrer C'&nada. fly thé- ..antd brui"ed. lia ftiicrat iv"on Ne.. Barley. per buslh. 4'8lbs,, 2 0 ta 2.3 marg rnmilraad a ill t theîi i ai ljr <Cari- aar l ;.ye, per bu-ileI. 561b,,2 .3 Ut '-) la ini the ofih Prbdutlrescohtfa n" -'---w-1- - (as e h. U34l,1k, OteIo 12 b,' reac'itcd. fly tiht! lotsî and Cape Vin.rtdi"i(kovirii, iîitimaîjes Péas, per btqh. 6GOlxt, i1O 0112In ri'it B*ilr-oad we éarc brtoight witbhiu *TV'urh tl u!' îila îl i î l'! 'îe.prIusit0l 2 3 te 02-G i~ngîotwîl lv 1wÀbaw-tïBftf. cg I.a 1111fj " ttîî'st1ii u h'sHvBef per lb. C ~t fala we cao ?ecldt Taronito and Ilallijîîol9tivet;tîtg, fftc COI lot. foi. Illetiitfwse ii>"fper1001 i. 15 Otlo 17 6f; !if ê%WCeL.lMoinreninIa Qeec tuigtheji ýf' P"ýJ1f)1 «Ii,4o;îîio.re o okpe 011bÇ 1 winte '.ta.so, ditetUfcanscif44'rî3ctre III til3r tVi'ue î 'rp' 01, 1 e2 5 1 1 1aîj li' tlîo 3r ui t~ et-Bacoin, per 1001S. 32 6 to 37 1; %te o bil, ctn ýpaî Velt' p.-itLat o, _vile ceîrd ilt, o .Aot e' u af tîcn.Mutton, lier lb. O2 aO.4 ýffai1ifa îfordî'11b'v1 rdo if'. e ljecn îîtt ir ît ?li;î ltitgtel P" aront'i5wtn.î>ial o ~"î d1~ f: î~îf~is of' stich Laitiper q1arter. (0 0ta o t qw, JYa aiw3. fljiïtl fi;fij)Ilillied P rk pe 11. 21 t 0 34 'Iters) lt 'usaner tr.1dt :i' cf j ' -j fdted to rder îto s.'turg i l Jil atte.i "i B Ie.prlt. t ~ t iraiIw c -)tii lneli l'gra tot'ttncr h ue lttt 1e.i' l-reets-h uitt pr 1) 071ta ý butit imossblelu slit5t th amtin viJr' ui yt t erd 'ai t tOn mi ity I;i t,pfr lb. 15 3tae 046 ofgood-, traiir an selih Illunr'. f was ,m neh 'itht ti33i!4 'i id -1t i ntti33('3t344t<i' jcli cuti. Lard. per 1l). 1 in l 0 O 5 struck by i tttýÉ r ss i VIIatilued IWt i4(lie i , f io l. -ti i if t mcm. Apple%. pjar btit1îel, I j t a>gu in a Lotîdili pr, Wtl ttlvateii v ~la4 J l!1.'I'îuî t 'iîdw ii 11b. r i.ý ~t neîtshjtQt a i n l ecetth tco i s-îL e lî"piî c'rt11 ty acii ht. 1 0',i il o 2 I of te Naiti laion J41ws, crti tie' sîiutig> - uckis. lCr pair 1C o' Mtta .rtd ieujLda w11109l he Ut"I'TuNu' tA 41 '-i -i ok du O 10 'fia i 3 tui nttch çligrea ttr injury bncipen donc tin .î,îrrî ( m tsthat :titltîratieuttufor 'a pgser duztn. O 9 ta 1 O0 hlaî inîî'resî i t allitîg aiW of 1wthe î- leruiiit' o arecotnition i)iiletît«ite,<d -S""taV sw 01 250t 2 ,,,- tad, w ttg l lit. rilwa s eanrrvi-iu" t' ,a th at [there i- 'tearetit a îPol "il f t if î e toian. -'.5 f e ai rt al. r4vffiaihî t' <>d Lia, to bc. foui tî iîre', <>tr r,îî1flri ie ud iC cr 12 fi tn 16 *3 that ive ha% e guI<ia iîira in i Autriî'a of' lte! 'il "tcl tI'3 t ata tîlt' i'i3tiL ontdont MOl. [ l 1. 1 0Il ta 1i 4.' lnw îrie atwli gu aecu crrt'd hlti"t 't3114îtWti"r.t'%f:ni tt ,Sirp kinî, sl'î trilterea, 1 b6 a ' rail%% av. [I ef*erince wusi.o)îtad i' î' oit'14 . 