Ontario Reporter, 14 Feb 1852, p. 1

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lit Oirtato TI:NIIIL r~î'j~ ~, ÇNI;-Is ~ ci c. 014) .. 20 i anfl and thhik nothinrg human iiD41er.ut to me."- Terei ce. T'w>E LV OWII13T CAUN1)\ WVE ST FRBUA{ 4 LDu. LOCOCK'S 1' ulF' prtEs May e Cli uit.d fýgjy jfr a'ior rerile . I$i- - I.vîiiiihui. Fitor Aileuf-or Arliflli i l ltise.ried oit (oidylit:c or pivot, . ML IW ,11% l Fîwii£0 to(t/i cn(tirc Sr'U '(ffl I 'ftc -Ni c~s~~S o. crtier ao" KIi c, 154i~ .î.~ Zrt. - ______ IT J{ECEIVEI) 13Y_ thé$îbcrl" nt his 1101 STORIF, JAMES H. GERRIE N ý%ix Jsif- % 1 y. ALAGE te) 1S (o Q irnIli-i% i eri Iiiiik>'O hi t.r,104iciî'-%Zliclâ iii k soW in ldji twzZ. ,d12wVu I aIiy'iu.for flic vi q1Ial tti" le ut p;î chi -i, ada-, Liv liberat i 'l ~ -2iv~î$,d. iîi iu pl".mat Jii h1h ý I2 u .11 ud r, . ltakes this 1îneîiÉo<I <i ur4tlurîh.t e AJî I lotsI.îl hn Sagre. DrOW roeivlitâ ripriî 1 Sod.Ir. îa ii i.'. inansîori cG iiCH mlat ,PATENT u4bir l'Aii.q.îV1o<osCipo. BIEDW hUVES, ýla-irestu, 'faraicAcru A, Qe) ilre&c r VYE STIFF$, 1 s 'rTI\i'vJAMI'S12<ldh and evy tbivIz eue i bu ;ýway, whî'h h' i hlet cieby, 21ý(i 0t, prepaedl rit iL,3%'%>cii 1>âfli %îi Wîf v.î'îy A.î; (-eiyIPetoral, 1'i£ eLVnit~ r vn Trl IlaNtpI4îi(s $ilep oft N ýlc: 1 îî~ î'-;11i. lt pltu," Il' i ' r1 eti , a titx i inrtt foiier knowr n h i a.diî, avr' be!-Ii faintNt * :lv ' .ja Cqanada,ily he ver-yprmipiîs t %lie, tj oir l7ayl:loc 4tghaltàte>, lhve armiteI bî 1r.luî'î t. j MI t~29~ 'mee artoctratir "J'J' ll îî.hîio Ptri. ýZnd-B4.LM1 W' COIliL) , fr tir îyîî"and J'l;H.URI: Reirielîi'n ll1 iîuîr ioi er, W'itby, 21141 OULl. t'21 3rd-IIEWSf-' NJER u; SOXELN¶E' ta cure upT"t riî1WuoîVS y 1 filiral txratrî of ('hlrry usil i.qrl e rie". Pct&rceJ> 'S ,, f 6h-P Zi.1 0P HAN1'N YiC(K 1W. ID.11Wl/i. Wit'.7t N. .2 7th-MOrJJI11N Ui, RLJEE; tor allat iîîn'il îi «,h-L ON (IlE, VI-S G1.171171 fI' 'ILl1'~ ~ E'N SAV NON IlN1Y. I.- 1. l"uii tîN il ('fi j tiîy~~~t ~ orrva4uozp1HrîîteSCOBIE'S ICANADIAN ALMANAQ FOR ig is otbail 14)t1a e1 . i r' îv-r Illerî,allé.ne-!J M S t.r,'u i: ver'1 paviin"îîIW fOit.e, 9 ~t.jD. 14TlÃ"(IJltSPIXK 2tSYRU'P , u1rnr11,.*u/tJ çb K(ihter) fort hî".î e' .t"' .FISH'S MINERAL FIRE PROOF PAINT, S - I'>î'l 0WIutniîe îiîur 11.11-V l ii <,J' a51ŽI-nd .1L '~'artile lie; & opi tit iî. l;d i w îl- tri îîîrlî l1i 01 ,ii !î I b w-ovrlerirs aiapbii ilrîoy a .Nuj-tu JA E~s Il. G;E i E 1'. orAali ut ale, r'e i n iJ'îample- Whîtlry, 7uh NOY., .ý3 . hiîfu' tuby ir. N3LG tzC'ls Drue storli. DYEL STUFFS. ýnqfurre fikor CA i1wo(>0) ,Io40, e-o Shtowài,- the Rm duawhici; 'very hroîîhy Oshootai Copes, blui, Villio~, &i-. bc'.. Ur 'nu lty hy wlich al! uîityS i ll ou be Li-e llrciteul-Ir'gil Vitï] / oir 1?peeulliy t'ro'iWutoi ifej"uit î i ief r. 22ud, l1) . 2»~ CureAJU I' L"UCiIVE Every fitlvbor 4lctdcri, uy prrtc~le-e ii T J. il. GRIE' ît irr Lookstore,ý in r-cIcrl owheii ýY en utieiy ia.iitr au-bt ao SIOLCRAF'1S7 A"11AHCAN Itîdiars. the particubar irit'jîdeie by the' coin .îiiît. 