Ontario Reporter, 10 Apr 1852, p. 1

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z. 4 f f ~IU a îmî 1' - f &~f"-'f I":ff-'Iff~l~ t,.,, - s fi" 'f"îL~I f>~zt ~- I f-ff. -'fLfI f~,f', ~ z - ~4~W~VRY &ATURDAY IMORNING. ?lNISUJLLLU(ç8 PMR ÂXUMW-1N ÀDViANCE. a'm a ma*# a" t" ig othing ftmau 1infl4nt Io e~~'n~ - -WIIITBY, M<ay becnsutî.od 'iaiy for anyàisease atlecîingthe 11EET.7f oR UYSf - fIlealcsh lnEStrtCd on CoId Plate or Pivot, ;Foon e to anretr e 'Oie'over Mit. LA icco> SToal, corUer of Kzwto -andI Sz.,os Striets. Dr-D&Vid TUCker. "GLtt WT I M:rCiti & ARTS, TIriKzTY ANDsG~ Diiuijtiit iCu, tiao, - - NORWOOD, PicxzitrrNo. Nowm tMVOc,0t. 25th, 1851, 28.iy NOýTARY PUBLIC, cominmisloner of 'tht Court of Qqecn'î Bench. CWicyancer, D)raughtsman, -ISSUER OF MARRIGiÀE LCZNSE #AND -Office near the Cout Hause village o MANCHYSTER, Townsbîp.of trEAcH, C. 'W. 24tf Le C. TIIOMASP ANI) Commissioncr 1o Qucen's Beach J3ROOKLTN. ~vMrnkin. Sept. 13, 1850. -t H, J.MACONELL £àt.e32.yand cGouuIor-at.]Lsw. ýS0LIC1T0I-IN-(IIlANCI, &C. &C' c. IJIITB Y VILLA/7GE, 'WillL%îve proatfenitn toa it 'ttisinés ioôh b - Pofesé1ion ntrusted ta him. t-rofO111e eopogite the 'iuidenee ai Peter Perry, E'4. ~BarrS$r -and Attorey at L.aw IIROCICSTREE-r, WHITBY. INSURANCE OFFICE$ WAM SALLACE lieg- ta intimate -that h~ <tas been appeirted Agerrtfor te PlOYLNWiLi'UI EEA ~UAC 4«t hat ho ii preparea ta taire isiri-al tbe ordinary itte, ia the ÏNIVO.êL, PYtUavprraiT MAeltlt branchtèe ot sid Company..' zWkitby. Ut SepteiuItey. 14>1. 21-4t. ~WQOUMAN BRQTHE,,RS.& Co -No. 36 irig Street'.Toroto, WHZWIIDX, Ç. W.* T_ . It, lotj3î.rE1t & Ca., - IPORTERS OF 3R~ITax MAN UN'A.OT1URESt Ami) DJIzLY.I EN, ~VWOESÂLE AND IIETAIL Whltby VilItige June, 1850. -,WHOLEALIE AND UTL MIALEU lx~ TEX$, TOBICCO$, aiec, PAPEl JAMES H.o GERRIE BEGS ta return lis sincere thanks ta biis Friensu andi tho Public c'ralltyfartbe very tiberal support tbcy have affurded bini intimes 'i hés takes this inethad of informing themn tbat be io unow receivit4rufm NEWV YORKI.AND MONTREdLI, DRUGSI, OEENMIGA LSPÂTÇNT .. mmioufflf P., DYE STUFFS, BIOOKS, STATIONERY and every thing escin ii isway, wbich ho witt bd prepared ta Seilet Law Pxiczo. EXTILAOBDINARY DEELOPE 1 TS TIIE CELfl3UATED- COMiSTOCK MEfD1DICINES& CHIE1ýICAL, RREPARATION, S0 weIi knawn i Canaat, have been ibameflltycaunterfeited and ditrbuted in canada, by the very perans who, ove 1t heir own sigualures, have atimitteal tha Dr. Lvia S. 'CUMUToicJ of New Yark, is le. omy Propristar. T.bleile articles are tt-Tbe GREAIT P.8drN .ExrR4cTOR, ý Connt.,) cu ring altBorna, andl ail Externai ia;ns andSorcs. - 2nid-B.iILMOF COLUMBUI, for Saying and -Reuloring the Humaqn Hait. 1 11 3rd-IIEWS14 NER VE 4 RONE LINIMENT, andl INDLIN VEGET.<BLE .ELIXIR, a écire for ail Rhe.îmalisrms,- 4th-McN./IIS OL, la cuare ail Demi Persans. bth-II VS' LINIMENT, a weil knawnr cure l'or the Pilesf, W. &c. 6th-D R. 8 P O lIN'1S -SICK HE.IIV2 CH REMEDY. 