Ontario Reporter, 10 Apr 1852, p. 2

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-"t.,,.. Il is related tbmt wben a youtb, there was, biOmOging to bis rmotbcr's esitte, a Young horse se wild, (mrins andi pu'rer(ftI that nco on couid lm round able or willit;g le venture te break bhlm. Sevend s.rong suiJ experienced owin had been thrownr andi bdluIed in the attenipt. The~ circumsi!tance' Were 'uentîeni!d ta George; and bc resoived to, try bis baud witb the colt. "l'le experi- meit tuok phelae ti presotice of a nuom- ber of witnes..He sîsccceded, by the m sal stratageuna, in decoing the animai wear enough te enable hlm te spriug upon bis back. lnstantly the' horse leaped imb thé !iý axm4 daýecd arotind the field, tosiog,_ flinginr, sand iiekingrwitb the greateet vin- iene andi rapidity. Genrire kept bis scat' * firmlIy and i steady. The enrýaget and frantici créature flew freM point to poititf pbnging;: reàring, and féa:ning. Bunt il wait al ln vain.* WVashrnaton §tilt mintaied bis position, aund eotud not bct dislodrei.- Atilast, the tioble animial, whost. spirt wttas -indomaia- mle as that or hlà rider, gave one desperate an d i igbî1y bounti, andti Tll deai to the, earth.ý It is aiso rclatad, tlîat wlien hc as;uined the cormnand of thre revoiutionary army, at- Caenbritige, he taok a fancy ta a horse of tire nost admirable pro p crties and bearine, anuid se application for thte urchase c hisn. Th'e owncr wax wuowlling te sl.- -Wbdle engaged ini a conference un tire aub- ject, Wws.hington 'inountosil the animal and rode up aud down the street severai. limes. Thre hoeèe'eod te féecithre dignity cf -bis rider. Ife pranmed ta tand fýo, anti <ýarcol-' eti (roiide to side, exhibiting in every motion cr oeck sud limbe the o ot pefect l'rmis eorurce and utrengtb. -As ire pa*ed he. rund, md fred the cartir, an& tNssedf bhis ftowiuj malie, the owner was sa struck -witb admitration iit bis appearance, at the supcriorýspeÇL-he precnted-*wirn mmonteti byso natchicas a horseman, and at the per. &rct adaptatiewthere vvas bctwceesm the noble âted andd tie nonble rider lia kt exclitîned, lipon disinotuting, 1'Sir, ïyen shah hbave the hrorse on y'our own terims. îli latie herse for you ~and ne obier nian- la fit Io-ride iruW-Lffirof 1radtîiizg,<m. tape or Guiod opep Thîe (c'neral K'rrew Shippeing Company's mrail parket 'Bs3mp1orns' bad re rvedl1) ring- ing datcsi roin thei Capje ta tlW 3r4 of Feh- rtary. The Kaflirs were%0 ]liard (riie that tbey "sought te cenrpromke writh Sir !Jarry nlbiut tihe (Gererai WWeIIdl isten to inothinir but an am"'nditiornI mrrendter. anda wek %va« given for c<enj*dration.- -At d ti rd of that time im h'e ]Britm4s troops itered upon the lands cf -the Kallir.,, ânt * conmm.'tied dmntorpin g their crops.- ]3y lte lateat Goverurîrent o rdeirs and notitem it apprars thst the (hwermsor i. a m:king arrslRve.- monts for ltleifnc;and iti ibl about to cembody -a fre.