'hir r lise'orv. Coîrdition atuJ jiraslwc si cogita i-- and shiviig wIi'r! v rlà îernîedy rnay awuMtit14ej be, C.& UN and ELEGAIT 1$ndint, lui saie JAMES IH. GEIRUE, 1)R tU G C 1 S Wis4,$ aPPeiltuîacnWFoae &*Rlail Agpnt. .42 FantiIy Meici nes., flWV.TO IIN$~BALX' C 1UR735Sa~re Tirout nr md 5tornaci, Caughrs, ColeColic Piainà, Whoopitg Cough, Croup erule, &c. 8WEET'$ FÂMILY CURATIVE -L[NtME NT. cote# &H Vaait !!Ceapet-N'mrbm, Aga. i ýb*1.Vçe, Ker wu~$s Bqid TootlActae, CQtart h, JA>S î 11,GIEILIIiEY, Wiitby TilIa-"e. Dr. àvid I uclttmz Ct.itAnTeitn1 t;4 bt , PtStiN U ii N(UW011Pctraro NOYA I?-Y JPUB LI C, tCommissiouet aofliioCourt orf(tuecuia ieneir, V0&veyancer, Draugitsmau, ISSUÉi OR F MAIRRl4LGE'LICESESND ACCOUSTN'1T. Office irear tire Court Ileuse, Village ai MÂrwuiaTnu Twnslup ofi JWÂCl,l L. C. uTHOMAS) ANDP Cmmissiner bf Quee's Belnçk Fur i kin JNia.ts IrdPORTAtfT Farimer, Farrier & Stage Froprictor. GEO. W. MERGUI\"S CELERATE» GARGLING 011 rRr aLi.KLE Til rzt 1-roRi or a? ifiiltr là thé imet remarkabue Eteiia-IAplication ' fiThey caetxtKeep Hansewitheut It. Er,ureaitft-rua ti 1Steuîrr years ha# estabttphbeu litic ýt'ait iu i Mercfuaînt's ('etetraitd irgling O(lt, tor 1Unî versât Fa'nnlty Embncaion, wihh cure inat cases5, ad r-m SpMin,d Swe(-rnnuv. Rirngbon,Winulihllse.Pol £vil, Callous, *Craekd BJls.s,(itls of al kinnds. Erniti uînisSpraiîis. flrires, Fis- tnnlat. Siift n&id Cracks., tltis, J4hmteOOtiS FoundcrerI Fret, Senttîrs or Gre, Mnnge, Ithumuatinnn, Bites oI Aniaitil, Exterirrl Poti- sorts, Painful, Nervous Afnctbns, Frott Bites, Boilg. Curirs, Whitlow.. -urtig and Scuildin, Cilîhlsins.Cbappcd IlauJua, Cma' * Cari- trat'itonis of th u tnnulrs. Swellitigr', 'r'akncSa oft he Joint$, CalçiudBreuseUn&c. c. aat-tc. GREAT IMPOSITION AND FIIAUD! - CÂITON TO, PUBCHABEEL ?Tisn il lu sburoeane ni cèltrteud ln the îrnumnt or diseies, Ain taus a cuaurîe~the dernanuitw tunitunnig great xtrortfrit tuhe crunry- itrpiàitry o-f dnetgn4ri mret- have iii.iict-d them ita palm i'1rut-onun inuoSncuug tusrso micatuun rùcrifr the uirusiniiiso"ghirg ouù, 1114K~i,.îuîti, rWidl e rBAriSE >MlTtIin uinmnai'ket nîp. ouii.poprnharity oaite' l y iter' antice. vinichi uuw sus. tai-un aru enviablte rcliuiiiatiui, wlithnit ha. acquîred tuy iîearty ,ixteeir ycars 'nem tri t Unted Stars" 'n an aiat. isy incroaîiitrr iaiid nid wuinuher-tui eummutr. ini the cruis OF Att. mLi, U.ad tlouussrtu ipartikiitar', uuudiedmarie pometsiu-ir-Sris i i rîtâtu'nini arus iîwaya. wtîicir Là ÇOKVINI$ir, P lEUt-e OF irS ILTI.utSI'VVi ,Me t-art tiituturhiot knuaer-y louueier, ie prattîenl by certaini ineruury deattrn whio aret imporirîg niponi the vie. (lm« of chair avarice. a coiiinitelét fir *tintccrre mcr. giiur Oit. Tue jurunuible eu'rificc uet (l.iel!'