7h-MOT'I[ER'S RELIEF, for aIt Womnen <n the Fatoily way. th-L ONY G L E Y' S GREA2T WES TERN IND'1N I>NA2CEA~.-I . F or Calds and feveriâth fea lings aind prevcnting feers.- 2. For Awîbma,Liver Catnplaitand ilious affections. 3. For Diatrhboe, Indigestion. and Losaif ppetilc. 4, Fur Casbven.uss in females andsi aaes,anid nervaua cornplainte. 5. For Samiach affections, Dyspepsie, Piles, Rbeumnatiarn, &c. The geat pnnteare,, al la nat basi ta taie, neyer gived pain, and -ne- ver leaves one costive. tb- DR. BA/R TOL OMEWMS PIXK SYR VP for ail Couzlie or Consumoption.. loth-KOL6IRTOCK'S VERXMGRf~ (Worm jKîier) for chîilren or growi pe rdois.. llthi-MRS. BROWN 'S.GREAT F4IN KILLER.-Noenedieinc bas baron discover- ed that Li ssahappily adapled intons. nt uraaly ase ropo to be taken, ani yet perlorm such wonders when appiieea.t .nually as a waub or batht by friction. Atl the Remeaies aie ftillydesciibed in Pampla- ets, la bd çimin la ait w4itaitcata IL ILU GzRRfl'U Dru store. L7quireft)r thé, Showing the Remnedies whîch e Very famity sipud kea.p iatheir bousesansi thé manuer ni asin-h ai Fm tai a'i '1 R >ANUA~TI~ROP'SOL, UPPER, ANDI HARNIÇ$S LEATHeR, &c. Çat afor H111e. nd Sldns. Wheat, - S14isýPo$ adýpeari .skcs. w~ht4 Vljt5ie, 1h lun e, 1850. 9 Mvùtte,ità 'ConlutignUtaof-Ailes ta IlBE sobuéilber h reparedto a male &gV.%NC£s .1; JfCA l osn POT ANe AR M 9ESeflývdtaMontresl, WMI*8KEY 1'WIIISKLY 1! âoo AILILeS PRT ov£ Whs- C ke o dvr ob . 1 I! 1 ONMIN & CANDAWES11 API1RI. , , JuJs'r RECEIVED, ,IYthe Subseriber, anýi his'UlIIG TOllB, NAKTitT H)TBY VILXLAGZ, tue alawnaICewbîch twiiliesold'ii-tAe Ur amalti qanlîties to Imsii prbaa adaLo PalIvEs Iestaitlte, bard limes; Wasbin« Soda, Afrôw 1160t, pear 1BSgof , IkBking Soa, Jamaica <>inger, Ciunaniohli-' Fine',Olive 'Oit, Satasi dît, Paint Oit, Castr it, <oe>Oit vitriol, Crtaab Taîrtàs, utr, SAlt'letre,$weet Spots 'Nitre, Coj-I kivr Oit Muut cd,Aqia Forfiis n'tCarl'phar .agnesiA,'artari Acid, Quickailver, &W.&c. JAXES IH. GERRWE. 'Wbitby, 22nd Oct., 1851. 29 QT. J ohn Long'. Stomacli J3tters, Maf- r12 fIt'.Iîtts id Phldrnix Bilters, Wistar's l3sisant Wid CherryA'yerr Cherry Peetovat, -saparitla, Loëaëk'Bl Pulmonic Waters, NVegta.- Mie MAgic Pafin Desîiyet; Cao111' Aztihalaus Piltu, flouper'.ls Fenale Iillt,r'Braîtdetb's P'illa, P.ooptu's Iiiof ai elîb, ans a bost-ol'th patenti Medicma.d, for Sae by JAMES W-G ERRrI, oct. 12ad, 1851. fl INIElodine, lodide PataÇsÃŽinm, "3luirtate M lorphta, AcetateMorphia Pi'perinep Strychnine, Vaterianateof Ztnc,&c.&c., for Sale by JAMLS H. GERRIE.' Whirby, 22nd Oct., 1861. £9- JsiTSTRECETVED, jJUDSON's Chrmical Estract of cbcerrY ncd Whîtby, 7th:Noy., 18. flaui;a luT. ni. - .31> CURE. O(nlty Agi-nt in Whitby, rug Store,,71h Nov., 1851. 