îr corps of Kaffir Po- ièe,,and alto a rural police, te bce cnmpoed cf Mottentoti., Timuà far tihe Cape frnntié4 afiairs assume a more theriuw naspect, andi thre wftr, il vwu confdcntly hopeti, wa* near ,à conclusion. The oniy uutoward feature ta e reportei! is the further s;.read or rest- lsns.andi pip Canionimie ccioured classm7 nd vwhite inbabitants of the weNtera dis- tricts.. It shouflti h stated, irevever, tai *in caP own thre Kaffir war via coe - 'ed ta bc at au end wben the lororus eft >itai colony oitthe "fnbof E ebruar o Egsd.r -liCe 1Iatest gencral orders announce anr intended mimemt of the mfaary li setvu, coltunis on thre Amatolas on ibe ý26th uid 27tit or Jahary. Siroti dthese operaions irattended witb succes, tire Kafim wil be se ar bumbled i to submitte any ternis thatýmny b.etu d hyaesoro * rowder, and aious1 te veap their crops, and the e erre desirotus cf, peâce. The latest il. the laad# cf the. pritncipal neràhat.s andi "ra *0 theB.Iay ci Gaspe, mmd at P.erce to uffor4i relai Luait, or uearly c, andi ward 09 sari'tion. if oqly the mueans ofc enru-- nicatim witb tbose outpo*ts, by a road ex- F roin W tlJf/ido enrc<iAdcis. - The Caada Tariff. Thé rocent change intire Bntisb Mini%- try appears tn have given a new impise te tihe adiuicates of-an exclusive policy in lte provirmce. At tire meetingfiedi in Toron- te ýFnldy evefing attenstied, says the~ Gdonist, hy five or six irundrei pensons, i Ilemiecd-Tiat'the poltical changes wvime have recenhly taken place in Engianti, and tise opinion icir ber people wiii siortly be caliet upon Io give on the vorking of -ime Froc, Trade sysîcm, proseta fitting oppor-- tunty te bringisefore te Jiperial Legisia- ture, snd our fcilow subjectin i Great Bri- tain, tis tate of tise îradc beivreen the Brit- isir North American-tCAionies andthie niotir- er countrv."1 The reýsoluticir is followeti by quotations from tise Dtespatcb cf IMr. Glad-..tnv,, under date cf IMarcih 3, 18P1.6, annomncing tiseErec Tradte-uuea±urca of tise Honte Goertment, andi prediietin' tise beneficial effects ikcly te follow in a ccrresponding floral poliiy on, tire part of thré:Ei iiteàS-'tate..JIreytheur Say <batz 0 ,,The offerts matie by Our L"glilatuet chtil, on bebaif-cf tise Province, a modifi- cation cf thse commuercial regulaioim huis annoînee, aititeugif limitedt th ie abolition cf tise dutié-s oin agniculturarl irrduce refer- rer! te lryMn. Gladstone, provet wimllyiynh- effectuai. lpou tit bis lure tbe interférence of tire lHocs( overnment îwas earnebtly lie- àiougit, as an aci cf simple justice, le abtaimi frein thfe Govermîment of tire Cniteti St.ates seise relaxittion cf ber restrictive polie>' low- ard the Northr American Provinces, te cx- chainge for tire narket se fr'eciy operedte h ber ha Great JBritin" Tlis klafolloweti by -a statisticai t.able esiscWing a faiiing off in btheratie between tire Licaue Goveroment aad lie Colonies since 181A, and a corremipondirrg, icrease in tire tIde miii lthe Unitedi $&Utes. The). tien quote a resolin passei by lIme Leg- isiature of Noewllnurswick «othbbc ftr c Mafcb, 1851, compaining titat tire imports (ro. lthe Unîteti .States bai Con scîcral yearsý exceededth ie experts cf the Province te"ti country, anti rcoinmeudug lire adoption of conntervailing duties. Tise cUrer reteolu-' tions cf tire meeting are to the same citecI; titat la (bat the retc rade policy cf tise Home Goveramouit hatitransferrcd tihe eefius cfj Ibs'tradë e oft emtt etw.s tir. arWt country andtihie