Ontario Reporter, 27 Mar 1852, p. 2

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leu ti mi wou the ed irere car. l' anipartiaUt>' are génerait>' 0 clos-ai>'T -var 1ý btin tihecrei r auid 1j alied.i.8r Edvrarl SuliAeý-of bom iti Md4ae. and sbrit sosie moe.ila needeu te say, tit -ne mn knewr more I r,».ietàltaltr UI110 in pe.-fè.ti>the stutemIons mienze of perjh s if "a'tto their w < î h a15arch ocf jLaw-bu, assume!1 thet te of Lor«d:St. fouil Qîly the .top of1 oi~.urds, IliiiIordýhip lbas taken bis seat tb e r d nitire boy wi at nI utoln*s Inn, amidât a perfect crush of of ri i Bo, at leait -the>' feit I awyers te b3 pr<sat mt the ceremony,%-#ith nd *V fmits tie3a1mnze thit it iras his. whom h. ii an especial favo.-ite. EdwarJ 8,3 lm w.re the marks of' ir S;de4~, the preient Lord- Chaincalle; of & Id"#" wîkhmarks '-ert numero Enis jgni4tihebcson of a bai-ber, ne rther *,Of Mdarouati irere lie nmiied ja able Londea ba;s resr i v y X&4.tf tlmi,Ia-nà,l , inlîctiitintt gceb>'. lits actuail position il% du-- te bit reMMOUeeu a dispo-rate £ùIitbe., j isIised mbites. DJMin tir bis Citan4t- 9 NB d wu o.-erpowcs-eed. ',rhe>' eiio.uà4ip al' rtelanJ, the' Lorýd Lieu entm- - 1Wîý1t. deep impressions of lis 1au te recriro Lady Su-den- at Court. LA ts" ~*Ibo,"; irbre lh ad .Afimlliy f(.aI- s ir ElIvrard cam?. avec te Lon Itonte ou*csfbloo4. NearIy'close I com ?iain' te Si!, Robes-t Peel, ni -ha aclu-I ~WpfOlt31IOblL icb con. tal i'reiigned bis Post as Cianct3iio-, 1la1coi- >el*4 wig.&tc-., but. il had been miii sequenze of thz ligbt pot upon lu' . Sis-r '4 TIY ear.ch.4 ta ail direçîloatq for Z. Pe 0, ierer, toi] Si, hidward thi', I: SOS, 3o$,ani tIse>' esincti ounira-sone of those e ue$'in hzb tie svorr-A 1 quforI' ufortiht toi b. certain tuat are il powerfl, and ilt-ras beyoaud tb3pox m# (Mn atier bopes-, goliz~ on shore er cf a- Ps-m lu Mil- tle procuit th.- ru- wr" ttier coa*iaig W4b the veisci 0cep o y isu'lady at cuhitt,*on oi.e d'W Umei 4uero-îiî.Nir, C-a'arsIsa-p irwb2re s-omeiubal set this-races a, .int t, it 3k. Bôjuyd % ia t roI-ut heati at Lidy S.;eiat :Sir jIdas-Vs scocli P --j e4tapomied ret 1 ml'nhi inst heir n rra h;nich, I bci.evc Mx tar cf 113. vesmIwaian ira-s thi eunof oleac,*et-o îLe stiekics Âfm 'At.rttbsi b a~ste e .:for tiq-a-t e. Bc itvsait 11.t->, iir ilobes-i t t«d rumfor-tuutate eommna-ndes, th! pa.iài:d -3.r lEdrard, w-to was l ti-ùeI < r ffrboe up for tie çea-st of N ew ret ira 10 DnbÀ j. whe, e1s cirý e as Cin, 4",4rd wiawrc.-kei at Portn -celior cnr- c di-i hoirs- a naine ame adasevub2d ini out shippag intc1'.i- t-hat h-il et '<il>'becoine iIIll oîS RmDrpite th i gI2y i W7oii s ,t-he _______ou___tfree î.id on nis, miî to th.iilac iî{nvîty :.nd I 4.Z4LnCorre-"Wrn'n* Of tke nirrêacof t-ha ni m ur!