30 SCOB!E'S CANADIAN ALMANAC FOR Juat Received andl for Sale hy WlaUy vlage, 7tb November, 1851.31 FISH'S MINERAL IRE PROOF -PAINT, T i"uI{E I3EST 'and Cîîu>xvîESrr a-tirle of Paint for outoside or Urraamentaàl Painting, Vor S8ale by JAMES H". GRlE, OmIy 4gritfor Witby. Wiby,,7th Nov., 1851.31 DYE STUFFS'. ""Madder, Fustic, Extra.pt Lagwood, Cudbuokt,I Copperp.s Bue Vittioal, &C. &C., for Sale byj tFOM'ANeS IIEARtT'.î f Ti~wtch'st n d fragility-biend;* 'ç,paieriilw*yb :O @balter a string, Lnan Mi n l4 ti .s Ïai<teid to mind- kiwlt a cuise or a biessing-tîauàt iboan prove <p monau i inulf may 4qMee "7 Let him- make itl is owD, ma" huIwisely at- l une' - ôr iEoliaà sWcpt by the tori ,' It. cidencuai ilôatibtraugh the t toi lii., And preserve the soulsvnitt 8War.. et~t trafits for« ~ fgy~ uo Though It isds i nay be iehing tÉe. Whiêb steal'fodm lbe sufforer bis eâzi'en amci 'And îhasok½ for réward but-aàtiato. It bath cloarï stirsing notes ferthbe bve;, Ilt hS-î iyphôtiiea suiting lfh atýlati 1h. It bath anowerluig tanes.for lbe tay. Whiile'it pealelh ils music afar, .It bath layà Most bewiebing foi home$ Wbich englbant tii the list'ner forgettetb 1h. Andeconfusion beyon'J bis own doms., Wouan's heart is a compicale tý?Uig, And (4ten perplexes the Wise,: set 'riqwhlty'the kçy-note, and-'méldies ring:- Set wrongly, andl discord replie<~-y, Lot Love bot ils promise oflt, The many may strike ai îbey,pleise; >Yce a Ward-1ýe'en aàIns can to omky thilil, A f ri by ligitine, te keyg. SThe luch îhem wiîb, leienesstliti, Ye whorn lu commanîd itheri,, tli giv'en, Ani dolt ai ôthat tbey 'w4l Ireapl$d your ln oweetn'ess surpaoez'4 but in fl v'n. Érmi[7 Prisct T g ra' 'lis, fair beyond lt eII Ah happy thought,'indecal to 9 That 'midua: the h baiteraouoî oitioli(à, 'TiiÃŽ rait Ubeyond the clais. ~ ThouglidirefÃœt gloom bangthIlit arounal, I loi' ahàpe iîispiritiîg hpuht- f Theré Isigas perpëtutilday. Wbemn clamamaus Wirads thé Tsa.as 'daih A&ndhscnds fast intefvene, tTin claeetiitg tathe affrigtuted toind.- Tb ie ~i. a sky serons, @C)f wind are often'spokeis of, and wouid do ac credit -to an admirai. Wre muît uaL Ã"omit ta state Liin$ turing the1,loig period oa i tshis singurtlar young.iady's diversilied voyaoin, i 1 nDO seaman af ber crew, or offilcer imaderi lier comirhand, cout'd speak atherwise of ber tban hi wi0i the greptest respect. 'fileÛleotiis is el -w'ell-inown in thelto*n oi Belfa-st, Dublin, hl Cprk, &e.. She, basoftert been driven into titis loch, and is famhiliarly known bl the rude tE fliglîland boàtincn as 'the shlip wvith-the tube k - »9m 1theNi ara'ZiliI, MUS. DQODLE'S OFF'SET,' 'P0a( YANKE'E DOODLE'S' 0-NSET" ~fr ~4ior, - 'f'A ' Mr'- ditrunaeculiome'd1 as [Ilbc tg t wrrifin'- and nateraly aifaa modest turn -of e, rind'I 1hnpe yau'îl excuse the liberty 1 thos take in çain'afora 'the uerbliic W'ggeral a and yaurreadçrs in particular. Th ere is a. st'tinin eMy vew .iloakso bad as to see; f'"s maüà'and wifé'quarreli-but there's boundq tàmAil tbings,'and ny h'usbands imperdenti- Cal 'remarkâ oan veral oac~aan5o", and 'âpe- ti cigliy ira your lust paper, goes beyand thb. L bounds of'my patience.f .' Wonlen folksMr. Bditàr,. 