1 -4 îttt ii 3j3 i,îeuIait , 1ýo * rin icî'd Jli ul,., qu pfr il>bt 0i O tn 25 0 O i't netgu l nv ïndîvtdtu' F ,x,'iljtiMý fitlin wltcl J Y- jîrl c ' rt 1rsstet-fr('nîia- 1 i't1)t'diL',(Il 1w ci by abominiable, filthy, .1O7TI1 ?~ t tt of ta a lia '.'t' iatc I r t~ a t P~ < i4 ns drtus. T ht: ' irul>bi Iil'y , & i iirltp u t t L t 't . u Inav ha t Ito.w 1 tftn açt. tht' . -awtt la a ctIrrsaitI~t ndfo-IwTHEiîp tfe Unrsgaebu-i uwn îniti 6tî itea 't to cout t n I r. ,'ii,> - o l tr' 43ni t r tis puîreo Kho- >haeent b'atitUlr Tt3senî. ri a liilrr wo~d in w'mcl te egstîrî Criw tit earoin *rtlt' ret ttf s"î'v vla;î1 îqttt-î ilvat' M 1 1 wl tîfti e14 l iiri k' l,ý i i to111Y .lî'sTîiî '.s 'l't'îî mutu e J]Gi : 't x'ù <,tii'di. 'at'ther' ÃŽ, Iguticourill'V iniih'. or-pruence, andI J'1'aiiL e attï sine 'oidl %io aa ur.he ' ýiivîr. 'l'he ivitav n l t' îj'ýr t t "ý lit -ii ait' té'i w, ouI e le otî - 4tic lg> Lag u l-i tbi at t I i e ititdioa 0Âtac raî)l:squniyo an I< vlt f w i h n't b '~ îtîîî t¶ i Ii ;lar :!in. ni Itrr ..~ xn ' S nruamO o f ý1q -ov t 1:1ct " 11Vi u ctp r m lat sti tilatsr . 't ' ~ It 't' iii e ta llîttw 'tf ut v'lét -n'ai' norail nO 'at Iii re,t wll ftilt ctttu ti 'tc tiiivedîhr I tIllyeaît lharehable tl- illi lit a-rvu de itfi içidisttt"e'. l \'it f' si»onti ta'Colnak 14,101140Unders céad, havi beeapnt- o 'a di 'opollt1. t whcv tiu,.t t.. ' îîîiilit',itiîri,'td i auîat re-ci iten s eerinnlaCasrn'iF, o ln men cfsuit hu. an l b: nubdl ;e rai O ae t'ildiîil.rttatiiiitw ie onî.rel>gvstaietaat3o an' t1irta' te lt t afý iw.rail.w,-.bî'u.:.r'nii. eid m hîsdata1LIîa o'.aîayeî 'a în ifltiia, ~ f kthnltc e>ca o a INo- le w( i",abu e No.o Ey1)N . e111,v rt fl] the 'felihftoil'.r' ruad Itngi artilirtn rvI[requimetheo fror ,eah tairpeng wth Ile Agu agii cvery polllsa-n wh audeiiitîebos in 1 îbr t h e vîai lle p ic >' tta i itot hi: ùcjrt t h ~ a. ag aillfe ttii îh a'!t'pA ,lt lU 'f~ . g;trv wheri' tn v obtil fona' ceastij iceelebnd llel)et'e GEnuertia et saîn-tneubr. cf b gul'(rntstat li1n't.1 lta.'u aini'reti. ar o tipan t ! RaaitCenioti' eîothe snie infrmatio, wiîb dditio ta-i,,.' CiaI iîv Iakî tue~ î»ete~lin it 'tai' u ai xtýl utt'ît "afia sai. hei iotti uua lerittanettî notice a, n ionI tn ity l e lie aNeft; ir atfl 3 pl. ha. iu t, will lie Prm ot l i n tt1pai't lu ta or a tpr Lmrt ni 'u"ctli C niu '.vE tel ts îppci< as 'iiin'rptui ha eitc-.s anan har!'t.u'd tor.a'enwthe CJtsc1ian'c iant a.Te ol wa bvtig cti-LaIcto Iandesafandhii uaeîoaiieîmet~ itr "'a etsiai'i'Ad maie, lt ' alritoe .s îta usl u CanaE n-u n jfor atin v185c1. -re foi e .of a le o 11aliuuî ajife t l ftit e e 11iii of'Canda.Mr.