ý' o: 1 -iDe.- -TvrontO - '<>< 's ad ns'iLNittati3ti, I have mun1 it paaure ili statia; thit bueinz:s du-un ,the pa"t sve. ~~ N~ 1 t, Il . is icun 'e:ry ste kd, ani th lit tiuccii-fer- Deir Sir,-The ace-ne ii, tie lliot of dia-I clisses manitcest iuo.-e c-oni'd-Ce i t1t-b - iison Prila', s'il tea; b.remembered- prauâpe'ity of thbe (nqie. 'T7Wpc'Ii uiî- cll 61-ecol.-Ouse 'of L'ecrà asembleil to h t-va bca i nintaed, and tlic exutin & Sp' tUi Las-Iof Dcrby'sexosb.oaof lte ton of- tiie tew Premier bis g tivea tro:.' elcy a-i i-.it itiao ti 'iir zcnilnt, sts-zjatht-n bis ma4 ad,;adaoïe't ai tha- eîraist, stitcsmît ni 411eIt e i oud Il vi antici?-ît-ed. Ço.iz-ols bave b cin pacch cf tins î'remier ias listenel1 b- twt i 1m-taiiel; tie p.:oiu:e m.r&ýet-s iave a.p? atteaion, anîi tlin rsuo on the bien ialicise4-cai lo'4e wis daxiilIl>'favl-a : e. Ld E- t,:> r eas'TI.e grealtst :tmy at ou:.atle i i e-b'b> f- rsic poCt thisaI Is'en l.'b '4 thc .î*,-ain e oi mota; taensîJct.dwmt lue sai], anital sîg, inze the ddîwn of lturs, liu li.'sbi' coswitii' a-t tie th.-at- aùata wsay r. tic sîi'furtn, mel 4 ew b.-ead-ta-x5 we O-inrl'-assuiwd Thie o"laît ineirtnîty t îiobu-cIntâ. .r a factious pur-pàsa. LsIF:zîb . Tiomus Mort ea d. Pe-ba-ps tics-c ith a rad'mss.na1a -cona;.esvhich tdid neyer p îssoil aia>' on:of the. tuneful thi-on, - "in k3n2:r aý-,id t-it b MlueS'a-s:h isst pes-soiiin is citiili etb',0mm>.-tise Who ma-ils au attack oni thit nidicaval lys. 1erver oas- musi a-u t!ar laii ,u21e Ibîve been mofCen La-rsaa- culuaili m~-îOfhom'e, for no m in esc: oî s1ithé su- kavinZ beau the parait of tbeCprs,t-ei x >"r'îipwC vr -eloa ij.mIt3- " se that bis lord su1> is. mt le ist,entitled 1 à t, ervn' rsno u 1a s i to be bsard, Lord Fitzyiliiam 0fila-i>deiZd iexpecte t1obî ere ii nt SUe i -teori 1. thsa~sLi1 Led at- oncen wli -aie ic au'11e. hi, sn]li, lot aill'moune Phees of -.aI the.bonerwn cern. Tihe îeIF-co tb fece him; a-adÇ.' t h.ie Mjarquis of CancauIde..a led ZtLa-IGy, met, ra in me: sEm iwett soi the ELincof Ab-,r.ecni, ina spike (rm rhadile.jse-.M.t ett W.e oepcil#ori bmuhes, exprasul iedsJeter- Vbt# cieey htiiedadàaiesire *iUinto miiitainth te com'ueri tl pi>lic 'by apsralmntoe-ii rvso wzha bae ladauel -1- ILobtl'c Pul t eh tein ci-tn se hi rve i ~lAiiii. At-e- ales'obsrraîon eir-n troos 4of lrien t.' AMore. ki 'n1 %,n ibl-' Lord theî~am.