colonies, le tire Unitedi statiks. Th riserc Irarle mensuires cf thre Iriti2b CGovernusent abuve. roferredtiet, tihe laint of wlticls vas tire Navigation Act, viicis teck offset on the firai cf .Jan".r. 1950, have doubtiess renuted in greatly benifting aur commierce, but it 'is 'côntendedthtieotial benefits have resuliedto th ie Britishu empire at large. Tihe reader will lad by'1laoking at the papers aromjanyig t sePreitint, message, te wierin. H-aven refers in his leIter pubilabti by us a few days %fnce, tisai tire Cnnadian autiseriticascrt orme year ago tlirreateneti te close thirircanais againint Our siipping, pmless home ireasures cf reciproci- ty wers rddopteti by convressa. Noiv Àls entirely ile and unhecomin;i la two'-great nations likie Great Britain anti tire United :Nates, tDatatemirt an>' systemu of brag,, or browbeating ln tirese matters-- WVe bave net only a common crigin, but tire saune lawa, inttitutions, modes o f legisiation, and modes of thinling. I short, w. -folil>' ffndersiand each other andi cach cthie' commerfi il poiicy. Jobji B3uli viii lnet se.riousl>' int traI ire bas even b athi tng else than lùi own in- tereit in ,'iew hn eve;y mt of palihament vol- untaniaiiy pamsed; ner'viii tise Canadmaur governent cxpcct us te believe tisaIsiro noeus lier rcanais te car icommerce foýr sut> and constanîly keep on bue4 CHAIN PU1VWSq ail ready -for puttinq iniSn WZL. Theabhan aPump ithe best,.ehenpest,anti mot dutab!ee Pump in the World, there is né difficulty connectetl wsth them-sio Ireezing up, but always. ready. '0 tu:ria a cratik, any child eight years eld, cari poimp wit h case. N.B1.-The Punps and Chain% are ait marru(ac- tured by experieneed workmen direcet 'rom 1the largeai Chairi Pump Faclory in flb State of New York. The above Pomips are prefetred Io ail oth- ers, wbe r vet thhy bave been tried. A ny p.:rson wiski,î! i ý pîirthaxe, wili.dn wel tocati at the Factory a"d tee one ini operation. RA-Y. & MIeFRCIIER. Galvanized Puinp C/tain, Wliûlesâle and Relail. Whtby Village, Aptit 8, 1812. Ã"2.1t. PICKERING 'HARàOUR COMPANY. N OTICE <s berehy given that the FounT-ii Intaiment of TwJ;uTv-Fiv. per cent, diw. ini March laâs artquited t..: paid by tii FIRST or MAY uexi, lu W M. DuivBk£1, Esq.. Trnurer, 'failla; which it willi bc utb.rwiât .ollected, Dy order of thp Diector.. * D-1VID CLARK, Presifr uit. Pirkeriu;, liApril, 18.52. 51-3int Nelson',Qtet, a kew DootsNorth of ing strct, rNlrly OppOlle PLATT'U IJOTiL, and within halt a minute» waik of S'raovw'a. rcouto, April.101 18à2>. 52-1 Y. STORE TO lIENT. T Rent i the Town orf Wbuîby for one, oer a terun or yars , :Bsildinq lately occu- p,.d by R.. J. IPfry. asud rid »a- çeneiàl store. ru premîms being in tboureugh i*pir, location, (avesirable, and Wbhittby the (Cowsty Town or the rew Couny, od<ero, auferior nducemea to e"ua intending le purm ea mercantile business. JOHN, IIA-MPERR1Y. -Wbîtby SMh April £852. MISS RATE. [rNITESI the attention, of the. Ladies et AWhitby, and its vieinity lo a chnice awrlment ni Milienery, Sr.w lait andI Buznets, Children'. DreÉse..Berl!n Wol, &Savatiety cfFaney GOOd. Straw Bonnets eaied &Rd aftered-t the preHnt fashion. Whitby Oth 1852. < 32 3m. T HE R EPO0R TE R» UtitTIIY, SATURDAY, AI'atL 1bh, 1852. The ;Steamer Afriîca bas arri.ved. Flour and Wbeat continue duli at Liverpoo.