vice wvill Commnenc-e ai 7 o'cicek. A roi- fetion viihl e taken ujli n id u lt(. is-î siicnary fuuds. Severai evimpi*iits have iieci lud ciiil'y n lisotes r otruters, uuiîd cuule (if uîr AIuLe;crli)er3 roli:intî t4suîî. vi twto tue- cauitis iateIv, hulie d iticgetl i'i, papers ath4i1. 'Tbis luractien is îlot cniy îinjtri- mit-u theicSîuserilier and thie ivtIulsler, Lut a scnictg vtoltiuls or the i>'ut '- 1ce reguilieng, tud u tvutuhle svr piînishiled bli bc beuid- u' tise e 1ît. ment. Mr. TuA B. C.uirE.YTtIi of Pickerinîg la oit ratitîitoriz-d aenfor iiÇuit ,csril)efab IL the Ontario Repfl)er i"i Funrk says lItai ua London Alderinan, afler diuig on Roi-st Ieef at'Citupinan) iut ire iiniinul.s wahiýed 'tile Turkey. Torouato Typogruphlcal 6SocietY. PThe Typogrà ýhica1 -$eeicty, cf 'roronto, C'cldbted Ie ranniveusary on Tuesday, by a grand diiiter autlthe hall cf lte 2Mecianic's Insîitute. Ainong the toasts. ire glrc Uhe Ir.ollowing as a Fpecicf thé teehuicai lanttguage of pitr --TIia Ainy and Nv .%,I ay îhey teacî Our enemie* 10 '/4,' ike te"d 1ril." *' 'Ih e rzu-"MNaylber-'galle)-»" bc ever vn4 to facec tlIc Freinch 'cantnw witl a -' troad-%ide ; and !sbould the tfoe put Our '1<ta' ho 1'proof,' iy 6over-ruuniag'- Our, border*,' may 've, ith 4Engial h ot inçgaslcka.' à butter' bis 1 ate, 1'break' bits lae', and pot lia columns' îsto 4 pie." On Feu îLy luist, tihe .Sut»; cf Tein- perati~cf ülthisdivià iion, ce,.Itbuatcd thoir antsiveruary biy i Soire in tleir Dlitsou I'R ni, wIthi WI8wa eli alle'n. sJ4 M Adreases were delivered by theL te. ~Memss. Ilyrne, id Thiorn.. - I h 1* lë o thlii. stirJtoff isfriens t t4 e4 ini vbeIrdth 'ete just. M flîe Sm lw*th i~ fte 'The left 1ad - wûiîdered ttsk tu the shore, stable- beipnging It1 Fw. .M. it, Wheli, it wta lken ellarg o f î,ystne ait hg ress'of that,1îwýSouei Petson, und giveilîte Ille police.'The eIaidesteet. ='ft eà cred'to *scar- nanic-s çf the ftdiviiduais su s rndelliv citly cu water; but, hiwçvler, owiutg te the depjrived cf ife, are Wni. Sicidu aiud i'exl tiofl5of the fir4oen, the'4amueg vere Charles ïMcDoweli, bath roslaju.cablie ofined to the stable, and wecreaconaextin.. farmnera, resident iu the T-t)nshîllp of gusahedi eehyhc.~lt~gg bNeison. The bodly of Shields ivus re- was burned, and the roof 'vas cut awny and cuVel-ed yete rday toriglîttbt mach damaged, wbich svoebe1ieý eoà pr'hi MeDwcI bs 0oty ep enfnd.- 1h43 vIolaI0-4s- 'Coomst. The former leaves a wire a nd famiiy SluDDENx DEATH.-A M7- Milburae ia b lmet het îreîarhi lasthe lut- lteé Ù' nty cf J)turm was etità l ntq tâke ter wui î tinrried. leave of bis sick wie-tIc scene so afi'ec- ]%*wu -f tifeThis isadre h Ms ooef disery c~i~uof-ithere lttbealseaM '111 be seen oftI the eiebitu&.