îi Il-,ise a 1ij'm-e.and. 4 th; - ) -i e -, t i', ,ti-)lv ia 1 i -e i for- s )mC tb. eCoas, n, r rita wu'e m or a-th, t'wnccbulteus, an I 1 ocd-Io, Il % innI as a smats b; tted b: in mmbrs waIi ttci]set-.jthi t Idcvo'at rclimin eon saatsv'riTh. on azt on i, tet01) ie myseies ils -ut at -À >'the C.a îrrli cil ,ai o sC i-l. , Àzl- 10 'e , ït.nm', of irbiel a-l'it a yoc h o.' ,,a l . lit siteutri psaire>'li'st,-rai-tt'$er h-b iihslater tina breome tth dcçoee sd foez-l la i îr,îsthlc mwin lree ila ani ..i. as- >iue iris ot j's-rat in pi- .4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~i 1e:cIaeiaî'i- l~r~te eîi 1lWci; ýa-ut1 s aue t rta ti',,%'vii -Ir- tu 01: Uj > st a-ta-i;lby io1 t hc n stles n'4d-s hs".-as bs weii wiîi 'mas' t u,» s tÀ ie, c )i.-t-% ît seqst]tc ra iy Te j ut, t. a.>-hiW% pou-a-:iyat-nwevethin s osI s1, cc' 'Ia l 1if mi e il- A ic,3~t-h ut--W.'iril tum'aiiC uith ni'mO ti v a.' lm. oaa-4ài 4 « j1 .1A si ' î1 ctua a-re! t>0tim irîlntileo'ln1hto - i ~ ~I t t4 nitir.nî:~i'tao? tc sîken.m iii it-s' trI on- rtbe -' foc bis epî. -1,34 t tt a, -n t ~t y o-'fract-nala ish thuut bis owra unes mt onre subl.in" a-Id ~~~~~~~~~o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ul .-0seî~a ' - a.-m 15 u tY~t~ Aiarreon,' L 4jà -a-, ) 1. 3t.1 li , Mi!eu' i nrv ~sm. . j. a i jî -it> i' shv.5~ MWl te catintill p!.i-W irow r.-pnh.'; tIj~t'~etalp.: -cf ai l.::tcIw AM If umtItho ptx;>I-weofoe 5- r uiial coi t tanth.-erbp, ~ca dMybhn ' ilmt u~ti srsw'4 ~ O'r i -t a4 Pe?> tsaiâ, en i wA i jtbe eid n o: ms-lt-mtu; , i stî 1r~ v11t t mqmd$~-ntih u lb~ t.aiual Q?,1itio . 1 ti 1e tIs Lagprnnsas eIî ian . 1 e wc4t tI et 57 t -u d ~ liV t he coa» let ha1;r:1erO in'10 Lbv' ls. L ~4J~a4-:,;l bi tithniuitit thmýijk o in i m Phhl wara',tvlkt T ?ote~l ttic iVli,-q c-0etla trb it; 1n-Mif srte 1 i -, mb ym a -t lo -~ b~ !. i ma ain1 ic- wis a tel iU oin i 1; cc N t c QODS Ta Suth E4 ter o(ýt'>Lt No. ý6, selgt£d is unrortirnate,asti or u O Liaho th W1eitbyp,wi b- ,td Couti i t 11. l1'DITOR? $rTifbC i n T w o a n d h a l it IV 4 o f t hW C o w ity $ e a t d u y .C u s e l o h ' i eI o r I ; t o m t , W d e d y h 1 taitOi vruhesgiaur oaAnEqurtheo ue3 ;OPOI o bP e î Otro ndwti afwr of the required W meet bhSal t a iisicthe lu 'ouvr tebgat ~ure ofuErll£ CifI IF(;G inýo -m thoir Customers and the. Port Wbitby & t-kt1gog Gravel Ra1 i teCtyo Trnot saiet. 1 aat statempnt of the For the bhast sM P ubli c, th tt t h ii st received t em s I ea sourbl.- A ppiy to -L T . vah atui i o n ip r c ipt s afl e p e di ur q 3P ub~- ow ig P re 1 < 1s - $$o~Iar Â5II a çojt sisrtuintorBUS, ~~kuibV-'bsiloor zut R5jy lî, al3o!1s q4 iJliz2 the aIatito the SteI r aW l.fac e it> n .n el , n or o t h i rem ys. LI tii , ToratasthetbS Cou ty.r- lisIM elb>'th AliMitors, and wOuld resP ct-1 'rnr.elq, in BthýN foevr-3 To icusi ti:Cotity y ý 5Ifr-u efrM.Fnu~rto the Acta of the1 I eapect. h a f.w dayé.Nto oymea m osK % KifficMATV caI . >e>. qrlv mai- Pari1 im ent , 12 V iet., clrip. 