- Proviins without ehange, tire reeut sup- plies of Beef and Perk baving fuiiy stippliý cd the dealers . There îs notIin,, of inter- est in politics. Ministers wiIl dissolve par- liament soon.afler -E aster. OIUIr OUINT. ixyears have el7pedsince the firs se- rions proposition and organised move was made by thre iniabitants of lisi County to bu divided froruthe cumbrous and overgrowux County of York, and thougli the friends and supporters of tiie measure had :'nfuential forrigmi as Weil as local eppenents ta con- tend against, sente of whom were mei hr ini power, stili hu'iug justce and right ont Talbot,- now County Norlolk, Victoria, " Hlastings, Coîhorne, ~ Peterirorn & ý Victoria, Dalhnustie, " " anletoun, lliIIOISt Huron, Perth & Brucep Sinrcoe, " ' imi"e, Ottawa, ' « SPrescoit& SRussell, 23A454 224U3 26,748 23,134 11,334 Averge Population, I850-2l4V4, Coiinty of OnLario consus, 1850.,,30,575 being withîn a trille of o«oe haf miore ixs pt>pulation nom, thatiT hose Districts wlrere from eigfiste to tn years after tiet separa- tion. Tisact nione speaks volumes, andi sioumiti conclusively show tirat-if titose DisÇ- 1 itlwitb thirirpopulation, mien te> voe in Dur présent Position, andti ilsonly 13,000e successfmrliy clablislsed tiscir separate inde- pendence. and are nosv flourisaiig anti prgs- perous, ti e couid de se w thcvery reasca- able proirabitit>' cf car mcii nguine antici- pations being fui!>' neatiseti. Titerefere, ns fan as population Lin concr4 d, -wc art- cmi- neisti> qualifiedti t imnscdia ~ly take otmr sta- tion as an m idépendaut C ontye, andi atart- ing unuter more, favourabile cireuinstances tiran is by ajy nuans umal, me mouiti natu- 'rally occcrey a Iigir anti cievabeti position in cornpar"-at~rmt mur siste;,Conuuies. &ýnotirr important poinmt is tire eatit cf tire new Counny, for mucin depenuls on that * viether ehut preclecti or not, in prose. cuting car cira independcnce. Tie ,fellow- ing ixas table stating tire antunt of revenue at eue pemur>' in tt* pontd 9f the Districts bofore mntioner aItishe tune of. theïr sepa- ration, sud lteé valne of assesd property- la 1851 1* i)istrct. 1ev. ushen Scet rmcEdward, Ihuron, Simiîc, £778 780 705J 791 4i43 606 730 qfl~. V'aLlSSl. 21120,905 972,448 .663,009 591,726 894,,359 8.34,849 271,574 Mmking an average cf smsnunent wbeut di- vider!, of £676, anti an average cf valuation ini 1851 ýrof £761.,863t, mlii.tbe revenue of tise new Ceuni>' in 1817, according to cati- mate aridetiraI yean, va, aitirhe rate cf oee penny in tine pound (ïaurs as above) in round cumbèrs £1700, anti.tire actual assemed 1 valne as Per retutrasila1831, £1,4521648e beiag moariy three tintes lthe amerrit ounthe, firsi revenue, anti double thre amnoumin uPre-J sent valutioui. Thoe.factsalrhow favoura- 9 bic for tbý Dem CounI>', and view' uir posi- tion in auj liâit me circose, te sarne salis- (actor>' rsustis are--produced.- In short il iras no langer become a question viti the. intelligent, but tirait thre tiInu.asiow (ttly arriver! tu jtstlfy anr iutpediate separation,. anid thbrby rcap all tbore beneftts and ad.