ý ire o thelime bc talle tire tinîe bônored lateorwof a fykend or by our foreigil advces., .Whei j up ~>to ur.TJw hedpliant, *Bs our ,twaders are 3ï. 9d. in Toronto. aware; is to bc found but in Indi,. and Afri. ca, and how this monter could have mnade 'n . its w#v into the very heart of Ame:i-a1 sa SOSrhwg soue aste~ Utthequestion, 'veil worthy of investigation by il Yard, at- the rear of the late residence of the Who take au intercst in Snell matte l rs 'uperted mlirdere4saof young Lehinan, i t h bal n hc twsfodi f ?hildadelpbiia, a supetidr-buckle, and the c ourse a deposit, and thousands of yearx 4a" montiip f te elvlryboxof e-most have bëeeu consumed in forming 60 liras. muntingi f the jeelry-bo of dc eet a-crtit nnd gravel ivhkih covered the teased 'vere found. rernains of itL.-Specfaor. Dr~. Plough inis IOW on a inison throu gtrhtyCucl the Southerno State%.- arousing lite citizèn 0 ý en" Repotof lte Stiding Comnnujîle cf Io the importante. of the Great Industrial the Un ir-e, Coutities of York, Onta- Exhibition, to take Place in New Orleans, rij niPetcl, on Cetitity Prcpcer.wy nuid Geoo maingemecnt. in Mai, 18M, Meetingi are beifig Ieldin urCm iac b~ rd Alabaina and Ocorgia, and M.%echà nicai In- mlinute oxanntion of filegûol, and tiÃŽu.à neery îoven. <'ccl gmtiried ili bing able le stale Ibat t4itteaMr. Rudd cotitîiîîei$Iocoildicî jit in a INTiIsrNa ~w-AIcter receiv- inost satisfuriory iiiauvr.ùvù,rv, part or cvd frim .lreland, by ~a gentlen in l Kingx- Iit Iheînlg lieut nind <lenît. nîid îriswiers 1 ~and ud borditnnîe <fficers nî';stiiretitlv itil .tu tt:that tiire ae6100ale oidunder prolier 8suîjectlo,oî" 1-risl gprli inithe Uinrcady tle cmigra0,e Tise Beport Ithi jzuî ioile 1vîî~nion te Canada i the spring. the cotirse fiust udvisablct e lu 1krr f'urt ihe ptîrpoisc of rtiideritlg certu i in pris It à umid that ite Popîe ham directcd îwlo of the biiiidiiîg muore iîiftbrmnbie for large etnis-fîe ne to bce taketi frein the~ the Irisoîî'r. Capiol;litecitr foin ic oiknîn-ci Il hthon jeks of Illse iiotrity of lte Capiolihhe ug t rom he Cli'.uin-o b uhomne, andJite bc premenit-il V'iîr C'eiînîiuve i.r te'frain by hîtiitotahie %Wa.Niingîon onuirîeilî, froin liîriluig" îg uyotr notice the fuc'î flui i'int vuueSfil It ilie îîow being erected in thne city cf Wash- i Iwîî uîtv r. Ktdid il)9 n r ingtou îttîîletisaît sitattion. uts wé ll ns the j,,- joiolttîî fllct il siitl. have ilpeon Ilte Ià tr. Win. C. I)ougherty. iateiy a cart- turluctîy1lte utîrîtîei- miati in Cinicîtîfatti, retîirued fionte un Fridar malecs, lîy nec-ceoury restrieîteut,4 iïuiîtpse laxt aftera sojouru of lhree yeari in Cali- 1b' Mr. Kidd, whilti pre.rentus îleni 'froiîî fornia, viii, $27,000>, te icésuiî of a ,qin(rie recQ'îving utit-of-doiir cxcrciec t-o unet w-lîiciî reqîtirenîtcut yotir Cuntrntii¶cere gKold rnining uveFtlaîioît. flillv Corivilled Iit cre-lotiî lile eree- Nine ladies are quaifyinig îlîeîîîeli'e for lin rs eial eaIOtlA e plysicians ut ntIl-iomaiopitlir Mildical 46 ur Cuîîîiîîee lcénve also liad lie- College lit 1'ittsburg. der lier cuîsiudt'ratiouî t ilie ,4t rvpealci 'I'le cty c i~tral ilar lte oiiiipiiînt (elt wtîvtf prlýojiîîcconno. 