81si r, he ha t O .1.......2.. . agei, P -obably b> a ij iirnm znt imm!5<Iiatell Sei. 114 an 1 14 and 151Vi.1 bp 0, ~ jeet a dChoieg SIo Ak off aîOluiiter the, election of Provkion al %Var en . che l e,& . N o.1 ,f r çpi n t i ce .- 34 > d IUTII#..Q ~ fftlf~ IIJifl L.L iz ~fer i teCoci t -Îidth hr -'r o'w eix t'O's aeted 'in accorda-n hecet o 'fl1UUf-'21wiiIf wiiQiwibIe the ouleil to atend t i3h1the wM l î0Irstfi wih4Of thepe-"hebsdo ails" g Ym~--jtjST ý'De»à'a,3-ein laToronft. befoii fully emfbat'ag ' orntjn.taç* to orl.!ule "nd e" do. jV th1eir Ni t~q ,.on h r ncw Ju es n1 0 ~?niits o < de i ; t il thdt1 Au littrs pb- 3ri 4, do. RE&~VM ~ LOTft)13. I '~ 'ne<~~owi~ ~m~ 'ies t2 prois:oîî 1jthcda rppot at le,> h. r.Eijie DI!S',~~P fNL ME ' T«I f 4 I U -. Itbî;ý n il ijl"b Vt o.e bclieve tiee " Illebet do. .ù Lnel ~ U S I I S E Y S Z U YIw o >14 b aî:e 1 n -,n o d ro in for a 'c u i n £ " é2 ni i" do , T whib, mf 'w, J . Xyn ~ Pt liamnent ini ordr-t e n Il '-lri-st tW bis " tebet o il ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~w AIS A S U1 WIt.?AllIA.M'c 7h~%2Pkr~ .Tyo. ?miii, b; inz-rezasia thc item or P. do' bl flatter h ev bawil a foun 1 une-R a h, 'o . Pa t'i3, '>- I M r. eqitr . w'i take Atc trouble to; , 3rd 14 d ,. ijile 1 r o : C b - tp n e 5 , v a i ,: Y a n d q u a t .t y 1 i r o k . f o t S -Io u l ! A C i r m i h a el ee ¶ a m io e t h e .X î to "v t r n f t 4 h e I 'I b- extenMIc p-ttronflc an] iczess ex- 11 a -ofce, bnklewi i r;% .1t: ext >b1iah- 1'uO VIc o ILIN AN»DX1 UÎw4 I-Lxbrl;e, J o eph u.1,tint thc aa e at T~ own~ishipOiT>- niu "d snt, b is îin c výeA our an ,.%À >' 1in m aint in *  A.î A . ÇN i. t. lwhnaw , -ce v t ive n e b en ver pa lçl or s te a " th 2 ast d e . uit ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ý s; io e lv .ns fo une V U O i ,b'the (;race or Go, of h,ýGen ina, .s..rernlh! èl. Ii2n té do. caiass> ou fleni hatil osi- niel in4or o:ret lri..i rls fj- ir Ii, C. 1, ~o. .hi.tvevcr fui' ?arme witb \rr. Bnq!il e, or i.~ in whIbei r..in t U~ hnil Ki i : m t Briki; ~ M f a a.nl rsn e - opbY4 eut n deLail. w ii The Premum ei~~ h ~~îratc anst0:e-b.,muh mve rztsfat&Z.bti1pu1le- 'tion tathe bhihe-s cin o Ié 1')ni &v - b in .e e, 1tmhu b- W., T.,e t . ( pubIi. elouii1 r V ij de- Vil.,ithiý F . o ue - - - - - - - - *Oror'TIF AUDITO S. GC rûer. Seed in 1~ be~wei. ~~ lieni -ru afitut bî teepresenla sbill cornu EETIL¶a 0F F aLIAI1T bty Mri 4 l'2.acei isoi A; 1'tu - 'bl O ilei undjmrô,,] i bint summ3r wiilar- 1deWS of the Wk, Tlie greit impo lu lldf, ce î i a F.tabihtnl~tat W 13 î~cîAua, ~ I1ft~ AS unier rive ere aeiment willbc sumnionel for akl fo ib Pr ice allbrerlg AI(y <'i'l.