- vantage3 nowem ejoyed by' tire. tiat. baie been more sur-tessfuhbuvavinse- lIeuse la separabe, andi sufficientiy. enteniveý to accouamodale ail tire public cIficesý, &c. <2rfard, late Disirick Brcck, Wcodateck County Tomn, vas divitiedin 184. Build- ingms cost £4,000. Tire revenue of I3rock wI.en it mas separaicLtid, as aitiherate cf cee pftny in tire Poundi 2795-net cime raif et 1glie revenue otfthis COmaty%ý <At&ndil tboy propose toe n0buiid, a party la Detroitis= atfferedtu teercet ote ',afier tire model cf oue buili. by iti n, that cil>' (Detroit) tbree years tige, anti. Whici lihe 'Yankees brag a gond desil about, for £2,500.' From tise statcmcnisý, it, viii be observ- ed lirai a goed dca! cf misrepresentation ha made relative te thre necossar> exp erse cf buildings. Ai a fair average calculalieus, tise sum cof £à,000 might, %vith rsafety, be namoti as the Probable cost; and wfilen tire îyhole ta indter one roof, vils economnical sud judicious mnanagemuent, it mright eren be domte for le oin çey. One plenny lu tice Pound on thre alisegseti vainle Cer ote year, 15 more titan tbuntiance ; but wien tnit la spreati over a terra of say Cour tat six yeurs, it is a more bagatelle, scarcel>' Worthr a se- cond conaieratioa. Our-p!esni positioun ias urow becstire- reugily easpiaiured, andi cempanisons matie, daied. onfigures anid (acta, tisat muai con- iince al; but tirose irho rc dêternaisred le be- otiserwise, thiat tar do justice te cur Coun- t>' ani curselves, ever>' honorable exertiors slrould be user! te make us an hudependemit CoUrt>' For a moment we wiii reflect hemv tihe ace*uîrt will stand, supposipg me ducline te avili canselires cf tire prosent opportu- nit7. For 1851, tho estimuate of tire ordinary' expenses cf thre Ceant>' cf York vas, in Uifuu Jwv --- - Iàý;fd of tire amount cf taxes levied andt collecteti for Count>' purposes, te County of O>ntario pair! coequarter. Titat-yearIthe T'reasurer vas paiti a saisir>' f'£400 ; eur share £ 100, ampi>' sufficieuri for' cun owR ; Clerkoethtie Peace £150; Ctseuty Cierfr £175; Ctnua- ty Engineer £100 ; Jailer andi Turuikey's salaries, anrd C iiai Justice empoeS9, N OT paiti by Goverunent, £500; Friutlag, Ad- vertising, &c. £ 150 - repairs ta Jail £200, &c., ta tire end of tire clrptei, on. quarter dé iW* fr4 -hé'inlàbitmnts to thre exe cuii dçk~trepteseuthng sthe 5tt1jeCtý wiîg- Ïew tàprbcureu eed grao andi pctaý týes 'itlte eoi~E4g Sprng, iu cher to ena- blî t ~ inhnrbîis ta e Lalay b'tiroir crop.-~ We hloe.tlbeýwiI sUceet iun btsining thre desireti relief. A lilce application we un- dcrstard la tu be smbmjtutca on behaif of tire inisabitàjts cof Gaspe andthie iBay Chlaestirs, for' seed grain and petatoc. If tire irai)- itants cf any part of the province ore eni- Lied, vircu un distremn, from - causes beyond hunmai fomesight andi controul, te tire syns- pathy anid assistance*of tiseir feilowmen pia. ced- la more favorable iocaiitiuis as lu cli- mate anti soilt .b Montreal district and t per Canada for instairce; timey are limose Whro sittuateti in tire1 norti-easteru-rnost andi b leakent part of -Canrada, have scarcely four mnontirs of summer te get frein tihe sea and ioi!, not irtvariably productive, Ibe mints of a scanty subiiste ncé for tire rernmimsgeiglît irsonuis of lire yeuri-isuppy vircîit lte harticint iabotir tlmey cao procure even that. -Qacoe crcuiry., NOTIC E. gir a prmobleui, but a reaiity, viz.