("ranlia gietisîad, til ril ane aitisseattIe foa piod, wit eloite gsa iot h m Tpl9 Neilleflrlace ofib'rrlhhit'rlaniokiane F pst athit Tîle e rWNTi:t e uk n bckanî ticantit0 a EtiLasandplaavdnu givicg lite a i>tance cfdardfrnunnj r y.fandhrwhivereny unIl pbeFaotamare '_ Iand'touyay 'l rie C o tion ivte r'îucl ary i , it.. a feu' dYa .bi vs d o nz A n e nd l i n tian f it En m rto itaienowt~ a te trtanu beng a ii) hveprains r te'or inain itie 11emote ishtrictbhese iformton,eist adition 1 Anti furiter, 1anotify aU iloIsarstcf> îLegriaI î~s o' ttisUntet SIUes a t c tia Inat i >igan aea bout sendin o011- j Lantis, w eia ?iroriensore, ad îs, imtant sl ipheier- nii tw w RIl Il~~g ln ie wl erq~ie ~ie was atsf ureie tattti 'becio' -*WnIéVliettidreloits, o o JçestsIcrccçi fi uer tVtio e hav e t c iteai . iDeedBYTEL APt a ' fsuhLniCitei lmpon it, ,rentlernene, thut te bec win< flot 4" " "umder Crop in181 iffer by te pro-speritvo 1y tLév rBoslozi, Jani. 171." Paetire dté dé mylitrvilages in o iagbb'ô, hoel(d te A nest of i nrendiaries, named 'Willia ,m1 i i 4 ardçns &Orcharcis un lte contraýry tley wilt atid-.naterialiy tLe istîn, Serti F.. 1icker, aiiRe an-dlthe 'Quanýity of, Landi§ under oe' hÇ ihier e ,ngnand'tcptbny;u ýhave note 1Iadlti1Contractor. havç beeaRarreaslcd-op us- o5,ndtePpûe'br(f ini3usbels , o lakYufor the high ielào unn h new halin8in'p h1op rriibictbe-- irectors have confierresi pîctoa Hou'.. 3hCaýt;o h c wihii à lw, UI dasnie, and ciIsontilddê wkit mybeit tisies jli t ncti for lte Saeess of i is detakl4u, I ' New York, Jat.u. meralorgshaalI bttd e ê~~> ri eu _____________g'to ask of ail rorsops ail 4uestions whicb h hl sui WC OaittlQt ecaîvev a hetter idea , Oie Bull. lie Norteegian ViolitîlsI, is pias- lesçea eetbet~'otk iea.-P the cUid of Tuesday night and<1lie fol-ige y -e larcroTlqt'lJ~l entsanasd obtainlte information aforesa<i, nej Iuwving-'ieorutgli r4a11Vi by tatbe at4mý, funda trie bil ai anat lte Commis. andti ei tthey u1 be*thrized to a- at JVM. th trrnojnto sineo;.f eigati & n'n "4 by anvhintruo n' ébe e hes4àd n wss10 1etware nddîrugL1(2 sance in conNequcilce oflte,çt>ercrowded Baj o, >ËWtJ«o wlpite î'of ¶4uLfdy. il 'angedl, on alandIIi liL.iVconiti fthe O I ài' sr11,11 nveagp "rp~~ lu6 eiw en. treet. .Thte 1'16111 aaUiverSasl of 10e b t; ,1 Th ii'blew wiflt great force, antid da of iBentjam'in, Franint', was celebraiefsia thtesnow.drifted labout¶by it, in RIi. sul at Niblo's lut D g t rfue r nffyp.. oriml -'nlu é rections. :endered l lbe day ncî t t'îly thegt'aphicni Societ'qu'stion, ai- (6r ëU coldeit 1but tlitegloo~ip#et>an14 inwuîun- - ' e. s ithuî9 it plaat, i- ilOTint.a qn 1 Ja, 1J WNIJS <Bf~ $~,~. UDSON'S -prpafut~itcitiaçtiToronto tuiè' sily or oit omnng Leeator Mlt1ical- j Tuies. for'tuiorn, andi board per week or "N tern. n) b6 known 'ly applyitig tu thé CERY A D LNWeTï Wbty VilageDeri. tw 1851 4-in