'l'ie ityoflýýd*ao î aitating te u'-dationut itffice:enî toe) CnçSiiEv ilte fsrk"ners, thon of cou4ýruelktg publie baîhst and w-.iî,- ilshort lu i 'k e * eIhe itllïenile of1.lider bouse..froliîî.issuci-à tit)g sviliatIlleItarduvd ud ofln itibry liicaked rîtifien utîti îrgltîr. W.V are requwstedl to ltiociiic,tltat o u r Corninit tee regret !Iiint uteli a state 'l'buursdav 1hveanfuî nextl, lte l inst, a -0litsIîii xs. î~ 'julyrge tiltit thry catînot, tindtr lireà ient circuini- Mýi%%ietary Meetit~iii îl he h inlu tc Coli- sîurccs, îutsearnvy ievertlie- ~rga1oa (Iîro f îîiï V illage, iî i lesu, your Coitiiittec- ftel called. tpun i!* expecieti, (P1. V.) addrebxe 'iiibc tlie Jii- te sînte it as Ureir decided convictionî, t isai f1lie waul t'fprisoni acconî nicdaaeut tre b th-iev.Nl~.s. ea', neiallove rei.ýrred ltu, îs tiot by nny itacanst ~lniTIorant .Fîiulair. Lociscad, Krîb%. ultri.tlulle lu aiuY reke.o utufr a Conveud Indlian, and othiert. Thte ser- cence oin tlhr part of' tinîs Cotuii, bttlu fi'e t'til f Iiii' foi l %ii tel e (ra pliic de- I uaciin lte Qiie rGazelle, utflte '2ud in- Q 3HUA ND t) LIAVAX RAIL WAY (f'fin hla udfu. San,.JAu;n. 3 si 1 852.) l>JOI'u5T!e~5'- 'eierayafierîtuou, lue- Ielôn iltePro-rincial 4t'ureîary laid uioru tilt te table of Ilie lunscopies cf tc he l w2y corrcâponclencc, îrhich iras rend by the, Cierk. 'flue Mon. gentlemnan refe-rredt>ot the fact flhat Ilitè qile-tion us solved by the Legisia-ï titre, in Extra Session, * iud not been dii- posed ef hy a parly vote- andti rusted Unît the considerai ion cf it, noirv rendlered imper- ative, would bz met i a broIld and- pýlrot- le spirit. Tfhe Gotu-rnuinît 'ere utot li haste to propound any ttew sciteme, that il is npon lite particuler reutpon.tlbiîty of thei Cabinet ! iloirerr, if Ilue Iluse insisled that itsitoulti be otiterwise lte Cabinîet tvould not shirk il. Thê final propositio n cf thue felogates froni Canada la tit-tlat the lne b baill te construet-ed'onthIe joint accout t the flire provinces, us suggestcd mliT Poictao; lut' that_ Nora-Seotia udibcie nly called Zupa tO take an interest cf one quarter, w iie New Brunswvick alail tue required 10 take five-twelfUsis. and Canada orte-hird, tfinisa cf lte cost cf hIeroati reîiug frcîut Hal- ifax to Quebec. The rigli f ainîking-the conupleîement of the route frein Qoebec to Detroit river falliuug excluslvely upout Canada. HALIFAX, 31s Jan.-8tP. >Y.-The Commnittee appoiuted to taki nte consider- atirin the proposition- niade hy lte dehegates trou Canada for te construction oif ait '0i ter-colonioi ralhway beg leave go report ltat they are not prepared te recommend t thIe Rousse to aecePt fibat proposition sigmed by ted hlmi ai to, produce congestion. and laý two houri lie 'vs dend. The death of botbý parents so affetted the 'djaughter, aboutt 16 ycars of age, that site, ba. for serVera days been at the point of death.-Cotxze,£ HolRsvrt. ivir-arec goiftg about, w1iemb il ey't get horses to simit théflh they steel barnes.