--TIW api, dig deep in the. bill On sec , cf te bed p!opriadon of" tire mourey-for tihe necessary ýqf qWik sausd, AU put togetýr cost tu ssy çj% à ,j buidings fr Çoutaty purpOses. > P-P0O¶ght te fIi. Tt'"!I'RF, vill ieb. mpeser! for Sale by < ~P>~ pOoet v# "tatis n4n*n t< MwUy . IPUBsLIC AUCTIOra, On UE$1),Ay tUe tics, b prcov hatvwe are perfectrlgand jtii.old District of NyeJingt0b, Cenîy I',Outth day of May n.ext, competent te raceed withiout r!elay, andi Town. Guieli.-3uiidigs 40t £6,200. Lot .Mr. 13, lst Concestn Brock, tiat in fact by 'pestpening the question, we- rwo geparate bui1dings--maeWaI, Stone; Tii. follovInt Farm StScc and tmplements b.- are postuvelypiaced, instentiof a boer, - Jail erected in 1840, Court iln<ise 1814k. Ionagimg to'lM RS. .1OIlNVTO N, viz:Ljwd- tlit>erv ainW ll a 1 superior DrausihiMare, yas fd ar worse position than a t prosontat ht Lat istct2n, ai aanuili ii 18t6 & 18 3 ougCw;2 lleiferi, Caived & in Cal!; thre proper tisue tovig«orou us ni eergeti-lae is-ctNiga buil in 116,&018Ti7 1yeaut s l tidyB, a su uhaibed tva separate ulio 600 i yeaituldlyB,acoau bra rcad, '»ihforward is now, if we desire te our os sfnse o onla 2 teeru. 3 years ai, save this County front bcbg ovrburdene Courmtc1r e is rk t be o rfaiesTorn alti, 3 Strers, 1 yeuaoid, in debt for tihe whoie, andi sole benefit cfthe hý akt eoofcs o l h, 1 b1uIly Duil, 9 mntit nid, o h puble ofiers,and' said te be thse be5t Court 4 Calveàa nd tomne Shiai on d qft1ly, Cottnty cf York and Cite cf Toronto. room i n the itvne 1 Lumber Wazgon, 2good Scotch Plotrhm, As te comparison of population, tir ew 8W lrksièmnd at of thse .Id District 1 pair couplet! Amgla llartows, Couhty favoirrably compares witlr tire eigta igrCyg, ýut eneto 1 Square lHarrow, Ih f'igrCygCut on otO 2 Sleli:nhg, IUni car?, lait Districts divideti (previens to thse late buiing 4'wiit A neessary-' fm~iture ani 1 Set Vagtin Hunm, I Set Pliu;b IMVS C ncs) in Canada, tireir sae population ftoscomplete','short of £6,000.Tu Lotririnir Chain, Grauss Scythes, Tho oioy js~mpce il i s1 Cradies, flunq Forkii, &c. ircingat tise ime cf separution,about 3,00iCabust-opitdberot dn and! Stone, ad a ri tmber ai eticer. Tos hn-wierea.s vo number at presont, an ' dîtapidiy gene int. operation. P*pulatdon 1850 1tne ai9rdrearious allier astsed atcifepr Sale to commence at Tîç, i . M. itrcreasiflg, upwards of 30,000, moetrul,4~Asseivie~ rperty 185 1. Tzaic ,-:-Ten Month's credit on srum a ov twice the amolint cf tiros eight, Districts J,810,0ê0. Lestls tisa one kali of tire popu- £1.,e on irishnt rppoved Joint, Notes. referredt t. But ta pursue tbe comaio latioft Of the Coun ty cf (Ontario, anti but lit- Broc, Asil , 152.stili artirer, vo have prepared lte -followingtic over #ne balfin laa.sssti aluation. O N T ARIO table cf tie population cf thoie saine Dis.