'las- quite r enougit 'cave and~ trauble tenden tb the sia-1 ', us higlnrowgiifics on it lupeja, Lent Tom a V-9Owe, fJi, ýorraw ed a V-Owe Sain B-11 an X-S borrawed'a V- .On' the o ther ite was the bill for oysters for six-three 1 ers-titrceScotch whiskeyr,- ast niglit, &c. &c., al] niceiy 'TbaL's the way 1 l1rst disco ler af the ii4 atbusiness about two u ite iuornang, ro ao tal1in hi'$sseep, àndgo That M*akei- me twentfi 1l buneit. "cmwil 0 game=0t 'an "' -th'yo LO -- Whatever' t' expressions peant 1 caiai vrjle afterlaL ouc'rrearçe a ma1i, and bIyway ot pah a praper nace sfhaivl, but,ne fOphistry wjitl mend 'a sor>e hi 1'1 tbirk, Mr. Editor, tha' ntt allow iny ustmand ta ah bhrcagh yciur paper. If, knew onejaWflthemisery- marriedl life they'd every ai ,hcy bhtavy bheaps of cari 'a bear, I do deeclare, is en Trn ratlaragryat/ youl,'fôr ublisiig Sucla SALLY A. stuti as imy husband sends ta yir noaspaper, anad I araiý dtarmninedtot put a stopi to it aràurderouti At] raise Tapit>. Y. Doodie bas severaiites tbaughit fit ta Maire knowrao tit. public, ithat - 'e slaves wbO wtrè Pur 1 weigýu 219 Ibo; riow e ven -ipo.,in 1 am oi owner, ColoneliBroward,of J that wveight, i& iL ite ob ndpbi as Yeu wouid the 'prire of wheat! 0o j ws "t' Colonel Jirolvard ar a, misfortiitate day, (for mue I first did becaîne were armned with sitôt gatli acquainted with the uinfeclin pian f l y trusty slaves,-John 'analBru iaLpaper bc recommendýý people ta keep ienee w reiwskao 'coal'aàd déliberate., aud it iS certairaly tafa- badtoLapasm. - Tbey soaa appE bic ta itear sech tlku frarnv icly a tangu.- B. called on theffn la snrrenc 'Cool and delibiate irideeal! 0 1,ow tht,hbot thein. 'They immediat 'upblie'would, hate niy':buband if thèy oni>' fled, pvir.ued by te'ivhole p kttew biuias Idio. dl.siatoa that insiiare first overtoukfleifast, as 9ot ira ni sleep, equail -t a sea breeze, anrd goesand Upan'biw, the ; villo:ùa anr rdicutin me ta a wide monthed waild.- epctàëdIy drt4Wkntgsarpj You certa1i4. had, ought to know b-etter kniîfe; with wiei~~b bcinflicte( Mr. EBdlLar, - tianto ailoW y-ir paper ta b.: sidered a'fmoitil wourad' dr camne Lb. vehiceor.n sch vIan . aznkni'e -p4étrated dep in tm 'virtu. 1 do Jo*ë to eeu winu'8 ~ ivér, and ineariy the zwiole men mgnsters, tbey allers 4ese>ire'iL the u- prOtruxiedfrorn' te;iýounà] mîtuo.tagl wp.tabes -un. fa. ,,. JOI)Ãœiaext coae hP WiL'tlt ýy wihict ar aaîary Sntca»ess Uta>' bcprevinted Fjtc"i. 1 iu in auir aer7 ,r peedity removesi, witiaouattbe expense ai the Duma,7wytIC 'Tsaloehimndakm»ir#. 