-. About a dozen setts bave been stolen ini this egbuhol-~blr Star. WVhen proqperiîy 'vas 'Veli snounted, she let go the brdland soon camne titmbling out of the -saddle. Dr. Rolpb bas left Toronto for Quebee. TH 'ri~ FALUEN fleCzc-'EmIpires ire said Ic. crvmble uwiy.0 Thry are w'on by Ion Oet, they are c ust hîy crumbs.-A little more Iinn nritycnr sinc' tlit puir- lion_- orf-4 ier ,aje'slv'on Duinlîsi.?>. repTestnted iîy Table LRock. goîvc lis a prcuItytv rus<'ivte syeriiieu oftîlasprcvss cf cruitnlîlit. and must vepk,. Brotio r Jonatlhot., Wviînever 1;ertîiius hinse-il tlte .s~unle bniji, %vitîit u irov~etent. 011 Stînday niterncvoti hast. ri port ion of' Ille lîreeiîje, iteur [tie Towver, con the sctti> ide ot Goat Island, fullwil a nyîuiî' rt%lta4. 'Fuilqportiotn exîeîtîed froua l'lue "de cf hIe Islandi towtirdlthe "ivc'r. lîcitî im-bluuitl125 fi. long, u.nd aboeut60 fet 'e t o sY(newh-.t cliip' tical slîa1ie, and renchitîg trom the top le tîcar the isutuo fthe tull. Tie il'tday,nîîiohler i<ltiugnir~ iI n lbuse ot' uhoîtt 40 fovt, lircke vIT i' t-tt 1-lrowthe Tii,%-r. 913iiulie twxt greal perfurmnnac iîs hIe iost. rcîîînrkuisliet. I3Betelthue i woport ionst limi pre- viôl, fîldit, s¶cid a reclatt luii-r '- jeciiii it. uttî30 feet long. untd Ie> fi.(ît %% i !ù (-xtetiiiilLytfrount b ti jott KOrIt t'f Gite rciî'e. 'li q lîtt ntbs aN - Cimre looseuui f Irot iuche îînin i1;eciy f e.Ijlt t fiel %v'iue rvIl :111 adsauq1t,îr. motus cuiîumiî fwu liuundred feri itgle 1, 1lîv rayusi ;'rl~iI,'li t1i euhîtîîîin wîIll iii- rut uel'r i' lu, iubertll lell lonig eotitliunie ofuIlleuic letîse t.olid. liave psroditcvîfitit-q c r-,suttit. i'ltey rire ,;Iletil; id e lii iti i 'us of, tie f4luw t, jsrse. %,'c'riutig .s v >N 1 l~ huî("ie ic era bic', wiîîu.lîsru', M. llîtFrgist. By luis gren t îiaNss 'u rock f<rotut lise kîuîdreid si rati iti ilivi iiitlîuîint hwecoj.d liîîîîd ttiî Ill he graii al4oil Il trinud tî ticed l litil Lur'uxhis liuc, -urnual lioî'ç tre jh iru dp. t tu-il i lut 1 t l rin-ui h'u .-1 ug Fac/h PaIpÊ..________ I1)tl.TA NI'1"BOM NOV'A 'C(>TIT (Jais, pet bhi. 3414,, -1 Peas, lier bai. -601ls, 2 Potatocs, pet vbael I3eef per 1b, O Beef pet lOOlîs, 15 Park, her 1 lOsu, 15 Bacon, per lOOlla, '32 Mituton, per lb, .-1O Lambnliper quarte, O Pork pcv- lb, - 0 Freal Butter, per il, O Firkiu Butter, pet lb, O Cheese' per lb, 0 Lard, per' lb, 0 Apples, per bulisel, 1 Tu*ewys, eaclt Cieese, cael, Duc'z%, per, pair i FowIs, do 17'ggwper doacti, O O 8 10 9 00B&SHOE , ,j~' ~ O Tule rea't for tueir $rniy«; IMPO8TATION<9, have c 0 IN 'determiniuelîo (0 ia( pricel verv mnuvh te.CA Is m Joiceti. ermott haufrm4 a tew part buitdro, %%-il[ -ix lyad rifid a 5glitfi nvcs;nrnuý, V~eitlifiilt Ut the rui yt LaeRed Store, ON. 1 F CMERRV 'IHOo.N»r, pLARSO1'ç& çO. autd n rentedyb; Wbiiby, Jan.2î, 1832. 42tr. tIat %wiit ceriaiotj >E. PERRY is %ti Selling tIere- Thte Mcsla rrone * mainder f lis Stock off at et Puimonat'y Ccii, COST PRICES!1 p*nm" and ivould fidvià tiîoac wVilhitg to Boy. reeovery, and attu b g ive humi a cail, as le is satisfjed he cati been <cured i>7 lbîuo mate itadvantagreoul. a% w'eil anld tfltiy bit"dlcariowbucl '%Vhltby Jan, 244th, 1852. 