f~* It wa,~ka LANO FG r SA LLLiver ICouIpailgts, a ruTI busorrip<'r aiTeri for Sale in e ON D M TI ~ ' 'f'iritttsling rownoship iut UXBtIDGE,Lad .,00O NOT IicdLZpT 1T. framu lUU.tu-bO') Acrex, campufiso% LOIS No 2, SZ' 0ý4 3, andtî 4.ofi the Front,îof tlt't$ev.etl Concésiwon; .O',L PT andi ais. tLot No, 'c, #)itîf1lesaineli e 1n... CtAN bsand hlas. been cured in hiIouanis On Lut "eu. 2, 1t ietcsi irA r escleareti land ao(w - aieaes, by Ibif culy certaini retniety.. iitee Wleal. Tîtert' ire alsu, lwo goaJ %Iillmi sitem on titis flo.t I ie urpaased'iitiç1h. Colin. JISN Ç~1,~LJXliÇ tc oW t>' ai Yoo k. T'ai'otve Loig of Land comprisies Ã"F CHERRY JANU LEUNGW ý"VPJr' <c Ib Â3>l equal ta. ov part nuthe 'Townsipj. at t eeybse.c îioete>duceeiblîe Fut firther îîarticuatir.appto i lawl n eet atnly bebebendscvl 01 toiui Xii,), 91h (Xi:t.ciîsi Pitkitrîa8'. CR'CNUPIX jlrrcic.tstso, Dec. 24. Il Tbe hfsuowt strors-Iy mstrkl rd d evelapeti caffeA 1 ti Cai)tottnal Maetitig aof thle Sok o-Physoictitami nd'tert iehopnîaxt t ii*sibiliy i . tiersa!' tii'Witiisor Road Coinîay,) eoY0j 1a iatt IoulIftildyi~ a anihl b 'iLetidaIytîtei alfîcm nI PnA arellby' wîllbi' eldlit heieQffcfý t Pf tWhilbyale4 s'.'db aîtd hîcarty' 4s evrm. It .iia acom ,ôtltd or on Monda. Illte 2n-1 n>' of l't.tittY, medtratioiti whict rpctliarl tzttptydle antd next, for iL-" purpo. a aoft:lectimg direciors i 'ftîalynices r tmthecuire cf' ta .serve forîLhe ensuing year. CU'18.YD<'Nff'JN Il W JRK ii ipe rauioti is ojild. yet ciritcacialx t f botti S 1 the pbk4iî w'ltch ereatcieSmp nuch lu f~ficuity. te. Pat ttî: t'. 1 a y 7- rça ire.1si7j hti couah rhil a.-iit a ntuire te etpEi frein T Por Whtb-Dic. 17,1 351.l7- t te systent aIll ispiAsed malter by Tiettâtow - - ~ potlaaeiîn a lîii'tîhu iîn'a he lcbreuthigiir ancd [tICIJARD MO(>RE, & CO itisl antitis. ,after the Vemy besl Metineui in _____aîd the invtetions of kind and, somIowinîq friend és cl.di agtntirses. thave. fwiled ta ga'.e lthe sania l" t ieî BOOKSELLERS ANID GENERAI. AGENTS, andefiee. R.pi Bril,-s pî'ccured to o,-dc f-m flie United 'TIUAD VCYUPt'~R«;S. ,Stt>'.<f irtai Brii<inar (h ' 'o'iWc.g, persin have lîeen tlecei'.ed iepaatedly i 'n buyintt pmrtiu fi/uli s f's >îo"". .aiei.te.4 wthica wer t3I o ebm infJalliblu curcloh' ofpros lîtît whiclthae prôtid attît' palliafive, but Ibis, Alsut-Ar-.rr R s nu'. tOsi'Nuaspaur edi'-ilteius; is net allittiative lîlct refor i4' crrtileil bî,ers fi t 'ittnts oifli ioIt-erfaus Dmut. '1" S andi me triaîl t'it iove. Zstoahn ICOC cy . gIMrof -- ..L..