~NI~G orn mmz -WITBY,. CANADA WE,$ Dowoeevn'f~n NEW YORK ANeMONTRE4IL, DY£ sitIps; BOOKS,- STATIONERT sud evewy uiag ecia ln lis way, whlebhaowilil bs prepar to Seill atLow Pasosa. tgaruo. XSES AND ,Village of of RZA~CK, Bencl 2s tf sineisa ofbis ce Ml Peter intitnate il fo« uls 1let h rdin ry R&Co C. W. L.D & C, D RKAIL 4.1 LE, U-PPERJLND SER, &f. W Skins, Wheait eari fks Iereel te aske PTAND 7-t COMSTOCK MEDICINES& C1_ýEMICAL PREPARATION, !90 weHknon i Coa4,bave-been S bMful counte(eied epdýdi#uibgtedi Canade, foy >he very poreoswo, obertbeir own Oigitture, baveiftOMmO bat Dr. 1,c irS. CousaTOC Ir0f New York, ias :1w ol*y Pi'piwi. Thesis artkeesare 18m-Tha GREAT PAIN £XtP4ICTQR, (Ctoamala.) euring ail Burn,addait Externat Pain§ andI moles. 2*d-B4tLM0OF COLUMBI4I fo stayiuig Md i Rusti>ring the Hummo l4îr.- Xr- HE 14'1 EM FE lê B ONE L INIMENT, and INDUN VEGET4BLE ELIXI, à cure for ail Rbetimatismu. 4tb-MejN4qIRIS GIL. wa ie ailDeM eraMis. b-IlU VS' LINIMENT, aWeili known cure f or the Pâleo, &c. bc.- 61k-D R. S P OUN' S SlCK HLIDACBE- REMEDY. 71h-MOTEi'ER's RELIEF, loran Woweh te Familv-tway. I;th-LO0NG0 LE9 Pl80GREAT WESTERN INDI4N F ItNCE4I.-Il.-For Poids and affecètions. 3. For Daorrboea; lndiyetion ad Loos of Appatite. 4. For CWdosw. in fealiasnd.mateuand nervous complaints. 5. For stomacit affectons DyspepolÎ, Piles, Rhessmatiom, Ire. Thée peut pnints are, it 14 not bait Io tait, nover giveà pain, end sne- ver leaveosane co.tive., 9h-DR. BAR THOLOME w's PF15785R UP for a l tCnuu or CoaumnPlion. loth-KOLMSTQOCK"8 VERMIFUGE (Wormi $iir or chidren or growuî permois. 1 ltb-MR 8,.8 R 0W N S GREA T PAIN KZLI1ER.-No amedieine bas beaus disrover. eà ti sohappily udapted 1* use *afrrrsally as C'rapa to b. taien, and ye: perlez,» suez wonders when applid extrnaI4z as a w"ib or ath by fecion. Ail te Resmdies are fuity <ecibeil in Pamph.- *ehs, loe 4çiv51 to ail %% ti . alB Enquire for t/t i Sbowting the. Remedies wlieh every(milyashasld ktwp in tlsheaew,aWt the manwer c.( :ssuîg :isem, hy wbih ail ordimary $icknese may lie preventeil or speKedity reawod, withsousthtie expeise tif tht Family Physician, and Severe Dangernus Diseuse Cured, Every(amiiysbouldearelully presmretisis book, ta reler ta when any reniedy iÀ warted-batis as t< the paiticular article indeated by the comnpiaint, and showiiig wbere à tiqh rersedy inay alwaya b. hait JAME~S B. GERUIII, Wh!ois appoiutedWWlel letail Agent. 42 Dt. llO CO 'voi MeniumisuppressioorsuppeiefdeftutiOfl Mý Mtw,,otl ie 'dui 1incu iMnsiratioo; Amn- orrboea nil'.uatiade.trgcionoWj"ee; Çobtoe or Greum~i urns; i.1encarbox, Fluor Al1but or 01 wa D avooim W. C-.WIEET'S CELEBBÀTE.D' jFaoiily Medicines. er. W !ri. Good Cures the PetF 'ATO CRINESE EÂL$AM ;Sûr Tiartmi n Soieb, Cougis, , Cbdte Pies, Wboopilg Cotsh, Croup fike. T'5 FAMILY ÇUeATIVE Li%"lMENT. I Pabin s ms, .NombaihA, Ie in , %ervioLIUad and Tolh Acbe, CÎtarrl, JAMI Whiby, 22nd Oct., 1851. Ptopis Oct. tuss, 1851. Towiue*t'ebar- OfWait syepa a. GE dsaî, W7dtb7vUaçe. (~UININE~ Idass, lodide Potassum, Vtt Morphia, Acetate Morpbia, Pi StrchmneYaenusl uZissc.&&c., toirl"; Wiby 22nd Oct.,1851, 2e- JUST ltECEIVEDi J UIJSOWX Chemical Ettrae ci herrysud JAMES Il. GERÇ;RIE, 1WhtbyTth Nov., 18 51. au CCARtLWtO'Y'S RING-BONE $ PAVIN C U R E . Oiti yA tot n W iliby, SJAMES kt. GERRIE. Drtug Store, 71b Nov., 1851. 30 SODES CANADAN WANA FOR Jusf Receied and (or Sale by AMSH. GERBIE, 7th Navemter, 1851. 30 FCIS'8MINERALFIFE AWOF pANT# THE BEST and C1IEAPIEWf article of Paitit for outsile or Ornementai Pïintis. FcSa 'JAMES .5H.GR IE On!!,.l4entfor Whitby. Wiiby, 7th Nov.4 851. 