4.1-5 in. e5tienrially neessa THE MUNICIPAL COUNCIL.lsoeato <~ ýMEETING or Ilb .,;rcrATL CocercfIllev its cvuuiii .ithe Towrnsht<of WhftbV lte sy4leuu>ailh4if witi be heti ti t flueTO WýN s fi 1p H A L L prodiucung a déliiî IIRCOKIiN, on ilONDIAY lte 161h £t.nx'cit est. auui1 ibis, ii when the C)verxe,,s ix ntligbwayx, aud otue, andi thet ,nvetto Townithtp Offtkers viiibeuppcmled. and inurses. b-ave f DJY onr e01theibe Concil, to the Couuanpthu IL T. HARISON~,TIOS Brokîj, Jît,24,185 4 pernna have been meiiines which Y but whiehihave pi muedirîsîuinais îlot r, rV'IIE o aîerf in ithe Lu-imber u- c 4<"ala l it I l' tteMw, cars ied on. ut I'ouîT Pr 1 , a nd erial wiass p 'row'îsbîp of IIE.eCul'y the Undcr$ignt4d, ix sutxn asnd att iThomas Paxtrin atiGnreP-lxton are alil for- chestijbI-suet iserf te reveivé ail detuta umnd liqilbute ait cdaims Auui1U i a~aius saitiFurm.ed ti 3 ais inedirjil *TiT0MAS PAXTON, ClergynurandI -M (ERf~PAXTON: îhis metieins. but JAMEJSPRDyuN, onomuch liice1uaý ,Port PVer>', cacb, jNoV., 1~, 4'1 pra ain t NEW L W L. evîvt îti ied AftmD n Barrister at Law, itrape around tt AND801ICITORi IN CIIMÇctny, lNsw York, vt NOTAJLYPUBLIC, 34,CoýNvEyA(NCZ, Jteimember adj AT TILE OPFICE or J. ]iAM pptRity, Esq, naine on ltewiapý - ~ lewire of a ti NOTICE« HRYL Lt..i' ersons Indebte( the ltte leter p neliti itaiunleutthey vUa)'$,te,& l il b- akn 1, V0o a ai le.gtpeceiits' RLTO7/ îgainîu litra.J. V. If AMP (f ruthe 4sc-2etos. IF1ortheltr Wiuiby, 2Oîb i>ac.-ý 1831. 344tf.I Iorses. andc Bruiseu in the FOR Scmbu,, taý ersatd whic 3 3 6 G G G 34 o -9 6 4j 5 o a >11 Ilile deiliwrtite .(A . s:d ut' hIe City nu. tilotties Io euh ,r 1tit',. .tiv Collioult, i uit raîî',eent vttî Ii .ctueit airy ilrtrveffi-tit .-luteu t tellîc ovrosinds f>ootijiit t. wliiIln llst i ue tîiuut±il us Iliifndtu'le ý" ic Saite Cor- i~.rttt(I u mku,;ue u' flie uofut - lte litrî>oes ca liiuîs»tuf riereivttuîoy r eurn'etiuuu, a curse iîtitlttiudiu'r Lî tiritrluiîttîutgf IllTtc euir and efficienttdisciepline enfuri-ec ip lîy r.Kidd, muud t eintd îlot lc, expecîcdilihuithuis CuLittcil %wotild 'îtudLci ltu lîutlld an audi- lictiat fl'itii Il'ié rtcnt', u tvery-tlit.. tanti ietîi, ite SYeSuufroftutIlle Ui-ted Coutuiîics etitie Cotitity ut Oila- ru. otruiiuuid îthe City.el 'l'n'uiî)O eCsuy ui ite btntetntio il tfsuQf l tv;irtVe ix- Iuennîe~-vft~npîay iuu lcir piuî-a ut n liltstiatrà m, in tletse tbite .ameiy 1tuJartiiiai pi-o: itktfte> ft twelity tvliant trusta slalenîetî imade liv -r i, h uttieuir. lait thiisîruîIrtiîIÃŽ of' Coutîyprix.,iers cmniurvd wih Çityîriulreiîs ' of' dehlors._ utc'1ieutrhy uts<one lu eiight, ind alult s dcs l, -otuuiuc'aîoîheld upun lte !tblject wiî Illte Cityrtitîhtri- tics, W, là tciîressttîd fl an biter (froi" lte Chi ~CuseIî~, ssîriigtiî'o Conîmif- tee îrTliat since Oettber, 18 pri- actiers hud lee ecnt t thue gaol afier 9 ccluc it lteevutughiit raintain- iuîg itatuIet iseiri t ' itii, igrecnîelut etltreJ nti will tuse Courciulu n 0. oecertain exiieliçes ttiî.