. trprupercy of la Mani,' inui-h auua vrofiiruouer-'rinth-ti teu inupr-îicituid r't drrit g t ti.it, cai. eti lcr . aaf M wtio wtlriuî, îiîuruun, cu i tuhlilty or ihlr cttonne, rnay ttiey nr, b u <uly t-finie rouir' eîtuttty uni ru-garut4>i any ar att acIer rindrrcer'of Iirrrw n rpnîia:ucn 1Whac cua<t'ezttr rucen>uuuplace itei?, iii- pnoptéror woutit îherare ,'cattiodase who piur- cdsi. -De stair ai i/ru- reotf îLe rprietur' us nrW o a oieandcrîiînuif er th'e rt. unrd e/rin isards arg iiswrr in tks gls#sof te tAieWc'-"(t.V.Merciant, Leuckpoutt. N. Y ," wtuc as tutheovL iiA2 "ao'Kszion.- None raetan hca r riuuie.'tiui t uuuhasthOe publie may nu tiruw away thilme ncy lfur a iîu.iietereud enuater. (fat ar-tila. AUt tinersadaliremtu t hie pîoprictoi. 'ml l bapronrptty etca atriptihait u' oftenij, anul ae wtat wcirdnrsu amemptitleutby tie ute 0arufis nericnre. ,Salit l -ipetauie udealers îeuerettj, tli ue Uittedt Sutatu miol Caurda- Atiea tT bit>'.' î-4 ce.., Il. ?uIuer r nd S. F. Kri"'rî t u. ieüsonî,e1;t M 0 RRIlu \V{Il ILS0 U 0 L E DMINIt 0 0., 'IANCFA(7TU'i<it rutDE A LEÉRS io S Motîîtmrnis, Mrtl ttnn&urs ie~ot, Iim U-, hi Mum'w ,Ifoe' nieza l otd-Rtaii, aEuer-yvrica 4raMai' ti&~l art Wow uK nlceir fte.ir cetyLo . l hbi Zffi1g tpaten, 0 Ii al a PlaidCa, 1 fi - Is ay i t lhiela.n caîliie rtisv h ayob e nal Gi re iusd 'e Whitrle, enr tiSicunut. S; c - Unffes tb rother Zouiatha,. <i. Yoinina! ur Jonîathanî ! a wretched %wpxld Te'\s,'dfct a freîrtrnni n it no ezecepting Va'u ind me., liieolîrr-ulîeriChrstnndnrthe sceptyp islube. 're satuhites ofifie nation fr-om the icànôia mou:h oîticpe iesuijttlnmultitude or cririnanice Tuefi millet auU tht- baynnet debâtë ai once allay; Thie ni'iitgaîzi'd, the Pr-c.a lg apped, and wre-iffmatri lre wiui, pi"rtrîmir ttîOUeliî ho ttu or to cal! rut bouti-our owri. Tiylztey r, ioter Joabain, t, -,tyranhs; Thisl.î ieu"n!o (>2 i hu'ty, afnIftCeemeîiof thie Il 8es tr'. îrurthait re hirviu'e tteir savago wil ho t1rn -. A ritgni or hove(Iinrto their 9lave-a sign of ferr tI~h~a.y ui.iit rtey bIrîtdourtounies; trilh ju>y rrcît Our- Pen$ , imrnnir" orrbc-si anrd lîavet'¶tn encrchaisie.l in li-rid OITfit l,îi ierks bfi) ititsrîift's yoik. and ltahr. as *-ela 5uoil ith rru lîîVi'rJota heustîr it 1'er îe uîlînutilltic 'ý1iJ l'm- il 'iii' ho 11)e -hî1vorlubtat titons Cati "Y' ai ttrir'i't c iol e i:;î auJ utope-bow tri. tirs, ftuV'c whia lespohis itori oti, ani ice <t iti- L'arJ3' TIMC,4IDlIa ndlana. S'.'ullitiujr- <)idesly" titilie casuia-ly firihliiriin or> sis vPsterilay mnrirng él)u om end CuhtLIL tîlkîtg utll Aii»uotill, -' tf c.îi) îir-rd of this nrtifica- IL ui l'ofduo;Iiîî hi,n's in tIre latter' Thr " s 'itrr ti net-rîtul siglitt laa nehi pratrde aboit. cr:t'r'iiI>g liait l'S gui'h (fiatigli ter i 'att cuiird mn tei n'Stee-nîed( frîr- l vas to lue tnarrir'd, trnd J1vas Su *uîgr'sti yîuvî:'u, lrttti uld ûot belj' itisu.. Ilnt 1 Wiis juerft'ntLv disgusted. 