'a-014 .5 'amiiy Physicaan, and Severe Danferous Dîseases ct 2nd, IM.2 t if ie ecmo'go't tb (aOi "You 'l,ÃŽfiPd ai~4 urel, ~ RE - Ydt, in the rUTUXsa gleemut a hOfeï-- z tçjig)r al ioft7asi Everytamilysboatdagre( ifresevet sbok, t meniL Crter tuwhen any rernedy iswarted--botbato A Te i HgGERRIEFS' Drutr ansi Bo re, saac orsuraea e nif y o on#' e ho patcua article indicatea-bthe <lc caplaint. jSHO)LCRAVT$> A'MEUICAN Iuiar: iq ba-pruhestu" 'et, ati rId showaint;wbere sncb remedy txay aiWryâ be LTaear coniiaP nd prospectls, Ds ae oii .5 " -- * . - wj' ;i.FI'Pl Jte,18D fOff,'lis in if. $hal treacheroufrierade lnowiat that mylb F M YLE . ' TIhe rimait Mndisalay:. rememberin' wliat il -~~AM L B . B31 ~ut thosewho trust in Christ baye fauni dedalycate to-tii> hait tth dkLC;NT Iining, li' rsafo ' -A tfinsi wbo'tne'er tietra>', ~ JAMES . uJ~111F', %hitbl village.DeIiI toAnmis rt18ried aout, a yea ~ ei ~ .. jR4 lay 24t ,851l. 0 ira aa ice Album tLia :t'ou. 0 N T,&RIO Tiepaiee.fLt nteeBeing aad wiat do you Il -P * d bVc eyesai ai wait upara bu, and hle gir.. Yoiur yontfutbha'ri - ~ eitLiei 'hcr met indue g 1e fi. lie ' ltase bliasafutja r j2~openetit bis liberâl, fbaud ati satiýfieth Lhe Dy time twili mit bc F;F:IL OR S etast VOJ-caLofauaaen9ue 'TtSngo it Saiiy whit wastaiever>' liv$tug hlan9., Then'to b tr i ;4 13ut ira a aort ai subordimate yet irmea- O ',surca'yiirérior' sense,? man is 'tbe'gad airal sr objae te ,,c-aLurèi' beneath bita, and Isie ii-t twasrLoaame î 0'M$ I -actmin egaed to fttemain à, correspondlini- %~., ~1 îWOLF~I~»~N wayIlotéerbe ssiinttr&pujitaoft t2 iFIAC'- E J and DEALERS in anad wrate sôme lines a.' tallaiwlatèià'we,.? e. î w mtMIA0. f* àcnýert, it; dnl JAMNE s ..u>ometTm tie ~Gaeeo~,qoe-rmmflY , sides tae extrsvap »D RVG GIf8T, Mt,- c, -Vaig't( I rte louldia2Meteionn my fia riemIe f If 1 wantedt tk Cete ables, Stand-Tops, chlmtey-Pieees, .ihPP&ti rcaF4lMk pwith td wuand finte e in SectW4iiY Yilk.rgc, - Sink, Sada Siaa, Sun:lDiualotPaint Stpnes, &c. - sese ta 'lvr Whais pponlei Wtoiial & elal Aent. 4 >vry ariety of MApittLï wo=1- ane ir a Yet wanting iqwiiity,$tbett5tmanhngtatn jee %ùplýurw5tÉlo.. of lt e 1MwZ.atdIai. 'ansi Who needlis ~usoot upona w hi "bih dothi DRt.,LOCOCK'S:' Te m-Lîheral,~< e asyhs ie'bv It is the dut>' of every pr.aon ta attend Qcedim' uvpali FDMi.L~WGEB~S ~ànecoàwîbayaîenltabih1neî,at4tîY rticnla1ri ite é ants 6éry thini - A CEI1TAN Cru£JIFOR1 import their Marbta b etfantIt~t eiateIym>der bis cme, Sromiheftinyi and 'fenhininSnýppresgiiaarsuppraadminfluliituQuarties, Vermônt. ' ' -. c9i4teRteý jnltz of . eeg, aw4h a as 0un zbras, jyjMtliAtuti 'aulfl Menstruation; Aien- ..vAs gr'If ' f'ÃŽetji,and' se-nniMyapp orGreei$arlItes5I*flCorhCaaFJUo~ S.pe~h.rlt~. fod and Ia roperi pl: ce tif ü*itee1 dè~oajip ast ~ AME$ IL GEUTRIt g, CIp f- 5i.ti Il-I IU!1 f Nor~oulauq'~lgIorl1oil e 1V lit 420al.1411Y. 1851. iaf j~gg IJI.~ _èwtiarýa it'à- lo L*ri F ~SWEETeS CEL1EBRATED ,»I arnily Medicines. VÂTO CH-UNESE BALSAM ' ES Sore Titrwi anti 8toatick, Conqhs. Ida, C hol ieain, Wbooit C>Igh, C raUP FAMI PÂ~ CUUÂTIV Eý vx Éffmsr j I - 1

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