* *and yyrtu <>, ut fic4 siatch nf b nsi'a ta:vfi îaI snw.5 u m rrn- an tok ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~u hm t '.tl ni îifn il10 hept. .iauthorît> cy r d l n I-t4 diy y wl ii ttîken, tvl th,,un wt1041 ,ing. di ut tiaif P-1st î wo o'cloz:Il 21 cýten- ganaisok t'i l i trht . : 1 prcZi tid i ad tc ' the r îo irin a~nx.tuto ftciwp-fu. * aîdFc'y bicionig ta Ibms ant.ali e !icovred tobc on tre. Th O.ULw tO She eeii-y0r Ou.--rlti n, îmiLu- o' fîxing tbc dry iliu ch iveir frn.-the ;awsrn- wintl was hioiia fre!5h 'at li' tire, and r VlI> e \VhiuvMard ~2 lli2. >Ot* le, 'n At tam~k cerain alt. atonu inb1in-Y oi the len*itiîe. anl we ýhnui I- iI nOîijIiî3anin, eser>' exert:Cio i i e part ot2l1fC- the 1er i -2 . t,72 . ti ns in t t thc 1 si<f P eccm be o '-th ti u f I i ~ th . ti.Iae r , t e n ir b il n; w tb o e i s a IN Il < __ aof u pp r ç anala -tiy' .w t'il , inthe mm t cnc .t. ,lb tG .,; E X T LN s OrVE an ttiwý.ias ueUp rCania, _4 $ A L )EIr (love nmr.îrla coîjtuctlof î..n; taidl'jl-ov- tie mtmb,!r-, mibt hive 1h- aliiva.> to. nlnchreywsrdîtdl av u~ hajadef Âh1eolehat a î'rociainatioa, un- navi -at';Ol 0o12way w d s1ci>4,h*.ngthc oth rin 1" ~titan bhalan bour. 'lime I)Sil- '>Tw po 16 s " se t u l 11r i.Gr -i iof siJ îr.> ir V cip tc allure x ra t <f.l fitheG1bLe iA .lpi by Mr. 'Rou rt arno.nts tri abo u To.vn lbip in C a n. II ot'No.1 dehr h e Gd Ivp., .Ia fr ijIc ,Vi a :h. ot 13 it.IW ~ vtf!> e i) ~ bsprhI oree nîv o f£ias .An iounli zy.en Ofas a .pace t-i ,in: o Ille, 'dea Ic nt' a i-m Fun-s rhi7 s s N L O tT -b n vîa ,o foliov. -Vâub e Stck.;' ar. y r ovn h for a Cont TI on>nil1fr uch fdl vo-' w b bm.>1i fuit in -hth' -tnt- '0.1 a't h'tb i nosv ' Ii pl ci i -i ivan t acOpel 1 iyCuunty, as provided b>' the i t.h secio.t i 0àm Liiis' .', dieib i îrvy-~ >~ ~.- ,xnof iS ti.c t a lai dÎi;ectiiI, tivit the fli-àL Bd lv'. Llonvite 1 -jt'.1.>, wtt.> lohmpoI. 0 1 O ,-O ' -zt o <tm M c îiva to f sun'ilo v s i n as tiu j1 1Pa)ps t ' î n - ' c c : y j ' : v t» 1 l ln.. - t it ~ ~ ~ Fny. ~Coun il iu lI b c h 0J Iia thesail VIL,- ,evtjr in -tn elt-i>. eoItt "in 'a-zt'i e eno f - sv g . w;i ioiW t: t~ l4ttgItLAt~ o -WU i.i onx~.~-'ro:ie3 wotlcom'i a. A:nn t p>w cr aian IýM10-,n>n mim> 2'u~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~1 Bu.scttvieuOd~n- )A~u i >1 \ ouiiinff -bis utm.>st b rvle îh,"m ~' ~----------- ihaawa miti j" tiai- nt, Cuty Jiulldings a-id lit î'o.tsia -MAY mkA..aij,. the lt e et'. o. iiiOuir j en hue>'. 