-- Sirnu<e, late- Talbrct District-buhuings,. C HA IN P UM F C OR '* niesfrom tise census returus of 1850: erected in 1837, anti etended 18419, at a ý iu I Siibw-rîl)prît MIIIÇareiyiE Prince Edystri, 8,57ittal cent of £4,850. Tire Igaol ani Court! turns, ha ample witlmout burkiemiurtise peO-A pie; i b urt, evy tbmng Lenmât falvcurî,- ble, anti the peculiar circumstanceg by wlieDl i are.governeti swuld urge us Crwnrdj ivitîr all baste to e size tire prize before it is tbe laie ; antiide raflrr inllce of béinsg~ dopetmdant on the cily of Torante, take tirati tation amiii, oe o our udes viicli I nture bas deiniat ur inhabilanla are l'or lhc (kiario Reporter. In tire lasi issue cf H t iijUabroati-j sircet' t/uc Os,twa j-rcernanz its very oirl-j Ctouï eriitor liras tken the trouble te tell te t~4 blue-Sîckingn .virai subje!Citiîey had better %pend tieir iiterary propeusities irpoir. , 1 do net iexactly undlerstand thse cpi- tie bl1e-àltockingsi;' but judgring front its, i 1ngn t îIink it must mean a person whô tkn!%ws 5'a great dueal. -Now 1 do net pre- tnat ail, to belong tt ima clasq ; mmt arn a Plain, Iadorngwonn, ;mare accus,- tomed to using tiset broom tisan Pen. Per- hapin, hoivever, 1 airait corne under tlhe licadi of Drritiser blite etiOmi5, .- izgarty catied IlO'trcr,'as 1 iave been guilty of scrili- VaLaiy'calli ' pdlicoat edo- )and wlimat ms iors.e, ,cribbling ri gyreai friend ofet the1'ladie*-;' ai leatst se he ta1kes part irular paais to assure us; se ire ativises timente spendti timeir eleunc ' in Urging cali otlier to býcorme tmicated.- , Wehat mattîerýiIt if îbey ticaflot -p haet. ia is rh;htfuiliy tlirir4 ! Wtat maltera lb if teyae deniedti he uilit 'or luoldingr proper- 17, tor acjirin; which (for 1,ýrecrn al phirencooI.t) tliey haive as distinct mid Sp- prpflit a faculty as man ; and virici rer- qoîrMSes eercise as urperatively? Wliat fmatters it if thcy are deprived th ie privi- lege cf Self-g-OVerreneû, -%nade thre rere creatîure.s of tnnaîlser' viii, anti legally de- rlcilred irresprman.ilc ? What inatters it if îlruy do ni as»tise vestige of ariglt- tirai ait they liave is privilege, doied out te tlîem bly- man, to whom, ivitheuit rCservc, beClon;ý theîr eliilrlren-nmyv, tiroir own per- Sons? 1 haý matteirs al thislI.'Agitate not semucirfor yomrrrilirts,' says thisjust anti gencvoas personaie, 'but agitate for thre edîrcatian cf 3your fair sisters.' i Ifyctz mmlb scribble ad taik, choie otiber Ihernes' for tirese are i'&oring' ta us tAhcm! What if they are, most argust Frremnoln? We, toc, are clà1ldren, of th e great oiÏ vs gave us righte ; andt if otan witi not recog- nixe tiremn, Wve0oe him une apology for, clis-i- in- tirei, If yourarlvicc be gccd in ivo- Mtan' a ase, why %wiIli t oct apply ini mans5 I Tbmnk yontr iaitithe clamosurs of oppresse4 imaant n Enrope, are rmt4 b ig te its ty r ants 1 Tell tlt iluraniaut patiit-- youurg Itay, simd tire doiwrr-trodden millions of l'rance, tr ir e. quiet abeut thiir rhs tesit timey becoise 'rrt!' ,l'il tire re- fermrers. cf eur owicountry, to l agitabs:' mno longeir for Ilieir rigbt, bat for thre edruatioti osf thicir éfa&' brothers;'andi see whlat an: ver yen rvould g et. They. svotld teil yvnu, ive, us our rih,4Its, for debasýed L'y slavry iie carunot arrive althe full stature of;bu-

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