1 DYE STUFFS. A1 Am woOU, n LogWood, Re-voodl 'Mdder. Fustie, £%tract Loltwood," Ctabeur, Copperas, Biue Viti lai, jc. W., for $aie b, JAms. H. 4»RRIFE, net. 22n1, 1â851. Drga4WibVl7. JUS 7' RE CEWVED A T JH.GERRIF,', Drue 'and Baolc tore,. Tbeir ilisty, con ition and * prfltpet. contAUn- ing Tillstiîr Narratives, Darisss exploits, &C. kg;. 1lllus*raied witb Engraviigt. FAMILY BIBLES. TY PLAIN ansd ELEGANT flisding, tor aie j.ati île loiveat priees by lae JAMS H . GERRIE, Wiitby silae Juy24,1851. ________ MARBLE WOIiKSI WOLYINIR t k00, jANUFAMMUERS aBd 1DEALER$S-in WhitGren,BTOlne VlegSmted arie, Cenfrp Tables, Stand-Tops,, Ci W eie, siake, se"a Sis, -suit PlaIs paint 1ons, e Every vrietyroS.816M WOIM don à iai4a Uqm*'T1,seor Ise But sa'1sidtand N. B.-W. i&Co. bel;te ssy Usai tey bave r.n connetio witbauy oler y.swblihmet, Mth iuspor their YMarble (rom me tise watt(aed Rutiand Quarnies, Vermsont. ýD.DJA5 STaxe",Wmv 217M. Wil»n, MarM/am ViMage, Agent. We lui tb"rtwovs, their smite a OW Tisey're rounad us as tay wert folîs- W m ail here. V We art ailberel , Fslber, Motber, Sitter, Eehr. - Tou that 1 love with love se dear- Soot iugt we jqi;sthe ltgatbered desd, And by the béarthh wae w ait rou»4# Some other cirrle wilii le fost; .0 ir ths ttWiedpgsmay we vow, 91iÎt yeids a 1ifiof peacele1"W - *in the amworid t.j <o(Iow flue, ýMyeaci repeat, in wordsof bilas, We're a l-a fil re A long, long lime &go: Mtien ise large round moonbWa wintby l As it iboce on the biest of tha freaubriool, And over the feldsaof euow, Assite lay, ilsat ight ainte paie mooofw4gi Whicii (cilion lier 1leacclut led, Sheacemed ltike thse farm O a s suptuw W at;' w not iotwoe or of nMorate 0, Wiha<oyarotand be iaI. Wiîb ber eyelids coet.sdber lips qan, And ber am@ hue thseiniarbkee Sur., Csoos'd on bier bSorn, and <cate pre*d, She iay, as*ba it. DL to- lier peaceful lfau, In tihe tute repas. of prayer. Wben tie mornirig broke, and we graid apiaï A imile tu ber lace seemeil ïiven.; Andtsgh Outspirlts werme rssabe.4and »d, Th riteiug'blli sSn adme us iud, For we kdew ab a wo"r~çç Janes Morgan, a native cf Maryland,I married at an cari>' age, ansd sonafters»et- tled nar Bryant's Station in t~ wilds cf -Keotueky.- Like moat p-oet"mof tise' West, le bas! eut dowzs lthe case, bitilt- a cabin, deadested thse tumber, enclosed a field with a worurfence_4and ptantçd sossecorn. It wus omiste 17tb of, Âugumt, 1782.-: Tise aýurroudissg wood; the cane Lowed under ifs isfueisce, and thefabro*d gen leayes cf thse corm wave-d in thse air. Mor-w pugad sati ted IinLselh in thse door of bis Cabits, witls bis infant tapon bis knees. -IL!§ younF uad hajèsy, ife 14 aid >sid. 1ber spinsng wbeel, snd was busily ,cripIoycd inw reaigtise frugal mstal. Tisat aftemnoot bh bs!accitentauy1u*tIbttdeorIetter, wlncb lie Ladisisbed reading te bis ii f before lie bad laloeu bis séatinthe dor.- It vas a COrfespotIence in whieb lbey me- kstowledged ant early and ar&nt attacisasent, for cadi otiser, asnd thse pensai of Uwem Ieft <rident taces of jLyon tise çomteoanem of ,botis; thse Ilie ifat, to, shmed to par- take of ifs parenst' feelins s it Ita heerful M&S WiUi etof -bis pressed ta bis fury. kHei arotind tise JadIe piasp hugged lim» knffe intes bis mit elevated pièce or frm bise. Tise & lie re'maimsed«bodi* auxions speetator It wau 10w Mid1 Isavhsg taken ail1 lecf: tbe hate gro, at thse foot or the bis IseadI. Thse r tdut surrouaded k $tain ; the once w 4sten HOM'£ orF ATER, . IteCo=t 'e ides of tise i e hardeîsed seing believei Cails ber"MJh 'Uia "i3ridget )w or s -Thae's finte cmi R.NýIN-G. ý ý