*trrt>d ut Ilie Coutrt 1-0icîse undl Guto1l îymeutt cf wlaielu l i recomeisnnded. report of Ile Couty ItgrerC, cuM- t'nellidilg certikui ct ~'y efl'a 4e tlt! gaoi, and giving aUslaitent dth îe wivrk and repoira reqîtired ut tlie iürious public buildiuiga of the Colimty, iieili, lioweves', n1upear to lhave licou' very alight. iThere are alWdbopies of Ill cor- respondece referrod te utn te report. lTe followiig" tâlitla t atbeteuts, shewing the lnumber of jîrisunersm ite gavi ditriiug 'le ycars 1850 and 18519 -willh b onld intteréýStIIg. vz~oa &aauîsa:.aêaa PITesa. TOTAL, Males. Fcmalen, c850 .154 322 30 816 1851 396 326 332 755 ýi Lait éedun.g ieiveen 5 sud 6 o'cloek very, $Uiddeiuty'. IALTiR MCCrrR iq, an c01J suid respecitalute-mhniuui:itr f Ktigston. lu DunJas, C. %V., on Tiiuriday, Suli insIt.i Mr. Reutr. 11. F,-a8uA*Iox, soit of-thebitel Cup$l. Jtno. F'arilîîasoi, Poica urao 21 yenars. Iu the 'i'ow'nà iiîiof Markham, un bIli 511rîmîct blrs..uua. Ptelermon, reliel cf lte lats! Rev. J. 1). Peterson, oet hé ne iplace aged 82 years MARRIED, <At Port Perty, ou tiie 111h lit.e, by tihe 11ev. V. F,.layestioifer, Nlr. Morri lartry, I 1b1À Mary Aun liarper, bot of Rimacit. lit Steela is ot, loung Street, on te 2lu it o. Miss En leiuhorwhiichirri. Au Newmari.-et, onutihe 2îIliî ultîlno, hy Eider IL. H1. t'uilin, Mr. John IBrenit leNlits Sarah Anti Brodic-bolh oflibec i'owsîsiiip of Noith G;wîtiimtîury. By tihe Rev. 1T.Il. Poole, cri thie< 2811 ititimoa, Ameliisbtirgli, IMr. Ili, Iu.aiecat At Boston, ni te ro'sivncim ettr.S. G0.WMord, iîy ltee v. Chai. Muisoti, usai ieti $>ythe 1<ev. Dr. Jvajn Wrig~ht cf New York; ite Swedusb Cou. sui, lion, J'Ãmard Evreib, Xt. aud >rtri.. 'eatM.N. 1. Bowdikcl, tuer ie advutiser, untt other friends beiug titeUoidutmivt ut li-Imiurg, Io 3Mdite..Xaîuty Lîstd, of btockbotnu. CON SUM PT ION ! E very body knoiv iala t terinctliseate. - llcom- mececranauJ ire mse.s aînsidiougly, tual bel ote one ÃŽÃ awareA :1, -ihe iuugg art! a ma" ofs cf ers, then a otatiten xposuir or chanîige froin beat ho cobd,' ptod'tveît an iu,/1<eîrctioru, and i uia fets dsys or weeît h s stil, hcr ohmasdïidol busly Coiisa4nji- lion;. For ail -tmolid îitb coîuub or iiug coin-' pJain!,i, we uld reter le the adrufîemeçuî emt the oulîieet1ibis pisper nt Judsnn's Cbernièai iExtfart afi" Cherry and Louuiwori,"' which isauiti -a be t certain-cur 1cr utu sawfut diseuse. Ccution.-Ati 'of the atiove niantei anticles are Yoî-t, tu >whoin ail ordei s t bchdivae,?o. TOýONTrO MAR KÉTS Ccorrercc? xprcssiy.fur the .Patric't. Febrtiary 12,> 1851-1. s d: * s d Fhour,perbrI. 196 Ils. 14 Q te '17 ()O Oatmeal. petrbM 96hbs 15 O to 17 6 Wheat, pet butaI. 6Olbo 3 0 to 3 l3arlcy per buâh. 481ibse 2 4 tle.) ( typetrbusbci. S61bi, 2 3 tua '2 6 1 IT HE 'Stitm out thoir pre