119 v ch%-mnI,,n -evr 5îtt j sawa I*aptlr, dy bn'l i~ ~ Fiut. roci.uMltioii. AN<D IE 6C.ur uii uets, ai.l -with wli;s o 'ini' g'i h 1it rmL id 9 ot~îdCttlCi,-Goverao; t4 cutinvil> bath o.UCred aiba; heîzc 1 tn h-ive 1,1a - i 1 -t't2 n it*:o -i j"NU oav 3 -ih r Ittit o a si k - Is i lier 0 min.> , fa-!v q li' b'" .IInIVIt'e-s-Io d s a icC u 0r euterpr 1 --ktr (i Ti;-p y ->nt0'd 0SVle,1On tw,_n3 ,:-I p!aiel) mic:'t14t on (*- \lereni Jai of f, tlc IOn 0 t - Ieirve, are ira 4 Y1 Of 'l 1 0 iJV Ko hib auft b Ily~ct :- ffl 1n , f-î. i~t~th~ nfso>ritesn-edaurwr 6 Littt W.~iàu>.a:t il vn îi.1 Alr R z0 ~ne -irA 1o>the out of wbi_ýhL te m-ikcz matrous 'g-ievil-ý 1 1itvci-in gea tubla;u mi aiityeiot ~';i>~,- ttt~~' -' --es-ecigthe priarsefor thteýbuidis 4 .;t -tdh es,),ion bo coule to byOunr t64] Govcý n-ce;,' it is amnin s otri Oj e, as in tihe viseia i o~ itCp.l.,The Mayor 0'ihi i--,d 5, 5l a, 01thi *1ft*~~ d'~~~ or in Co n. i, ami fuity appro in 0o l C sca n 3t a na e, lteh! li rcom tIaint. R e e o bs T w sip iitteo 11 r iIîit L:4tIVh;hi,41t"Wb simîîeWC .do iy ii. Our Iloyal Proclama- -Thre IPariian,,nt Io M22t in Md s-mmulc .s'o.-hi .r>îlai hthfio p:o 3 2 'i-it ux ;..tion, anil i tbaf exerise of îhe-lome.-s in tnib t~ golatrlfin areveàI t-be ie.e1derme or as> fb- S,.' ua I(hni ~ t.ve-.te- iri tUs t h-li;y th s'aîl Act, or cteî:do i n;io-itc b~ th! 5's i o ihe bei.i a diti'e:cineetof opiao a f uisi 1 tiit:m ~ t-It i 1t ttob!e~Ot,it tUttUni ù umntion. otb.,ri5e howboeveir, decl.u-e, ordaiia, pro- ridl; b-it bow is iltih-»Globe 'iIInot bîsppen tbe I eeeveaand bitconstituent.§ la th a tandlng 1bI 'a ALS 0! nd an. p oit he saitî V I LLA G £ Of te think of tus b v. ':e 1 In 18 O an] 18 ,1, natter, sul tiut-bere lis alrtad>' w a.r in tic tiat so aety , ' t 7uo t £ ,v ln t T rraà i; ':4 n e1U e %V at f, [ 1,1î3) >-a t h 1ce wiîtuiu th said W hZn the. flouse 1 îlle 4in hei m idat of ram p. on the ei tn - Igt 1>-î-" oer car/ y ,ieu'.< CJUJNI'iof QS A?~Ifor a Couat>'î,,me,-ne4rningv oire w nraîs2d, )o.abtlicsm2sy wis1tii to bcteha5can~>d lopîng1an( Tsuml:-tir ugu udi' £ 1-yn f"vr iltat s-undutimiidoer, on s-rfuthe ath lg t' y1 h iih forodnibb i: h a -w sîinl; 1ttt'.lfr > tiihr1ivî iYliîi -' o1wn ] W o le-ci' a tsurpur- no friea-y sti, stiors m il-e o! s7s: hzig bMqt e h for od îi> O!t th 3a tw i,;.r ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~te it;;s-v ';'.Nte .t tu î.;-,' f i r.'. - -. . ~~- tir E. a..:.... t,~ t i.. *.; 1xmi thanr:osit I i'alxla rad u lmmiotsw4au ;;~~an i si.s -teîi't if ineL -O h'b.1 nil, i&pz oif \%'îiîbv inlo i, i.niy,intt t' un WM~ &JEWi.ftY 410 Tw-)D,-5beo ruai j sii~ b-I 'u Y c, rjvi IR T - uib lot se nrt t k et; itic

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