1 cii d t't lctir1 n oîiý-larirn g- tuie ,1rueec'd- itigs wirerr- acouple wine rarnied, ut La:wretnceliurg r agrn.at inuny yeari aglo, wha-rti Indiaina f'nr-ie.d nu a.rt ute Inortit wes'tern ternîlnîry. AtL tint'tii' ly ccnnined LU te udt h, ody laudssef t he wvaier nutrsr's. Lawnnelieoing was a1 small village ul'.i ew log cabiris. My euîher was neütitg niagistrate for LWo district, arîd veny îrompîtly ilttteddu- h4te vnîrtcuuîeditie$ pf'Lhat uflicc.,in adl i- iami lu vhiei lie WW4 in théi hiabit uf doing a goad deai vi manual lubur ir lus3 Uwil huai." "IbTat in.s whün you wasîit bîigentf Lu do rninci, t, nhj.t i, Eactli, I wus a tbw'-lteîided urchirr of $onie eiglht on lu yeurs uld, Whén the itcidcttIu but La uý relaite occur- red, -but 1 remninber tihe jrniculars ruas %veil us ïW iL cetrredyestterday.Yuu see iL wâas abouit durner ime, in ite fail ofl tIre year, iwhentlire aid uan, bieîmg etgfagoud in laylig ill a stipply ai wvod1 f"r te î'inter, druve itr)- bis ax tiearn %vitln a prety sçiid lnad ofI fuel. Jisu tir eti a vttgand i tmnîjîisticated pair lirtered tire Village banili iide in- qttôt ~rtirh ie , and iere 4qly diric&t d to tire ifirtsa. Tire yoc tts bareliîuw-d, and wore a cotirxe but eaéu -ueisirt atid pants, and a -augli straw liat ai ixhome riianufàetire. , i fir rumîtu)uniin was d ressed in~ a bl ueco uttiI frock, jrink catir apronand coarse Wcc heir wedding dniwsss, anzd tWei trevere sirnîrhlcity,aitd tire tirrotig inde- îendér>o'titéy<rnan'fstedttnmde ail e pressionhn M Y mi'ncitiat W i eyez- be fuh'tc. W., comie 1 togeL mar ied," sai4 t be yoittl rr n 1ari u s ci ri old' lady n lUOnithétr, who was jropery buby izJmig tbe puts don' ch~rg anî1~igfor tle uopera- and wvîth an elorpî-tit fIouriýh ot' his long .'stick, 4e Nliariti ifor nnofher Joad 91 w"ud, lcving tlw ncw îw narried pair amrid the vilimît ers, Iî'h'ige, h tl. r tvith) a vcry (li.,4tUta nd jiarticljar luvi- deuîce of' the litetaifcin 41Thl t wui' a «edgworth lhavitn sa(d LX>o -~Ij;" new the samc, Cou ple atte -lirds, and kiic>w rthetit yet, fur> lîey rA botfi living in aIiigh u i>Pkoxl nty. And 1 knov ~it cijîldren îîow,y too, alid ini 'Lity fine, thlis. tintIle, guveri rtheite Ujiof Iidi- flac Whltc Liama. The differcrice b)etween tihe wirite Ltama arnd thebrowtu are à-irtgiarte.sa utrikiruu Linat we ar inclUned to cansider them a-S it- dicaatin of a specifie dibtittetiari. But a more extrnded oibsirvation of the ianaa ivhiclîav ltqb.een ofl' 14.yenwb ecihibtc>df in varicus colT ,erthjons bas cornvinced île of te faliacy of this opinnioni, and proved ta nýs tat thpre e.xiSt numnerous îuLtermniediatnt va-. Tieti'L5, forînjîtu"aCoutintiet serjes of lirnkz betwerrr the ai malî bqueatioii. Th c 1cr- (fer Size of tige former, its greater mus.-ctlar- ity of lhrb, tire incrc-astd ienerth af its woai, andi thertquiet îuilriiîntss of its di'npohtidon,rnay ail be, rntgarded ns -the naral and abnast incvitabie reaiti of ite doinea4tie eduratiin; iwhvle the perfettflaihtc f iqfor feht'ad, iviieh fniiý a tra1ht lne ire ht-mnzzic adcontra>t-îsa sýtro9rly with t ti bold currre of the, triime part IliItle brown variety, eIS equtully, hidicafive c f a a Jrug ubseri'ience to u inan cprtrol. ' in prQol' of tus it is Scarl nciar"t refrttuIo Stili more ne- lilrkable lnn,)difta4.ti itrte hhotiaer'd>ret. cated qarptd havre undergarre, andi ,tyich biave rernuvved tlitin -tu sc gre-at a distance lfront