~.t 1rltonaraaer ttaein ruri-coi. t a ini ildi'. tirt oh lise Up;ter liovaiicc hbetee friîrpti',n antd ail diseaioes cf the tiutg5,sit"h as ýCOBOURG AND LAKE -HURON. li n o, lod. "4u e piia it Ille ide tnd Ai1Ot'i3iJ'st03Iusa, jiuclJ %,Ijnit M lif tl ';t mraechair 'ores'perform. CAlaë (1t ût al3) tri et îy laisnte'dit'ine, trum to,,me ni' lhe'flustDorien. na"un'eof fi' ysrtadM4e1rcha"14t, have beeon st'us 1r tmaf 3'lec4hFe. . GoItnfy <Oztatjo ttistelicitie, fout the pulieition of thentlookil cin iiicoa'3wtili amsitc'dite atlieatitn. lau nuttt[%voaicr. it sohow lise") ote gi vLO0N(C RtICIIAtltî 'MOuRE, -persan stîllirue att c)U'otflcce.1 hsMeicine wilh ~ . ~ . D s 1w n k h u m i t , st ! f a n d e t i a u g i t i i i i l s o w n i . iv o u i w l s îr e . î N Il 13 , 3 A lvîllig A tzin t-, W a oe u,- C i i û i b m ed i, ' me p tit otp on -8 la rg e 2. v Nr3fl r1e iîl ..îi.c~uvb'Rtrn liattii, aud yuiant findthe jtaoe cf eetisuck 4 J cicn Pi'srce ~ ltijtit, ~ ~ 1I'dk. ,PraprietorA, Ne'u., ur. un Ille spiendid , foi4eA e .Ràh e,1- 1 - srlp;),-tarolinri thetclîce. Ahit rderi.rnutr * e - 'aiirtedw 5îrnstoc, f-Brulher, No. 9, John st., nerisotx emeopranti neyer lboy i ifl esa 'yott fir.d tLe 5 F M ~ITI flITIY JKE Y1 a&i 4aperl"'iteui) u TfIl E tintlers4iineti wtsies lattc no.,ied 1"i'y J A UTION. eeCea 'lie nbabîtiIs taattit. ttrattllî" "it~r$tt; Mevâaie d i nl'rmia ouifrfeit or tl. li.k file couratry a argi-,it ieOchamscenia îi'V CHJIRI 4LAGO<T and ihe J0NO 13E Y hanti, tCOJWLLand i (L i S FUNDELR lis eenm Brcid, Pilot B,-ea.l, Boton Crack- RING, BONE E , ôfev-. fi 'ti1k CrBtiler C"ackers, fneyer fillythp,',e ariees in WlitW ,on7 eof W, erealive ind attkîiicît' fCH 1C KE R8,ýw ith a 'amiety Lso, n, aia Ds-y Goociastore, aund avel lifie cout- lice in; S<<". a& as erteii ns yod svotilèl Poruers, andi ail V'ba cf:Çk4-5 PONGE 7-0 Ûaecrs of rand Drakrs pmafers LA AKS :~ffl ua , AKE1 AR~TN'S FýUNDEr. OI.NT- General ROCI; CAKES, GINGER BREAD, 'K 'F3r1lLIecure tif ans' BRANOT S&APS, PIES & TT ?S Fe«tMForSplîLIlocffMWhite» Party Cakes and Werdîng Cakes B cakdlct tatI. lo enter, a nîthe ttcnrteit nulýce. Aise Semitcbes, Cult, etk~ c, o ie. ty, &C vîtane V or' aCautîou.-Fitid lb.h niMene1f J, Czrlios. Copt- oh'la ~tdECw-S~isaLaÂLL!&ND 4~TAL, tockni he wraPPer,'ornever I>uy Cttmton's J to h. Wi4a Largd Ytock of GrocerIes. ~ fN -B~ ~JE JA FSB'~i~, For t lite nrf Rletinq, nBlooti spaitlu Bçe Aci Witith',byDec. 19, 1ISl ' 1 spaiin. Win4galis ed jSphîn-ê ertiin weedy. llse iss 1V W L(W o ri r ARLI'O!'S CON DITION POW nwrp m a ~ DLR..FOR IIOILSE S AND Luri Ju EAD 'bey eue With coi Articlo-daa a inc 21arge lot of S. & Ci,., bcing ries in thete d!gg '. & Ceps î4 àSpe ilanly invite ttsim vin- tht rtliof, .Gtirm frescut etrect, il nIeo 27th Sepfs -roxr.-Nevm lei i Conutock'kGCo itie genuitneati ai' ceitiariilve ,o atttit, livr4 4.dateaiii r stomuec ist, &C. takâ1 Stve atve. pu]'

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