rhteir O-riginaIs ail La reidie il irnpossilàe ta dc'terrnrictlt-i. zuutunt rela- tios tu, to aci thnr. lit îLs native a-tite tAr Ltatna, Or Guanaco asit L hii i ternd, is alinost urifrn1Y brown ; but in do iria tion iL a!Siuties a varicty of colours, af whici thee înosttixsual are biaek, brotyn gray, atnd whîite. These coIors are freqùesntiy tnied i variaits pro'- pefriQs taor s;rcad inla rge cpat.cie5 over <Lthe body of te animal, witîcil thug becomnes mtnttled or piebauri. Thiiiiisif wlrite apers Lube tLb.ieast comrinon ; insaurucir thate a Whiite Llaînaiwtt», according to Father Feuilîce, the presidine deiLt aofrthe uaL'rvl ofaitte province of Caliao, prlur to ils anurexation ta the empire af thre Inces. lucowparabiy tire besýt figure tat. ias yet been given of a Llima ini its dapmetticated itate is that wliich ib containin P reziér's Voyage tt Ile $auuh eas. .At tire period ai'lte arri'al of»tbe -Span-. iards in irn Perui, hue L1-amnas wve tre e nly lutninarruktnown ta te iufiîabitànts,' by whrm tiey were empioycd as bea4sU oa but;' tlneri, auid were aiso kild rinrasi. quantiteb for thcir fles anmd for Lireir flqeece' Gregy- ory de Bolivar csthates Liatin iii-s ime four millions ivere amwnally hkliied tabc c a.l- eul'id noalia titan tlwees4uiidred tiroinsain ivere eitplyetl la the. tran.sport of the pro- duli ft he mi itoines of paato a'n lone. Then On MXonday eveuin"gý rie, I)iiging Lu oanmiou rie.ss in Gaow touk h cas carrnage ofhe -Loi London, fbè týheput'j La thlis City, and lh'ortlv nniothe rgeiitlefnan, %iihî edt mit obe Sir JsB& inieck, in> AyrshIire, se£ te Sa[IIé'cùrtageé tiîey p3ege tintlat cgîMnP lion, 'whichi, on ther par uta kept iii)wtds cant lion, and Lu o 0hufit jîsi devoitt of talent. At( took of brandy and wal, shortly afler restringm lt-tivin-g thttt station, tt eoceeril agreed tc> havè Vi'lites ofi"" good uight e9 theo part of both with friendl-" feeling. 'AUl Lo*rie was lîîrua in his utersauz cati ntry-ilooking, oWthi tz and iw lca-Lst sicion1 qualifictions w titis, hOwevQr il h. bard'faiier> a a liravv biow o net 1rnnittnéling awy'iit, îJ'deiraten Worth f t4re 1rrîuî ChPeSt, as if bIf-il beefl cil- wbichir gagcd in a priZe figltt. Wlrat wus to trade o Ireý doue ii l the aY cf-defene- iecL-ih. knsew'I'h nuL. 1{le tniecl taociinpose Sir Jam3b eit remnrding bù ii fthirîr i mopt' Se, rigaft'aid'bla: iro w4is uabout to k. îirdered olîtrigît, lire opielied tLie I windcrw%, and vrrspititg an irnun bariîoist- ur ed hirûiseif î to te roof ai tire cairriage, passen(j wvi)re.ire remained for, some qpirfer of erpool an iroun r. Lw terity itateiSthetratin ;ýasté, proeeeditn ut the rate of fort-y riles a hour, iii heyarrived i;t u station, wbere -11- was neiieved. Here praflerly sPak- Erie ing, Sir James tghL ta have:besti sakeya intt, eîridcKyl b'bW tirer-e being mic!l*'htc' umen tire. t LhatVuennty hae f thté ( nloting thre 0clük, le' %ýt3 a ir1awvd oc tu go aitthe Lité ieîiti fiedt4~ir a'seat y 18152# -1

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